Canons of contemporary style in the interior. Contemporary style - discreet modernity in the interior of your home House in contemporary style

So that dreams of perfection and modern kitchen turn into reality, you don’t need to hire crowds of specialists or spend a lot of time looking for perfect and low-cost solutions for kitchen interior decoration. The simplest and most elegant is the contemporary style.

The uniqueness of the contemporary style lies in the competent combination of practicality, convenience and simplicity.

It can be used as a neutral background for your own interpretation of different style solutions. With minimal use of decorative elements, this style is distinguished by precise proportions and linearity in layout. To create an individual kitchen interior based on the contemporary style, combine it with elements of ethnic style or exotic elements. New elements will help transform your kitchen into perfect place in a house where you will not only cook food, but, when the whole family gathers, discuss your dreams, desires and solve pressing problems.

The basis of the contemporary style is correct selection furniture and kitchen appliances. To create this style, it is necessary to use built-in appliances, and the furniture must be integrated, compact, with elements of transformation.

At first glance, the contemporary style may seem faceless and cold. The lack of unnecessary details in the decor is compensated by elegant lines. Inexpensive, comfortable furniture, albeit mass-produced, and the absence of expensive accessories give the kitchen an aesthetically pleasing, complete simple shapes and soft lines.

All main elements of the kitchen interior should be practical and functional. The kitchen should contain items and appliances that you really need. New acquisitions and devices, additional functionality must meet this requirement. All kinds of excesses, lush or pretentious decorative elements will look out of place in a kitchen in a contemporary style.

Style features - maximum minimalism

Since the contemporary style is based on linearity, it does not accept chaos and disorder. When choosing furniture the best option The choice will be a headset in a simple but sophisticated style.

The simpler the design, the more ideal the selected furniture will look in the kitchen.

Also, do not forget about the functionality of the headset. Cabinets should be compact, but have plenty drawers, storage boxes. In order to match the image of a functional and spacious kitchen, all products, objects, devices and auxiliary equipment must be hidden from prying eyes.

Related article: Beautiful decor for the kitchen with your own hands (+50 photos)

Opt for IKEA style furniture. This type of furniture requires the presence of various retractable shelves, panels and transformable surfaces. Sliding structures and modular systems can be rearranged and transformed as desired. This will turn the kitchen into a comfortable and ergonomic, multifunctional room.

As for the large household appliances, then it should be as functional as possible, and the external design should be a little faceless and match the overall color scheme.

If you can’t find equipment in the same color tone, opt for built-in equipment. The refrigerator can be hidden in a closet, and the oven in a floor cabinet or placed in a special compartment on the wall.

Neutral tones and space

To create the right atmosphere in the kitchen, you should use neutral tones. For interior decoration, use muted colors, preferably pastel shades. To make the room more lively and individual, you need to combine a neutral kitchen design with bright elements in the design - make contrasting accents. This could be cutlery in bright colors, or covers on chairs.

At the same time, the kitchen interior should be harmonious. If you used dark shades of gray for the walls, then for bright accents use light green or Orange color. Warm dark shades can be combined with royal purple or burgundy.

Looking through catalogs with kitchen interiors in the contemporary style, you can notice the presence of various geometric solutions that do not violate the overall linearity of the interior, but add a touch of originality. In the photo you can also see various color variations in the design of modular sections, when elements of a furniture set - cabinet doors, fittings or a geometric pattern - are used as a bright accent.

It is very important to take into account all the points when decorating a kitchen. The choice of cornice and curtains for the kitchen should not be taken lightly. Window decoration is important element design of the entire room. If you have not yet decided what will play the role of contrast in the kitchen, try using curtains for this.

Bright Roman blinds will not only protect you from excessively bright sunlight. They will fit harmoniously into overall design and can act as a bright contrast.

Another option for decorating the kitchen can be bright lighting. For this you can use LED strips. Place them around the edge work surface or from below hanging cabinets. In the evening, you can enjoy the color transformation of the kitchen, which will add variety to your monotonous life.

Breakdown into zones – maximum functionality

To achieve maximum space even on tiny kitchen, clear zoning of the premises is necessary. To delimit zones, you can use furniture or decorative partitions.

Frosted plexiglass is an ideal material for partitions.

The foggy surface, lack of glare and safety in operation will ideally fit into the basic style parameters of the kitchen. Such a partition will not take up much space; its transparency will allow light to be evenly distributed throughout the kitchen. And the physical properties of plexiglass - strength and resistance to mechanical damage - will add a note of safety to the overall picture.

Related article: Beige-brown interior: advantages and disadvantages of a beige kitchen

You can also use Japanese panel curtains to zone the kitchen. They can be used both as partitions and as additional element interior Filament curtains, as another option for partitions, will add lightness and airiness to the kitchen.

The lack of boundaries and mobility of thread curtains will add spaciousness to the overall kitchen design.

Finishing materials - strength and practicality

When decorating the interior, it is best to use artificial finishing materials. Natural wood or stone will look awkward and cumbersome in a contemporary style kitchen.

The main requirement for finishing materials is durability, strength and environmental friendliness.

For the floor it is best to use laminate. It is practical, convenient, and easy to care for. In other words - perfect option for a functional and simple kitchen. Parquet or ceramic floor tiles require special care. In addition, when cooking food, the air temperature is subject to sharp fluctuations, and air humidity is also unstable. As an option, you can use self-leveling floors. The material used to make furniture and fittings must also meet the basic rules of the contemporary style.

It is advisable to choose modular structures made of MDF with special protective coating. Furniture fittings must be made of durable plastic or metal alloys.

The work surface must be made of durable and durable material. Ideally, granite or marble is the best choice for kitchens. But these materials are too heavy and the supporting furniture may not be able to withstand such a load. Using wood is also not a good choice.

A wooden tabletop will absorb all odors, scratches will appear on its surface over time, and caring for wood is quite troublesome. You can use artificial stone - it is durable, easy to clean, not afraid of water and will last for decades.

The contemporary style reflects the view of modern people on harmony in interior design. America is considered the birthplace of this design trend - it was from the American continent that it spread to other countries.

This decor was based on constructivist ideas; later this style incorporated Scandinavian principles of room decoration.

Thanks to multifunctional furniture, the design allows you to intelligently organize space in small rooms - this is one of the key characteristics of this style.

Contemporary is quite democratic, it allows you to give the premises individuality; this direction has absorbed the best features of other styles. This design changes over time while remaining accessible.


Laconicism, complemented by colorful accents - this is how this style can be characterized. Creating such a design will not require large expenses, because it is simple and implies a discreet and at the same time functional design.

This style is a unique combination of classics and minimalism, close to the fusion style in its organic combinations of styles from different directions and is suitable for rooms for various purposes, including the bedroom.

This design began to gain popularity in the twentieth century: it was the result of a desire to combine new furniture models with classic design trends: Rococo, luxurious Baroque and more restrained Art Nouveau in terms of refinements.

Translated into Russian, “contemporary” means “modernity” - this definition reflects the essence of this movement, although some confuse it with modernity.

There are no strict regulations in the principles of its implementation; it allows you to give free rein to your imagination and this attracts designers who bring interesting ideas to life in interior design.

The characteristic features of the contemporary style include:

  • simplicity of forms;
  • straightness of lines;
  • discreet furniture design;
  • geometric designs;
  • variety of decorative elements;
  • availability of accessories in a laconic version.

This style is often used by design specialists as a basis for other artsy styles, such as pop art and ethno.

Who is a contemporary bedroom suitable for?

Decoration in this style is perfect for small spaces. This design makes it possible to transform a nondescript living space into a fashionable interior, decorated in accordance with the latest trends.

You can give free rein to your imagination when arranging your relaxation room.

Space can be saved by built-in furniture that performs several functions simultaneously, niches in the walls and shelves, a spacious wardrobe for storing clothes or a chest of drawers installed along the wall.

This modern bedroom design will appeal to connoisseurs of the classics who also like minimalism, because this style contains features of the listed trends.


When decorating bedrooms, professionals use the technique of dividing into functional zones. Rooms are zoned using air curtains, mobile screens, pieces of furniture, and stationary structures.

You can delimit space using various materials. For this purpose, floor coverings and ceilings of different levels are often designed.

Thanks to the right approach to zoning, you can make the bedroom more comfortable and allocate more space for relaxation.

Color palette

When decorating bedrooms in a contemporary direction, calm shades are used, diluted with variegated colors.

Freedom in choosing colors is one of the features of this style. But, despite the lack of clear rules, you need to follow the recommendations of professionals when decorating a relaxation room.

Feel free to use contrasting combinations. For example, monochrome dark furniture will look great against the background of light walls.

Furniture in swamp green tones and rich brown furnishings harmonize perfectly with beige and milky surfaces.

The flooring and ceiling can also be decorated in light colors. The most successful shades are ivory, gray, wheat, cream and snow-white.

Attention! Accent details should have bright colors. Vases, carpets, bedspreads of colorful colors will help in placing the right accents in the bedroom interior.

Of the neutral color solutions, not only light ones are suitable: for example, black can be used in the decoration of surfaces and furniture.

The color scheme of a bedroom in a similar style should inspire calm and give a feeling of balance.

You can include colorful accents in a monotonous palette, but only interspersed, make sure that they do not occupy a significant area.

Animal skins, pillows in bright pillowcases, and vases of original colors will fit perfectly into such an interior.

On a note! The bedroom interior looks great in white and black with bright accents. Another good solution is a gray palette, diluted with colorful accessories.

Choosing furniture

You need to choose functional furniture for the bedroom. We advise you to give preference to simple furniture with a discreet design, made from budget types of wood, plastic, glass or metal, and MDF products.

Buy a bed with a simple headboard made of wood or other material.

In furnishing, simplicity should be combined with functionality. Furniture with transformation functions is also relevant for such a bedroom.

It is best to use a built-in closet to store clothes.

Upholstered furniture should have streamlined, smooth shapes. It is preferable to choose upholstery that is smooth, plain or with geometric prints.

On a note! If the bedroom is small, install a wardrobe with mirrored doors in the room. Such furniture, in addition to being comfortable, also contributes to the visual expansion of spatial boundaries.

Built-in wardrobes, folding beds and other pieces of furniture with transformation options will help solve the main problems - functionally and ergonomically organize the space.

Choose furniture from quality materials. Such furniture will give a feeling of comfort, and against the backdrop of light walls it will make the room light and sunny.

Functional furniture products will make it possible to correctly distribute the available space, which is especially important for small rooms.

But it’s not enough just to choose furniture; you also need to correctly approach the placement of interior elements.

Advice. Do not clutter the room with unnecessary things, get rid of old items that have served their purpose. Do not turn your bedroom into a warehouse; use only the necessary components in the decor.

Try to arrange pieces of furniture symmetrically.

Particular attention should be paid to technology if there is a computer or TV in the bedroom: it is better to “hide” them in a built-in closet or use a sliding panel to disguise them.

One of the walls in the bedroom can be decorated with a stylish electronic clock that will attract attention with its presentable and original design.

We place accents

When decorating the sleeping area in a studio apartment, the sleeping area can be separated from the main living space using a bright partition, turning it into an accent interior detail.

Contemporary design involves the skillful integration of classical components into minimalism. Plastic furniture and roller blinds on the windows can be combined with a luxurious chandelier, modular walls can be combined with colorful pillows on the bed.

A built-in wardrobe in combination with carpeting with a geometric pattern will look interesting.

It is unacceptable to decorate window openings in such a bedroom with curtains, lambrequins and curtains made of heavy materials consisting of several layers.

For such an interior, modern Roman blinds, roller blinds, tulle curtains, and roller blinds are best suited.

Do not burden the windows with massive decoration - maximum sunlight should penetrate into the room through them. Opt for light-colored curtains made from lightweight fabrics.

On a note! You can visually raise the ceilings using curtains with a vertical stripe pattern.

It is better to choose bed linen from natural materials.

To place accents in such a room, you can use objects that are simple in shape: photographs and paintings that do not have frames, round vases.


In a bedroom with a contemporary design, lighting plays a significant role. Most often, designers install hidden lighting, which allows them to focus attention on important interior components.

You can create a romantic atmosphere in the relaxation room and provide additional lighting with numerous candles and miniature lamps of the correct shape.

Read about how to arrange: design ideas, secrets and subtleties of arranging and decorating a luxurious interior.

Read in detail about bedroom interior design in fusion style.

Decoration Materials

The main requirement when selecting finishing materials is impeccable quality. Surfaces can have different textures; in finishing it is appropriate to use innovative raw materials and materials of natural origin.

Laminate is most often used as flooring. This material is affordable and has a presentable appearance.

The walls are usually covered with plaster and covered with light wallpaper without prints. It is advisable to decorate the walls in neutral colors; most often they are painted in a single color.

The ideal solution for the bedroom would be a white suspended ceiling structure.

Professionals involved in interior decoration give preference to materials of artificial origin to style the interior in a contemporary direction. But natural finishes are also suitable for such a bedroom.

Wood, stone and marble surfaces will give the room a stylish look.

Important! When decorating bedrooms in a contemporary design direction, you need to strive for comfort and functionality.

Materials for finishing need to be selected simple, but at the same time high quality. Your task is to create a comfortable environment in the room, brighten up the drab everyday life and the limited space.

Bedroom decoration is done through combinations of shades and textures. Expressive modern high-quality photo wallpaper, as in the photo below, will organically decorate the wall at the head of the head:


Let's talk in more detail about accessories for a bedroom with contemporary design.

Decorative elements should be used in small quantities. Use glass details in your bedroom decor: thanks to them you will add lightness to the interior and make it more airy.

As noted above, among the decorative components in such a bedroom, vases, paintings without frames, original mirrors and wall clocks are appropriate.

Design the rest room so that you can easily change its appearance at any time by replacing the bedspread or curtains.

When decorating a room, do not forget that the interior and all the furnishings, down to the smallest detail, should set you up for relaxation and recuperation after busy workdays filled with worries.

The absence of colorful spots and bright accents in the design will allow you to quickly switch to relaxation and get a great night's sleep.

Contemporary design is distinguished by its lightness and unobtrusiveness, and its versatility and contemporary modern execution, as advantages, have made it very popular in the last few years.

There is nothing complicated in creating such an interior; you will not need courage in making decisions or significant financial expenses.

Study the main features of this style and implement them in the decor of your bedroom, appreciate all the advantages of this direction.


Photo gallery

The coziness and comfort of traditional interior design combined with the use of modern materials and innovative solutions - all this is characteristic of the contemporary style. This style provides ample opportunities in the freedom to choose furniture, accessories, colors and other components of design art; there are practically no restrictions or prohibitions in it.

Characteristic features of contemporary style

Restraint with bright accents is the main feature of contemporary art

Contemporary style is a relatively inexpensive pleasure with simultaneous simplicity, functionality and restraint in design. This type of room design can be regarded as something between a classic style and minimalism. This style is suitable for both apartments and offices.

Modern contemporary began to gain popularity in the twentieth century, and arose as a result of people's desire to combine the novelty of furniture with classical styles such as Baroque, Art Nouveau and Rococo.

The word “contemporary” translated from English means “modern”, and this reflects the whole essence of the style. The absence of strict boundaries and enormous scope for imagination attract many professionals to bring their vision of a modern interior to life.

Contemporary art is characterized by:

  • simple forms;
  • straight lines;
  • laconic furniture;
  • geometric print;
  • variety of accessories;
  • the presence of decorative elements in a discreet version.

The contemporary style is often used by designers as a basis for other, more “pretentious” styles - ethno, pop art, etc.

When creating interiors in contemporary style, designers use division into zones. To zone rooms, you can use light curtains, portable screens, furniture elements, bar counters, and stationary partitions. All this provides ample opportunities to use one room for different purposes: living room and kitchen, working and sleeping space, dining room and room for receiving guests.

Color solution

Calm and delicate colors are usually diluted with bright and catchy shades

Loyalty in the choice of colors is an essential principle of contemporary style. With all the freedom in color schemes, you can rely on the advice of experienced room design specialists:

  1. Don’t be afraid of radically opposite combinations: light walls and dark, plain furniture. Dark brown or marsh-colored furniture will look very organic against the background of beige or milky walls.
  2. Don't neglect the floor and ceiling in light colors. To decorate them, you can use the following colors: white, gray, cream, sand, ivory.
  3. Accessories that require attention are best purchased with bright colors. Rich, catchy colors of vases, paintings, carpets, bedspreads and other objects will help place the right accent in the color perception of the room.
  4. Don't just use light neutrals. For example, black color in the design of walls and furniture will not go beyond this style.

The color of the interior in the contemporary style sets everyone in this room in a balanced and calm mood. You can add bright accents to the monotony of colors, but they should not occupy a large area. Small animal skins (zebra, leopard, tiger), non-pale pillows that attract the attention of the vase will be very organic.

Furniture selection

The functionality of each type of furniture is the dominant principle of style

Contemporary style involves choosing simple, unpretentious furniture made from inexpensive wood, MDF, glass, plastic, and metal.

Simplicity and functionality are the main characteristics of furniture for interiors in contemporary style. Easy transformation of furniture from one position to another is another characteristic indicator of this style. Folding tables, sofas, which quickly turn into comfortable ones and suitable for a particular situation.

For a storage closet for clothes and other items, it is best to opt for built-in options. For upholstered furniture, streamlined shapes and smooth lines are acceptable. The upholstery of upholstered furniture is smooth, with the possibility of using geometric patterns, the finishing is laconic, monochromatic.

The main tasks that furniture solves in a contemporary room are ergonomics and functionality. This is easy to deal with:

  • wardrobes;
  • transforming tables;
  • folding and bunk beds;
  • modular type walls;
  • built-in cabinets and shelves, etc.


The latest innovative household appliances will not look out of place in this style of interior. This is especially true for kitchen design, where in modern reality it is impossible to do without household helpers. Washing machines, dishwashers, stoves can be conveniently located inside the built-in cabinet and do not spoil the overall perception of the place for cooking and eating food.

Computers after work and chatting on Skype or social networks, TVs after watching your favorite programs can be “hidden” in a built-in closet or a sliding panel of a wall-module. Stylish watches equipped with the most modern electronics will become an original design solution that can combine beauty and convenience.

Placement of accents

A catchy and bright partition separating the living room and dining room is the very accent that should be present in the interior

The essence of the contemporary style can be reduced to the skillful inclusion of classical elements into minimalism:

  1. Plastic chairs, roller blinds on the windows, furniture without handles + a rich chandelier.
  2. Modular walls + bright pillows on the sofa.
  3. Built-in wardrobes + geometric print carpets, etc.

Multilayer curtains, elaborate lambrequins, and heavy fabrics are not suitable for windows in contemporary style rooms. Roman blinds, roller blinds, roller blinds, and thin tulle fabrics fit best into this style.

An excellent accent for such interior design is the use of decorative objects that are discreet and simple in shape: round vases, paintings and photographs without frames, square plates for fruit, etc.

Lighting plays an important role. A favorite design move for the contemporary style is hidden lighting, which helps to emphasize important interior items. It is permissible to use a large number of candles of the correct shape.


The textures of the materials used represent a wide range of modern innovations and traditional natural surfaces. The main requirement when choosing materials is high quality. Laminate or single-color carpeting is used for the floor. The walls are finished with plaster and light-colored wallpaper without patterns. Suspended white ceilings are most often used for the upper part of rooms.

Designers who design rooms in a contemporary style prioritize artificial materials. But natural interior components are not prohibited: wood, stone, marble, granite, rattan, fur, sea pebbles, etc.

Design solutions in the interior

The versatility of the contemporary style allows it to be used in various rooms. Decoration in this style looks natural in the living room, bedroom, kitchen and even in the children's room.

Living room

Comfort is the key to creating a contemporary living room. Light, unweighted windows that can let in as much light as possible into the room. Curtains made of lightweight materials in light colors.

Color scheme - small bright accents like pillows on the sofa are allowed in white and pastel colors. The black and white version of the living room design looks good; you can consider gray shades with the addition of bright red accessories.

Do not forget that decorative elements are used to a minimum.

It is acceptable to use glass elements - a table, curtains made of glass beads. The use of this material will add lightness and airiness to the chosen interior style.

Photo gallery: living room decoration

Large bright windows, a minimum of furniture, a deep-pile carpet, a predominance of white - all this is designed in a contemporary style
Minimalism in interior design is “diluted” with pillows with geometric patterns and a carpet with bright patterns
Gray-brown color, closed furniture, animal skin on the floor - everything reflects the contemporary style
The neutral tones of the room are in harmony with the figurine and bright paintings


It’s easy to recuperate after a hard day, relax and fall into a restful sleep in a contemporary bedroom. The absence of bright colors and flashy accents will help you quickly switch from stressful work to relaxation.

A sliding wardrobe is the optimal container for clothes, bedding and other household items. A visual change in spatial volumes can be achieved by choosing a mirror version of this comfortable furniture. The use of vertical striped curtains will allow you to “raise” low ceilings. Spaciousness and comfort are desirable when choosing a contemporary style for the bedroom.

Photo gallery: contemporary in the bedroom

The contemporary style is fully embodied in this bedroom - in the color scheme, choice of furniture, lighting, decorative elements
Bright accents in the form of photographs on the walls and an ornate chandelier help not to perceive this option as boring and uninteresting
All bedroom design elements contribute to the attractiveness of the style.
Calmness and comfort are the main characteristics of a bedroom in this style


In addition to the pastel palette of the walls, ceiling and floor, you can add bright spots of toy-type furniture to the interior of a children's room - a crib, cabinets, a place for games. Of course, there shouldn’t be a lot of bright and catchy things in such a room, but this is not a drawback. - Contemporary style will attract both parents and children with its functionality. The predominance of white color will give a feeling of space and freedom, which is so necessary for children.

A youthful, fresh and bright room that you can’t tell it belongs to an adult

Children who have started school will be more focused on their studies in such a room. For teenagers striving for adulthood, the absence of childish colors on the wallpaper, plenty of shelves and comfortable closed cabinets that will hide the “creative disorder” of a young creature are quite suitable.

Soft carpeting will appeal to all children - both small and large - because they love to lie on the floor, playing or spending time reading or using a tablet.

Comfort and functionality can be seen in this design of a children's room.


If space allows, then the kitchen in such an interior is combined with the living room, separated by a bar counter. To designate zones, you can use different floor coverings, ceiling structures, and glass curtains. Built-in appliances in a kitchen decorated in this style are a must. There is nothing superfluous, only what has practical value.

Kitchen lighting can be divided into general and local lighting - kitchen table, work surface, built-in appliances. Smooth and even surfaces of furniture and built-in kitchen units are characteristic features of using contemporary style in a kitchen. It is better to replace the curtains on the windows with blinds - it is practical and functional.

Cabinets with glass doors and glass tables are chosen by designers working to recreate the contemporary style. For example, a combination of white and pine color is quite suitable for decoration in this theme. And the dark floor will be practical, at the same time harmonizing with the ceiling, lighting fixtures, and white dishes.

Built-in appliances, closed cabinets, straight lines and uncluttered space - all this is in the spirit of contemporary art. Jars of pickles, seasonings and fruits can serve as eye-catching spots.

Photo gallery: design solutions for the kitchen

The kitchen and living room are united by one color scheme. Built-in appliances are hidden in the furniture set
The brown and white kitchen design palette looks organic in combination with a zebra-like carpet on the floor and red glasses of unusual shape.
Cooking and eating in such a kitchen is pleasant and not boring

The contemporary style is suitable for decorating any premises, does not require large expenses, and gives scope for imagination in coming up with and implementing ideas that fit within the framework of this style. Straight lines, plenty of space, functionality, practicality - all this is acceptable when choosing a contemporary style.

Contemporary style in the interior is a newfangled design direction, rooted in architecture. Characteristic rational use living space with the introduction of multifunctional furnishings. impress design solutions on home improvement using trendy interior items.

This interior genre is derivative, welcoming maximum space in living spaces with abundant natural light, laconic forms of furnishings and natural colors. In the mid-twentieth century, interior designers used furniture and finishing materials without decorative frills at an affordable cost to furnish the housing of representatives of the working class.

Canons of contemporary style

The original simplicity of other interior items with straightforward details, discreet colors and absence of paintings created a feeling of spaciousness in well-lit rooms, ideal for relaxing and working at home.

Tips and current contemporary threads from designer Laura Kirard:

Laura Kirar is an American designer, an expert in American luxury trends and an adherent of contemporary luxury. Collaborates with Kohler holdings (Baker, McGuire, Kallista, Ann Saks)

  1. Laconism is everywhere. This applies to furniture, plumbing, textiles, heating and lighting equipment.
  2. Restraint in the finishing of the floor and ceiling, wall cladding, design of window and door openings.
  3. Hiding storage systems, bed linen and other household items from prying eyes.
  4. and the use of open floor plans in the process of creating design projects
  5. using multifunctional ones with a frame made of transparent or frosted plexiglass.
  6. Use of built-in household appliances, furniture and lighting equipment.
  7. Installation of a “smart home” communication device system that allows you to create an optimal microclimate in your home with minimal time investment.

  8. Interior design in contemporary style is in high demand among the younger generation, who lead an active lifestyle with a busy work schedule. In order to save time on performing various household tasks, it is important to fill the house with a multifunctional kitchen household appliances For instant cooking food, transformable furniture, capable of instantly transforming from , from or bar counter V.

    For those who are planning to organize a home office, this is relevant. To do this, you can use tables with folding tops, built-in shelving, roll-out cabinets with spacious drawers. With the opportunity to contemplate the city panorama in such a cozy home office, you can mentally take a break from work and be inspired to perform your tasks productively.

    Advice! The main rule of contemporary art is to create an integral interior composition from stylish furnishings that perform specific functions. Space should dominate the home, furniture should not clutter up the rooms, and things should be within easy reach. Therefore, when designing the interior design of an apartment or house, you need to allocate space for, use furniture modules with the possibility of transformation.

    Subtleties of kitchen design

    The contemporary style in the kitchen interior is easily recognizable by the manner of finishing the room, the arrangement of furniture and the planning solution. - a winning option for arranging a place for meals and creating culinary masterpieces in a house where the aesthetics of freedom-loving contemporary dominates.

    According to the rules of this style, the kitchen space needs to be filled with innovative components:

    1. with smooth facades equipped with transparent or translucent handles, molded profiles, buttons or, barely noticeable against the general background.
    2. Headsets and with original countertopsartificial stone or porcelain stoneware, perfectly replicating the texture of natural materials.
    3. Furniture integrated not only into the lower part of the wall cabinets, but also into the hanging floor units, countertops and bar counter superstructure. Floor lighting will visually expand a cramped space and create a mesmerizing visual effect.
    4. depicting abstractions, textures natural stone– onyx, granite, travertine, marble, slate or other materials.
    5. Wall panels decorated with outlines of various geometric shapes and abstractions.
    6. Pleiades with compact shades made of nickel-plated steel or transparent plastic, located low above the dining table.

    The contemporary style in the interior of the apartment has similar features in its design style to modern trends design: , , . Therefore, in kitchens that embody this new fashionable interior This genre, the restrained nature of the style can be traced, due to the absence of displayed decorative items, household appliances and various kitchen utensils hung on rails.

    Advice! Consider the multifunctional internal content of the headsets with built-in cutting boards, garbage cans, bowls for animals, holders of plates, lids, jars intended for storing bulk food - cereals or spices.

    The best interiors in contemporary style are comfortable space For comfortable life, where the atmosphere conducive to dining prevails, and all kitchen attributes are within walking distance, which reduces the time spent on preparing food.

    It is possible to recreate a typical kitchen arrangement by installing a double-sided kitchen island type set with a folding or stationary tabletop. Thanks to the close location of the cooking area and the place for breakfast or lunch, you can significantly save time on serving dishes. Designer ones of non-trivial shapes made of colored or transparent polymers will look organic in a kitchen that reflects the style of interior design in contemporary style.

    Polymer decorative coatings with a pearl effect, used for the manufacture of furniture modules and will create an amazing ambiance in the kitchen space by simulating a surface covered with frost or ice. A monochrome palette of colors is relevant for interiors designed in a contemporary style.

    Advice! The contemporary style appeals to all kinds of design experiments. Therefore for finishing accent walls V different rooms At home, it is important to use informal wallpaper with LED backlighting, digital printing, fluorescent or metallized coating, and unique models depicting scenes from famous films.

    Features of bathroom arrangement

    Modern bathroom, reflecting the characteristic features of contemporary art, requires filling with interior items with the correct design lines. Plumbing and furniture products should take up minimal space to create a relaxing environment. Therefore, designers practice landscaping bathrooms using compact components:

    1. , and a wall-hung toilet will save the lion's share of the area of ​​a small room.
    2. without a tray with sliding doors - the optimal alternative to large bathtubs.
    3. It is advisable to install non-volume bathtubs in spacious rooms. To hide numerous bath accessories from prying eyes, the bathroom screen can be equipped with a built-in storage system with folding drawers.
    4. Towel rails, liquid soap dispensers, toothbrush and toothpaste holders, toilet paper holders, hand dryers and other asymmetrically shaped accessories made of glazed ceramics, colored plastic or chromed steel - aesthetic landmarks of the contemporary style.

    5. Neon lighting or a cascading spout imitating the principle of a waterfall can serve as focal points in a bathroom interior painting that reflects the features of this original design concept.

      For cladding you should use large-format porcelain stoneware slabs or ceramic tiles calm tones of colors: gray, white, sand, pale blue or milky shade. On a monochromatic background it is easier to highlight the basic components of the style, making it easy to recognize the signs of a fashionable design direction.

      Contemporary style in the living room interior

      To give a rational interior designed in the contemporary style a homely, cozy look, you need to take into account the main criterion of this direction - cozy comfort zones for each resident. They may be in different parts at home, which depends on the hobbies of the household: in the kitchen, which creates convenience for various culinary experiments, in the living room with a private and representative area, in a sports corner.

      Regardless of the type of personal comfort zones, the house must have a comfortable space for joint family leisure and meetings with guests. Therefore, it is important to pay close attention to the arrangement of the epicenter of a house or apartment -

Contemporary is a skillful combination of functionality and comfort in the interior. Its popularity is increasing every year, because inexpensive materials and textures, the most daring ones can be brought to life. He is not attached to historical eras, but certain events are clearly visible in detail. Today, in a review by the Homius editors, we will talk about all the features of the contemporary style, and photos of the interior will help you better understand the basic principles of design.

The simple and laconic contemporary style begins its history in the 60s of the last century. It is based on three architectural ideas:

  • constructivism;
  • minimalism;

In those days, tiny rooms communal apartments filled with furniture and various accessories produced in mass production. The decorative items that we managed to buy complemented the decor. In those years there was not much choice, so things from .

This is interesting! Contemporary is still popular today. For example, you can easily combine modern furniture sets from Ikea with elements from yesteryear. Since this is a practical style, designers predict success and prosperity for it.

Characteristic features of interior design in contemporary style

In the description of interiors decorated in contemporary style, you will not find luxury and chic items, as well as pretentious accents. The main feature of the direction is common sense in everything. Modern people strive to make their home as comfortable as possible. When choosing technology, we welcome the latest developments that will make life easier.

The transformation of objects, their interchangeability allows us to fit new forms into an already established way of life. You can select character traits contemporary style:

Let's take a closer look at all the techniques for decorating a room in a contemporary style.

Color solutions

The main palette of the style is calm shades that do not distract attention. In urban conditions, gray-brown tones are most often chosen, in addition to them they are used White color. Green and a small amount dilute the neutral atmosphere.

Decoration Materials

As finishing materials simple textures are used, natural textures are welcome, but there may also be artificial analogues. By combining them, they perform.

The following materials are suitable for the floor:

  • board and ;
  • carpet;
  • with long pile;

Features of choosing furniture in contemporary style

Furniture in the contemporary style is given maximum importance; it must be functional, inexpensive, interesting in design and of excellent quality.

The most popular types of furniture groups are:

  • modular furniture, for example, a folding tabletop or a folding tabletop is lowered from the closet, another sleeping place moves out from the podium;
  • Built in furniture;
  • Low or small chests of drawers are suitable as an addition.

Since the style is characterized by low cost, furniture is most often made of MDF or plastic.


Importance is given proper organization all lighting zones. At the same time, natural light is necessarily supplemented. Window openings free as much as possible. Can be used or installed for decoration.

There are several main lighting scenarios:

  • central in a discreet design;
  • hidden, it is used for niches or certain areas of the room;
  • additional sources: floor lamps, sconces, .


The main feature of calm contemporary art is that it simply needs to be enlivened with decorative elements. Any parts from different styles and eras. Designers advise using the following techniques:

  • decorate the walls with contemporary artists;
  • open and place beautiful figurines and photos;
  • don't forget about . made from natural fabrics will not only decorate the interior, but also make it more comfortable;
  • Stylistically, in contemporary art the presence of patterns is not welcome, but natural themes are quite appropriate. For example, animal skins on the floor or furniture.

Photo examples of interior design for apartments and country houses in contemporary style

Let's look at the contemporary style in more detail using the example of the design of different rooms. Photos of finished projects will help you understand the details.

Interior design of the living room and hallway in contemporary style

  • Place in the center or along the perimeter of the room; its upholstery should not be bright, let’s say a small pattern;
  • ideally, if there is a fireplace in the living room, you can replace it with a modern model of a biofireplace;
  • put small . It can be made of tempered glass. Also great option – ;
  • as decoration they serve as mats, mats, as well as color collages that will add a little brightness to the monochrome interior.

Interior design of a bedroom and children's room in contemporary style

Contemporary style is ideal where nothing should distract from relaxation. It is advisable to do all the design in pastel colors, for example, cream, wheat, gray and similar shades will look great. It occupies a central place in the bedroom; most often it consists of a non-spring block mounted on a frame.

Decorated in a contemporary style, the decoration should use exclusively natural materials. You should carefully consider the zoning of the room according to the functional direction, including convenient systems storage To decorate the walls in the nursery, you can use bright pictures, comics, and scenes from your favorite cartoons.

Contemporary style in the interior of the kitchen and bathroom in the bathroom – these are correct, strict lines and contrasting interior design. Minimalism is welcomed here, starting from and ending with objects. For the purpose of proper placement, designers recommend the following:
  • to save space, it is advisable to choose a hanging one;
  • for small bathrooms it is preferable to install, and for spacious rooms - a large bath;
  • To organize an optimal storage system, preference should be given to built-in modules.

Decorating a study room in contemporary style: photo examples in the interior re-glue the wallpaper. A neutral range of shades makes the rooms more comfortable and conducive to proper rest after a hard day.

Tell us in the comments if you liked the contemporary style. Would you like to use it to decorate your apartment?

Finally, we offer you to look at another selection of photographs of the design of modern interiors in the contemporary style.
