How to improve your appearance in a month: simple and effective recommendations. How to update your appearance: tips from Ivetta To improve your appearance

Almost every woman sooner or later is faced with the realization that she is not happy with everything about her appearance. Of course, every representative of the fair sex may want to see “the best version of herself” in the reflection of the mirror, and if you also have such a desire, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some recommendations.

How to change your appearance as a girl, where to start

The first thing you should do is outline a plan of action. Write down on a piece of paper what exactly you don't like about your appearance, and how these features can be changed for the better. Read on the Internet about various cosmetic procedures, in Photoshop, experiment with hair color, eyebrow thickness, and so on, in order to understand whether the intended changes will really suit you, and only after that proceed with drastic changes.

How to change beyond recognition

Get plastic surgery

Of course, this method is the most radical, but you should only resort to it if there are some real defects on your face. There are often situations when a girl impulsively changes the shape of her lips or the shape of her eyes, but subsequently turns to the surgeon again in order to return everything “as it was” - a rejection of the “new self” occurs. Besides, new option does not always turn out to be better than the previous one. If you have been dreaming about surgery for a long time and are convinced that this is a real way to improve your appearance, then you can decide on the procedure. We recommend that you consult with several practicing surgeons on this issue.

Botox, lift

Note that Botox injections and facelifts are procedures that can help improve the appearance of women over 35-40 years old. For young girls, these manipulations with the face, as a rule, are completely unnecessary, and can even be harmful. If you are not satisfied with the quality of your skin, consult a cosmetologist and ask him to recommend procedures that will best suit your age.

Get a tattoo on your face

This is a fairly common procedure, but when doing it, keep in mind that sometimes you will have to correct the tattoo so that it does not fade. Currently, there is tattooing of lips, eyebrows and so on. Many women note the convenience of this method - for example, with the help of lip tattooing they were able to visually increase their volume without resorting to injections of hyaluronic acid and so on. In addition, such a tattoo helps to temporarily solve problems with makeup - the artist initially selects the color with which your lips will be painted according to your wishes. Likewise, you can apply winged lines to your eyelids - this will also help you save time on applying everyday makeup if they are an integral part of it.

Change yourself internally

Of course, internal changes are unlikely to change you beyond recognition, but they can really make significant changes to your image. It has long been noted that if a person reconsiders his attitude towards life, finds himself in an unexpected hobby, begins to engage in various practices that help achieve inner harmony, then these positive changes begin in the best possible way affect appearance as well.

Lose weight or get pumped up

As you know, with a change in weight, changes in the face become noticeable. A woman who has lost weight begins to notice new features in herself - cheekbones that suddenly appear, the disappearance of swelling, and so on. Even the eyes on a thinner face suddenly begin to appear larger and more expressive. Also, do not forget about the new shapes that the figure takes on. However, often not only overweight women are dissatisfied with their figure, but also those who suffer from underweight. In the second case, you can gain the necessary kilograms by increasing muscle mass - in this case, a thin body will receive the desired shape in the right places and will acquire more advantageous proportions.

How to change in a month - action plan

If you want to achieve changes in appearance in a month, then outline for yourself in advance necessary plan actions.

Drastically change your hairstyle and hair color

You can start with a radical change in hairstyle and hair color. If you have been wearing a braid below the waist for many years, you can update the cut, for example, by cutting your hair to your shoulder blades. You can also get hair extensions, bangs or an interesting haircut to suit your hair length. However, all this should be done only if you are convinced that new image It will really suit you. The same rule applies to hair dyeing - if possible, try on a wig with strands of the desired color or edit your photo in Photoshop to see how you will look with an updated hairstyle. Please note that if you decide to go blonde, but your hair is now dark, then you will probably have to repeat the coloring procedure more than once, maintaining an interval of several days, to achieve the desired result.

New makeup (or simplification if you've always worn bright makeup)

Try to choose a new makeup for yourself that will make you look more impressive. There are many training videos on the Internet and various courses for this. However, even without this, you can try to apply makeup differently than usual - “play” with the color palette, apply eye shadow in a completely different shade than you are used to, experiment with the color of your lipstick. For these purposes, you can buy several cheap lipsticks and an inexpensive set of shadows - this way you can be sure which colors are absolutely not suitable for you, and which ones look very interesting on your face. Of course, after experimenting, cleanse your face and buy new lipstick and eyeshadow from your favorite brand and those shades that, after experimenting, you liked best on your face.

Update your wardrobe

Often, just by updating her wardrobe, a woman appears to others in a completely different light. Perhaps you are used to dressing in a certain style and you don’t even suspect that completely different things may suit you much better. We recommend that you choose a free day and, having come to a clothing store with reasonable prices for you, take several wardrobe items into the fitting room that you usually do not pay attention to. Try to put together several images from things that are unusual for you, and be sure to photograph each of them in the fitting room mirror. At home, look at your photos, remember the feelings you felt when you put on new clothes, and go back for the things that suit you. However, you can buy those wardrobe items that are more familiar to you, but be sure to complement them with new accessories.

Change habits and habits

Give up bad habits- usually they do not have the best effect on the overall appearance. It's better to buy new ones instead good habits- playing sports, proper nutrition, walks on fresh air etc.

Visit new places, communicate with new people

Expand your horizons by meeting new people and going to new places. For example, visiting establishments various types, you will involuntarily expand your wardrobe - a dress for the theater, a tracksuit for fitness, a new outfit for a date, and so on.

How to transform yourself quickly and without special expenses

Sometimes, a woman needs very little to transform herself - proper sleep and rest. Often we neglect this, and as a result we end up with dark circles or bags under the eyes, a tired look and other unpleasant changes in appearance. A rested and well-slept woman, in turn, usually looks fresh and cheerful, which cannot but improve her appearance. Find a way to set aside a couple of days for yourself, in which you do nothing but sleep and relax. Moreover, you don’t need to relax in front of the computer - take a walk around the city, just lie on the sofa, take a bath with sea ​​salt, foam and essential oils etc.

Do your own hairstyle and hair coloring

Dyeing your hair at home is not at all difficult, if we are not talking about some complex dyeing or lightening. On any hair dye you will find detailed instructions applications.

Dye your eyebrows

Many women make an appointment to have their eyebrows tinted at a beauty salon, or put off this visit until later, without even suspecting that they can easily cope with this procedure at home, spending no more than 15 minutes on it. To do this you just need to buy a tube the right paint in almost any cosmetic store. If you are not sure that you can cope with the task yourself, watch a video on the Internet on how to do it or read general recommendations.

Exercise or go on a diet

Sports can be practiced not only in gym, but also at home. To do this, we recommend stocking up on a pair of dumbbells and starting doing exercises - for this purpose, you can find several videos on the Internet that demonstrate a set of exercises for a particular muscle group. Even if you just start doing squats and doing abs every day, this will have a positive effect on your appearance. In case of presence excess weight on your body, we recommend choosing a suitable diet for yourself - this will not only improve your appearance, but also have a good effect on your overall well-being.

What can you change about yourself if you’ve already tried everything?

Get a tattoo, eyelashes, nails

Try an interesting manicure - it can add unexpected touches to your look. It is also quite possible that eyelash extensions or eyelid tattooing will add more expressiveness to your look.

Get yourself a tattoo

If you have been dreaming of a tattoo for a long time, and this is not an impulsive decision, then perhaps it’s time to make your dream come true? Choose a salon with positive reviews or make an appointment with a specialist based on recommendations - for sure, even a small drawing on the body that you like will give you the opportunity to feel yourself in a new way.

Dye your hair an unexpected color

Hair color plays a big role in the overall look. The same woman with different colors hair looks completely different. Try experimenting with your hair, but make sure in advance that these changes will still suit you.

Trim your long locks or add extensions if you have short hair.

Of course, you can conduct unexpected experiments not only with hair color, but also with its length. Many women don’t even know what they look like with waist-length hair, only because they have never been able to grow their hair to that limit. Meanwhile, you may well try to grow your hair in the most gentle way possible, or try on false strands.

Also, some people have been wearing waist-length hair for many years, despite the fact that this hairstyle does not suit them at all, and the curls in general do not look very neat due to split ends or dullness. Subsequently, some of them still cut their braids, making, for example, an elongated bob. As a result, their image becomes more fresh and interesting, and their hair looks much healthier.

To transform yourself for the better, don’t rush into experiments.

Think carefully and study the information

Before you decide to make drastic changes, try reading reviews about them on the Internet, and consult with your loved ones. Don't make a decision impulsively.

Consult with experts

Depending on the area in which you are planning changes, consult with a hairdresser, cosmetologist, plastic surgeon, and so on.

Spend more time to get better results

Don't expect to get excellent result behind short term– in some cases this is not possible. We are talking about diets, sports activities, comprehensive skin care, getting rid of cellulite and much more.

It is difficult to achieve dramatic changes in a week if we're talking about about significant weight loss, about weight gain muscle mass or plastic surgery (recovery time required). However, you can make many other changes to your appearance during this time. The main thing is to study the necessary information in advance and make sure that these changes will really be for the better - otherwise, the matter may turn out to be a big disappointment for you. The main advice is to approach any experiments consciously.

Is it possible to become a different person in appearance in 1 day?

In general, in one day you can really change quite significantly in appearance. However, if you are unhappy with your weight, then these changes will certainly take much longer. If you are happy with your figure, but want some noticeable changes, then you can make them by changing your hair color, dyeing your eyebrows, getting eyelash extensions, having your face cleaned in a salon, changing your wardrobe, visiting a solarium, cutting or getting hair extensions. If we are talking about internal changes, then this, of course, will take much more time. However, in one day you can also do a lot - outline detailed plan actions that will help you achieve the results you want.

The attractiveness of a potential partner is considered one of the best traits of interest to the opposite sex. Plus, research shows that more attractive people may earn more in the long run.

Luckily for you, even if you haven't been as lucky as Brad Pitt in the genetic lottery, there are a number of tactics you can try for yourself. Here we list 9 tips to help you look the best version yourself.

1) Unwanted hair

Hair sticking out of unwanted places like the ear or nose does not make a man look masculine or attractive. Get rid of excess hair in these areas using tweezers. Just once a week take a close look at your face to see if any stray hairs have popped out. Believe me, it won't take much time. If you have unruly eyebrows, then contact a professional, and you will not regret it.

2) Exercise before going outside

If you have time and want to look your best at an event, then try a few exercises. Ideally, you should mix cardio with heavy weight-bearing exercises that will target your major muscle groups. Within a few hours, your muscles will receive the so-called ultra-toning. Moreover, such training will increase your confidence.

3) Posture

Standing straight will automatically make you look more compact and defined by your muscles. You will also be able to exude more confidence, which most people like. When you stand correctly, your abs should be tight and drawn towards your stomach, and your shoulders should be straight.

4) Oral cavity

Brush your teeth regularly with toothpaste, floss, and whiten your teeth twice a year. A healthy set of teeth and gums is attractive to any person, but an unkempt oral cavity looks disgusting.

5) Invest in skin care

Men with oily skin will have nothing to lose from a regular face wash, while guys with dry skin should look for a special gel with a creamy texture. Your skincare arsenal should include a moisturizer, sunscreen to protect against damaging UV rays, and an exfoliator to brighten your skin and help unclog pores by ridding them of dead cells.

6) Haircut

Your hairstyle plays the most important role in your appearance. Talk to your hairdresser about using special tricks to help hide e.g. square shape head, high forehead or peculiar hair growth.

7) Wear clothes that fit

You can shell out a lot of money on expensive suits and cashmere sweaters, but if your clothes don't fit you properly, your style won't seem to suit you. The most big mistake people, this is when it comes to ill-fitting clothes. Clothing that stays close to the body (but not tight) is most flattering.

8) Know your weaknesses

When you know your weak points, you can minimize them or hide them to your advantage. For example, if you have large bald patches on your head, an experienced hairdresser can easily hide it.

9) Eat right

Your body is like a car, and a car with high-quality fuel inside will not let you down. There's no magic here: just make sure you include plenty of protein from poultry and fish in your diet, fill your plate with green vegetables, and fruit for dessert. Finally, water. Don't forget that humans are over 60% water, so consume seven to eight glasses of water a day and you will feel great.

Every girl dreams of being beautiful. After all, attracting the attention of surrounding men and causing envy among women - isn’t this happiness? But not everyone is lucky with a dazzling appearance from birth. IN modern world Plastic surgery and cosmetology help women achieve their goals.

Everyone chooses a method for themselves. Fashion today dictates the trend “Beauty equals sexuality.” And every woman strives for this.

Often girls are not even aware of their beauty. After all, being beautiful is not only about having a charming face and an impeccable figure. You also need to believe in your own attractiveness. It’s not for nothing that there is a rule: “If you want others to love you, first love yourself.” A woman who is confident in herself will attract more admiring glances simply because she will try in every way to emphasize her irresistibility. Even psychology says that female beauty begins with the sparkle in the eyes of its owner. So, to become beautiful, first of all, you need to believe in yourself.

You can often observe a situation where a woman struggles with her unattractiveness all her life. After all, everything about her is terrible: her figure with its fat deposits where it is not needed, and her face (first with pimples all over the surface, then with wrinkles). And there’s always not enough time to take care of yourself. After all, to be irresistible, you need to spend a lot of hours a day on yourself! This woman clearly doesn't love herself. First of all, she needs to go to some training to combat complexes. As soon as she learns to love herself and her body, no matter how ugly it may seem to her, everything in her life will change beyond recognition. After all, your beloved will immediately find the strength to take care of herself.

You won’t want to feed your beloved body food that is harmful to it; for your beloved figure, you will want to do a couple of exercises a day. And you will immediately find time to take care of your appearance. Because when it is done with love, everything becomes easier. So, psychologists advise practicing self-hypnosis for about fifteen minutes a day for the first month. The main thing is to believe - it will help. The result will not take long to arrive. But you shouldn’t give up going to the solarium, beauty salon or fitness club either. It may be worth cleansing your body with a certain diet. Don't go from one extreme to another.

Beauty is truly a terrible force. Have you ever paid attention to what you have in life? beautiful women? Yes. They have everything: material wealth, love, and happiness. And not because they have fewer problems than non-beautiful women. But because it is much easier for them to deal with them.

So what is good looks? Here, for example, is a small, graceful nose. No one will argue that it is beautiful. What if you put such a nose on a face with large features? It will look clearly out of place there. Or, for example, now full, sensual lips are considered the standard of beauty. What if they are on a miniature face? It's definitely not pretty. So beauty is harmonious combination individual components of appearance.

There are ways to improve your appearance, and they are quite simple. Here are some of them.

Healthy sleep. You need to know moderation in everything. And in a dream too. If you don't get enough sleep, it is reflected first of all on your face. “Bags” under the eyes, blue circles, unhealthy complexion, etc. Oversleeping will also not lead to anything good. Optimal time for resting the body at night - eight hours. It is necessary to go to bed no later than twelve o'clock at night; the room should not be stuffy. And at night you should not overeat or drink a lot of liquid.

Bad habits. We all know that smoking and alcohol have a detrimental effect on the health of our body. And, first of all, this is reflected in our appearance. Dry skin appears, teeth become yellow, nails and hair become brittle. To avoid this, you need to give up these addictions forever.

Complete nutrition. For a healthy appearance, the body needs to receive a daily dose of all vitamins, minerals and trace elements. And for this, nutrition must be balanced. You need to eat less fatty, salty foods. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Use cosmetics correctly. It is necessary to choose the right face and body care products. You need to give preference to products that suit your age and skin and hair type. Also make sure that cosmetics do not cause allergic reactions. Check expiration dates on packages. You can also use recipes traditional medicine. After all, they have been created for centuries and are time-tested. If possible, do not forget to visit. At least sometimes, beauty salons.

And also: smile more often, love yourself and the world and people around you. And everything will be fine for you. And don’t forget that the main thing is inner beauty, and then external beauty.

In the modern world, when the atmosphere is very polluted, it is very difficult to protect the skin from negative effects. Since it is the face that reflects our age, we need to start as early as possible and do it regularly. Negative factor, also affecting beauty are constant stress, overwork and constant lack of sleep.

To protect your skin and restore it to its former attractiveness, you can use cosmetics from trusted manufacturers, which are available in large quantities on the shelves of women's stores.

But really effective means made from natural ingredients are sometimes very expensive. But there is no need to be upset, because you can use regular fruits and vegetables to make your facial skin glow again.

What can determine the condition of the skin?

You can make your face attractive with the help of cosmetics and a variety of masks. But the effect of such procedures will be short-lived and to prevent this from happening, you must definitely adjust your diet.

It should be dominated by fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, while the consumption of flour, sweet and too fatty foods is better to limit or eliminate altogether. What skin problems do women usually face? This:

  • A rash that can appear if the skin is too oily and is not properly cared for.
  • Loose and aging skin, which usually begins to bother women.
  • Dull skin, face looks stale.
  • Dry skin, which is also very flaky, also causes a lot of trouble for its owner.

There are several skin types: dry, oily and combination. Each of them requires special care, so in order to always look attractive, you must adhere to these simple rules.

You need to understand that the skin will be negatively affected by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and an abundance of bad habits (including addiction to alcohol, smoking and caffeine-containing drinks).

Also, skin problems can be caused by incorrectly selected decorative cosmetics (the age factor and woman’s skin type were not taken into account during the selection process).

Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your lifestyle and adhere to the following recommendations that will be useful at any age and will help improve your appearance:

  1. Diet. It should be dominated by fresh and natural products - this will invariably affect the condition of the skin and it will improve.
  2. Required amount of liquid. Scientists have proven that for normal functioning all body systems and healthier, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean, still water per day.
  3. Fresh air. Sitting at a computer for a long time is not only harmful to the skin, so you need to make it a rule to take short walks in the fresh air.
  4. Proper sleep. To feel great, get rid of dull eyes and circles under the eyes, you need to get a good night's sleep. You need to allocate at least 8 hours for sleep, but if attempts to sleep end in fiasco, try taking short walks before bed and drink some natural lemon balm tea at night.
  5. Cleansing and care. It is necessary to devote enough time not only to applying makeup, but also to removing it. Going to bed without washing off your makeup is very bad; it will only worsen your skin condition. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a special tonic and makeup remover lotion, which is applied to the skin before bed to give it time to rest.
  6. You need to understand what to achieve beautiful skin You can only take care of it regularly, so spend enough time on yourself and your appearance.

How to improve your facial skin with proper nutrition?

You can tell a lot about your health by the condition of your skin. If it peels too much or, on the contrary, the sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum, this is a reason to think about your health and go to the doctor.

In this case, we can recommend a comprehensive examination and undergo several doctors at once. The main reason why skin can become problematic is problems with the digestive tract. Additionally, you need to check the condition of the liver and the level of blood hormones.

How to restore a healthy appearance to your facial skin? It's usually enough to just start eating right. If you have oily skin, it is best to limit your intake of sugar and fatty foods. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits, and flour and spicy foods with vegetables and fruits.

You need to understand that problem skin may cause rashes and acne if your blood sugar rises sharply. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your diet and not rely solely on cosmetics.

It often happens that with visible dehydration. In this case, you need to drink at least 2 liters per day clean water(this does not include concentrated juices, sparkling water and sparkling mineral water). To further normalize metabolic processes and speed up metabolism, do not forget about fermented milk products.

Dry skin can be eliminated by including more foods in your diet that are rich in vitamins C, A, and E. They will help remove free radicals from the body and the condition of the skin will noticeably improve.

Don't forget about antioxidants - these are substances that remove toxins from the body. A large amount of them are found in vegetables and green tea. Therefore, if it is necessary to return the skin blooming species– A few cups of green tea with lemon a day should become a new, healthy habit.

How to make your skin healthier with cosmetics

Cosmetology offers a lot of products that will help fight skin aging, wrinkles and other skin problems. All care should take place in several stages:

  1. Cleansing.
  2. Hydration.
  3. Nutrition.

They need to be performed using only products that are suitable for your age category and your skin type. Otherwise, the condition can only worsen.

Products intended for washing should not contain any aggressive substances that will... You can use a special lotion, soft water, or simply wipe your face with an ice cube. A herbal decoction or green tea that has been frozen in ice cube trays works well for this purpose.


Often, when washing, oily skin becomes very dry, sebum begins to be released more actively and the opposite of the desired result can be achieved. Therefore, you need to devote enough time to moisturize it.

A light moisturizer is perfect for this purpose; after using it, it will not clog your pores and result in pimples. Also, all ladies who naturally have problematic facial skin should be very attentive to the cleansing stage.

For them, peeling and the use of scrubs containing abrasive particles. To thoroughly cleanse the skin and achieve its softness, it is better to use peeling with fruit acids from trusted manufacturers.

A month – 30 days – is that a lot or a little for you? We believe that unless, of course, you are lazy and honestly follow all our recommendations. In addition, they are quite simple and do not require large financial investments. However, the ability to control yourself will be required. 🙂

Let's go to bed on time

If it's not unusual for you to go to bed after 12 o'clock at night, then it's time to radically change this habit. At midnight, the most active phase of sleep already occurs, and if you miss it, then you can lie there for a long time and count the sheep jumping over the fence. 🙂

At least as an experiment, try to consciously go to bed at 22:00 - 23:00. remember, that healthy sleep lasts 8 hours. And when we get enough sleep, then mood much better!

Put your gadgets away

Many of us like to hang out in the evenings. in social networks, texting with friends, scrolling through the news feed or reading articles on the Internet. However, if your goal is to improve your health and appearance, then say “bye” to this habit. An hour or two before bedtime, do not use smartphones, laptops, etc.

Why so categorical? - you ask. Yes because Blue colour, which is emitted by the screen, has a very detrimental effect on the production of melatonin, as a result of which your sleep is disturbed. This leads to a deterioration in health. There can be no question of high level attentiveness, good memory and a strong immune system. We rarely think about it, but still try to live without gadgets for a month before going to bed. We are sure you will feel the difference.

Mask for sleep

Buy a sleep mask, even if you won't use it daily. It can come in handy at any most unpredictable moment. The most banal thing is that your husband wants to read before bed, but you are tired and want to sleep. You put on a mask and voila - darkness, nothing shines in your eyes. We also recommend buying earplugs - thanks to them, you can sleep peacefully if your neighbors suddenly decide to rearrange the furniture late at night or throw a loud party. 🙂


You won’t become a world champion in a month, but you can correct your figure and activate your muscles. And in order to definitely exercise, we advise you to purchase a membership to a fitness club. If you don’t really like it, take classes in stretching, Pilates, yoga, etc. Today, every fitness club provides different kinds workouts, you just have to choose what you like best.

Don't buy a yearly subscription right away. It is quite possible that you don’t particularly like something in the chosen club, or you simply want to try training in a new gym. It’s better to sign up where monthly payment is possible.

Beautiful posture

When walking, remember to keep your back straight. When you are in the gym, ask the trainers to show you best exercises to strengthen the back muscles. Also be sure to do stretching exercises during your workouts.

If you have a sedentary working at the computer, then remember that the top corner of the monitor should be at eye level. Take breaks from work at least once an hour. Get up and walk around the office to get some exercise.


This procedure is very useful and incredibly pleasant. Pamper yourself and book a massage at one of the spas. If you don’t want to overpay, look for where they make regular ones in your city. preventive massage. Perhaps a massage master will even be able to come to your home to conduct a session.


The optimal number of steps taken per day is 10 thousand. If the weather is more or less normal, get off public transport a couple of stops earlier to go for a walk. Or just go for a walk whenever you have a free moment. It is also useful to walk in the fresh air before bed – 15-30 minutes. If you live in an apartment and not in a private house, then do not be lazy to walk up the stairs.

Manicure and pedicure

Well-groomed hands are a woman’s calling card. But we cannot always create the ideal shape of our nails ourselves, remove cuticles and hangnails. Find good master and trust him to do it manicure. At the same time, it is not necessary to paint your nails with gel polish, this is at your request. By the way, this advice This also applies to men, because they have the same problems with nails.

As for pedicure, it is also important and not only from an aesthetic point of view. If calluses appear, cracks or nails grow in, this creates significant discomfort. Don’t let your feet get into such conditions; it’s better to at least visit a specialist sometimes. And at home, we advise you to use a laser file, because it is more effective than ordinary pumice.

A haircut

Experiment with your appearance, namely your hairstyle. Browse the Internet for haircuts you like, then visit one or more salons to consult with hairdressers. Do not try to save money so as not to stumble upon an unprofessional.

Facial care

When washing your face in the morning and evening, we recommend using a light cleanser. This could be foam or milk. Then apply cream to your face. In winter it should be nutritious, and in summer it should be moisturizing. If you have problem skin, go to a cosmetologist - he will be able to choose the right care products for you and, perhaps, give recommendations on nutrition.

In addition, if necessary, the cosmetologist will make you facial cleansing. We recommend ultrasound, because it is more gentle. After it, you won’t have to wait long for the appearance of your face to improve. The main benefit after cleansing is skin health.

One more thing important rule: Do not touch your face with dirty hands. This habit is quite common, but if you don't want to see pimples and other rashes on your face, learn to control your actions. This is especially true for those who have sensitive and problematic skin.


Go through your closet. Feel free to say goodbye to clothes that don’t fit you or are badly damaged. If you no longer intend to wear some items, but they look good, there is no need to throw them away. You can do a good deed by donating these clothes to those in need. There are various charity organisations, whose contacts can be found on the Internet.


It is very difficult to immediately and radically change your eating habits. Everything must be done gradually. First, try to eat less sweets, flour and other fast food products. Note that the point is not to sit on a strict diet for several weeks, and then start gorging on hamburgers and candy with even greater force.

You need to realize what is truly beneficial for your health and beauty, and what is very harmful. This is the only way you can set yourself target and confidently move towards it, removing everything unnecessary from your diet and adding more healthy ones.

Also, don't forget to have breakfast in the morning. Even if it’s oatmeal with fruit or scrambled eggs, your body should definitely be filled with energy in the morning, which will come from a good breakfast. And you are unlikely to want to eat something unhealthy before lunch or at least afternoon snack.

Prepare your own food at home, put it in a food container and take it with you to work so that you can eat normal nutritious food for lunch instead of unhealthy pies and sweets.

Day of rest

Allow yourself to relax and forget about all your worries. Remember that even a new hairstyle, dress and manicure will not remove the fatigue accumulated over a working week or even more time without normal rest from your face. Just lying on the couch in front of the TV won't help.

Visit Spa. Choose the treatments that suit you best. By the way, you can do everything described above on just one day - manicure, pedicure, massage, facial treatments. Relax and feel like a woman - beautiful, young and happy. And remember that all these procedures will have a great effect on your appearance.
