How to make a suspended ceiling in two levels. How to make a two-level stretch ceiling with lighting with your own hands. Fastening the tension fabric using harpoon technology

Modern Construction Materials allow you to repair the ceiling literally in a day. One of these methods is multi-level stretch ceilings, the installation of which we will talk to you about today.

A stretch ceiling is a sheet of PVC film stretched over a frame made of profiles. After its installation, the surface becomes flat, smooth and without seams. For wide rooms The canvases are glued together by welding, and they are almost invisible. The varied design of two-level stretch ceilings allows you to use them in any room - from classic to high-tech.
When choosing a stretch ceiling made of PVC film, you should be aware that this material does not “breathe” and mold and pathogenic bacteria can develop under it. To minimize the risk of their occurrence, the ceiling should be treated with an antifungal compound before installation.

Many are led by advertising that promises excellent quality minimum price and purchase ceilings made from low-quality Chinese PVC film. This film releases harmful substances that are dangerous to your health. In addition to the low price, you should be wary of the specific smell and thinness of the material itself. Feel free to ask for certificates and guarantees. An honest installer will definitely provide you with everything.

Nowadays fabric ceilings are gaining great popularity. Their main advantage is complete safety for health, since they do not emit harmful substances and have a “breathing” effect. Any design can be applied to fabric ceilings using airbrushing or photo printing. The fabric ceiling is frost-resistant and suitable for installation in rooms with sudden temperature changes. The main disadvantages are the high cost and the inability to retain water for a long time in case of flooding from above. everyone can weigh the pros and cons when choosing material for suspended ceilings and make a choice based on their priorities.

Features of installation work

It is suspended ceilings that are most suitable for creating multi-level structures. Unlike plasterboard, stretch fabric almost does not steal the height of ceilings, so you can freely combine different textures and levels of tension fabric.

Usually built-in lamps, patterns, images, etc. are added to the second level of the ceiling.

Scheme of harpoon and wedge fastening

There are 2 ways to secure suspended ceiling.

  1. Using a harpoon system. This option is the most popular due to its ease of installation and the required skills. The harpoons are attached during manufacture, so it is important to correctly measure the dimensions of the room. Experts recommend ordering tension fabric at 7% less area rooms. It is this method of fastening that we will tell you about.
  2. Using a wedge system. This method is technologically more complex and requires more experience of installers. However, its undoubted advantage is its versatility due to the absence of a harpoon around the perimeter of the canvas. It is not necessary to adhere to the strict dimensions of the tension film, and you can repeatedly tighten it, adjust the tension, and trim off the excess.

Basic elements of the harpoon mount design

  • A profile made of aluminum or plastic located around the perimeter of the room (baguette). With its help, the tension fabric is attached to the ceiling or walls. Usually the dimensions of a baguette on sale are 2.5 m and it is divided into several types: with ceiling, wall mount and connecting (separation).

Typically, wall profiles are used for installation, but if conditions do not allow them to be fixed, then ceiling profiles are used. For large rooms over 60 sq. m., in order to avoid sagging of the canvas, it is divided into several parts, which are connected by separation.

  • Canvas welded from several pieces with a harpoon around the perimeter.
  • Insert for closing the technological gap near the wall after fastening.

As a rule, the installation of two-level suspended ceilings occurs as a last resort, after the completion of the main dusty stages of repair.

Before starting installation, you must complete the installation of all necessary electrical wires, and stretch them to Right place, hanging on dowels.

Do not use lamps and electrical appliances that heat up, they can cause the stretch ceiling to sag. The maximum permissible power for incandescent and fluorescent lamps is 60 W. For 12 V halogen lamps - maximum power 35 W. For halogen lamps 220 V – 20 W. To install 12V recessed lights, use 11.5V step-down transformers.

If the base of the ceiling is in poor condition, it is necessary to prevent all kinds of shedding of the plaster. Old plaster clean and prime.

Frame installation

    • You can also use it as a second level by installing a baguette along its perimeter.

Scheme of a plasterboard box for fastening the tension fabric
    • If you decide to make two-level suspended ceilings entirely from PVC film, then create a bar to separate the first level from the second in order to attach a baguette to it. To do this, fix the metal profile exactly level or wooden block on the ceiling.

    • In principle, it doesn’t matter what the frame is made of - you can make it in any way convenient for you. For example, to create rounded structures, thin plywood is used, which is bent and attached to the ceiling. The main thing is to remove all irregularities so as not to tear the film.
    • Secure the suspended ceiling profile to dowels around the perimeter of the room. It must be positioned strictly horizontally, so be sure to use a level. In contrast, the indentation of the tension fabric from the surface can be several centimeters. However, consider the distance required for and lamps.

    • At the same time as this step, secure the profile for the second level. To create an even angle at the bend of the ceiling, secure a horizontal beam below the first one.

Final view of the frame
    • To avoid tearing the fabric at the fold, attach a smooth piece to the corner of the bar. plastic corner.
    • To attach built-in lamps, create homemade fastenings from two hangers. Although they do not look very aesthetically pleasing, they allow you to adjust their height.
    • Attach the chandelier mount in the same way, as shown in the photo.

Chandelier mount

Fastening the tension fabric using harpoon technology

If you decide to make two-level stretch ceilings with your own hands, you You will definitely need a gas gun to heat the air in the room. The price of such equipment usually costs more than 5,000 rubles. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to rent it, there is no point in buying it for a one-time job and it will be easier to hire specialists.

    • Using a heat gas gun, heat the air in the room to 50°-75°.
    • Insert the fabric, softened from the heat, into the grooves of the profile; after cooling, it will stretch even more. The last corner will be the most difficult to attach. If any wrinkles have formed on the surface, heat them and they will disappear.

Watch the full process technology in this video:

    • To insert the film harpoon into the profile, use a special spatula. Be careful not to damage the thin PVC film.
    • To attach the second level (lower), you also need to heat the room and secure the canvas to the profile. It is more convenient to do this together - one heats the air, the second inserts the film.

    • To hide the cracks, insert a flexible plastic cover into them. It is attached to the inner tooth of the baguette, which is closer to the wall, as shown in the photo. Thanks to its design, it will help hide minor irregularities on the wall.
  • When the air in the room has cooled, cut holes for the lamps. To do this, find their fastenings by pressing, and glue a thermal insulation ring to this place. Inside its radius, use a knife to make round hole. Install light bulbs on pre-prepared mounts.

How to install a chandelier in a suspended ceiling can be seen in this video:

That's the whole installation technology. On average, to make a room of 11 square meters. m. two-level suspended ceilings, it will only take 6 hours of work by two craftsmen.


As you may have noticed, to make two-level suspended ceilings, installation can be done with your own hands, using a heat gun. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. But since the cost of suspended ceilings includes their installation, there is no point in doing it yourself by purchasing expensive equipment. In any case, knowledge of the technology will help you check the correct installation.

Modern 2-level stretch ceilings have long become fashionable when decorating premises. Available components and materials have made simple what once adorned the castles of kings and nobles 200-300 years ago.

Flax was replaced by a development property chemical industry polyester thread and polyvinyl chloride. This made it possible to obtain raw materials from oil derivatives as one of the cheapest semi-finished products for the production of glamorous goods.

Glamor in construction or renovation is charm, fascination or enchantment that embodies an aesthetic phenomenon associated with fashion in the direction design solutions finishing of residential premises. And this is how they make suspended ceilings.

We install a fabric stretch ceiling in two tiers

To carry out work on multi-level stretch ceilings, you need to thoroughly prepare. Two-level stretch ceilings, or rather their installation will require assembling some tools: a spatula with a round working blade, an impact drill or hammer drill, a hammer, a hair dryer, a hydraulic or laser level, a hacksaw for metal, a pencil measuring tape (preferably M or TM).

Installation technology

Compared to a glossy film stretch ceiling made of polyvinyl chloride, 2-level stretch ceilings made of fabric create a soft and warm shade in daylight and main lighting.

Ceiling canvas with satin or other fabric texture does not irritate the retina when reflected sun rays, and, as we know, fabric dampens sound vibrations much more strongly than any film or membrane.

How to install a two-level, wavy fabric stretch ceiling

Before making a two-level stretch ceiling, it is recommended to sketch out a plan on a piece of paper. On the plan, display the intended design of the ceiling of the room. Installation always begins with its frame.

Installation begins, as a rule, with a second-level frame or in in this case waves. It will run from wall to wall, slightly offset from the center of the ceiling. It is made from a sheet of plywood of the required width (in this case 12 cm). To do this, the sheet is cut and moistened generously with water, which in 40-60 minutes will give it the necessary flexibility.

A wave is drawn on the ceiling using a cord and a self-tapping screw. To do this, screw a dowel-nail into the concrete (or any other) ceiling and tie a cord to it. A pencil is tied to the end of the cord at the required distance. After this, you can outline arcs, circles or bends on the ceiling in any direction.

A laser or hydraulic level is used to mark the horizontal level of the ceiling. With its help, marks of the second and first levels are transferred to the walls. Lines on the walls are marked with painter's tape.

When the wave line is outlined on the existing ceiling and the boundaries of the levels on the walls are determined, you can begin installing the second-level tension frame fabric ceiling.

Along the outlined line, pine blocks 10 cm long and 6 cm high (bogs) are attached to the concrete floor with dowels and self-tapping screws (at least two screws). A strip of plywood veneer with a width of 12 cm and a length equal to the wavelength on the ceiling is attached to them. 12 cm is exactly the distance from the suspended ceiling to the ceiling concrete floor, which is necessary for installing spotlights built-in.

The plywood strip is fastened with wood screws 40 mm long. In order for the plywood to take the required shape without kinks, it is recommended to wet it generously with water. The installation procedure can begin after at least 1 hour.

During this time, the fibers will acquire the necessary elasticity, which will allow them to be bent in the desired direction and secured to the bosses with self-tapping screws. After drying, the strip will take the shape given to it. A wall profile or baguette is attached to the walls along the marked lines of the second and first levels. It is recommended to lower the first level of a suspended fabric ceiling as close as possible to the existing ceiling (minimum 3 cm).

A clip-on wall molding is attached to the plywood frame to a height of 7 cm from the bottom edge. In order for it to take a curved shape, it is cut with a hacksaw with segments at an angle of 30-40 degrees. Along the line marked on the walls, the baguette for the first and second levels is also installed.

They are fastened with dowels and self-tapping screws in increments of 10-15 cm. In the places where the profiles join, the increment should be 2 cm. In the second level, the housing is mounted to the existing ceiling with dowels spotlights. Lay and connect electrical wiring to lighting devices.

The ceiling canvas of the second level is unrolled on the floor, and after laying out, the profile is inserted into the profile clip with a spatula along the entire perimeter of the frame. First, stretch the canvas on two opposite walls, and then on the remaining two. If there are folds left on the ceiling canvas, they need to be heated with a hairdryer until they are completely smoothed out.

After the second-level canvas is stretched onto the frame, the first-level canvas is tensioned. They stretch it according to the same pattern as the second level fabric. The housings of the lamps are felt by hand in these places special glue protector rings made of plastic are glued. They will protect the tension multi-level ceilings from heating the body of the spotlight.

Note! It is recommended to use economical ones as a light source in multi-level stretch ceilings. LED bulbs. They practically do not heat up.

After the glue has dried, the fabric inside the ring is cut out sharp knife and complete the installation of lighting fixtures. The stretch ceiling is installed and if you have any questions, watch the installation of two-level stretch ceilings in the video.

A two-level stretch ceiling is a truly original and unique decorative design that can hide defects in the main ceiling surface, hide ugly pipes and other communications from prying eyes, and also make the interior of the room elegant and individual. It is entirely possible to equip it with lamps, as well as spot or LED lighting.

Stretch ceilings can be installed using a couple of techniques. The first method assumes that structures with a special configuration are pre-attached to the ceiling. It is between these structures that the film is tensioned. The second method is not so complicated and is based on preliminary fixation of the baguette, which allows you to subsequently stretch the fabric. The advantage of the second method lies not only in its simplicity, but also in the fact that it does not involve reducing the volume of the room, which is extremely important factor V typical apartment multi-storey building.

The design and lighting of a stretch ceiling deserves special words. If you wisely install spotlights and diffused light sources on the ceiling, you can achieve visual increase room volume. In addition, light helps to zonally divide the room. You can design a suspended ceiling with two levels different ways. It is possible to combine color, material and even texture. Usually, independent work The installation of a suspended ceiling takes a maximum of two days.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in a situation where you decide to install the ceiling yourself, the film manufacturer declines all responsibility for the result. The stages of work must be strictly followed, otherwise there will be a need to completely remove the structure and start the work again, or to reinforce the frame. For perfect tension, make sure that even the most small detail the ideal was fixed in its place.

So, installation of the tension two-level ceiling should be done with your own hands using the following tool:

  • and a screwdriver;
  • Heat gun;
  • Ladder;
  • Building level;
  • Special blades with which the canvas is secured.

Using a hammer drill, the profile is securely fixed to the wall, and heat gun makes it possible to heat the fabric sufficiently to ensure ideal tension.

In progress self-installation should be addressed Special attention for the most dangerous moments, including taking measurements, cutting fabric or film, and working with a gas heat gun. Accuracy in taking measurements is necessary, because the slightest mistake will reduce to zero the possibility of obtaining a perfectly flat surface.

At the first stage, it is necessary to take measurements and draw up a sketch on the basis of which the work will be carried out. You should measure the diagonal and perimeter of the room, calculate the area, and also mark the points at which the lighting fixtures will be installed.

The ceiling is fixed using a special profile. Before fixing the profile, it is necessary to outline the line along which it will pass. If you plan to install a bulky lamp on the ceiling (a chandelier, for example), then approximately 5 centimeters should be left from the main surface of the ceiling to the film. The profile-baguette is fixed using the “dowel-nail” system. This fastener is capable of firmly holding the film for several years. After the baguette has been installed, the wires have been connected and the locations of the lamps have been determined, you can begin the actual installation.

During the tensioning process, corner hangers should be used. After this, the heat gun is launched, the task of which is to heat the film to the 70-degree mark. The heated canvas becomes very elastic and pliable, thanks to which it can be fixed in the guide profile without any problems. When the canvas is sufficiently stretched, holes can be made in it for installing lighting fixtures. The fastening of lamps and canvas is based on special latches. At the final stage of installation, two-level cornices are installed.

More and more people are spending renovation work indoors, preference is given to stretch and suspended ceilings. Taking advantage modern materials and guided by the basic rules of installation, you can create unique options, which will become not just an addition to the interior, but a central compositional element.

The stretch ceiling looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, in addition, it robust design, which, for example, can save your house from flooding from above.

In order to level the plane, it is enough to make a single-level structure. But in order to create more original ceiling, it is worth installing several levels. It’s quite possible for everyone to do it on their own. The main thing is to follow some technological nuances and recommendations from experienced specialists.

Characteristics of a two-level ceiling using PVC film

Stretch films today are made from different materials. The most common type is PVC film. The finished surface can be either glossy or matte. Large fabrics will have seams. This is due to the fact that PVC film has a certain width, and if you need to make a product with a larger width, you have to glue the sheets together. But even despite this, the surface looks even and smooth.

If the room is high enough, it is best to make a ceiling structure in several levels, one of which will be a tension one. The great popularity of stretch fabrics is associated with their qualities, including:

PVC film forms a smooth, durable surface, but is easily damaged by sharp objects and deteriorates at low temperatures.

  • a perfectly flat surface in a very short time and with little labor;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • in case of flooding upper floors PVC film will retain a fairly large amount of water, thereby protecting furniture, flooring and other interior items.

It is also worth noting the disadvantages that suspended ceilings have:

  • it is very easy to damage the canvas with a sharp object, after which it is impossible to repair the damaged area;
  • the canvas is exposed to very low temperatures, therefore, it is not recommended to use such materials in unheated rooms;
  • quite high price offers that are not affordable to everyone.

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Planning a two-level ceiling

In order to clearly understand what should happen, you need to make a ceiling plan with all dimensions and explanations.

At the design stage, it is worth having an idea of ​​the end result. This will allow you to think through all the details and aspects of work that will arise during the installation process at the very beginning. By making the structure in several levels, you can hide all the irregularities and defects concrete ceiling. Different level The design will allow you to zone the room if there is such a need. For this you can use different shape, texture, color. Suspended ceiling can also be equipped with any number of lighting fixtures.

A two-level suspended ceiling must be performed in the same concept with common interior premises. If the interior does not involve too many different structural elements, you should not overload the ceiling with them, as it can visually compress the space. A large number of elements and very complex ceiling shapes will only be justified in a large, spacious room.

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Basic technical requirements for installing a multi-level ceiling

In order to secure PVC film, it is necessary to install an aluminum or plastic baguette. The gap that remains between the canvas and the base is subsequently sealed with a special decorative insert. The PVC film is mounted on the plasterboard structure at the very end, after all the dusty work is completed.

There are some requirements for mounting the canvas:

The installation of the frame for a two-level ceiling is made of metal profiles.

  • It is imperative to clean the old base to prevent the old finishing layer from falling off;
  • the profile for attaching the film must be installed on a solid base;
  • It is not allowed to locate communications that will heat up under the suspended ceiling, since at high temperatures the canvas will sag.

In order to begin installing a metal profile frame for a two-level ceiling, you need to thoroughly prepare concrete base. Having examined the entire area for defects and unreliable areas, you can begin cleaning. To prevent fallen pieces of finishing from damaging the PVC sheet, areas that do not adhere well to the base must be removed.

After the base has been cleaned, the surface is treated with antiseptic primers.

This will prevent fungus from forming. In order to carry out preparatory work Before you start, you should prepare tools such as:

  • spatulas;
  • metal brush;
  • roller;
  • brush;
  • primer tray.

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Installation of metal profile frame

Necessary tools at this stage:

  • painting padding;
  • hydro or laser level;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill, drill bits and bit bit;
  • needle roller;
  • construction knife;
  • screws and dowels;
  • spatula of several sizes.

Sectional design of a two-level stretch ceiling.

The first thing to start with when mounting a frame is marking. In order to do correct markings, it is recommended to use a laser or hydraulic level. Using such tools will give the most accurate results. It is enough to make marks in the corners of the room, after which they need to be connected to each other with a chop cord.

After markings have been made around the perimeter of the room, you can begin attaching the guide profile. The U-shaped profile is attached to the wall using dowels. This type of profile will also be used to create a box on the ceiling. If it is necessary to make a curved shape, the profile is cut every 3-4 cm, which will allow you to make a curved line out of it. After the profile is secured, drops (profile segment) are attached to it. They are lowered to the level at which the horizontal guide profile is fixed. They will form the lower plane of the two-level structure. The profiles are fastened to each other using self-tapping screws, which in the construction industry are called “bug”. These screws are tightened with a screwdriver.

When creating a structure from a metal profile, you need to take care of its strength and reliability. This is due to the fact that a profile for PVC installations canvases. Taking into account the fact that the film will be stretched, the metal profile structure must be able to withstand such loads.

Once the entire structure of the profiles is assembled, you can proceed to the next stage. It involves conducting electrical wiring. All locations of lamps must be thought out at the design stage. All wires should be secured to the ceiling so that they do not touch the drywall and especially the stretch film.

Installation option for a two-level stretch ceiling.

The final stage of creating the first level is covering the frame with plasterboard sheets. If the ceiling has a curved shape, all parts must be prepared on the floor; for convenience, you can use frame patterns. When attaching plasterboard sheets The screws need to be slightly deeper into the material. This will allow you to putty the surface without any problems.

Puttying the surface must begin with sealing the seams and recesses from self-tapping screws. It is imperative to use mesh for seams. It will prevent the putty from falling out and cracking. In order to make even corners, it is necessary to use perforated corners.

If the box has a straight shape, metal corners can be used; for curved shapes, it is worth choosing a flexible plastic corner. They are attached to putty. After the corners have set and held tightly, and the seams have completely dried, you can begin to putty the entire area plasterboard ceiling. Before puttying, it is necessary to make holes for the lamps. For this, a drill and a special “crown” attachment are used. After puttying, the surface is sanded and painted. Upon completion of all processes, we can consider that the first level is ready.

Time does not stand still, technology and science too. The engineering fraternity is inventing something. With the advent of polyvinyl chloride films, designers now have a material in their hands that provides a wide field of activity and allows all developments to be translated into reality. In principle, such an effect in the design of ceilings cannot be achieved with other materials. The technology for installing a two-level stretch ceiling is not that complicated. Everything will take about 3-4 hours. In addition, you will be pleased with the absence of putties, mortars, paints and construction waste.

Features of two-level stretch ceilings

A modern stretch ceiling is a canvas made of polyvinyl chloride film, which is attached to a frame profile. After installation, the canvas acquires a smooth and even surface without the formation of any seams. Although the panel actually consists of several panels firmly connected by welding.

Installation of suspended ceilings, single-level and even two-level, is the most aesthetic and comfortable view finishing. Such ceilings look especially beautiful in large rooms with high walls. Used as a cloth fabric material or vinyl film, and the surface of the ceiling can have a different structure - glossy or matte.

The following advantages of this type of finishing are highlighted:

  • Obtaining a flat ceiling surface with little labor. The ceilings in apartments are often uneven and have large differences in height. To get rid of this shortcoming traditional way, that is, with the help plaster mortar, it will take a lot of effort and time. Labor costs for obtaining a flat surface when using suspended ceiling technology will be insignificant. In addition, stretch ceilings have the undeniable advantage of speed of installation.
  • External attractiveness. It is unlikely that you will be able to dispute the fact that this finish looks very beautiful. In addition, the range of suspended ceiling panels is quite wide and varied and you can choose a variety of options.
  • Water protection. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens apartment buildings accidents, as a result of which apartments located down the riser are flooded. But when installing two-level suspended ceilings with your own hands, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your repairs. The curtains simply won’t let water through. To eliminate the accident, you will only need to release the water and eliminate the sagging of the panel using a heat gun.

Of course, stretch ceilings also have their disadvantages:

  • Relative fragility of the panel. If you touch the coating with some sharp object, damage will occur on its surface - a scratch or puncture.
  • Panels made from PVC film should not be installed in suburban buildings for seasonal residence, which are not heated in winter, since the film will collapse under the influence of low temperatures. However, in this case, you can use fabric panels that can withstand perfectly low temperatures, therefore, for finishing unheated buildings it is necessary to choose this option.
  • High price. Stretch ceilings will cost you a lot, especially two-level ones. But the high price of two-level stretch ceilings is more than compensated for by their for a long time useful operation. And in order not to pay installers for installing the canvas, you can do all the work yourself.

Sketch of a two-level stretch ceiling

It is suspended ceilings that are most suitable for complex two-level ceilings that have an unusual configuration. Since PVC film is plastic and flexible, it makes it easy to realize any design idea.

When developing a project for a two-level stretch ceiling, several points should be taken into account: the desired aesthetic result and functional feasibility. With a two-level design you can hide any unevenness ceilings and effectively arrange lighting. The possibility of zoning space should not be discounted. To do this, a combination of different textures, colors and shapes of the stretch fabric is used, which not only divides the room into separate zones, but also optically enlarges it.

Choice color combinations and forms when arranging a two-level stretch ceiling must be determined by the general concept of the interior. So, in rooms with a laconic color scheme and the interior layout will be unnecessary arrangement ceiling structure complex shape with fancy curls, much brighter than other interior elements in color combination.

Regarding two-level suspended ceilings with photo printing, the following must be said. Undoubtedly, such effects look impressive and unusual in nature. But too much emphasis on the ceiling surface (unusual shape, and even a bright pattern) is justified only in spacious rooms with high ceilings.

But if you decide to take this step, you need to take into account the property of the glossy panel to “glare” and reflect the surface. Images with starry sky effects, patterns and optical fibers are usually built into the lower level of the stretch fabric.

Technical requirements for installation of a two-level structure

The main elements of a two-level system are: a plastic or aluminum baguette of a wall, ceiling or connecting type, which is required for attaching the film directly to the ceiling or box; canvas, which consists of several pieces of film that are soldered to each other and bordered with a flexible harpoon around the perimeter; decorative insert, which closes mounting slot 4 millimeters between the wall and the canvas.

As a rule, the installation of two-level suspended ceilings is carried out on the last stage repair when all dusty work is completely completed. The following requirements are put forward for the installation procedure:

  • The profile is usually installed on concrete, brick, plasterboard, wood, aluminum, tiles or plaster. The coating of the old ceiling must not be allowed to crumble - it must first be cleaned and primed.
  • Installation of a two-level stretch ceiling can be done in a room with furniture sets, household appliances and other interior items. But remember that the distance to the new ceiling from the top of the cabinet near the wall should be more than 70 centimeters.
  • Before starting work, it is recommended to develop a diagram of electrical wiring and communications in the places where the tension fabric will be installed.
  • High-quality installation of a two-level stretch ceiling is possible only under a certain thermal regime of the electrical equipment that is built into the new ceiling: the devices should heat up slightly. The same applies to ventilation, spotlights, climate control equipment, alarm and fire extinguishing systems.

Installation of a frame for a two-level ceiling

Before making a two-level stretch ceiling, you need to make a frame from metal profiles that are intended for plasterboard structures. The plane of the structure must be strictly horizontal. Using a laser or water level, you need to mark marks in each corner of the room. From these marks a continuous line is drawn using a tapping cord around the perimeter of the room.

Attach the U-shaped profile along the designated line using a hammer drill and dowels. The same profile must be installed on the ceiling according to pre-laid markings. The shape of the box can be straight or curved. To secure the profile along a curved line, you need to cut it with metal scissors, maintaining an interval of 3-4 centimeters, in such a way that you can bend it to the required curvature.

Attach lowerings made from sections of the profile to the profile fixed to the ceiling. The lower edge of the slopes should be at the same horizontal level with the wall profile. Together they will form the lower plane of the entire two-level structure. The fastening interval is 25-30 centimeters.

From two profile sections and U-shaped profiles, assemble a box, twisting it with metal screws so that you get a structure that looks like a pipe rectangular section. This design need to be attached to pre-installed drops. Carry out all fastening work along the profile using self-tapping screws of the “bug” type using a screwdriver.

Attach the installed box to the wall profile with a wide supporting profile. Strict correspondence between horizontals and verticals is mandatory; you can check the angles using a level. In this way, assemble the entire frame around the perimeter of the room. Subsequently screw a baguette for the tension fabric to the box. When the stretch ceiling film cools, it will stretch greatly, so the box design must be highly durable, designed to withstand the load and withstand the tension of the PVC film.

The next stage of installing two-level suspended ceilings with your own hands is laying the electrical wiring necessary for arranging the lighting and covering the frame with plasterboard. Cut the sheets of the required size and install them on the box, securing them to the drywall with self-tapping screws. After installing all the elements, you need to strengthen the corners using a perforated corner, which is usually fixed to gypsum putty.

All recesses from self-tapping screws and seams must also be puttied. After the putty has hardened, the box must be sanded with a special sanding float. Mark the locations of the built-in lamps and drill holes using the appropriate “crown” attachment, then prime the surface of the box and cover it with wallpaper or apply paint. The lower level ceiling is made in this way. Installing a suspended ceiling is much simpler.

Methods for attaching tension fabric

So, installation of tension fabrics requires the following equipment and tools: a hammer drill for attaching guide profiles to the walls, a heat gun with gas cylinder for heating the panel and its installation, a screwdriver, a level for creating markings (it is best to use a laser, but if this is not available, then a hydraulic one is possible), a stepladder for convenient work at height, spatulas and special spatulas for stretching and securing the PVC film.

The tension fabric itself must be attached to the installed profiles using a glazing bead, harpoon or wedge method. The most common method of installation is the harpoon method: a harpoon is welded to the edges of the film on a machine - a special hook that is needed to attach the profile and tension the fabric.

A ceiling equipped with this technology can be easily dismantled and reinstalled during repairs or flooding, unlike glazing beads and wedges. In this case, it is recommended to cut the canvas in a special way and very precisely: optimal solution, if it is 7% less than the area of ​​the ceiling to be covered, as shown in the video about installing a two-level stretch ceiling.

The wedge method involves fastening the canvas, which has larger size ceiling area, so the film is carefully measured and after stretching, excess material is cut off. The bead method is similar to the wedge method. However, the film must be attached to the profile using a special tape, which provides excellent tension.

An improved technology for installing a two-level stretch ceiling requires an accurate drawing indicating dimensions. The canvas is cut out and sewn up only after measuring the room! Fastening the suspended ceiling to plasterboard box or frame, you need to ensure reliable fixation of the baguette and high density fit of the profile to the mounted two-level system. The type and duration of operation of the new ceiling will depend on this.

Before installing a two-level stretch ceiling, it is recommended to heat the canvas with a hairdryer or heat gun to plus 60 degrees to make it more elastic. When installing such a structure, the air temperature in the room should be at least plus 40 degrees Celsius. The film is attached first in one corner, fixed in the opposite and only then in the remaining corners. The last corner is the longest and most difficult to attach.

After this, the canvas needs to be fixed into the profiles in increments of 8 centimeters: with a spatula, secure the film over the entire baguette, stretching it evenly. Cut off the remaining fabric if you chose wedge or glazing bead technology. Straighten out all stripes and folds by heating the film construction hairdryer. When the room is cooled to normal temperature, it will smooth out, and ceiling surface will become perfectly even and smooth.

Cover the technological gap with flexible masking tape. Cut holes in the canvas for the lamps. To protect him from warm lamps Cover the edges with a thermal insulating ring. If the light is behind the stretch fabric, it will evenly illuminate the entire area. But the lamps do not touch the film.

As you can see, the technology for installing a suspended two-level ceiling in your home is available to everyone. In addition, it is precisely these ceilings that are functional, voluminous and elite. With a little time and effort, you will get a magnificent arch above your head that will cover all the defects and unevenness of the old ceiling. In addition, this design is not afraid of any water if you are accidentally flooded by your upstairs neighbors.
