How to fight “jackals” in the army. Advice from a soldier. What officer ranks are accepted in the modern Russian army? Where do officers serve?

The command staff of the armed forces includes a group of very diverse military specialties, differing both in the branches of the military and in the type of work performed. Depending on what specific specialty an officer has, he can either be primarily involved in commanding soldiers and lower-ranking officers, or independently work with complex military equipment.

You can become an officer by enrolling in one of the many military schools. In addition, you can graduate from a military department at a civilian university, and then go to serve under a contract. Another option is to remain in the army after conscription and receive an officer rank after appropriate advanced training. An officer is required to be disciplined and responsible, a combination of diligence and initiative, self-confidence and determination, and good health.

The problem of employment in its traditional sense for officers in service is practically non-existent (although it becomes acute if an officer resigns for one reason or another). A military serviceman is a person who practically does not belong to himself, he does not look for a place of work according to his own taste, like “in civilian life,” but serves where he is ordered, and does not always have the opportunity to influence how his professional fate is decided .

In general, the army is a structure in which there is a clear hierarchy; each person knows exactly whose orders he is obliged to carry out and who he has the right to order (and orders, as you know, are not discussed). Most aspects of life and activity are quite strictly regulated in it, there are charters, many different regulatory documents, there is a strictly defined uniform of clothing, daily routine, etc. Good officers are made from those who are comfortable in such conditions. For those who most dream of freedom and creative self-expression, it is better to look for themselves in other areas of activity.

When choosing a military profession, you cannot count on the fact that the service will always take place in peaceful conditions. Fortunately, the likelihood of a new world war is now low, however fighting arise every now and then in various “hot spots”. And the people who end up there are mostly not those who serve under conscription or are mobilized from the reserves, but precisely those who have chosen military affairs as their main profession: contract soldiers and career officers. An officer in combat conditions will be required to have enormous resistance to stress, a combination of determination with reasonable caution, as well as the ability to instantly navigate complex and dangerous situations. The life of both his own and that of the fighters will depend on how well he demonstrates these qualities.

The income level of most officers in modern Russia small, slightly lower average salary in industry (with the exception of senior management). However, this is largely compensated by the fact that the officer in the service is fully supported by the state, and outside the military unit he enjoys many social benefits.

An officer's career prospects are associated with career growth and the assignment of higher ranks, which depends, in addition to having a military education at the appropriate level, on three components.

  1. Length of service. It is impossible to immediately step from lieutenant to colonel; in each successive rank you must serve a certain period of time (in some cases, for special merits, the rank may be awarded ahead of schedule).
  2. The effectiveness of previous service, the presence of incentives and awards, the absence of penalties, positive reviews higher command.
  3. Opportunity to take up a position that requires a higher rank. It happens that an officer’s growth is hampered due to the fact that where he serves there are simply no vacant positions that imply a higher rank (for example, no one will assign the rank of colonel to a company commander until the position of commander of a larger structural unit becomes available for him).

Officers, especially those serving in unfavorable conditions(for example, in the Far North), have an accelerated length of service, the opportunity to retire quite early (by the way, military pensions are significantly higher than civilian ones) and have time to make a successful career in other fields.

It is considered one of the most prestigious. She embodied such moral ideals as devotion to the Motherland, courage, bravery, honor and responsibility. Military events recent years testify to the high professionalism of career officers. They contributed to the increased interest in this craft among young people, including those who graduated from civilian universities. Young people are increasingly wondering how to become an officer Russian army.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. First acquaintance with the profession

The formation of interest in the military craft begins at school while studying the subject “Life Safety”. School program hours are provided for educating the younger generation in the spirit of high patriotism.

During the lessons, children get acquainted with the profession of defender of the Fatherland, with examples from life. Teachers draw the attention of schoolchildren to the significance and importance of the military for the country.

What is the officer corps?

The army of any state provides for the presence of persons of the administrative-legal category. These people are the organizers, as well as the direct executors of tasks for the defense and security of the country. Before becoming an army officer and beginning to perform your duties, you must obtain the appropriate education and rank. The officer corps has at all times been the backbone of the army.

The steadfastness, professionalism, dedication and devotion to the Fatherland of career officers maintained the armed forces in constant combat readiness.

The formation of correct moral principles among officers is carried out in special military educational institutions.

How is officer training going these days?

IN Russian Federation There are a sufficient number of military universities involved in training future officers. Each institution has the right to impose its own requirements on candidates. All necessary information on how to become a military officer can be obtained from the commissariats. Having elected future profession military man, a young man can take two paths to his intended goal.

The first way

This option is considered the most labor-intensive, as it can take a long period of time. The learning process is not easy. It takes place in the highest specialized military institutions. Before becoming an officer and receiving a rank, a young man must study for several years and successfully graduate from a military university.

This option is chosen by all future career officers. For those who are interested in how to become an officer in the Russian army and want to undergo special training on the territory of the Russian Federation, there are 55 military universities: institutes, universities and academies, providing their graduates with more than 250 specialties.

The second way

Many future applicants are interested in how to become an officer after a civilian university. Is it possible?

An officer rank can also be obtained in civilian life. To do this you need:

  • choose a university with a military department;
  • successfully complete it;
  • undergo field training (they last 80 days).

Citizens who graduate from a civilian university with a military department before reaching the age of 24, after passing preliminary selection and special training, receive the rank of officer. Work with graduates is carried out by the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration.

Which way is better?

Everyone who wants to become an officer is given the opportunity to choose one path or another. Military educational institutions are designed to help everyone who wants to learn how to become an officer of the Russian Federation, and in the future completely connect their life with the army. IN in this case The age of applicants is limited to: from 16 to 27 years. Upon admission, there is an informal requirement: it is desirable that the candidate undergo military service. For persons under 18 years of age, the law provides for deferments and academic leave for the period of their service.

When choosing a civilian educational institution, the presence of a military department in it is of particular importance. Successful completion of such a civilian university gives the graduate the opportunity to either become a conscript officer (receive the rank of lieutenant) or go into the reserves and not connect his future with the army. If desired, persons who have graduated from civilian universities can be reinstated to serve as officers. To do this, you need to contact the local military registration and enlistment office with a statement of desire to serve under a contract and undergo a medical examination. For applicants who have graduated from civilian universities without a military department, special command courses are provided that allow them to quickly become an officer.

Upon graduation from a civilian university with a military department

After a civilian university, a graduate receives. Often, people from civilian backgrounds and with higher education are recruited into the state security service. The title may also be awarded to individuals with a good track record or proven track record of success. Management sometimes takes these steps to reward the most conscientious subordinates.

Most graduates of civilian educational institutions, having the rank of lieutenant, go into the reserve and are not called up for service. Those who are conscripted often receive sergeant positions in the army. This is due to a shortage of officer vacancies. Those who have learned how to become an officer, have finally decided on their choice and decided to make a military career are recommended to start with specialized military educational institutions.

What should people do who graduated from civilian universities without a military department?

Often the question of how to become a Russian officer interests young people who graduated from a civilian university that does not have a military department. In this case, you should submit documents to a military university. To be admitted, an applicant must have good physical training, knowledge on specific subjects and the necessary socio-psychological qualities. These three points are taken into account by the selection committee. For psychological examination, testing and an interview are provided, the results of which make it possible to draw conclusions about the psychological stability, reliability of applicants, as well as their ability to endure all the hardships of service. The Unified State Exam is used to test applicants' general education.


Often young people who want to know how to become an officer after a civilian university consult with lawyers on this issue. Social media, in which they share their problem, reveal it in all its diversity of aspects:

  • Is there a chance to get an officer rank after serving a military term, graduating from a civilian university and becoming a contract soldier? (Answer: upon completion of studies at a civilian university and subsequent military training, by order of the Minister of Defense, a person is awarded the rank of officer. If the educational institution had a military department, then the assignment does not depend on whether the applicant is an active military man or he is in the reserve. The rank of foreman and sergeant is assigned by order of the regiment commander.)
  • Is it possible to obtain the rank of officer in the army with a higher education diploma? (Answer: until the applicant is appointed to an officer position, even with several higher educations, he will not be able to receive an officer rank. When appointed to such a position, the assignment of a rank is possible even if he has only a general secondary education. But in this case - if there is no higher education - this is will be a junior lieutenant. If you have a diploma of higher education, the first rank will be lieutenant. A conscript employee can only receive the rank of sergeant - subject to his appointment to a sergeant position).
  • What title is awarded after a civilian university? (Answer: after graduating from a university or institute with a military department, a newly minted young specialist becomes a reserve lieutenant. The same rank is awarded upon graduation from a military school.
  • Is it possible to obtain the rank of lieutenant after graduating from a civilian university without a military department? (Answer: in the absence of training at a military department, the rank of lieutenant is not awarded. It is necessary to complete military service or enter a military university (up to 24 years of age).
  • Is it possible for a graduate of a civilian university (“reserve officer”) to receive the rank of junior lieutenant after graduating? (Answer: a citizen who is in the reserve can receive the first and next military rank no higher than captain of the 1st rank or colonel. In this case, he must be assigned to a military unit. In case of mobilization, he is called up to a position providing for an equal or higher military rank. This person must necessarily pass and pass the necessary tests).
  • What specialty of a civilian university should a contract soldier enroll in to get a better chance of continuing his military career as an officer? (Answer: Before reaching the age of 24, you can enter a military university. At an older age, you can enter any civilian university, but only after completing 3 years of service. After graduating from a university, in order to be awarded the rank of officer, the employee must be appointed to an officer position.)
  • Where is the best place for a graduate of a civilian university to serve in order to continue his military career after the army? (Answer: for the continuation of military service, the branch of the military in which the former civilian student will serve in military service does not play a special role).
  • Is it possible to study to become an officer in absentia after signing a contract? (Answer: there is no correspondence military training in the Russian Federation. If you want to become an officer, you can enter a military university. There, after the first year of study, a contract is signed for the entire period of study, as well as for 5 years of service upon completion).
  • Is it possible to serve under a contract in the army and study part-time at a civilian university? (Answer: this is possible. The law stipulates that contract military personnel, except officers who have continuously served for at least three years, can study in higher and secondary institutions with state accreditation, as well as preparatory courses federal universities at the expense budget funds by form of study: full-time, part-time or evening. They have the right to enter these institutions without competition).
  • Does the military registration and enlistment office have the right to refuse to a graduate of a civilian university (received the specialty “manager, personnel management”), who has not served “fixed-term” service, in his desire to sign a contract as an officer, citing the fact that there is no military position for his civilian specialty? (Answer: right. Officer young man they won't take it. There really are no managers in the army. He can be called up as a private or a sailor, and after completing military service (or during the period of completion) he can sign a contract. Since he has higher education, he will need to pass the IVC, tests and pass physical standards).
  • IN given time the man serves as a foreman (contract soldier). In the summer he finishes his studies at the university (specialty "finance and credit"). Can he apply for a higher rank? (Answer: a military man will be able to receive the rank of officer (in this case, lieutenant) only if he is appointed to an officer position. This is possible without having a higher education. In the absence of such a position, he will not be able to receive the rank).

How to become a police officer?

Police officers can be between 18 and 35 years of age. The gender of the candidate does not matter. Admissions Committee individual qualities and data obtained as a result of a serious medical, psychological and professional examination are assessed. Police officers of the Russian Federation receive special education at universities and academies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For persons who have graduated from a civilian university under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and have legal education, your chances of becoming a police officer are greater. This also applies to those who graduated (it accepts applicants from the ninth grade) from the cadet corps or college with a legal specialty.

Applicants from other universities with diplomas in other specialties can also receive the rank of officer. To do this, the candidate must submit an application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He will then be directed to pass accelerated courses, upon completion of which he has the right to apply for employment in the police.

What documents need to be provided?

  • Personal passport (Russian and foreign).
  • Diploma of education.
  • Work book.
  • Application for a job.
  • Completed application form.
  • A written autobiography.

How to obtain the rank of FSB officer?

The activities of the FSB, which is engaged in protecting the national interests of the Russian Federation, differs from other law enforcement agencies in its particular complexity and responsibility. In this case, very high demands are placed on applicants.

Intellectuals for whom the army and police are not considered the limit have found their use in the service of the state. Such people fill up the FSB officer corps. You can become one of its members by taking a training course at the FSB Academy.

Graduation from this higher educational institution gives the graduate the opportunity to both become a state security officer and successfully make a career in any other law enforcement agency of the Russian Federation.

All the requirements for candidates who decide to connect their lives with the army, police and other law enforcement agencies are quite high. The work of an officer itself involves a lack of free time and often puts the health and sometimes the life of the employee at risk. If you want to be not just an officer, but to advance and occupy high ranks, daily duty, urgent calls and other difficulties of service will not be a burden. Good result and success can come from loving your work.

German Offizier, from Lat. officiarius - official) - a person of command (commanding) in the armed forces, police and gendarmerie. The title of O. first appeared at the end of the 16th century. in France. Introduced in Russia in the 1630s. in the regiments of the “foreign system”. At the end of 1917, officer ranks were abolished; introduced into the USSR in 1943; stored in the Russian Federation.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


a member of the command staff of the armed forces, police and gendarmerie. For the first time the word "O." found in the writings of Duke Philip of Cleves “Kriegsordnung” (1573), but it did not yet have a modern meaning, but meant any person who held a certain public position. Only towards the end of the 16th century. in France the word "O." acquired modern meaning, later turned into everything European countries. According to Russian pre-revolutionary legislation, officers were usually divided into chief officers (up to and including captain; according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, chief officers correspond to junior officers), staff officers (up to and including colonel - senior officers and generals (highest officers). Responsibilities of officers. are as follows: O. must lead his subordinates in battle, train his subordinates in the requirements of military affairs and educate them in the consciousness of military duty and honor. American political scientist S. Huntington classifies O. as specialists in “violence management.” Among the duties of O. are he includes: 1) organization, equipment and training military force; 2) planning its activities and 3) directing its actions in and out of combat. O. are persons exercising operational (combat) and administrative management of subordinate units, units, formations and associations, as well as persons who, as a rule, have a higher education and perform management support functions, i.e. specialists.

Ilya, based on his service experience, gives advice to soldiers and those who are planning to join the army on how they can fight the “jackals”.

Hello, my name is Ilya.

I serve in the Guards Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment.

The division into three types of officers: jackal (the worst type), indifference (respectively, they don’t care) and officer (the bone of the army) is “traditional” and is easily understood by everyone who served in the army. The fact is that, in my opinion, this very correlation of “asshole-dullness-person” is quite consistent with what you encounter in civilian life. The peculiarity of the army is that you can’t get away from an asshole so easily, he has disproportionately more ways to spoil you personally, and doing anything about it, especially at the beginning of the army career, is quite problematic. I want to give some tips on how to deal with this:

The jackal always believes that he is superior to a soldier in everything, always and under any conditions, be it drill training (although some fat-faced jackals can barely climb a step, not to mention the marching step), knowledge of the regulations (they know the Soviet regulations in fragments, not relevant God knows how many years ago) or computer equipment (the folders on my monitor were erased, most likely they fell into the mouse, return them quickly!). So my first piece of advice is: don't argue with an asshole. Sets a stupid task that you can complete, no matter how wild and senseless it may seem to you? Do it silently. Don’t persuade, don’t prove, don’t argue - the jackal won’t appreciate it. Remember, he knows better than you about everything, because he has served in the army for 20 years and is a captain! If you can’t do a task, say “yes” and don’t do it. There will be problems, but you wouldn’t be able to avoid them anyway.

The jackal is always looking to get to the bottom of the soldier, so watch yourself. In general, I don’t recommend letting yourself go in the army - no one will appreciate this: neither the jackals, nor the officers, nor your own colleagues. But the most problems will come from the jackals, while he himself may look like a pathetic piece of unshaven shit in pixel form. Believe me, it is doubly unpleasant when a greasy pig reprimands you for dirty filing and smells of fumes from 300 meters away.

In my first outfit, I did the following: at night, when no one is watching whether you are stuck on the nightstand, I took the internal service charter and read it from cover to cover. Then the other three. In total, each 4 times during the first month of service, the so-called KMB. And, believe me, I never regretted it. Not a single jackal was able to “jack off” me with the charter, although there were attempts. According to the regulations, everyone around owes a soldier, you can safely use this. But, again!, first read, memorize, then use.

There will definitely be several good, honest officers in your regiment - stick to them. Ask them for advice, ask questions. Such people will help you in the service and will protect you from the jackal

And, for me, the most important thing is to be useful. I'm serious. If you are a useful soldier, the jackals will not touch you. You can criticize them as much as you like, but even they are their own spinal cord They understand that the soldier from whom you ask for help is not worth jerking off. Therefore, show your strengths– and you will be noticed. Just don’t get me wrong: I’m not calling on you now to rat in favor of the jackals or “grease up” to them in every possible way, otherwise there will be idiots, and I will remain to blame.

In general, this is what I am ready to say on this issue. It turned out that I didn’t really respond to the original article, if I didn’t confirm it, but that’s how it turned out. The army is not a separate life, you specifically live there and, as always, you bear responsibility for your position, and not anyone around you, be it jackals, grandfathers, or someone else.

To win the tender heart of a girl, a young man only needs to have an attractive appearance and be the life of the party. To earn a woman’s favor, a man only needs to be a ladies’ man and have “golden” hands. But not a single young man or man will have a chance of success with the female half if He is nearby - a courageous, strong and self-confident officer.

To win the tender heart of a girl, a young man only needs to have an attractive appearance and be the life of the party. To earn a woman’s favor, a man only needs to be a ladies’ man and have “golden” hands. But not a single young man or man will have a chance of success with the female half if He is nearby - a courageous, strong and self-confident officer.

It has been well known for centuries that ladies' hearts are not indifferent to officers. And this is not surprising, because it is officer's profession is synonymous with protector, reliable support and nobility. That is why many boys dream of becoming an officer and dedicating their lives to serving their Motherland and protecting the peaceful citizens of their country. Unfortunately, dreams do not always come true, because an insurmountable obstacle in their path is the reality in which only a select few become officers. Those who have a set of personal qualities that allow them to fulfill their duty with honor, forgetting about their own comfort and well-being. But you can learn about what character traits an officer should have from this article.

Who is an officer?

- this is not so much a profession as a title of an official of such state law enforcement agencies as the armed forces or the police (militia), who has undergone special training at a specialized higher educational institution. Depending on service experience, rank and military merit, an officer may occupy one of the command positions corresponding to his training profile.

The name of this "profession" comes from the Late Latin officiarius (official). That is, the name itself already contains the main purpose of any officer - to fulfill his duty to the Fatherland. The official period of the appearance of the first officers is considered to be the 70s. 16th century. However, it can be assumed that officers existed before, although they were called differently. For example, officers were essentially the leaders of ancient tribes, who became the leaders of their fellow tribesmen in battle with warring tribes. It is noteworthy that the notorious nobility of officers did not arise just like that. The thing is that before, as in Russian Empire, as in other countries, the officer corps was formed mainly from representatives of the noble class, who personified honor, nobility and dignity.

IN modern world in order to become an officer It is not at all necessary to be a nobleman. Today this title is available to everyone, regardless of social and financial status. The only conditions imposed on future officers are patriotism, compliance with job requirements and the desire to receive a military rank from junior lieutenant to marshal of the Russian Federation.

Note that the responsibilities of officers directly depend on their rank and command position. Thus, generals exercise control over the actions of the army, give orders to lower ranks, monitor order and the implementation of orders from higher management, and carry out recruitment and promotion of personnel. The colonel supervises the senior and junior officers and replaces the general during the latter's absence, while the senior lieutenant is responsible for the actions of the platoon and carries out orders from senior ranks. But in any case, the officer must be faithful to the oath, comply with the laws of the Russian Federation, improve his skills and military prowess, follow the rules military honor, as well as keep state and military secrets.

What personal qualities should an officer have?

Since any commander not only fulfills his professional duties, but also by example shows the personnel how to perform their service, the officer must be:

  • disciplined;
  • decisive;
  • tolerant;
  • fair;
  • purposeful;
  • proactive;
  • resourceful;
  • persistent;
  • thoughtful;
  • active;
  • seasoned;
  • brave.

Let us note that well-developed organizational skills, self-control and well-deserved authority, based on exactingness both to subordinates and to oneself, help officers achieve unquestioning obedience and respect from personnel.

Advantages of being an officer

The most important thing advantage of being an officer, of course, is self-respect and satisfaction from the fact that a childhood dream has come true. In addition, officers always have room for improvement in terms of career growth(as they say, a bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a marshal or Supreme Commander-in-Chief). After all, there are so many military ranks today that it is almost impossible to earn them all in one life (and to be more precise, only a few deserve the highest ranks).

We should not forget about the social and material privileges that officers have always had, have, and, I want to believe, will have. In our country, such privileges are presented in the form of quite high level salaries (especially in comparison with the salaries of other civil servants), free medicine, state apartments, early pensions, in some cases, free travel on public transport (this privilege can be used, for example, by officers of the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs), as well as military sanatoriums in which officers can relax for free and improve their family’s health.

Disadvantages of being an officer

In their desire to become an officer, some young people are seduced solely by the privileges described above, forgetting that disadvantages of the officer's profession much more significant than the benefits. What does it cost to carry out the orders of a superior commander, no matter how absurd and unpleasant they may be (naturally, we are not talking about obviously criminal orders, which a real officer not only will not carry out, but is not obligated to do).

In addition, we are all so accustomed to peaceful life that we do not even admit the thought of the possibility of a war starting. But peace is a relative concept (today it exists, but tomorrow it may not exist). And if, God forbid, hostilities begin in our country, it will be the officers who will put their lives in danger more than any other citizen of Russia. Not only that, they will also be held accountable for the decisions they make to ensure the safety of civilians. By the way, the officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB put their lives in danger even in peacetime, since their duty is to protect the peace and tranquility of citizens, regardless of the political military or economic situation in the country.

And of course, speaking about the shortcomings of this profession, one cannot help but say that the service of an officer quite often turns into an endless journey from one unit to another. And this means living in hostels (and not always comfortable ones), constant moving, uncertainty about the future, etc.

Where can you become an officer?

Become an officer in modern Russia it is quite easy, fortunately today in our country there is a huge number of specialized universities. The main thing is to decide on the direction (that is, decide for yourself which law enforcement officer you want to become) and go through a competitive selection. Note that the advantage when entering military and legal higher educational institutions ( law universities including training officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB) are available to applicants who are admitted on the basis of recommendations from commanders of military units, participants/disabled combatants, as well as citizens of other categories provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If we talk about which one educational institution is best to choose, we recommend that you first consider leading military and law universities in Russia, which include:

  • Moscow Military Institute of the Federal border service FSB of the Russian Federation;
  • Academy Federal service security of the Russian Federation;
  • Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;
  • St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • Tyumen Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.