Game to give birth to a baby in the hospital. Pregnant games for girls

Pregnancy is an exciting and unforgettable period. Pregnant games will help girls and teenagers understand how a woman feels when she is expecting a baby, and how she should behave. All ladies want to look stylish and well-groomed; Pregnant women are no exception. The player is required to have design skills to help turn a pregnant woman into a cover woman. Choosing an outfit for a pregnant woman is not easy: you need to choose the right fabric and model that favorably emphasizes the newly appeared belly.

Games pregnant mothers give birth to children online

Pregnant women are emotional creatures, so you need to be attentive to their wishes regarding the choice of bag, makeup and suitable shoes. Beautiful clothes will cheer up the expectant mother, and positive emotions will benefit the unborn child.
The crucial period is childbirth. The game allows you to try on the role of a midwife who controls the birth process. You will be able to take care of the newborn while the mother replenishes the strength spent during childbirth. Despite the complexity of these manipulations, responsible players will pass all tests with dignity.

Some games involve the mother-model assessing the work of the designer. It is worth trying to please the picky person and get 100 points. Play Pregnant games and gain the necessary experience that will be useful in real life, you can do it for free.

Play pregnancy games for free

IN modern world priorities change, some girls are in no hurry to tie the knot, and think about having a child in middle age. Of course, a prestigious job and buying an apartment are important things, but it was with the birth of a child that many mothers admitted that life was filled with meaning.
Children are the main component female happiness, a good mother understands this and tries to satisfy the child’s immediate needs, giving him a supply of affection and love that will help the grown person build normal relationships with others. The child absorbs a warm attitude, begins to appreciate maternal love and builds relationships with his own people according to a well-known model.
Pregnant women glow with happiness, despite the difficulties that a young mother encounters on her way, the joy of motherhood is difficult to replace with anything. Children make our lives full, mother long years becomes the main person in the child's life.
A new stage in a girl’s life imposes many obligations on her, there is less time for self-care, but this is not a reason to forget about herself. A happy mother can give her child more than a tired and unkempt woman. Fantasy, a little effort - and new image ready.

Pregnant games. What is required of girls?

The news of pregnancy occupies all thoughts expectant mother. She begins to look around the stores, asking prices baby food, pays more attention to the kids in the yard. A pregnant woman tries to imagine what her baby will look like, how he will smile and take a step towards her. Already in the fetus, the mother sees a child who is gifted and unlike others.

The proper course of pregnancy is influenced by the mother’s lifestyle and nutritional habits. A woman has various questions that require immediate resolution. Future parents are taught the art of handling a baby in pregnancy schools, and girls who are too early to think about having a baby will be helped to satisfy their curiosity free games. By playing Pregnant, girls will be able to transform into heroines expecting a child. In addition, here you will find pregnant dress up games. These are also very interesting toys.
Pregnancy is not a reason to forget old interests and stop developing. This is a reason to acquire new interests. Decorate your changing figure stylish clothes, manicure and makeup, trips to beauty salons - familiar things remain available to ladies in an interesting position. It is worth adjusting your diet - sweets and baked goods appear on the table occasionally, and the basis of the table is rich food.

Pregnancy is not scary at all!

With the help of games, Pregnant girls will be able to learn about healthy dishes that will benefit their growing children's bodies and will benefit their virtual charges. During the game, the girl will learn to be more sensitive to the condition of others and will understand how important it is to help her relatives and mother.
You will have to help the pregnant woman with cleaning - her voluminous belly does not allow her to bend over to vacuum or collect things. Help is necessary, because cleanliness is the key to the health of the future virtual character. Nobody exempts pregnant women from doing laundry. It’s good that they have such a nice assistant who keeps things clean. A big event will be the preparation of the nursery: it’s so nice to buy children’s furniture and cute toys. Plus, you'll definitely love pregnant pony games! Have you already played them?
All mothers love to choose children's clothes. There is something mesmerizing about little touching vests. The assortment of children's stores is so rich that you want to buy all the hats and a dozen booties. The heroines of the online game Pregnant also choose things for the little one in a variety of stores with pleasure and trepidation.

Some women are afraid that pregnancy will provoke a change in their figure not in better side. In fact proper nutrition allows pregnant women to become models and show others the sparkle in their eyes and a rounded figure. The game Pregnant Barbie is proof of this.

You can play online games where pregnant women give birth on our website online!

The famous blonde with beautiful shape decided to become a mother. There are many who want to help the beauty go through all stages of pregnancy. She is true to herself: she is just as beautiful and takes care of herself. Barbie is a responsible mom; monitors health and follows doctors' advice. She does not neglect procedures to preserve the beauty of her hair. She is concerned about the condition of her skin. She does not change her active lifestyle; the heroine still visits different places, has fun and relaxes.

Pregnant games will help girls understand what an important role women have on earth. All tasks are very responsible, but diligent players will complete them with ease. These games are an exclusive opportunity for girls, those who love the game daughters and mothers, try yourself in the role of an assistant to a pregnant woman. Virtual manipulations to prepare for childbirth will teach girls independence and develop a sense of taste. These entertainments can develop in a child logical thinking and give the player useful knowledge that will be useful in the event of the birth of a brother or his own child.

We have collected on our website a selection of cool interactive entertainment, thanks to which you can learn everything and even more about this wonderful time! Pregnant games will allow you to see many of your favorite heroines in an “interesting position” and have a great time studying them in a new way. Beauties from every Pregnant game will prove that a big belly is absolutely no hindrance to beauty. And especially if a long-awaited baby lives in it!

Ultrasound - the head of everything

Usage ultrasound examinations in medicine – one of the most important scientific and technological breakthroughs of the last century. How many diseases in children can be treated and even prevented if the first symptoms are identified early stage, but it’s impossible to do this without the opportunity to look at the unborn little one! So, the notorious determination of the sex of the unborn child, which always turns out to be the main result of going to an ultrasound for ladies in films, is rather an unimportant, albeit pleasant, bonus.

Pregnant Elsa, Barbie and Ariel invite you to perform this procedure for them during the game, because this is a responsible matter, and you should never trust it to anyone! Before you begin, do not forget to carry out all the preliminary procedures: measure your temperature, blood pressure, and write down the size of your abdomen on the card. All this may seem unnecessary, but there are no insignificant details in observing a woman in pregnancy!

Urgent first aid

Providing first aid is very important for everyone, because treating a wound in a timely manner is not at all difficult, but treating the consequences of missed disinfection can be quite problematic. But during a game about pregnant women, such medical procedures are especially important! Any injuries and infections can end very sadly for both the baby and the expectant mother - even to the most terrible outcome. That is why you need to act very quickly and carefully.

What happened to Cinderella and Draculaura? They look like they fell off a roof country house into a raspberry bush.. It doesn’t matter what the reasons are: the main thing is that you need to quickly carry out all the necessary procedures to make the girls feel better and maintain the pregnancy. Hurry up, but not too much: during the game for girls Pregnant, every action must be done carefully and correctly. If you find it difficult, do not hesitate to use the system’s prompts: an experienced doctor will always support the trainee both online and offline!

It doesn’t matter how old you are: it’s never too early to find out more about your own body and what it has to endure. On our website, all games about pregnancy are available for girls completely free of charge, so don’t spare your time and effort to gain such important knowledge!

The world of motherhood for girls

From a very young age, girls love to play with babies, dolls, and daughters and mothers. They love to take on the role of mothers, caring for doll babies. They feed, swaddle, and treat them. But with dolls, acting out scenes as daughters and mothers is not so interesting, because a toy baby cannot be capricious, ask to be held, etc. IN virtual reality games, this process is much more exciting.

Online pregnant games will give you access to the exciting world of motherhood. Here, step by step, you will learn how pregnancy progresses and what lifestyle a woman needs to lead in order to bear a healthy baby. You will go with pregnant women for a medical examination and see on an ultrasound what the baby looks like in the womb.

Help make up pregnant women proper diet to ensure that the child receives the necessary nutrition for full development. You will do exercises to ensure that mommy’s muscles are strong enough to carry the baby.

Doctor, stylist, hairdresser for pregnant women

The choice of flash drive themes in this section is rich and varied, so girls will have plenty to choose from. Games are waiting for you on our website:

  • arcades;
  • dress up;
  • cooking;
  • makeup;
  • hospital, etc.

Pregnancy leaves its mark on women's lives. Now the girl no longer belongs to herself. Being a mother, she must first of all think about the benefits of the baby and adapt to him. Therefore, you will help them exercise, follow their diet, etc.

Pregnant women also need to be constantly monitored by a doctor. In the games, girls who are passionate about medicine will be able to try themselves in the role of a clinic doctor. In such flash drives, an ultrasound scan and a complete examination of the body will be performed. Also, girls will be able to help give birth to a new life as a doctor in the maternity ward. In especially severe cases, you may even have to undergo surgery. C-section so that the woman in labor can give birth safely.

Even when pregnant, women want to look beautiful, stylish and well-groomed. Therefore, if you are a fan of fashion and beauty, then start choosing outfits for them in dress-up games, styling their hair, and creating makeup. You will also do shopping, clean the house, etc., and meet your favorite fairy tale characters who are preparing to become mothers:

  • Elsa,
  • Rapunzel,
  • Twilight Sparkle,
  • Mermaid,
  • Barbie and others.

Gameplay of pregnancy games

Flash drives for girls are always kind and colorful in graphics. Whatever plot you choose, playing pregnant games will be interesting. Control features depend on the selected flash drive. But, as a rule, the games are controlled with the mouse, with the help of which girls choose outfits, necessary medical instruments, put things in order while cleaning, etc. The gameplay is organized so that even the smallest girls can easily figure it out. And the tips will make the process even easier.

The happiness of becoming a mother is granted to many. Being pregnant, girls continue to live an ordinary life, except that from time to time they require increased attention to their own person. And they have every reason for this. And if pregnant women are different, then the games with their participation are not the same. Here you can find mahjongs, puzzles, and many offers about taking care of your appearance and creating a fashionable image.

Some pregnant women cannot do without shopping, others demand attention and invite guests. Girls go to the pool, go to the solarium, to the cosmetologist, everyone, without exception, visits the doctor and monitors how their pregnancy is progressing and the baby is developing. And then, in due time, they give birth. All this is reflected in the games.

It is always important to be beautiful

Pregnant girls are very demanding of their appearance. They all think that they don’t look very good. But in games these are not quite ordinary people. Here you can meet princesses, mermaids, fairies and sorceresses, extravagant Monster High girls and a lot of painfully familiar characters who have decided to prolong the race, sometimes far from human.

In such games, pregnant women will need to choose makeup and hairstyle, as well as a stylish wardrobe. Find not only color combinations that will help distract attention from temporary changes in the figure, but also suitable styles. By the way, be prepared for the fact that some of the girls will want, on the contrary, to tell the whole world that they are expecting a new baby and show off their growing belly.

During the game, pregnant women do not mind looking for new clothes in stores on their own. In this case, you will need to coordinate their actions and help with their choice.

Taking care of the baby

In many offers, you will have to take on the role of a caring doctor and part-time nanny. During pregnancy, it is very important to follow a routine, eat right, and visit a doctor on time so that he can observe how the child develops. During the game, you will have to prepare freshly squeezed juices and salads for pregnant girls, make them take vitamins and go for checkups on time.

Inspection in the virtual world is not much different from the real thing. At the appointment, pregnant women will have to measure their temperature and blood pressure, listen to their heartbeat, weigh themselves, measure their abdomen and do an ultrasound. Typically, the gameplay of such games is designed in such a way that it is quite easy to understand in what sequence you need to act. Some games of this type consist of several stages. In this case, everything can begin with taking vitamins and feeding the girl in the position, continue with a trip to the examination and end with childbirth. It goes without saying that the newborn will have to be immediately calmed down, dressed and shown to the happy mother. By the way, water births are quite popular in the virtual world.

Why are these games useful?

From early childhood, girls begin to take on the role of mother. First they play with baby dolls and raise dolls, then they become daughters and mothers. Now girls have the opportunity to learn in a playful way how to behave correctly in anticipation of their long-awaited baby.

During the game, pregnant women lead an active lifestyle, do not lose self-confidence, find activities to their liking, develop, and at the same time take care of the baby inside, protecting and preserving it in every possible way. Games of this kind will help girls realize that being pregnant is not so bad, even despite the fact that their figure deteriorates somewhat for a while. An optimistic attitude is very important for expectant mothers; pregnant women should not have any complexes about temporary changes.
