How to paint a wooden house: review of materials, tips and tricks. Painting wooden products: choosing a composition and working methods How to beautifully paint wooden

None modern materials cannot displace wood and products made from it from our Everyday life, they are purchased and made by themselves for pleasure and for use on the farm. Wood itself, as a material, is fragile and short-lived, especially in comparison with plastic, but it is the most environmentally friendly in its effect on our body. Painting wooden products(also carpentry) has the goal of not only changing their appearance, but also preserving all their advantages over other materials.

Before you paint a wooden surface, you need to understand in principle how to do it correctly. There is a certain technology for painting wooden products, and for this, specific types of paint and varnish compositions are used.

Before deciding what composition to coat a wooden surface with, the final goal that they are trying to achieve with this operation is determined. This coloring of a wooden product has several ultimately interrelated results:

Only after deciding on the purpose of the painting work can you choose how to paint the wood with your own hands.

Deciding on the type of coverage

Painting carpentry requires careful selection of coating. An overabundance of assortment, types and range of compositions of the paint and varnish group of products rather complicates the choice than makes it easier. Required A complex approach to a specific decision on which product to choose and what to purchase, what to paint the wood with, and what the product will ultimately look like if you do all the work yourself.

Factors that must be taken into account include:

  • The type of wood and the state of its internal structure in the product.
  • The purposes that painting of wood will bring, namely decorative, protective, aesthetic, design, etc.
  • Depending on the final result, additional measures are determined, namely, pre-treatment with stain or impregnation is necessary.
  • Considering configuration complexity wooden structure and the ability to access areas to be painted for selection convenient tool, for example, a roller, brush, swab or spray.

Surface preparation

The condition of the surface to be painted dictates the need for its pre-treatment. The following procedures must be carried out:

  • Cleaning to remove irregularities, chips, burrs, protruding fibers and similar surface defects.

  • Degreasing and removing dust to improve the adhesion of the surface to the applied paint and varnish composition.

  • Preliminary application of impregnation in order to give the wood antibacterial, antipyrite (fireproof) and waterproof characteristics.

Selection of materials

The painting process may require the following tools and equipment:

  • Actually, the compositions themselves (impregnations, paints, solvents);
  • Brushes, rollers or spray gun;
  • Spatulas of various widths;
  • Hairdryer or chemical-based cleaning solution;
  • Abrasive paper (150 units);
  • Vacuum cleaner to remove dust residues from the surface.

In the process of pre-treatment of the painting area, three groups of compounds can be used - putty, impregnation and stain.

Wood putty

For putties compatible with coatings made of wood materials, include the following materials:

  • Gypsum based(cheap in cost and therefore popular).
  • Acrylic (expensive in price, but high quality).
  • Polymer based(not cheap, but compatible with wood).
  • Nitro compounds (have a pungent odor, but are harmless when applied).
  • Oil (have excellent protective properties).
  • Adhesive based(made using PVA).


Before you paint the wood with your own hands, and after cleaning, degreasing and applying putty, followed by sanding with abrasive paper, it’s time to select and apply impregnation.

According to the place of application, impregnating materials are divided into interior finishing materials and those for application to external structures exposed to the aggressive influences of natural factors. Remember that furniture looks beautiful with painted panels, but it must be protected from negative influences. Can be painted in White color. These are the basic commandments for painting wood.

Antibacterial substances are added to the composition of many paints and varnishes. In this case, the painted product will remain safe for for a long time. According to their purpose and composition, impregnations of the following groups should be distinguished:

  • Antipyrite. They create a fire-resistant or highly flammable coating, are created on a salt basis, and are produced in liquid or powder form.

  • Antibacterial. They create conditions on the surface and inside wood fibers that are incompatible with the formation and development of fungal diseases, pests and their larvae, are produced in a liquid state, and are based on solvents.

  • Oily. They are used for products located in the open air, are compatible with other types of impregnating compounds, and give the wood water-repellent properties.

  • On a varnish basis. Suitable for both interior finishing coatings and wooden objects and structures that are constantly outdoors.

Depending on the structure and moisture content of the wood, some impregnations are applied several times, but only after the previously applied layer has been absorbed and completely dried.

Having chosen the impregnation and applied it to the surface, you can begin to select the coloring composition.

On video: how professional painting is carried out.

Paint and varnish

Painting a wooden surface with your own hands is quite easy, but for this you need to choose the right paint. Such compositions are divided into those that create a varnish structure and paints with colored fillers. In turn, varnishes are divided into several types:

  • Oil-resin (for example, PF238) for interior finishing use with high level impregnating properties are used in furniture production.
  • Alkyd-containing, which are based on driers, petroleum solvents and alkyd resins, are suitable for parquet, for example, PF231.
  • Alcohol paints are used to cover furniture products and are used in cases where it is necessary to paint wood while maintaining the texture.
  • Alkyd-urea varnishes wide range of applications, for example, MCh063.
  • Two-component epoxy-containing have high load resistance, are suitable for floors, doors, window frames, and have impact-resistant characteristics.
  • Acrylic-urethane used for interior decoration bath rooms and saunas, multi-component polyurethane - for external protective coatings. They are also characterized by increased anti-atmospheric properties.

A wide range of paints are divided into the following groups:

  • at the place of use for interior finishing and for use on products located in the open air;
  • according to the final result into protective, decorative and protective-decorative;
  • by chemical composition and components.

In turn, according to the chemical composition, varnishes and paints can be acrylic-containing, alkyd-based or oil-based.

Let's take a closer look at the best way to paint wood. For example, acrylic-containing paints belong to the water-imulsion group; their base is water, so it is environmentally friendly safe product, in which acrylic acts as a binder. There is no smell, so this wood paint (sometimes translucent) is used in enclosed spaces and gives the wood pronounced protective properties.

How to paint wooden products correctly water-based paint? Paint can be applied to the surface using brushes, foam or rag rollers, or by spraying through a spray gun. For painting, one coat is sufficient.

Alkyd-based paints form a protective water-repellent layer, but have low penetration into wood fibers, and, as a result, a short period of use, although they are highly frost-resistant. Oil-based paints are exclusively domestic materials, since they are not produced in other countries due to the use of toxic oliphos-containing compounds in the manufacture. A painted surface with an unpleasant odor and strong fluidity leads to a constant decline in demand.

Extremely detailed consideration of all factors affecting the quality and durability of the coating and the wood itself leads to the fact that painting wood products ultimately has a positive result. Therefore, wood paint should be chosen wisely. Consider whether your surface can be painted, how to putty it properly and how to paint it, including with transparent paint.

Wood painted white looks very simple, stylish, and cozy at the same time. This type of painting while preserving the wood texture has become one of the most popular interior and exterior styles!

In this article we will look at 3 simple methods painting wood with worn or aged effects, as well as beautiful and inspiring examples of floors, walls, doors and furniture painted with them.

Traditionally, whitewashing was used as a cheap and easy way to protect wood (lime has antibacterial properties) and give it a neat appearance. Now, when we recreate whitewash, this is usually done using any white water-based or acrylic paint for interior or external works (this is exactly what we will do in the methods described here).

Water-based or acrylic paints without odor!! and can be used indoors

Wood and necessary materials:

Different painting methods will show how much the appearance of wood can change, be it a smooth pine board or an unsanded pallet. All three methods are very easy, fast and with wonderful results!

  • White paint on water based For interior and exterior use
  • Paint mixing container
  • Rag
  • Brush
  • Scraper or piece of hard plastic for method #2
  • Candle for method No. 3

#1: Painting with a rag

Many types of wood that are sold in construction stores, already polished and have smooth surface (for example, boards or sheets of plywood), but there are also untreated boards.

This whitewashing method Suitable for both smooth and unsanded wood. It creates a neat and refreshing look, great for modern, farmhouse or Scandinavian style.

White paint makes the wood more refined, while leaving the opportunity to see the structure of the boards and their natural pattern.

How to do:

  1. At first thin the white paint special solvent.
  2. After this, dip a rag into the resulting paint mixture and wipe it over the wooden surface, making an even layer.

Apply 1-2 more coats of paint if you want the color to look deeper white. Let the paint dry after each new coat.

Of course, you can use a brush, but it leaves strokes, while a rag makes the surface perfectly smooth.

No. 2 Paint filling method

This method works best on unsanded wood with a slightly rough surface (e.g. wooden fence). With its help, wood can be given a rustic look and an antique effect.

Step by step:

  1. Clean the wood with soapy water and a brush and leave to dry.
  2. If your paint is too rich, thin it with thinner.
  3. After this, pour some paint onto the wooden surface, and then take a scraper and spread the paint over the wood.

On an unsanded, that is, not completely flat, wooden surface, the paint layer will not be the same everywhere. A little more paint will flow along the depressions and less on the bulges, that is, in some places the white color will be more saturated, and in others more transparent, which will create the effect of antiquity.

You can see the result of painting a wall using this method above.

No. 3 Painting method using a candle

Shabby White paint, through which in some places the tree itself can be seen in its natural color, will be wonderful for restoration antique furniture or creating a new one, but in the same style.

In the photo below you can see an example of such painting of wood with wonderful designer pens laid out on it.


  1. Take a clean one wooden board(it doesn’t matter whether it’s polished or not) and a candle. Rub the candles onto the surface of the wood in several places. You need to press quite hard on the candle so that a clear trace of wax or paraffin remains on the wood.
  2. After this, paint the wood with white paint and let it dry completely.
  3. Wipe the dry painted surface with a rag, applying some pressure. In those places where there was a trace of a candle, the paint will come off the surface.

Below is an example of a white wood floor painted using this method. It is worth noting that when using this, it is better to apply a layer of protective varnish on top of the paint for more durable use.

One of the most popular types of wooden finishing materials is lining. It has a different profile, due to which the surface has a different appearance - from a smooth wall with small grooves, to waves different sizes. Just wooden walls They do not fit into all interiors, so there is often a need to paint the lining indoors - at home or in the country.

How to treat lining inside a house

In general, many people believe that it is better not to treat the lining indoors with anything. Maybe so, but not in every climate and room it will retain its original appearance for a long time. If the level of ventilation is insufficient, the wood may turn blue; if it is exposed to the sun, it becomes dark gray.

You can only fight blueness biological means- chlorine or active oxygen, and then definitely impregnate with protective compounds, and maybe even paint. It’s a little easier to deal with grayed wood: by removing it by sanding upper layer you will get again beautiful colour, but without UV protection it won’t last long either. That’s why they decide to paint the lining inside the house or cottage.

One more point: not everyone likes wood in the interior. It's just that sometimes people get tired of looking at her. I just want a smooth, colored surface. This also happens, and often. In this case, look for opaque paint. Select characteristic effects as desired.

The inside of the lining is painted with opaque paints also because wood in its natural color is not compatible with all styles. But sometimes you want high-tech, for example. In this case, paint with metal particles or mother-of-pearl (for example, Lignovit Platin) is suitable.

All compositions for protecting wood can be fairly roughly divided into six main groups:

  1. Protective compounds. Available for outdoor and interior work. Compositions for external use additionally include ultraviolet protection, which prevents or slows down the process of photoaging of wood - discoloration to gray. So if you need impregnation for the lining on the balcony, and it faces south or east, you need a composition for external work. Just note that some of them paint the surface pink or green color is the result of a chemical reaction. Read the description carefully, because the resulting color can only be painted over with opaque paints or a very dark tint.

  2. Tinting compounds or stains. They do not paint over the texture of the wood, but give it some kind of shade. At the same time, a film is not created on the surface, the wood does not lose its properties - it remains vapor-permeable. Tinting compositions contain pigment and can be lightly or heavily pigmented. If you want to have a surface with a pronounced wood structure, take a slightly pigmented composition. You may need a lot of layers, but you can control the degree of “shading” of the wood.

  3. Lucky. Today, water-based varnishes or aqualacs are more popular for lining walls or ceilings. They can be matte, semi-matte or glossy. Many people have the opportunity to add color and change the color at the same time. Unlike traditional varnishes, water-based varnishes do not close pores - the film on the surface remains vapor-permeable, but protects against dirt absorption. Many manufacturers add UV filters and bactericidal components. Such paints and varnishes are good for balconies or in unheated rooms with periodic visits - in dachas and bathhouses.

    The varnish can be glossy, matte or semi-matte, or it can give color - pigmented

  4. Paints. This group includes compounds that create a dense film on the surface, through which the structure of the wood is not visible. The group is extensive, with different properties and price ranges - from traditional oil enamel to latex and acrylate enamel.
  5. Wood oils. Some are transparent and some have pigment. Unlike varnishes, they do not create a dense film on the surface, but are absorbed into the fibers. Good compounds act similarly varnish coating, protecting against abrasion and dirt absorption. Only oils do not have a bright glossy shine - a matte or slightly shiny surface, like silk. This great way save wood. Using specific application techniques, pigmented wood oils can highlight the texture (see below).

  6. Wax-based compositions. There are three types of wax: solid, liquid and water. Before use, hard wax is heated to liquid state, liquid and water (wax glaze) are ready for use. Wax protection is traditional and very effective, and new technologies make the process much easier. The disadvantage of wax is that it is quite difficult to apply evenly, but it fits well on a pre-primed surface.

This division is arbitrary: there are many mixed compounds that can be classified into at least two groups. So there are impregnations that can be tinted, and there are paints with protective properties. The difference is in the effectiveness of the protection. Impregnations primarily protect the wood, and imparting color is a secondary task. With paints it's the other way around. Their main task is to create beautiful coating, and protection is a concomitant effect. If you need both good protection and high-quality coating, take the impregnation without tinting, and after drying, apply paint.

Another example of a mixed composition is oils with wax. These compositions combine the properties of both oils and wax, due to which the wood retains its appearance for a longer time.

The question of which group to give preference is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Different tools solve different problems, and it is important to choose the right properties that you need first.

How to properly paint the inside of the lining: technology

To paint lining in “dry” rooms inside the house, you can use any type of paint. Here you simply decide on the requirements for decorative appearance surfaces. If the lining is dry, it can not be impregnated with protective compounds, or you can choose paint/varnish/wax with appropriate additives. You can paint it only on one side, leaving the back side untreated.

If the lining will be used in damp or unheated rooms, on a balcony, it must first be thoroughly impregnated with protective compounds on all sides, maybe twice. Only after the impregnation has dried can it be painted, varnished, in general, given decorative properties. Another point: when installing the lining on a wall or ceiling, it has to be cut into pieces. Places of cuts in wet areas it is also necessary to coat it with the composition. It is not necessary to wait until it dries, but it is necessary to process it.

There is one very important nuance that many amateur decorators overlook. If you want to get a professional-level painting of the lining, you need to process each board separately: sand, paint, dry, and only then assemble the surface from the already painted lining. That is, mount already fully processed boards on the wall or ceiling. Only with this approach will the surface of the lining have the same color from any point.

It’s difficult to paint the entire surface of a clapboard wall well

If you paint an already assembled surface, unpainted areas remain in the grooves and recesses, making it difficult to sand large areas. You definitely won't get a perfectly flat surface. The quality of finishing in this option is not above average. It is permissible to paint a finished surface if you are renewing the paint job. This must be done at different intervals, depending on the operating conditions and the properties of the paintwork material.

Correctly, the painting technology looks like this.

There can be many layers: it depends on the hiding power of the paint and on what effect you want to get. But in any case, one rule remains: there should be little composition on the brush. The exception is impregnation or primer. They are applied with a well-moistened brush, but only those without pigment. When applying pigmented protective compounds, the rules for paints apply - minimum required amount The composition shades well.

Sometimes, even with careful rubbing of the paint, stains are clearly visible. This is not a bad paint, but the properties of wood: in some places the pores absorb better, in others worse. In order to achieve an even color in this case, the surface is first primed. You can use any wood primer or colorless matte varnish (can be water-based). After drying, the surface is sanded (yep, again) and then the required number of layers of paint are applied. Only in this case, after the first layer of paintwork, grinding is rarely required, and if necessary, then in some places, more often on a tenon or groove.

Watch the video to see how to evenly apply glaze, oil or wax.

If furniture quality painting is required, there are even more layers: first a stain is applied, then two layers of primer. After drying, it is sanded until the surface is completely matte, first with grain 280, then 320, after removing dust, it is applied finishing layer- varnish. An example of such work is in the video.

Painting wood while maintaining texture

A pronounced wood pattern can be achieved using glaze, pigmented oil or wax. These compounds apply quite tightly, almost painting over the structure of the wood fibers. Any of the compositions described above can be applied with a brush or roller.

When applying paintwork materials, take very little, first applying them in fragments along the entire length of the lining. Then, using a brush or roller, the applied strokes are shaded over the entire surface. After leaving them to soak for 5-10 minutes, to reveal the texture, take a soft, lint-free cloth and remove most of the oil. As a result, the pattern appears much brighter than in its original state: the grooves retain large quantity There is almost no pigmented product left on the protruding parts. The result is a pronounced texture. This technique is also called brushing or texturing the lining. In interiors, wood processed in this way looks very decorative: both on the walls and on the ceiling.

The process can be observed in the video. Three samples were painted: two with the same oil with pigment, one with colorless. 5 minutes after painting, one of the pigmented blanks is wiped to reveal the design. To preserve the wood after the pigment has dried (24 hours or more, read on the packaging), the lining is coated with two layers of colorless oil (glaze, wax). In areas of intensive use, you can also coat it with matte varnish.

How to paint lining like bleached oak

Often it is necessary to paint the wood white, but so that the veins are visible. They also say to create the effect of bleached oak. There are several ways:

It’s difficult to say which composition to choose - you need to try. It is advisable to paint the lining with several compositions and compare the results. The effect when using different products is slightly different, but it also greatly depends on the wood. The reviews are also very different - some whitened with tinting, others with oil. Soils are rarely used for these purposes, but mainly because not everyone knows their properties.

Secrets of decorative wood staining: techniques and tricks

City dwellers want to preserve the natural color of wood as much as possible. For those for whom wood in the house is a boring everyday thing, paint the interior lining in some unusual color. Modern paintwork materials allow you to achieve different effects. For example, textured or brushed lining, but in two colors. This technique is often used.

Brushed lining in two colors - great choice for wall decoration

The trick is to apply two layers of different colors. The first layer is applied dark color, the second - light or brighter. After playing with colors and the order of their application, you can create your own version. Watch the video - how to get lining brushed in two colors.

Painting in two colors may not be the same. You can make the recesses a darker color, and only slightly tint the face (front part) or do everything exactly the opposite. You will get a striped wall made of clapboard - the effect of a slatted wall.

How to paint lining inside a house: ideas

Painting techniques and methods are great, but how? Just. There are many interesting options. The designers' latest finds are a clapboard wall in a room with smooth walls. It looks creative and interesting. And most often such a wall is made using the brushing technique.

An interesting effect is achieved by combining fittings of different thicknesses - in the photo between wide boards thin ones are inserted. Moreover, they are painted in different shades of the same color. The combination turns out interesting and fresh.

Lining is not necessarily just a flat board with small grooves on one side, which is also called eurolining. There are different profiles, including those with waves and troughs. From them you can collect interesting walls, the relief of which is emphasized by coloring.

You can assemble interesting reliefs from linings of different profiles. To make it look more interesting, highlight the reliefs or whiten them

As usual, in the interior, a lot depends on the light. Several non-standardly designed lamps - long translucent strips behind which lamps are hidden, installed in the middle of the ceiling - and the interior is completely transformed. This design can be used to decorate rooms for young people, creative rooms, etc.

You can play not only with light, but also with color: in the lighting zone, paint the lining in a lighter color, thus emphasizing this zone.

If you have good drawing skills, you can paint the lining. Just don’t forget to then cover the entire painting with colorless oil or varnish to preserve it longer. This technique can be used when

Rigidly defined clapboard panels look great in the living room and hallway. In the same vein, you can decorate the wall in the dining area in the kitchen. Only its quality and coloring must be perfect.

The honey shade of the lining is repeated on the ceiling

Treatment for a rustic-style interior can be deliberately imperfect. These are rooms with a masculine character.

The rustic style will appeal to men. In this case, painting the lining using the brushing technique is the norm. Moreover, the colors are chosen dark

As if in contrast - light walls. The lining is whitewashed and the beams are painted dark. Despite the traditional materials used for centuries, the look of such a room is modern and stylish.

An excellent combination is light walls with the effect of bleached oak and dark massive beams. It's practically a win-win option.

Lining is also used in the decoration of bathrooms. Impregnation here needs to be given maximum attention, but if it is done at the proper level, impregnation is protected from moisture, then there should be no problems. And the interior, you see, is very interesting - warm colors wood combined with bright marble is a great move.

Lining is also used for. You just need to fill it horizontally - this way you can expand the small space. And it's better like this small area Light colors look good, maybe with a dark edging.

Ceiling - lining, painted with light stain

Painting wood is considered a rather complex undertaking that requires adherence to certain rules. Various paint and varnish compositions can be used for work, but before applying a decorative protective layer, the base must be properly prepared using special mixtures. Only the comprehensive implementation of all stages guarantees a beautiful and durable coating.

Painting wooden surfaces can be done with several types of finishing materials. Each option differs in the composition and appearance of the resulting coating.


Wood paints are consistently popular. They allow you to renew the surface, but hide the natural texture. If the technology is followed, the result is a coating that is distinguished by individuality and a magnificent decorative effect.

The following compositions can be used in the work:

  • Oily. This variety is currently used quite rarely. This is explained by many negative qualities, which the mixture has. Among them, the sharp and toxic odor, as well as the long drying time, stand out. The composition is used for painting wooden bases and household products.

  • Alkyd enamels. This option, like the previous one, has become less popular, but demand remains at a good level. This is because the mixture is excellent for outdoor woodwork. After application, a thin film is formed on the surface, thanks to which it is possible to emphasize the texture of the base. In addition, enamel has low vapor permeability, which reduces the risk of wood deformation when exposed to moisture. They are not durable.

Epoxy coatings are highly durable and resistant to abrasion, as well as various chemicals and solvents.

Thus, to the question: is it possible to paint wood with water-based paint, the answer will be in the affirmative. These products are considered the most preferable. It not only has excellent characteristics, but is also well tinted, which allows you to realize your design imagination.


When deciding what to paint a tree with, be sure to take into account that paint is not the only option; varnish is an excellent alternative. It is a composition based on natural or synthetic resins. Can be used as a solvent various substances, which determine the properties of the material. The resulting film can be transparent or change (emphasize) the texture of the wood.

Several composition options are suitable for work:

  1. Polyurethane. It is most in demand because it dries quickly and has excellent durability. But due to the presence of a solvent in the composition, it has a specific odor.
  2. Water. Suitable for work outdoors and inside the house. It is environmentally friendly, but requires impregnation of the base with a primer. It may take up to 24 hours to dry.
  3. Acrylic. A modern composition with good decorative qualities. The disadvantage is the high price.
  4. Nitrolac. It has low light fastness and is suitable for working with inexpensive furniture.

Varnish can be an independent coating or an auxiliary protective coating when applying paint to wooden surfaces. In this case, you need to choose the right foundation to achieve the best effect.

Other dye options

These may be the following substances:

Regardless of the material chosen, the surface is coated with colorless varnish.

Selecting a pre-treatment agent

Such mixtures include:

  • Drying oil. It is applied to protect the base from any harmful influences. It is better to lay several layers to achieve deep penetration. Can be used before oil paints in order to reduce their consumption.

Drying oil Oxol consists of 55% natural oil component, 40% white spirit, 5% drying agent, therefore, compared to natural drying oil, its cost is lower and it dries faster
  • Oil. Parts that are close to the ground or immersed in it are processed.

  • Special antiseptics. Protect from microorganisms and insects, prevent rotting.

Important! Impregnation is carried out carefully and in advance so that the wood has time to absorb required quantity composition.

The procedure for performing painting work

The technology for painting wooden products assumes that the work will be carried out in several stages:

  1. Selection and preparation of tools.
  2. Preparation and processing of the base.
  3. Painting.
  4. Additional processing (if necessary).

All processes are carried out carefully. It should be remembered that wood is a capricious material and is easily deformed.


For painting you may need:

  • Spray gun and compressor. This system allows you to process large areas in a short period of time. At home, an alternative can be a mechanical sprayer.
  • Brush. Required for painting hard to reach places, as well as for interior painting.
  • Roller. It is better to choose a fur coat with medium-length pile.
  • Convenient container. If you plan to paint with hand tools.
  • Rags. To quickly correct errors.

Everything necessary is prepared in advance.

Preparing wooden surfaces for painting

Preparation has a special role to play. If you follow all the procedures correctly, then no problems will arise in the future.

Process diagram:

  1. If surfaces have previously been treated, they are thoroughly cleaned of the existing coating. For this purpose, a mechanical, chemical or thermal method is used. The main thing is that the base must be completely clean.
  2. To properly prepare a work site, you need to assess its condition. If the previous coating quickly deteriorated, the reasons for this are first identified and eliminated. Yes, on wooden facade influenced by water that drains from the roof. In the absence of a drainage system, the impact will be destructive.
  3. Grinding in progress. This procedure is necessary for both new and old grounds. The resulting dust is removed.
  4. Traces of resin are cleaned off, areas are washed with white spirit.
  5. The surface is treated with protective agents. Fire retardants and antiseptics are applied first. Then, if necessary, the areas most susceptible to destruction are coated with oils. The impregnation is applied in several layers with a roller and brush.
  6. Further work is carried out after complete drying. Existing cracks and defects are covered with special putty. After it has set, the areas are sanded.
  7. Primer is applied. If required, it is necessary to treat the surface with drying oil or stain.

The coating is left to dry thoroughly; it is unacceptable to act on a wet base.

Applying paint

Attention! It is necessary to carry out work outside or inside at optimal temperature and humidity levels, which depend on the selected composition.

Painting wooden surfaces is carried out as follows:

  1. The process starts from the corner when working with walls, facades, floors and ceilings and from one of the ends when designing objects, furniture, and individual wooden elements.
  2. Application of oil and alkyd paints carried out with vertical strokes. Next, the composition is rubbed well, after which the movements become horizontal. Acrylic paints can be immediately laid horizontally (along the grain of the wood).
  3. The first layer is considered the base layer. To do this, the solution can be diluted slightly to ensure better styling. The second layer (if painting occurs in three layers) creates solid foundation. After this, in places of defects, the surface is ground with fine abrasive. The last coating is applied most carefully.
  4. Spray tools make it much easier to work on large areas. But when using them, the movements should be uniform and at the same distance from the base.

If required, after drying, a layer of varnish is placed on top. It not only protects the paint, but also adds shine.

Technology of painting wood with varnish

Varnishing is carried out after preparing the surface. If a colorless composition is used, then the base can be treated with stain to give the desired shade.

The varnishing process itself looks like this:

  1. The first layer is applied evenly. Drips should be avoided.
  2. To achieve a better effect, grinding is carried out. It allows you to remove invisible imperfections.

    On a note! Many craftsmen advise sanding after laying the second layer. But this depends on the viscosity of the varnish: with a thinner consistency, the first coating cannot be sanded.

  3. The second layer is laid. The main thing is to distribute the mixture evenly to avoid its accumulation in some places.
  4. The third layer completes the work.

When applying all coatings, wait until the previous one has completely dried. If necessary, the product is polished after a few days.

Decorative painting

There are tips to help you do better visual effect with your own hands:

  • Painting under bleached oak. The easiest way is to cover the surface with stain suitable color. It is much more difficult to produce such paint; complex tinting is required for this.
  • To obtain a bleached wood color, a pigment (acrylic or polyurethane) primer is used. It is diluted and applied to the surface. A similar effect can be achieved by using oil with a similar color. After installation, the base is treated with wax and rubbed.
  • Patination is used for an antique effect. It is recommended to use special compositions: paste, liquid patina or beveled varnish.

If desired, you can get any decorative result.

If you are bored with paint and wallpaper in wall decoration and need to come up with new and fresh solutions, then you should pay attention to the natural and practical trend in the interior - wooden panels. The most popular option is lining - it can have a smooth, rough or wavy surface and is excellent for finishing walls in country house or a bathhouse.


Lining can be used to create modern interior V panel apartment, as well as when decorating balconies, loggias and open terraces.

Wooden lining has many advantages:

  • ecologically pure material;
  • adjustment of the visual geometry of the room;
  • simple and quick installation;

  • strength and resistance to mechanical damage;
  • there is no need to additionally prepare walls and ceilings before installing the lining;
  • durability and practicality;
  • goes well with other natural and artificial materials: stone, tiles, textiles, leather, wallpaper;

  • hides flaws in walls and ceilings;
  • allows you to hide electrical wiring and other communications;
  • is an excellent heat and sound insulating material;
  • It is possible to change the color and design of the walls more than once.

The material also has its disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the high cost and a decent load on the wall. It is also worth considering that although wood is an environmentally friendly material, it is susceptible to rotting, so lining requires proper care and operation. First of all, the boards must be treated with paints and other special compounds for wood, as they have protective properties and help prevent mechanical defects and other damage.

Types of paints

It often happens that home owners get tired of natural wood shades in the interior and want to update the color of the walls by painting the lining. All wood products are divided into two types: decorative and protective. Some are intended for interior decoration, others - to increase service life.

All wood products can be divided into several categories, each of which solves separate problems.

  • Protective means. Can be used both externally and interior decoration. From the name of such products it is clear that they must be used to protect the surface from different types influences: mold, moisture and ultraviolet radiation. Such compositions have several degrees of protection and slow down the aging process of the material. For example, UV protectants preserve the natural wood grain and combat discoloration and darkening. Such compositions must be used to protect the lining on the balcony, terrace or any other areas exposed to direct sunlight. When treating a wooden surface, it is necessary to apply a small layer of the product - you can use a damp brush for this.

  • Toning agents and stains. These substances form a thin layer on the surface and give it a darker shade. Such compositions do not have protective properties. They are chosen when it is necessary for the tree to “breathe”. The structure of the tinting agent itself can be weakly or strongly pigmented: the weaker the composition, the more pronounced the woody pattern remains. In this way you can regulate the degree of surface painting. The surface treated with stain must be varnished, otherwise the boards will appear dirty.

  • Varnish. This substance is used when processing wood inside the house. It can make the surface matte, semi-matte or glossy, and also impart pigmented color. If you mix the varnish with a copper, the composition will obtain a uniform shade that can be applied in one layer. But experts recommend applying a transparent first layer, and then adding coloring pigments. Water-based varnishes form a thin film, but dirt and dust are not absorbed. Acrylic varnishes are considered the most harmless and perform two functions at once: protective and decorative. Manufacturers also add UV protective components to some varnishes. It is recommended to use such products for summer cottage or in the bathhouse.

  • Dye. This composition has a denser texture, through which the natural wood grain is not visible. The material protects the surface from mechanical factors, fungi, insects, sun rays, chemicals, moisture and fire. Paint is divided into many groups and can be latex, oil and acrylic. Before painting, experts advise using a primer or clear wood varnish, which will allow you to get an even and smooth shade. Just like with water-based paint, when applied it retains the textured pattern and does not paint over it with a thick layer, since some areas may appear unpainted or will have stains. This is a completely natural reaction of wood, since the porous surface does not always absorb paint evenly.

  • Oil. This transparent or pigmented substance is quickly absorbed into the wood structure and does not form a film on the surface. The wood acquires a matte or slightly shiny finish. At the same time, the oil provides protection against the absorption of dirt, moisture, dust and fungal damage. Pigmented compounds help highlight the natural wood grain and grain.
  • Wax based products. They are traditional and effective way wood protection, and in addition, an excellent replacement for varnish. Manufacturers offer wax in three versions: solid, liquid and water. The last two are already ready for application, and the hard wax must be heated to a liquid state according to the instructions before use. But before this, the wood must be prepared and primed in advance, otherwise the wax may lie unevenly.

  • Drying oil. This composition has recently lost its popularity. Initially, drying oil gives the wood a pleasant golden hue, but after 2-3 years the surface darkens and begins to stick. Modern manufacturers offer mixed compositions for finishing wooden surfaces both outside and inside the house. You can distinguish impregnations with a tinting effect and paints with protective characteristics and oils that contain wax.


Many home owners prefer not to paint the lining and preserve the natural pattern. But in order to prolong the original appearance, the wood should still be treated, otherwise the walls may darken or acquire a blue tint. To get rid of gray shade on wood, you will first have to sand the top layer, and then treat the surface to protect it from sunlight.

It will be more difficult to remove the blue tint - for this you need to use biological agents. Chlorine and active oxygen will help cope with the task. After treatment, the surface must be impregnated with a protective composition, and then painted with thick or translucent paint.

Natural wood shade will not harmoniously complement all interiors, so the walls can be painted. Big choice painting methods allows you to create an exclusive coating. To do this, it is important to choose the right paint color. Don't forget about simple rules: light shades visually expand the space, while dark shades, on the contrary, make the room smaller.

  • Warm and calm shades look great in the kitchen interior: yellow, orange, pink and peach.

  • A honey-golden shade combined with a natural wood pattern looks great in the living room. The interior can be diluted with light shades or bright and catchy colors.
  • For the office, you can choose natural wood colors. In this case, oak looks great, but the lighting in the room must be well thought out. Cool tones will also help you get into a working mood.

  • In the bedroom it is better to use wood shades or light and neutral colors. White also looks great when decorating the walls in the bedroom.
  • You can use any colors in a nursery, but psychologists advise against bright and saturated tones - it is better to choose calm and moderately bright shades. They will not only create a special playful mood, but will also help the child relax and get ready for sleep and rest.
  • Lining painted gray and blue will create a feeling of dampness and cold, so it is wiser to use such shades in sunny rooms.

The lining can be mounted in various ways.

  • Vertical. Will allow you to visually raise the ceiling. This technique is especially good to use in combination with light shades.
  • Horizontally. Helps visually lengthen the wall and create the effect of expanded space.
  • Diagonally. It will create special dynamics in the interior and allow you to make a spectacular accent on the wall or ceiling.
  • Alternating. Allows you to create a special charm with a simple technique. For example, you can depict various shapes on the wall: a herringbone, steps and other combinations that the homeowner’s imagination can create.


When choosing a coating for lining, it is important, first of all, to focus on style and general idea design that needs to be created. Impregnations and varnishes are suitable if it is necessary to preserve the natural wood grain. The antique wood shade is perfect for country or Provence style.

Classic English style cannot be imagined without the use of wood. To recreate the unique and exquisite style you can use lining, which must be installed from below to a third or middle of the wall, and the upper part can be decorated with wallpaper or paint.

The lining can harmoniously fit into a modern and fashionable high-tech style, but for this it is necessary to carry out work on covering the walls with paint with metal particles or mother-of-pearl.

Light shades of wood can be perfectly combined with an attractive eco style. Cleanliness and preservation of the natural pattern in combination with bright greenery look appropriate and harmonious both in a city apartment and in a country cottage.

For the Scandinavian style, you can also use lining, but in this case all boards must be painted white.

In some cases, it is appropriate to combine several colors when painting one wall. For example, the lower part can be covered with a dark shade, and the upper part with a light shade, or you can alternate two different colors to highlight horizontal or vertical stripes. It is worth taking care that paints do not merge at the border of different colors. To do this you need to use masking tape and thin brushes - then you can turn a simple wall into a real art object.

How to paint?

You can paint the lining inside the house in any color. For this you can use any type of paint - in this case it all depends on the decorative requirements and characteristics of the room.

Below are step-by-step instructions for painting the lining with your own hands.

  • Each board is checked and sorted. Uneven, cracked or bowed paneling is sent for processing, and parts unsuitable for finishing are used for color or varnish testing.
  • After sorting, the boards are cleaned of dirt and sanded with a special machine. If such a tool is not at hand, then you can use improvised means: a wooden block with sandpaper.
  • The primer and protective agents are applied with a spray gun or roller.

  • In a damp and unheated room, experts recommend using exclusively wood that has been treated on all sides so that the material does not lose its original appearance. After complete drying, you can move on to decorative finishing: coated with paint or varnish.
  • To get the best effect in a room, designers strongly recommend processing each detail in turn. To do this, you should sand, paint and dry all the boards and only then proceed to installation.
  • The coating must be applied with a brush or roller along the entire length of the central part of the lining. The paint is thoroughly ground and shaded until an even, uniform shade is obtained. To do this, you will need two brushes: medium thickness and narrow format. The painted surface must be completely dry, so after this the boards are set aside for a few minutes.

  • After complete drying, you can additionally repeat the surface sanding step. Then one or more layers of paint are applied - it all depends on the effect you want to achieve. Paint applied thin layers, lasts longer than one thick layer, but the latter should be as thin as possible. Then the lining is sent back to dry.
  • If you paint the finished surface, there will be untreated areas between the boards, so you won’t be able to paint the joints well. This finishing method is only permissible if the color is updated.
  • Painting old lining is a labor-intensive process that requires proper preparation. If the paint has chipped off in some places on the walls, you need to get rid of it. To do this using construction hair dryer the surface of the wall should be heated and the top varnished or painted layer should be removed. After this, the lining must be sanded and primed again.

Over time, any protective coating loses its properties Therefore, periodically the boards must be re-impregnated with fire retardants and bactericidal agents, and the surface must also be additionally coated with various varnishes. Antiperen is used to protect wood from fire, the service life of the coating is up to 5 years, so during this period it is necessary to additionally treat the surface with the product.

During the initial application, experts advise additionally using a small part of the same wood as an example. The composition is applied to the surface in two layers using a brush or spray. After complete drying, the treated part of the board used for the sample must be set on fire - the surface should not burn or smolder, and after 30 seconds it should blacken and char. Bactericidal compounds will help avoid fungal infection and fight existing mold.
