Former governor of the Tuleyans. Tuleev Aman Gumirovich. From a grateful people

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Biography, life story of Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev

Tuleev Aman Gumirovich (birth name – Tuleev Amangeldy Moldagazyevich) – Russian statesman, politician Governor of the Kemerovo region since 1997.

Childhood and youth. Education

Amangeldy Tuleyev was born in Krasnovodsk (Turkmen SSR) on May 13, 1944. His father Moldagazy Koldybaevich died at the front before his son was born. The boy was raised by his mother Munira Fayzovna Nasyrova and stepfather Innokenty Ivanovich Vlasov. Tuleyev began using the first and patronymic “Aman Gumirovich” in his youth solely for reasons of euphony.

In 1964, Aman Tuleyev graduated from the Tikhoretsky Technical School of Railway Transport. In 1973 he became a graduate correspondence department Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. In that educational institution He received the specialty of a communications engineer for the operation of railways. In 1989, Tuleyev graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences. Subsequently he defended his candidate's and then doctor's dissertations. Received an academic degree of Doctor of Political Sciences (theme of the defended work is “Political leadership: regional specifics and implementation mechanisms”).

Career path

In 1964, Aman Tuleyev got a job at the Mundybash railway station of the Novokuznetsk branch of the West Siberian Railway as a duty officer. Soon after it young man drafted into the army. Upon returning to civilian life in 1967, he returned to his previous place of work. In 1969 he became the head of the Mundybash station. In 1973, Aman took the position of head of the Mezhdurechensk station (Novokuznetsk branch of the West Siberian Railway), then from 1978 to 1983 he was deputy head, and then, until 1985, head of the Novokuznetsk branch of the Kemerovo Railway. From 1985 to 1988, Tuleyev headed the transport and communications department of the Kemerovo regional committee of the CPSU. From 1988 to 1990 he served as head of the Kemerovo Railway.


Aman Gumirovich entered politics in 1990. In 1990-1991 he was chairman of the executive committee of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies. Until 1993, he was a people's deputy of the RSFSR and chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies.

In 1994-1996 - Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region and member of the Federation Council Federal Assembly RF. In 1996, Tuleyev took the chair of minister Russian Federation on cooperation with CIS member states.

In the summer of 1997, Aman Gumirovich was appointed to the post of head of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region. In the fall of the same year, Tuleyev was elected governor of the region. In January 2001, Aman Gumirovich resigned, but in May he again put forward his candidacy and was re-elected governor. Subsequently he was re-elected several more times.

Aman Tuleyev tried to take the post of President of the Russian Federation in 1991, 1996 and 2000. In 2010 he became a member of the United Russia party. In 2014, Aman Gumirovich became a member of the advisory commission of the State Council of the Russian Federation.


Aman Tuleyev is the founder of the public charitable foundation “Semipalatinsk Trail” and the regional public charitable foundation “Help”.


At the beginning of the summer of 2017, Aman Gumirovich underwent spinal surgery. The surgery was successful.


Aman Tuleyev’s wife’s name is Elvira Fedorovna (maiden name is Solovyova). In 1968, the couple had a son, Dmitry. In 1972, Andrei joined the family (he died in 1998 as a result of a car accident).

In 1992, Aman Gumirovich became a grandfather - he had a grandson, Stanislav. In 1999, the second grandson Andrei was born. In 2005, Tuleyev had a granddaughter, Tatyana.

In the city of Krasnovodsk (now Turkmenbashi), Turkmen SSR, in the family of an employee.

In 1964 he graduated with honors from the Tikhoretsky Railway College. In 1973 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers with a degree in railway communications engineer, and in 1988 he graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences.

He began his career as a switchman at the Krasnodar-1 railway station.

After finishing his studies at the technical school, he moved to Siberia, to the railway village of Mundybash, Kemerovo region, where he worked as a station attendant.

He served in the engineering and sapper troops of the Trans-Baikal Military District. Military profession - sapper.

After service, he returned to Mundybash to his previous place of work. In 1969, he became the head of the Mundybash railway station of the West Siberian Railway.

From 1973 to 1978 - head of the railway station in the city of Mezhdurechensk.

From 1978 to 1985 he worked in Novokuznetsk: first as a deputy and then as the head of the Novokuznetsk branch of the Kemerovo Railway.

In 1985, he was appointed head of the transport and communications department of the Kemerovo regional party committee.

In 1988, he was appointed head of the Kemerovo Railway, one of the largest in the Soviet Union.

In 1990, Aman Tuleyev was elected to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR for the Gorno-Shorsky national-territorial district. In March 1990, he was elected as a deputy of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies, then as its chairman. At the same time, he was appointed chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Executive Committee. He worked as chairman of the regional Council of People's Deputies until October 1993.


Amangeldy Tuleyev was born on May 13, 1944 in Krasnovodsk (Turkmen SSR) in the family of Moldagazy Koldybaevich Tuleyev (1914-1943), a Kazakh by nationality from the Balykshy subgenus of the Adai clan, who died at the front. Mother - Munira Fayzovna Vlasova (née Nasyrova; 1921-2001), half Tatar, half Bashkir. He was raised and educated by his stepfather - Innokenty Ivanovich Vlasov (1923-1984). After 1964, for reasons of euphony, Tuleyev began to use the first and patronymic “Aman Gumirovich.”

In 1964 he graduated from the Tikhoretsky Technical School of Railway Transport. In 1973 he graduated in absentia from the Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (now Siberian State University Railways) with a specialty - “transport engineer for the operation of railways.” In 1989 he graduated in absentia from the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee (now Russian Academy public service.

In 1964, he began working as a station attendant at the Mundybash railway station of the Novokuznetsk branch of the West Siberian Railway. After serving in the ranks Soviet army(1964-1967) in the engineering units of the ZabVO returned to his previous place of work, where he worked as a station duty officer (1967-1968), senior assistant station chief (1968-1969) and station chief Mundybash (1969-1973). Then - head of the Mezhdurechensk station of the Novokuznetsk branch of the West Siberian Railway (1973-1978), deputy head (1978-1983) and head of the Novokuznetsk branch of the Kemerovo Railway (1983-1985).

In 1985-1988 - head of the transport and communications department of the Kemerovo regional committee of the CPSU.

In 1988-1990 - head of the Kemerovo railway.

Aman Tuleyev while working as the head of the Novokuznetsk branch of the Kemerovo Railway


In 1989, he unsuccessfully ran for People's Deputies of the USSR.

In 1991, he nominated himself for the first presidential elections in Russia. He received 7% of the votes and took 4th place (after Yeltsin, Ryzhkov, Zhirinovsky).

In 1990-1993 - People's Deputy of the RSFSR.

In 1990-1993 - Chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Council of People's Deputies. In 1990-1991 - chairman of the executive committee of the regional Council of People's Deputies. In August 1991, the then chairman of the Kemerovo regional executive committee, Tuleyev, promised the head of the State Emergency Committee Gennady Yanaev to “sign to every word” of the State Emergency Committee’s appeal. For this, Boris Yeltsin subsequently appointed Mikhail Kislyuk, one of the leaders of the Kuzbass labor movement, as head of the region.

In 1994-1996 - Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo Region, member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

On August 22, 1996, he was appointed Minister of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with Member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

On July 1, 1997, he was appointed head of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region. This appointment was accepted by Yeltsin in a situation of increased social tension in Kuzbass.

On January 25, 2001, he resigned from the post of governor of the Kemerovo region. He again stood as a candidate in early elections on April 22, 2001 and won, receiving 93.5% of the vote. On May 4, 2001, he again took office as governor of the Kemerovo region.

Aman Tuleyev as Chairman of the Regional Council of People's Deputies

Three times - in 1991, 1996 and 2000 - he ran for the post of President of Russia. During the presidential elections of the RSFSR on June 12, 1991, he received 6.81% of the votes (the fourth result out of six). On presidential elections 1996, withdrew his candidacy on the eve of the first round of elections and called on his voters to cast their votes in support of the candidate from the “people's patriotic bloc” Gennady Zyuganov. In the 2000 elections, he received 2.95% of the votes, almost all the votes were cast in the Kemerovo region, where the level of support exceeded 50% and even final Russian result V.V. Putin.

In the 1999 State Duma elections, Tuleyev was still on the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, but in Kuzbass he already supported Unity. In 2000, he was expelled from the NPSR. In December 2003, he topped the regional list " United Russia”, which thanks to this gained 52% of the votes in the Kemerovo region. All 35 deputies of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region were elected from the “Serving Kuzbass” bloc, formed with the support of Tuleyev.

Meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation. Minister for Cooperation with CIS Member States A. G. Tuleev and Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation V. S. Chernomyrdin

In July 1999, he refused to accept the Order of Honor from B. Yeltsin, explaining it this way: “I simply cannot, on principle, accept awards from the government, which has plunged the country into poverty.” However, in September 2000, he accepted this award from V. Putin.

In 2005, Putin extended Tuleyev's term of office until 2010. In the same year, Aman Tuleyev joined the United Russia party.

Founder of the regional public charitable foundation “Help” and the public charitable foundation “Semipalatinsk Trail”.

In 2013-2014, he was among the ten most effective governors in the Russian Federation according to the Civil Society Development Foundation.

In 2014, he became a member of the advisory commission of the State Council of Russia.

Aman Tuleyev and Vladimir Putin at a meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on problems of the Russian coal industry, Mezhdurechensk, 2002

On April 16, 2015, due to the expiration of his term of office, V. Putin appointed Tuleyev as acting governor of the Kemerovo region until the person elected as governor of the region took office. On May 26, 2015, at the United Russia primaries for the post of candidate for governor of the Kemerovo region at the Novokuznetsk Drama Theater, he received the majority of votes. On September 13, 2015, he was again elected head of Kuzbass, gaining 96.69%. On September 22, 2015, he took office as governor of the Kemerovo region.

In the parliamentary elections in the fall of 2016, he headed the United Russia party list in the Altai Republic, Altai region, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.


In 2011 he underwent spinal surgery.

In October 2016, a decision was made about the need for elective surgery, which was postponed until May 2017. In May-June, rumors began to appear about his resignation from office, generated by the politician’s long absence from public view: on May 9, he did not participate in the Victory Day celebrations; on May 22, he went on vacation, which was extended several times.

In May 2017, I paid for spinal surgery at a clinic in Germany from personal funds. During the treatment process, doctors decided to increase and expand the scope of the operation, which ultimately lasted more than nine hours, doctors used metal constructions. In the postoperative period, complications arose (pneumonia), which were managed. Since June 11, Tuleyev was in the regional clinical emergency hospital medical care No. 3 named after M.A. Podgorbunsky in Kemerovo.

On July 1, 2017, Tuleyev was brought on a stretcher to the Kemerovo airfield and taken to Moscow on an Emergency Situations Ministry plane equipped with means for transporting passengers in serious condition. In Moscow, employees of the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Zashchita” took him to the Central Clinical Hospital of the Presidential Administration, where almost round-the-clock monitoring was organized over his health and a number of procedures were prescribed that should help him recover from spinal surgery.

On August 12, 2017, he returned to Kemerovo. He immediately started working while in a wheelchair; held a meeting, criticizing a number of high-ranking regional officials who did not refute rumors of his death.


Aman Tuleyev repeatedly took part in negotiations with terrorists. In 1991, as a people's deputy of the RSFSR, Tuleyev helped free Masha Ponomarenko, who was taken hostage near Red Square, from a bus, offering himself in exchange for the girl.

In 1995, he negotiated with Yevgeny Zherenkov, who captured people at the Kemerovo bus station and threatened to detonate a homemade bomb.

In 2001, Tuleyev took part in the neutralization of Andrei Pangin, who took a taxi driver hostage at Kemerovo airport.

In 2007, after telephone conversations between Tuleyev and police warrant officer Shatalov, who threatened to blow up a residential building and barricaded himself in his apartment, Novokuznetsk security forces managed to neutralize the terrorist and take him alive.

On March 13, 2009, Aman Tuleyev negotiated with a robber who had taken hostage three female cashiers and two security guards at a bank.


In 1999, in Chechnya, Tuleyev was sentenced to death penalty for allegedly accepting Christianity.


Aman Tuleyev at a meeting in connection with the tragedy in Kemerovo, March 27, 2018
On March 25, 2018, a fire broke out in the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping and entertainment complex in Kemerovo. As of March 30, 64 people died as a result of the fire, including Aman Tuleyev’s young niece. Tuleyev himself did not come to the scene of the tragedy, explaining that he did not want his motorcade to interfere with the rescuers.

On March 27, 2018, a rally was held in the city. More than four thousand protesters in Kemerovo demanded Tuleyev’s resignation. Despite the presence of relatives of the victims at the rally, Tuleyev said that 200 “troublers” were present at the rally, but there were no relatives of the victims. On March 30, he transferred his one-day earnings (5,803 rubles) to the account to help the families of those killed in the fire at the Winter Cherry shopping center.

On April 1, 2018, he made an open appeal to the residents of the Kemerovo region and addressed the President of the Russian Federation with a resignation letter. at will. President Putin accepted his resignation.


Wife - Tuleyeva (nee Solovyova) Elvira Fedorovna (born 1943). The marriage produced sons Dmitry (born 1968) and Andrey (1972-1998; died in a car accident in Tashkent).

Grandchildren - Stanislav Andreevich Tuleyev (born 1992), Andrey Dmitrievich Tuleyev (born 1999) and Tatyana Dmitrievna Tuleyeva (born 2005).

He promised 1 million rubles for the capture of Bigfoot.


A. G. Tuleyev is actively involved in scientific work, is the author of more than two dozen books and brochures, hundreds of publications and speeches in foreign, Russian, Kuzbass electronic and print media. He has 2 invention patents modern methods increasing the efficiency of loading and unloading operations in railway transport. On March 2, 1999, A. G. Tuleev defended his dissertation for the academic degree of Candidate of Political Sciences

Journalists and political scientists “dismissed” Tuleyev last year, when it became known about his serious health problems. The 73-year-old politician underwent his first spinal surgery back in 2011. In 2017, German doctors performed a second operation. Afterwards, a complication appeared: pneumonia. Due to his long absence from public view and prolonged vacation, rumors began to spread about his imminent resignation from his position. However, the people's governor of Kuzbass (he received such an honorary title in 2011 “as a sign of many years of dedicated service to people and popular recognition of exceptional services to the Kemerovo region”) was not going to vacate the chair before the end of his term, that is, until 2020.

When the tragedy happened at the Winter Cherry shopping center, Tuleyev did not come to the scene of the fire. His administration hastened to explain this with good intentions: they say that the governor’s motorcade, when approaching the scene of an emergency, would interfere with fire crews. A day later, when the president arrived in Kemerovo and began a meeting on liquidation of the consequences, it became clear that it was not a matter of the motorcade after all. Tuleyev could neither get up nor sit down without outside help: held his hand Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Siberian Federal District Sergei Menyailo.

But he could talk, and in the few days after the tragedy he said a lot. About the opposition, which is profiting “from human grief”, about the fact that it was not the relatives of the victims who took to the streets, but “troublemakers”... He said his truly last “I’m sorry” only in a video message, which he recorded after his resignation. Tuleyev called his decision “correct, conscious, the only correct one.” “Because with such a heavy burden as governor - well, it’s impossible, morally impossible,” he said.

But you can accept benefits from the regional budget that are provided for the title of people's governor. After his resignation, Tuleyev is entitled to monthly payment 50 thousand rubles, excluding personal income tax. The governor who has terminated his powers is provided with an assistant to carry out public activities, and in the administration building of the Kemerovo region he will receive a separate office space with furniture, office equipment and a computer connected to the network and to all available legal frameworks and government information systems. Also, Tuleev and his wife will be given a guarded residential property in the village of Mazurovo for free use for life for life.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Kryazhev

Negotiated with the miners

In parting, Tuleyev remembered: “We went through a great life path from Kuzbass striking, sitting on the rails, to Kuzbass creating, the support of our state.” Yes, it was the miners who helped Tuleyev take the governor’s chair.

Formerly the head of the Kemerovo Railway in the late eighties, Tuleyev was nominated as a candidate in the first presidential elections, then supported the State Emergency Committee. This team Yeltsin she did not forgive him, and Tuleyev managed to sit in the governor’s chair against the backdrop of miners’ protests only in 1997. The people then gave him 94.5% of the votes. By the way, in 2015, when he last time was elected in popular elections, the figure was even higher: 96% of the vote.

Tuleyev knew how to get along with the miners, and Moscow was ready to forgive him a lot for this. In the summer of 1998, miners of Kuzbass and Vorkuta, due to months-long delays, paid their salaries for several weeks. railways. Tuleyev introduced emergency regime, But Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov, responsible for unblocking the tracks, he said that the miners' demands were fair and legal. As a result, part of the debts was repaid, and Tuleyev went down in history as the man who ended the “rail war.”

In the late 2000s, it was Tuleyev who extinguished protests due to accidents in mines that claimed the lives of hundreds of miners. And in 2015 he unexpectedly banned any work in the Kuzbass mines during New Year's holidays, because “a drunk person in a mine, at mining work, is the same as a terrorist.” A year later, Tuleyev stood up for the interests of the workers of the Raspadskaya Coal Company, who were threatened with mass layoffs. “It turns out that they are simply planning to throw workers out onto the street with mortgages, loans, and all payments, reporting with the beautiful phrase “optimization of non-core structures,” the people’s governor was indignant.

He also personally extorted money from the owners who did not pay wages to the miners. Under the governor, they created a headquarters in which businessmen were convincingly explained the consequences of meetings with the Department of Economic Crimes or promised to take away their licenses. They say that some particularly dull ones actually lost their shares, which went to a holding company created by friends of the governor.

Excellent negotiator

Aman Tuleyev’s ambitions went far beyond the region. He ran for president of Russia three times. In 1991, he received 7% of the votes and took 4th place. In the 1996 elections, he withdrew his candidacy on the eve of the first round in support of Gennady Zyuganov. In January 2000, Tuleyev was nominated, as experts believed, in order to “pull” votes away from the communist leader. He again ended up in 4th place out of 11 candidates, - after Putin, Zyuganov And Yavlinsky- with just over 3% of the votes.

Hand on heart, we can safely call Tuleyev himself a troublemaker. For example, in 1999 he refused to accept the Order of Honor from Yeltsin. “I simply cannot, on principle, accept awards from a government that has plunged the country into poverty,” he explained his demarche then. And in September 2000, Tuleyev calmly accepted this award from Vladimir Putin.

Governor of the Kemerovo Region Aman Tuleyev was awarded the Order of Honor. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Rodionov

He also staged demarches against the communists. From the ranks of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, without thinking twice, he jumped onto the lists of United Russia. Then, in 2007, he even sued Zyuganov when he declared: “Tuleev organized a ploughshare in the Kemerovo region!”

There are some very heroic episodes in his biography. People's Deputy RSFSR Aman Tuleyev in 1991 helped free a seven-year-old girl taken hostage near Red Square Mashu Ponomarenko, offering himself in exchange for the girl. In 2001, he took part in neutralizing a terrorist who had taken a taxi driver hostage at Kemerovo airport. He is responsible for the release of passengers at the Kemerovo bus station (they were threatened with a bomb), residents of a Novokuznetsk high-rise building that was almost blown up by a police warrant officer, and bank employees taken hostage.

Against this heroic background, the stories of local journalists that Tuleyev once imposed a ban on any publication of negative news from the region look quite plausible. Colleagues, according to them, were explained that the federal media should not publish dirty stories about Kuzbass, even if the authorities had nothing to do with it. Those who disobeyed were allegedly threatened with dismissal.

However, Tuleyev never had problems with positive news stories. For example, in the Kemerovo region, Tuleyev banned the activities of collectors and introduced a curfew for children even when this was not even thought about at the federal level.

“He was the boss here”

But there is another side to the coin. Local businesses have accumulated many complaints against Tuleyev. The authoritarian governor did not stand on ceremony with undesirable entrepreneurs. And the large holdings around him were made clear that they needed to share money with the region and allocate it to the social sphere.

IN last years Tuleyev’s reputation was also shaken due to corruption scandals in his administration. In July 2016, there was a disruption in the work of the governor’s “headquarters” to resolve problems with businessmen. Two shifts of miners at the Inskoy mine refused to go underground until they were given their wages, which had not been paid since April. Tuleevsky “headquarters” began working with the owner.

In November, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against this very “headquarters” for extorting a billion rubles from the owner of shares. Suspects - Head of the Kemerovo Investigative Committee Sergei Kalinkin and two Deputy Governor, Alexey Ivanov And Alexander Danilchenko.

However, the people's governor himself remained above suspicion. Perhaps because he did not reign as the governors of the new conscription know how to do. “I worked with him for five years. Over the years, everything has happened. But I remember for the rest of my life my first impression of Tuleyev’s house,” I recalled on my Facebook State Duma Deputy Anton Gorelkin. — Aman Gumirovich was on sick leave, recovering from an operation at home, in Mazurovo. And Putin arrived in Kuzbass. The visit program included a couple of meetings, but there was no personal meeting with the governor. But at some point the president said: “To Tuleyev.” We arrived in Mazurovo, and for the first time I saw how Aman Tuleyev lived. Before this, there were many rumors: that he eats black caviar from silver dishes, that he has gold toilets, and jewelry. And the situation in the house turned out to be so spartan that later many journalists captioned photographs from that meeting between Putin and Tuleyev: “The President visited the governor in hospital ward“. Simple Soviet style furniture. Simple clothes. No gold or other kitsch. I already knew then that Aman Gumirovich eats very simple food, never goes on vacation abroad, that he has no yachts, no palaces, no foreign real estate.”

More than 20 years at the helm of the coal region, the nickname “Kuzbassbashi”, the “Tuleevsky” potato variety and universal honor. And now - a loss in court, testimony in a criminal case and criticism from all sides. How do Kemerovo residents now perceive Tuleyev and what does business say about him and the new authorities?

Aman Tuleyev. Photo: Danil Aikin/TASS

Previously, it was impossible to even imagine that someone in Kuzbass would sue Aman Tuleyev and win. Now there is such a person there - the former head of one of the districts, Alexey Shmidt. Three years ago, Tuleyev said that he fired the official for theft, fraud and fraud.

And all this time, Schmidt, as he explained in his lawsuit, was “deeply depressed and morally destroyed” because of the governor’s words. Apparently, the peak of depression occurred at the moment when Tuleyev resigned and the ex-official sued him.

And he agreed with him and ordered the ex-governor to pay 150 thousand rubles. Most likely, this is just the beginning, because there are many dissatisfied with Tuleyev in Kuzbass, suggests Kemerovo resident Natalya.

Natalia resident of Kemerovo region“It’s just that people, maybe, were afraid before, but now they started doing it, that’s all that has changed. And, let’s say, dislike or hatred remains the same. She was. Maybe it wasn’t so obvious.”

Tuleyev was also called to another court, and it could be much more serious for the ex-governor. It's about about Kuzbass businessman Alexander Shchukin. Tuleyev himself once called him an “authoritative manager.” Shchukin even received the title “Hero of Kuzbass”. Now the hero is on trial for extorting a coal mine worth a billion rubles.

Tuleyev is a witness in this case. This was also impossible to imagine before. Kuzbass public figure Arthur Stash, speaking about Tuleyev, uses a term from blackjack - “bust”. And he cites the example of the former mayor of Kemerovo, Vladimir Mikhailov.

Arthur Stash Kemerovo public figure“He needed to leave, like our mayor of Kemerovo Mikhailov did. He passed away at 70 years old. Honor, respect. He drives a jeep, I saw him recently. There are no complaints against him, but Tuleyev has already reached such a situation, the opposite effect has begun, the effect of debunking, like a lion now kicking a sick person. Everything is natural. I should have left earlier and everything would have been fine.”

Even after a serious operation, Tuleyev led the region in a wheelchair. Only after the tragedy in " Winter cherry“It became clear that the governor’s days were numbered. He ruled with an iron fist, and he really has a lot of merit. Although a significant part of them is due to high coal prices.

But Tuleyev has been truly respected in Kuzbass since the 90s. He also proved himself to be an excellent PR man. Here, for example, is a relatively recent story. A few years ago it was very expensive to fly to Kuzbass. Then Tuleyev went to deal with the airlines, and prices dropped.

True, then they grew again, because they are controlled not by Tuleyev, but by the market. But the governor managed to report with a victorious report. Under Aman Gumirovich, business was having a hard time; Business FM told stories of how companies specifically changed their registration to neighboring Novosibirsk in order to escape the influence of the Kuzbass authorities. What now?

Andrey owner of the Kemerovo sawmill“Under the previous head of the region, there were many production workers in power. They, one way or another, understood what production was, how it all worked, and how to at least let people survive. The current leadership, in my opinion, this is my subjective point of view, has begun such a “march” for construction, improvement, and cultural life, although we have been a production region all our lives, and it is very unclear why it started with this. Therefore, there is a very large outflow of young specialists.”

Andrey himself is selling his sawmill, also due to moving to another city. With the new authorities find mutual language he can't do it. If only because they are new, and this always means redistribution. With the old ones everything was clear. They gathered the business and said: we need to do a good deed, in a good way. And business, for example, bought for orphanage bus. Naturally, it bore the inscription: “A gift from the governor.”

And in general, under Aman Gumirovich, whom journalists sometimes called “Kuzbassbashi,” everything good in the region was called “provincial.” Provincial market with low prices, provincial pool, and so on. In early April, when Tuleyev left, all his memorial plaques were quickly removed. And now, as locals say, there is almost nothing in Kuzbass that reminds us of the former governor. It’s as if he hasn’t been in power for more than 20 years. And even the potato variety, which Kuzbass breeders called “Tuleevsky,” they say, has disappeared from stores.
