Glazed porch. Enclosed porch for a private house: design options Porch to a house made of aluminum profile

For closed porches - vestibules, terraces or verandas, the same double-glazed windows are used that are used for glazing balconies and windows of a private house. The type of profile - plastic or aluminum - is selected based on the technical characteristics of the porch and its type. This is important, since the requirements for windows and doors for a small vestibule and porch - terrace will be different.

In this article we will talk in general terms about these glazing options, as well as which one and why is suitable for a particular type of porch.

Aluminum or plastic frames, what to choose?

Profiles made of polyvinyl chloride and aluminum differ in thermal conductivity, weight and several more technical specifications. Degree of insulation, size of the site, presence or absence of need panoramic glazing– all this should be taken into account in the selection process.

Glazing with polyvinyl chloride

PVC profiles have very low thermal conductivity and can provide very good sound insulation. They are available in both single and triple frames. As a rule, for closed porches, cold frames, as in the photo, are sufficient. The glazing of the porches of a country house mainly serves only wind and moisture protection functions, and insulation is of secondary importance here.

Photo of the glazed porch country house

However, if the extension is well insulated and there is a desire to use it as a hallway, then two-chamber, warm frames can be installed. PVC profiles are produced in different colors and can be matched to the design of any building. Negative sides plastic porch glazing:

  • Even cold frames will be quite massive, including in appearance.
  • At negative temperatures the plastic becomes brittle.

How to glaze a porch: PVC profiles

Aluminum systems

Aluminum profiles look lighter than plastic ones and are perfect for cold porches - verandas or terraces. Glazing the porch with an aluminum profile allows you to install huge “French” frames on the floor. The lightness of the frames is not only visual, they really do not weigh very much, so they can also be mounted on sliding systems. However, this only applies to cold options; warm frames are quite heavy.

Like plastic, aluminum comes with coatings different color and textures. It’s also worth mentioning durability aluminum glazing. The frames are resistant to mechanical damage, so you don’t have to worry about cracks or chips from an accidental impact. The service life of this profile is quite long. The glazed porch, a photo of which is presented below, is equipped with sliding system frames.

To improve ease of use, it is often made closed. At the same time, one of the most popular ways to protect interior space is glazing.

As for balconies and verandas, in this case three types of profiles can be used - aluminum, PVC and wood. The first two options are somewhat more popular due to their practicality and relatively low cost.

Benefits of glazing

It is worth glazing the porch not only to protect it inner space from rain, wind, snow and icing in winter, but also in order to slightly increase living space Houses. In addition, these look much more aesthetically pleasing and more solid than open ones:

Glazing with plastic windows

Aluminum profiles can be used for street staircases of absolutely any design. Photo of the glazed porch of a country house

Disadvantages of aluminum frames

The disadvantages of such frames include, first of all, a high degree of thermal conductivity. For equipment warm porch they don't fit. In addition, many models are much more expensive than plastic ones.

Photo of the glass porch to the house. Warm verandas using this type of profile is rarely satisfied

Important: Contact of such profiles with alkaline and acidic solutions should not be allowed. It is also undesirable for frames to come into contact with objects made of copper or steel.

Frameless glazing

The most beautiful option for glazing the porch of a country house is frameless aluminum. Of course, there is a profile in such designs. However, it is so narrow that even from a short distance it is practically invisible. The street staircase of a private house looks enclosed only by glass, which is very aesthetically pleasing.

The glazed porch allows you to admire the beauty of the garden around the house and at the same time protects you from wind and precipitation. Thanks to the glazing, you can relax comfortably even during heavy rain. But before installing glass, you should choose one of the common methods.

Basic glazing methods

To make the porch closed, many home owners choose:

To choose one of the described options, you need to consider each of them in detail. It is worth giving preference to one of them only after careful consideration of each method. It is also worth considering the photos that show the design style of the porch, glazed with all the products described.

Wooden frames

Glazing with wooden frames occurred long before the advent of more modern materials. This method is the most common and cheapest. A porch with wooden frames looks natural and harmonizes with both an old building and a newly built house.

To glaze a porch using wooden frames, you must either order them from a carpenter or make them yourself. You can also buy ready-made frames with glass. But if you want to save money, you can do everything yourself by buying only glass.

For glazing, the frame for the frames is first created from timber. Before fixing, the material must be treated with an antiseptic. After installing the timber, empty wooden frames are installed. At this stage, it is necessary to check the verticality of each element. After this, all cracks are sealed with sealant.

Installation of glass occurs as follows:

  • first, 3 cm thick sealant is applied to the frames;
  • after it has dried, the glass is inserted into the frame and pressed;
  • then you need to apply the sealant again to the edges of the glass;
  • on final stage The glass is secured with a thin strip called a bead.

If you need to replace glass in old frames, it is enough to completely clean them old paint and use putty to smooth out all the chips. After the frame has dried, just clean it sandpaper and then varnish and paint. You need to choose a coating in accordance with the design style that suits your home.

Installation of plastic windows

Most often, plastic windows are installed on the porch by home owners who want to insulate this extension. But there are also windows that are not designed to insulate the porch. But even such products can significantly reduce heat loss. If the glazing of the porch is carried out not only to protect from precipitation, but also to protect from the cold while relaxing in the evening, you should choose plastic windows.

Glazing of plastic windows occurs as follows:

  • first there is consolidation window frame in the opening using fasteners;
  • after this, the gaps between the wall and the windows are sealed with polyurethane foam;
  • at the final stage, excess foam is cut off with a knife, and the surface of the wall near the window is finished in accordance with the wishes of the home owner.

If the installation takes place in a wooden structure, self-tapping screws are used for fastening. Plastic windows should be chosen when you want to completely insulate the porch or make it suitable for comfortable rest in spring and autumn.

Sliding window systems

If you want to make your porch lighter, you should think about installing sliding windows And glass doors. This window design helps save space, as it does not take up extra bed when opening. This is convenient when the porch is narrow.

Such systems are created from glass and aluminum profile. Similar windows are created of 2 types:

Having looked at photos of various extensions to the house, it’s easy to choose more suitable option for your building.

Frameless glazing

If the porch is used only for relaxing in summer time, you can install glass panels without frames that move along guides fixed to the floor and ceiling of the porch or veranda. Thanks to such structures, the building is completely visible from the outside.

If you want to make the porch open, but protected from rain or wind, the best option is the installation of frameless glass. The photo shows that such designs can look harmonious with different types houses.

Decoration of a glazed porch

It is worth thinking about the design style of a glass porch even before the glass is installed or even during the construction stage. First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which the house is built. If it is wooden, you need to choose either wooden frames or plastic windows for glazing. By choosing other options, you can ruin the style of the entire building.

It is important to glaze the porch in such a way that the windows of this extension are similar to the rest of the windows of the house. If this rule is neglected, the extension will look less natural.

If the house is built of brick, you can choose from many options. For example, many people create a porch whose corner supports are finished with brick, and the space between them is glazed with plastic or wooden windows(as in the photo below). Also looking harmonious around such a house is a structure almost entirely consisting of glass panels, which can be seen in the photo. For brick house Metal glazed structures are also suitable.

To improve the ease of use of the porch of a private house, it is often made closed. At the same time, one of the most popular ways to protect the internal space of a street staircase is glazing.

As for balconies and verandas, in this case three types of profiles can be used - aluminum, PVC and wood. The first two options are somewhat more popular due to their practicality and relatively low cost.

Benefits of glazing

It is worth glazing the porch not only to protect its interior from rain, wind, snow and ice in winter, but also to slightly increase the living space of the house. In addition, such street staircases look much more aesthetically pleasing and more solid than open ones:

Glazing with plastic windows

Aluminum profiles can be used for street staircases of absolutely any design. Photo of the glazed porch of a country house

Disadvantages of aluminum frames

The disadvantages of such frames include, first of all, a high degree of thermal conductivity. They are not suitable for equipping a warm porch. In addition, many models are much more expensive than plastic ones.

Photo of the glass porch to the house. Warm verandas using this type of profile are rarely installed

Important: Contact of such profiles with alkaline and acidic solutions should not be allowed. It is also undesirable for frames to come into contact with objects made of copper or steel.

Frameless glazing

The most beautiful option for glazing the porch of a country house is frameless aluminum. Of course, there is a profile in such designs. However, it is so narrow that even from a short distance it is practically invisible. The street staircase of a private house looks enclosed only by glass, which is very aesthetically pleasing.

To choose the right porch design for a private house, you need to evaluate your budget and needs, and also consider photos of various ready-made solutions. Dekorin completed the last task for you: in this article you will find out what a porch for a private house can be like in terms of its shape, materials and finishing with examples in 40 photos.

Porch in a private house - beautiful options with photos

The dimensions and shape of the porch to the house are usually dictated architectural features and the size of the building itself, as well as the personal preferences of its owners. In particular, designers agree that the canopy and porch railings should be made in the same style as the roof and balconies of a private house. For example, if the roof of the house is gable, the canopy over the porch should be the same. And if you ordered forged balconies or window bars, then at the same time worry about the railings - so that they have the same forging patterns. The design of columns, arches and other decorative elements should be selected in the same way.

However, in the photos below you will see that the most interesting facades with a porch to the house were made precisely in order to avoid these general rules. But first, let's look at the main porch design options:

  1. Open is the most common type of entrance to a house; may have a canopy and railings, and also be decorated with decor that is brought into the house in winter;
  2. Closed - has transparent or translucent walls made of glass, polycarbonate or plain mosquito net; designed to decorate the entrance to the house, relaxation at any time of the year or use as a preliminary hallway;
  3. Mounted - manufactured when a private house It has ground floor or when its necessity is justified by the landscape around the building; its design is often similar to a balcony;
  4. Porch-terrace - an extended version of the porch, used for outdoor recreation;
  5. Protrusion shape: round and rectangular.

Finally, you also have to choose the materials from which the porch for a private home will be made. Today, most porch designs are made of concrete, which can then be painted, tile, stone, wood, etc. Other common materials include wood, metal, stone and brick. Let's take a closer look at them!

Wooden porch to the house - ecology and comfort

The most common option today is wooden flooring for porches, which are installed on a concrete, brick or metal base. In 80% of cases, a wooden porch is made of pine, as the most common and cheapest material. When properly sealed, varnished and painted wooden porch will look good for many years. In the following photos you will see options on how to make a porch for a private house from wood.

Concrete porch - strength and variety

Concrete is the cheapest, most versatile and reliable material for making a porch. Firstly, the concrete porch is monolithic and does not loosen over time, as happens with wooden structures. Secondly, it can be easily repaired and decorated with any decor. And finally, it can be given absolutely any shape, and it will not particularly affect the cost and duration of the project.

Most often, a concrete porch is finished with clinker or other tiles, less often with stone, paint and other materials. IN modern houses with wood, brick and siding facades it is often left bare to highlight the color and texture of the walls and environment. Let's look at the photo to see what a concrete porch might look like.

Brick porch - reliability and unpretentiousness

A brick porch will be more expensive, but also a very attractive and reliable solution for a private home. Its installation will take quite a lot of time and labor, but in the long run it will fully pay off due to its ease of maintenance. Note that quite often a brick porch has a concrete base and/or covering steps.

Chic stone porch - an expressive classic

Natural stone is very strong, durable and beautiful material for decorating the porch. There are many various types stones, some of which are used to create a foundation, others for decorative finishing. Accordingly, the first of them are more expensive and reliable than the others. In general, any stone stands up well to any weather conditions and does not require Maintenance for a long time.

Wrought iron trim and metal porch

As a rule, by metal or wrought iron porch we mean decorative elements porch - roof, steps and railings made of metal. However, sometimes you can see completely metal porch for a private home, as in the following photo.

The main advantages of such a metal porch are its high strength and durability. The only point: you will have to spend extra money on painting it and treating it against corrosion. In addition, metal floors are quite cold, which is why this material is not used for terraces intended for relaxation. In them, the metal base is covered with wood or a concrete base is used.

Decorating the porch of a house with tiles and polycarbonate

The tiles can be installed on concrete and brick porch when it is necessary to increase its attractiveness or arrange it as a recreation area. Modern choice tiles allows you to find very stylish models under wood, stone and with other effects. Particularly popular today are clinker tiles for porches on the street and bright design tiles with patterns in Moroccan and geometric styles.

Canopy over the porch made of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is inexpensive, very flexible and lightweight material, which is used to decorate the walls and canopies over the porch. Usually it is mounted on a metal base and pasted over sun protection film. The most economical and simple way to create a canopy over the porch of a private house of all those available for 2016! And it looks decent:

You have looked through 40 photos on the topic of what a porch for a private home could be like. We hope you enjoyed it. Leave your comment below so that we can improve our articles and delight you with even more interesting materials!

Beautiful porch for a private house - 40 photos updated: May 31, 2018 by: Margarita Glushko
