DIY chair seat. Do-it-yourself children's soft chair - what is required to make it? How to make an easy chair with your own hands

You can buy any thing in modern stores. A little imagination, a mouse and keyboard with Internet access, and a huge number of offers from social networks and online stores. It also happens that the financial situation is not the best, and purchases in online stores are considered elements of luxury. And sometimes you just want to do something with my own hands, they really itch. Here we have a small selection of examples of how you can make some furniture with your own hands.

DIY bean bag chair

In the first example, we will look at the production of frameless furniture; the most popular item in stores today is a beanbag chair. A photo of the DIY chair is presented below.

The materials cost for one bean bag chair is $40. This includes: polystyrene balls (filler), inner cover, outer cover.

First, the inner cover is sewn and filled with foam balls, then the outer one. Then we simply insert the inner cover into the outer one and we get a finished chair bag.

The hardest thing is to collect the balls in the bag, they keep trying to jump out of it, I had to use a vacuum cleaner. This brief instructions how to make a bean bag chair with your own hands.

DIY home chair

Now let's look at making a regular home chair with our own hands. Unfortunately, there were quite a few photographs; there was no time to take photographs. The main stages were recorded in a timely manner, switching from a tedious workflow.

I wanted to get an ordinary chair, and not just some incomprehensible rookery. So that it is strong and stable, like store-bought options. I had to look on the Internet for views and drawings of chairs in order to correctly assemble my design. I suggest you immediately look at the photographs of the chair assembly process itself.

At the first stage, a base-frame for the future chair in the form of a semicircle is made. Chipboard with timber is used. The base of the chair was 10 centimeters thick. This will be just enough to secure the walls. And the uprights have the same ultimate function.

Hardboard was perfect for the back, and plywood for the front wall. I drew out all the curves and outlines of the future chair by eye from the remaining wallpaper. Children's wooden cubes were used for the base.

The next step was to glue cardboard to fill the interior space. During the work, we even had to change the glue; the initially chosen PVA did not work. The walls swelled and became like a wafer, the glue was replaced with ordinary wood glue. Turned out to be the most best choice from everything offered. There was even an idea for a rocking chair with my own hands, but I will implement the idea a little later.

After looking at the photo, you can immediately easily understand how the finished walls were obtained. For leveling I used a regular knife; the material is easy to cut and can be deformed.

At the next stage, work with instant adhesive and foam rubber, seal the entire surface with a layer of foam rubber, leaving no bald spots or uncovered areas. A cover must be sewn onto a monotonous surface.

Well, we have reached the final stage, when we pull on the cover and get a beautiful finished chair. The product turned out to be quite heavy, but it will be completely safe for children, which can be considered a plus. As for the fabric used, nothing was bought anywhere. We used scraps and sewing scraps available at home.

We wanted temporary furniture; no one planned to make a chair that would last forever. The fabric on the armrests, despite being well tacked with glue, will peel off over time. If we say a little about the design of the chair, it turned out to be simply indestructible.

Chair made from plastic bottles

What people don't do with plastic bottles. And rafts in their youth, and bird feeders in kindergarten. This material has excellent potential for creativity.

Plastic bottles are a real find; in everyday life, brooches, scoops, curtains and buckets are made from them. They are used to decorate flower beds, they are laid out instead of pipes, they are made hanging chair.

We wanted to try making a chair out of bottles, why not? At first it all started with great enthusiasm for collecting bottles, and then everyone unanimously realized that there was simply nowhere to store them in such quantities in a small home area of ​​the room.

Even at the initial stage of storage, it immediately became clear that the necks of the bottles were not needed, or rather half of the bottles did. We decided to stack them in blocks of two bottles, carefully cutting off the neck and fastening 2 pieces to each other. The neck of one was cut off, turned over and inserted into the second bottle. Of course, a wooden chair looks much more attractive and solid.

For complete production the chairs needed to collect about 90 bottles, they were fastened together with tape, and covered with stretch film on top. It will not be possible to talk about the entire process of assembling the chair; at the time of writing the article, the chair was in finished form.

In short, we can say that you should not skimp on securing the bottles with tape, because... during assembly, they may simply diverge from each other; you will have to spend a lot of time to redo the design later. In this regard, I had to resort to stretch film and modify the chair to the final stage.

Photos of armchairs with your own hands

It’s true what they say: the Internet is a treasure trove useful information. People share valuable knowledge here and original ideas, opening up more and more new perspectives for each other.

A person without experience or skills gets a unique opportunity to organize for himself furniture manufacturing at home. There are many detailed master classes with ready-made diagrams who will help you make any furniture, whether you have the necessary tools and a penchant for the craft.

Of course, you should start with simple projects, like the one presented in this master class. Anna White, a well-known craftswoman in narrow circles, has prepared for everyone detailed instructions, which talks about how to make a simple chair from boards for your home or terrace with your own hands.

When finished, it comes complete with stylish pillows. You can also make them yourself. Anna will briefly tell us about this too.

In this project you can use the simplest lumber that does not require processing. milling machine and production of complex groove joints.

Gather your materials and prepare everything you need before you begin. You will need:

1. pine board 50 mm thick:
- 4 pcs x 50 x 100 x 550 mm - leg parts;
- 2 pcs x 50 x 100 x 810 mm - armrest parts;
- 6 pcs x 50 x 150 x 710 mm - side trim parts;
- 2 pcs x 30 x 30 x 710 mm - slats for seat parts;
- 4 pcs x 50 x 150 x 620 mm - back parts and lower part of the front panel;
- 2 pcs x 50 x 100 x 620 mm - upper part of the back and upper part of the front panel;
- 5 pcs x 50 x 100 x 620 mm - seat parts.
2. glue for woodworking;
3. furniture screws;
4. stain or protective and decorative oil for wood processing and tinting;
5. furniture varnish with a transparent coating or varnish toner.


- a circular saw or a miter saw for cutting boards;
- sander;
- electric drill;
- screwdriver;
- paint brushes;
- soft fabric lint free for oil;
- construction tape and square;
- pencil.

Step one: detailing and marking parts

When deciding on the final dimensions of the chair, the author proceeded from the dimensions of the seat and pillows for it. The seat is an even square with sides of 620 mm. If you want to change the dimensions of the chair, all the dimensions indicated in the master class will have to be recalculated.

Otherwise, take advantage of these great detailed diagrams and write down on paper all the details that you will need for the job. Please indicate the exact size of each part. You can find a list of them in the list of materials for this master class.

Before you begin, make sure that all your boards are planed to the same thickness, otherwise the finished chair will look like typical sample handicraft. This processing of boards is carried out using a surface planer. As a last resort, you can order it from a workshop, but it is better to initially select properly processed lumber.

Mark the parts of the chair using a pencil and a square. Square - especially useful tool, if you plan to cut the boards by hand using a hacksaw.

Step two: making parts from boards

You will need thick boards 50 mm thick, but of different widths: 100 and 150 mm. In addition, prepare a rail no narrower than 30 mm for making parts of the base for the seat.

Cut the board into pieces of the required length using miter saw or a manual circular saw. Both of these tools allow you to make perfectly straight cuts, which is very important when making furniture.

If you are using hand saw on wood, be prepared for the fact that the cuts will have to be adjusted by hand for neat tight joints.

Sand all the parts in any way convenient for you. For example, an electric sander. For sanding pine, a piece of block with sandpaper attached to it will do. True, such work will take much more time.

Step three: assembling the wooden chair

Attach the trim pieces to the legs at intervals of approximately 20 mm. Pre-drill holes in the places where the screws will be screwed in to prevent the boards from splitting.

If you want the chair to serve you for a long time, use glue. In this case, apply a little wood glue to the joint, press the parts together and tighten the screw or self-tapping screw.

Fix the armrest on each of the side panels and connect the side panels to each other with the upper part of the backrest. Please note that along the inside of the chair all the upholstery parts are located flush with the frame, and along the outer contour they are somewhat recessed inward.

Insert your working strip into the gap between the side panels, place the upper part of the backrest in its proper place and secure it with screws. Screw the remaining back elements.

On the front panel, secure at the bottom wide board, and at the top - narrow by 100 mm. Sew up the seat and to complete the assembly, secure the top back piece, placing it flat.

Try to screw in the screws in the same vertical line to make the job look neater.

After some time has passed, when the chairs have already been tested in everyday life, the author advises fastening the seat parts in such a way that the seat itself is positioned at a slight angle. This will make sitting much more comfortable. The same can be said about the back of the chair.

Step four: wood processing

It is convenient because it allows you to easily apply the composition and repeat this procedure at any time in order to refresh the product. In this case, all preparation of the surface for re-painting comes down to light sanding by hand with sandpaper.

You can also use alcohol stain in combination with several layers of furniture varnish or, say, natural drying oil.

Apply the stain with a brush along the grain and try not to touch already painted areas again, otherwise the tone will be uneven.

A good alternative is also a decorative toner oil, which not only imitates valuable species wood, but also protects the tree from rot, the formation of mold and fungi, as well as from exposure to moisture.

You can varnish the chair with matte furniture varnish in order to extend its service life. Do not use varnishes on water based, since they do not have a sufficient level of strength and wear out quickly.

Apply the varnish in several layers, sanding each previous layer as soon as it hardens. Use fine grain for this. sandpaper, and do the grinding itself carefully, without much pressure. Finishing layer There is no need to sand the varnish.

Step five: finishing touch

Simple furniture like this wooden chair, needs beautiful textiles. The author used ready-made furniture pillows with floral patterns.

However, you can make pillows with your own hands. To do this, you will need foam rubber (preferably furniture grade, high-strength), batting or thin foam rubber to give the pillows shape and additional volume, as well as strong threads, suitable fabric and a sewing machine.

Cut the thick foam into pieces of the size you need. IN in this case into squares with sides 600 mm. Wrap them in one or two layers of thin foam or batting. Attach the fabric and determine on the spot how much you will need to sew the covers.

You can also make the covers in advance according to the pattern and, based on their size and shape, prepare the filler.

If you plan to wash the covers and always keep the pillows clean, sew the covers from simple thick fabric and make a removable set with zippers that you can always remove and wash in the machine.

The idea of ​​making a children's soft chair with your own hands has a number of advantages. The main one is the opportunity to save money. Homemade furniture costs several times less purchased products. At self-production interior items can be selected optimal design, size and color of the final product.

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Children's room

The room for the child should be spacious enough for games, cabinets, tables and chairs, toys and other accessories. And most importantly - a comfortable and functional place to relax. Installing a bed is not always justified, especially in small rooms. Frame products also do not always meet safety aspects. In such cases, parents think about how to make a children's bed that can be transformed into a chair. This is a feasible task that can be solved without the involvement of specialists.

Thanks to creative approach you can make safe upholstered furniture that the child can independently move, disassemble and assemble.

Frameless chair that can change shape

Such products consist of several pillows fastened together. These interior elements have many advantages.

They are as follows:

  1. A light weight. For the manufacture of transformable furniture, timber, plywood and heavy pressed boards are not used. The chair can be easily moved to a new place when the need arises.
  2. Safety. The accessory does not have hard surfaces or sharp corners that children can hit. When unfolded, the height of the soft part above the floor does not exceed 20 cm - a child falling in his sleep will not cause him any discomfort.
  3. Presentability. Properly made and tastefully decorated furniture looks beautiful and representative, fitting organically into the interior.

A folding chair without a frame is easy to maintain and repair. It can be easily disassembled into component parts that can be quickly replaced or updated.

What you need

Before starting work, it will be necessary to conduct a survey of the premises and draw up diagrams. You need to measure the size of the free niches and the area that can be occupied by furniture. If you make several identical items, you can use them to assemble a sofa or corner for spending time together with your child’s family or friends.

To make a child seat with your own hands, you will need to accurately calculate the need for materials. It is advisable not to skimp on fabric and make all pillows the same color on both sides. This way the furniture will look much better when unfolded.

Calculate the pattern frameless chair you can use paper copies of each pillow and ottoman to scale. The cut rectangles are laid on the fabric roll strip layout so that there is less waste. Separately, it is advisable to add a supply of material to the calculations for replacement in case of damage to the product.

To make a chair with your own hands you need the following materials:

  • foam rubber slabs 10 cm thick;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • inexpensive chintz;
  • braid 2 cm and 5 cm wide;
  • threads;
  • detachable zippers;
  • decorative elements;
  • synthetic glue.

Tools needed to make a chair:

  • sewing machine;
  • tailor's meter;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife;
  • marker or pencil.

Since the foam will have to be cut sharp knife, That flooring It is recommended to protect it during operation. For this, plywood or a piece of old linoleum is used.

Sewing order

To make upholstered folding furniture, you must have a sufficient supply of needles and threads.

Sewing covers is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. A strip of material is spread on the floor. If there is such a possibility, it is better to fix it tightly in the corners in a taut state.
  2. The patterns are transferred to the fabric. It is advisable to place the templates on the same line in order to obtain several blanks with one cut. The details of the pattern are made clearly visible. The part marking is applied on the reverse side.
  3. The marking is checked for correctness. After this, the material is cut with scissors. The excess is removed, and the blanks are stacked.
  4. The edges of the workpieces are finished using an overlocker. The covers are sewn together, zippers and wide braid are attached to them.

To strengthen the edges of the pillows and give the correct shape, sew narrow braid along the corners of the covers.

You can sew a bean bag chair with your own hands in the same way. Since it has a rounded shape, the seams do not need to be reinforced with braid.

Filling the filler

For a pear-shaped product, an internal cover is made of thick fabric. It is necessary to retain small fragments and dust. Foam balls, polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride can be used as filler. All these materials are environmentally friendly and are sold on construction markets.

To fill the cover, 0.3-0.5 m³ of material is required. To accurately calculate the need, you need to multiply half the length of the rounded part by the width and depth of the base. It is recommended to purchase balls with a reserve of 20-30% in order to add them to the case as the filler shrinks. Backfilling is carried out using a scoop; the completeness is determined experimentally. The receiver of the work is the child. After filling the inner reservoir, it is zipped up and the outer cover is pulled over the top.

Children's chair made from scrap materials

Making armchairs and chairs from foam rubber, polyurethane foam and mattresses is an excellent and profitable way to recycle old things. Old beds, wardrobes and sofas are used as starting materials. Their components are used as blanks for frames, sides, armrests and niches for things.

Tools and materials

To make folding upholstered furniture, you will need:

  • roulette;
  • hacksaw;
  • square;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdrivers;
  • spanners;
  • sandpaper;
  • PVA glue;
  • sewing machine;
  • ruler;
  • marker.

If a sofa is being disassembled, then the work uses a folding mechanism, corners, bolts and nuts.

What do you do with old furniture?

Lovers of carpentry are always wary of switching to upholstered furniture, and prefer to buy ready-made sets of sofas and armchairs, complementing them in style with tables and cabinets self-made. There is a reason for this: firstly, for this you need to master related disciplines, such as cutting and sewing or knitting, and secondly, take care not only of strength and appearance product, but also about the comfort of sitting or lying on it.

But trying is not torture, for testing you can make a modest carpentry, using simple method upholstery made of foam rubber or ready-made pillows for furniture. Making chairs can become a fun team hobby; friends or family members with different applied skills can combine their talents and connect on different stages creation upholstered furniture. This will open up a lot of scope for design solutions and material selection.

Classic armchair

The production of this small-sized chair consists of two main stages.

Preparing parts and assembling the frame

You need to work especially carefully on the rear legs, to obtain a curved shape you need to use a ready-made pattern and a jigsaw. The vertical part of the backrest and the rear seat support are attached to the rear legs.

The front legs have square section and can be made from glued rectangular bars. Their ends must also be narrowed using electric jigsaw. Fastenings are made with self-tapping screws, for which it is necessary to pre-drill holes with a diameter less than one third.

Before installation, wood glue is applied to the surface of the joints. The seat bars are secured in the corners by additional details, with edges cut at 45 degrees. For seating, you can use plywood or furniture fabric strips.

On last stage Assemblies are attached to the armrests and shaped backrest ears. The dimensions of the parts can be taken from ready-made drawings, or a pattern can be taken from old disassembled chairs.


Back and inner part armrests are covered with textile furniture tape. The seat is covered with layers of foam rubber, padding polyester and fabric, which should be 4-5 cm larger in size, due to which they will be folded in the front part and attached to the bottom of the seat.

Then the armrests and backrest are upholstered. To obtain a rounded shape, special recesses are made; after fastening, excess pieces of foam rubber and padding polyester are carefully trimmed. To master furniture upholstery skills, you will have to be patient and use video lessons.

Lattice chair with reclining seat

To make a lattice structure, you will need a beam with a cross-section of 2.8, which is cut into strips of the same length 50-60 cm, depending on the selected dimensions of the product.

The workpieces must have a perfectly flat surface, and you must also try to mark as accurately as possible the places for attaching them to the rack.

For the manufacture of load-bearing structure– sidewalls, 3 cm thick plywood is used, from which the sides of the chair are cut according to the pattern. These two sanded pieces are then connected to each other by bases called drawers: at the bottom, at the top and at the level of the seat support.

Then the prepared bars must be secured to this structure with self-tapping screws at intervals of 2.5 cm. The edges should be rounded. The photo shows several different models armchairs made from bars, made independently using this technology.

Country chairs

These wooden chairs are a more simplified version of the classic ones. Assembly diagram wooden frame fundamentally the same, but the wooden parts are not rounded; the simplest armrests and even legs are made from the bars according to the principle of a children's construction set.

Special attention is required when processing the end parts of furniture that will be located on outdoors. After thoroughly sanding the surface, it is treated with hot drying oil and coated with 3 layers of varnish. Softness country chairs add removable pillows.

Hanging chair hammock

To make this necessary attribute of relaxation on modern dacha You need to know how to knit using the macrame technique.

Basic materials:

  • two hoops, a small one for the seat with a diameter of 70 cm, and a large one for the back - 110 cm, which can be made from water pipes metal-plastic pipes. To secure the connection, you can use plastic or wooden inserts that are placed inside the pipe and secured with screws;
  • cord for weaving, possibly made of polyamide with a polypropylene core, the knots of which are easily secured, do not stretch and do not slip.
  • fasteners, wooden rods.

At the first stage, the entire circumference of the hoops is covered with uniform turns of cord, then the interior of the seat is knitted with a double cord mesh made using one of the macrame techniques.

The seat and backrest are secured with two wooden rods, which are fixed using cuts; in the front part, the seat and backrest frame are connected using a winding and two thick cords.

To others convenient option For a summer house, you can use a hanging chair, which you can make with your own hands from thick fabric. For the base you will need one hoop with a diameter of 90 cm.

For the cover, a 3-meter piece of fabric is taken, which is divided into two identical squares with a side of one and a half meters. Then the circles are cut out and a double cover is sewn with an allowance. The groove for the hoop is reinforced with padding polyester tape, then holes are cut to secure the scabs.

The following ideas are suitable for sewing and knitting enthusiasts who want to apply their skills to making furniture.

Chair cushion

It is better to sew the first such chair with your own hands, using ready-made patterns in the shape of a pear or a ball, strictly adhering to the given dimensions, and only then can you improvise with the silhouette and dimensions. You will need a bag of foam balls, fabric and zippers for the inner and outer covers, and a sewing machine.

The seams are made double for strength; when filling, plastic or cardboard tube, which helps not to scatter electrified foam chips.

You can improvise with the shapes and colors of such chairs. With this technology, if the work is completed, there can be no defects. Failed instances may become original pillows for children's games.

Bottle chair

This is the simplest know-how that does not require any special skills, just the desire to do something with your own hands.

To collect required quantity material will take some time. It will be necessary to collect identical two-liter plastic bottles, clean them and make blanks by cutting off the top part and inserting them into each other in pairs. Then the blocks are prepared different sizes for seat, armrests and backrest, secured with tape.

The chair is assembled into classic style, rectangular blocks of various sizes for a seat, backrest and two armrests. After assembly, you need to wrap the entire product with polyethylene stretch film, and then decorate it with stylish pillows or sew a cover.

Frameless chair-bed made of foam rubber

In order to make such a chair with your own hands, you need to delve into the instructions, especially in the part that explains how to attach ready-made blocks.

Once you grasp the essence, and it consists in a special method of sewing covers along the edges to each other, you can easily assemble soft folding structures - corners, armchairs and sofas of any size. You will also need to learn correct calculations when cutting out foam rubber and patterning covers.

DIY chair photo

The production of which has a number of technological differences. The question arises: is it necessary to pay a lot of money for a finished product if you can make something similar with your own hands?

We will tell you about the process of making upholstered chairs, provide drawings, photographs and videos that will allow you to successfully complete the task. You will also find a list necessary materials and tools.

First of all, you need to decide on the upholstery material. There are significant differences in both the cost of upholstery and its physical properties. Let's look at the most popular options:

  • Velours. Velvety and fleecy fabric. Externally it resembles faux fur.
  • Chenille. Natural material, “diluted” with synthetic fibers. Thanks to this, the surface does not roll off and is practical and durable.
  • Flock. The fabric vaguely resembles velor, but experts recommend using flock to make child seats. The fabric is easy to clean and wash, has water-repellent and wear-resistant qualities, and does not fade.
  • Jacquard. The fabric is easy to clean and highly durable, but the structure includes synthetic fibers. Therefore, loose loops can lead to tightness.
  • Faux suede. The material is fleecy and durable, does not fade and can “breathe”. Ease of care is an added bonus.
  • Faux leather. The material is characterized by high wear resistance. In this case, the leather is distinguished by the presence of embossing.
  • Tapestry. This is a natural and very expensive fabric, which can be distinguished by its visible weaving. Multi-colored threads, woven into the overall structure, form beautiful patterns.

At the heart of the most primitive frame structures there is a plywood template. Therefore, you will need sheets of birch plywood, screws, nails and a standard set of tools:

  • protractor;
  • steel ruler;
  • compass;
  • bench and hand vices;
  • scriber;
  • files;
  • hand scissors;
  • hammer;
  • hacksaw;
  • adjustable wrenches;
  • soldering iron;
  • pliers;
  • table anvil;
  • hand drill;
  • chisel;
  • sharpener;
  • punch;
  • puncher.

If you make a bean bag chair, your toolkit will be significantly reduced. In addition, there are simplified technologies developed by folk craftsmen that allow you to assemble an upholstered chair quickly and with a minimum set of equipment.

DIY photo of soft chairs

Made of MDF On wheels Folding With knitted element With low seat

How to make an upholstered chair with your own hands?

Any work cannot be started without a clear action plan. Decide on the design of the future piece of furniture. It is more difficult to create a frame chair, but it looks more respectable.

If you decide to sew a bean bag chair, get ready to master the patterns. Your actions will lie not so much in the field of furniture production, but in the field of sewing art. In any case, you will need an approximate budget and an idea of ​​the consumption of materials. For example, a bean bag chair costs 1200-1300 rubles. This includes fabric for the outer (about 300-500) and inner (200-300) covers. Also, 500 rubles are allocated for the purchase of filler.

Perhaps you already have an old “grandfather’s” easy chair that has lost its presentation? Then you can retighten and repair it with your own hands, as shown in the following video:

Traditional soft product

An ordinary chair requires a thorough approach and extensive preparatory stage. Let's look at the list of materials and tools required to make a plywood chair with upholstery:

  • 20mm plywood;
  • electric drill;
  • emery cloth;
  • screws;
  • jigsaw;
  • metal rims;
  • thin nails;
  • foam;
  • wood glue;
  • artificial leather;
  • stain;
  • black glossy paint;
  • pencil;
  • masking tape;
  • roulette.

Let's get started:

  1. After downloading one of the drawings below, proceed to large-scale work. Calculate the amount of materials and start making the template. First, cardboard templates are made, and plywood parts are cut out from them.
  2. The sides of a standard chair resemble a banana. You will also need cross bars. Decide on the angles of inclination, bending and dimensions of the product.
  3. Surface wooden parts cleaned and polished. Special attention pay attention to the ends - soak them in heated drying oil, flatten the fibers with a hammer (if bends are provided). Each frame detail is cut out using a jigsaw.
  4. The sides of the chairs are painted or treated with stain. The ends of the sidewalls are reinforced with metal rims. After this, the tightening process begins.
  5. The necessary holes are made with an electric drill. The rims are fixed with screws. First, the back part of the backrest is trimmed with artificial leather, then it is the turn of other fragments of the chair.
  6. To secure the fabric you will need wallpaper nails with large heads. At the back, the upholstery is fixed along the transverse parts (along the very edge), at the front it should cover the slats. It is better to treat the attachment points with wood glue - this will increase the level of reliability.

Bag chair

The simplest version of the bag is the so-called. You cannot do without the following materials:

  • calico or satin (about three meters);
  • a piece of fabric for the outer cover (about 3.5 meters);
  • meter-long zipper;
  • filler;
  • fabric for appliqué;
  • scissors, pins and thread with needles.


  1. Copy the pattern you like from the Internet, enlarge it and transfer it to the required parts. For the upper and lower covers, the work must be done separately. The result of your efforts is a small top bottom, a large bottom and six fabric wedges.
  2. Sew the wedges and start sewing the bag. Small area must be left unsewn. In addition, both bottoms are sewn together. Having finished with the top cover, proceed to sewing the bottom one - the procedure will be similar.
  3. From the fabric you choose, you need to cut out the elements for the applique - they are placed on top of the cover. A zipper is sewn into one of the gussets - this will allow you to remove the cover and wash it if it gets dirty. Two-thirds of the volume of the inner cover is filled with filler, which can be used as polystyrene foam.
  4. After compacting the inner cover with filling, insert it into the outer cover, and then fasten the zipper. The bean bag chair is completely ready for use.

Pay attention to the strength of the seams of the inner cover - they should not come apart under the influence of the weight of a sitting person.

We will discuss further how to make a children's soft chair with your own hands.

DIY bean bag chair

Baby chair

Making a frameless soft chair for a baby is as simple as making a regular bean bag chair. The difference lies solely in the dimensions and colors of this piece of furniture. Bright colors are welcome cheerful tones, not irritating to the eyes and setting a positive mood.

  • You can make a soft frame chair for a child with your own hands in the shape of a semicircular “sandwich” from wooden blocks and chipboard. The front wall of this design is made of plywood, the back wall is made of hardboard. Inner space glue along the bend of the back is filled with glued pieces of cardboard.
  • After waiting for the wall to dry, smooth out the unevenness construction knife. A layer of foam rubber is carefully glued on top, on which the upholstery will subsequently lie. As upholstery fabric You can use eco-leather or flock - these options will allow your design to survive the unequal struggle with felt-tip pens and paints.
  • Now about the dimensions. A standard adult chair has a meter height (some models reach 120 centimeters) with a bottom diameter of 30 centimeters and a top diameter of 15 centimeters. The height of the child seat should not exceed 60 centimeters (diameters will be 25 and 11 cm, respectively). Take this nuance into account at the pattern design stage.

DIY frameless children's chair

Drawings and useful video

In this section, we have selected photographs of the most successful homemade chairs that we could find on the RuNet. It is impossible to imagine the process of independent furniture production without drawings, so we post detailed diagrams and patterns for bean bag chairs.

Drawings of chairs for making them yourself


You will also enjoy a master class on creating an upholstered chair with your own hands. Watch the video, repeat the steps of the wizard and adhere to the described technological standards.

So, with the help of the presented video, you will learn how to make a bean bag chair with your own hands, which has gained immense popularity in our country:

By the way, if you have Euro pallets available, you can make a chair with your own hands from such material, and then just throw a comfortable one on the seat soft pillow. Don't believe me? Watch the following video:

Many people think that furniture production is magic, the secret of which a mere mortal is not able to comprehend. Believe me, with a minimum set of tools, desire, attentiveness and perseverance, you can easily cope with the task. We have presented everything you need - drawings, photographs and videos, so go ahead and amaze your loved ones with your art!
