Homemade solar dryer for vegetables and fruits. Do-it-yourself solar dryer: couldn’t be easier A device for drying fruit in the sun

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Dried vegetables and fruits have excellent properties as vitamin supplements during the cold season. This method of preparation allows you to preserve all valuable elements practically in in full. In this article we will talk about how to make a dryer for vegetables and fruits with your own hands.

Types of dryers for vegetables and fruits

Before you start making this design, you need to understand the types of dryers and the principle of their operation. Drying food requires two conditions. One of them is the creation of a warm temperature regime of about 40 ºС, at which the evaporation of moisture from the products begins. The second condition is to create ventilation so that excess moisture came out of our closet on time.

To ensure these conditions, you can design a homemade dryer for fruits and vegetables using electric fans and heaters. This kind drying cabinet more expensive and consumes expensive electricity in modern times.

A more environmentally friendly and economical option is a solar dryer for fruits and vegetables. The design works due to the heat of the sun's rays and does not require any additional sources energy.

Operating principle of solar fruit dryer

Our dryer will consist of a wooden cabinet with sectional trays for fruits and vegetables and a heated part covered with glass and located at an angle to the cabinet. This arrangement is the most optimal and allows you to rotate the entire structure in the direction of the sun's rays.

The operating principle of the installation is as follows. According to the laws of physics, hot air under the glass of the heating part rises upward and passes through the lattice trays with products. Through special side openings on the top of the structure, excess moisture is removed from the dryer with air.

Thus, natural air circulation occurs with a simultaneous heating and ventilation effect. This design model provides everything the necessary conditions for high-quality drying of products.

Manufacturing process

We begin the construction of a dryer for vegetables and fruits with our own hands by constructing a wooden cabinet frame. The number of trays that can be placed inside will depend on the height of the structure. The dimensions of the cabinet can be chosen according to your own preferences in accordance with the width and length of the trays.

We use as material for the frame wooden beams. Back and side walls We cover the cabinet with clapboard or plywood. Trays are also made of a wooden frame and metal mesh. Instead of metal grilles, you can use regular mosquito nets.

We place the cabinet on long legs, which are securely fastened with the help of transverse wooden crossbars. Then we proceed to arranging the heating part. To do this, a frame of wooden blocks is knocked down, which is installed at an angle to the cabinet and secured to the crossbar at the rear of the structure.

The bottom of the heating element can be made of metal sheet or wood plywood. You can place drink cans on the bottom to heat the air even more. We cover the top of the frame with glass.

The final stage in the manufacture of the dryer is the construction of ventilation units and the cabinet roof. At the top of the cabinet, plywood is nailed from the front and back with the holes made round holes 8 pcs. on each side, where moist vapors will come out.

The structure is covered on top with a roof made of plywood or metal sheets. After this, a cabinet door is made, which should ensure that our dryer closes tightly. To create an even greater greenhouse effect, the product can be painted with black paint.

By following these instructions you can special labor manufacture economical option drying cabinet using free solar energy. The article covered all the basic questions about how to make an effective dryer for fruits and vegetables, ensuring the preservation of all useful microelements and vitamins.

Video on how to make a fruit dryer with your own hands

We offer you a solar drying option that does not consume electricity.

Many of us already use dryers to prepare food for the winter. It is much more environmentally friendly than freezing, since it lasts throughout the entire storage period of the food.

Modern dryers are very efficient and fast, but they also run on electricity.
Let's look at a simple compact drying that can be done at home.

Here's the front view. The cover is made of polycarbonate sheet. There is a ledge at the bottom for water drainage. Bottom and back panel covered with black plastic

This is a side view. Again, the side is covered with a protective layer of polycarbonate. Side panel height (61 cm), width (71 cm). The shelves are staggered so each shelf gets some direct sunlight.

Products on the top shelf tend to dry faster, so I often shuffle them to the top when upper layer dries out. I forgot to take a photo of the shelf, but they are mostly rectangular wooden structures with plastic mesh.

The shelves run on wooden runners and can be easily pulled out through the back door.

Here's the back panel. It is (61 cm) high and (64 cm) wide. A ventilation opening 6 cm high is made in the rear wall and is covered with a mesh.

The same opening is located at the bottom front under the polycarbonate sheet.

The essence of ventilation openings is very simple. During drying warm air rises and exits into the rear opening, and the cold one is drawn in from the front into the lower one. This creates good airflow for drying food.

The only problem I ever had was ants, but that was solved by having ditches around each leg that they couldn't climb. To do this, you can use inverted cans medium sizes that need to be placed under the legs. You can also use large containers of water.

The height of the legs is about 15 cm.

Hopefully this is enough to get you started on your own solar drying dehydrator. I like it and the products dry in it in 1-2 days and, most importantly, it uses free energy and reduces harmful effects on the planet.

Dried fruits and vegetables are a storehouse of vitamins and pectins. This means that if you stock up on them in the summer, you can enjoy all these gifts of nature in the winter. Of course you can buy fresh vegetables and fruit in the store, today this is not a problem, but a large number of summer residents are trying to hold out their harvest until winter by canning or drying it. So, let's look at several design options in which drying can be done. By the way, let’s add that a homemade dryer for fruits and vegetables is a reality.

General device design

It should be noted that today gardeners use three types of dryers, which are based on different principles drying.

  • Using air flow movement. Basically, the device of this device It is a box, inside of which grids are laid one above the other, and chopped fruits or vegetables are placed on them. One or two holes are made on the side of the box into which fans are inserted. With their help, airflow occurs.
  • Using the sun. This is a chamber in the form of a box, installed at an angle so that the sun's rays always fall on the pallets where fruits and vegetables are placed. The front part of the device is often covered with glass or mesh. Experts recommend not using a metal body in this type of dryer. It becomes very hot under the influence of the sun's rays and itself begins to emit a large thermal energy, which negatively affects the quality of dried fruits.
  • Dryer with infrared heating element. In principle, this is all the same as the solar variety. Only instead of sun rays (free), ultraviolet rays are used here, which are emitted, for example, by a special film connected to a transformer. A very effective design that dries quickly and efficiently. But of all those described above, it is the most expensive. True, one of the advantages is the fact that the design of the dryer itself can be simplified to a minimum. There is no need for a drawer or chamber, you just need to install mesh shelves and direct the UV rays from the heating element onto them.

Related article: How to calculate the number of radiators per room?

Use of air flow movement for drying

Manufacturing rules

Making your own fruit dryer is easy. Any design that resembles a box is suitable for this. For example, it could be a cabinet from kitchen set or an element of a wardrobe, you can make it from a refrigerator or hob, or rather, from her oven. Or you can assemble a box from scrap materials: plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, and so on.

Let's look at a homemade dryer. To do this you will need four identical sheets, for example, plywood, wooden slats section 30x30 and 20x20 mm, self-tapping screws, mosquito net.

  • First of all, the frame of the box is assembled, for which it is necessary to connect 30x30 mm bars together into a structure that appearance will look exactly like a box.
  • Then the frame is sheathed on three sides plywood sheets, which are pre-cut to fit the frame dimensions. You need to make holes on one of them (one above the other in vertical plane), in which fans will need to be installed. Installation can be carried out immediately or after assembling the entire structure.
  • A fourth sheet is hung on the fourth side, in which a large number of holes with a diameter of 8-10 mm must first be made. The bigger, the better. Air driven by fans will be exhausted through them. By the way, the wall with fans is installed opposite the dryer door.
  • Now we need to make the shelves. They are made from slats 20x20 mm, they should be rectangular and slightly less wide than the width of the drying equipment. This frame is stuffed with a mosquito net using a stapler and staples, you can also use adhesive composition. The number of shelves is determined by the height drying plant. There should be a distance of 10-15 cm between them.
  • Therefore, taking into account this distance, guides made from the same 20x20 cm slats are installed inside the device (across). The shelves are placed on them.
  • It should be noted that in this design there is no need to install a bottom and ceiling. Air from fans should be discharged not only through the perforated door. By the way, the latter is hung on hinges and there is no point in creating a tight connection to the frame of the box.
  • Now we need to install the fans and connect them to the network alternating current, install shelves, having previously laid out chopped vegetables and fruits on them.
  • Everything is ready, you can turn on the fans and wait for the laid out fruits to dry.

Related article: Is it necessary to do and how to make lathing for drywall

Dryer manufacturing diagram

Assembling a solar dryer

Solar dryer for fruits this is an energy-efficient option. Electricity or other types of fuel are not used here. But there is one point in this design on which the efficiency of the process depends. This is the angle of inclination of the entire installation relative to the sun. That is, the sun's rays should cover the volume in which vegetables or fruits are located as much as possible.

Therefore, first, a regular box without a lid is assembled. It's still the same wooden frame, finished with plywood or other sheets. Now this box must be installed at an angle, placing it on legs made from the same timber as the frame of the dryer. So that you understand what we mean we're talking about, look at the photo below.

Now we need to make the shelves. They are made in exactly the same way as in the case of the fan model. The main thing is to correctly install the guides under them in the drawer itself. The slats should be packed horizontally.

Basically, everything is ready. You can install shelves in the dryer and place chopped gifts of nature on them.

Several nuances of assembling a solar dryer.

  • Holes must be made at the ends of the box so that air can pass through them. This is a kind of ventilation. The holes must be closed mosquito net to prevent insects from getting inside the unit.
  • It is best to close the bottom of the device metal sheet. It will heat up and radiate its thermal energy, which will increase the efficiency of the drying process itself.
  • All internal surfaces of the device must be painted black. It is clear that it attracts the sun's rays, and white repels them.
  • The front part of the dryer must be covered with glass, or polycarbonate. The main thing is that the material used is transparent.

  • Vegetables and fruits should be cut into small and not very thick pieces.
  • If you are using a fan dryer, you do not need to turn on the air flow right away. It is necessary that the slices lie in the dryer for 2-3 days.
  • Temperature is the main criterion correct process drying. 40-50C is optimal temperature, in which a maximum of vitamins and nutrients will remain in dried products. Therefore, some summer residents cover internal surfaces dryers thermal insulation material. This is especially true if the device is made from an old refrigerator.
  • Shelves should only be mesh. It’s just that air must constantly circulate in the internal space.

A self-assembled dryer for vegetables and fruits will become an indispensable assistant to the summer resident during the harvest and processing season. Global network and the experience of folk craftsmen offer many such projects, a small part of which can be found here.

With the help of a drying machine, you can stock up on tasty and healthy preparations from meat, fish, mushrooms, herbs, vegetables and, of course, fruits for the winter.

Drying or drying fresh food is one of the ancient and still popular methods of canning. Since people first thought about preparing food for future use, many drying methods have been accumulated.

The first and earliest version of such preparation is the use of solar energy. Its main advantage is considered to be the minimum cost. Required inexpensive material for baking sheets and periodic stirring, which will not allow the product to stick together.

But there is a minus that largely devalues ​​all the advantages of this method. Requires smooth, sunny weather, and there are not many such days in our conditions.

Later, but also old method, use of a Russian stove. Several bricks are laid inside, on which a baking tray with herbs, fruits, berries, mushrooms, and other fruits is placed. Alternatively, the same products are hung in bunches near the stove. However, in current conditions, not every home has a stove.

With the advent gas stoves A similar principle of conservation began to be used in city apartments. A baking tray or wire rack is placed in the oven; the process takes place over low heat with the door open. Despite all the advantages, you have to pay for gas, it’s not too expensive, but still a minus for the family budget.

More effective option homemade dryer made from available funds according to one of the proven schemes. With this method, a number of nuances are observed, without which it is impossible to preserve the nutritional properties of any product. In this case:

  • optimal temperature regime which removes moisture from fruits, meat or fish;
  • conditions are created for the necessary circulation of air flows, which eliminate excess humidity inside the drying chamber;
  • there is a rational organization of it internal space, which makes it possible to correctly place the maximum number of products;
  • everything that is inside the structure is reliably protected from insects, dust, and other external factors that can negatively affect the contents.

Wherein Most of the vitamins and nutrients are retained, the danger of botulism, the bacteria of which multiply in a humid environment, is minimized, and the risk of mold development is reduced.

Features of drying devices

To ensure the above conditions and the desired result, a homemade drying unit must meet certain technical requirements:

  • the temperature inside it should be maintained at no more than 70°C, this will ensure maximum dehydration, but will not allow overdrying;
  • The volume of the chamber should be calculated not only from the number of products intended for harvesting, it is necessary to take into account part of the space for free air circulation;
  • the design of the device should allow you to adjust the drying time, with self-assembly This can be achieved by simply moving the trays closer to the source of heat or air currents.

If necessary and if possible, the device can be equipped with heaters and thermostats, electric fans, and other equipment that will make its use more efficient and comfortable.

Types of drying chambers

Do-it-yourself dryers are classified in the same way as their factory-made counterparts. First of all, they need to be divided into devices that use solar energy and electrical devices equipped with shades and fans. The first ones are different

  • simplicity of design;
  • require a minimum of special knowledge and experience during assembly;
  • economical in terms of materials required for assembly and subsequent operation.

Despite the variety of such devices, their design is generally the same. This is a closet different sizes, usually made of wood, with ventilation holes, glass walls around the perimeter or on one side for heat intake. Their counterparts using electricity have a more complex device. According to the principle of operation, they are divided into conventional electric dryers using convective or infrared heating methods and dehydrators, which provide a function for precise temperature adjustment, which leads to complete dehydration of the product.


In this option, drying occurs with a directed flow of heated air. The design provides a shadow that can be located above, below or in a horizontal plane.

The easiest way to make such a device is to assemble a chamber, install a heater and a fan heater in it. However, the quality of processing becomes a victim of design simplicity. The fruits are dried from the outside, retaining moisture in the core. They are not suitable for long-term storage, because they quickly become moldy, they pose a risk of contracting botulism. This disadvantage can be minimized by longer drying times, but this leads to the loss of a significant part beneficial properties and increases energy consumption.


These devices use infrared radiation, the effect of which is as close as possible to that of the sun. The effect occurs more evenly, vitamins and microelements are better preserved. Drying results are better suited for long shelf life.

A serious advantage in favor of this variety is low energy consumption. But here there is a higher risk of making mistakes, drying out the products and losing their beneficial properties.

It is more difficult to assemble such a device; you will have to choose a suitable one infrared emitter and choose the scheme for its correct placement.

Translated into human language, installations of this type are called a dehydrator. The design of these devices is designed for maximum moisture removal. Despite the fact that the same term is often used to refer to conventional dryers, the difference between them lies in the presence of a thermostat that controls the temperature.

Thanks to such design improvements, drying occurs in optimal conditions in acceptable short time. Such a device best suited for curing beef, pork or fish. Result: maximum free from moisture, evenly dried, able to preserve consumer properties until the next harvest and longer. But to assemble a dehydrator with your own hands, you cannot do it with improvised means; you will need additional equipment.

Necessary materials

You need to start making your own drying unit with a drawing and preparation necessary tools. For the simplest designs it is enough approximate diagram, more complex ones will require detailed study individual elements devices. The set of tools also depends on the complexity of the project, but most likely the required items on the list will be:

  • hacksaw and plane;
  • different types of screwdrivers and hammer;
  • drill and pliers;
  • soldering iron;
  • level;
  • brush for painting.

Materials are also selected based on the project and the selected type of device. For the convective model you will need:

  • bars for the frame and sheets of plywood for sheathing;
  • the same materials are suitable for assembling trays;
  • fine mesh;
  • canopies for sashes and screws for fastening;
  • electric fans with shades or 150 W incandescent lamps;
  • wire with plug for connecting to the network.

The same materials are suitable for the body of the infrared device, but instead of shadows or lamps with fans you will need to purchase:

  • film, which is used to heat floors;
  • terminals, clamps and grommets;
  • insulation in bitumen and PVC versions.

The simplest designs are assembled from a minimal set of components. It's all the same wooden materials for the body, in addition to which glass or polycarbonate will be required.

Step-by-step construction of a drying cabinet

Since the solar and electric varieties of the dryer have quite a few design nuances, the assembly sequence of each of them needs to be considered separately.


The simplest version of such a structure consists of a plywood body with glass doors and shelves inside. It installs with sunny side at an angle so that the heat has maximum effect on the inner chamber.

  1. First you need to cut the plywood sheets according to required sizes. Ventilation holes are cut out in the sheets that will be located at the top and bottom.
  2. Next, the cabinet is assembled, fixing the joints with self-tapping screws, which are screwed into bars. Racks are attached to the outside of the side walls, calculating the angle of inclination of the cabinet so that the sun covers the interior cavity as much as possible at midday.
  3. The back side is sewn up with a metal sheet, which will enhance the thermal effect. Ventilation holes The top and bottom are covered with a mosquito net.
  4. On the side walls, with inside screw the supports under the shelves with self-tapping screws. They must be attached at a pre-calculated angle, in accordance with the position of the cabinet.
  5. When this stage of work is completed, the cabinet can be painted. Interior must be painted black, which accumulates heat. The outer one is white, which is highly reflective.
  6. While the paint dries, you can start assembling the trays. Their frame is assembled from bars with a mandatory crossbar in the middle, which will strengthen the structure. The bottom of each tray is sewn with mesh, which will ensure free flow of heated air.
  7. A frame is made for the front side, the dimensions of which must correspond to the perimeter of the cabinet. A polycarbonate sheet or glass is fixed on top of it.
    When the outer frame is ready and fixed in working position, the dryer for fruits, vegetables, mushrooms and herbs is ready for use.


For assembly electric version You don't have to assemble the cabinet from scratch. An old cabinet or small cabinet of sufficient size will do just fine. Some craftsmen adapt old refrigerators for these purposes. Let's consider the option from a cabinet, as the simplest in terms of labor costs.

  1. Depending on the location of the fan, the upper or lower plane of the bedside table must be equipped with holes; the more such holes, the better the circulation of air flows. If its fixation is provided on the back side, ventilation holes are made in the door.
  2. In the next step, we line the walls with material that will maintain the temperature regime.
  3. Then, on the inside, we attach the guides on which the trays will be located. We assemble the latter from slats and sew them up with mosquito netting.
  4. On the back side we cut out a hole with a diameter for a fan heater or a couple of holes for incandescent lamps. If an infrared heat source is intended, back wall cover with pre-prepared film. We bring the cord for power supply outside.
  5. To turn a regular dryer into a dehydrator, add a thermostat to the circuit and take the control elements outside.
  6. You can close an improvised dryer with an old door; if it doesn’t exist or it doesn’t fit, we assemble a simple frame and cover it with plywood with big amount holes. Don't forget to install a latch or hook to prevent the door from opening during operation.
  7. After this, all that remains is to place the assembled trays inside the chamber and the apparatus can be considered ready for testing.

As you can see, in order to build a dryer with your own hands, you don’t need to special effort, and there are many benefits from this device. You can make a dryer yourself from scrap materials without spending a lot of money. Use our tips and instructions and enjoy your vitamins at any time of the year.

Materials and tools for homemade work:

List of materials:
- square pipes;
- sheet metal;
- polycarbonate sheet;
- two hinges for the door and a locking mechanism;
- screws, self-tapping screws and more.

List of tools:
- welding;
- Bulgarian;
- drill;
- marker and tape measure;
- metal scissors;
- stationery knife;
- hacksaw.

Solar dryer manufacturing process:

Step one. We make a frame
It all starts with making the frame. The author used square pipes as the material. Everything is assembled using a grinder and welding. As for the sizes, you can choose any of them, depending on your needs and the availability of materials. The author was guided here by the dimensions of the polycarbonate sheet.

You can see in the photo what shape the dryer should be, but you can come up with your own.

Step two. Making a door
The author is making a metal door; here you will need sheet metal and square pipes. First you need to cut four pieces square pipe and weld a rectangle out of it, the shape of which should fit the frame of the dryer. The door must fit tightly to the frame, since if gaps form, the efficiency of the device is reduced.

Well, in the end the frame is covered with a sheet of metal. Here you can use self-tapping screws, screws with nuts, and so on. More steel sheet can be welded. The door is installed after the trim.

Step three. Covering the dryer
Before sheathing the dryer, you will need to make fastenings for the baking sheets. For such purposes you can use wooden blocks. They can be secured using self-tapping screws, or better yet, screws. In total, the author has space for 4 pallets.

Now you need to install such a thing as an absorber in the dryer. To make it you will need a sheet of metal. This sheet is placed at the very bottom of the dryer to heat the cold air there. The sheet must be painted black using heat-resistant paint.

As for the thickness of the metal, the thinner it is, the faster the dryer will start working when exposed to sunlight. It is better to use copper or aluminum as a material, as they conduct heat well, but steel will also work.

After installing the absorber, you can assemble external cladding. It can be attached using self-tapping screws or using welding. An important element The roof of the dryer must be transparent, since it is through it that the warm rays of the sun will pass. The roof can be made of glass, polycarbonate and other materials.

To prevent flies and other living creatures from flying into the dryer, the author attaches ventilation windows mask net.

That's all, the design is almost ready. Now you just need to secure the door. The ones you need will be here door hinges, a locking mechanism, and it would also be a good idea to attach a handle.

Step four. Making baking trays
The baking trays needed here are different from those in conventional ovens. They must allow air to pass through well so that food can dry. They are made very simply. To make them you will need metal grid, as well as wooden beams.

First, you will need to make frames from timber. Well, then these frames are simply covered with mesh. To make it easy to install and remove the trays, the screws on the sides are not completely screwed in, and the tray is held on to them.

Step five. Testing the dryer
First of all, the dryer must be installed correctly. It should be such a place that there is a maximum amount of sun during the day. Sun rays will fit through the cover so that the instrument is oriented accordingly.

Next, the solar dryer will need to remain in the sun for at least two days. This is done so that everyone leaves it unpleasant odors and harmful substances.

At first, you need to put two trays of food in the dryer; if it copes with this task successfully, then the number of trays can be increased to three or four. The weather should be sunny and preferably without wind. Products should be cut as thin as possible, so they will dry faster and better.

You will need to place a thermometer in the dryer to monitor the temperature. For normal drying it should be in the region of 50-55oC. If the temperature is lower, it can be increased by covering the lower inlet with a rag. This way the air will circulate more slowly, but will warm up more.

That's it, the dryer is ready. You can successfully dry leaves, meat, fruits, vegetables, fish, roots and much more in it.
