Select material for building beds. Do-it-yourself fencing for garden beds. What you need to know when installing a raised bed

When spending a long time at the dacha, many city residents strive to plant not only ornamental plants and fruit trees, but also vegetable crops. For this purpose, a vegetable garden is planted on the site. In such a situation, there is a need for proper arrangement of beds.

When creating them using a variety of shapes and fencing, it is possible to obtain non-standard decorative solutions that turn the garden corner into the highlight of the entire summer cottage.

Preparation stage

When choosing a place for beds, they are guided by the degree of shade tolerance of a particular type of vegetable and green crops. Usually good lighting is required, so choose sunny place, distant from tall trees and country houses.

In this case, it is advisable to avoid lowlands with close ground aquifers, since constant stagnation of moisture has a detrimental effect on the root system.

It is not recommended to arrange ridges on slopes, as they do not retain water, and the plants will constantly experience moisture deficiency. Their optimal placement is from south to north, which will ensure uniform lighting and heating of the surface throughout the day.

Before calculating the area of ​​the future vegetable garden, think through the main dimensions of the beds. There are several varieties:

  1. Classic version. For standard rectangular beds, it is recommended to have a width of 0.8-1.0 m and a height of 50 cm. The minimum length is 1.5 m. Leave row spacing of about 40 cm.
  2. Large ridges. They are made for unpretentious crops that do not need frequent weeding, such as pumpkin, zucchini, beans or potatoes. The shape can be square or rectangular with optimal area in 12 m2.
  3. Knollikovye. High (85-100 cm) elongated mounds are poured. Their length is not regulated, limited by the dimensions of the garden. The top surface is made flat. To retain moisture, several depressions are made.
  4. High. Ridges up to 1.5 m high must have a fence. In the standard version, a box of the desired shape is constructed, on the bottom of which is placed metal mesh from rodents and pour a crushed stone drainage layer. Then fill in soil mixture, not reaching 50 mm from the top cut. Plants on such structures will need more frequent watering than usual.
  5. Deep. Pre-dig a trench. Fill it with rotted manure, compost with the addition of peat. Pour soil up to 25 cm high.
  6. Narrow. The width for such beds is selected in such a way as to plant vegetables or herbs in one row. They are often built in greenhouses or small areas.

Important! When planning a specific version of the beds, the characteristics of the plants are taken into account. For example, high or hilly ridges are not suitable for moisture-loving plants. Heat-loving pumpkins, cucumbers and zucchini will develop well here. The configuration can be not only the standard rectangular one. Triangular, trapezoidal, diamond-shaped, oval and even round mounds for vegetables look original.

Multi-level beds

To achieve rational placement of vegetable crops in small areas, as well as to obtain decorative effect create multi-level structures. The number of such structures is usually limited, since it is more difficult to care for plants. For planting, crops with a shallow, underdeveloped root system are selected.

Parsley, lettuce, and dill adapt well in such conditions. Low-growing compact tomato bushes can be placed. Strawberries are often grown in multi-level structures, allowing the ripening berries to be prevented from coming into contact with the soil, which contributes to their excellent presentation and good preservation.

To create multi-tiered beds, wood is often used, from which special pallets and racks are assembled. It is not advisable to use metal parts, as they quickly heat up under sun rays. The soil in such structures quickly loses moisture. If you decide to install metal multi-tiered beds, you should paint the parts with light paint.

For vertical beds, available components are also used: containers, boxes, racks, shelves, installed in various compositions. You can even adapt a chest of drawers, pots of various configurations and sizes, pipe trimmings, and tires.

Fencing beds

In an effort to create country garden aesthetic decorative general form, when arranging beds, you need to think about their shape, size, and framing. The material selected for the tracks also plays a role.

Advantages of fencing for garden beds

  • Gives the area a neat appearance;
  • There is an opportunity to dream up and use non-standard solutions;
  • Available materials are used, which makes the arrangement of fencing economically profitable;
  • Weeding is simplified;
  • The beds do not crumble, which allows for better moisture retention;
  • The advantages include the ability to choose ones that harmoniously fit into the landscape color combinations, create a certain thoughtful composition.

Important! For fencing beds, you should select safe material, which does not emit toxic compounds during operation.

Metal fencing
Wooden box beds
Board fencing

Slate fencing
Plastic fencing
Edged board fencing

Wooden fencing

Wood attracts ease of processing and easy installation. But this material is short-lived. The prepared parts should first be treated with impregnation to prevent rotting.

To make your own garden beds with wooden fencing, you use various parts. These can be vertically dug narrow dies, pegs, or cuttings of logs. If the latter have a large diameter, they should first be sawed along the longitudinal center line. Unsanded birch logs look great.

You can weave a fence from willow twigs. Convenient to use are boards made from floor slats, slabs, planks, clapboards, and picket fences. They are easy to install, secured with stakes. If necessary, the fence can be quickly dismantled and moved.

Advice! If you plan to use the garden beds for more than one season, it is better to use high-quality wood material: dry bars, wide wooden panels, edged board, block house, thick lining.

Using slate

You can quickly create a neat frame for a bed of any configuration using flat slate. It's inexpensive and durable material. Its fragility must be taken into account.

  1. First, mark and level the perimeter of the bed, making straight lines. It is advisable to check the joints using a square and control all dimensions.
  2. Cut slate sheets into strips and dig a trench so that its depth is equal to half the width of the prepared material.
  3. Install slate panels strictly vertically, fixing them together metal corners with a protective anti-corrosion layer.
  4. Gently sprinkle with soil, compacting each layer. Metal pegs are installed in several places on both sides of the slate fence, securing the structure.
  5. All that remains is to fill in inner space fertile soil, and a neat, aesthetically pleasing garden bed is ready.

Sheets of wavy slate, which give an interesting sound, are no less successfully used to make fences. The combination of two types of slate – flat and wavy – will diversify the decor.

Metal fences

Fencing made from metal parts, have a long service life. It is necessary to select options with corrosion protection.

A good option is an aesthetically pleasing profiled sheet of galvanized steel with a polymer surface coating. These types of fencing for garden beds will be quite expensive, but their cost will be offset by durability. The advantages of the profiled sheet include reliable protection from corrosion, wide range of colors, light weight.

Stone fencing

The beds, framed with stones of various sizes and shapes, look static and very decorative. This is a durable option. During installation, certain skills in laying such material are required if you decide to use cement-sand mortar as a binding material.

A simpler option is to fill stones between the metal grates, which are on preparatory stage strengthened along the perimeter of the ridges. Such pergons look noble, introducing an innovative sound even into an ordinary landscape.

Stone beds at the dacha can easily withstand any external influences, are durable and allow you to create any configuration and shape.

Border tape

Plastic curb tape is easy to install without requiring any special skills. Considering the variety of colors, this material looks very decent. Thanks to its flexibility, it allows you to frame beds of any configuration.

This material is frost-resistant and durable. Withstands shock loads, for a long time does not burn out. To ensure the strength of such a fence, the tape is installed in a shallow trench, soil is sprinkled, compacted with palms, and plastic pegs are installed on both sides.

Concrete frames

For a static ridge that does not require transfer, it is advisable to create a concrete fence. The surface of the site is leveled, a ridge is marked and formwork is made. If desired, you can deepen it a little by digging a trench 10-15 cm deep.

Typically, boards or plywood scraps are used for formwork. Optimal width of the future fence is 15 cm. Pour cement-sand mortar and immerse the reinforcement in it. They wait a few days. When the concrete dries, remove the formwork and fill the interior space with soil.

What can you use to make garden beds at your dacha (ideas, photos)

Summer residents use other materials for fencing ridges. It could be a brick laid different ways. It can be used in one piece, installed on an edge along a rectangular or square embankment. The bricks divided in half look interesting and are installed with the corners up, creating a dynamic design.

A budget option is plastic bottles that are dug vertically around the embankment with their necks up. Select various color variations. This can be a single-color fence or a frame made up of bottles with rolls of different shades. Interesting view it turns out if you lay them horizontally.

If you have scraps of picket fence, it’s easy to build a small decorative fence. Foam blocks are also used as fencing.

Design of paths

Paths between the beds play a role in creating a decorative ambiance for the vegetable garden. They can be loosened, weeded and compacted. Gravel and small stones are used for sprinkling. This option allows you to save the area from the spread of weeds.

Advice! If the material is pre-painted, it creates interesting composition. The vegetable garden becomes one of the central decorative corners surrounding dacha landscape.

Paving slabs, metal sheets, wood flooring or self-cast concrete panels are also used for paths.

Arranging beds in a greenhouse

There are many options for placing beds inside a greenhouse. The classic method is to fill two large side ridges. They are separated by a central longitudinal and two transverse passages. This solution does not always provide enough space for plants, but it does provide access for care.

You can create three narrower mounds parallel to the long side of the greenhouse. With a small width of the beds, weeding, pinching, pruning and other methods of caring for plants are easier.

A convenient option is to make a wide ridge in the center. In this case, narrow embankments are left along the walls. If the greenhouse has inclined side surfaces, then tall crops are planted in the center, and on narrow beds compact bushes are placed.

The paths can be covered with a thick film, scraps of roofing felt, plywood, which prevents the germination of weeds. To prevent the ridges from crumbling, provide fencing for them.

Non-standard decorative vegetable garden at creative approach able to decorate a summer cottage. The size and configuration of the beds play a role. When designing, the materials used to make the fences are of decisive importance. They bring an important note to the creation of an overall harmonious and decorative appearance of the paths, which, if desired, can be made of color, wood, concrete, or slabs.

How to design beautiful beds for the lazy, tall and smart beds - this is what a gardener needs to know who wants to make his life as independent as possible from gardening worries. If you wish, you just need to master the design method lazy beds which you can see in the following photos. A garden bed of this type will allow you to enjoy a well-deserved rest at the dacha and will not require weeding every time. In addition, it is not only convenient, but also increases crop productivity.

Everyone knows how much time and effort needs to be devoted to each planted crop, which, however, sometimes does not even justify the result: the seedlings may not germinate or do not ultimately produce a normal amount of harvest. In this case, you should pay attention to the technology of lazy beds on your site!

Beautiful and comfortable

A lazy bed is a completely new approach to gardening, which will allow seedlings to grow on their own and produce several times more yield. It is based on a rule that states that digging and weeding the soil is prohibited, except for its preparation and planting itself. Even though constant weeding can remove weeds and fluff up the soil, sooner or later it will dry out and will not be able to provide sufficient moisture for crops.

In this approach, preparation for future planting is very important - it is advisable to do this in the fall, when you can collect material for mulching the soil (you need to cover it with straw, sawdust, cones, etc.), which, in turn, will prevent weeds germinate in an area with such cover.

  1. Install your own irrigation system. It is not necessary to choose the most expensive systems available in stores. In the case of such vegetable gardens, those from which you only need to press a button are quite suitable - and there will be no need to water it yourself. Watering will allow you to make beautiful beds: green and lush. It is also worth noting: watering can be done infrequently, but abundantly, giving the plants the necessary moisture until your next visit.
  2. A tool for working in the garden is the key to saving time. Therefore, it is worth choosing one piece of equipment for many years. It may include not only the usual shovel and buckets, but also various little things that will make your work easier. Also, find a place for your inventory in advance.
  3. At the beginning of the planting season, dig up the ground once and prepare it for future seedlings or seeds. Plant the plants and don’t disturb the earth anymore: mulching will do its job and protect you from weeds. All that remains for you before harvesting is to water the garden beds on time.
  4. This is an interesting and effective method that is suitable for both lazy gardeners and experienced gardeners who know their business. A garden bed of this type will be worth the effort and can bring a lot of convenience.

    High beds as a way to obtain an intensive harvest

    Even though this is a very labor-intensive process at first - building the frame itself and watering the beds, it will allow you to forget about the bad climate and low yields.

    The high bed is always exposed to the rays of the sun, which helps to warm up the soil layer, so it can be planted as early as April without fear of freezing, and the lower mesh will prevent the invasion of moles and mice. A frame that is not too wide (within 150 cm) will allow you to care for the bed on both sides. If you divide it into two strips 80 cm wide, you can even make it yourself greenhouse, passing the film over both landings. It is worth noting that it is the high beds that provide the earliest harvest of first salads and then fastidious vegetables. The only problem is more frequent watering, since water does not stay in such soil for a long time.

    Despite all the difficulties at the beginning, the planting justifies the effort put into it and lasts a long time without bringing much trouble, and the garden bed looks beautiful.

    Digging smart garden bed for fragrant herbs you only need to apply once, before planting the seedlings. Then it requires a minimum of attention and care

Recently, raised beds have become increasingly popular among gardeners and vegetable gardeners. original technology, which came to us from Canada. Although, in fairness, it should be noted that such structures used to be found everywhere. They were called manure beds and cucumbers were grown there.

Raised beds: what are they and what are they for?

A high, or raised, bed is a box-shaped structure with a height of 0.15–0.2 m to 0.5–0.6 m and a width of 0.5–1.2 m. Its length is limited only by the dimensions of the site. But these sizes can vary in any direction depending on the desires and needs of the owner. A nutrient substrate is placed inside the box and plants are planted.

Do-it-yourself raised beds can become the highlight of garden design

It is best to prepare the bed in advance in the fall so that the soil has time to settle and compact. In addition, in the spring there is no need to waste precious time on this, and with the arrival of warmth, the soil will warm up very quickly and sowing can be done 2-3 weeks earlier.

Video: why do we need high beds

How to make a raised bed

The sides holding the ground are made from the most different materials and improvised means:

Photo gallery: what you can use to make a raised bed

A bed of horizontal logs can be made very quickly A bed of vertical logs will require the application of great forces Such beds can also be made from wood High beds are most often made from boards Gravel in a mesh frame looks very unusual Often high beds are made from cinder blocks The fencing can be straw The mesh frame can be filled with any decorative material Even mesh plastic containers are used. The bed can be made from flat slate (OSB)

In some cases, high ridges may not have a side fence at all and are simply earthen hills.

Raised beds are also available without fencing

Video: what are raised beds made of?

Made of wood

For the manufacture of frame structure You will need support bars and boards for the walls from wood.

Wooden boxes for high beds can be tinted in any color and coated with paint

The work is carried out as follows:

Video: making a bed out of wood

From stone

Stone structures are built to last for centuries, they look monumental, but it is extremely difficult to move them to another place.

A high bed made of stone or brick will fit well into a classic design

The work technology consists of the following stages:

  1. Along the perimeter of the selected location, they dig a trench 0.3–0.4 m deep under the foundation.
  2. A layer of waterproofing (roofing felt, polyethylene, etc.) is laid at the bottom of the trench.
  3. Pour a sand cushion to a third of the depth.
  4. A layer of stones is placed on top.
  5. Fill with concrete mortar.
  6. After a few days, the stonework is laid out.

Complex masonry work It's better to trust the professionals

A brick bed is built by analogy with a stone one.

Video: making a brick bed

Made from slate sheets, metal or plastic panels

To build a frame structure, any pieces of old slate or metal removed from the roof will be used.

A bed whose walls are made of sheet metal can have very different shapes

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. The plates are cut to the required size.

    Slate sheets are cut to the required size

  2. Dig a narrow trench around the perimeter of the future bed.

    First, dig a trench

  3. Sheets of material are installed in the dug ditch.
  4. The corners of the plates are connected using metal corners.

    Slate sheets are connected using ordinary wire

  5. The trench is filled in and the soil is compacted thoroughly.

To give greater rigidity, stakes are driven into the corners to which they are attached. wooden frame from bars.

One of my good friends makes the sides of her beds from 1.5 liter plastic bottles. She digs them in around the perimeter with their necks down, trying to press them closer together. Intended for different cultures the frames are painted with spray paint in various colors. It turns out very lively and unusual.

A raised bed can be built from empty plastic bottles

Video: making a bed from sheet material

From the branches

The branch structure is constructed as follows:

Plastic containers can be placed inside the wicker box

You can simply stick several rows of branches into the ground and secure them with wire.

Branches in the wall of the bed can be placed vertically

Video: making a bed from twigs

High bed: what to fill it with

After installing the frame, the bed needs to be filled correctly:

  1. The bottom is lined with a fine-mesh metal mesh (to prevent rodents).

    Cardboard will prevent weeds from growing

  2. Drainage is poured (especially if the area is wet) from stones, broken bricks, shards, crushed stone, etc. In hot southern regions, large wood cuts, branches, and lumber waste are placed, which, on the contrary, will retain moisture.

    Then thick branches, logs, branches, etc. are laid

  3. Then smaller plant residues are laid:
  4. The last one top layer fertile soil is laid with the addition of humus and complex mineral fertilizers.

    Video: filling the garden bed

    Fences for raised beds can be found commercially. They are prefabricated modular structures, most often made of plastic. But it’s not difficult to build such a box with your own hands.

The organization of garden space can be different, but fencing for beds, bushes or flower beds will easily fit into landscape design. The designs are practical, you can create them yourself using suitable technology and choosing materials.

Types and features of fencing

The fences used in the garden area are varied and differ in appearance, design, and materials. The main purpose of any option is to provide plant protection from weeds or flooding and crop separation. From an aesthetic point of view, fences are also important, because they allow you to properly organize the garden space and decorate the area.

Fences help maintain order in a summer cottage

For beds

Beds are present in many garden plots. To separate garden crops and ensure order in the dacha, you need borders for the beds. They can be made from various materials, but all designs are easy to do with your own hands. It is important to use high-quality and environmentally friendly materials. Otherwise, the plants will not develop as efficiently as possible, because many artificial materials unsafe for them.

Wooden sides

Fences for plant beds are often made of wooden borders. This option is practical, easy to create and allows you to neatly divide the beds. The structures must have parameters equal to the parameters of the bed. Wooden crafts in the form of a box, they are made from boards with a thickness of 2 cm. The elements are fastened with self-tapping screws, treated with a wood antiseptic or painted. When choosing a material, it is best to give preference to larch, as it is more durable. Pine or other elements will also work, but processing is always necessary.

Wooden fencing is practical, environmentally friendly and simple, but has the disadvantage of fragility. Under the influence of moisture, ultraviolet radiation, and temperature changes, wood becomes cracked, deformed, or rots. Therefore, the boards need to be treated with antiseptics or painted.


Simple slate products are easy to make with your own hands if you already have the material. To create sides they are often used old slate, removed from the roof when replacing the roof. The canvases are cut into long elements, the height of which corresponds to the thickness of the soil layer of the bed. The main advantage of this option is the availability of the material. The disadvantages are that old slate is very fragile and releases harmful components into the soil.

When creating sides, you need to additionally strengthen the slate elements with reinforcing angles or rods. They are installed along the length of the bed every meter; the rods seem to support the slate parts. The appearance of such fences is quite laconic; the structures can be painted with compounds intended for outdoor use.

Metal fencing

Reliable fences for garden beds can be made from corrugated sheets or sheet metal with galvanized or polymer coating. The cost of such structures is high, but if such material exists, it is important to know its features. The sides are strips of metal that are fastened with special corners. A protective corner is also fixed along the upper edge, making the operation of the structure convenient, because the edges of the sheets are sharp.

Metal structures quickly heat up in the sun and contribute to the heating of the soil. This should be taken into account when using metal to separate beds.

Video: beautiful fences for garden beds, a selection of ideas

For bushes

Bushes of raspberries, currants or other crops need additional support, as their branches spread widely and lose their shape. For this purpose, fencing made of wooden blocks is used, water pipes PVC, metal and metal-plastic pipes. In any case, the structure consists of supports that go deep into the ground and provide stability to the fence. The branches of the bushes are supported using the upper part in the form of a hoop. This option is universal, in demand and easy to use.

Pegs and strong rope are often used as an easy option. Supports are installed in the ground around the circumference of the bush, and then the rope is pulled. The height of such a structure should be slightly less than half the bush. The structure allows you to raise the lower branches and make caring for the plant simple and easy.

The advantages of bush stands are as follows:

  • preventing crop rotting, since the lower branches of the bushes do not touch the soil;
  • ease of watering and caring for plants;
  • more convenient harvesting;
  • simplicity of designs from various materials;
  • preventing the growth of bushes;
  • the ability to form the required shape of the bush.

The disadvantage of this design is that it cannot be used for very voluminous bushes with heavy branches. In this case, more reliable options that have reinforced supports and square shape. Such products can be made of metal or wood, metal-plastic pipes.

Fencing front gardens and flower beds

A front garden or flower garden can be open or closed. In the first case, fences are not used, and in the second, a fence is necessary. At the same time, the design separates ornamental plants from the rest of the site and complements the landscape design of the area.

You can separate ornamental plants using a variety of wooden structures. A classic low picket fence is a universal option for any site. Metal fencing, which is made from strips of metal coated with a polymer colored coating, is also effective. Wrought iron fences for the front garden look beautiful, but are expensive.

Any option for fencing a flower bed or front garden should be beautifully designed, because decorative function is important when using such structures. The height is calculated depending on the size of the plants that need to be separated from the main area.

Supports for grapes

Grapes are often grown for decorative purposes. For this you need pergolas or horizontal trellises. Such structures can be in the form of a gazebo, bowl-shaped or arched. Wood is often used as a material for manufacturing, as it is environmentally friendly and easy to use.

It’s easy to make trellises from wood with your own hands, but when using metal elements You need a welding machine, fasteners with anti-corrosion coating and other parts. Wooden elements treated with stain and varnish are fastened with nails or self-tapping screws, creating a structure of the required shape. In any case, the sizes of the trellises are selected depending on their location. It is possible that the finished gazebo on the site will serve as a support for the grapes.

Video: making trellises with your own hands

Preparation for installation

To create any fence or small enclosure, it is important to calculate its parameters. Dimensions depend on the type and purpose of the structure. For example, fences for flower beds often do not exceed 50 cm in height, but for ornamental shrubs more are needed tall buildings. The length of the fence depends on the perimeter or circumference of the flower bed, but you should not place the structure close to the outermost plants in the flower garden. You need to step back about 30 cm from them, which will ensure comfortable care and proper development of greenery.

Before constructing the fence, you can draw a diagram showing the shape and design parameters. And also the diagram shows the location of the main supports in the form of columns, the distance between them. This will allow you to calculate required quantity material and determine installation features.

How to choose material

Sides or a small fence can be made from a variety of materials. When choosing, you should be guided by the purpose of the fence. For example, laconic, easy-to-use and environmentally friendly wooden borders are best suited for arranging beds. You can separate the shrubs or flower garden with brighter and original options. Available elements are also suitable for this purpose. In any case, the quality of the material must be high, and installation technology should also be taken into account.

The base for the fence can be made of the following materials:

  1. Plastic bottles. You will need a large number of parts, which depends on the length of the fence. The bottles should have approximately the same bottom size, and for installation they just need to be deepened into the ground around the perimeter of the flowerbed. The containers should be filled with sand for greater strength. Pre-staining bright colors will make such a fence unusual and beautiful.
  2. Polycarbonate. From segments cellular polycarbonate, colored or transparent, it’s easy to make a fence for a flower bed. The ends of the elements must first be coated with transparent sealant or silicone, and after drying, the parts must be deepened into the ground along the perimeter of the flower bed. The segments are glued together with transparent glue for exterior use.
  3. Wooden boards, picket fence. There are many options for fences made of wooden elements. Designs of any shape can be easily made bright and original, or you can create practical borders for a garden bed.
  4. Concrete slabs are convenient for durable fencing. Elements same size deepen into the soil along the perimeter of the flower bed. The soil around the fence should be compacted well.

Before choosing any material, it is important to pay attention to its quality. Polycarbonate and concrete products are expensive, but reliable and durable. Boards and metal profiles require anti-corrosion treatment, which will make them more practical. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of the material, its advantages and disadvantages.

Table: pros and cons of materials

Plastic bottlesAvailability, easy installation and operation, possibility
creating any garden bed design.
Low strength, large quantities required
elements, reinforcement for bottles is necessary.
PolycarbonatePracticality and accessibility, simple mounting, variety
colors, durability and comfort.
It is important to process the ends of cellular polycarbonate,
high price.
WoodPossibility of creating any fencing option, accessibility,
ease of installation and operation, versatility for any
climatic conditions.
Antiseptic treatment or staining is required,
fragility in the absence of treatment.
Concrete or stone slabsReliability and durability, simple installation, practicality and convenience
in operation.
High cost, requires a large number of elements.

Calculation of quantities of materials and tools

When constructing a fence from boards for a flower garden, you need to determine the height of the structure, which depends on the size of the plants. A fence about 40 cm high is suitable for most flowers. After this, you need to retreat 30 cm from the outer plants and measure the perimeter of the flowerbed. The resulting indicator is the length of the fence. A picket fence requires support posts, cross slats and slats. The distance between the pillars is 1 m, and between the planks is about 5 cm. In this case, the width of the plank should be about 10 cm. For a structure with a height of 50 cm, two transverse logs are required. Thus, for every 100 cm of fence, approximately 7 slats are needed.

A fence for a flower garden can be made from ready-made picket fence sections, which can be wooden, plastic or metal. To do this, you need to determine the length of the fence and, depending on this, select the number of finished sections.

For self-installation wooden fence You will need the following tools:

  • tape measure and building level;
  • shovel and crushed stone;
  • nails or screws;
  • hammer or screwdriver;
  • brush, wood preservative, paint.

Before work, you need to prepare the picket fence by sawing the strips into elements of the required length. The transverse logs should be a little more than 1 meter long, since the distance between the supporting posts is 100 cm, but the bars must be attached to supports.

Installation of fencing for a flower garden

Before work, apply an antiseptic intended for wood to all wooden elements. This will preserve the quality of the material and make the work easier. For this purpose, you can use stain, which can be of various shades. natural wood. If the boards are very rough, then they need to be sanded before processing. sandpaper with medium size coating. After this, you need to remove the dust and apply a protective agent.

It takes several hours for the product to dry, and exact time indicated in the instructions. After this period, you can begin installation, which includes the following steps:

  1. With pegs and rope we mark the line of the future fence and the place for support pillars. Using a shovel, we make 40 cm deepenings for supports, the height of which should be about 1 m. We pour sand in a 5 cm layer at the bottom of the holes, install pillars, fill them with crushed stone, and compact them with soil on top.
  2. You need to attach the fence slats to the transverse joists, maintaining the distance between them. Nails or self-tapping screws are used for fixation, and evenness is checked with a building level. It is worth considering that the fence is assembled in sections, installing each section one by one. The planks must be attached to the joists with a distance of approximately 5 cm from the edge.
  3. The prepared sections are fixed to the installed posts using self-tapping screws. Levelness is checked using a building level. In this case, the lower edges of the planks should not come into close contact with the soil. The distance between the soil and the sections should be about 3–5 cm.

Bush fences

Raspberry bushes, currants and other garden crops need fencing or convenient support to allow the plants to develop comfortably. One of the simplest options is a design made of PVC pipes, which has a rectangular shape. For work, pipes with a diameter of about 20 mm are required, as well as corner fittings that allow you to connect all the elements.

You can make a fencing for bushes with your own hands using welding machine for PVC pipes. And also pieces of products are needed. Their length corresponds to the height of the structure (depending on the parameters of the bush). The diameter of the fittings is selected depending on the parameters of the pipes. After cutting the elements, you need to make holes near the bush, in the corners, up to 30 cm deep. The frame of the future fence is welded using a machine, connecting long sections with fittings. The structure is installed in the holes, compacting the soil.

Grape support

Growing decorative or actively fruiting grapes requires the creation of supports or trellises. In the first case, any structures that allow the vines to grow easily are appropriate. For example, a small gazebo with lattice walls will provide beautiful weaving of stems.

Installation simple option The trellis involves the installation of two supports made of 50x50 mm beams, the distance between which is determined depending on the required width of the structure. A fixing block is attached to the upper ends, and then thin slats are mounted in the form of a lattice. All parts are pre-treated with stain or other antiseptic. The finished structure can be varnished for exterior use.

Video: how to make a simple fence for a garden bed or flower bed

Fences or fences will provide anyone garden plot order and aesthetics. Simple designs easy to do with your own hands by choosing high-quality materials.

You will be surprised by your past doubts about whether to make raised beds in your dacha... Your back will thank you - you will simply bend down slightly to care for the bed. Your knees will thank you - you can simply sit on the edge of the bed and tend to your garden. Your plants will thank you - there is no more competition from weeds or nearby fruit trees. Your land will be grateful to you - you do not trample it and ennoble it with humus. Your garden with raised beds can look beautiful, be comfortable and reward you with a bountiful harvest.

How to make raised beds with your own hands.

1. First we must mark out the space for the beds. The usual width of the bed is 1.2 m, the length can be any. Marking rectangles the right size on the ground with sand.

2. We assemble high beds. The raised bed has no bottom and consists of posts with grooves on all four sides and boards with corresponding grooves. You can buy ready-made fences for garden beds or make them yourself. For fencing, it is better to take hardwood, because... Conifers secrete resin, which can have an unnecessary effect on soil composition. We check the horizontal installation of the garden box with a level.

3. Extend the high beds. Because The design of our beds is modular; we can extend our bed on either side with another module.

4. How to protect a high bed from rodents. Even if you have not encountered moles and other underground garden pests in your summer cottage, it is better to take steps to protect your garden right now than to unsuccessfully fight these rodents later. We place a metal mesh at the bottom of each box so that it extends slightly over the edges of the fences.

5. How to protect the soil in a high bed from washing out into the main soil. To do this, we use regular packing cardboard in two layers so that it covers the entire bottom of our garden box. If there are not enough solid pieces, we use scraps of cardboard and staple them to the main piece so that the cardboard at the bottom of the box does not move when pouring soil.

6. The soil for high beds should be light, crumbly and “fluffy”. You can easily check its quality by poking your finger into the ground - if it sinks to the third joint, this is normal. To improve the soil composition, you can add peat or compost. We pour the soil into the garden box, check its horizontal level, and water it to compact it a little. During the season we will need to add a little soil.

7. Irrigation system for high beds. It is planned to attach a garden hose with watering nozzles along the contour of the raised beds: we need 90 and 180 degree dividers.

8. Trellis for high beds. Because the soil in a high bed is loose, it will not be possible to install a trellis in it, so we fix the trellis from pvc pipes into the ground next to the garden box. We stretch nets onto the trellises to climbing plants- cucumbers and beans. For tomatoes we install light supports made of steel rod.

What you need to know when building a raised bed.

1. Try to protect high beds from strong winds and heat by creating partial shade with trellises of flowers or tall shrubs.

2. The long side of the bed should face south - this way the plants will be evenly illuminated, otherwise, more tall plants others will be obscured.

3. The planting density on a high bed is twice as high as on a regular one. This is how plants fight weeds and create a humid microclimate for the foliage.

4. High beds with sides will allow elderly people or people with back problems to easily care for their gardens.

5. High bed - warm bed. Such a bed warms up faster in the spring and if you make a mini greenhouse based on it, it will surprise you with an early and generous harvest.

6. Divide a long, high bed into square segments with cross braces to reduce soil pressure by side walls beds.

Fences for raised beds.

1. Most often, wooden fences are used for clear beds. There are several points here - do not use used wood, especially sleepers, which may contain harmful chemical substances. Do not treat fresh wood with protection products unless you are sure that they are completely environmentally safe.

2. Wattle fence as a fence for a high bed. Despite all its environmental friendliness, such a fence has three significant drawbacks: the soil in the bed dries quickly from the wind, proper thermal insulation of the bed is not provided, and soil can spill out through the cracks. Everything can be fixed - use a layer of double cardboard along the inner perimeter of the fence. It is environmentally friendly, the air gap between the sheets serves as thermal insulation, and the soil no longer spills out.

3. As a fence for a high bed, you can use a metal profile, including from old roof or a fence.

5. You can make fences for a high bed with your own hands from brick or concrete. This is a very good option, but you need to take into account that concrete will affect the acidity of the soil in the garden bed for 2-3 years.

6. The best fencing for raised beds is plastic. They do not release anything of their own into the soil, excellent thermal insulation, long service life and the ability to set any shape of the bed, unlike standard rectangular beds with wooden fences.

7. Fences for high beds made from scrap materials. You can make the sides of the beds from bottles laid like bricks on concrete mortar.

Why are raised beds needed?

High beds allow you to increase the area for a vegetable garden because... awkward slopes or poor or clogged soil can be used. Raised beds provide an eco-friendly way to control weeds and soil erosion.

Such beds warm up faster and produce an earlier harvest. They allow you to more economically use moisture for irrigation.

Various types of raised beds.

In addition to the traditional raised bed with high sides, there are several other types of raised beds.

1. Circular high bed. It consists of a round frame in which there is a path to the center of the bed. This form of high bed is also called a “keyhole”.

Branches, roots, paper, and compost are placed at the bottom of the bed. There is a tunnel in the middle of the bed for fresh organic waste and water.

This bed design provides the necessary moisture and constant enrichment of the soil.

2. High bed without fences. When constructing such a bed, the first layer of tree trunks (not conifers), branches, roots, and snags are placed in the ground at a shallow depth; the second layer is this removed turf from the place where you are making the bed, laid with grass down; the third layer is 20-30 cm of basic soil mixed with humus.

To irrigate raised raised beds, an irrigation irrigation system is used, when water comes from a ditch between the beds - a good option for vegetable gardens that are flooded in the spring, or you can use drip irrigation, when water enters the garden bed from mini terraces.

The paths between the beds are covered with straw or large sawdust. Never step on the soil in a high bed - this will compact it and make it more difficult for the plants to receive moisture and nutrients.

Raised beds of this type can be used not only for a vegetable garden, but also for growing shrubs and fruit trees if you have problem soil for them in your summer cottage. The service life of such a bed (until the first layer of wood with trunks completely rots) is 20-25 years - this period is enough for any fruit tree.

Do not spare space for paths between high beds - this way you can always go there with garden wheelbarrow both for harvesting and with a new portion of humus. Spare your back - use a wheelbarrow.

If your raised beds are located next to fruit trees, perhaps, before setting up the beds, you will need to install a root barrier - dig a trench, cut off the root on the approach to the beds, install a metal sheet into a trench, which will prevent the root from growing in this direction and cover the trench with soil.

Learn more about raised beds through your own experience. This topic contains many interesting finds, experiments and new discoveries for every gardener.

And we have prepared for you a video with 100 inspiring examples of using raised beds in the country.
