PVC ceiling decoration in apartment. Ceiling made of PVC (plastic) panels: step-by-step instructions. Installation of ceilings from PVC panels

Today there are many options for finishing the ceiling. This base can be sheathed with both expensive and affordable materials. For example, these could be plastic panels, available in a wide range. Such coverings look attractive and are easy to install. Today we will talk about the intricacies of finishing the ceiling with such materials.


Today, many owners choose PVC panels for ceiling finishing. The popularity of these finishing materials is explained by their affordable cost, quite simple installation and durability.

IN retail outlets will be able to find cladding panels made of plastic, made in any style. These can be not only laconic monochromatic options, but also non-trivial canvases with various images or patterns. With the help of such finishing materials you can give the interior a more interesting and expressive look.

With installation plastic panels easy to handle. To do this, it is not at all necessary to call a team of craftsmen, whose services can cost a tidy sum. You will be quite able to cope with such finishing work yourself.

PVC panels can be mounted in different rooms. This can be not only the living room or hallway, but also the bathroom or kitchen. Quality coatings are not afraid of high levels of humidity - they are not subject to deformation in such conditions and do not lose their original appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you want to decorate the ceiling with plastic panels, then you should familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages.

First, let's look at what advantages these facing materials can boast of:

  • PVC panels are durable materials. Their service life can reach 20 years or more.
  • Such materials do not rot.
  • They do not require complex and constant care. You will only need to wipe off any accumulated dust from time to time.
  • Plastic panels are perfect for ceiling decoration, as they have soundproofing characteristics.

By installing them on the ceiling, you will protect yourself from unnecessary noise coming from above.

  • Plastic panels are lightweight, so they are easy to work with.
  • Plastic ceiling panels are not afraid of temperature changes. Under such conditions they do not deform. Of course, this property applies exclusively to high-quality materials.
  • Plastic panels are often used to visually divide living space into functional zones.
  • Plastic panels can be classified as universal materials. They can be installed both in city apartments and in private houses.

  • It is impossible not to note the rich assortment of these facing materials. Thanks to large selection suitable coatings can be chosen for an ensemble made in any key.
  • Plastic panels can hide imperfections and differences in ceilings.
  • Under these facing coatings it will be possible to reliably “hide” electrical wiring and other similar elements.
  • PVC coatings have an affordable price. Suitable option You can choose one for any wallet.

Plastic panels are not ideal materials. Despite their popularity, such products also have their weaknesses:

  • Today, stores sell a lot of materials made from low-quality plastic, which contains toxic substances. These coatings are harmful to health. They are not recommended to be installed in residential premises.
  • After installing plastic ceiling coverings, an unpleasant chemical odor may remain in the room. But it is worth noting that not all buyers noticed this defect.
  • Plastic is not a breathable material. Due to its presence, air cannot circulate freely, penetrating the ceiling.
  • Most plastic sheets contain voids, which often harbor insects, and getting rid of them is a big problem.

  • Plastic ceiling panels are not impact-resistant materials. They are susceptible to mechanical damage, so when working with them, you should not apply too much pressure or press on the surface.
  • The lion's share of PVC panels “does not like” Sun rays. Under their influence, these facing materials may lose their color saturation.
  • Plastic is a flammable raw material. When ignited, it emits acrid smoke.


There are several types of plastic panels needed for finishing ceilings. Let's get to know them better.


These types of plastic ceiling sheets are considered more aesthetic and attractive. After installation work, they form a neat and continuous canvas on the ceiling, in which all the parts are joined as tightly as possible. Joints and cracks are not visible on these coatings.

Rack and pinion

These types of plastic finishes are more common. They are cheaper than seamless specimens. It is worth considering what positive qualities plastic slats have:

  • Such cladding is not afraid of high humidity, so it can be installed in the bathroom, kitchen and even in the bathhouse.
  • Rack slats will not interfere high-quality ventilation ceilings, since they contain gaps of different sizes located between the slats.
  • Such elements can be installed both along and across the existing premises.
  • Slatted canvases are inexpensive.
  • Installation of such coatings is quick and easy.
  • Slat slats boast durability.


Sectional plastic panels for finishing the ceiling are also quite common. These differ in their structure. These panels can be two- or three-section.

On the surface of the sectional lamellas, each individual section is highlighted with a thin strip. Usually, this element has a golden or silver color. Often, such ceiling coverings are confused with aluminum slats, installed tightly to each other. This is explained by the external similarity of these materials.

With 3D effect

If you want to purchase more interesting ceiling coverings, then you should take a closer look at polyvinyl chloride panels with a 3D effect. These coatings have a relief surface. It may contain both small and large parts with convex shapes.

Such coatings look impressive not only on simple single-level ceilings, but also on beautiful multi-level structures with a plasterboard box.


If you want to create a beautiful and rich interior design without resorting to expensive finishing materials, then you should purchase spectacular mirror panels. By decorating the ceiling with similar coatings, you can visually expand living space and make it lighter.

Mirror panels are produced not only in standard rectangular ones, but also in square and diamond-shaped ones. On the surface, such materials have a special film with a reflective effect.

Plastic panels with mirror surface can be found not only in home interiors, but also in cafes, shopping centers and other public institutions. They are inexpensive and look presentable, which makes them incredibly popular.

Imitating natural materials

Separately, it is worth highlighting plastic panels that imitate various materials of natural origin. For example, it could be an imitation of wood or stone covering. Similar options look attractive and natural.

Of course, you should choose such panels especially carefully - low-quality coatings with a poorly applied image will look inharmonious and cheap.


Plastic panels can be installed in many rooms. Correctly selected coverings will look harmonious in the hallway, living room, and bathroom.

It is worth noting that for areas where you receive guests, it is not recommended to purchase simple slatted canvases, classic for plastic white. These finishing materials will significantly reduce the cost of the interior. In such conditions, more attractive and fashionable coatings, for example, mirror or wood-effect, will look harmonious.

Currently, plastic ceiling panels are available in a variety of colors. Please note that for small rooms it is not recommended to purchase materials that are too dark - they can make the space even smaller. In such settings, light-colored canvases will look much better - they will visually expand the space, making it lighter and more comfortable.

If you want to purchase ceiling panels with patterns or colorful images, then you should be careful. Too colorful and intrusive paintings can overload the space, making it uncomfortable. It will be uncomfortable to be in a room with such a “pressing” ceiling.

If the ceiling in the room is bright and colorful, then the rest of the ceilings should have a more neutral color. This rule must be observed so that the overall interior does not seem tacky and ridiculous.

In bathrooms, panels of neutral colors are most often installed. These can be snow-white, beige, soft green or soft blue coatings.

In the kitchen, PVC sheets also look beautiful and harmonious. In this case, suitable slats should be selected based on the shade of the set, as well as the finish of the walls and floor. The texture of the panels can be either matte or glossy.

It is not recommended to install ceiling panels in both children's and adult bedrooms. In such conditions there must be good ventilation, which cannot be achieved with “non-breathable” plastic sheets.

It is also not recommended to install plastic panels in interiors designed in rich and elaborate styles. These include such styles as Rococo, Empire, Art Deco, Neoclassical and Baroque. In such ensembles it is customary to use only expensive materials of natural origin. Ordinary plastic will stand out noticeably from similar interiors, demonstrating its cheapness.


For ceilings finished with plastic panels, many suitable lamps are sold. Most often, such coatings are complemented by built-in and overhead lighting fixtures, which can be found in any store specializing in the sale of such products.

The most popular and in demand are recessed lamps. As a rule, they are small in size and easy to install.

Also in plastic ceiling lamps There may be different light bulbs present. For example:

  • halogen;
  • LED (the most economical and durable);
  • energy saving.

The latest options for light bulbs are chosen less frequently than others, as they are increasingly being replaced by modern LED versions. Of course, a ceiling trimmed with plastic panels can be complemented with a classic pendant chandelier. However, in this case it is necessary to strengthen frame structure, which will hold the plastic.


To install plastic ceiling panels you do not need to have extensive experience and special knowledge. It is quite possible to do all the work yourself. The main thing is to follow the simple step-by-step instructions, and the result will not disappoint you.


Before proceeding directly to the installation work, it is necessary to carefully prepare the ceiling. From such a base nothing should fall off or crumble. If such defects do occur, they should be eliminated. After this, it is recommended to treat the ceiling surface with a primer mixture.

After this, you should proceed to marking the future frame around the perimeter of the ceiling. On the walls in the room you need to draw a line using a marker or pencil. It will act as a guide when filing hanging parts. This distance must be calculated for hidden wiring lighting fixtures. Then the lowest point is selected on the base, after which a line is drawn along the floors using a long level.

After this, using a level, all lines are transferred to other walls. Experts recommend using accurate laser level. Then you need to start marking supporting structures future frame foundation.

It is important to consider here that the installation of these elements should occur perpendicular to the PVC lamellas themselves.


Often the frame is a necessary structure for installing PVC panels. There are several options for sheathing:

  • Made of plastic. To prepare a U-shaped profile or plinth, it is possible to use high quality plastic. When you mark the lower limit on the walls, plastic frame need to be attached along this line.
  • Made from wooden blocks. Often, wooden beams are used to make a reliable and durable frame. Using dowels and screws, the block is attached directly to the ceiling (every 60 cm). To ensure that all elements are aligned to the same level, it is worth attaching wooden overlays between the block itself and the base.
  • Made of metal. Metal sheathing is the most common, durable and reliable. To prepare it, U-shaped profiles are used, which are attached with anchors to the ceiling base in increments of 60-80 cm.

When you have decided which frame you are going to install for covering the ceiling with plastic, you should proceed directly to its installation. Stages of work:

  • First you need to mark on the walls where the profiles will be attached. To ensure that the line of the suspended structure is horizontal, it is necessary to use a level.
  • Next, you need to install a profile along the perimeter of the ceiling so that there are no gaps between it and the wall.
  • After this, you can proceed to attaching the transverse profiles.
  • Next we take the L-rail. It needs to be secured around the perimeter of the room.
  • If you plan to add lighting fixtures to the cladding, then you need to take care of the wiring in advance.


Once you have prepared the sheathing, you can proceed to laying the plastic panels. Let's take a closer look at how to assemble PVC sheets on a finished frame step by step.

The first plastic panel must be inserted in the corner to the transverse U-shaped slats. All subsequent parts should be inserted into the groove of the previous ones. These elements must be fixed using self-tapping screws.

Experienced craftsmen advise cutting the starting panel with a hacksaw or special knife. Using these tools, you need to trim the latch of the part along the edge. There is no need to be afraid of anything - plastic lamellas are cut quite easily. To ensure that all panels fit tightly together, they must be carefully hammered during installation. Do not apply too much force, otherwise the plastic may crack or break.

When all the plastic panels are laid out, you should pay attention to how the last part is installed correctly. At this stage you should be especially careful and careful, since you yourself will have to adjust the width of the panel. Do this carefully so as not to damage the plastic. Next, the lamella will need to be inserted into the plank located on the opposite wall.

Some people turn the panels over with the lock facing the opposite side, and then trim it around the groove.

The last element must be fixed to the base with screws. All fasteners must be as reliable as possible. Then all the parts will hold tightly to the frame and will not begin to move away from it over time.

Then you need to glue the ceiling plinth. With its help it will be possible to close the edges and gaps of the ceiling sheathing. It is worth gluing such elements using ordinary liquid nails. The adhesive must be applied to the baseboard itself, then applied to the ceiling, pressed and held for a while.

As a rule, when you press, excess glue appears along the edges of the plinth - they must be removed with a rag and done as soon as possible.

There are also types of ceiling plinths that you need to assemble yourself. Such parts are assembled by snapping the opposite side together. Any cracks that appear must be sealed with sealant.

On glue

Plastic ceiling panels can be mounted using glue (without installing a frame). This method of finishing the ceiling is the simplest and most affordable. In addition, during such work the ceiling height is not “taken away”.

However, installing PVC panels without glue has its weaknesses:

  • Immediately before installing the panels, you will need to properly prepare the base. You will need to remove any previous coatings and finishing materials from its surface.
  • This method is not suitable for ceilings with significant unevenness and differences. On such a basis, the panels will not be able to be properly joined. Over time, they may simply fall off.
  • If you lay plastic panels on glue, you will not be able to hide communication systems under them.

Let's look at step by step how to cover a ceiling with plastic panels using glue:

  • cut the starter panel to length;
  • after this, several thin strips of liquid nails should be applied to the back of the part;
  • after this, the panel should be pressed against the ceiling base and immediately torn off;
  • after 3-5 minutes it needs to be pressed again to the installation site, but this time definitively;
  • As for the finishing panel, it can be hemmed to the other parts only after trimming; this must be done not only in length, but also in width;
  • At the end of all finishing works You should lay regular ceiling plinths or beautiful baguettes. These elements can be installed using liquid nails or acrylic putty.

If you decide to cover the ceiling with plastic panels with your own hands, then you should listen to the advice and recommendations of professionals:

  • First, decide which panels you want to lay on the ceiling. These finishing materials should match the main interior in style and color.
  • Don't look for panels that are priced too low. Most likely, these are low-quality materials that contain toxic elements harmful to health.
  • It is advisable to make an estimate in advance for the installation of such finishing materials.
  • If you are filing PVC panels, then all the wires must be hidden inside the corrugation. A similar rule should be followed when laying MDF boards. These are fire safety requirements.

  • According to experts, it is quite difficult to correctly assemble and install a frame (especially a metal one) alone, so it is recommended to carry out such work in pairs with an assistant.
  • When using the frameless installation method, never neglect the preparation of the ceiling base, especially if it has various defects (cracks, potholes). Only after removing the old coatings and repairing the damage, we cover the ceiling with PVC panels.
  • After installing the sheathing, you need to check it for horizontalness and the absence of differences/irregularities.
  • If you are using a plastic frame, then you should not use screws, but special staples that are installed using a construction stapler.
  • If you are going to add plastic ceiling big chandelier or a second ceiling level, then you need to strengthen the sheathing. To do this, install more guide profiles, leaving a minimum gap between them. This applies to both metal and wooden frames.

  • It is not recommended to cover the ceiling with plastic panels in rooms with low temperatures.
  • For repairs, you need to purchase high-quality finishing materials. To check this parameter, you should squeeze the end cut of one of the panels in your hand. This part should not be severely dented or cracked. High-quality material, when compressed, can only slightly decrease in thickness, and then quickly recover.
  • If you are going to supplement plastic panels with lighting fixtures, then you should purchase materials with deep seams.
  • After installation, it is not recommended to clean plastic panels with caustic substances or aggressive chemicals. It is better to use a regular sponge or a damp soft cloth.

Beautiful examples in the interior

Plastic panels can be used to cover the ceilings in almost any room. Correctly selected coatings will look impressive in the kitchen, in the hallway, in the bathroom, and in the toilet.

For example, in the kitchen with light walls and a brown wooden set will look harmonious with sectional white or beige panels with golden dividing stripes.

This ceiling should be complemented with recessed lamps with gold-plated edging.

In the bathroom, you can sew up any type of plastic panels, from slatted to seamless. The main thing is that they match the color of the tiles. White coatings are universal. They may contain silver or golden colored separating stripes. Against the background of such a ceiling, both light and dark wall finishing materials will look equally harmonious.

Light plastic panels are an excellent solution for narrow corridor or a small hallway. Such spaces can be visually expanded by glossy or mirror materials. If you back them up with suitable lighting fixtures, the environment will become very bright and welcoming.

And the mirror panels are diamond-shaped or square shape and can even be installed in more expensive and pompous interiors. They look especially impressive and attractive if they are complemented with a lush chandelier with pendants and chrome details.

Such a bright and expressive ceiling finish can be used not only in the corridor or hallway, but also in the living room.

Today one of the simplest, but effective methods in terms of finishing the room, this means finishing the ceiling and walls with plastic panels. Let's take a closer look at advantages of PVC panels and installation.

This type of material has occupied a fairly strong niche in the domestic market among other finishing materials. The panels contain durable, lightweight and hard polyvinyl chloride.
Therefore, finishing walls and ceilings with plastic panels is often done not only in residential premises, but also in offices, shops and other institutions where there is a lot of traffic.

Advantages of PVC panels

The material gained its popularity due to its numerous advantages when decorating premises.
Distinctive characteristics:

  • Low price, which attracts many consumers.
  • Increased moisture resistance, which allows the material to be installed in rooms with high humidity.
  • The strength of the material will allow it to be used for a long period.
  • For cleaning, you can use any means without restrictions.
  • It is easy to decorate the ceiling with plastic panels with your own hands.
  • PVC panels are a good sound insulator.
  • Finishing the ceilings with plastic panels will allow you to implement any design solution.

The disadvantages include:

  • The material is very sensitive to temperature changes, and the panels tend to deform.
  • When finishing the ceiling with plastic, it is recommended to do everything carefully, since a strong impact or pressure can damage them.
  • Naturally, the quality of the material is inferior to natural raw materials, so installation in the bedroom and nursery is not advisable.

Types of PVC panels

Before finishing the ceiling with plastic panels, let’s take a closer look at all types of panels.
Types of panels are divided into three main types:

  • Slatted PVC panels, which have the same appearance, like the lining. The panels are installed using fastening brackets.
  • PVC panels for tiles are mounted in exactly the same way as slatted panels, but have a more attractive appearance.
  • Sheet PVC panels are installed using nails and glue, cracks are sealed using sealant or a narrow strip of the same color. Most often they have a large pattern, similar in appearance to plywood, see photo.

What should you consider before choosing panels?

Before finishing the ceiling with plastic panels, it is necessary to measure the area of ​​the ceiling, after which it is necessary to determine the type of material, and also correctly determine the length and width.

Attention. If we talk about traditional sizes, they are sold 20-50 cm wide and 5-100 mm thick with a matte or glossy surface.

After the maximum thickness is determined, it is then selected plastic cornice. If the walls are finished with the same material, then it is necessary to purchase special joining profiles for the corners (internal and external).
The length of the panels ranges from 2.6 to 6 m. Therefore, when calculating the area, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions so that a minimum amount of waste remains at the finish.
Perfect finish plastic ceiling, this is when the dimensions of the ceiling match the material.

Attention. When choosing panels, you need to pay attention to the quality of the material. If waves and differences are found on the surface, the finish will be distorted.
It is not recommended to install defective material even in corners and invisible places; anyway, one element can affect the structure as a whole.

If you choose a quality material, the ceiling will last a long period of use, and the surface will be perfectly smooth.

Any type of finishing work involves the use of necessary materials and tools.
For finishing we will need:

  • Hammer.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Scissors.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Building level.
  • Roulette.
  • Square.
  • Pencil.
  • Metal profiles or wooden slats for lathing.
  • Stationery knife.

Plastic finishing of ceilings provides several installation methods. The choice of method directly depends on the surface and humidity level in the room.

Installation methods, instructions

One of the methods is frameless, PVC panels are installed directly on the ceiling or walls. This method is used if the surface is relatively flat.
The second method is wireframe. In this case, finishing the ceilings with plastic begins with installing the lathing.
The frame can be made of wood or metal profiles.

Frameless finish

In this case, PVC panels are attached directly to the surface; liquid nails or special glue are used as fastening elements. The method is used only in a dry room.
The adhesive is applied with a notched trowel, which is used during installation. tiles. Frameless installation will significantly save time on frame assembly.
The photo shows the installation of PVC panels using the frameless method.

Listening. Using frameless method, it should be remembered that it will not be possible to install recessed lamps.

Installation of panels using a frame

If the room has high humidity or the surface is uneven, then without special sheathing not enough. For assembly you will need wooden blocks, plastic and metal profiles.

Remember. It is better to use a wooden frame in a dry room. If for some reason this is not possible, then the frame must be carefully processed before installation. by special means.

To finish a wooden frame you will need:

  • Reiki (from 1-4 cmX4-5 cm).
  • Dowels or screws.
  • Electric drill.
  • Building level.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hammer.

Wooden slats are first fastened along the entire perimeter, then in increments of 40 cm, using dowel nails or self-tapping screws. On wooden PVC frame the panels are fastened using a stapler or small nails.
For a metal frame you will need all the materials and tools as for installation under plasterboard construction. The frame is installed similarly to plasterboard, only without transverse profiles.
UD goes along the perimeter of the room, and CD is hung across the panels.

In order to mask the joints, you can use L-start and foam plinth. The very last panel will most likely need to be adjusted and secured with glue.
Ceiling plinth will help hide all the cracks. To ensure that there is a slight deflection in the middle, it is recommended to insert the very first panel into the fillets on the sides and lightly press it against the frame, pushing until the element fits into the parallel fillet.
In the case of wooden frames, a construction stapler is used, with metal screws. For more accurate information, you can watch the training video.

Properties of PVC panels

To know exactly what to expect from this type of material, you need to refer to the properties of polyvinyl chloride:

  • Lack of hygroscopicity.
  • Waterproof.
  • Lack of large pores (therefore not subject to rapid contamination).

For reference. Please note that when installed, the glossy panels hardly get dirty. Contaminants may remain on the matte surface, which can be easily removed.

The density of plastic is much greater than that of water, the material is considered heavy, however, the honeycomb structure ensures a light weight at optimal rigidity. The material is also resistant to alkalis, so you can safely use household chemicals, but it melts easily, so you should be wary of temperatures above 80 degrees.
When installing PVC panels on the sheathing, there is no connection to the rough load-bearing uneven ceiling.
You can hide everything inside electric wires and communications. You can easily install spotlights directly into the ceiling.
There are only 2 reasons why a user might refuse a material in favor of a different finish:

  • If the room is provided with too bright lighting, you will have to abandon the too bright halogen lamps in favor of LED lamps.
  • Longitudinal seams are visible even in seamless panels, which is especially problematic for large rooms.

The use of PVC ceilings in the interior

In this case, the use of plastic panels is often used in small wet areas.
This includes categories:

  • Kitchen.
  • Bathroom(see Finishing a bathroom with plastic panels: how to do it yourself).
  • Toilet.
  • Narrow corridors.

For rooms such as a hall, nursery or bedroom, they are more suitable plasterboard ceilings, tension structures. By what parameters you can choose PVC ceilings, this should be based on the design of the room.
Light shades make the room visually much taller and more spacious, and the glossy surface further enhances this feeling, but emphasizes unevenness. Therefore, care should be taken during installation work.

Finishing the ceiling with plastic panels is a budget-friendly and quick cladding option. Do-it-yourself installation of polymer panels with making the right choice materials, tools and knowledge of the nuances of cladding technology is very simple. Unlike the installation of other ceiling coverings, covering the ceiling with plastic panels does not require the help of a partner. Why did polyvinyl chloride become so popular that it began to be used in interior decoration not only to protect ceilings, but also for walls?

Material selection

The history of the appearance of PVC material, capable of replacing expensive ceramic tiles and poorly painted panels, dates back to the 90s of the last century. At that time it was believed that the room, decorated with plastic panels, had the status of “European-quality renovation”. The material has not lost its popularity to this day. The finishing of bathrooms, balconies, loggias, offices and objects with high humidity cannot be done without the use of polymer panels.

Polyvinyl chloride used for production of this material, resistant to moisture and aggressive environments. It does not fade, is easy to clean, can be installed “with your own hands” without any problems, and is aesthetically compatible with other types of finishing.

Originality of PVC ceiling:

  1. Smooth surface without preliminary preparation bases (in addition to priming).
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Durable and easy to care for.
  4. Possibility of installing panels yourself, without outside help.
  5. Noise insulation.
  6. An assortment of plastic panels, thanks to which ceilings made of PVC materials are combined with any type of wall decoration.
  7. Waterproof.

When I first came to the store to buy plastic panels, I learned that there is a gradation of the material according to its purpose. It turns out that for walls and ceilings they use different types PVC plates. The main difference between them is their weight. Plastic ceiling panels are lighter than wall panels because they are not subject to mechanical stress. The finishing of structural elements indoors or outdoors is also one of the factors when choosing PVC material.

Important! By purchasing plastic sheathing for outdoor work, you should choose panels with improved technical characteristics. They are protected from exposure to precipitation and ultraviolet radiation.

When choosing a material, you need to visually inspect the planks. They should not have dents, scratches or other defects. PVC panels are profile design with stiffeners and voids. If you look at the end of the plank, then in addition to its even cut, you should see identical membranes clearly perpendicular to the edge. These are stiffening ribs; the strength of the material depends on their number and condition.

It is important to check the connection of the panels when purchasing. The quality of finishing walls or ceilings with your own hands depends on the integrity of the front covering. The interlocking connections must form a single piece.

Before sheathing the ceiling with plastic, you need to prepare tools, calculate the number of panels and choose a method for attaching them.

Installation instructions and material calculations

Installation work should begin after arranging the work area with the presence necessary tools and materials:

  1. Level;
  2. Roulette;
  3. Hacksaw for metal;
  4. Drill, hammer drill, screwdriver;
  5. Self-tapping screws, dowels;
  6. Metal profile or wooden beam;
  7. Suspensions;
  8. Square;
  9. Liquid Nails.
  10. Panels, fillets and wall starting profile.

This is a generalized list for different methods of do-it-yourself plastic ceiling finishing. The first type of installation - frameless option sheathing. The mounting base is flat ceiling or particle board. In both cases, it is necessary to install a wall starting profile on liquid nails around the perimeter of the room and begin attaching PVC panels in the direction from the window. On concrete base the material is mounted using adhesive mixtures on OSB boards thanks to self-tapping screws. Frameless finishing of the ceiling (and walls) is rare and has shortcomings that disappear with the use of the frame method.

As linear elements load-bearing structure wooden slats or galvanized profiles with hangers can be used under the cladding. When I made the ceiling in the bathroom with my own hands, I installed a metal frame. For rooms where there is no moisture, you can get by with wooden beams. Suspensions for the profile in my case were necessary, since the ceiling decoration included built-in spotlights and ventilation.

After finishing the cladding of the bathroom walls, I glued the UD 27/28 profile around the perimeter of the room with liquid nails, flush with the tiles, which did not reach the level of the floor slab by 12 cm. The surface was previously degreased with acetone.

Based on experience, I recommend using synthetic rubber adhesive material and following the instructions for its use. First, apply the composition to the profile and press it firmly against the tile so that it imprints. Then remove the UD 27/28 and wait about three minutes until the glue dries, then connect the surfaces to be glued.

The SD 60/27 profile is inserted into the mounted UD guides and attached to the floor slab with hangers. The pitch of the transverse metal slats of the LED should not exceed 600 mm, otherwise the plastic ceiling trim will sag. It is imperative to install the LED profile along the walls, which will be the ends for the plastic panel. When the frame is mounted, it’s time for fillets. This plastic skirting board with groove for starting panel. I fastened the fillets with liquid nails, more precisely, Titan glue for mirrors, the same as when installing the UD profile.

I chose the seamless panels from Venta. Dimensions of one PVC element: 250x6000 mm. For the cladding I needed 4 slabs. To calculate the required amount of material: you need to divide the ceiling area by the area of ​​one slab and add 15% for errors and trimmings. Finishing on the frame begins with installation across the installed profiles. The plastic elements are attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.

How to cover a ceiling with plastic panels with your own hands wooden frame? It is necessary to prepare 20x40 beams and make holes in them with a diameter of 6 mm, in increments of 50-60 cm. Then attach the prepared ones along the walls wooden elements to the floor slabs using a hammer drill and a 6x60 mm dowel-nail. Make a sheathing with a distance between the beams of no more than 50 cm. Using a stapler with 6 mm staples, mount the starting profile around the perimeter of the frame, except for the wall to which the last plastic panel will be attached. This is the wall opposite the window. The last element of the prefabricated structure is mounted on liquid nails, with a starting profile pre-inserted into the panel. The described method of installing a plastic ceiling is suitable for lighting a room with a chandelier. If it is necessary to build in spotlights, then the sheathing should be lowered relative to the ceiling by 12 cm.

Repairing the ceiling in the kitchen with plastic panels is a budget option creating a practical and quite attractive externally in a room where every person spends a considerable part of his life.

The kitchen is the room in which it is necessary to use materials with certain properties to decorate the ceiling surface. In particular, they must be resistant to changes (and, note, constant) in humidity and temperature, not change their appearance under the influence of these negative factors, be easy to care for and safe for health. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) panels meet these requirements. They make it possible to obtain an aesthetic ceiling covering with minimal costs for its installation and materials used.

Kitchen ceilings made of plastic

Plastic panels differ from each other in shape, geometric dimensions And color shades. This allows you to create truly individual interiors in the kitchen. The most popular products are those manufactured in the format of 10mm wide stripes. This form of panels is called lining. It is very convenient to work with such strips. They are equipped with either a so-called polka lock or European latches (the latter are considered more reliable in operation). Soot, grease deposits and other contaminants deposited on the ceiling made of plastic panels can be easily removed with soapy water. PVC coating can also be cleaned using special products produced by the modern chemical industry.

But there is one caveat. Kitchen ceilings made of mirrored or glossy polyvinyl chloride products cannot be washed with abrasive compounds, as there is a high risk of damage to the coating. The panels we are interested in are not afraid of water. If your upstairs neighbors flood you, the plastic coating will not deteriorate. An important advantage of PVC finishing is the ability to hide various household communications under the ceiling, from water pipes to electrical wiring. And home craftsmen, who are accustomed to renovating their homes on their own, really appreciate the fact that to install panels made of polyvinyl chloride, they do not need to perform labor-intensive operations in order to. PVC products are mounted on a pre-constructed frame and mask even significant flaws in the ceiling surface.

Quality finish kitchen ceiling is possible only if you wisely select plastic products to perform this operation. It is important to know that not all PVC panels presented on the construction market are allowed to be used in kitchens and residential premises in general. Some careless manufacturers strive to reduce the cost of their products as much as possible. For these purposes, they use low-quality raw materials for the manufacture of plastic lining.

Variety of PVC panels

The results of such a pursuit of profit are disastrous. Cheap products are short-lived - their appearance deteriorates after just a couple of years of use. In addition, such low-quality coatings can be harmful to your health. It is not at all difficult to purchase really good PVC products. Follow two main rules:

  1. Never buy panels that have a sharp bad smell. Sellers will assure you that it will wear off over time and everything will be fine. But that's not true. Such products, believe me, are initially of poor quality and potentially unsafe.
  2. Buy lining with certificates of quality and compliance with Sannorms adopted in our country. In this case, the risk of buying hazardous materials comes down to zero.

Also, when choosing plastic, you should consider other important points. Do not take canvases that have inclusions and an unevenly colored surface: color transitions within one panel must be very smooth - not conspicuous. It is not advisable to install too soft and thin PVC products in the kitchen. Be sure to pay attention to the edges of the lining. There should be no roughness on them (even very small ones). The presence of these significantly complicates the process of installing the ceiling and does not allow the creation of integral structures.

If you want to check the quality of the plastic, simply squeeze the panel offered to you with two fingers (press hard enough). Durable material should not break or crack. Only slight deformation may appear on its surface. We will not give any special recommendations regarding the choice of appearance of plastic panels. It seems that you yourself will be able to decide what kind of ceiling made of PVC panels you want to see in your kitchen. There won't be any real problems here. The stores have canvases for every taste. If desired, it is easy to purchase any lining - under the skin, natural wood, ceramics, steel, bamboo.

Fans of original interiors can be advised to pay special attention to the increasingly popular translucent and mirror coatings. With their help, it will be very easy to radically transform your kitchen. When choosing plastic lining, do not forget about the main thing - your ceiling should be in harmony with the overall style of the kitchen. Another little advice. Many experts say that dark ceiling surfaces in kitchens do not look the best in the best possible way. It is much wiser to use light and lightweight panels - beige, dark blue, pastel - to decorate this room. Such shades expand (visually) the room and create a positive atmosphere in it.

To finish the ceiling with plastic, you need to purchase it from the right amount PVC panels. Standard products have a length of 2.7–3.0 m, a width of 0.25–0.5 m and a thickness of 5 to 10 mm (remember that it is advisable to choose wider and thicker products). It is not difficult to determine the required amount of material. Measure the area of ​​the ceiling surface and divide it by the area of ​​one PVC sheet (the latter value is on the packaging of the panels). And then add another 15 percent of the material to the resulting number. The surplus will be used for scraps and waste in work.

PVC panels for ceilings

We will install the panels on the frame. To manufacture it, you will need rigid metal (marking - UD), which are mounted around the perimeter of the room, and lightweight (CD) profiles, which serve as transverse load-bearing elements. Their number is calculated as follows. Draw a diagram of the ceiling surface to scale (use a squared notebook sheet), put all the necessary profiles on the drawing (take the distance between the transverse strips to be approximately 0.6 m). Consider how many profiles you need in total. You should immediately calculate the number of self-tapping screws with which PVC products will be fixed, as well as dowels (they are needed for installing rigid frame elements).

For every 0.5 m length plastic product take 1 self-tapping screw, and for the same profile length – 1 dowel. If you want to make a skeleton for plastic from wood, it is better to use 6 mm staples instead. Then decide on the required number of skirting boards (they are produced in lengths of 3 meters), purchase materials for constructing a metal frame (fastening angles and parts), prepare the simplest working tools (electric drill, hacksaw, screwdriver, square, level, pliers, knife, hammer, stapler and staples for it). You are all ready to start work.

Let's look directly at how to make a plastic ceiling in the kitchen. First you need to build a skeleton for PVC ceiling covering. Let's say right away that we recommend making the frame from metal elements. Wooden sheathing in the kitchen will not last long. No matter what special means you treat wood with, it will still deteriorate quite quickly due to high humidity in the room where you prepare food every day. And then you will have to do all the installation work again.

Installation of a frame for installing panels

Make the frame according to this scheme:

  1. Using a building level (water tubular device), mark the position of the lower part of the skeleton. Place marks in the middle of the kitchen and in its corners according to the standard method, using a chokeline or a cord rolled in blue.
  2. Mount the lower part of the UD profiles according to the mark made. The distance between the lower level of the sheathing and the main one ceiling surface maintain at least 25 cm. If the distance is made smaller, you will not be able to install profiles without additional cutting of the ceiling.
  3. Fix CD profiles onto U-shaped fasteners. The distance between the crossbars, as you remember, should be about 60–70 cm. You can install profiles more often. Then the structure will be much more reliable and durable. Fasten the metal strips with fleas - special metal screws. If wooden blocks are used, use 2.5 cm wood screws.

After installing all the profiles, you need to level them. This is easy to do using strong thread. Just pull it between the profiles and you will see whether the installation work was done well or not. If necessary, level the structure.

All that remains is mere trifles - installing a plastic sheet. You need to cut the panels so that their length is 5 mm less than the distance between the kitchen walls, and then follow these steps. First, fix the fastening strips to the profiles and insert the skirting boards, pre-cut to a given length, into the existing grooves. Then slide the very first plastic panel into the gap between the fastening element and the baseboard, attach it to the profiles with screws. And all subsequent PVC products are inserted into the groove of the previous ones and secured to the sheathing with self-tapping screws.

Areas on the ceiling where heating pipes or other communications are laid are easy to bypass. Cut the required cross-section holes in the PVC panels and continue installation. The last piece of canvas should be cut to required sizes from the side of their installation part. And then push it into place (between the profile and the bar) and fix it in the groove of the penultimate PVC product. All you have to do is mount the last plinth and cover the mounting strips with a plastic baguette. Finishing is complete!

Interior decoration with plastic panels is becoming increasingly popular, primarily due to the ease of installation work. Such panels are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - a material that is strong, durable and, most importantly, cheap.

TO positive qualities panels include:

But there are also disadvantages that you also need to be aware of. First of all, this:

  • specific smell, especially in the first few days after installation;
  • synthetic origin, which is why PVC is not recommended for use in residential premises;
  • deformation due to sudden temperature changes;
  • low strength (the panel can be damaged even by a slight blow).

We also add that polyvinyl chloride panels, when compared with others finishing materials, are not considered prestigious.

Having understood the features of the coating, you can begin installation.

What will be required at work

  1. Building level.
  2. Guide rails, which are made of wood or metal.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Marker.
  5. Hacksaw.
  6. Hammer.
  7. Square.
  8. Mounting stapler.
  9. Screwdriver.
  10. Stationery knife.

Panel selection

To determine the required number of panels, the total area (ceiling or walls) is measured, and a small reserve is added to the resulting figure in case of unforeseen expenses. The thickness (0.5 cm or 1 cm) and width (from 20 cm to 50 cm) are also determined.

Note! The surface of the panels can be of two types - matte and glossy.

Taking into account the selected thickness, a plastic cornice and moldings (profiles for joining panels) are selected. If not only the ceiling, but also the walls are sheathed, then corner joining profiles will also be needed.

The length of PVC panels varies between 2 m and 6 m. The length should be selected so that after installation there is as little waste as possible. Ideally, it should be equal to the length (or width, depending on the installation method) of the wall or ceiling.

It is also worth paying attention to the appearance of the products. The surface of the panels must be smooth, without any differences, otherwise the joints will be visible even to the naked eye. In addition, all panels must be from the same batch and have uniform coloring.

There are two ways to attach the panels; the choice of one or the other depends on the level of humidity in the apartment.

  1. During frame installation, the panels are attached to a pre-assembled frame.
  2. Frameless installation involves fastening directly to work surface.

Both methods differ as strengths, so negative qualities. To find out which one is better, read more about frame and frameless installation.

Video - Finishing with PVC panels

Frame installation

Suitable for rooms with increased level humidity (bathroom, toilet), with uneven walls, or if it is necessary to install hidden lamps.

Stage 1. Surface preparation

There is no need to carry out any special preparatory work, but some procedures will still have to be performed.

Step 1. First, all protruding elements are removed from the walls - paintings, lamps, shelves, etc.

Step 2. If the walls were previously tiled, then they need to be removed, but if they were tiled with plaster or wallpaper, then nothing needs to be done.

Step 3. The evenness of the surface is assessed. All detected defects (recesses or protrusions) are sealed with putty.

Stage 2. Frame assembly

Depending on the material, the frame can be of three types:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic.

In most cases, wooden slats are used, but in very damp rooms this is unacceptable (in extreme cases, the wood is treated with an antiseptic). The frame for such premises is assembled from metal or plastic profiles.

Note! There are two ways to assemble the frame - vertical and horizontal. The first method is used when horizontal installation panels, the second - on the contrary.

Often the panels are installed horizontally, so this article describes the vertical mounting of the guides.

Step 1. Horizontal lines are drawn on the working surface in increments of 0.5 m. To do this, you can use a building level.

Step 2. Mounting brackets are installed along each line (they come complete with slats) in increments of 60-70 cm. Screws are used to fix the brackets.

Step 3. The staples located at the lower and upper points are bent in the shape of the letter “P”.

Step 4. Slats (metal or wood) measuring 2x5 cm are inserted into the brackets and secured with 25 mm screws. It is important to maintain the plane, so a level is used again.

Note! The technology for assembling the frame is the same for both walls and ceilings.

Stage 3. Sheathing

After checking the strength of the assembled frame, you can begin covering it.

Step 1. An L-shaped profile is attached to the slats along the entire perimeter.

Step 2. Corner profiles are installed at the joints of the walls.

Step 3. Measure the distance between external parties guides, 5 mm is subtracted from the resulting figure.

Step 4. Installation of panels should begin from some corner of the room - this will reduce the consumption of materials. The panels are attached to metal slats with screws, and to wooden slats with a mounting stapler.

Note! If you don't have a stapler, you can use small nails.

Step 5. Each subsequent panel is installed in the corresponding grooves of the previous one. Due to the well-thought-out design, even an inexperienced person can handle the installation.

Step 6. The most difficult stage is installation last panel, because it will most likely have to be trimmed. For this you will need a hacksaw. The cut panel is first inserted into the profile, and only then into the grooves of the previous one.

Step 1. First, a pre-cut plastic baguette is installed along the entire perimeter of the ceiling. In the corners, its sections are joined at an angle of 45ᵒ, and attached to the frame in the same way as when covering walls - with screws or a stapler.

Step 2. Then the first panel is taken, bent in the middle, inserted with its ends into the grooves of the baguette, pressed against the frame and advanced until its narrow shelf completely fits into the groove of the parallel baguette. Next, the panel is fixed with a mounting shelf.

Step 3. The second panel is installed in almost the same way, except that its narrow mounting flange fits into the groove of the first.

Step 4. All panels are attached in the same way. Traditionally, when installing the last of them, difficulties with the size may arise - you will have to cut the panel.

In dry rooms with fairly level PVC walls panels can be installed directly on walls using liquid nails. In this case, the mixture is applied in the same way as when laying tiles - in dotted or straight lines in the center and along the edges of the panel.

This installation method saves time and money, but it is worth considering a couple of important points:

To clean polyvinyl chloride panels from dirt, they are used soft fabric And detergent(necessarily without solvent). Do not use a sponge or hard cloth - they will damage the surface and leave scratches. At the end of washing, the walls are rinsed with water to remove any remaining detergent.

Video - Finishing a bathroom with plastic panels
