How to wake up cheerful and rested. Waking up is easy: how to get up in the morning without feeling tired - Psychology of effective living - online magazine. Do morning exercises

Many will agree that morning is the hardest time of the day. You need to not only tune in to your daily responsibilities, but also simply get out of bed. And how often do we lack vigor and energy in the morning! Of course, coffee will always come to the rescue, but this miracle drink, alas, is not always able to fully cope with morning fatigue and weakness. And here a very obvious question arises: how to feel a surge of strength from the first minutes of awakening? What needs to be done so that the morning begins not only with “that” leg, but also with Have a good mood?

Routine and alarm clocks - to each his own

The simplest and useful advice: It is necessary to establish a sleep pattern. If you go to bed late every day, it is not difficult to understand that the morning will not be as good as we would like. Therefore, a reasonable solution is to go to bed at the same time and not on the day when you need to get up. Over time, the body will get used to this routine.

For those who can't get it right full mode Due to various reasons, sometimes beyond the control of the person himself, there are now many “smart” alarm clocks and gadgets. They not only count down the optimal time to wake up, but also help you get up on time. The old “grandfather’s” methods, such as an alarm clock in a saucepan, have also not been canceled. More and more people now set several alarm clocks that ring dozens of times. In other words, there are many ideas, and everyone chooses what they like.

Sometimes morning fatigue can occur even if a person gets enough sleep. And very often this is associated with vitamin deficiency. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the diet contains the substances necessary for the body. You can also take a course of vitamins (especially in spring and autumn).

Move - you'll wake up earlier!

Another way to wake up faster and not oversleep for work/school is gymnastics. First, you should perform simple exercises for the eyes - blinking, rotating the eyeballs, etc. It is useful not only for awakening, but also for vision.

When we have already managed to get out of bed, we proceed to full exercise. Of course, you shouldn’t try to do the splits or perform a yoga pose, but simple exercises will come in handy. Try to do a little warm-up - stretch on your toes, perform circular movements with your head, bend over... Such exercises will help get your blood flowing, tone your muscles and invigorate you. After this, it is advisable to drink a glass cold water and begin your planned activities with joy and renewed vigor.

Do you wake up in the morning feeling tired and not feeling any energy? Here are five signs that you have trouble sleeping, which is secretly stealing minutes and hours of your night's rest.

1. You don't sleep well and wake up with a bad taste in your mouth.

This symptom may be a signal of gastroesophageal reflux disease or asymptomatic heartburn. Recent sleep studies have shown that 25% of people who report having trouble sleeping have been diagnosed with acid reflux. But because they don't have obvious symptoms of heartburn, they are often unaware of the condition.

What to do: Treat heartburn even if you don't experience the classic symptoms. Do not eat at least two hours in advance and avoid acidic foods in the evening (alcohol, chocolate, heavy sauces, fatty meats, spicy foods, citrus fruits). Some doctors also recommend chewing gum before bed.

2. You toss and turn and often wake up to go to the toilet.

This is a symptom nocturia official name a phenomenon in which you often wake up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet. Our body has a natural process that concentrates urine while we sleep so that we can get six to eight hours of sleep without waking up. But as we age, we become less able to retain fluid for long periods of time due to decreased levels of antidiuretic hormone.

What to do: Do not drink liquids at least three hours before going to bed. This also includes products with big amount liquids. Reduce your coffee and tea consumption. Avoid drinking alcohol, which acts as a diuretic and bladder irritant. Get checked for diseases that cause urinary problems: prostate inflammation and prostate tumors in men and overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, cystitis can also cause frequent urination.

3. Your jaw starts to crack or feels painful.

This is a symptom Teeth grinding - bruxism, is a subconscious neuromuscular activity. Only 5% of people who grind their teeth and clench their jaws know they are doing it in their sleep. As a result, you may experience pain or stiffness in your neck when you wake up. When the jaws “grind” the teeth, the body does not rest.

What to do: visit the dentist. Perhaps it's a problem with the bite. If bruxism is the main problem, there are special dental devices that are worn while you sleep.

This symptom indicates a syndrome restless legs or a related problem - periodic limb movement disorder. Doctors don't know exactly what causes these sleep disorders, but they are directly related to a lack of deep, restful sleep.

What to do: See your doctor to discuss your symptoms and get a diagnosis, which may also include looking for underlying causes associated with restless legs syndrome. Diabetes, arthritis, peripheral neuropathy, anemia, diseases thyroid gland, kidneys - all of these can contribute to restless legs syndrome.

5. You wake up with a dry mouth and terrible breath in the morning.

This is a symptom breathing through the mouth and snoring, which disturbs sleep. You don't get enough air to fully relax. Heavy snoring - especially when accompanied by sighs and snorts - may also indicate a more serious problem with difficulty breathing during sleep.

What to do: Train yourself to breathe through your nose. Try stop-snoring nasal strips, available over-the-counter at the pharmacy, or use a saline nasal spray to irrigate your nasal passages. Experiment with sleeping positions - most people snore and breathe through their mouth when sleeping on their back. Don't drink alcohol before bed. Losing weight can eliminate snoring, research shows. If none of these solutions help, consult your doctor.

You are doing something wrong.

To get a good night's sleep and wake up in a good mood, there are some important things you should pay attention to.

These tips will help you not only get a good night's sleep, but also feel energized. The next morning.

Good night's sleep

1. Stop using your phone before bed.

There is no need to chat online with friends or surf social networks in the evening before going to bed, since at this time your brain produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms. Light from your smartphone screen and monitor reduces hormone production, making it harder for you to fall asleep.

2. Sleep in complete darkness.

Some people find it easier to fall asleep in not very dark room, while others like to wake up with the sun shining through the window. But for a good and effective awakening, you should fall asleep in the dark, and, when waking up in the morning, open the curtains or blinds so that sunlight abruptly burst into the house. This way you will perk up much faster.

Read also:

How to fall asleep quickly

3. Take a hot bath before bed.

Usually in the evening our body temperature drops a little, which makes us want to sleep. Taking a hot bath will change your body temperature. The change in body temperature will make you want to go to bed earlier. Besides, hot bath helps you relax and calm down.

4. Turn off the heaters.

Of course, we all want to fall asleep in warm room and leave the heater on all evening or overnight. This applies more to periods when winter has not yet arrived, but summer is already behind us. Ideal temperature for sleep is between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius. This may be why you can't sleep well.

How to fall asleep at night

5. Wear socks.

Before your body shuts down completely, it will direct blood flow to your arms and legs. But if your feet are warm, the blood vessels will dilate, your body temperature will drop slightly, and you will fall asleep faster.

6. Fill yourself with energy.

Try to wake up 5 minutes earlier than usual to get some warm, bright light from the sun. If the weather is cloudy, simply fill the room with light: turn on the room lights or open the curtains. The brightness will invigorate you and improve your mood.

7. It wouldn’t hurt to do exercises in the morning.

Physical activity not only helps wake up your body, but also improves your mood and gives you energy for the day. Still, it’s worth waking up a little earlier to have time to exercise for at least 5 minutes.

8. Exercise during the day.

Everyday physical exercise at the same time also improve your sleep. Your body will learn to understand when to expend energy and when to shut down and rest.

The best dream

9. Work hard, sleep well.

If you are actively working and engaged physical activity, your body will not only look better, but you will also fall asleep easier. It is much more pleasant to go to bed after a hard day and a grueling workout.

10. Early breakfast.

Good hearty breakfast wakes you up and your metabolism. It provides enough energy for efficient work. Try to wake up and have breakfast at the same time. This will also help you avoid excess weight.

Insomnia can be considered one of the global problems modern humanity. Poor diet, lack of physical activity, working on a computer - all this confuses people " internal clock" But in reality, it doesn't take much effort to sleep well. There are 15 simple ways, which will help you sleep better and relax during sleep.

1. Eliminate sugary drinks from your diet

We could write a separate article on how fructose, corn syrups, low-fat foods and soda ruined our health. modern people. In terms of sleep, eliminating sugar from your diet will work wonders. For example, if a person drinks more than 3 cans of sweet soda per day, it is worth trying to cut this amount in half.

You should also stop consuming sugar after 17:00. This will allow the body to detoxify before bed and speed up the metabolism of carbohydrates during sleep. And releasing insulin before bed will not lead to anything good.

2. Reduce coffee consumption

Just as sugar increases insulin levels, caffeine can increase adrenaline levels. You should not drink coffee at all after 17:00.

3. Morning exercises

You might wonder how exercising in the morning will help you sleep better. To begin with, you need to develop the habit of doing exercises in the morning, as this will give you a reason to get out of bed right away and not reset your alarm clock to sleep for another half hour. This will help you stay alert all day and sleep better the next night.

4. Eat fruit

A small amount of carbohydrates before bed will help the body produce melatonin. A sprig of grapes, an orange or a small amount of Any fresh fruit will help you fall asleep faster.

5. Dietary supplement with melatonin

If your internal clock needs a hard reset, you can start with a melatonin supplement that can work wonders. These supplements (there are different dosage tips) should be taken an hour before going to bed.

6. Drink herbal tea

Sugarless. No caffeine. Herbal tea is a great way to relax and unwind at the end of the day. For example, the most common ones include peppermint and chamomile.

7. Read more

Sleep is not only promoted by diet and exercise, but also by peace of mind. The cup of herbal tea from the previous point is best enjoyed with some “light reading”.

8. Keep a diary

For overworked people, reading in the evening seems impossible. Instead, they may be encouraged to sit in a comfortable chair and make a list (or write a note in a journal) of all the things that were done that day. After this, you need to make a small list of things that you plan to do tomorrow.

9. Lift weights

If charging - The best decision for the morning, then lifting weights or dumbbells is the best activity for the evening. This should be done after dinner. Exercising your muscles burns blood sugar and helps you calm down a little.

10. No electronics in bed

This is another topic that can be talked about endlessly - how smartphones and tablets have destroyed the habit of sleeping. You should always put your phone away before going to bed and under no circumstances pick it up until the morning.

11. More intimacy

Orgasm is a great way to relieve stress. During bedtime, the hormones oxytocin and sertonin are produced, which both help a person feel relaxed and sleepy (and at the same time happy).

12. Mode

If you snooze your alarm clock and get up later, then this the right way disrupt your sleep cycle. A person goes to bed later if he knows that in the morning he can sleep more by snoozing the alarm clock. If you get up right away, it will ultimately lead to the man will go go to bed earlier.

13. Have a hearty breakfast

If you eat your favorite, tasty and satisfying food in the morning (for example, bacon and cheese omelet), then this will be a great motivator to go to bed and also to get out of bed. Also, a dose of protein and fat helps get your brain working faster than a carb-heavy breakfast.

14. Drink more water

Usually all people prefer coffee in the morning. But it is better to choose ordinary water. This will help your body detoxify during sleep as well as rehydrate during the day.

15. Dim the lights

Even if you put down your tablet and turn off the TV before bed, you still need lighting to move around your bedroom and home. Great way Dim the lights in the evening - choose light bulbs with a reddish tint of light. They simulate an evening sunset and help synchronize your internal clock with the sun.


Many people believe that napping during the day is harmful. But experts talk about.

If you are one of those people whom no force can get out of bed in the morning, who rush to work at the last minute, and for whom every morning is one big stress, we will try to help you.

First of all, in order to get up early in the morning, two conditions must be met:

  • Come up with a strong motivation for getting up early. It could be urgent work, going to the hairdresser, charging your phone, preparing a delicious breakfast for your beloved family, or... well, think of something, everyone has different reasons for parting with Morpheus.
  • To get up earlier, you need to go to bed earlier. It's simple, but very important condition, don't ignore it. It is impossible to deceive the body. 7-8 hours good night provide for yourself, be kind.

9 best recipes for cheerfulness in the morning - how to learn to get up early and at the same time get a good night's sleep?

  • Walk on fresh air before bedtime. Usually performed by unemployed pensioners and young people in love. Join us!
  • Sleep in a well-ventilated room with an open window. Available to everyone.
  • Sleep on a comfortable pillow. With age, the height of the pillow should increase. Special attention give cervical spine spine, all seven vertebrae!

  • Listening to pleasant music before bed , reading your favorite book, watching programs about nature and animals.
  • Don't eat before bed! The body will digest food and will not allow you to sleep soundly. The heavier the food, the harder the sleep will be. The internal part of your body also requires rest, at least at night, because in the morning the endless processing of more and more new portions of the food you supply will begin again.
  • Don't discuss difficult problems before bed , including with yourself, do not solve unsolvable problems. Most problems, oddly enough, will resolve themselves after some time, and difficult tasks are solved early in the morning: while you sleep, your brain solves this problem. Remember the brilliant saying “The morning is wiser than the evening.” Sometimes the most “wise”, the most brilliant ideas come to mind early in the morning, around 4-5 am. That's when the brain clicks on problems like a computer!
  • Wide bed and clean linens. This prerequisites For healthy sleep. Don’t spare money on this, because we spend a third of our lives sleeping.
  • Quick shower before bed. Effective instantly. Just imagine how good it feels to be in a clean bed after a shower under a warm blanket...
  • Come up with a good reward for yourself tomorrow for such a feat
    It could be an interesting thing that is just waiting for you to do it, a shopping trip and buying something you’ve been eyeing for a long time, it could be a meeting with friends - otherwise you’ve already begun to forget what they look like, everything about your phone, and a social network.

    Each person has his own reasons for happiness and a good mood, and for many people this is work - it’s also a hobby! But try to add variety to the necessary routine; each time you can do something new, add your own twist. Finally, move the furniture!
  • Towards the sun's rays
    In the summer, getting up early is quite simple - let the sun's rays into your bed, they will both warm you and wake you up.

    Sunlight stimulates the production of an important substance in the human body - serotonin - the hormone of happiness, and also regulates the circadian rhythm.
  • Don't waste your precious morning time!
    Schedule the most important things for yourself in the morning. For information: it is most productive to engage in mental activity around 10 o’clock in the morning, well, for the sake of objectivity, at 14 and 18 o’clock in the evening. You can check!
  • Charge yourself with energy and vigor in the morning
    And if possible, run in the morning, preferably with a companion. Well, if you don’t have enough willpower for this, no one has canceled a couple of squats and stretches.

    After all, it is necessary not only to wake up the brain, it is necessary for the whole body to wake up, the muscles to work, the blood to run merrily through the veins. “Itchy shoulder, swing your arm!” After all, we have a lot to do during the day. Good and kind.
  • Setting up the biological clock
    A person who is too tired during the day has difficulty falling asleep. Having been tormented all night, he gets up hard in the morning. Everyone has a moment during the day when their eyes close on their own. So close them and sleep, if possible, for 20 minutes. So tell your body: Sleep for 20 minutes! You will be surprised, but you will wake up in exactly 20 minutes, like Stirlitz. Our biological clock works smoothly.

    The biological clock also works in the morning. Many people wake up 5 minutes before their alarm goes off. What a blessing - you can lie down for another five minutes! During this time, you can just think about what needs to be done in the morning and during the day, how to do it most expediently and at less cost, and also think through the logistics of all these actions. Search non-standard solutions. Well, the most important thing is to wake up refreshed and well-rested.
  • Pleasant environment for happy early awakenings
    You need to wake up and get up in a pleasant environment: a tidy room, a clean desk, good picture on the wall, the anticipation of a good cup of tea with honey, the hope of meeting loved ones and just good, kind friends.

    And let the number of pleasant events always outweigh the number of unpleasant ones. All in our hands!