How to make electric heating correctly. Heating a house with electricity: the most economical way, some tips. What are the savings?

The purpose of heating systems is to maintain comfortable temperature in homes or other premises. This is especially important for areas with wide temperature fluctuations in different seasons and times of day. If there is central heating, the owner’s role is to timely pay for the consumed heat, which is included in utility costs. But owners of their own homes are forced in most cases to solve heating issues on their own.

There are many heating systems for the home, which differ both in the sources of heat (coal, gas, electricity, etc.) and in the methods of transferring it to the surrounding air. One of the cheapest heating options is to heat your home with electricity using different types electric heaters of direct and indirect heating.

Types of electric heating systems

Electric home heating is, along with gas, one of the leading places in terms of prevalence. This is due to ease of implementation, availability and relatively low cost.

Based on the method of heat transfer, the following electric heater systems can be distinguished:

  • Water;
  • Air (convectors);
  • Infrared;

Each listed type of electric heating devices and systems has its own characteristics that determine the feasibility of use.

Water heating occupies one of the leading places in terms of prevalence. The idea is to heat water to the required temperature with a heat source. The water then circulates through the heating pipes and releases heat to the surrounding air. Heat is transferred directly by pipes (then they must be metal of large diameter) or through radiators of various designs.

The most important feature is that this type is common in most apartments with central heating. In many houses coal stoves equipped with boilers connected to heating pipes. Gas system heating also uses water as a coolant. Thus, the transition to electric heating with water coolant is reduced to minimal time and labor intensity and is cheap in financial terms.

In addition, water heating has a high inertia, that is, in the absence of heating the water, it gives off heat for a long time. It all depends on the temperature difference between the coolant and the surrounding air and on the volume of water: the larger it is, the longer the heat is retained.

Main disadvantages:

  • One of the highest labor costs is when installing a new system;
  • Inertia, already mentioned as a virtue, in certain moments plays a negative role. The room temperature cannot be raised quickly. The more water in the system, the slower its temperature rises;
  • The need for regular de-aeration of the system, since air entering pipes and radiators leads to the cessation of coolant circulation in the heating system;
  • In the absence of heating in the cold season, the water in the system may freeze, and since ice has a larger volume than water in liquid state, this can lead to the destruction of individual heating elements;
  • A decrease in the water level will lead to instant overheating and burnout of the heating element.

Water electric heating differs in the methods of heating the coolant. Perfectly used different principles, through which heat is transferred to water. Here are the three main varieties.

TEN – thermal electric heater

Electric heating using heating elements is one of the most common methods of heating water. Works on the principle electric kettle. An electric coil made of heat-resistant high-resistance wire is placed in a metal tube, which, in turn, transfers heat to the water. The heating system with heating elements is simple and low cost.

The disadvantage is that it works unsatisfactorily with water containing hardness salts. Salts in cold water are in a dissolved state. When heated, they precipitate, and in areas with high temperature, that is, on the elements of the heating element, are deposited in the form of scale. Scale is a poor conductor of heat, which, firstly, reduces the efficiency of the heater, and secondly, causes local overheating of some areas of the heating element, which leads to its overheating and subsequent burnout. The solution may be to use purified water in the heating system. Perfect option- distilled water.

The water is heated as it passes through a powerful induction coil. The magnetic field created by the turns of the coil heats the conductors placed inside the turns. Because water is a conductor electric current, then it is also subject to heating.

Advantages of an induction heating system:

  • High efficiency, since the entire thickness of water is heated inside the heating element;
  • Minimal inertia. The coolant begins to heat up when voltage is applied;
  • Insensitive to water hardness. Even if scale deposits form inside the heating element, its efficiency will decrease only due to a decrease in the effective flow area, but the scale will not affect heating, since it does not participate in heat transfer;
  • The highest safety due to the absence of direct contact of water with heating elements in which electric current flows;
  • Compact heating system;
  • Lack of fluid will not lead to catastrophic consequences.

Disadvantages of induction heating:

  • High cost due to the complexity of the control equipment circuit;
  • Strong electromagnetic radiation. No matter how the manufacturers claim that the electromagnetic field is completely concentrated inside the coil, anyone with minimal electrical engineering education knows that this statement is only true for ideal inductors. In reality, the heating element of an induction heating system has large field dispersion. It can directly affect the human body and the operation of sensitive equipment and is contraindicated for use if any of the residents have a pacemaker;
  • Direct heating.

Otherwise this type is called electrode heating. Its essence comes down to heating the coolant when an electric current passes through it. An alternating voltage of electric current is supplied to the electrodes placed in water. The current passing through the water heats it. This is the simplest implementation of an electric heating system with water coolant. In addition, a decrease in the level or complete absence of coolant will not cause any negative consequences, since the flow of current will simply stop and the system will be turned off.

Important! The most significant drawback of the system direct heating– direct contact of water with the electrical network. That is, the entire heating system is under mains voltage and requires correct and high-quality clamping.

Air heating

This system is characterized by the fact that heat from the heating element is transferred directly to the air. To improve heat removal from the heater, it is equipped with a ribbed surface and is complemented with forced ventilation devices to improve air circulation and supply it in the desired direction. Devices air heating, convectors, can have a variety of design options and can be installed on the floor, mounted on walls, or ceilings.

Most convectors are equipped with a thermostat that controls the temperature of the output air flow.

On a note. Electric heating of a house with air convectors has minimal labor intensity during installation and maintenance and requires only regular cleaning from dust, which is a good heat insulator.

The system has low inertia. The room heats up very quickly. Unfortunately, most users of air heating systems complain that they dry out the air too much. In fact, the amount of moisture in the air remains unchanged, but as the air temperature increases, its relative humidity decreases (the higher the temperature, the more moisture there must be to maintain the same humidity value). When using inertial heating systems, while the air is warming up, it is renewed due to the influx from the outside, through any very small cracks and gaps, so the humidity does not decrease much. But the converter heats the air very quickly and, as a result, its humidity increases sharply. The easiest way out is to use air humidification systems.

Infrared heating

This is the easiest way to maintain desired temperature in room. It is characterized by the fact that heating occurs due to infrared radiation of the heating element. An interesting feature is that the heater itself does not heat the air. This occurs only due to the transfer of heat from already heated objects in the heater zone. In a similar way, heat spreads from a fire, near which it is warm, even if the air is at a negative temperature. The difference is that the rooms have a limited volume, and if the heat loss is lower than the amount of heat from the heater, then the air will eventually heat up over time.

IN in this case heating of the floor elements occurs. There are two things at play here:

  1. Warmth near the feet gives a greater feeling of comfort;
  2. Heating the floor leads to the appearance of convective currents, which allows you to warm up the entire volume of the room.

Heating a house based on underfloor heating has one of the highest efficiencies among others. The level of safety is quite high since the heating elements are in an insulating environment. But the following disadvantages can be noted:

  • Complexity and duration of installation. The period can be up to a month, since it requires concrete works on the floor. There are film heated floor systems that are mounted under finishing coat floors, but they have a higher cost;
  • Carrying out concrete work limits the spread of classic underfloor heating systems in apartments of multi-storey buildings;
  • Impossibility of repairing faults without dismantling the floor covering. As a result, repairing a faulty underfloor heating system in cost and labor intensity may exceed installation costs.

Economic efficiency

Electric heating of a private house is characterized by high power consumption, so the preliminary calculation must take into account the limitation on electricity consumption. If for heating the house small area or a country house requires a little electricity, then a private house large area from several floors may require the supply of three phases of the power supply network, which is not always possible.

The most economical electric heating is obtained by using a multi-tariff system for calculating consumed electricity. Thus, the main heating can be used during the reduced tariff, and at other times either other heat sources or heat accumulators can be used. The latter are large-volume water tanks in a water heating system. During a reduced tariff, water is heated not only in the heating system itself, but also in the battery, which subsequently releases heat into the system.

Important! The calculation of the tank volume should be carried out by specialists as accurately as possible. Reducing it will lead to the fact that its capacity will not be enough to maintain the required temperature in the room, and exceeding it will lead to an increase in heating time and power consumption.

The use of a particular electric heating system largely depends on local conditions. We can immediately make the statement that heating electrical appliances based on convection or infrared heating most effective for quickly heating small rooms. This best option for heating country house.

Warm floors are usually not used independently, but they perfectly complement other, especially water, heating systems.

Note! Anything economical heating will have low efficiency in case of unsatisfactory thermal insulation of the building.

Important! Electrical heating devices require strict adherence to safety precautions during installation and maintenance. Do-it-yourself electric heating of a private house is only possible if you have experience working with electrical equipment.


When thinking about which heating system to choose for your home or cottage, you often think about the use of electricity. The advantage of this type of energy carrier is its environmental friendliness, “cleanliness” and the high reliability of electric heaters. The downside is the considerable price, which is why electric heating is not the most popular heating method.

What can it be

You can heat your home with electricity different ways. Whatever type of heating you choose, its efficiency largely depends on how well the house is insulated. This issue should be given maximum time.

Heating a house with electricity is the “cleanest” way

First of all, you need to decide on the type of system: it can be air, water and steam, and you can also heat it with heated floors. Let's take a quick look at the main advantages of each system.

Steam heating (not to be confused with water heating)

Steam heating is very effective, but dangerous - the temperature of the heating radiators and the pipes going to them is about one hundred degrees (higher or lower depends on the type of system chosen). The system is very similar to a water system, but is more economical at the installation stage: much fewer radiator sections are required, pipes can be taken with a smaller cross-section.

In general, due to the high danger, it is prohibited in public and apartment buildings, but it can be done in a private house. An electric steam boiler can act as a heat source in this system. So this is also one of the types of electric heating, although it is completely unpopular.


Air heating using electricity can be organized using either other heaters powered by electricity - ceramic heating panels, infrared emitters. These systems are good because they immediately begin to heat the air in the room. Another attraction is the low costs at the development stage - there is no need to build anything. We bought heaters, installed them, turned them on, and began to warm up.

The disadvantage of this heating method is the active circulation of air in the room (uncomfortable) and with this heating the air is dry (an installation to increase the humidity is required). Another disadvantage is the need for almost permanent job. If electric heaters are installed with thermostats, this is not so critical, since they will turn off when the set temperature is reached. But low inertia leads to the fact that the room quickly cools down and, therefore, most of the equipment is in operation.

Among all electric heaters, infrared units are considered more economical, but they also consume a fair amount of electricity. So this heating method is often used as an additional heating method during extreme cold weather. The second area of ​​application is dachas where people live only periodically. With this mode of visits, upon arrival you can only heat necessary premises. In this case, the advantage of this type of electric heating is that it is not afraid of freezing (only when selecting heaters, pay attention to whether they can withstand freezing).

Electric heated floors

This electric heating can be either additional - to increase the level of comfort, or basic. Electric heaters for heated floors can be different:

  • heating cables (resistive and self-regulating);
  • mats made of heating cables (easier to install);
  • carbon films (with infrared radiation);
  • carbon mats (not yet very reliable in operation).

This electric heating option is only suitable for houses with permanent residence - too much time (and resources) is spent on heating the concrete slab in which the heater is usually “packed”. And this seems to be a drawback. But on the other hand, a large heated mass helps maintain a stable temperature in the house. Another positive point: for such a stove to completely cool down, it takes several days, so temporary power outages in this case are not very scary.

Electric heating with heated floors cannot be called very economical. The amount of payment depends on the degree of insulation of the house. But it is worth remembering that you need to make an electric heated floor only in conjunction with a thermostat and temperature sensors. In this case, the heaters will only turn on part of the time and the bills will be relatively small. Well, there’s probably no need to say that heated floors are the most comfortable way of heating.

Water heating with electric boilers

In fact, this is a heating system familiar to everyone with pipes, radiators and, which circulates in the system. The only difference is that the boiler runs on electricity. Electric boilers come in three types:

  • on heating elements;
  • induction;
  • electrode.

Boilers using heating elements are the most common. Induction and electrode are used less frequently. Manufacturers (and many users) say that they are more economical. There are still debates about savings, but there is no debate about the size. An induction boiler looks like a piece of medium-diameter pipe. It takes up very little space, is easy to install, and can work offline.

With the electrode one it is a little more complicated: you need to monitor the condition of the electrodes, select the composition for the coolant (usually a certain amount of salt is added to increase the conductivity of the water). So periodic Maintenance for such a boiler it is a necessity.

What type of electric heating to choose

The type of heating system is usually chosen based on its purpose. It is more rational to do electric heating of a dacha air typeless costs during installation, low inertia is what is required. But this is only if you do not plan to maintain above-zero temperatures in it all winter.

For home permanent residence Electric heated floors or water heating are suitable. By the way, you can make a warm floor, but whether this makes sense when using an electric boiler, you need to think about it. Both of these systems have great inertia, which can rather be assessed as a plus - they take a long time to cool down. The disadvantages of these systems are the high costs of installation.

When installing electric floor heating under tiles, it is necessary to lay heating elements in the screed, and this takes a lot of time. If flooring- laminate or linoleum (special), everything is much simpler. (and linoleum) is laid on level base, on a special substrate. A laminate or a rigid base under linoleum (plywood) is mounted on top.

Water electric heating is done as standard. However, in some cases there is an opportunity to save money.

How to make electric water heating economical

Many regions have introduced multi-zone tariffs. If such tariffs are provided in your region, you can reduce the cost of electric heating to a minimum. This will require the installation of a multi-tariff meter and a heat accumulator (TA). A heat accumulator is a large container of water. In our case, it serves to accumulate heat during the “night”, cheaper tariff.

While electricity costs much less, the water in the tank heats up to quite reasonable temperatures. During high tariffs, heating does not work, and the temperature in the network is maintained using the heat accumulated in the heat accumulator. Such a system really helps to save money, but the specific result depends on the region - tariffs are very different in different regions.

The cost of supplying main gas and associated approvals pushes many owners of country real estate to organize a private home. Electricity is an excellent alternative to gas, safer and does not require special permits. The only drawback V this method heating costs are the cost of paying bills for the kilowatts used. In this publication we will try to figure out whether heating makes sense country house electricity.

Possible methods of electric heating of a private house

There are two principles on which all (SO) are built:

  1. Direct. Each room is heated by devices powered directly from the mains.
  2. Indirect. This principle involves heating radiators installed in heated rooms.

There are a lot of opinions about which electric heating in a private home is better. The main argument of supporters of the indirect method of heating a home is the rather long process of cooling the coolant in the system, which provides advantages when the boiler is stopped. Everyone who uses direct heating claims that they benefit significantly from the purchase and installation of equipment.

How to heat your home with electricity

Let's look at the most popular options

  • Water heating with electric boiler.
  • Heating using electric convectors.

The first option involves creating a heating circuit that uses pipes to transport the coolant, radiators to transfer thermal energy to the room, as well as the instruments and mechanisms necessary for the operation of the system ( expansion tank, circulation pump, shut-off and control valves, safety and control devices).

CO of your home, according to the architecture of the building, design features and other factors.

The second option involves installation in each room required quantity electric convectors. The benefits are obvious: no need to create heating circuits, design and complex installation equipment. All work can be done independently, without overpaying to expensive specialists.

Let's consider design features and the operating principle of each heating option, which will make it possible to conclude whether electricity can be used to heat private and country houses.

Electric boilers: design features, advantages and disadvantages

There are three principles of heating the coolant that are used in modern hot water heating boilers:

  • heating elements.
  • Electrodes.
  • Based on magnetic induction.

The first type of boiler is the most common. The coolant from the system enters the internal tank of the boiler unit, where it is heated by tubular heating elements, after which it enters the CO.

This type of equipment is safe, functional, and has built-in automation to control the temperature of the coolant and air in the room.

IN electrode boilers To heat the coolant, a completely different principle is used. The heating element in them consists of a pair of electrodes to which high voltage is applied.

Electric current, passing from one electrode to another, heats the coolant, after which it enters the CO.

Important! In boiler rooms with an installation of this type, there is no electrolysis process (which eliminates the appearance of scale) since alternating voltage is used with a frequency of at least 50 Hz. Depending on the intensity of use, the electrodes become thinner over time and their ability to heat is lost. Replacing electrodes is a standard procedure in electrode boilers.

Structurally, induction ones look more attractive, although much more complex. There are no settings in this type (familiar to everyone) heating elements.

The coolant passes through a heat exchanger, which is part of a magnetic circuit in which a powerful magnetic field is generated. It is this that heats the heat exchanger and the coolant that circulates through the CO.

Electric heating country house, through indirect heat transfer, has its advantages over gas and air heating in the following: electric hot water boilers They are quite reliable, have high efficiency and do not require a chimney.

As a disadvantage of such home heating, it can be noted that the use of electric boilers requires good wiring and stable voltage in the network.

Creating a water CO with an electric boiler requires significant initial costs, especially if you involve a third party to develop the project, install, configure and balance the system. You should be prepared for additional costs, which includes regular flushing of radiators, checking the operation of valves, etc.

Electric convectors: design and principle of operation

The design of the convectors is simple and therefore effective: dry heating elements are placed in the lower part of the metal (steel, aluminum) body, the operation of which is controlled by an adjustable thermostat. The air heats up, rises and exits through the grille at the top of the housing. The “vacated” space in the device body is occupied by colder air masses, which, when heated, exit through the grille into the room. Air circulation occurs, which ensures uniform heating of the heated room.

Today, the Russian market of climate control equipment is represented by the widest range of convectors, which differ in power (from 1 to 5 kW), design and installation method (floor-mounted, wall-mounted, universal).

Requires minimal upfront costs to purchase equipment and have wiring checked by a qualified electrician. The difficulty lies in selecting the required power and number of convectors. This will require calculations carried out by specialized organizations based on data on heat loss for each room. However, you can be guided by approximate data: to heat 10 m 2 of a private house, 1 kW of power is required. For a room of 10 m2 you need one small convector of 1 - 2 kW, which can be purchased in specialized stores for less than 100 USD. For example, in one of the largest federal online stores RUSCLIMATE huge selection of convectors from 2241rub, and when ordering through the website there is also a 3% discount. And in the climate company prices for convectors start from 2260rub .

Heating with electricity: benefits, costs, conclusions

In order to answer the question of whether it is possible to heat a private house with electricity, some calculations should be made.

Initial data: brick house with basic insulation attic and floor, area 150 m2. Moscow region. We proceed from the data that heating 10 m2 requires 1 kW of thermal power. To heat such a property, 15 kW of electricity per hour is required. In practice, within heating season There are about half of these days when such power is not required. We take an average value of 7.5 kW/h for heating the original country house.

So: 7.5 kW/h multiplied by 24 hours and 30 days. We get 5400 kW. Since the average duration of the heating season in the central region of the country is 5 months, we multiply the resulting value by 5 and by the cost of 1 kWh in Moscow (5.03); 5400 x 5 x 5.03 = 135810 rub. This figure shows the cost of paying for electricity for using electric CO for one season. Here it is worth adding the cost of the equipment: for convector heating it will be 300-400 USD. For a water system, this amount will increase to 8 - 10 thousand USD for the creation of a CO project, the purchase of equipment and the cost of installation and commissioning work.

For example, gas CO will entail the following costs:

  • Purchase necessary equipment, project, installation and commissioning works will amount to 10 -13 thousand.e.
  • With a boiler installation efficiency of 90%, the average gas consumption per initial Vacation home will be 3.5 - 4 thousand m 3 during the season. In Moscow, the cost of 1 m 3 of gas varies within 6 rubles. In total, 24 thousand rubles will be spent per season.
  • The cost of connecting to the gas main is more than half a million rubles.

Even without going into details, the difference in operating costs is visible, on the basis of which we can conclude: gas heating is cheaper, except for the enormous initial investment.

Advice: if there is no opportunity, means or desire to use gas as an energy carrier, then the most economical way to heat a house with electricity is to use electric convectors.

Owners of country houses quite often visit their dacha in summer time, and in winter they pay visits several times a month. Therefore, many owners do not consider it advisable to design in a country house stationary system gas heating and solve the problem of low temperatures using electric heating. Unlike traditional types of heating, electric heating of a country house has a number of significant advantages, including:

A solid list of advantages makes owners think about designing heating for a country house using devices powered by electricity, such as electric boilers, electric oil batteries, ceramic heating panels, heat guns, inverter batteries, infrared heaters, fan heaters.

A modern electric boiler for heating a dacha is one of the most common types of heaters. It can provide full heating in a country house that is not connected to the gas supply system. Choosing the right one electric boilers for heating a dacha in terms of power, you can use one device for efficient heating the entire area of ​​the house.

Approximately ten square meters area should account for one kilowatt of boiler power.

For example, a 6 kW electric boiler is suitable for heating a cottage with an area of ​​about 60 square meters. For large country houses exceeding 85-90 square meters, it is advisable to install a 9 kW electric heating boiler, which will cope with its functions and will not operate at peak performance.

Depending on the design features, there are several boiler models:

Having selected a specific design, you can order an electric boiler on the manufacturer’s official website. Currently, electric boilers are sold by many domestic and foreign brands. Therefore, before making the final choice of an electric boiler for heating a house outside the city, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the specifics of devices from different manufacturers.

Electric boiler Proterm

A brand from Slovakia has been supplying Proterm electric heating boilers to domestic markets for quite some time. All equipment is different good quality assembly, high degree of automation and safety. By installing a Proterm electric boiler at the dacha, the price of which is about $400 for a single-circuit model with a power of 6 kW, the owner will solve the problem of heating the house in cold winters for a long time.

If the dacha has a bathroom or shower, then it is necessary to buy a double-circuit electric boiler to provide the house with hot water supply. A Proterm boiler with two circuits is slightly more expensive, but the high price is justified by the wide functionality and practicality of the device.

Russian-made boiler Evan

In the assortment of the Russian brand Evan, you can choose an electric double-circuit wall-mounted boiler for your dacha, the price of which is about $800 for a model with a power of 12 kW. Boilers from this brand have a built-in circulation pump, expansion membrane, pressure gauge, remote room thermostat and power indicator. Thanks to its successful design, the Evan electric heating boiler is in no way inferior to its imported counterparts.

To ensure the safety of the boiler, manufacturers have equipped it with a number of functions:

Electric boiler from the Rusnit brand

The affordable Rusnit electric boiler is also produced in the Russian Federation. By purchasing a 9 kW electric boiler from the brand’s line, the owner will be able to provide efficient heating in a country house, the area of ​​which is approximately 90 square meters with a ceiling height of up to three meters. This boiler is easy to install, has a compact outer casing and is easy to adjust operating settings.

Boilers from the Rusnit brand are characterized by the following specifics:

  • protection against overheating is provided;
  • has a remote room thermostat;
  • The power indicator function is programmed.

Electric boiler for a summer residence - the final choice

Having decided on the brand, the consumer will have to solve another dilemma, namely, answer the question: install a 380V electric heating boiler at the dacha or give preference to a model that operates with a 220V mains voltage? It is worth understanding that the first option requires good wiring that can cope with high loads. Therefore, owners of old country houses with poor wiring should refuse the idea of ​​using a 380V electric heating boiler for heating, the price of which is about $500 for a 6 W model.

Summing up the consideration of the option of heating a dacha using electric boilers, we can highlight a number of nuances.

The advantages of the devices include:

The disadvantages of devices should also be taken seriously:

  • high electricity consumption;
  • a solid investment in purchasing a quality boiler from a reliable manufacturer.

Oil batteries

Electric oil batteries appearance They resemble conventional water radiators, but heating of the coolant, in this case the oil located in the metal body of the device, is carried out using electrical energy. Various models oil heaters are able to qualitatively warm the air in a room with an area of ​​10 to 25 square meters. They are often floor-mounted and equipped with a number of auxiliary options, such as an operation timer and thermostat.

Features of oil heaters:

Electric convector

This device does not have a number of disadvantages attributed to oil analogues, so at home outside the city using a convector can be a reasonable choice. The convector uses a high-resistance metal spiral hidden under an attractive compact body to heat the air. When the lower layers of air are heated, the natural principle convection of air masses and uniform heating of the entire country house is achieved.

Convector specifications:

Ceramic heating panels

Recently electrical systems The heating of a country house began to be supplemented with ceramic panels. These devices demonstrated excellent consumer characteristics. They have an aesthetic design, a neat body and require simple installation. However, the main advantages of ceramic heating panels lie not in the competent design of the housing, but in the operating features. These devices are in many ways superior to convectors and oil heaters.

They can demonstrate the following capabilities:

The only nuance that owners should study country houses before making a purchasing decision ceramic panel is the cost of the instruments. At the moment, the price of panels on the market is quite high, and given the fact that several devices are required to fully heat a dacha, their purchase will cost a hefty sum.

Heat guns

At the dacha, you can use electric heating guns, which will help maintain a given temperature regime. These devices are environmentally friendly - during operation they do not create harmful emissions and do not pollute the atmosphere. Depending on the design features, the device can use a spiral or a heating element for heating and operate from both a two-phase and three-phase network.

When choosing an electric gun for your dacha, you should give preference to a model equipped with a thermostat.

Such a gun will cost slightly more than similar models without a thermostat, but will provide a number of functional advantages:

Inverter radiator

Inverter heating batteries have proven themselves well - they are not afraid of power outages and have greater autonomy, unlike all the devices listed above. These devices have the ability to accumulate electrical energy and consume it in cases of emergency power outage. It is very beneficial to use such devices in regions that have problems with the quality supply of electricity.

Advantages of inverter batteries used for heating country houses:

Disadvantages of devices:

  • high price;
  • the need to comply with certain installation rules recommended by the manufacturer.

Infrared heaters

Dacha owners who prioritize the creation of economical electric heating will come to the aid of infrared heaters - unique devices that demonstrate impressive energy efficiency indicators. For a long time This type of device aroused skepticism among ordinary people and many did not believe in the advertised effectiveness and profitability of infrared devices. However, over time, the owners were able to personally test the consumer qualities of devices of this type and highlight a number of advantages and disadvantages.



  • high price;
  • presence of a characteristic sound during operation of the device.

Fan heaters

If country house ik has small area, then an inexpensive fan heater can handle its heating. Among the heating equipment listed in the review, this device has the most compact body and affordable price. However, the use of the device has a number of features. It is worth understanding that the device dries out the air and does not contribute to the creation of a healthy microclimate; it requires constant monitoring, since it is a fire hazard and operates with a characteristic monotonous sound.

Each country house has its own distinctive features, so the choice of the type of electric heating must be made individually. The owner of the house can familiarize himself with the common types of electric heaters and buy the optimal device, which will become the basis of the heating system of the country house.

Cosy warm house– probably every person’s dream. Today, most people prefer to live in private houses, because this has many advantages. But how to make your home the most comfortable, everyone decides in their own way. And, probably, it’s first worth considering the amount of heat and light.

Which heating is better for a private home?

There are several ways to heat a country house. Each of them has its own pros and cons, operating principles, and requires certain costs. The choice of a specific type of heating depends on many factors. For example, the presence of a fireplace or stove in the house, electricity, the availability of materials such as gas, fuel, firewood or coal.

Depending on this, the following types of home heating are distinguished::

  • Air;
  • Electric;
  • Water.

An air heating system passes air through a special device - a heat exchanger, after which the heated air is distributed evenly throughout the room. This type of heating is expensive and requires a huge amount of space. However, it provides quick heating of the house.

Electric heating is based on the conversion of electricity into heat.

This type is environmentally friendly and easy to install and use, but despite this, it significantly increases energy costs and forces you to constantly ventilate the room, as oxygen is burned. Water heating is based on the circulation of liquid through pipes, which heats the room. Such a system can be installed without the help of specialists, however, during frosts when the system is turned off, the water can freeze and rupture the pipes.

The most popular and economical heating method is electric. This will be discussed further.

Heating a house with electricity: cheap or expensive

There are a huge number of heating methods. But, unfortunately, not all of them can be used in your own home.

Electric heating is the cheapest and most convenient option:

  • The installation of such heating requires a minimum of effort;
  • Installation of the system does not require adjustment to any season;
  • The heating system is very compact and does not require construction additional room under the boiler room;
  • There is no need to provide maintenance;
  • The cost of using such a system depends on the degree of operation and temperature level;
  • The electric heating system is the most environmentally friendly.

Thus, electric heating does not require special physical and monetary costs and is most common in private homes.

Types of electric heating systems

Electric heating systems are designed to convert electricity into heat. The methods of such transformation vary, and this is what the main types of such systems are based on. However, they all have one minus, unlike gas - the cost of their use is high, since they are based on electricity.

Among them are:

  • Electric boilers;
  • Heaters based on the use of infrared rays;
  • Warm floor running on electricity;
  • Fan heaters.

Electric boilers operate by heating the liquid in the heating circuit that is connected to them. Electric convectors also use heating elements. Only in this case electricity does not pass through the liquid. Heating is carried out by heating the aluminum or steel housing and the air that is inside this housing. Hot air rises, changing places with cold air. With the help of such circulation, the room is also heated.

Electric heating is the most economical: without a boiler

Which method is the most economical? Convectors do not take up much space and can be placed on the wall, on the floor, built-in or external. They quickly warm up the air and accurately perform the assigned tasks. The only downside is that one convector will not be enough to heat the entire house.

Infrared heaters convert electricity into infrared rays that can heat any object. They can take the form of rectangles built into the floor or wall, or mounted on a stand. This heating system heats the air only in a certain area of ​​the room. In order to heat the entire house, you need to install a large number of such devices. On the one hand, they are cheap to use, but their quantity increases the cost.

Infrared heaters are economical because you can set individual temperature conditions in different areas of the house. Therefore, these heaters are on average 35% more economical compared to boilers. An electric heated floor is installed under the tiles and may not be the main heating system.

Advantages of heated floors:

  • Regulate temperature in electrical warm floors can be done easily and accurately;
  • An electric heated floor does not need to be filled with new screeds, which require additional costs and put extra pressure on the floors;
  • Due to the ease of installation, electric heated floors can be installed both in a private house and in a multi-storey one.

The only disadvantages of such a system include energy costs. But, on the other hand, if an electric heated floor is still not the main one, then this drawback can be crossed out. Fan heaters (heater, not radiator) are not the main heating system. They have a quick effect only in small rooms, but at the same time they use a large amount of electricity, due to which they greatly increase the cost of costs. Electric batteries are not bad heaters.

Economical electric boilers: options

Boilers are divided into those based on heaters - heating elements - and electrode ones.

The work of heating elements is that they heat running water and distribute it throughout the system. Special pumps are often installed with heaters to help circulate fluid through the system. Usually there are 3 or 4 heating elements in the boiler, which can work simultaneously or one at a time - it all depends on the temperature level.

The power of electric heating boilers also varies. There are models that operate from a single-phase or three-phase network. An electrode boiler fails because electricity passes through the liquid from electrode to electrode. Instead of water, non-freezing liquid is used here.

Advantages of electric boilers:

  • Easy to install and regulate;
  • Do not take up much space;
  • Accurately and quickly regulate the temperature level;
  • Their work does not create noise;
  • Relatively low cost and economical maintenance.

Disadvantages of electric boilers: high energy costs; with prolonged use of heating elements, the heaters become covered with scale and stop working; in the absence of water, heating elements burn out. Often boilers do not cope with their tasks and cannot warm up the entire house, that is, they slowly heat the house. The operation of boilers depends entirely on the power of the electrical network. Correct schemes and high-quality batteries for the cottage allow you to heat the house inexpensively. Homemade device quite possible.

The most economical electric heating and electrical appliances

The most economical and easiest to use is the electric convector system. They consist of an aluminum or steel casing that heats the air from both outside and outside. inside. Warm air gives way to cold air, and thus the entire room is heated.

Advantages of using convectors:

  1. The convector is the most efficient heating system. Due to small sizes heating elements, the air heats up faster, evenly distributed throughout the room.
  2. This is the most quality look heating, since it does not waste electricity, completely converting it into heat. This is also the reason for its efficiency.
  3. Convectors are easily adjustable and do not heat up above 100 ºС. Many models have a safety system that turns off the device if air access is blocked.
  4. This heating system is quite easy to install and use. All you need to do after purchasing is to install it on a wall or on a stand and plug it into the network.
  5. Convectors are much cheaper than electric boilers.
  6. Since one convector will not be enough to heat the entire house, you need to purchase more devices. However, this can be done gradually, depending on the need or availability of funds.
  7. Such heating system does not react to possible power surges and continues to work properly.

The choice of convector depends, first of all, on the expected price. However, it is best to buy a device from leading manufacturers, since the issue here is about home security. It is important to pay attention to the restart function after turning off the device. If in this case the convector requires human intervention, then this will create some problems in its use, including the risk of great damage from freezing the house. Efficient and profitable alternative heating according to new technologies.

Installation of electric heating in a private house

An electric heating system is very easy to install. Therefore, you can do this yourself. It will save cash, since you don’t have to call specialists.

Installation consists of three stages:

  • Planning;
  • Installation;
  • Launch.

First, you need to prepare a heating circuit and appliances, taking into account the way it will be used. In order to carry out an economical heat calculation and choose an electric boiler for a private home, you can call a specialist or use ready-made programs.

Next, panels are equipped with separate circuit breakers for each room and the wiring is installed. You need to consider how many boilers and other equipment you need to purchase. You will need automation, ceramic or other pipes. An electric battery that will heat, with an electricity consumption similar to that of a light bulb, is everyone’s dream. Modular energy-saving gas elements for country house premises will help you save some fuel.

After the electrical wiring is ready, you can begin installing equipment that will help heat the room (energy or economical radiators). It is important to pay attention to the temperature regime. At first, the device will work hard. This will warm up the room very quickly. And then the system will go into normal mode and will turn on to maintain the set temperature level, like a drip device.

However, using only electric heating can cost a pretty penny. Therefore, you should use other means of heating your home to increase your living comfort.

Methods of additional thermal insulation:

  1. Insulating loggias, balconies and verandas will block the penetration of cold street air into the house. Thus, heating the house will be much more efficient.
  2. Replacing old windows with plastic ones. This will eliminate the occurrence of drafts, which is also good for heating in bad weather. If it is not possible to install new windows, then you can insulate the old ones. To do this, you need to coat the space between the frame and the opening with sealant and seal it with electrical tape.
  3. Using the same principle, old doors are replaced with new ones.
  4. You can insulate walls both outside and inside. Internal insulation reduces the size of the room, so experts recommend insulating walls with outside. For this purpose, heat insulators are used.
  5. Ceiling insulation is most often carried out in the attic. In this case, mats are used, under which a vapor barrier is placed, and a water barrier is placed on the mats.
  6. You should pay attention to floor insulation. This is important because most often the floor does not warm up well, which causes some discomfort.

According to the laws of physics warm air rises up, giving way to cold. Therefore, it is important to insulate the roof so that the heated air does not leave the house at all. The method of roof insulation depends on its type. If this pitched roof, then insulation is carried out inside the house using mineral wool. If the roof is flat, then hard materials are used on the outside that are not exposed to various negative influences. Homemade products (convection, autonomous, innovative heating for an apartment) are also possible, the panels will allow you to save money, but the equipment must be thought out thoroughly.
