How to remove scratches on wooden furniture. How to remove small scratches from furniture and doors. Products to help

While cleaning our home, in particular wiping off dust, we often notice some details on our furniture that we had not seen before, for example, the presence of scratches, cracks, and abrasions. An unpleasant aftertaste remains and you want to remove all these errors, spoiling the ideal appearance of lacquered furniture.

But can this be done and in what ways? You’ve probably already heard about a furniture pencil, a marker, or maybe get and use iodine. In this article we will talk about how to remove scratches from furniture, what methods exist for this, and how to effectively use various means.

A special furniture marker can help disguise chips and scratches

Serious approach

During use, scratches inevitably appear on furniture, so a whole range of scratches have been developed to remove them. various means and ways. Some methods help to completely restore the aesthetically attractive appearance of an object, while others, on the contrary, tend to mask damage to polished furniture.

Scratches occur on furniture at all stages of its life from production to operation, and the phase of transportation and installation is especially dangerous, where different problems. In order not to be upset over trifles, furniture makers came up with excellent remedy, which successfully eliminates small errors in the material.

Every furniture store sells furniture touch in a small can that perfectly removes scratches on wooden furniture, polished and laminated surfaces.

Using this invention is extremely simple; first you need to choose the optimal suitable color. Then shake the contents of the can and apply it to problem area on furniture to paint over all scratches and chips. The viscous liquid must be carefully spread so that it completely covers all defects. The mixture dries quickly, after which we remove excess pieces of material, wipe the surface with a damp cloth, and polish if desired. Now there are no flaws on the wooden surface, it is like new again.

Classic problem modern furniture

Experts consider wax to be the second most popular furniture restoring agent. It is used to remove imperfections on wooden surfaces and on furniture made from chipboard and MDF. As with the touch-up, to fix problems, you need to apply a warm wax composition to the flaw.

So that everything goes smoothly and without unnecessary difficulties, you can follow the following instructions:

  • First of all, you need to find a suitable color.
  • Then clean the surface with the flaw from fine dirt and dust.
  • Then apply soft wax to this surface with a scratch; this can be done simply by rubbing it in, or using a special edging knife. (If desired, you can use hard wax, which must first be heated. This can be done using blowtorch, gas burner. Working with such material is a little more difficult than with soft ones, but after drying, it will be stronger and more durable than its counterpart.)
  • Remove excess layers of wax with a strong but blunt object, such as a plastic card or a regular ruler, and leave to dry.
  • After the wax has dried, you can polish the restored area with a nap cloth.

Some specialists, when restoring furniture in this way, additionally apply a pattern to the wax layer that repeats the ornament on the furniture. This is done using a special marker. Marker and wax pencil are sold in all furniture stores and workshops, but such products help with minor and medium-sized defects.

Choosing the right wax color

If the scratches on the furniture are deep and cannot be masked using soft wax, a wax pencil and a marker, then it is quite possible to putty the problem areas. In this case, the flaws will be completely removed, the surface will again become smooth, clean, and beautiful.

The putty process looks like this:

  • We clean the required area with a knife and sandpaper, remove dirt and degrease.
  • We apply putty material for wood, this is one of the types of classic putty.
  • After the putty has dried, we bring it to perfect condition sandpaper, it is better to take zero paper, or paper with the finest grains.
  • If the color of the putty matches the wooden surface, then this is just great, but if not, apply a layer of stain and achieve the perfect combination.
  • Once the stain has dried, coat the wood with clear varnish.

Applying putty to wooden furniture

Difficulties in this process may come from the wood itself, on which the stain looks different. In its liquid state, it is exactly the same color as wood, but on putty it looks different. Besides, if you have a dear, quality furniture, it’s easier to call an experienced specialist than to spoil it yourself.

Folk recipe

For wooden objects, you can find a special restoration pencil in stores. It is easy to use, convenient, and cheap. The pencil successfully paints over the damaged area, the main thing is to choose the desired color. After you have applied the pencil, you need to wait until it dries and only then polish the area to be restored.

Scratches on furniture can be painted over, tinted, or disguised using simple products and household substances, as many housewives proudly claim.

Paraffin from candles

To remove and disguise defects light furniture Paraffin from regular candles is perfect. To work with it, you will need to knead it, then carefully place it on the defect and rub it in with smooth circular movements until the scratch is completely masked. If you are working with a glossy, polished surface, then upon completion of the surface restoration, rub it soft cloth. If the surface is matte, then it is enough to remove any remaining paraffin from it.

Paraffin candles used to be in every home

Shoe polish

Many people wear leather shoes and use a special cream to protect them. This product is also suitable for repairing microcracks and scratches on furniture. The main thing is that he matches her tone. You need to apply the cream with a sponge to the problem area, and then gently rub in with a soft cloth. This household tinting polish will cover all defects.


For small white scratches on pieces of furniture, you can use a walnut; to do this, rub the imperfection with its raw center. If it is already fried, such a toning effect is not observed. After a couple of hours, the scratch rubbed with walnut blends with the color of the entire tree.

Walnuts can be used for furniture restoration


Chips and scratches on interior items made of wood in dark red and brown color, easy to hide, . Since iodine itself is very concentrated, it must be diluted with water in a small container. Then, using a cotton pad or swab, apply the resulting solution to the problem area. By merging with the general background, iodine helps to hide the defect.

Brewing black tea

Black tea brewing has similar coloring qualities, but unlike iodine, it needs to be made as strong and concentrated as possible. Brew black tea in a small mug and let it sit for a couple of hours. Welding can be used to remove obvious problems with wood furniture. At the same time, applying it without getting dirty is even easier than iodine. However, when working with tea leaves, you will have to apply the tea leaves to the problem area several times.

Olive oil and vinegar

But what are homemade recipes without vinegar? Vinegar works in tandem with olive oil in the area of ​​scratch removal. The mixture is prepared from 1 part vinegar and 3 parts olive oil. Rub the scratch with this solution, using it as a polish, thoroughly and for a long time, and then wipe it dry. After some time, the scratch disappears.

Treating furniture with a mixture of vinegar and olive oil


Some housewives use mayonnaise to remove scratches. To do this, apply it in a small amount to the damaged area and wait for it to act on upper layer furniture. Mayonnaise wets the surface, causing it to swell and heal the damage. Using this method, the main thing is not to overdo it with mayonnaise, so as not to get the furniture too wet.

A couple of tips to protect furniture from damage:

  • Try not to manipulate sharp or hot objects when surrounded by wooden furniture, especially polished ones.
  • During repair work and others mechanical processes, you can simply cover the furniture with film or paper.
  • When rearranging, protect furniture from damage, choose the most optimal path for moving around the house, and watch the corners.

As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities to hide, remove or repair scratches on furniture. We would recommend trying a wax pencil first, and only then taking on folk recipes. The pencil is not very expensive, the only problem is choosing the color.

If you liked the above methods of furniture restoration, you can read expert articles on the subject of removal or from various surfaces.

Few people will be happy to learn that their loved one wooden table scratched in the most visible place. Here are five great ways eliminate this little nuisance.

1. Nuts. Try rubbing pecans or walnuts onto the scratches. Don't press hard, just lightly. You will fill the scratch groove naturally, quickly and without leaving marks.

2. Iodine. If scratches appear on furniture made of dark wood - walnut, oak or mahogany, then, oddly enough, iodine can help. A small brush (or an old toothbrush) is moistened with a weak iodine solution, and scratches are treated with this brush.

Iodine + nut. Another method of removing scratches is associated with iodine. Take a regular walnut, cut it in half and scratch it! Really works effectively. After this, BE SURE to wipe the surface with a dry cloth. For what? To remove oily residue. It wouldn’t hurt to cover the treated area with thin layer varnish True, it will not last long, but it will prolong the preservation of its attractive appearance. Be careful! This method is only suitable for scratches small size. If your table or chair is completely covered with them, then it is better to give such furniture for restoration!

3. Mayonnaise. If the wood is not just scratched, but cracked, use the most delicious sauce. fill the crack with mayonnaise, wipe off the excess and wait two to three days. Thanks to the excess protein and oil in mayonnaise, the wood will swell and close its own crack. When this happens, remove the remaining mayonnaise and polish the surface.

4. Wax for furniture. To eliminate small chips, dents, cracks and remove scratches on laminated or wooden furniture, use a soft furniture wax. Melted wax is applied with a spatula to the damaged area (for example, a chipped table top), the excess is cut off and the treated area is polished. If the shade of the wax does not quite match the shade of the furniture, you can tint it with a regular felt-tip pen or marker.

5. Cigarette ash need to mix with water and make a thick paste. The mixture must be rubbed into the damaged area. You can use toothpaste instead of ashes.

6. Colored pencil. Of course, manufacturers have created a special furniture pencil for such cases. The most difficult thing is to find a pencil of the right shade.

7. Stain. This is a special material, usually in the form of a liquid. Applied to treated wood to give it a certain color, as a rule, the color of a different type of wood. In this case, the composition does not form a surface film, but penetrates to a certain depth, coloring the wood itself, due to which the wood texture remains visible, unlike paint and enamel.

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It is not necessary to turn to greedy craftsmen for minor repairs of things damaged by careless handling. High-quality restoration work can be done on your own. Often, due to oversight or carelessness, we do not notice how scratches appear here and there. Many people don’t even know how to remove them from furniture.

Do not rush to throw away your valuable Pushkin table if the first experiment fails. It is likely that another of the methods below will work

Such defects appear during normal operation. Appearance itself has a certain value. For this reason, it is not hidden under additional protective coatings. You can ruin a standard layer of varnish with relatively little effort, a blow, or a sharp object. Let's consider, first of all, how to cover up scratches on furniture using specialized factory products.

Furniture pencil and stroke

Experienced specialists advise using furniture touches that match the tone. According to experienced craftsmen, such funds currently have a number of advantages:

  • The drugs are harmless to wooden surfaces, do not corrode the varnish and are practically invisible.
  • Low consumption allows restoration to be carried out at minimal cost.
  • At normal room temperature The stroke dries quickly.
  • The created coating is resistant to moisture, sun rays. It does not get dirty and does not pollute the atmosphere in the room with foreign odors.
  • To extend its service life, it can be coated with a layer of varnish.
For your information! Universal products in this category are suitable for the restoration of products made from solid wood, fiberboard, chipboard, laminate, plywood, cork, and some polymer materials.

Typical algorithm of working operations:

  • Contaminants are removed from the damaged part;
  • Pre-paint the scratch with a marker to match the furniture;
  • shake the bar, unscrew the cap;
  • 2-3 layers are applied sequentially;
  • leave to dry for 10-15 minutes;
  • remove excess with a dampened cloth;
  • apply finishing varnish coating for protection and a shiny, smooth surface.

If the product is too thick, dilute it with warm water. By the way, the stroke does not deteriorate when frozen. Of course, you need to wait until it thaws before using it. Experiment with mixing different colors comfortable on glass. Next, the sample is applied to the damaged surface for visual inspection.

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How to remove scratches from furniture with wood wax

To decorate deep damage, use suitable Consumables. As in the previous version, they start by choosing the desired shade. After removing contaminants, apply wax using a knife or rub into small scratches. Excess is removed with a plastic bank card or other available device. After drying, the surface is polished with a soft cloth. Material with pile is suitable.

What other means can you use to paint over scratches on furniture?

Minor defects are eliminated using stain. It penetrates deep into the structure wooden products, does not change the original texture. These features are better than conventional enamels and paints, which form a single-color continuous layer. To check, a sample is made on the bottom of the tabletop, or another hidden area of ​​the product.

To select the appropriate restoration technology, experienced specialists perform a preliminary check. Take white spirit, moisten a soft cloth swab with it, and rub it over the damaged area several times. Conclusions are drawn taking into account characteristic reactions:

  1. The color has not changed, which means that only the surface varnish layer is damaged.
  2. A slight darkening indicates a relatively small defect. It is quite possible to use a restoration scheme using wax.
  3. If there is a significant change in tone, the fibers are damaged. Repair is required with the consistent use of several special tools.

You should study in detail how to repair deep scratches on furniture. In this case, you will need acrylic or other specialized wood putty. It is applied with a plastic/rubber spatula.

After the composition has dried, the surface is leveled with zero-grade sandpaper. Next, felt is used to create a perfect smooth surface. Exact color matching is ensured by adding stain to the mixture or finishing with a coloring agent.

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How to remove scratches from polished furniture using improvised means

If you don’t have time to visit stores, you can use the technologies presented in this section. In addition to simplicity, they are characterized by minimal financial costs.

How to remove scratches from lacquered furniture with tea leaves or iodine

Infuse black tea. Using a tampon, apply the product sequentially until the desired tone is obtained. A similar result can be obtained with iodine. Use a fabric that does not leave lint on the surface being treated. Also used:

  • cigarette ash;
  • a mixture of olive oil and vinegar in proportions of 75% and 25%, respectively;
  • matching paint/shoe polish;
  • engine and transmission oil.

The photo shows how to remove scratches from furniture from dark wood raw walnuts. When fried, this product contains a minimal amount of coloring substances, so the beneficial effect will be worse.

How to cover up large scratches on furniture

You can purchase ready-made mastic or prepare a full-fledged analogue at home using a simple recipe:

  • colorless wax (20 g) is melted over low heat in a suitable metal container;
  • turpentine (15 g) is carefully poured in with stirring;
  • after 2-3 minutes, add alcohol (10 g);
  • remove from heat, cool to room temperature.

This product is suitable for various restoration works. By changing the proportions of wax, you can get more thick composition for sealing deep scratches and cracks. It is applied with a soft spatula, which is not capable of damaging neighboring areas. On a relatively flat surface, use a woolen cloth soaked in gasoline. How to remove deep scratches on wooden furniture with the simplest means at hand? Try using mayonnaise. It is applied to the damaged area in a thick layer. The tree absorbs the greasy composition and swells. Gradually disappear even enough large cracks. Color can be corrected during the finishing process using the techniques above.

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How to remove scratches from a glass table using different technologies

Glass is much stronger and more resistant to external influences, compared to wood. However, scratches also form on such surfaces. To eliminate them use:

  • specialized kits for restoring car glass;
  • clear nail polish;
  • toothpaste.

The last resort will require considerable effort. It is used for surface grinding followed by washing.

This tool was created in the early 30s of the last century. Despite its considerable age, its consumer parameters are highly valued by professionals and ordinary users. Polishing is done manually, without excessive effort.

For your information! Homemade paste can be made from baking soda with water.

During use, scratches often appear on furniture. These can be small cracks and quite deep furrows. In order not to throw away a product or hide a defect on it, it is important to know how to remove scratches on wooden, polished or varnished furniture.

Wooden furniture

To disguise scratches on wooden furniture, use shoe polish of a suitable color. Apply a large amount of product to Right place, then remove excess with a soft cloth. You can also use a special pencil. Apply it to the scratch, wait until it dries, and polish the treated area. Instead of this product, a cosmetic pencil or felt-tip pen of the same shade as the furniture will do.

You can also use special wax for wooden furniture. It is sold in hardware stores. Apply the product to the scratch and rub it in with a soft cloth until it disappears. Wood furniture is also treated with special oil or stain. Do paint brush first layer and wait until it dries, then the second, third, fourth, according to the instructions.

Scratches on furniture can be removed using improvised means. Brew strong black tea and apply to the desired area until it darkens. This method cannot be used to restore light-colored furniture. You can also disguise a scratch using cigarette ashes and ash. Mix them with water to form a thick sour cream and apply the resulting paste to the defect. If you use ashes without adding ash, then light-colored furniture can also be treated with this product.

Using paraffin is also easy to remove a scratch. Take a candle and cut a small part from it. Knead it well and apply it to the defect in a circular motion, then remove the residue. If you are working on polished furniture, then remove the paraffin with a soft, lint-free cloth.

For mahogany, use iodine. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:2 and apply it to the scratch with a brush. If once is not enough, repeat until the effect appears. When treating lacquered furniture, wait until it is completely dry and apply clear nail polish. You can also use PVA glue. Just apply it to the scratch using a brush. After the glue dries, the defect will not be visible.

You can disguise a scratch on wooden furniture using walnut. Rub it with the cleaned core, then polish it with a soft cloth.

If small cracks appear on the wood, grease them with mayonnaise, preferably homemade. Leave it for 2-3 days, then remove with a napkin. A large amount of protein and oil will cause the wood to swell a little and visually reduce the crack.

Polished furniture

You can restore the beauty of polished furniture using vinegar, water and oil. Mix the first two products in a 1:2 ratio and add 2 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil. Rub the resulting mixture onto the scratch until it disappears. This product also prevents dust from settling on the furniture, so you can treat the entire surface with it.

If you have polish and a soft cloth, use them. Apply the product to the scratch and wipe the area with a cloth. Repeat this step until the defect is no longer noticeable. Polished furniture can also be treated using walnut and other home methods listed above. Please remember that you will need to refresh the coating later. special means for shine.

Now you know how to remove scratches from wooden furniture. It is advisable to use these products, selecting them by color, otherwise the defect will be even more noticeable. Remember that careful handling will prevent scratches on furniture items.

Wooden furniture is in contact with various items, which over time leads to damage to the finish and the appearance of scuffs and scratches. No matter how the owners protect the cabinets and bedside tables, they appearance it still deteriorates and chips appear.

Everyone should know how to remove scratches from furniture. There are many ways to remove abrasion or chipping. The method you choose will depend on the depth of the scratch on your lacquered furniture and the type of finish.

Special means

Removing a scratch seems simple at first glance. In fact, it is necessary to carry out several manipulations before applying the chosen product.

How to remove chips on furniture correctly - as furniture makers advise:

  1. Clean the damaged area. Wipe the surface from dust with a wet cloth. Let it dry.
  2. If the bedside table is covered with a layer of polyurethane, it must be removed along the edges from damage in order to repair the wood correctly. Wipe the chip with a soft cloth, moistening it with alcohol. Then wipe the furniture with a dry cloth and let it dry completely.
  3. Use your chosen wood filler to fill the scratch.
  4. Remove excess product using a spatula or cloth. Leave the filler to dry, this can take from a few minutes to several hours, depending on what remedy you choose for scuffs.
  5. Then use fine-grit sandpaper over the damaged surface.
  6. At the end, all that remains is to polish the surface. And apply a layer of polyurethane, varnish or sealant. These compounds do not need to be removed later, but they take a long time to dry. The drying process can take up to a day, so remove furniture away from guests and children.

Removal of any effects that appear should be started immediately. Otherwise, the chip may increase even after painting. by professional means it will remain noticeable.


This composition is sold in liquid form. He has unique technology removing chips.

The furniture touch restores wood and lacquered surfaces and is sold in several colors.

Select the desired shade and remove the damage yourself.

How to do this at home:

  1. We take a furniture touch and apply it to the damaged surface.
  2. We cover the damage with liquid product in several layers.
  3. After drying, wipe the treated area with a damp cloth or cloth. Lacquered furniture must be coated with clear varnish to restore its former gloss.

The surface is easy to scratch. But removing such chips can be difficult. Always keep the furniture touches at home and problems with how to remove scratches will not arise.


IN construction stores sell wax pencils. They come in different colors, choosing the right one is not difficult. You can combine several pencils to get the desired shade.

How to cover up scratches on polished furniture:

  1. Grate it into a bowl and place it in a water bath.
  2. When wax pencil melts, use it to cover the scratched surface.
  3. Polish with a wool cloth after drying.

The pencil is suitable for masking both small and deep chips.

You can melt it not only in a water bath, but also with a hairdryer. This option is faster and does not require washing dishes from wax.

Hold a pencil over the chip, take a regular hair dryer and direct hot air onto it. The wax will begin to drip. Move the pencil and distribute the wax to the desired places.


Stain will cope with scratched surfaces. This is a universal composition that can cope with the removal of shallow chips.

How to use?

First, paint an inconspicuous area of ​​the wood to see if the shade matches or not.

Apply stain to the scratch. It not only stains the damage on top, but also impregnates the tree itself.

Chips should be processed several times. After it is covered with stain and has dried, it is necessary to polish the furniture.

Oil polish

This composition is used to mask damage. Oil polish fills voids and removes dirt and stains. It fills all defects and forms a smooth, shiny surface.

Traditional methods

If the surface is easily scratched and unpleasant marks appear on it every time, try using folk remedies.

They quickly paint surfaces and are not harmful to health.

The oils contained in the fruits of this tree can repair damaged wood.

How to fix scratches on furniture:

  1. Take the kernel of one nut and rub it over the damage.
  2. Wait a few minutes and watch the reaction. If the treated area does not darken to the desired tone, repeat the procedure.

An alternative to the kernel is nut butter. Buy it at the pharmacy, apply it to a cloth and cover the scratch.


The oils in mayonnaise penetrate the wood and help it swell. Thus, the crack is filled on its own; all that remains is to paint it with cream and polish it.

Treat cracked surfaces a small amount mayonnaise for 2-3 days. Don't remove the mayonnaise right away. Leave it on the furniture for a couple of hours so that the oils have time to soak into the wood.

Tea leaves or iodine

You can paint over scuffs with iodine or tea leaves, as well as machine oil.

How to fix scratches:

  1. Take one of the suggested remedies and soak a cotton swab or toothbrush in it (depending on the size of the chip).
  2. Treat the damage with a product.
  3. Leave the iodine and tea leaves to dry. Machine oil After application, wipe with a dry cloth.

Used undiluted or diluted, it is suitable for walnut, oak or mahogany furniture. For the same wood, you can use machine oil.

And tea leaves can be used for both light and dark furniture. The main thing is to do it desired color without overdoing the tea.


Use fine-grit sandpaper to repair scratches on furniture. Its number should be P 600. This sandpaper is used for finishing sanding.

How to remove chips on furniture - removal steps:

  1. Moisten sandpaper water (you can use lemon oil).
  2. Thoroughly sand the surface where the scratch is located. Follow the direction of damage.
  3. After removing the scratch, apply wax paste.
  4. Then using wool fabric polish the surface to restore shine.

Sandpaper is good way removing chips. It is used for the restoration of antique furniture, as well as for removing damage on new products.

Colored crayons

Children's crayons can be used to repair chips. If there is a suitable color, rub it on the scratch.

After that all that remains is to sand the furniture.


Regular paraffin from candles is suitable for eliminating chips. It is used for painting light-colored furniture.

It should be painted as follows:

  1. Take a candle and cut off the paraffin. Knead it in your hands until it becomes soft, cover the damage with your hands until you get the desired result.
  2. You can also disguise the candle itself. Place the cabinet so that the scratch is at the top. Take a candle and rub it on the damaged area.
  3. Another way is to light a candle, bring it to the pin and wait until the paraffin fills it. Don't get it too close to the wood to avoid damaging it further.

Nowadays multi-colored candles are also sold; if you need to paint over mahogany or a bedside table made of walnut, just choose a candle of a suitable color.

Eyebrow pencil

You can remove scratches on wooden furniture using a regular makeup pencil. Buy the cheapest one, only the hard one. The soft pencil wears off quickly.

Paint over the scratch, covering the damage well. The method is suitable for small scratches on the surface of bedside tables.

Shoe polish

This product comes in colorless, black, gray, brown and other colors. Choose shoe polish to match the color of the wood.

Apply a little product to the chipboard at the damaged area and leave for 30 minutes. The cream should be well absorbed.

Remove excess with a soft, lint-free cloth. After covering the scratch, polish it with a dry woolen cloth.


Make a small cup of strong and apply it to the scratch with a cloth.

Wait until the drink penetrates deep into the damage and use it again. Apply the coffee in this manner until it stops being absorbed into the wood.

Finally, coat the furniture with clear varnish.

Lemon juice and oil

Removing scratches is not at all difficult. They are quickly and easily painted over with lemon juice and oil.

How to remove scratches from polished furniture:

  1. Mix lemon juice and oil in equal proportions (you can use vegetable or olive oil).
  2. Soak a lint-free cloth in the mixture.
  3. Wipe the scratched area with a cloth.

We remove the damage using this method as long as it takes for it to disappear.

You can also use this recipe: ½ tsp. jojoba oil, ¼ cup lemon juice, 10 drops of lemon oil. Use a soft polishing cloth to wipe the furniture.

The prepared composition can be stored for a very long time and used when you need to polish your bedside tables. Shelf life is not limited.

You can remove chips yourself, but it is better to prevent their occurrence. Be careful in operation wooden chairs, tables, bedside tables and cabinets.

Try not to wipe off dust using abrasive products or drag objects over them. Treat the furniture properly and then scratches will stop appearing, and you won’t have to look for how to remove them.
