Slate wave sheet weight. How much does slate weigh? Wave slate can consist of

If not so long ago slate was considered the traditional and most popular roofing material, today it is a rather rare roofing option for new buildings. Asbestos-cement slate is found infrequently and is mainly found in utility rooms, garages and other outbuildings. At new facilities it was replaced by modern, more reliable, beautiful and durable roofing materials. But old buildings are still in most cases covered with asbestos-cement slate. Such buildings have been in operation for many years, and therefore there is a need complete replacement roofs.

Before making the final decision to disassemble the old slate roofing, you should weigh the pros and cons. The fact is that replacing a roof is a rather expensive construction project. During its implementation, unforeseen problems may arise, which further increase the estimated cost of repairs. When should old slate be removed?

  1. Critical physical wear and tear. Externally, the slate sheets do not have significant damage and look quite normal, but due to natural aging, the strength of the slate decreases significantly, it becomes very fragile, in some cases the sheets are easily broken off by hand. Such coating may suffer significant damage at any time during heavy rain. As a result, water gets not only into the attic, but also into living rooms. The ceilings and walls will have to be repaired interior spaces, and this greatly increases repair costs. Conclusion - you shouldn’t expect big problems, it is much more profitable to replace the old slate in a timely manner.

  2. A large number of mechanical damages. Doesn't mean through holes in coverings after hail - in such cases, replacement of slate is mandatory. There are situations when during installation rafter system technological errors are allowed. Bearing nodes structures do not have sufficient strength and stability; when loads increase, they change their geometry and spatial position. As a result, large cracks appear on the slate sheets. If they are located on the upper ridges, there are no big problems, leaks are almost invisible and do not pose a problem for attic spaces. But cracks can also be located on the lower waves, and here during rain a lot of water flows, it will definitely get on the rafter system. As practice shows, it is useless to repair such cracks. There is only one way out - depending on the degree of damage, replace several sheets of slate or the entire roof.

  3. Unsatisfactory appearance. Mosses and lichens can grow on slate roofs, which significantly worsens the appearance of the structure. There are ways mechanical cleaning coatings using electric cylindrical grinders, but experienced builders strongly do not recommend doing such work. Firstly, it is very difficult and time-consuming, and the effect is unpredictable. Secondly, there is a risk of damage to the roofing.

Depending on the condition of the slate and the qualifications of the craftsmen, the old coating can be reused or it has to be taken to a landfill for disposal of construction waste. For transportation, you should know approximately the total weight; this value is determined taking into account the mass square meter slate during disassembly.

Prices for different types of slate

How to determine the weight of 1 m2 slate during disassembly

The technical parameters of slate sheets depend on the specific type and production technology of the material. Taking into account geometric shape There are two types of leaves.

Wave slate

Used as roofing and facing material, It has rectangular shape. The number of waves is from five to eight, their height and thickness vary.

Wave slate is installed on slopes with a slope of at least 12°. The material is produced on automatic lines from a special mass; depending on the characteristics of the molds, it can have a different number of waves. How more waves– the higher the bending strength parameters, this allows you to reduce the thickness of the slate while maintaining the original technical data. There are 5, 6, 7 and 8 wave asbestos-cement slate sheets. Currently, five- and six-wave slates are almost never produced; most companies have switched to the production of eight-wave slates; seven-wave slates are rarely seen.

Technical characteristics of standard slate grades

Slate has regulated marking requirements; inscriptions are applied to the outer wave on the front side. For example, the marking 1750 × 1130 × 5.2 mm, 40/150 means that the sheet has a length of 1750 mm, a width of 1130 mm and a thickness of 5.2 mm. Wave height 40 mm, distance between crests 150 mm.

Table. Covering weight depending on the type of slate.

Slate brandStandard weight of one sheetWeight per square meter of coverage
7-wave 1750×1130×5.2 mm, 40/150 ordinary (VO)18.5 kg≈9.5 kg
7-wave 1750×1130×5.8 mm, 40/150 amplified (VU)23 kg≈11.8 kg
8-wave 1750×1130×5.8 mm, 40/150 ordinary (VO)26 kg≈13.3 kg
8-wave 1750×1130×6.0 mm, 54/200, unified (UV)30 kg≈15.1 kg
8-wave 1750×1130×7.5 mm, 54/200, reinforced (VU)35 kg≈17.9 kg

Slate is the most common roofing material, a leader in its field of application for several decades.

The name “slate” is not entirely correct; real slate is a natural layered mineral.

The exact designation of the roofing material sounds like, but the name “slate” has stuck for a long time and there is no point in changing it.

Two main types of material are available- flat and wave. Flat used for facing works or for the construction of partitions for auxiliary and utility rooms.

Only wave fiber is used as roof covering, it is stronger and stronger than a flat one, due to the stiffening ribs created by the waves.

The long-term widespread use of slate is a consequence of high reliability, durability and ease of installation. The relatively recent appearance on the market of many alternative roofing coverings from synthetic materials, metal or bitumen, could not radically change the situation, since the traditional, time-tested approach to materials prevails among builders.

Wave slate is a roofing material in the form of wavy sheets of rectangular shape. To produce slate, a plastic molding composition is used, the components of which are:

  1. Portland cement. The grades used are M300-500, the percentage of material present is 80-90%.
  2. Chrysotile asbestos. (10-20%).
  3. Water.

The roles of the components are distributed as follows: Portland cement acts as a connecting link, and chrysotile asbestos is a reinforcing element. After the mass hardens, a strong and hard sheet material is obtained.

Traditionally produced light gray natural color material, but recently coating samples made with additives of dyes have appeared on the market to give a certain color, which significantly improved the aesthetic perception of the material.

Installation is carried out by attaching overlapping sheets using slate nails to the rafter system. Ridges and connecting elements that make up the roof covering are also produced by industry, but often builders do not know about this and use metal elements, which worsens the appearance of the roof.

Wave slate sheet sizes (7 and 8 waves)

According to GOST, there are only two standard sizes:

  1. 40/150 — wave height 40 mm, wave length — 150 mm.
  2. 54/200 — wave height 54 mm, wave length — 200 mm.

The dimensions of 8-wave slate also vary depending on the type. By profile type, sheets are divided:


Marked with the abbreviation UV.

Dimensions according to GOST

Slate 8 wave size sheet:

  • Sheet width - 1130 mm;
  • Length - 1750 mm;

Slate size 7 wave:

  • Sheet width - 980 mm;
  • Length - 1750 mm;
  • Sheet thickness is 5.8 mm for profile 40/150 and 6-7.5 mm for profile 54/200.

Slate size 6 wave:

  • Sheet width - 1125 mm;
  • Length - 1750 mm;
  • Sheet thickness is 5.8 mm for profile 40/150 and 6-7.5 mm for profile 54/200.

Wave slate size


Denoted as VO.

  • Sheets 680 mm wide;
  • length - 1120 mm;
  • sheet thickness 5.8 mm for profile 40/150 and 6-7.5 for profile 54/200.

The size of 8 wave slate can vary within small limits.


Profile marked VU, intended for objects industrial purposes, has an increased thickness - 8 mm, sheet width 1000 mm, length - up to 2800 mm.

The maximum permissible dimensional deviations are ±15 mm in length and +10 and -5 mm in width.

Number of waves

The number of waves is already determined by the name - 7-wave and 8-wave.

In individual construction, a 7-wave sheet is most often used, since it is lighter and easier to lift to the installation site manually.

Wherein, his effective area less than 8-wave, since the amount of overlap for both brands is the same and the difference of one wave cannot be compensated for by anything.

However, a study of demand shows the predominant use of the 7-wave option.

How much does a slate roof weigh?

The weight of the sheet is an important indicator on which the load on the rafter system depends. So, let's find out how much a sheet of 8-wave and 7-wave slate weighs.

The weight of the 40/150 profile sheet is:

  • 23.2 kg— weight of 7 wave slate;
  • 26.1 kg— slate weight 8 wave.

For profile 54/200, the weight is 26 and 35 kg, respectively.

The weight of 8 wave slate 1 m2 is approximately 10.41 kilograms.

It is noted that the weight of slate is greater than that of its competitors among roofing materials, which creates certain requirements for the design of the rafter system. Wind and snow loads should also be taken into account, at large area The weight of the water absorbed by the roof when it rains can play a role.

Weight of corrugated slate

Effective area

The sheets are installed with an overlap, 1 or less often 2 waves are overlapped. In this case, the useful area of ​​the sheet is reduced by the amount of overlap.

  • For a 7-wave sheet, the usable area is 1,336 sq. m.;
  • Useful area of ​​8 wave slate - 1.57 sq.m.

The dimensions are indicated with an overlap of 1 wave, which is most often used in construction. Sometimes in some places it may be tempting to lay the sheet end-to-end to save material.


It is impossible to lay sheets end-to-end, as leaks will occur at all joints.

Saving one or two sheets will result in water entering the room.

Overlap width

Advantages and disadvantages of slate covering

Wave slate has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Long service life. On average, the coating retains its quality for about 40 years or more, depending on the conditions of use. It is noted that even under the most unfavorable factors, the coating lasts at least 10 years.
  • Easy to install. The work does not require high qualifications; it is enough to have a general understanding of installation techniques.
  • Allows partial renovation or replacing individual sheets that have become unusable.
  • Material strength promotes safety during installation - the slate covering can easily support the weight of a person and allows walking on the covering.
  • Does not accumulate electric charge , absolutely safe in terms of fire.
  • Much cheaper other roofing materials.
  • Relatively light weight coating allows you to do without construction lifting equipment during installation.

Advantages of coverage

It is impossible not to mention negative qualities Oh slate. These include:

  • Fragility of the material. Slate is not plastic and does not allow any deformation.
  • Moisture absorption capacity shortens service life and causes the formation of fungus and mold; over time, moss appears that must be cleaned off. This deficiency can be neutralized by coloring.
  • The content of asbestos as a component of the material is a significant health hazard.


Asbestos is a strong carcinogen, which caused a reduction in its use in industry.

This is the main reason for the displacement of slate from the market, although there are no definite medical statistics on this matter. There are data for enterprises reflecting the percentage of morbidity among workers, but for residents of houses covered slate covering, there is no statistical information.

Nevertheless, the danger exists and must be taken into account. Installation work should be done using individual means respiratory protection.

Material deficiencies can be neutralized without any particular difficulties, you just need to be aware of them and take appropriate measures to prevent possible incidents. At the same time, the obvious advantages, tested and confirmed by many years of practice, convincingly speak in favor of slate as an advantageous and reliable roofing covering.

Useful video

The dimensions of the slate roof can be seen in the video:


The use of wave slate roofing is a completely justified choice, determined by the high performance properties of the material combined with the lowest price. The coating justifies the cost of purchase and installation due to its long-term service life, which can be significantly increased with periodic maintenance or painting of the roof.

The material does not create excessive load on the rafter system; it is available and widespread everywhere. Unified dimensions, if necessary, allow the use of sheets from different manufacturers.

In contact with

Slate is an inexpensive construction product and has good performance parameters. The work associated with its installation on the roof is complicated by the significant weight of the material. This circumstance should be taken into account when drawing up the design and construction of the rafter system.

Assortment of slate and its weight

This roofing material is made from a mixture consisting of Portland cement, asbestos and purified water. Slate is used not only for laying on the roof, but also for cladding walls.

During the manufacturing process, all components are mixed in appropriate proportions, then poured into molds and left until final hardening. Ready material It is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation, does not ignite and is not dangerous due to temperature changes.

There are two types of slate:

  1. Wave. IN in this case The sheets of roofing material are rectangular in shape and, thanks to the molding process, have a wavy profile. Such slate is laid on roof slopes, since it drains water well due to the presence of gutters. Manufacturers strongly recommend laying it provided that the roof slope is at least 12 degrees. Taking into account how much one sheet of slate of this type weighs, installation must be done on a reinforced sheathing.
  2. Flat. Compared to wave material, it does not have a characteristic relief. Also, the sizes of flat slate differ. Flat slate is made from asbestos cement in the shape of a square or rectangle. It is usually used for the construction of fences, wall cladding and for the purpose of insulating areas that come into contact with elements of heating equipment and chimneys. Flat slate is used as a covering when the roof slope exceeds 25 degrees. Flat sheets have greater mechanical strength and resistance to liquids and low temperatures higher. It also doesn’t hurt to know what sizes of flat slate sheets are on the market.

How much does a slate sheet weigh?

Depending on the type of material and size, the weight of a slate sheet ranges from 23 to 39 kilograms. This means that per square area of ​​the roof structure there is a load of 9-17 kilograms - this does not take into account the insulation.

To install a slate covering, you need to decide on the mass roofing pie when calculating the foundation and rafter system for a house. Without the required safety margin, the roof structure will warp and eventually collapse.

Number of waves on the sheet

When arranging roofs, the wave type of product is in demand. Manufacturers make wave slate - sheet sizes and weight vary. It is used both for small-sized buildings in private housing construction, and for the construction of industrial buildings with a large area.

Slate is sold with the following types of profile:

  • standard;
  • unified;
  • strengthened.

As for consumers, it will be easier for them to use another classification, which is based on the number of combs on one product:

  1. 5-wave material. It appeared on the building materials market recently. He hasn't found it yet effective application. The parameters of the 5-wave sheet are similar to the dimensions of the 8-wave sheet, but since the ridge width is larger, the useful area of ​​this coating is 1.6 m². This means that the overlap takes up 20% of its surface area.
  2. 6-wave. In this case, the size and weight of the slate is 1125x1750 centimeters and 26-35 kilograms, respectively. The thickness of the sheet is 6-7.5 millimeters, and the distance between the waves is 20 centimeters. 6-wave slate has a reinforced profile and is therefore laid on roofs in regions with significant wind loads. They also cover large industrial buildings.
  3. 7-wave. The dimensions and weight of the slate sheet are as follows: 850x1750 centimeters and 23 kilograms with a thickness of 5.8 millimeters. Because of small area This 7-wave traditional coating and light weight are often used in private small-sized housing construction.
  4. 8-wave. The sheet parameters of this type of slate are 1130x1750 centimeters, and the thickness is 5.2 and 5.8 millimeters. Depending on the thickness, the weight of the slate is 23-32 kilograms. Due to its impressive dimensions, it is used in the industrial sector.

Slate is a durable coating - it is used for at least 20-30 years, it is not flammable and can withstand temperatures from -50 to +80 degrees. Flaw of this material– splitting of the sheet as a result of a point impact. This feature should be taken into account when transporting, laying and storing asbestos-cement products.

Features of installing slate on the roof

Knowing how much a sheet of slate weighs allows you to decide on the design of the roof rafter system on which this material will be mounted. Significant weight - main feature carrying out roofing works with coatings made from asbestos cement.

To eliminate operational problems slate roof, professionals advise:

  1. Be sure to develop a project and make the necessary calculations. The roof in this case places a significant load on truss structure and the foundation of the building, so before installation, everything needs to be calculated.
  2. Calculate options. Slate is an inexpensive product, but the significant mass of the slate sheet requires strengthening the base of the house and the roof frame. A large number of concrete mortar and use quality wood are not cheap, so sometimes it makes sense to install lighter and expensive coverage, such as corrugated sheeting or soft roofing.
  3. Don't forget about overlap. Due to inexperience, some craftsmen, when calculating building materials for arranging a slate roof, forget to take this nuance into account.

Should be carefully considered when purchasing external condition slate so that the coating is used no less than the period stated by the manufacturers.

The content of the article

Slate has been known to mankind for a long time. Back in the Middle Ages, rocks of slate were used, which were split into flat sheets, which were later used to cover dwellings. As such, slate (asbestos-cement) became known about a hundred years ago. And since then its relevance has not diminished.

Currently, the word “slate” is used not only asbestos cement sheets, but also roofing materials made on the basis of bitumen or polymers. The wavy shape of the sheets was the reason for this.

Asbestos cement slate

This material is made from a mixture of:

  • asbestos,
  • water,
  • Portland cement.

Asbestos fiber is a reinforcing component of the material, giving it mechanical strength due to the viscosity of asbestos.

The weight of 8-wave slate can range from 10 to 14 kg per square meter.

The difference in the weight of slate is formed based on the different thickness of the sheet produced.

Asbestos-cement slate is produced in several types:

  • ordinary profile;
  • reinforced profile;
  • unified profile.

Their difference is different sizes, in wave height and wave pitch. Sheets having minimum size, are available with a regular profile. Sheets larger area given a reinforced profile.

According to the profile, there are two types of asbestos-cement sheets:

  • with profile 40/150
  • with profile 54/200

Where the first numbers indicate the wave height, and the second numbers indicate its pitch. Dimensions are indicated in millimeters.

Wave slate, if produced according to GOST standards, must have the following dimensions:

  • Sheet length at any width – 1750 mm;
  • Width of 8-wave sheet -980 mm;
  • Width of 6-wave sheet -1125 mm;
  • The width of the 7-wave sheet is 1130 mm.

The weight of an 8-wave slate sheet, depending on the thickness, can be from 23 to 26 kg.

The thickness of the slate sheets, accordingly, should be 5.8 mm for a profile of 40/150, and from 6.5 to 7.5 mm for another type of slate, with a profile of 54/200.

However, modern manufacturers can produce asbestos-cement slate based not on GOST, but on their specifications , which are developed directly at the enterprise. Therefore, the dimensions of asbestos-cement sheets may differ from standard ones. In the same way, the weight of one sheet or one square meter of slate will differ from the weight of slate produced according to GOST.

Manufacturers produce slate different color, but everyone can paint it themselves, choosing the color at their discretion. Painted slate:

  • lasts much longer than traditional ones,
  • mosses and lichens form on it to a lesser extent,
  • properties such as frost resistance are increased,
  • water absorption decreases.

To paint asbestos-cement sheets, silicate or phosphate paints and various pigments are used.

When installing a roof, you need to take into account how much the slate weighs and calculate the dimensions of the elements of the rafter system based on these parameters.

Positive properties of wave slate

First of all, the advantage of slate is its low cost, reliability and durability. In addition, asbestos-cement slate:

  • does not burn;
  • tolerates temperature changes in the surrounding air well;
  • can be used in all climatic zones;
  • has sufficient mechanical strength to withstand heavy snowfall;
  • absorbs the noise of rain and hail.

Regarding the strength of wave slate, it can be noted that it depends on:

  • first of all, on the brand and quality of Portland cement;
  • percentage of asbestos;
  • from the fineness of asbestos grinding;
  • uniform distribution of asbestos in the cement mixture;
  • from compliance with technology during its production and other factors.

But, despite its strength, slate does not tolerate point loads well. It may break due to a sharp impact (hail, tools used for roof maintenance, etc.) or due to careless handling during installation. Considering that wave slate has a weight of 1 m/sq.m. that significantly exceeds the weight of, for example, corrugated sheets, you need to work with it with caution.

Flat asbestos cement slate

Flat slate is much less commonly used for roofing. To a greater extent, it is used for the construction of enclosing structures. It is used to make plumbing cabins, rough flooring in industrial workshops, and formwork. Quite often from flat slate They erect fences at their dachas. The scope of flat slate is very wide, which allows it to be constantly in demand.

Its composition is similar to wave one, but some specifications have significant differences, as well as the method of manufacture.

Flat slate is made by pressing and without it. Pressed sheets of flat asbestos-cement slate are characterized by higher strength and frost resistance. If pressed slate can withstand about 50 cold-heat cycles, then unpressed slate can withstand half as much.

The weight of unpressed flat slate, depending on the thickness and size of the sheet, can range from 18 to 104 kg. Pressed asbestos-cement sheets of the same sizes vary in weight from 20 to 192 kg.

Judging by these figures, we can say with confidence that the strength of pressed slate is obvious, since the weight directly depends on the density of the material. And density has decisive role for strength.

Due to the fact that the weight of flat slate can be selected for any structure, it can be used both as a roofing material and in the form of fences and independent structures.

Bituminous slate

Due to the fact that in Western Europe asbestos slate was banned for use, it was replaced by the new kind roofing covering - ondulin, which is soft material, made on the basis of bitumen. The wave shape of the sheets of this material gave rise to calling it slate, although it has nothing to do with traditional slate.

Bituminous slate is produced by hot pressing of a mass consisting of:

  • from vegetable or synthetic fibers;
  • plasticizers;
  • dyes;
  • special types of bitumen.

Bitumen serves to give the material a high degree of waterproofing, and fillers in the form of organic or synthetic fibers serve as a reinforcing ingredient and give the material the necessary rigidity.

The technology for manufacturing bitumen slate includes several stages of pressing with a certain frequency. At the end of the pressing process, a multilayer material with sufficient mechanical strength comes out, after which it is painted in various colors.

Slate is one of the most popular roofing materials in the world and especially in Russia. He achieved his greatest fame in the 20th century in Europe. Since then, many modern roofing coverings have appeared, but it is still in demand in both residential and industrial construction. Having analyzed all its features, advantages and technical characteristics, it is possible to understand the reasons for such popularity. In this case, we will analyze 7-wave slate.

Description and characteristics

7-wave slate is a material with a high degree of strength and affordable price. It is used for roofing various buildings and structures. Thanks to modern technologies Available in a wide range of colors. Therefore, it will look good on any building.

In production, GOST 3340-95 is used. Based of this document it comes in three types: six, seven and eight waves. Among them, the latter are the most durable.

Wave slate has the following technical characteristics:

  • number of stages for freezing and thawing - 25.
  • density 1.6-1.7 grams per cubic cm.
  • bending strength - 16-19 mPa.
  • ACL (asbestos cement sheets) is used as a base

When choosing sheet thickness, it is important to take into account the load that will be created by gusts of wind. It is also important to consider the quantity snow cover in winter.

Like any material, 7-wave slate has advantages and disadvantages:


  1. Strength, durability. It is not subject to corrosion, does not rust, and can withstand about 25 cycles of changing natural conditions.
  2. Resistant to temperature changes.
  3. Slate does not burn or melt. Therefore, it provides a high degree of fire safety.
  4. Quick installation, without the involvement of outside labor.
  5. Affordable price. Compared to other roofing materials, this one is the cheapest.
  6. Safe from an environmental and radiation point of view.


  1. The presence of asbestos, which is harmful to the human body.
  2. Fragility. Installation and transportation must be done carefully so as not to damage it.
  3. If exposed to an open fire, there is a risk of breaking into small pieces.
  4. Over time, moss or mold forms on the surface. To combat this you need to use special primers.
  5. Heavier compared to other materials.

The benefits apply to all types, including seven-wave. Even with negative qualities, it is widely used in various fields.

Thanks to physical and mechanical properties 7-wave slate can be used in difficult conditions. It is in demand in residential and industrial construction. This species, like the others, is produced in painted and unpainted form.

Dimensions and weight of 7-wave slate

According to GOST, there are the following brands:

  • 54/200. Its height is 54mm and its pitch is 200mm.
  • 40/150: height 40mm, pitch 150mm.

The dimensions of 7-wave slate are the following indicators: the height of the waves, the gap between them. The parameters also include the width, length, and thickness of the sheet surface.

7-wave is a unified type, its parameters are: 1750mm length and 1125mm width.

Sheets with 7 waves are the most durable, on a par with eight-wave ones. Both options are equally in demand when performing roofing work.

The weight of each sheet is different, so load-bearing walls designs have to different load. The weight of a sheet is affected by its size. The mass of one is 23.2 kilograms.

7-wave slate has two types of area: nominal, useful. They are 1,715 and 1,336 square meters. meters.

In addition to these indicators, there are standard sizes:

  • thickness - 5.8mm.
  • width - 98cm.
  • length - 175cm.

The height of 7-wave slate, which is 4 cm and its pitch is 15 cm, is standardized by GOST No. 30340-95.

Sheets are also produced in non-standard sizes. This point must be clarified when ordering.

Composition and environmental friendliness of slate

The composition of slate is very simple, so it is easy to analyze. Components. included in the composition are: water, cement, asbestos fiber. Water and cement are certainly safe from an environmental point of view.

The same cannot be said about asbestos. It is he who makes many doubt safety. There are two types of asbestos: chrysotile asbestos and amphibola asbestos. Of these, the second option is considered harmful to health. Slate has been made from this material for some time by foreign manufacturers. After extensive testing, scientists came to the conclusion that this component is harmful and banned it. Amphibolasbestos is not used in the production of domestic raw materials, which means it is absolutely safe for use.

Each component in the composition performs its own function. Portland cement thanks to its astringent properties is a connecting link. Chrysotile asbestos serves as a reinforcing filler. It helps to keep the cement mortar in the required wavy shape and ensures a strong and reliable structure.

In addition, chrysotile, which is used in the production of domestic products, is used in combination with gypsum, resins, rubber, oils, and bitumen. This type is allowed in construction and industry in many countries.

Production technology and quality standards

Wave slate is produced on the basis of GOST 30340-95. It applies to asbestos-cement corrugated sheets, as well as to its components used for roofing or fencing buildings and structures.

The technology for producing asbestos fiber was patented in the 19th century in England. The modern manufacturing process has not changed much since those times. In Russia, the production of this material was launched in 1908. Asbestos fibers are quite strong; in addition to them, Portland cement and soda are used. The resulting asbestos mesh structure provides a strong base for the slate sheet. Important point During production, it is mandatory to observe the proportions of cement and asbestos fibers. Existing standards make it possible to produce to domestic producers many installations various types for the manufacture of.

The production process occurs in several stages:

  1. First, the pulp is mixed using a mixing bucket mixer.
  2. The resulting mixture is then recovered and transferred to a sheet forming apparatus. This process lasts about 30-90 seconds.
  3. The strips are then cut using specialized scissors.
  4. After this, the process of creating waves using drums occurs.
  5. The finished sheets are sent to the next stage for hardening.
  6. At this stage, water saturation of the prepared samples occurs.
  7. Sent to a high-temperature warehouse for drying.
  8. Upon completion of all these steps, the product becomes durable and ready for use.

All types of corrugated slate have their own parameters, which are also controlled by GOST. During production, a certain solution of plastic consistency is used, which consists of chrysotile asbestos, water and Portland cement. The interaction of all components allows us to produce high-quality, strong and durable material.

For getting quality type strict standards must be adhered to:

  1. Maintain the correct ratio of asbestos fibers, cement and water, which is prescribed in GOST.
  2. Manufacturing must only be carried out quality equipment, which can evenly and accurately distribute asbestos in the raw materials.
  3. Stick to regulatory documents regulating the production process.

Application in construction

Today, wave slate is widely used for construction industrial buildings and structures, as well as during the construction of residential premises. This popularity is due to its strength and wear resistance. It ranks first among roofing materials, while leaving its competitors behind. Its use guarantees the structure's reliability and durability.

Manufacturers produce products in various color ranges, this allows you to select the right type roofs for any design. Also, painting allows you to increase the service life of slate significantly.

Before you start installing the roof, you need to find out how many sheets may be needed. First you need to measure the roof. Then you need to determine the length of the overhang. The choice of sheet size is influenced by the shape of the coating. The easiest way to produce roofing is with straight and non-curly shapes. This allows you to reduce work time. After all preparatory work You can proceed directly to the installation of the roof. Applying roofing material to the surface will help increase the thermal insulation function of the roof.

More and more new and advanced roofing materials are appearing on the market. There is even a risk that demand for it may decline. Therefore, experts are engaged in its improvement. The emergence of two-way protective coating on its basis made it possible to make it environmentally friendly.
