Read online as your own healer. Healer Irina Vasilyeva - who is she, what is she famous for, how effective are her treatment methods? How to make a silver bridge from foil

Vasilyeva Irina

Doctor of Science, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and MAINB


Educational work in the field of physiology of self-healing and independent human adaptation under the influence of geocosmic resonances.

Self-healing programs for various diseases: scoliosis, hepatitis, heart failure, headache, stroke, heart attack, scoliosis, osteoporosis, skull and spinal injuries, tumors of various etiologies, asthma, pneumonia, allergies, infertility, episyndrome, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, prostatitis, hypertension, gallstones, kidney stones, aggressiveness, apathy, cystitis, enuresis. Silver, peptides, glucosamine, heparin, reaferon, ingitril are used.

Correction of the nose, cervical, thoracic and pelvic scoliosis, normalize autonomic nervous control, restore general and cerebral circulation, remove damage and information about injuries.

We teach a person to straighten his head independently, help his heart, do blood massage and place cupping. I create a personal program for individual work using the Method. Here they will give you hope and teach you useful skills for maintaining health.

Seminars in Yekaterinburg. Based on the results of each seminar, a book of lectures is published.

Catalog of lectures:

In the last two published lectures, I emphasized the need to first restore the circulatory system. And to do this, strengthen the links of the autonomic nervous system. Next – remove inflammatory processes (throat, jaws, ears, liver, bladder). Strengthen connective tissue. Ensure the safety of biofield structures - shells and channels, which is especially important when the Earth is turbulent, i.e. during geocosmic resonances. And finally, constantly train the muscle structures of the neck, back, abdomen, legs and perform the massage that is discussed in every lecture.

We have created an urgent adaptation program: vibration massage of the head, stretching and massage of the neck and sternum, push-ups of the ligaments, vibration massage of the subclavian fossae, where the subclavian plexuses are located, circulatory massage and elevation of the kidneys. We do this at every seminar lesson, it is spelled out in detail in every lecture of the current year. We ourselves do this strictly. At the seminar we cleanse the liver and bladder, cleanse the blood and lymph, people learn therapeutic exercises and non-contact massage.

Ekaterinburg (8-343) 272-46-72; (8-343) 272-68-55.

Novosibirsk (8-383) 348-44-17

What to do according to the Method

What is the work of maintaining health according to the Method? Let's think together. It turns out that in order to restore the control system, you need to do very little; your fingers are enough. Someone might say (I know there are doctors here) that my prescriptions are quite monotonous. Well, for example, constantly adjusting your head...

Let's now help the head a little more to maintain the small-signal control mode. Let's stretch the parietal tubercle and forehead... Stretch and shake... on one side... on the other side... Now let's tear off the parietal tubercle from the back of the head and shake... We'll tear off the jaw and cheekbone from the back of the head... on one side... and on the other. Let's stretch the back of the head and forehead very, very much. Let’s push the “chair” against the forehead and raise it above the nose. Let's pull our neck forward - very, very much!

Let's draw branches of the internal thoracic arteries (IMA) from the middle of the collarbones - so that the vessels are strong, so that they receive blood. Let's conduct blood to the centers of the vegetative nervous system– to the cervical and thoracic sympathetic nodes. Let's stretch the sternum - bend over: straight arms clasped behind your back, “crack the nuts” with your shoulder blades. We will definitely carry out blood to the kidneys and return it back. Let's take care of the heart. To the heart - blood, to the heart - blood, to the heart - all my love! Let's supply blood to the interventricular branch: hand movements from right to left, from top to bottom. And for the sake of the heart, let’s rub the edge of our hands and click our tongue. And easily, easily, quickly, quickly squeeze the tip of the little finger from the sides. We both click and squeeze – with the same frequency. It’s also good for the heart when your stomach sticks out. Come on, reach me with your belly! Stick it out harder! This frees up space for the vessels of the heart: the diaphragm goes down and the vessels open. Like this simple work, it must be performed many times a day. Simple - but it helps!

Irina Vasilyeva

You have the most powerful weapon on Earth: love and prayer.

John M. Templeton

In January 1998, I received a wonderful gift from a neighbor - she gave me Vasilyeva’s book “Your Own Healer” to read. I read it in one gulp, very interesting.

Irina Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva is a practicing healer, known in Omsk, Novosibirsk, Moscow, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. On the first page is the author’s address to the reader.

“This book is unusual. It is charged with a positive energy information flow and is itself a source of norm and goodness. You can put it under the pillow of a child or an old person - sleep and well-being will improve. Do not allow a book to be read or copied from your home. She is the Guardian of your home.”

And my neighbor gave it to me, thank her very much, I think it will not harm her. She and her son Lesha went to Vasilyeva for treatment, and the boy had a fistula on his neck that certified doctors could not cope with. The boy suffered for several years, but is now healthy.

Irina Aleksandrovna writes in her book that “everything in the World, according to the sages of the East, is a consequence of the interaction of two opposite principles: yin– water and yang– fire and energy.

By nourishing, controlling and supporting each other, they develop and maintain the connection between human life and Nature. Imbalance between yin And yang leads to illness. The flow of life along the surface of the body flows along the meridians, providing cells and exchanging information and energy with the environment, connecting the body with all that exists. They run parallel to the spine and the large bones of the arms and legs, covering the skin almost evenly in vertical channels from crown to toe. Biologically active points (BAP) are located on the meridians.<...>Non-damaging massage and cold exposure to areas of thickening of BAP will improve overall health and help cope with the problems of pain, decreased vision and hearing, fatigue, chronic diseases, as well as facial skin aging.”

It seems simple. And it's difficult. It is difficult for a person who is “slagged” with pills to understand that health depends on himself, that you can become healthy without taking pills, but by working on yourself. It’s much easier to take pills, but they won’t make you healthy.

What diseases and how does Vasilyeva treat them? And here is her answer:

“I’m not treating anyone. I help bring the basic systems of the body back to normal. And diseases go away on their own!”

Vasilyeva suggests starting your recovery by cleansing the body. First of all, you need to cleanse the large intestine. During the week, do many (20–40) enemas, two in the morning and in the evening. The capacity of each enema is 1–2 liters, the water temperature is 35–40 degrees, add red beet juice - 1–2 tablespoons per liter of water, slightly acidify with vinegar or citric acid, add a decoction of knotweed, chamomile, motherwort, linden. The older the person, the greater the blockage, the more enemas need to be done.

She advises limiting the consumption of meat, fish, cottage cheese, and milk. Recommends eating porridge: millet, rice, buckwheat - with pumpkin. He advises you to fall in love with the feeling of hunger, drink a decoction (knotweed, rose hips, nettle and birch leaves) 2 glasses a day. Place a warming compress made of salted wool on the abdomen and liver area overnight (wet a strip of woolen knitwear, wring it out in a towel and lightly salt it. Place the damp cloth with the salted side on the sore spot).

Vasilyeva suggests An ancient recipe for cleansing the body from the practice of Tibetan monasteries. Take some water into your mouth and actively rinse your mouth, as if trying to remove stuck food from your tooth. Carry out this procedure in the morning and evening for 10–15 minutes. It helps with headaches and toothaches, sore throats, acute respiratory viral infections and stress. You can do this while cleaning the apartment, doing laundry, washing dishes. The idea of ​​the commonality of external and internal work: “I’m cleaning here and cleaning inside.”

Also very useful drink 2–5 tablets daily activated carbon, there are foods containing coarse fiber - apples, carrots, wholemeal bread, and temper You can do it at home, in an apartment. To do this, you need to undress, wet a small towel with water at a temperature of 78–80 degrees, quickly wring it out and wipe your entire body at a rapid pace. Be naked for five minutes, then get dressed and move a little.

If your right side hurts, you should cleanse the liver. First - cleansing enemas. On the day of liver cleansing, eat little, drink a liter of apple juice (fruit juice from currants, cranberries, sea buckthorn...) in 5-6 doses. At about 3 p.m., drink a laxative (5 tablets of sena or buckthorn or 6–7 capsules castor oil) is one dose. Wait 2–3 hours. If energetic relaxation of the intestines does not begin, take another dose - it is necessary for the laxative to take effect.

When you go to the toilet for the most part, start the second stage. Prepare 3 glasses: in the first, highly acidified water or fruit drink, in the second - 150 grams vegetable oil, in the third - strong coffee, tea or rosehip decoction without sugar. Rinse your mouth and throat well with acidified water, spit and drink the oil, rinse your mouth again, take another dose of laxative and drink the contents of the third glass. After this, place a warming compress of damp, salted wool on the liver area, attach a heating pad (electric on an extension cord or a bag of hot salt) on top and lie down on your right side. It is better to place a glass of fruit drink nearby in case nausea starts. And go to bed.

In the morning, be sure to give several enemas to cleanse the intestines of everything that has come out of the gallbladder. Gallbladder stones contain bilirubin and are colored green color, they come out soft, and sometimes dissolve so much that they become a solid greenish mass. This is the best case.

I did all these procedures, following the instructions strictly, and my bilirubin stones dissolved and came out as a solid greenish mass. There was no pain during cleaning, only severe weakness. I spent the entire next day in bed.

But if pain appears, Vasilyeva advises placing the fist of your right hand on the solar plexus area, applying pressure and forcefully moving it to the side, leaning slightly to the right. Repeat until pain disappears. This prevents the premature passage of stones.

Cleanse the kidneys, liver and intestines. Make compresses from wool with urine.

Maryin root (peony evasive): fill two-thirds of a half-liter bottle with roots and fill to the top with vodka. Close and place in a warm place dark place. After 7 days, drain the infusion and drink 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals.

If the process has gone far, use fraction 2 (ASD-2). This drug is successfully used in veterinary medicine and has an intolerable stench. You can use a gentle recipe: make enemas from urine (50 ml) with the addition of ASD-2, starting with 1 drop. You need to add one every day until you reach ten. Then reduce one drop per day. Take a two-week break and repeat the course. The fraction must be fresh.

Place copper patches, copper or aluminum foil on the site of the tumor. Daily from inside Copper must be cleaned with ordinary dish paste, removing copper tar - a strong poison, which Avicenna warned about. Wash the skin thoroughly so that no green residue remains.

I. A. Vasilyeva uses three spells for a tumor (uraza), which are very strong. They need to be said in full confidence that they will help. Be sure to memorize it.

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Knowledge of the laws of the World and respect for Nature will help humanity survive in an era of disasters. We live on a turbulent planet: glaciations and melting ice, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions, thunderstorms and changes atmospheric pressure will disturb the Earth many more times. Devotees of science create a system of models of the World and man - the main Knowledge. This Knowledge at first seems incomprehensible, but in fact it is also accessible to a child, if you show him, on the basis of Kirlian photographs, that his finger, his body emit light, explain that the more light around him, the more strength for a full life and its knowledge . From childhood, a person should know that he is a cosmic being and that he is in constant communication and interaction, thanks to his radiation, not only with all life on Earth, but also in Space.

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Dear Reader! My first book, “Your Own Healer,” was loved by everyone. At the request of readers, we present it almost in full. But a lot has changed since it was written. I spent many thousands of hours in the “Healer” hall, at the reception. in libraries and scientific laboratories, with a television camera and a microphone. I traveled to distant countries and defended my doctoral dissertation on human adaptation. Therefore, the book contains inclusions that reflect today's understanding. If at first they

may seem difficult to you. skip it. read on. then you'll come back.

Let me walk the road with you, accompanying you along the way. This book will be your companion and amulet. We are specially releasing it in a travel format. Let her be a cheerful, wise and delicate companion, so that you and I can be together for a long time. I ask God: may love and devotion remain, compassion and readiness to unite increase, and strength of hand and mind develop!

My friends worked on the book. Katyusha Toropova has been illustrating our books for four years now. And how she painted the walls in our Yekaterinburg Center - my soul rejoices! It will be easier for you to help your child if Katina Bel-Belila and the Spirit of Water are with you. Her images seem to me surprisingly accurate and filled with high spirituality. Natasha Polyakova is young, beautiful, cheerful and kind. She drew the boy Romka - this is her friend. Roma used to be sick, but now he has become trained and healthy. His sister Nastya learned to maintain her posture and clean her ears. The guys tried very hard to cheer you up and show you how to correctly perform the exercises using our method. We all really want this to become clear to you and to be within your power!

On the pages of the book there are consultants from the “Healer” club - Lidia Petrovna, Maria Vasilievna, Lyuba Sosnina, Marina Cherepanova, Tatyana Baryshnikova, Galina Zaretskaya, Apisa Zakharova. They have developed a method, they really want to help you start and not quit! Good luck and patience to you!

Irina Vasilyeva, Novosibirsk, 1999

Man does not exist in isolation. He is in the World. My task is to restore the integrity of the structure and connections of man with the World. And then it’s easy for him to return to his normal level of health,” says Irina Aleksandrovna with conviction. She knows a lot about the World and man, more than you and I. But her knowledge does not paralyze the interlocutor. And with Mir she is on “You”:

I am only a conductor of Reason. I don’t have any super energy of my own. - And he looks with a soft, warm gaze, as if he is apologizing for what he said.

“I am a healer,” she says about herself, “I studied traditional medicine from healers.” Until I got to know Irina intimately and accepted her unconditionally, I was still surprised: was she showing off? With her three “higher” degrees and a PhD in electrodynamics, should she sign up to become a healer? Yes, and it’s not similar. She is beautiful, cheerful, has an infectious laugh, children are drawn to her, literally hang on her neck, and don’t leave her side. But...

The large hall of the city of Omsk is filled to capacity with people. War veterans, elderly people, young people, children. The majority have serious illnesses: gallstones and kidney stones, pain in the back, head and stomach, diabetes, heart disease. People are waiting for a miracle. And a miracle comes.

Even in the first lesson.

Whose mouth is dry?

Very many. Irina Aleksandrovna makes several waves of her hand, asks her to clasp her hands in front of her chest, and people notice: the dryness has gone.

Who has heart pain?

The metal stick started spinning and got stuck in right hand, the fingers of the outstretched left hand trembled:

And now?

Does not hurt.

Instant healing is truly miraculous. But this is only the healer’s calling card, a prelude to joint work. The main miracle is ahead. Training, quick diagnosis and correction with a serious explanation, a report from those who have overcome the disease, non-contact massage, even sweating, laughter... I am surprised to note that the nagging pain in my back has gone away. And then a living candle flame, prayer, soft voice music... And they fall on the soul simple words about the World, about Mind, about man - it seems that this knowledge has always been in me, but now it magically manifests itself...

I look at people's faces - they glow, this is the light of understanding and love. They understood, they have already checked something, so they will do the rest and get well! And at the last lesson, to Irina Alexandrovna’s question: who gave you back your health? - they will confidently answer: - We ourselves!

And here's the nurse elderly woman, shakes a jar of green dried stones in front of me:

Look how much sleep I got! And literally - in three sessions, completely painless. but there were coral stones. I carried out all the procedures that Irina Aleksandrovna prescribed, day and night in compresses. And I was freed from stones completely and painlessly. An ultrasound confirmed that the liver was clean. But the main thing is that the pain stopped!

A war veteran talks about his successes - he believed, he cleaned himself, he does exercises. I feel better, my head and heart don’t hurt, my sleep has been restored. He also checked how “kind words” work:

I said to my old woman: “My dear, pour me some tea,” - so at first she almost fainted. And now it’s okay, he’s getting used to it! – he laughs, and the people in the hall smile. Everyone remembers some case of luck, victory over circumstances and over themselves.

They leave the hall full of hope, happy and peaceful. And they return, bringing relatives and friends, bringing photographs of loved ones, children, grandchildren. This is how communication with Irina Alexandrovna Vasilyeva, a healer and scientist, affects them. She calls herself a healer, operational information with knowledge found calls herself a healer.

Natalia Vorobyova, Novosibirsk. 1992

With love and goodwill to you, my dear Reader

The essence of my activity is Nature's help to humanity in situations of danger. I work from this representative office. “That’s what nature wanted. Why is not our business. Why - it’s not for us to judge...” “If we were to write about this in detail, then, I think, the world itself would not be able to accommodate the books written,” this is what is said in the Gospel.

As soon as man came to self-awareness, he separated himself from Nature, rose above it, and began to consume a lot. Isn't this the reason for our troubles?

I would like to briefly talk about how I imagine the World and man, about the programs that ensure the effectiveness of my actions. In a language that is familiar to me, as it happened in my soul.

The desire to understand and tell is as old as the world. The ancient Greeks used their brain and sensory abilities as the main tool of knowledge; they did thought experiments. Today's researchers have powerful computing centers, antennas, synchrophasotrons and lasers. Has it become clearer? No! The prestige of science has been undermined. Everywhere people are turning to religion and faith.

I like the Greeks. My tools are the soul, the hand and the spiritual community “Healer”. And also - a channel through which weak signals from the World come to me. I try to listen sensitively, accept and connect this operational information with the knowledge found by science and the suffering of humanity.
For me, the World is Nature, infinite in its material incarnations, a great and intelligent Whole. The world once came into being. We will not say when and how, we will leave this problem to religion. Let's see what he is like now. It consists of Mind and material bodies. The Center of the Mind is the Creative Mind, or the World Soul. You can say: God or Divine Mind. But in the space of the Mind there are many more objects: these are spiritual Entities, models of the World, minds of materialized systems, libraries and processors for modeling. Our ancestors were nourished by faith in the good spirits of Fire, Rain, Water, healing Grass, Mother Earth, and later - in the good Mother of God. The healers of Rus' were helped by Panteleimon the healer, Bel-Belila and Life-giving Cross, and they asked for energy from the treasured Alatyr stone. The memory of the Mind is limitless.

Reason is opposed to chaos, it is endowed with will (Spirit) and memory. He gives birth to plans (ideas, models or thought forms) in the form of images. The image contains information - a plan and energy for the material embodiment of the plan. The mind monitors the material implementation of plans and corrects the norm with the help of energy-informational flows of ether, penetrating material world. For me, the norm is a model of an object and restrictions on its behavior at all levels of structure in a variable habitat.

The world is filled with ether. The idea that the world is not empty has been maintained throughout human history. China, India, Thailand, Egypt, Ancient Greece, Persia. The growing culture of Europe - Lomonosov in Russia, Maxwell in England, Helmholtz and, finally, Einstein. The same Einstein, the famous creator special theory relativity, in which canceled broadcast, spent the rest of my life working on general theory. It turns out that there he declared: “We cannot do without ether.”

What is ether? This is an environment that has a number of properties: protective, communicative and metric (let's call them that). Everything in Nature should be easily found; ether is a kind of coordinate grid that allows you to know where everything is. The ether is easily modulated by the mind, it easily receives information, and in this case it already exhibits the property of intelligence. It is these amazing properties of the ether that make it possible to maintain the stability of such a nonequilibrium system as the Solar one.

The main form that ensures the sustainable development of matter is a vortex; this manifests itself at both the micro and macro levels. Remember a child's top - a small whirlwind, how long it spins with a little pumping! And the atom is a vortex, and the planetary system of the Sun, and the Galaxy... Apparently, thanks to the properties of the vortex, material forms are able to interact stably with environment, drawing in the ether from the poles and transforming it into matter and energy of radiation, movement or control. Both a plasma star and ball lightning are a vortex, and our blue Earth...

Complex material systems consist, like a nesting doll, of simpler, nested subsystems. Each of the subsystems has its own weak points - there, when the environment fluctuates, the balance is disturbed. “Matryoshka dolls” influence each other, and each “weak point” of the shell system can upset the balance (and with strong shocks of the environment, cause destruction) of those structures in the liner system that are at that moment in their weak points. Violations of the norm arise because the “shell inserts,” protecting themselves from the environment, create too strong fields, shielding them from the “older” mind. This is how the system loses information about the whole, and this is how the disorder (entropy) of the World grows.

Knowledge of the laws of the World and respect for Nature will help humanity survive in an era of disasters. We live on a restless planet: glaciations and melting ice, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions, thunderstorms and changes in atmospheric pressure will disturb the Earth many times. Devotees of science create a system of models of the World and man - the main Knowledge. This Knowledge at first seems incomprehensible. But when I began to understand its structure, it turned out that it can be passed on to a child. For me it is a compass and a piece of bread on the road, an engine and fuel, a roof and clothes, a friend’s shoulder and the basis of readiness to act.

The great ones not only conveyed to us the image of the World, they showed an example of the highest morality in science and life. It seems to me that a person engaged in real work cannot do without the help of Reason. They are ready to help anyone who is kind and patient. Who will help us become highly moral people? Where do love and morality come from in today's Russia? It seems to me that the precious experience of ascetics will serve us all. When it’s difficult for me, I rely my soul on great scientists, holy righteous people and unknown healers who have created a huge layer of spirituality - the Mutual Guaranty of Good.

The most stable are living, self-organizing systems. Life is like an iceberg. The material dense shell is only the visible “top”.

The main, underwater part of the iceberg of Life is the biofield and the mind. It is the mind that should be the source of negative entropy of the living. A living entity can be said to have two characteristics: gross body and soul. The reliability of its existence, the features of its structure and function in its habitat depend on the ratio of the “top” and the underwater part.

The properties of a living system compared to a non-living one are regulated metabolic processes, adaptability, the ability to reproduce and special channels for the reception, transmission and circulation of energy information flows. So the mind of a living system (insert) communicates with the mind of the “upper” system (shell), all the subsystems of its level and its “inserts”. After all, the liner system simultaneously serves as a shell for other structures. Even an indivisible unit of living things - a cell - is a shell system for a huge branched economy in which vital processes of energy and information exchange take place.

Living beings have many spiritual and informational connections, some of them are activated, while others, on the contrary, are weakened as they develop and interact with the World. Each small mind can communicate with the earthly or solar, galactic or world Mind. The mind responds to a request - every particle of the great whole can ask for help. The safety of external and internal connections is guaranteed reliable operation living system as a whole during environmental fluctuations.

The Mind of the Earth - The Noosphere unites and embraces with its influence many living earthly systems that have their own minds. The mind of a living community constitutes an egregor. We can talk about egregors of the ocean and taiga, a swarm of bees and a collective of people. In the noosphere there exist, being born and dying, renewing and interacting, many egregors influencing each other and subordinate to one another. And all the living have the opportunity to go to God.


According to the Creator's plan, man is a being capable of modeling, love and unification. There are several habitable planets in our Galaxy. And, perhaps, life was transferred to us in the forms that developed on similar planets. However, under the conditions of the Earth, it became necessary to adapt Life to the sharply variable radiation of the Sun. There are several adaptive strategies for humans: unification with God, Nature and people; cognition - spiritual and information search; material production, accumulation of substrate, protection of territory, arrangement of shelter. But the development of mankind has followed a technogenic path: man decided to protect himself from chaos with the help of technology, which is noisy, not environmentally friendly and requires the greatest effort from him. Man has become aggressive, blind and deaf, he has disfigured his habitats, he has forgotten God and abandoned Life - that is why, in my opinion, he is sick and leaves before his time.

The processes of occurrence of “main” diseases are closely related to development and adaptation. Social and geocosmic stressors only accelerate the process of destruction of the body. If a person is guided by the motto “sail, my boat, according to the will of the waves,” without helping Life with his mind, he will die from one of the four main diseases: atherosclerosis, cancer, hypertension and obese diabetes. It is stress - overstrain of the human control system, including the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, that today's science explains the diseases of civilization. But traditional medicine stores cause-and-effect models of diseases associated with fractures of the skull, spine and displacement of organs.

In our “Healer” there are people who instantly recovered. Some of them were almost healthy, while others were hopelessly ill. They had a common quality: everyone felt needed, important and needed by God, Nature, their family and Russia.

Theologians and philosophers, scientists and psychologists talk about faith. For a long time we were taught that faith is both the child and the mother of ignorance. This is wrong. Faith can be constructive and fruitful when it is based on knowledge, the moral law of God and Nature, the support of the World and the moral imperative voluntarily accepted by man. Faith gives me freedom.

If you live with God and do not lose friendship with Nature, you can gain knowledge, connections with the World and skills; can be done right choice and set the desired goal. Remains believe that the goal is achievable, concentrate your strength and really move towards the goal.

Faith is the driver and foundation of optimism, motivation and morality. Faith is the recognition of moral divine axioms. “...Faith is the main attraction of a person, determining his life, views, aspirations and actions” (I. Ilyin).

I believe there is space-Mind and Nature; God exists as the main Intelligent entity and, at the same time, He is present in all natural entities; He is omnipotent, kind and needs people; Nature is intelligent and requires respect for itself.

I believe that I have the strength for faith, moral choice, and action now and in the future; that, provided I have high morality, God, Nature and friends will help me in a good deed; that my friends are true to me and we will never let each other down.

I believe that there is a Mutual Guaranty of Good - a spiritual egregor created by ascetics, protecting humanity and helping it along the way; that knowledge imparted to man will revive his respect for Nature and reverence for Life; that a strategy of unification based on respect for Nature will save humanity; that Russian culture will rise; folk traditions respect for existence will be reborn; people will have faith, respect for the Word and motivation to unite; the knowledge we have found will be mastered by Russians with great benefit for the World; that every person can become their own HEALER!

In Rus' there was a strongly ecological natural worldview. You can call it pantheism. A similar worldview - Taoism still exists in China. It is based on the characteristics of a large territory and the need for a person to solve the problems of survival in difficult conditions. I take part in its revival and development.

The Word is nourished by faith and knowledge. The power of the Word is based on the will of God and the known laws of Nature and Reason. The Word comes to people through a conductor; The effectiveness of the Word depends on the personal morality, spirituality and wisdom of the vehicle of the Word. I work with the Word, and it educates me.

I read Russian philosophers: Nikolai Berdyaev, Ivan Ilyin, Nikolai Lossky... In the fall of 1922, under threat of execution, the Bolsheviks expelled a large group of writers, scientists, and public figures of Russia by sea from St. Petersburg to Germany. The passengers of the “philosophical ship” were those who, according to Berdyaev, did not want to part with spiritual freedom, reject God and accept the “false religion of communism.” No one felt safe along the way. But the ship arrived at its destination. They were not enemies of their country. In a foreign land, they continued the main work of their lives - understanding the fate of Russia and the creation of Russian philosophy, sensitively and caringly catching news about the Motherland, weaving them into the fabric of their thoughts. They explored the experience of history and the problems of the future of Russia, as is typical for scientists, essentially and directly. They left a portrait of the era. Finally, he became available to us.

My optimism finds particular support in the works of N.A. Berdyaev. He was moral, spiritual and wise. In a foreign land, he was always with God and Russia and laid the foundations for Russia's future worldview. Here are his thoughts:

“Man is a being wholly dependent on nature and society, on the world and the state, if there is no God. If there is a God, then man is a spiritually independent being. And the relationship to God is defined not as a person’s dependence, but as his freedom. God is my freedom and the dignity of a spiritual being. (...) God is a liberating, enlightening and transforming force, and not a punishing, distributing retribution and raping force.

(...) Pure humanity seems alien, distant and inaccessible to the average person. Pure humanity is divine, desired by God. The essence of Christianity and its greatest novelty was in revealing the humanity of God, in bridging the gap between God and man. This truth about God-humanity is hidden behind the conventional and symbolic forms of dogma. Everything that in Christianity and even in the Gospels is opposite to this divine humanity is exoteric, for external use, pedagogical, adapted to fallen human nature. But pedagogy that is suitable for one era may turn out to be unsuitable and harmful for another. Humanity has entered an age when in religion the frightening element threatening cruel punishments only plays into the hands of militant atheism. (...) Be humane in one of the most inhumane eras of world history, preserve the image of man, he is the image of God. The low opinion of people, which is very much nourished by our era, cannot shake my high opinion of God’s idea of ​​​​man.”


Great books. They accompany us all our lives. I again turn to not just a familiar text, but a text I know by heart. But every time it sounds different in the soul, because we become different. The Gospel of Mark is closest to me. Let us open the New Testament together.

Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist, and “... the heavens were opened to Him, and John saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and descending on Him... And at the same time there was a voice from heaven: “This is My Beloved Son” (Matt. 3:16,17). This happened in 28 AD. Jesus healed and preached for about a year and a half, and then was crucified.

The Koran insists that Jesus was one of the prophets (seventeen names are mentioned in the Old Testament). “The Messiah spoke; worship God, My Lord and your Lord... The son of Mary is only a messenger, like those who came before him” (Quran, ch. 5, 76, 79,115,117).

In the “Old Testament” there are strong elements of sadism and vindictiveness, but, despite the fear of punishment, people constantly break the law. It is obvious that tough power, which crosses out a person, cannot actually keep people moral. At the time of Jesus' appearance, Judea was a Roman province, ruled by Pontius Pilate, Caesar's governor. But real power was in the hands of the high priests and elders; A prominent role was played by the Pharisees - rich religious fanatics and hypocrites.

And here in this land, with like this a set of laws, a messenger of God appears, endowed with special abilities and powers. He sees, hears and understands everything; He has strong compassion, He can and wants to help. Having overcome the temptations of the devil in the desert, He tries to awaken independence and dignity in people. He bravely began to heal people where everything related to healing was strictly regulated. Many people followed Him, and He healed them all (Matthew 12:15).

People did not have the right to look for the causes of illnesses and cures; they were forced to rely in everything on the mercy of not even God - the priests. So, if a person had any skin disease, he had to come to the priest and show the sore spot. The priest, having examined him, decided whether to declare him “clean” or “unclean.” “As long as the plague remains on him, he must be unclean; he is unclean; he must live separately, his dwelling is outside the camp.” If the priest saw that the sick person was healed, he performed the ritual of sacrificing a bird over living water, sprinkling it on the person being cleansed seven times; and he washed his clothes, shaved his head, beard and eyebrows, and remained outside his tent for seven days. Then he shaved his hair, washed his body and clothes, and was considered “clean.” He had to bring to the priest three sheep (for the poor - one sheep) without blemish, bring flour and oil... “And the priest shall make a sin offering and cleanse him who is being cleansed from his uncleanness” (Lev. 13:14).

Jesus treated all illnesses as best he could. “A leper comes to Him and, begging Him and falling on his knees before Him, says to Him: If you want, you can cleanse me. Jesus, having compassion on him, stretched out his hand, touched him and said to him: I want you to be clean. After this word, the leprosy immediately left him, and he became clean” (Mark 1:40-42). Then He ordered this man to come to the priest and give what was due to the temple, and not tell anyone about his miraculous healing. But he did not go to the temple, but began to tell everyone about Jesus and his great power.

“They brought to Him a deaf man who was tongue-tied and asked Him to lay His hand on him. Jesus, taking him aside from the people, put His fingers into his ears and, spitting, touched his tongue. And, looking up at Heaven, he sighed and said to him: “Open.” And immediately his ears were opened, and the bonds of his tongue were loosed, and he began to speak clearly. And he ordered them not to tell anyone. But no matter how much He forbade them, they divulged even more. And they marveled greatly and said, “He does all things well, and makes the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak” (Mark 7:32-37).

“He took the blind man by the hand, led him out of the village, and, spitting in his eyes, laid his hands on him and asked him if he saw anything? He looked and said:

I see people passing by like trees. Then he again laid his hands on his eyes and told him to look. And he was healed and began to see everything clearly. And he sent him home, saying, “Do not go into the village, and do not tell anyone in the village” (Mark 8:23-26). But he asked in vain...

“Here was a man who had been ill for thirty-eight years. Jesus, seeing him lying down, said: Do you want to be healthy? The sick man answered Him: So, Lord... Jesus said to him: get up, take up your bed and walk. And he immediately became well, took up his bed, and walked” (John 5:5-9).

“He preached in their synagogues throughout Galilee and cast out demons. And everyone asked: what is this? What kind of new teaching is this, that He commands even the unclean spirits with authority, and they obey Him?...they brought to Him all the sick and demon-possessed. And He healed many who were suffering from various diseases; He cast out many demons, and did not allow the demons to say that they knew that He was the Christ” (Mark 1:27,34,39).

Naturally, He was inconvenient for the lawyers and elders: people began to get out of control. And then they began to accuse Him of having connections with Satan.

“They brought to Him a demon-possessed man, blind and dumb; and he healed him, so that the blind and dumb began to speak and see. The Pharisees said: he casts out demons only by the power of Satan, the prince of demons. But Jesus... said to them: Every kingdom divided against itself will be desolate; and every city or house divided against itself cannot stand. And if Satan casts out Satan, then he will be divided with himself; How will his kingdom stand?.. Recognize the tree to be good and its fruit to be good; or judge the tree to be bad and its fruit to be bad, for a tree is known by its fruit” (Matthew 12:24-26, 33).

He healed with the Holy Spirit, and said that everyone could if they believed. “Truly I say to you, all sins and blasphemies will be forgiven to the sons of men, no matter what they blaspheme; but whoever blasphemes the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but he is subject to eternal condemnation. He said this because they said, “He has an unclean spirit” (Mark 3:28-30).

According to the laws of Moses, every event in a person’s life required an expiatory or thanksgiving sacrifice to the temple; Only priests could dispose of the sacrifice - this was strictly observed.

Thus, a woman was considered “unclean” for forty days after the birth of her son and eighty after her daughter. At the end of the period, she had to offer a sheep and a dove as a sacrifice for “sin” (Lev. 12). For the convenience of the townspeople, sacrificial pigeons and animals were sold directly in the temples.

Jesus came to the temple in Jerusalem. “And he found that in the temple they were selling oxen, sheep, and doves, and there were money changers sitting. And making a scourge of ropes, he drove everyone out of the temple, including the sheep and oxen, and scattered the money from the money changers, and overturned their tables. And he said to those who sold doves, “Take this from here, and do not make My Father’s house a house of trade” (John 2:14-16).

Jesus not only healed, but also taught. And there was a miracle in His Word too. He was kind. He taught them as one in authority, and not as scribes (Mark 1:22).

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest; take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls; For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-30).

The Law of Moses prohibited sorcery and sorcery. “A man or a woman, if they call forth the dead or practice magic, they shall be put to death; They must be stoned” (Lev. 20:27). Jesus broke taboos. He performed miracles - he raised people from the dead, cast out demons, walked on water, and fed thousands of people with five loaves of bread. He waited for the people to follow Him, repent, believe and begin to live in love for God and neighbor.

“When Jesus went out, he saw a large crowd and had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many... whoever touched Him were healed” (Mark 6:34,56).

Soon Jesus gathered twelve disciples from those he met along the way. He “gave them power over all demons and to heal diseases” (Luke 9:1). They went out healing and casting out demons, and stayed in houses, and the people fed them. But the flow of sufferers did not decrease, and Jesus called seventy more people. And they also began to heal and cast out demons.

He was tolerant of others. “John said: Teacher! We have seen a man who casts out demons in Your name, and does not follow us; and they forbade him because he does not follow us. Jesus said: Do not forbid him, for no one who has done a miracle in My name can quickly speak evil of Me. For whoever is not against you is for you” (Mark 9:38-40).

It soon became clear that even seventy could not cope, although the country was small. And Jesus began to teach people to heal themselves. The essence of his commandments is faith. One must not only believe in God, but also in what a person himself can do if he believes. “Have faith in God. For truly I say to you, if anyone says to this mountain, “Be taken up and cast into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, whatever he says will be done for him. Therefore I say to you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be done for you” (Mark 11: 23, 24).

Believe it! They don’t want to, they can’t... And He again treats the child, complaining about the mother’s lack of understanding. He said “believe it!” - but she gives Him her child, asking for healing as for alms. “Jesus said: if you can believe as much as you can, all things are possible to him who believes... He who believes will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned. These signs will follow those who believe; In My name they will cast out demons...they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 9:23; 16:17,18).

According to the Old Testament, sinners could only be forgiven once a year, but He forgives them immediately. To the motionless man He says: “...your sins are forgiven you. The scribes and Pharisees began to reason: who can forgive sins except God alone? Jesus answered them: ...which is easier to say: “Your sins are forgiven you,” or to say: “Rise and walk”? (Luke 5:20-23). He said: “Get up and walk!” - and the man went. Get up, man, believe in God, believe in yourself - and you will be your own healer.

He brought love and compassion, this bright Son of Man. “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:33). “Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who use you and persecute you.” you" (Matthew 5:44). "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven" (Luke 6:36,37 But those who controlled the ideology - the elders, Pharisees, lawyers (scribes) and high priests - conspired to kill Him.

They sought to kill Him because “He called God His Father, making Himself equal to God. To this Jesus said: The Son can do nothing of Himself unless He sees the Father doing it; for whatever He does, these things the Son also does... For as the Father raises the dead and gives life, so the Son gives life... That all may honor the Son as they honor the Father” (John 5:18-23).

The lawyers watched every step and word of Jesus, trying to destroy Him. But they could do nothing with Him while the people were for Him. And people followed Him for bread and circuses, for free healing, without giving themselves the trouble to delve into His Word - they were on their knees for too long! Miracle followed miracle, and they began to fear these miracles. And the lawyers heated up: he breaks the laws... he does not honor the Sabbath... he heals - but at what cost!.. there will be punishment for all the people in many tribes...

He is expelled from Nazareth: “... All in the synagogue they were filled with rage and, getting up, drove Him out of the city and took Him to the top of the mountain... to overthrow Him. But He passed through the midst of them and departed” (Luke 4:28-30).

Residents are curious - how does He heal a demoniac? “When they came to Jesus, they found a man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind; and were horrified... And asked him all the people The Gadarene neighborhood should withdraw from them, because they were seized with great fear” (Luke 8:35-37).

Even Jesus’ disciples “did not understand what He said.” In the parables, His bitterness from incomprehension, from the lack of understanding of people is revealed: “Why do you call Me: Lord! God! and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46).

Intimidated by the lawyers, people returned to the shadow of the old Testament. “The chief priests and elders stirred up the people... to destroy Jesus” (Matthew 27:20). Three times Pilate found Him innocent - all four evangelists testify to this (Matthew 27:15; Mark 15:6; Luke 23:17; John 19:12); Herod found himself innocent... (Luke 23:8-11,15). Jesus was put to death precisely on demand people. Read the New Testament!
Think about it, my dear Reader, nobody did not intercede - neither the apostles, nor the disciples, nor any of those healed by Him. And the resurrection didn't help!

Your own healer

: He is his own healer.
Author: Irina Vasilyeva
Publishing house: "Healer"
Format: pdf
Size: 8.28 MB

Irina Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva is a candidate of sciences, a famous healer, the author of an original method of restoring and maintaining health standards, the head of the “Healer” Ecological Center in Novosibirsk, a member of the editorial board of the “Be Healthy” magazine.
This book continues the conversation about the World and man’s place in it, about how to restore and maintain the health of one’s own, one’s home, loved ones and Nature, which began in seven of her books: “Your own healer,” “The healer is gaining strength,” “ The Healer Against Cancer,” “The Healer and the Woman” (parts 1 and 2) and “The Healer Becomes Powerful” (parts 1 and 2). The method proposed by Vasilyeva is safe and based on the achievements of science and medicine, modeling of the World, folk healing and the experience of the “Healer” club.

Healer against cancer

Name: Healer against cancer.
Author: Irina Vasilyeva
Publishing house: "Healer"
Format: pdf
Size:8.60 mb

Irina Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva is a candidate of sciences, a famous healer, the author of an original method of restoring and maintaining health standards, the head of the “Healer” Ecological Center in Novosibirsk, a member of the editorial board of the “Be Healthy” magazine.
This book continues the conversation about the World and man’s place in it, begun in her first three books - “Your Own Healer”, “The Healer Gaining Strength”, “The Healer and the Woman”.
This book is charged with a positive energy-information flow and is itself a source of norm and goodness. It contains the code of optimism, youth, tranquility and love. The code is not in words, not in printing ink or paper. Like the wind blowing through the trees, a stream of help and sympathy flows through it from Nature to you.

The healer gains strength. Part one

Name: The healer gains power. Part one.
Author: Irina Vasilyeva
Publishing house: "Healer"
Format: pdf
Size:7.88 mb

Irina Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva is a candidate of sciences, a famous healer, the author of an original method of restoring and maintaining health standards, the head of the “Healer” Ecological Center in Novosibirsk, a member of the editorial board of the “Be Healthy” magazine.

The healer gains strength. Part two.

Name: The healer gains power. Part two.
Author: Irina Vasilyeva
Publishing house: "Healer"
Format: pdf
Size: 7.73 MB

Irina Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva is a candidate of sciences, a famous healer, the author of an original method of restoring and maintaining health standards, the head of the “Healer” Ecological Center in Novosibirsk, a member of the editorial board of the “Be Healthy” magazine.
This book outlines a safe method for regaining and maintaining the health of body and soul. It is based on the achievements of advanced science and modern Medicine, modeling of the World and folk healing practices different countries. The method is reflected in 23 television lessons and articles in the magazine “Be Healthy.” There are simply no negative reviews.
Be consistent and attentive. By applying simple procedures and training, you will regain and maintain health.


Healer and woman. Part one.

Name: Healer and woman. Part 1.
Author: Irina Vasilyeva
Publishing house: "Healer"
Format: pdf
Size: 7.8 MB

Irina Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva is a candidate of sciences, a famous healer, the author of an original method of restoring and maintaining health standards, the head of the “Healer” Ecological Center in Novosibirsk, a member of the editorial board of the “Be Healthy” magazine.
This book briefly outlines the methodological foundations on which programs for long, healthy and happy life person; The concepts of modern psychology, including neurolinguistic programming, are clearly conveyed.
Specific recommendations are given for cleansing the body, massage, gymnastics and self-restraint, each of which is supported by physiological justification and experimental data, including the author’s.
The book is intended for those who have read the author’s first two books and confidently solve emerging health problems for their family without the help of pharmacies and clinics.
This book is charged with a positive energy-information flow and is itself a source of norm and goodness. It contains the code of optimism, youth, tranquility and love. The code is not in words, not in printing ink or paper. Like the wind blowing through the trees, a stream of help and sympathy flows through it from Nature to you.
