Calculation of the cubic capacity of a rounded log. Calculation of logs, calculation of a log house, a house made of solid wood. Calculation of material quantity

Still at the planning stage own home from wood, the owner of a private plot comes to the question - how much wood will be required for construction. And this is not idle interest. For example, if there is not enough lumber for construction or there is an excess of it, then in both cases you will have to overpay. How to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of a log house so that it is enough for a complete residential building, but without a large amount of excess wood?

Simple calculation

It would seem, based on school knowledge, nothing is simpler. Having found out the length, height and width of a log or beam, you can simply multiply and get the result of the dimensions of a wooden box. However, the diameter of the material must not be overlooked; it directly affects the final figure and width of the compensation cut, which leaves the original size of the logs, but significantly reduces the amount of wood.

It becomes clear that calculating the volume of a log house is not a very simple matter, especially taking into account the methods of connecting the corners - with and without the remainder. But still feasible. So, we have the desired size 6×6 and using this example we will analyze the required quantity:

  • First of all, you need to understand that a larger diameter of logs will ultimately be a plus in the overall consumption Money. After all, a built house will cost with a smaller layer of insulation, or even without it at all.

Thus, it becomes clear that construction must be carried out using logs with a diameter of 26 cm and above. So - the first known size is diameter = 0.26 mm.

  • Next, the height of the log house. It is impossible to calculate the frame for a house without taking into account the height. Usually it is in pure internal version 2.4 m per floor.

But let’s take an external height of 3 m as the required quantity. Now it’s not difficult to calculate the logs for one wall - 3/0.26 = 11.5 pcs. Round up to 12 and add the base crown element. Total number of logs per wall = 13 pcs.

  • Now let's make calculations for all the walls of the log house. Let's take a five-wall structure as an example, since the lengths of the sides are the same, it is not difficult to calculate a log house by the number of logs - 13 × 5 = 65 pieces. That is, to build a 6x6 house with a log diameter of 26 cm, 65 logs will be required.

But the material is not purchased individually. For this there is such a measure as volume. Of course, you can go to a sawmill and point your finger at the logs to indicate what material is needed, but it will look more than strange.

  • Using the well-known school formula - π*R²*L, we find the volume of one log. Multiplying the data - where R is the radius of the deck, and L is the length, we get the result 0.32 m³.

Now, assessing the offers on the market of lumber production companies, you can understand whether the average family can cope wood construction from the array. Suggested option - big house, even one floor high.

To this should be added the cost of the foundation, rafter system and finishing, which together can increase the amount of the project by more than 2 times. By the way, you can calculate a log house using the example given, and its cost is lower than a log.

Table of cubic capacity calculations for material of different diameters

To make complex calculations easier for users, here is a table of ready-made cubic capacity calculations for a certain array diameter:

Log diameter Log volume m³ at different lengths of logs
3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5
20 0.107 0.126 0.147 0.170 0.190 0.210 0.230 0.260
22 0.130 0.154 0.178 0.200 0.230 0.250 0.280 0.310
24 0.157 0.184 0.210 0.240 0.270 0.300 0.330 0.360
26 0.185 0.210 0.250 0.280 0.320 0.350 0.390 0.430
28 0.220 0.250 0.290 0.330 0.370 0.410 0.450 0.490

It is important that everything that exceeds the presented length and volume should be left to specialists, because the construction of such logs cannot be done without the use of special equipment, and, therefore, it is much cheaper and faster to entrust the work to professionals by ordering a turnkey log house from the company. Before concluding a contract, you can ask the company manager how cubic capacity is calculated.

Answering all the client’s questions is his sacred duty. Perhaps the knowledge gained will serve as a basis for self-construction property other than a residential building.

Calculation for a bath

To build your own steam room, you do not need to resort to the services of specialists - calculating the frame of a bathhouse yourself will not be difficult.

A typical 3x5 project will take a little time to construct and such a structure will consist of functional premises - nothing superfluous, but amenities are not lost.

So this is:

  1. Steam room.
  2. Wash room.
  3. Waiting room.

Based on the wishes of everyone at home, the steam room and washing room can be combined. Thus, there is no need for one wall.

But you should take into account the health characteristics of all visitors to the bathhouse - perhaps someone cannot tolerate steam. Yes, and washing at a constant temperature, not too much enjoyable activity even for avid lovers of Russian baths.

The problem of how to calculate a log house for a house can be solved quite easily using the above material and formulas. But you shouldn’t delude yourself and talk about the obtained figures as specific ones - you’ll have to take into account window and doorways, but not immediately, to subtract from the total amount, but to accept them as a proper expense. Otherwise, it will turn out that the array will have to be purchased again.

There is also a risk of purchasing substandard raw materials - damage, knots, wormholes - all this will further affect the amount of money spent. Remember that even rich and wealthy clients cannot afford to throw money away, so they use the working rule - you cannot skimp on quality.

When designing wooden houses very often the question arises: how to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of a log house? This is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

If the calculation of the cubic capacity of a square beam or rectangular section is not particularly difficult, then when building a log house you have to deal with rounded logs. Here the calculation is somewhat more complicated.

Of course, knowledge of formulas from school course geometry will significantly help the matter, but this alone is not enough.

To make the calculation, you will need an approximate construction project, without detailed logs, but with the dimensions of all elements already calculated. It should be remembered that the cubic capacity of the walls and pediment is calculated separately.

Calculation of wall cubic capacity

The length of one crown is the sum of the lengths of all 4 walls. You need to add an outlet to it, usually it is taken into account at the rate of 0.5 m per wall on one side, that is, 1 m per wall on both sides and, thus, 4 m for the entire crown. That is, if we have a log house 6 * 6 m, the length of the crown is 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 4 = 28 m. If the log house is 6 * 9 m, then it turns out 6 + 6 + 9 +9 + 4 = 34 m, etc. If necessary, you should take into account interior walls(if they are also supposed to be made from logs, and not from timber or something else).

Having determined the length of the crown, we calculate its volume. To do this, recall the formula for the volume of a cylinder from the school geometry course. It is equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​the cylinder multiplied by its height. And the cross-sectional area of ​​a cylinder is a circle with the same radius. The area of ​​a circle - again remembering school - is equal to the number "pi" multiplied by the square of the radius of the circle. Thus, to calculate the volume of our wooden cylinder, we multiply the square of its radius (half the diameter) by 3.14 (the rounded number “pi”) and by the length (we take all dimensions in meters). For example, a log with a diameter of 20 cm (i.e. 0.2 m, radius - 0.1 m) and a length of 6 m will have a volume of 0.1 * 0.1 * 3.14 * 6 = 0.1884 m³, rounded - 0.19 m³.

Having calculated the length of one crown, we take into account their number in the log house. It depends on the thickness of the logs. This is where simple mathematics will no longer help: it is necessary to take into account that the working height of the log is less than its diameter, some of the thickness goes into the groove. The groove is usually made at half the diameter (there are other standards, but they are less common), and the working height is approximately 0.87 of the original thickness. That is, for example, with a diameter of 180 mm, the groove width will be 90 mm, and the working height will be 156 mm. And correspondingly:

  • 200 mm – 100 mm – 173 mm;
  • 220 110 191;
  • 240 120 208;
  • 260 130 225.

If you divide the required height of the log house by the working height of the log, you get required quantity crowns That's it, now we multiply the volume of one crown by their total number and get the cubic capacity of the log house. Or rather, its walls. In addition to it, you also need to take into account the zero crown and pediment.

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Calculation of the cubic capacity of the pediment

To calculate the amount of lumber that will be needed for the pediment, we return to the geometry textbook.

The pediment triangle is isosceles. Mentally divide it in half: we get 2 right triangles. If one of them is turned over and combined with the other, you will get a rectangle, the height of which will be equal to the height of the pediment, and the width will be half its width. Well, both pediments will require twice as much material, that is, the same amount as would be spent on a rectangular wall equal to each of them in width and height. We divide its height by the working height of the logs, and then multiply it by the cubic capacity of the longest pediment log. That's it, we got the required value.

We add up the calculation results for the walls and pediment - and now we have the cubic capacity of the log house we need. It is worth adding to it an error of 5-7% for losses during sawing. Of course, the obtained value is very approximate; without cutting logs it won’t work out any other way. But this is enough for preliminary calculations.

A rounded log has the shape of a regular cylinder. Accordingly, in order to calculate the cubic capacity of a rounded log, you need to use a formula to determine the volume of a cylinder.
General form of the formula for determining the volume of a cylinder V:
V= 3.14 x R2 x L,
- 3.14 – a constant number pi, equal to the ratio of the length of any circle to its diameter;
- R is the radius of the cylinder, in our case the log. To find out the radius, measure the diameter and divide it by 2;
- L – length of the cylinder (or log);
When calculating, all lengths must be expressed in meters. If the diameter is given in centimeters, then it must be divided by 100, and if in millimeters, then by 1000. If there are several logs, then the result obtained is multiplied by the number of logs.
Example. Execute calculation of cubic capacity of rounded logs, if it is known that the length of the logs is 6 m and their diameter is 220 mm. There are 20 logs in total.
First, we convert millimeters to meters: 220 mm = 0.22 m.
We determine the radius of the log: R = D/2 = 0.22 m/2 = 0.11 m.
Taking into account the fact that squaring is equivalent to multiplying a number by itself, after substitution the formula for calculating the volume of one log will take the form:
V1 = 3.14 x 0.11 m x 0.11 m x 6 m = 0.22796 m?.
Total volume of twenty logs:
V = 0.22796 m? x 20 = 4.56 m?.
Often you need to perform the inverse problem - calculate how many beams of a known diameter and length are contained in one cubic meter. To solve this problem, you must first calculate the volume of one beam and divide 1 m? for the resulting volume.
Example. Determine how many beams with a diameter of 200 mm and a length of 6 m are contained in one cubic meter.
Calculation. Determine the radius of the log: R = D/2 = 0.2 m / 2 = 0.1 m
Volume of one log:
V1 = 3.14 x 0.1 m x 0.1 m x 6 m = 0.1884 m?
Number of logs N = 1 m?/0.1884 m? = 5.3.
If the number of logs is known, then their total length can be determined: 5.3 m x 6 = 31.8 m.
It should be noted that the volume of the bars depends not just on the radius, but on its square. This is precisely what explains the fact that with relatively small changes in the radius, the volume of the bars changes significantly.

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Indicate the dimensions in units convenient for you: in millimeters,
centimeters or meters by checking the required item.

A- Length façade wall, is determined taking into account the size of your plot and required area Houses. When determining the value A it is recommended to take into account standard sizes, the woodworking industry offers rounded logs up to 6 m long. If a larger length is required, the logs will need to be joined, which may affect the strength and thermal efficiency of the structure.

B– The length of the side wall is determined taking into account your wishes and the space allocated for the construction of the house on the site. The length of standard lumber (up to 6 m) should be taken into account; in the future this will have a positive effect on the cost of the log house.

Size values A And B it is possible to indicate by the external dimensions of the log house, or along the axes of the walls (this option is often used by professional construction companies that design and manufacture log houses), select the required item.

H– The height of the facade from the first (so-called casing) crown to the ridge of the pediment. If the log house is planned without a pediment, then set the value H= 0.

G– The height of the side wall from the frame crown to the top point of the pediment (ridge). If you do not plan to build a side gable, then enter the value G= 0.

U– Height of the wall at the corner. This parameter determines the height internal space future home. Classic technology The construction of a log house assumes that the first crown of the log house is the frame crown, the second is the lower frame into which the floor joists are cut. Usually the frame crown is made from thicker logs. If the height indoors is 3 m, then the parameter U≥ 3 m + the values ​​of the working heights of the first two rims (i.e. if the D of the logs used is 0.25 m, then to ensure an internal height of 3 m U≥3.5 m). You should also take into account the amount of wood shrinkage in the first years after construction log houses give shrinkage reaching 1/20-1/30 of the original height of the log house. Data on drying of lumber are given in "and GOST 6782.2-75 "Lumber products from deciduous wood. The amount of shrinkage."

Height value U must be a multiple of the crown pitch (working height of the log C), if this condition is not met, then during the calculation the program will automatically change the height and the message Changed will appear next to the calculation result.

Partitions of the first and second floors.

Specify the length of the partitions of the first L1 and second floors L2.

Specify the height of the first floor partitions P1 and second floor P2.

If partitions are not planned on the second floor, set the values L2 And P2=0.

For small log houses (for example, 3x5 and smaller), the construction of partitions from logs is often not justified, since it critically reduces the internal volume of the house.

If calculating the material for partitions in the house is not needed, then set the values L1,L2,P1 And P2= 0.

D– The diameter of the rounded log is selected based on the purpose of the structure, taking into account the climatic conditions of your region. You should take into account the recommendations of GOST 9463-88 “Round softwood timber. Specifications" and GOST 9462-88 "Round hardwood timber. Technical conditions". If you want to build a bathhouse or summer country house, then a diameter of 0.16-0.22 m is suitable. The use of thicker logs is often not justified, since it significantly increases labor costs and the cost of construction. If the house is planned for year-round residence, choose a log diameter of at least 0.22 m. It is important to remember that the larger the diameter of the logs, the warmer the house (since the number of crowns, cuts, locks decreases and, accordingly, there will be lower heat loss). The cost of rounded logs of larger diameter will more than pay off during the operation of the house. However, working with massive logs is more difficult; you may need special equipment - a crane or manipulator.

C– The working or useful height of the log determines the pitch of one crown. The value of this size is less than the diameter of the log and directly depends on the width of the groove, which ranges from 1/2-2/3 of the log diameter.

T– The length of the ends of the logs protruding at the corners of the house. When cutting without residue, or into a clean corner, T=0, while maximizing the use of the entire length of the material and reducing the consumption of logs. At the same time, this type of angle requires very careful adjustment (according to SNiP 3.03.01-87 “Load-bearing and enclosing structures”, the size of the gaps at the junction of logs should not exceed 1 mm), and is subject to freezing and blowing. To avoid this, additional finishing of the corners is necessary, for example with overlay boards.

Chopping with the remainder or into a bowl is a more expensive, but at the same time more heat-efficient and durable option. Since the ends of the logs protruding at the corners of the house protect this unit from blowing, raining and freezing. When chopping into a bowl, the parameter T, according to GOST 30974−2002 “Corner connections of wooden block and log low-rise buildings” take ≥1.4 diameters of the logs used.

N– horizontal distance between the dowels (these are round wooden pins that prevent deformation torsion of the logs). The distance between the dowels N is 1.5-2 m, more detailed information can be gleaned from SNiP II-25-80 " Wooden structures" It is important that the moisture content of the wooden dowels is 3-4% lower than that of the logs being joined, then after drying the connection will not weaken. The holes for the dowels must be drilled strictly vertically to ensure that the logs can move during the shrinkage process.

V– Weight 1 m 3 (cubic meter) or so-called specific gravity rounded log is determined by the density of the wood (GOST 16483.1-84 “Wood. Method for determining density”). Density depends on the type of wood, humidity, and location of growth. Conventionally, at a humidity of 12%, tree species can be divided into three groups: with low density (up to 540 kg/m3) - spruce, pine, fir, cedar; medium density (550-740 kg/m3) – larch, summer oak; high density(above 750 kg/m3) – hornbeam, chestnut oak.

S– the cost of a rounded log in your region per 1 cubic meter (here you can add the cost of delivery, unloading of lumber and assembly of the log house) then click "Calculate".

Results of calculating timber for a log house

Calculator for calculating a log house, will help you calculate required amount material for a bathhouse, home or cottage.

As a result of the calculation, you will find out the perimeter and cubic capacity of the log house, the number of crowns, the areas and volumes of walls and partitions, the number of logs and their total length, both separately for walls, gables and partitions, and, in general, for the entire house.

Knowing the areas of external walls and partitions, it will be easy to calculate the required amount of impregnation and paints and varnishes.

The total length of the logs will help determine how much inter-crown insulation you will need to buy (moss, flax-jute, flax wool, sheep wool are used).

The number of pins is calculated approximately.

Openings for windows and doors are not taken into account.

The calculator will calculate the total weight of the log house, which is important for attracting a sufficient number of people and equipment for transportation and unloading. As well as the cost of the entire house, which will help determine the level of investment for building the desired log house.

Simple online calculator calculation of the log house will indicate the exact number of logs in cubic capacity, meters and pieces for your wooden house. Start calculating right now!

Openings for windows and doors are not taken into account in the calculator, since this does not reduce the cost of solid wood.

Log house, log bathhouse with your own hands

Wooden houses are the standard of environmental friendliness, so they have recently been in high demand. Nowadays, houses made of rounded logs are becoming more and more common. A log house is just the “box” of a house consisting of logs, without a floor, sheathing or roof. Best for use conifers, pine and spruce. Aspen is recommended for baths and wells, as it is a moisture-resistant species. Birch should not be used under any circumstances; it rots quickly and is extremely capricious, but it is just right for a firebox. Special attention should be given to drying solid wood. If the logs are not completely dried, the logs of the house will begin to crack due to the temperature difference in the house and outside. Be patient, let the logs dry thoroughly, and then begin assembling your wooden frame.
