Correct painting of the ceiling with water-based emulsion. DIY technology for painting ceilings with water-based paint (video). Preparing the ceiling for primer

One of the most difficult stages of home renovation that everyone faces is House master, is the ceiling decoration. Lime or chalk whitewash, which was widely used until recently, is now used quite rarely. This is explained by the fact that the initially snow-white ceiling becomes dirty over time and takes on an unsightly appearance.

In addition, such finishing requires significant labor to prepare the surface for application. finishing coating. Painting the ceiling with acrylic paint retains its attractive appearance much longer; maintaining such a finish is not particularly difficult. Repairs are easy and quick, and you can apply the paint yourself.

A perfectly painted ceiling has an absolutely monotonous surface

Getting ready to repair the ceiling

The beautifully painted ceiling is shown in the photo. To paint the ceiling without streaks, you need to be well prepared for the work. First of all, you should free the room as much as possible from interfering furnishings. Then you need to carefully remove the old finish from the ceiling surface.

After this, it must be properly leveled, removing all significant differences in height. On final stage Before preparation, a layer of primer is applied to the coating to improve the adhesion of the paint to the base and to use it more economically. Will be required following materials and tools:

  • stepladder and film for covering interior items;
  • spatula and paint roller or wide brush;
  • grinding machine and sandpaper;
  • primer and putty;
  • safety glasses, a respirator and a thick work suit;
  • container with water and a flashlight.

By illuminating it with a flashlight, you can easily identify existing unevenness in the coating. It is most convenient to moisten the surface with a spray bottle or a paint roller, or apply a primer with a wide brush. The use of a stepladder makes the job much easier. A spray gun helps a lot to paint without streaks.

Painting the ceiling yourself will help reduce the cost of repair work.

Preparing the room

Painting the ceiling surface with acrylic paint requires preparatory measures. The room should be prepared for the simply amazing amount of dirt and fine dust that arises when removing the old coating. Upholstered furniture can be hopelessly damaged by scattered pieces of limestone and chalk dust soaked in dirty water. As a result, sofas, armchairs and other furniture must be removed from the premises.

It is very convenient to cover walls and furniture with special film

Sometimes, for some reason, it is difficult to do this; in this case, you should cover all the remaining furnishings in the room with waterproof film. You can secure it with wide tape, which can be easily removed later.

Chandeliers and other lighting, to prevent short circuits, the supply voltage is removed from the electrical wires, which is especially important in the bathroom. Careful preparation helps to paint without streaks.

Removing old coating

The method for removing old coating depends on what finishing material was used previously. The easiest way to remove whitewash is with chalk: it is washed off with a soft sponge soaked in water. If difficulties arise in this process, you will have to scrape off the coating with a metal spatula.

To begin with, a kilogram is dissolved in a bucket of warm water table salt, and the area of ​​the ceiling to be cleaned is moistened with a spray bottle, a wide brush or a roller. After waiting until the whitewash gets wet, scrape it off with a spatula, to which it is useful to attach a scoop with wire, where crumbling dirt will be collected.

The most noticeable irregularities are cleaned off with a spatula.

In some cases, wallpaper or foam tiles are used to decorate the ceiling. Wet wallpaper is easily separated from the base; foam tiles also break off easily. In the latter case, it is better to scrape off the remaining glue with a metal spatula, use chemicals may cause injury skin and visual organs. Soot stains on the surface are removed by washing with water mixed with soda; rust stains are treated with copper sulfate.

Putty and leveling

After cleaning the ceiling surface, it is visual inspection in order to detect coating irregularities. Large cracks are sealed with reinforcing mesh, depressions are filled with putty and smoothed with a spatula, and protrusions are cut off.

The seams between concrete slabs and the joints of the ceiling and walls are tapped to detect voids, which are also filled with putty. After carefully leveling the surface, a primer is applied to it using a paintbrush in two layers.

A composition with antiseptic properties is well suited, which prevents the further development of pathogenic microflora. For proper drying of the primer, it is important to keep it indoors. correct mode positive temperatures from five to thirty degrees Celsius.

Leveling the ceiling with putty

Final leveling of the surface before covering the ceiling water-based paint, is achieved by applying putty. Its first layer is located in the transverse direction to the primer coating, the second - transverse to the first. By illuminating the surface to be treated with a flashlight, it is easy to detect and eliminate even minor differences in height that will obscure nearby areas.

After drying, the roughness of the coating is cleaned off sandpaper. In the bathroom, putty should be applied especially carefully. Painted concrete will last a long time quality training grounds. In the bathroom, the painted ceiling is exposed to quite aggressive effects.

When is a good brush and what is a better roller?

For quality performance painting works Both brushes and rollers are used. The brush is good for painting corners, joints of mating surfaces, heating batteries, pipeline networks and other similar elements. It is convenient to carry out lime whitewash with a large paintbrush; using a roller when working with such material is somewhat difficult.

It is better to use a roller when working on large areas: the larger the surface, the more effective its use. This is true for even surfaces; curved objects of complex configuration cannot be painted with a roller.

Standard set for painting the ceiling

This tool can be used while standing in one place, using the long handle to move back and forth, which is important when access to the surface being treated is difficult. The paint is applied evenly, without visually noticeable strokes, and this is difficult to achieve when working with a brush. Painting the ceiling surface with a roller gives good results.

Choosing a roller is a separate issue

The choice of roller is an issue that requires separate consideration. This tool is available in a variety of sizes for processing various elements surfaces. There are also corner rollers that have a working coating on the end part, which is necessary when processing corners. Fur coat is the covering of the working part; it is made from the following materials:

  • felt or velor;
  • foam rubber or mohair;
  • natural fur or polymers.

When using a roller when working, you must take into account that the longer the pile of its coat, the greater the consumption will be. paint and varnish material.

Working with a roller is much faster and easier, since it takes up several times more paint than an ordinary brush.
Rollers come in very different sizes and quality.

To cover the ceiling with acrylic paint, a roller with a coat made of synthetics is better suited, and the coating will be smooth and streak-free. Work with paints on oil based can be done with almost any type of this tool. It is only undesirable to use a foam rubber coat, since this material deteriorates under the influence of solvents that are part of oil paints.

Which water-based paint is better?

Before going to the store, you need to decide which paint is best to paint the ceiling. In the modern construction market there is huge selection water emulsion based paints. They contain pigment and polymer components dissolved in water. Depending on the active substance The following types of water-based paints are distinguished:

  • containing liquid glass(silicate);
  • highly resistant to moisture (acrylic);
  • resistant to aggressive chemical environments (latex);
  • characterized by versatility (silicone);
  • inexpensive (polyvinyl acetate).

Several representatives of ceiling paints

You can decide which water-based paint is better in each specific case comparative analysis their technical characteristics. It should be assumed that the price and quality of this type of paint and varnish product correspond.

Color and tinting of acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are available as standard color palette. To obtain the desired shade, they are tinted. It is a procedure of mixing paint and coloring pigments to obtain the desired shade of paint and varnish material.

Tinting is used when cosmetic repairs are necessary, if part of the coating is swollen or peeled off, if there is not enough paint to complete the entire amount of work, or if there is a need to create a color palette that is in harmony with the surrounding environment.

When tinting, mix the paint thoroughly

Coloring pigments, so-called colorants, are added to acrylic paint, made in the form of dry mixtures, pastes or the same paint. Their basis can be of organic or inorganic origin; organics give more saturated colors, but they are not resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Inorganic colorants have good resistance to aggressive influences environment, but the colors produced with their help are less bright.

If we paint over whitewash

Previously, whitewash was widely used to finish the ceiling surface. If it is necessary to apply paint over it, certain conditions must be met. Whitewashing should be applied in a thin layer that is free of cracking. Otherwise, whitewash particles may begin to peel off during painting.

Ceiling primer is like butter that won’t spoil the porridge.

The test is carried out by applying a deeply penetrating layer of primer to the whitewashed surface. After it has dried, the control area is moistened with water, and if the coating does not peel off, paint can be applied over the whitewash.

Water-based paint will stay on the ceiling for a very long time if the layer of whitewash underneath has good adhesion to the surface and there are no bumps or cracks.

Of course, the use of a primer is mandatory if painting is not done with the same material that was used previously. In this case, the composition of the soil is determined by the choice of finishing coating.

How to paint with a roller

Following some simple rules will help you paint the ceiling with a roller. Before you begin the main work, you should use a brush to paint the corners and joints ceilings and walls. Then a little paint is poured into the painting tray, the roller is dipped into it, and the excess is removed from the coat on the ribbed part of the tray.

When painting the ceiling, it is important to position yourself comfortable stairs

Applying the first layer should begin from the window opening in the direction perpendicular to the incidence of sunlight, and the second layer is applied after the first has dried in the transverse direction. In this way, it is possible to avoid the appearance of weakly painted areas that are invisible at first glance, but which will appear over time. Work should begin early in the morning, since the sun's rays at this time highlight all the irregularities well. Small defects in the dried coating detected during visual inspection are cleaned with fine-grained emery cloth.

Can be used with a spray gun

You can paint the ceiling using a spray gun. Its use makes the process much faster and easier than using a paint roller. When preparing the tool for use, direct the sprayer to the side and bleed overpressure in the system, ensure that the emerging paint lays down in an even and thin layer.

When using a spray gun, it is easy to ensure uniform painting of the ceiling

The surface of the ceiling is divided into several sections and they are painted sequentially, while the stream of paint is directed strictly vertically. The sprayer is held at a distance of thirty to fifty centimeters from the surface, a meter segment is covered in approximately five seconds.

You should maintain a uniform pace of work; holding the nozzle at one point will lead to the formation of a too thick layer of paint flowing down. The first layer is applied in the direction transverse to the incidence of sunlight, the second - in the longitudinal direction. To form a high-quality painted surface when working with a spray gun, three layers of paint and varnish material should be applied. Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Little tricks

Small tricks will help you paint the ceiling efficiently. So, finishing layer The paint and varnish material is applied in the direction of incidence of the rays natural light, this makes the joints of adjacent layers invisible.

If a local, incompletely painted area of ​​the surface is discovered, it will have to be completely covered with a new layer of paint; attempts to paint only the defective area will lead to the appearance of clearly visible spots. Visual inspection from different viewing angles helps to identify such areas.

Scheme of movements when painting the ceiling

Under no circumstances should you attempt to neglect applying the primer layer. Such attempts to save money will lead to the fact that the paint that has poorly adhered to the base will soon simply crumble. You should not hesitate when applying paint; unjustified delays will lead to the fact that the dried material will begin to stick to the coat of the paint roller, and the work will have to start again. An excessively thick layer of applied paint can be brought back to normal by running a dry roller over it, while the pile on its coat will absorb the excess.

Today, the trend of painting surfaces is very common. But old surfaces are not always conducive to such actions. Many apartments still have whitewashed ceilings. Our article will tell you whether such ceilings can be painted with water-based paint and how.

Paint selection

Today, thanks to new technologies and finishing materials It is possible to paint the whitewashed ceiling. But for painting to be successful, it is necessary not only to properly prepare the surface, but also to choose the paint.

Most often, the ceiling surface is painted with water-based emulsion. But you can find several types of this paint in stores, which can make choosing difficult. So what paint should you paint the ceiling with? In order to choose the most suitable option, you need to know the features of each type of water-based paint. It comes in the following types:

  • Polyvinyl acetate. It is characterized by low cost, as well as high hydrophobicity. This water-based paint can be used to cover surfaces only in dry rooms. In this case, washing such a surface is excluded.
  • Compositions containing latex additives. The cost of such solutions will be the highest. But at the same time, with the help of such water-based paint you can create a smooth and resistant to various external influences coating.
  • Acrylic. This type is characterized by high resistance to abrasion. Ceilings can be washed after treatment with acrylic paint. The use of acrylic compounds is allowed in any premises. Another advantage of this paint is its affordable cost.
  • Slicone. Before applying this composition, no preliminary priming of the surface is required. This type of water-based paint is characterized by high vapor permeability. Therefore, treating ceilings with this paint is relevant in basements and bathroom.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of types of water-based emulsion. To choose the right composition, you must carefully read the instructions before purchasing. It is always shown on the side of the can. Thanks to the annotations, as well as the help of a consultant or seller, you can quickly choose a composition for painting the ceiling. In addition, from the annotation you can find out the material consumption per one square meter and determine exactly how much paint you will need for painting work.

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The ceiling must be prepared for treatment with water-based emulsion. Moreover, experts recommend that when painting with any composition, you carefully remove the old finish. Only in such a situation can the surface be painted with high quality.

Although removing whitewash seems difficult task, if used correct methods surface preparation, it can be removed relatively easily.

Removing old coating from the ceiling occurs in two ways:

  • dry method;
  • wet method.

Let's look at both methods in more detail.

Dry method

In this situation, you will need the following tools:

  • electric drill equipped with a brush attachment;
  • grinder along with a grinding disc;
  • sandpaper;
  • Grinder.

The dry cleaning method, thanks to the use of the above tools, is carried out quite quickly. But it has several disadvantages, due to which it is used extremely rarely. The main disadvantage of this method is the huge amount of dust.

To carry out dry cleaning in a room, it must be carefully isolated. In this case it is necessary good ventilation rooms. Since during processing ceiling surface a lot of dust will be generated, it is necessary to work only in personal protection(glasses, respirator). After completing the work, all dust that has settled on the floor must be swept away. Then you need to rinse the floor thoroughly.

Wet method

The main advantage of this method is the minimum dust, which is much safer for human health. Although experts still recommend carrying out such surface preparation in a respirator. But the wet method takes much longer.

To remove trim using this method, you will need the following tools:

  • metal brush;
  • sharpened small spatula;
  • a roller having a medium length of pile;
  • spray;
  • container with water.

The wet method involves the following steps:

  • First, you need to remove the maximum layer of whitewash by wetting the surface using a spray nozzle or a simple roller. Please note that you need to wet a small area so that you have time to wash off the whitewash before it dries completely.
  • The solution should be applied generously, as the lime will actively absorb it.
  • To increase the deoxidation of the whitewash, you need to add 5-6 tablespoons of regular soda and a few tablespoons of liquid soap to the water.
  • After the solution has been applied, you need to wait a little (about half an hour).
  • Then you can start deleting old decoration with a spatula.

Related article: Modern two-level stretch ceilings: installation

If some areas of the old finish are not removed, you should not focus on them. You can return to them after processing the entire ceiling and clean them with sandpaper. It can be replaced with a brush for working with metal.

Before painting, you should try to remove the main layer of whitewash from the ceiling surface. In this case, you should not use very sharp objects (chisels, chisels, etc.), as they can lead to scratches and other defects in the base. This statement is especially important in a situation where under the whitewash there is a well-leveled layer of finishing putty.

If scratches and gouges are found on the ceiling, they should be covered with putty. After it dries, all resulting roughness must be rubbed off using sandpaper.

After the ceiling has become smooth, it is necessary to prime its surface before painting. A primer applied before painting will ensure greater adhesion and uniform distribution. coloring composition along the ceiling surface.


After the preparatory work has been carried out, painting can begin. To achieve maximum aesthetic effect, water-based paint must be applied in two layers. Please note that when applying the second layer, it is recommended to choose the direction of movement from the window and towards the opposite wall. In this way, the formation of dark spots after the ceiling surface has dried can be avoided.

The following tools can be used to apply paint:

  • Brushes different sizes. Considering the surface area, working with brushes all the time will be inconvenient and very time-consuming. Brushes can be used to apply paint at the junction of walls and ceilings.
  • Roller. In this situation, a roller will help you get the job done much faster and more efficiently. Sold for painting ceilings special products with extended handles. Special models of rollers are also sold for painting corners.
  • Spray gun. With this tool you can paint any surface very quickly, efficiently and effectively.

When starting to renovate their home, be it an apartment in the city or a house in the countryside, any developer understands that finishing the ceiling remains a rather difficult stage in the work. Today there are all sorts of solutions for the ceiling: cladding with ceiling tiles or wallpaper, suspended and suspended ceilings. But not every owner can afford such options. Since the cost of painting the ceiling with water-based paint is quite affordable, this type of finishing still remains relevant. And if you use the most ordinary roller for work, then even more so.

Choosing the right painting tool

Since most ceilings are large, flat surfaces, the most practical tool for applying paint is a paint roller. You can, of course, paint the ceiling with a brush, but all the strokes will be obvious, and for the ceiling such a picture is completely unacceptable, since it will be perceived as unevenly painted. Therefore, it is customary to use a brush only for painting corners and hard-to-reach areas.

There are quite a lot of different types on the construction tools market today, which makes the selection process difficult for beginners. These are velor, foam and fleecy rollers. The price for them is not very different, which can be misleading about their supposedly identical qualities. But the differences are actually very significant. And the chosen roller will have a greater influence on the painting of the ceiling.

Of all the different types of rollers, the best result is achieved when using a roller with pile (threads). In such a situation, foam rubber is not suitable due to the fact that it absorbs too much paint, which accumulates on the ceiling surface, and because of this, bubbles appear on it. But velor tools take little paint.

If you are going to paint a large area, it is important to choose the largest possible roller, since we are talking about the area of ​​the painting surface. You can also paint the ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun, but today we will talk about the simplest option.

It is best to choose a medium-sized roller pile because a large one absorbs too much paint and thereby applies a fairly large layer of paint, while a small pile will most likely leave unpainted areas. The rougher the ceiling surface, the longer the pile of the roller needs to be chosen so that the paint covers the entire texture and fills all the recesses. We also recommend that you do not use rollers with a bolt-on handle or foam rubber, because they quickly fail.

In addition, you should know how experienced craftsmen select rollers, and how to distinguish a high-quality tool from a low-quality one:

  1. When choosing a roller, it is recommended to squeeze it in your hand: in this case, a high-quality roller will not be deformed as a result of compression.
  2. Carefully inspect the seam on the roller: a high-quality product does not have an obvious fabric joint, since such seams can leave stripes on the ceiling during the painting process.
  3. Test the strength of the lint by pulling it towards you: a high-quality roller will not allow a single lint to stretch out, while cheap fakes will leave a noticeable clump in your hand.

Under your roller, you need to choose a plastic painting container into which the paint is poured and where the substance is then rolled out with a roller. Remember that if you simply dip a roller into a bucket of paint, you may not expect a beautifully painted ceiling! In order to use a roller from the floor without using scaffolding, you need to purchase a special telescopic tube. With such a long folding handle you can reach anywhere you need.

To access different corners, as well as similar places to corners, use a brush. For this type of work, a flute brush is used. In retail trade there are special types of this tool. These brushes do not leave characteristic streaks behind and provide almost the same result as a roller. Regarding the width of the brushes, it is better to purchase a brush with a very small thickness (3 centimeters) and a slightly wider tool (8 centimeters).

Removing old finishes from ceiling surfaces

Before painting the ceiling surface with water-based paint, you need to do preparatory work and protect floors, window sills, radiators and furniture from splashes and dirt (it’s better to take it out altogether). You can cover them with plastic wrap, newspaper, or cloth, securing them with adhesive tape. It also needs to be used to glue the walls around the perimeter, risers of gas and heating pipes. This adhesive paper tape is easy to remove and leaves no residue behind. You can remove it as soon as the paint thickens.

After this, the ceiling should be freed from layers of old paint or whitewash. In order to get rid of lime or chalk whitewash, you need to moisten it generously with water using a paint roller, then scrape it off using a steel spatula or chisel. Finally, wash the ceiling with a sponge.

To update a ceiling painted with water-based paint, you need to spend more time on preparatory work. All this is due to the fact that the process of removing old paint is labor-intensive work, since the previous layer is practically insoluble in water, and therefore it is not possible to completely scrape off the ceiling.

Such work most often involves removing peeling paint with a spatula, as shown in the photo about painting the ceiling with water-based paint. To make this not entirely pleasant job easier, you can use the following technique. Wet the previous coating with plenty of water using a foam roller or water spray. This procedure must be repeated twice with an interval of twenty minutes.

The moisture should thoroughly saturate the previous coating. After this, you need to create a draft by opening all windows and doors. The layer swollen with water forms swellings of the old water-based paint, which are not difficult to remove with a spatula. This kind of work needs to be done fairly quickly so that the surface on which the work is being done does not have time to dry. Next, you need to treat rust and stains from smudges with a 5% solution of copper sulfate.

If there are stains on your ceiling that are difficult to remove, you can use the following composition: a two or three percent solution of hydrochloric acid (carefully wipe the stains, being careful not to get it on the skin). The following recipes are also known: a solution of twenty parts of crushed lime, which is diluted with one part of drying oil, a thick solution of lime and water with the addition of denatured alcohol (about 50 ml). Any of the last two mixtures is applied to the contamination for 10 - 15 minutes. And you repeat all this until the contamination is completely removed. Usually two procedures are enough.

Leveling the ceiling before painting with a roller

After the ceiling surface has been completely cleaned, it needs to be leveled. For this purpose, thin-layer putty, which has good adhesion properties, is best suited. It has excellent ductility and gives an almost flat surface that can be easily processed with fine-grained sandpaper. Using a spatula, the substance is applied to the ceiling. Quite often, the ceiling is leveled by applying putty-whitewash on an oil-adhesive basis, which is distributed evenly over the surface using a brush, spatula or roller.

Remember that you must first seal all the cracks and cracks in the ceiling by first watching a video about painting the ceiling with water-based paint and filling them with a specially prepared composition. To completely fill the cracks with putty, they must be widened before application. The next preparatory operation is priming the surface, which is done with the same paint. It is applied in a very thin layer, then the composition is allowed to dry thoroughly so that the putty does not come off.

Preparatory work before painting the ceiling

To begin, open the prepared paint and, in accordance with the instructions, dilute the paint to the desired thickness. Manufacturers very often recommend adding approximately 5-10% water to the solution. If the manufacturer does not recommend diluting the paint, then you just need to mix it. This is easily done using a mixer attachment on an electric drill. To paint the surface in one layer, this mixing will be quite enough.

You cannot use the roller with which you applied the primer to paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion; it is better to take a new one or replace the coat on the old one. Take the roller in your hands and dip it into the bowl of paint. It is important to note that, according to the technology of painting the ceiling with water-based paint, you should not completely lower it into the container, but only dip it. The roller usually gets wet on one side and the wet edge becomes heavier. But you need to ensure that the entire circumference of the tool absorbs the paint evenly.

To do this, you roll the roller over a trough (special utensils that are sold in special painting kits), a mesh or a clean sheet of hardboard, linoleum, but not on the ceiling surface. By slightly pressing the roller onto the sheet, you can evenly saturate its entire surface with paint. After this, you need to dip the roller in the paint again and roll it out again. If suddenly you fail to wet the roller evenly, then upon completion of the repair, unpainted areas will appear. After drying, it is they that form the unfortunate spots that we talked about at the very beginning.

Sufficiently experienced painters do this automatically, but you, of course, need to practice. This kind of work is not very difficult, but you need to be careful here. For greater confidence, you can practice on a section of an unprepared wall, a piece of drywall, or any surface that you don’t mind using for the experiment.

Painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion using a roller

As soon as you have rolled out the roller and the threads are evenly filled with paint, start painting the ceiling with water-based paint. It is better to carry out all work during daylight hours, starting from a distant corner. The main thing to remember is that the paint needs to be applied evenly to the ceiling surface, without delaying the entire process. Upgrading the ceiling even in a large room takes only 15-20 minutes.

Water-based paint must be applied to the ceiling in parallel stripes. Try to make stripes that are about 50 centimeters wide. You need to paint overlapping, each new strip should overlap the previous one by 8 - 10 centimeters. Rub the paint thoroughly and make sure that the edge of the paint does not dry out on the layer.

When working, do not lift the roller from the surface, increasing the pressure as you use up the paint. The marks from the edges of the roller must be rolled out in a perpendicular direction. If you plan to paint the ceiling with water-based paint in several layers, then remember that the last layer should be placed in the direction of the windows, and the previous one in a perpendicular direction.

To paint the corners of the ceiling you need to use a brush. Dip it into the paint one-third and squeeze out the excess mixture on the edge of the can. Using thin strokes, apply the paint along the perimeter of the ceiling in a strip that is about 5 centimeters wide, and rub thoroughly. The result will be a thin and even layer, which will later merge with a fresh layer of paint on the main surface.

A painter painting the ceiling looks at it at a right angle and does not see the place where he has already “walked” with a roller. His vision also does not allow him to see how many times he touched a certain area with the roller. For him, the entire ceiling acquired a damp, uniform shade and therefore visually it seems that the entire surface is painted the same way. This is where another mistake is hidden. In this case, painters with extensive experience sometimes step aside and look at the ceiling from a different angle, as unpainted areas immediately become visible.

When imperfections arise, they must be dealt with. It happens that stains remain even after your efforts to resuscitate the ceiling. Further work is useless and only leads to waste of material. This kind of work needs to be redone. The only way to correct errors is to sand the entire ceiling with fine sandpaper. If you painted only 1-2 layers, then everything will work out. But if you went through a lot more with a roller, you will have to sand and putty and re-paint everything.

Eliminate all drafts in the room, curtain the windows to avoid direct sunlight hitting the ceiling surface. You cannot use additional heating devices to speed up the drying process, because the temperature in the room must fully comply with the instructions indicated on the label of the can of water-based paint.

And finally, remember that you should not focus only on the low price of painting the ceiling with water-based paint, you must strictly follow the technology! It is best to do the work in the afternoon so that you can repeat the process in the morning. Remember that the surface must dry thoroughly after each coat of paint. If the first layer is not allowed to dry, the second will become wet and lift the existing paint.

No cosmetic renovation is complete without painting the ceiling. For this purpose, water-based polymer-based compositions are used. The quality of the appearance of the ceiling depends on the correct use of paint. Beginning painters often face the problem of divorce. They appear due to improper painting technique.

This article will be useful to those who want to learn how to avoid such problems. It describes in detail the rules and techniques of painting, observing which you will be able to prevent the occurrence of stains. But before you start painting the ceiling, you need to choose the right paint composition.

Choosing water-based paint

The consumer market has a rich assortment of water-based paints of different compositions and purposes. To avoid mistakes, carefully read the label on the jar. It indicates the type of composition and method of application. There are four types of water-based paints:

  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • latex.

In ordinary rooms, paints containing latex and acrylic are used. They dry quickly, do not emit pungent odors, and are resistant to wet cleaning using chemicals.

In rooms where the humidity level is high, paints based on silicone and silicate are used. For example, in the kitchen and bathroom. Due to its composition, they create a vapor-permeable layer on the surface that absorbs moisture and then slowly evaporates it.

Before applying water-based paint, carefully prepare the ceiling. To do this, remove the old layer of whitewash. If the ceiling has damaged areas, repair the defects with putty. Level the entire surface and prime it at the end.

  1. Cleaning the ceiling. To remove limescale, wet the surface well. This is done with a water spray or a regular roller. To achieve maximum effect, do this procedure twice with an interval of twenty minutes. Lime will absorb water well, this will help to easily remove it from the surface. To scrape off the whitewash, use a metal spatula. After cleaning, wash the ceiling with a sponge.
  2. Elimination of defects. Expand any cracks or chips that appear and fill them with finishing putty. Do this in small portions, trying to rub in deeply. After allowing time to dry, sand the putty with sandpaper.
  3. Leveling the surface. While repairing cracks and chips, you may have noticed that the ceiling has uneven areas. To fix this, use a thin layer of putty. It has plasticity and adheres well to the surface. To apply putty, use a wide spatula. In areas with large depressions, apply several layers. Achieve a perfectly flat surface over the entire ceiling area.
  4. Ceiling primer. After leveling the ceiling, it must be primed. The primer fills micropores, makes the putty surface smooth, and improves the adhesion of water-based paint. Apply the primer in two layers at intervals of 15–20 minutes.

Required Tools

To apply water-based paint to the surface without streaks, choose the right tool. Pay special attention to this stage. For painting you will need the following tools:

  1. A roller is the main tool in painting. It has a foam and fur surface. To paint the ceiling with water-based emulsion, it is better to use rollers with a fur coat that has a medium pile length. Foam rubber creates small air bubbles when rolled - this should not be allowed! And the fur coat leaves behind a relief mark that masks minor scratches well.
  2. Brush – Used to paint areas that a roller cannot reach. Ideal for spot work in areas close to the wall. To make this process convenient, it is better to use brushes with a medium head size.
  3. A tray is a plastic tray with a small recess that is filled with paint. It is convenient to use for dipping a roller.
  4. Construction mixer – used for thinning paint.
  5. Polyethylene and masking tape will help protect walls and furniture from getting paint solution on them.
  6. Protective equipment: work clothes, glasses, hat and gloves.

If you plan to paint the ceiling in two or three shades, then for each color you need to use a new brush, roller and tray. Using the same tool for the entire job will blend the shades. The result will be a different look than was intended.

Rules for painting the ceiling

When painting a ceiling with water-based paint, many people make mistakes. There are nuances that are important to know about. For example, it is necessary to take into account the rays of light or the order in which areas are painted. By following the rules, you will be able to make the ceiling surface streak-free.

  • Always start painting from the corners, and then the rest of the area.
  • Apply several layers of water-based paint at intervals.
  • Allow twelve hours for each layer to dry.
  • When finished, cover the windows with a cloth to prevent light from shining onto the surface. The sun's rays can leave dark spots on the ceiling.
  • Do not allow a draft to appear in the room until the water-based coating dries.
  • Do not dry the ceiling with electrical devices.

There are several technologies for applying water-based paint. The choice of method depends on the conditions in which it will be used and the type of coating. In our case, it is necessary to make the surface streak-free. To make your paint look pleasing for a long time, use the following tips regarding painting technology:

  1. Start painting from the corners and borders where the wall and ceiling meet. Determine the corner farthest from the front door. Dip the brush into the paint and brush it around the perimeter of the ceiling. The width of the line can be 5–10 cm. This is done so that when working with a roller, you do not touch the walls.
  2. Having finished working with the perimeter, start painting the main area of ​​the ceiling. Fill the patch with water emulsion and dip the roller in it. Then roll it well on white paper so that the paint evenly saturates the pile and begin painting the ceiling.
  3. Hold the roller at a 45-degree angle, making sure it is not over your head.
  4. Apply the first layer parallel to the rays of light falling on the ceiling. Make the second pass perpendicular. The third layer should be applied in the same way as the first.
  5. Make parallel movements with an overlap of 5 cm. Make sure that the layer is applied evenly. Do not roll over one place many times - an influx will form.
  6. To remove excess water-based emulsion from the ceiling, walk over the area with a dry roller without paint - its coat will absorb the excess.
  7. Use a bright, focused beam of light, such as a flashlight, to determine the quality of the surface.
  8. Apply the final coat with a new roller; this will help ensure uniform distribution of the paint composition and prevent streaks.

Water-based paint is an affordable way to create a beautiful ceiling. In order for the quality of work to be at its best, you need practice and adherence to simple techniques. The result will be a surface that will delight you with its uniformity.

Video: how to paint a ceiling with high quality

Affordable in terms of cost and execution technique painting the ceiling with water-based paint DIY requires some preparation. There are some nuances in applying paint to the ceiling and in choosing tools for work. In addition, the success of the repair also depends on the condition of the surface on which you plan to apply the water-based composition. Let's look into the details and find out the details.

Properties of water-based paint

Let's briefly look at the material itself. Why are more and more people abandoning traditional whitewash and decorating their ceilings with water-based paint? Because it gives the same effect of pure whiteness, but without the disadvantages inherent in chalk and lime. The composition of the aqueous suspension contains special pigment substances and polymer particles that increase its wear resistance.

After painting the ceiling water base evaporates, and the polymers form a thin film that is impervious to moisture. Thanks to this, water-based paint does not crumble, retains its fresh appearance for a long time, is easy to clean and does not deform from moisture. It suits most consumers and for the price. Another plus is the high environmental friendliness and safety of the water-based composition. It does not have the characteristic properties of many colors pungent odor and does not cause allergic reactions.

Painting options and their features

Before you start finishing the ceiling, you need to find out what surfaces you can apply it to. water-based coating. Obviously, the most competent way is to clean the ceiling from the previous coating. But do we always resort to such a procedure when performing repairs ourselves?

If you are satisfied with the quality of the ceiling finishing with the old coating, and you just want to update it, then painting the ceiling with water-based paint over the old paint is quite possible. The main thing is to conduct a thorough inspection of the coating, remove obvious contamination, and check for small cracks. Unfortunately, if you don't remember what primer was used for the original finish, you will have to forego applying the water-based slurry to the old paint. Alum and vitriol primers will destroy the water emulsion, no matter how long ago the ceiling was painted.

Important! To ensure your hard work isn't in vain, apply new paint to a small area and wait a few hours. If the new coating does not swell or bubble, feel free to use water-based emulsion.

When painting the ceiling with water-based paint over whitewash, you should take into account the thickness of the chalk layer. Only on thin whitewash that is well adhered to the surface will the water-based composition be applied without problems. In other cases, you will experience peeling and deformation.

Choosing a tool

To eliminate unnecessary trips to the store, we immediately decide on the tool that we will need to complete all the work. A sample list is:

  • thin spatula
  • bucket or paint tray for paint
  • primer roller
  • paint roller
  • brush (choose a narrow one for painting small details)
  • rubber gloves and safety glasses

Our main tool, on which depends high quality The final result is a roller. Choose a roller for painting the ceiling with water-based paint with medium pile and a long handle. Neither foam rubber nor velor rollers are suitable for working with water-based composition. The first forms bubbles that are difficult to get rid of, the second absorbs little paint, which leads to the appearance of streaks and stains.

Advice! When purchasing a roller, check it for shedding. Roll the tool over your hand and make sure there are no lint left on it.

Preparatory work

If you want to achieve the perfect result when working with water-based paint, create optimal conditions for her. Let's figure out how to prepare the ceiling for painting with water-based paint so that it fits perfectly on its surface.

First stage

Delete old whitewash. If it is chalk or lime, wash off the ceiling warm water before concrete base. Remove oil or enamel paint using a spatula.

Advice! In areas where the old paint cannot be scraped off with a spatula, use a thinner.

Second phase

It’s great if your ceiling is a flat surface, without structural seams or joints. If there are seams, you need to remove the putty from them. We do this using the same spatula.

Third stage

You will need a ceiling primer for painting with water-based paint, which can be purchased at the store. Take a soft paint roller and apply one thin coat of primer to the entire surface of the ceiling. This procedure will help the putty to securely attach to problem areas, and it will not fall on your head.

Fourth stage

The last step to start painting is plastering. We dilute the putty and cover all problem areas with it. We wait for the putty to dry and carefully smooth out all the irregularities with fine sandpaper. Using a level, check the evenness of the surface and, if necessary, apply another layer. plaster. Leave for 24 hours to dry. Our preparation of the ceiling for painting with water-based paint is complete. Let's move on to painting.

We paint correctly

Let us immediately note that painting the ceiling with water-based paint using a spray gun is faster, but without the proper skill it turns into a disaster. Drops of paint scatter in all directions, and the surface is decorated with annoying stains and washouts. However, working with a roller has its own nuances.

  • Carefully read the instructions included with the paint can. There are types of paint that need to be thinned, and there are those that do not require additional administration water. Mix the prepared paint thoroughly and pour a small amount of in a bucket or tray.
  • Dip the roller into paint on one side and roll it several times along the wing of the tray or on a piece of hardboard. It is necessary that the roller is completely covered with paint. If the first “bathing” was not enough, repeat the procedure.
  • Let's move on to painting the ceiling. Apply the paint evenly, in strips 0.5-1 meter wide. We start painting from the wall opposite the window. We move the roller across the length of the ceiling, not forgetting to dip it in paint and roll it out again. When painting transversely, the joints are less noticeable.
  • Each subsequent strip should overlap the previous one by about 15-20 cm.
  • Let the first layer of paint dry.
  • We apply the second layer so that the stripes go towards the light source, that is, towards the window. Remember: the first layer is transverse, the second is longitudinal. In both cases, we start painting from the far wall.

Advice! It is better to check the ceiling for leaks while standing on the floor. They are invisible up close, but clearly visible from below.

To avoid constantly jumping off the stepladder, ask someone in the household to inspect the ceiling from different angles for any unpainted marks. They must be removed immediately, before the paint dries, otherwise you are guaranteed to get a spotty surface.

Apply with a thin brush ceiling skirting boards and other decorative elements.
