Parasites are constantly killing our best scientists. Murders of Russian scientists. murder of Russian science

Russian science - complete liquidation

In Russia, a scientist is not needed even in a truncated version, because scientific and technical progress in a country that gives up sovereignty to become a colony is not in the script written by the Western financial mafia. This means that Russian scientists (with the exception of those bought up by the mafia and working in its interests) are subject to complete extermination as a social class. And this task has been successfully solved throughout all twenty “democratic” years - see, for example, the works of V. Boyarintsev “Purge” of Russia from scientists and specialists”

S. Glazyeva, “There is an absolute reduction in scientific minds,”

“The defeat of science and education is a threat to the security of Russia” (

“For a long period, Russia has been the intellectual leader of Europe and one of the flagships of world science. Now the fall in its share in world science is not just surprising, but a real shock,” analysts of the British company are amazed (

IN modern Russia a system for destroying any creativity has been established. Scientists, skilled workers, engineers, peasants, and agronomists have been thrown out of normal life, from creative work.

Methods for exterminating scientists are varied. You can simply expel scientific workers for no reason at all, mechanically fulfilling the reduction figure passed down from the ministry, taken out of the blue, but larger - 20-30%. This was done by the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Fursenko, who openly stated that the task of education from now on is to “raise a qualified consumer” instead of a human creator. Through his efforts, the number of specialists in research and development organizations was reduced from 1.9 million to 870 thousand. (B. Mironov “Our Higher School. This is the only way we will win!”

Russia remains the only country in the world where there is a reduction in the number of scientists. In China, in recent years, their number has increased significantly, funding for science has increased and today is almost 40 times higher than Russian figures. Over the years, a scientific and agricultural revolution has occurred in Brazil due to the introduction of new technologies in agricultural and egg production.

Fursenko’s successor D. Livanov is already closing the entire institutes - in one fell swoop, 586 of them declared “ineffective.” Apparently, it is not enough for the authorities that in twenty years the number of scientific and design organizations in Russia decreased by almost 8 times. The wreckage of liquidated institutions is driven under the roof of “their” institutions - the bastions of the West on the territory of the Russian Federation - the Higher School of Economics, which absorbed the Institute of Electronic Engineering, the Plekhanov Institute of Economics, which intends to absorb RGTU (Russian State Trade and Economic University). High school economy is called a “tower”. She, the ideologist of the “reforms” that are deadly for Russia, has indeed pronounced a death sentence for Russian education - the tower.

It was simply necessary to destroy RGTU and dismiss its director, the famous national patriot S.N. Baburin. After all, he dared to hang honorary professors of his university A. Lukashenko, F. Castro and M. Gaddafi on the board, dared to hold a scientific conference against Russia’s entry into the WTO, contrary to the general line of the Russian Federation, determined by agents of Western influence, the same “tower”.

In the remaining universities, the minister intends to reduce the number of teachers by 40%, and expel 100 thousand teachers from schools, increasing the number of students per teacher, i.e. reducing the quality of education.

The Ministry of Culture is not lagging behind the Ministry of Education, which intends to close the State Institute of Art Studies as part of “optimization.” Speaking at the academic council that gathered on this occasion, consisting of honored specialists who unanimously defended the State Institute of Culture, Minister of Culture Medinsky clearly dotted the i’s: “The Ministry sees its task as providing scientists with work, that is, with orders. The whole world works on a grant basis . But the ministry must understand that it will not give money just like that. If you have other tasks, and you think that it’s normal to sit at an institute and receive 10 thousand, without having a customer, then you can continue to sit... ...A scientist cannot determine the direction of his activity himself... ...Imagine what would happen, if in 1943 the leadership of any research institute entered into a similar discussion with government leaders.”

Another way to cut scientists out of Russian society is to not pay science. Low funding does not allow scientists to work, turning the still surviving institutes into hospices, where once respected old scientists are quietly dying out. The image of a humiliated, beggarly professor turns young people away from science - today average age the scientist has exceeded 60 years of age - such science is useless for the country and safe for its enemies. In twenty years, entire scientific schools, directions and branches of knowledge have disappeared, along with their bearers, they have died out. Looking at such intellectual genocide, thousands of young people leave Russia every year, barely receiving an academic degree.

By creating unbearable conditions for Russian scientists in their homeland, they are deliberately forced to emigrate - in twenty years already 1 million 200 thousand Russian scientists have followed this path. These people are a resource deleted from the intellectual fund of the planet, because living abroad, working in a totally commercialized system, inevitably leads them to degradation.

But the Western masters of Russia, considering the activities of their Fursenko-Lebanon liquidators insufficient, also simply kill Russian scientists. Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who continues to play an important role political role in the American elite, said in 2004: “The existence of science in states unfriendly to the United States is considered a strategic threat to the United States.”

The process of extermination of scientists has already become so noticeable that even central television started talking about it (TVC channel, program “In the Center of Events,” November 26, 2011

During the debates of US presidential candidates, it was frankly stated: America is ready to go to the end to protect its national interests, carrying out special operations for the physical destruction of physicists on foreign territory - Iran, North Korea, Russia. The program is being successfully implemented - the number of killed was announced in the television program - 40 Russian scientists in 10 years.

Baseball bat for the professor

When businessmen or bandits die in a showdown, police reports include sniper rifles with telescopic sights, etc. It is not customary to spend money on such expensive instruments to kill scientists. For an elderly professor, a baseball bat or kitchen knife will suffice. Here are some examples from the article “The Killer Chooses the White Lotus.” In Russia, prominent scientists continue to die under strange circumstances” - “Arguments of the Week”, October 2007

In January 2002, in St. Petersburg, the director of the Electrical Mechanical Engineering Research Institute, I. Glebov, was beaten to death with metal bars at his entrance.

At the end of January 2002, the director of the Research Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, A. Brushlinsky, head of research on combating terrorism using psi methods, was beaten to death. The stolen briefcase contained works on the latest methods search for terrorists. The professor had to send these materials to the Pentagon. A few months before Brushlinsky’s death, his deputy, Professor V. Druzhinin, was killed.

A few days after Brushlinsky’s funeral, the head of the microbiology department of the Russian State Medical University named after. Pirogov, Professor V. Korshunov is one of the leading Russian microbiologists, a specialist in bioweapons and methods of controlling psi-impact.

In August 2002, one of the major scientists in the field of protection against psychotronic weapons was killed with baseball bats. E. Mamedov. In the same year, military scientist-psychologist M. Ionov was killed. The materials “Intellectual decision support in reflexive control of the enemy” were stolen from his portfolio.

In the summer of 2005, the director of the Research Institute of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, an expert of the World Health Organization, L. Strachunsky, died from a blow to the head with a heavy object in a hotel owned by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The institute he headed was involved in the development of biological weapons. The professor was supposed to fly to the USA for an international congress. The laptop disappeared from his room.

In July 2005, at the railway station in Yekaterinburg, the famous Ural scientist Professor S. Vovk, who was working on the use of the inert gas xenon as a radioprotector, suffered from clonidine poisoning.

In 2005, biologist N. Maltseva died, whom the CIA accused (unfairly, according to her colleagues) of transmitting the smallpox virus to Iraq, which allegedly could then be used by Baghdad as a bacteriological weapon.

After the invention and successful testing of the “Psychic Probing System,” academician, “father of psychotronic weapons” I. Smirnov unexpectedly died. Ordered by Russian intelligence services unique system deep blind reading of thoughts and information (“scalpel of the soul”) remained unclaimed in government and law enforcement agencies. Russia.

It is obvious that the blow is being struck against specialists in the field of psychotronic and biological weapons. Professor N. Uranov, General Director of the State scientific center applied microbiology is sure: “The brutal murders of leading Russian scientists one after another cannot be just an accident. I believe that the ominous series of murders of the best minds in Russia is ... one of the channels of sabotage against the country.”

“And the question naturally arises, why were many of our scientists beaten to death with baseball bats? - writes military expert Yu. Bobylov, - is this a kind of style? handwriting? mark?"

Professor G. Bonda-revsky, an orientalist, an expert on the problems of the North Caucasus, a specialist in Islam and Muslim political movements, a member of the expert council of the State Duma Committee on Security, an advisor to the directorate of the Institute of Social and Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was killed in his apartment with a hammer. . He was considered one of the most authoritative experts on the problems of separatism and terrorism. Awards were stolen from the scientist’s apartment, including the Order of the White Lotus - the second most important award in India; only about forty people were honored to receive it, including Mother Teresa - the best were killed.

Another inexpensive tool that is also popular for killing scientists is a kitchen knife. With his help, in 2004, they killed V. Fedorov, a professor at the Department of Mathematical Operations Research at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Moscow State University, and N. Valyagin, a professor at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Scientists of various specialties are subject to destruction.

Biologists, doctors: geneticist, corresponding member killed. RAS L. Korochkin, Professor, Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of Vladivostok Medical University S. Melnik, Professor of the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases of the Russian State Medical University. Pirogov, Professor B. Svyatsky, Deputy Director of the St. Petersburg Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics A. Voitovich, world-renowned neurosurgeon Professor Yu. Zubkov.

Historians: Deputy Director of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences A. Artemyev, was killed.

After a brutal beating near the Kremlin walls, A.N., a teacher at the history department of Moscow State University, died. Kulikov.

Chemists: the vice-rector of the Moscow State Academy fine chemical technologies V.Frantsuzov.

Economists: V. Ryabtsev, a teacher at the Financial and Legal Academy, was killed, A. Anikin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, author of the bestseller “Financial Crises from Law to Kiriyenko,” a specialist in the field of transition economies, was poisoned.

Who did these people bother? The investigation, as a rule, does not answer this question. But the person who ordered the murders can be found.

At the end of the summer of 2002, on the outskirts of Krasnoyarsk, the dismembered body of Professor S. Bakhvalov, head of the department of physical chemistry at Krasnoyarsk State University and the Kristall research center, which was engaged in the disposal of radioactive waste, was found. The professor, the author of a unique method for reprocessing fuel from nuclear submarines, won the tender for the dismantling of the Kursk submarine. Some time after the death of the professor, American journalist Bill Hertz published material in The Washington Times in which he suggested that Bakhvalov could be connected with people from al-Qaeda who were trying to gain access to components of the Russian nuclear weapons. In his material, Hertz referred to the theses of a CIA report, which stated that “there remains a danger that weapons of mass destruction located in the territory of former USSR“- evidence of this position, of course, was not given.

Another layer of unclear incidents is the appearance in Russia of people with erased memories. In 2003, in the closed city of Zheleznogorsk ( Krasnoyarsk region) nuclear scientist, deputy head of the central factory laboratory of the Mining and Chemical Combine S. Podoynitsyn, who had access to secret documents, who was involved in the disposal of nuclear fuel waste, disappeared and returned six months later with memory loss. Experts believe that there was an artificial erasure of memory, that the physicist is a victim of someone’s savage experiments. In Russia, the number of people with erased memory is constantly growing. Scientific explanations this phenomenon does not exist. Parapsychology laboratories at the Research Institute of Law Enforcement Structures were closed due to lack of funds. Professionals went into commercial structures, went abroad, or died in strange ways.

The author of the cited article claims: over 5 years (2002-2007), almost 30 mysterious deaths occurred, dozens of people had their memories erased. “I am sure that the strange series of these murders should have attracted the attention of the FSB long ago,” says an independent military expert, Ph.D. Yu.Bobylov. - There are too many incomprehensible things. And the list of those killed is very long.”

And here is the opinion of Doctor of Historical Sciences, General L. Ivashov: “Why are our scientists dying? Apparently, because today a monopolar world is being created and everything is being done so that we do not develop our scientific theories, do not give out new projects to the world, are in a subordinate position and rather liberate our beautiful land. They want to make us into a kind of biorobots in order to conquer our state, break the Russian spirit and homogenize our consciousness...”

Rocket scientists, aviation workers, nuclear scientists - destroy them all!

Without a doubt, the focus of those who kill Russian scientists is our military-industrial complex (

Over the past 20 years, the country has lost at least 25 specialists in this profile.

In the spring of 1996, shot in the face on landing Academician V. Smirnov, one of the creators of the S-300 air defense system, was killed at his home.

In October 2002, he was attacked by a bandit, but miraculously survived E. Gorigledzhan - General Director of the Rubin Central Design Bureau (St. Petersburg), a famous designer of nuclear submarines.

In June 2003, A. Krasovsky, a major general of aviation, who headed the department at the Academy named after A. Krasovsky, was killed for forty years. Zhukovsky and 42-year-old I. Klimov - General Director of NPO Almaz (concern for anti-aircraft missile systems). I. Klimov sought for the state to have 100% of the company’s shares, and not 75%, as it is now.

In January 2007, the head of the zirconium supply department of Tvel-Invest-Technology OJSC (a structure of Rosatom State Corporation), I. Dobrunik, was thrown out of the train.

In February 2008, nuclear physicist A. Mullin, who worked at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), died in a car accident in France.

In July 2008, the famous aircraft manufacturer V. Salikov died.

In June 2010, on the island of Malta, the head of the department of disarmament and conflict resolution of the Institute of World Economics and international relations A. Pikaev is a unique specialist in the field of monitoring nuclear disarmament. In 1996, he completed naval graduate school and international courses in defense resource management in the United States and could become an object of interest for foreign intelligence services.

A whole series of similar murders (multiple stabbings) in 2010 shocked TsAGI. October 12, publishing news about brutal murder in Zhukovsky near Moscow, an unnamed 60-year-old scientist of this institute, “ Russian newspaper"(N5309 (230) dated October 12, 2010), referring to the special services, reported that the deceased could have known, due to his position at TsAGI, about classified developments that were of interest to foreign structures.

A few days before the murder of Pavlovets in the town of Shchelkovo near Moscow in own apartment The body of 32-year-old Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of NPO Measuring Technology OJSC, a scientist from the science city of Korolev A. Frolov, was discovered, cut with a knife. His company, which produced telemetry equipment and microelectronics for rocket and space technology, fulfilled numerous orders from the Ministry of Defense, was also closely connected with TsAGI.

And two days before the murder of Frolov in the Republic of Mari El, the head of the 1st department of the Volzhsky Electromechanical Plant OJSC, which is part of the largest Russian military-industrial complex association, Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern OJSC, was brutally stabbed to death along with his entire family. For some developments, both the concern and the plant were associated with TsAGI.

Another object of mass destruction - Russian nuclear physicists

The cut body of the chief inspector for nuclear and radiation safety of Minatom R. Nureyev was found on the railway tracks in Novosibirsk, where he was on a business trip, performing a task of national importance (1996). The death was presented as suicide, although relatives and colleagues saw no reason that would force Nureyev to throw himself under the train.

In January 2000, Deputy Minister of Atomic Energy A. Belosokhov died while riding a snowmobile. The incident was presented as an accident. The famous nuclear physicist L. Maksimov claims that Belosokhov was one of the main defendants before the Duma commissions on the “uranium deal.” L. Maksimov himself was attacked in July 1999 in the metro. However, he survived. Maksimov developed environmentally friendly underground nuclear power plants, discovered and patented the thorium cycle, which could revolutionize the nuclear energy, if Maksimov’s institute had not been destroyed, and he himself would not have been persecuted. Some people did not need modernized nuclear power plants at all, capable of using thorium instead of uranium. Maksimov said this about his discovery: “It was as if I had turned on a bright light in dark room, where thief shared the spoils with thief..."

On May 13, 2001, E. Ignatenko, vice-president of the Rosenergoatom concern, who had a conflict with one of the leaders of Minatom, died in a car accident on the way to the Kalinin NPP. The car responsible for the accident fled, and the incident was classified as an accident. In February 2004, Deputy Director of the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant B. Khokhlov was killed. In March 2003, Professor S. Bugaenko, General Director of the International Center for Nuclear Safety of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation, was killed with a blow to the head in the entrance of his house. The murder occurred shortly after the visit to Moscow of US Deputy Secretary of State John Bolton, who is responsible for monitoring the nuclear non-proliferation regime. The focus of the negotiations that Bolton led in Moscow was the Russian-Iranian nuclear cooperation program.

In May 2006, the president of TVEL JSC, retired captain of the first rank A. Nyago, the president of TVEL JSC, one of the world's largest companies for the extraction of uranium and the production of fuel for nuclear power plants, suddenly died. The company supplies fuel not only for Russian nuclear power plants, but also for nuclear power plants of Eastern Europe and CIS countries.

In connection with Iran's nuclear programs, nuclear physicists have apparently been ordered to destroy every last one, so air disasters are being used. A strange accident of a Tu-134 plane on June 20, 2011 in Karelia claimed the lives of five Russian experts at once - S. Ryzhov, G. Banyuk, V. Lyalin, N. Tronov, and A. Trofimov - employees of Gidropress - one of the main contractors nuclear power plant in Bushehr (Iran). Another 40 passengers died with them - but this is such a trifle for those who want to destroy the enemies of Israel and make Iran defenseless against the intended aggression.

According to Wayne Madsen, author of the article “Perhaps the TU-134 crash was staged by the Mossad” (, “The Israeli Mossad is suspected of the death of Russian scientists. Although officials call the disaster an "accident" caused by bad weather conditions and pilot error, there are reports that the plane caught fire and broke apart before it crashed.”

The Israeli Mossad is also suspected of the death of Iranian scientists associated with the “nuclear dossier.”

In November 2010, Iranian nuclear specialist Majid Shahriari was killed near Shahid Beheshti University when an unknown person on a motorcycle planted explosives in his car. Near the same university, another motorcyclist placed an explosive device in the car of nuclear scientist Feridun Abbasi, who was seriously injured as a result. In January 2010, Iranian nuclear expert Massoud Ali-Mohamaddi was killed after a motorcycle bomb exploded in front of his home.

In July 2009, Russian and Iranian nuclear scientists were among those killed when an IranAir Il-62M skidded off the runway at Mashhad Airport in Iran.

In 2007, Iran's top nuclear scientist, Ardeshir Hassanpour, was poisoned. An article in The Sunday Times, citing the US State Department-funded Radio Farda, which broadcasts to Iran in Farsi, suggests that the Mossad was involved in its destruction. A representative of the American intelligence company Rheva Bhalla said that Hassanpour was a Mossad target and “there are serious reasons” to believe that the Israelis killed him. (“Neither peace nor war”

In Jewish newspapers you can read praise for these murders as the merits of the Mossad (the newspaper “Jewish Word” “There is only a year to destroy Iran’s nuclear program”

Mossad is also suspected of the death of Turkish nuclear scientists.

On November 30, 2007, a plane flying on the Istanbul-Isparta route in good weather fell apart before landing, having previously deviated from the route. The prominent scientist Engin Arik and other Turkish nuclear scientists who were flying to the conference died.

Here is another quote from this article by Wayne Madsen: “After the American occupation of Iraq, hundreds of Iraqi scientists, including those working in the atomic field and related disciplines, were killed by Mossad teams operating in Iraq.”

Here is the opinion of another source: Mossad is the only reconnaissance and sabotage organization in the world that, in addition to production, classified information, is engaged in the physical elimination of enemies of the Jewish state" (

The website of the newspaper “Zavtra” posted the following material: “The United States is torturing and killing Iranian and Russian nuclear physicists and design scientists. And they will continue"

Independent Iran is fighting the enemy (“A Mossad agent was hanged in Iran for the murder of nuclear physicist Massoud Ali Mohamaddi”

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Russia, which has lost its sovereignty. The state commission that investigated the plane crash in Petrozavodsk ignored the testimony of witnesses about the destruction of the plane in the air. Investigations into cases of murders of scientists usually reach a dead end.

It seems that it is even useful for our leadership to remove all physicists - after all, they can put their own guys like lottery specialist S. Kiriyenko in the vacant positions in the nuclear industry. He doesn’t know anything about physics, he didn’t even make a peep in response to the massacre in his industry - someone like that can safely be elevated to the minister’s chair.

After a trip to the USA, this “minister” convinced V. Putin to stop the use of the new development of nuclear physicists in Russia and transfer it to the USA (Voiced by General L. Ivashov: “Appeal from nuclear physicists about treason against the Motherland”

Decapitated humanity - savagery

Systematic monitoring of the murders of scientists is carried out by the website “Archipelago of Holy Rus'”

Thomas Manton, CEO of the Oil Spill Control Corporation, was jailed and killed in January 2011.

John Wheeler II - assistant to the president, defense consultant, chemical and biological weapons expert - was beaten to death, his body was found in a Wilmington landfill on December 31, 2010.

Chitra Choonan - worked at the Center for Biodefense and Infectious Disease Research. She was found dead after an apparent suicide by cyanide at the Temple Terrace Hotel on December 31, 2010.

Dr. Jeffrey Gardner, who was investigating unexplained bird deaths that he linked to an oil spill, suddenly stopped working, then suddenly disappeared.

Joseph Morrissey, a 46-year-old biologist and college professor, is a native Florida resident. Police say he was shot during a home robbery.

Those who kill scientists - their own or others, “enemy” - do not understand a simple thing: the intellectual field of the planet is one, like our atmosphere, and by killing smart people - rare among people, the killer harms the entire planet, and, therefore, himself. Killing a scientist is like cutting down a mighty tree - no matter what country it happened in - there will be less oxygen throughout the planet.

It is known from mathematical statistics: if you cut off the tail of the distribution, in this case, remove the smartest people from society, the average intellectual level of people will fall. Today we should no longer talk about the degradation of humanity, but about its savagery. Raging crowds of sports fans, visitors to rock concerts and discos, 7.5 million Russian drug addicts, shootings in American schools, laws on same-sex marriage and children sold as organs for the rich, gigantic traffic jams in megacities, accompanied by a frantic increase in car sales - this is what the world looks like without scientists.

Having strangled the scientists, it is necessary to give the crowd new heroes and doped athletes, depraved party girls, starving asexual models, vulgar showmen who have lost their human appearance appear on the stage, armed not only with phonograms, but also with psychotronic generators. An actor who tends to drive drunk, J. Depardieu, who grabbed easy money and fled his homeland so as not to pay taxes, is being elevated to a model. Thousands of distraught people who have lost their bearings become victims of sect leaders, dealers in miracle cures - this is what the idols of a people left without spiritual mentors look like.

The savagery struck first of all ruling the world super rich. Paranoid luxury and boundless debauchery, crazy amounts of money thrown at " modern Art”, reminiscent of the creativity of clients of mental hospitals - this is what the masters of the world look like when they kill scientists.

Society has degenerated so much that it has revealed a new hero - German Sterligov. His monstrous calls in the spirit of the dark Middle Ages are to execute all scientists as the authors of an environmental disaster and, for this purpose, to convene an environmental tribunal (“On the harm of scientific progress”

His cries, welcoming the burning of Giordano Bruno and all scientists in general as sorcerers, should have attracted the attention of psychiatrists, but they are broadcast by the Mayak radio station. The guy is his own, a former millionaire and hits where necessary - the smart ones.

The absence of scientists in the media has turned them into a cesspool of sewage. The absence of scientists in politics has brought the world to the brink of disaster - political, economic, environmental.

Of course, science, like the rest of society, is heterogeneous. A scientist should not be considered a holder of an academic degree or scientific title, but an intelligent and honest researcher fulfilling his professional duty - to bring the truth to people.

But the scientific community cannot absolve itself of blame for what is happening. A scientist has no right to be a narrow specialist who doesn’t care about everything that happens outside his laboratory. Today, when the world has come to the brink of an abyss, a scientist does not have the right to work solely for money, without being interested in how the results of his discoveries will be used. Responsibility for scientific developments that are disastrous for people and nature falls on the entire scientific community, which indifferently looks at the destructive activities of its colleagues, instead of excommunicating them from science and expelling them from its ranks.

Of course, the “scientists” who created sophisticated technologies that provoke cancer, the victims of which were a number of leaders of Latin American states opposing US hegemony, including one of the smartest people planet, representative of the golden fund of humanity Hugo Chavez (“Cancer terrorism. Why is cancer decimating the ranks of the South American enemies of the United States?”

It should be honestly admitted that today’s disdainful attitude towards science in society is earned precisely by the activities of those who cynically do what they pay more for. Crowds of idlers are also guilty, imitating some kind of pseudo-scientific fuss and valuing science only because it is an irresponsible, dust-free and profitable occupation.

Today, the surviving part of the scientific community, especially its elite, contemptuously rejects their colleagues active in the patriotic field, proudly declaring: “politics is not my business, I am a scientist!” This is how they justify their cowardice, narrow-mindedness and laziness, their complicity in the obvious degradation of science, education and the ongoing ruin of the country. And at the same time, they are servilely collaborating with the destructive authorities.

Scientists should understand that the lack of a civic position, detachment from public problems, silence, attempts to somehow adapt to today's reality are suicidal for the scientific community itself. Mr. D. Livanov clearly proved his sad prospects - in word and deed. And enough baseball bats have been brought to Russia.

It’s time for everyone to understand that the destruction of scientists is deadly for every state, for every person, for the entire planet. A country and civilization left without science are doomed.

Operation "Liquidation". Is the CIA killing Russian scientists?

This is not science fiction, not fiction, and not a bluff: over the past 10 years, more than 70 scientists have died in Russia under mysterious circumstances. Who is so purposefully killing leading Russian scientists?

Let's dwell on this fact. During the election debates in January 2012, several candidates for the presidency of the United States spoke publicly for necessity... physical liquidation of Russian nuclear scientists, holders of the secrets of the development and creation of nuclear weapons, since their activities pose a threat to the interests of US national security. However, it was not only about Russians - also on the lists to potential destruction involved Iranian nuclear scientists, who, by a strange coincidence, also die regularly.

It’s no secret that the CIA has long been monitoring the activities of Russian general designers who are conducting promising developments in the field of conventional weapons, which are very important for domestic defense capabilities. Langley maintains a special operational record of Russian nuclear physicists. In particular, it includes scientists from the Russian Federal Nuclear Center in Sarov (formerly Arzamas-16), including the developer of nuclear charges for the Topol-M, Yars and Bulava ICBMs, designer, Doctor of Technical Sciences, academician Russian Academy missile and artillery Sciences Yuri Faykov, developer of the RDS-37 thermonuclear charge, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Trutnev, as well as a specialist in laser thermonuclear fusion Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Radiy Ilkaev. It was under the leadership of Academician Ilkaev that the concept of the super-powerful laser installation “Iskra-6” was developed, based on the petawatt-level laser “Luch”.

Andrey Bushlinsky

“The statements made from Washington with threats of physical destruction of citizens of the Russian Federation should be qualified as a policy of state terrorism on the part of the United States,” says Professor Valery Volkov, director of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems. – And for this you need to ask!

But the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation seemed to have fallen into a lethargic sleep. Minister Sergei Lavrov seemed to have filled his mouth with water. Why is there no adequate response? The FSB is still actively looking for a spy trail in a series of very brutal murders of major experts in the field of aviation technology and aircraft manufacturing. In 2010, four major specialists passed away in just four months.

Alexey Chervonenskis

First of all, the close attention of the FSB was attracted by the death of a 60-year-old employee of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) Konstantina K. Troup The scientist was found in an apartment on Chkalova Street in the city of Zhukovsky. As detectives established, the murder was committed by a 30-year-old local resident who had previously been convicted. However, counterintelligence officers do not exclude the possibility that the deceased could have known about secret developments at TsAGI, which for some reason did not go into production. And certain structures, including foreign intelligence services, could be interested in receiving this information.

The FSB was also interested in the mysterious death of the famous designer, first deputy director of TsAGI for aerodynamics and flight dynamics, Gennady Pavlovets, who was considered one of the creators of a new generation of civil aviation. The 70-year-old scientist also served on the board of the National Association of Nanoindustry. Pavlovets died in a fire in his country house. However, when firefighters put out the flames and pulled the body of the deceased out from under the rubble, forensic experts counted several dozen stab wounds on Pavlovets’ body.

Alexander Pikaev

Another murder, which the intelligence services did not ignore, occurred a few days before the death of Pavlovets. In the town of Shchelkovo near Moscow, in an apartment on Proletarsky Prospekt, the corpse of 32-year-old Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of NPO Measuring Equipment OJSC Alexei Frolov was found mangled with a knife. NGO producing telemetry equipment and microelectronics for rocket and space technology, carried out numerous orders from the Ministry of Defense and was closely associated with TsAGI.

Finally, the fourth murder occurred in the Republic of Mari El. Together with his family in Yoshkar-Ola, the head of the 1st department of JSC Volzhsky Electromechanical Plant, an enterprise that is part of the largest association of the military-industrial complex JSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey, was stabbed to death. Both the concern itself and the plant were closely connected with TsAGI. By the way, the Almaz-Antey concern quite often appears in criminal chronicles because of suspicious deaths of their employees. For example, in 2009 in Moscow, a killer shot and killed the head of one of the departments of the Almaz-Antey concern, Andrei Barabenkov. On June 6, 2003, the head of the Almaz-Antey company, Igor Klimov, was shot, and on October 9 of the same year, the general director was brutally killed OJSC "Prommashinstrument" Elena Neshcheret.

Sergey Podoynitsyn

“I am sure that the murders of scientists should attract the attention of the Russian special services,” independent military expert Yuri Bobylov shared in our conversation. – Apparently, these murders are carried out on the instructions of the governments of states that are competitors on the world stage in the field of weapons, new technology and technology.

Vyacheslav Trukhachev

Death near the village of Besovets

Surrounded by complete mysteries and plane crash near the village of Besovets (Prionezhsky district, Karelia). On June 20, 2011, as a result of the Tu-134 crash, five leading Russian scientists, the flower of the Russian nuclear industry, were killed here at once! This is the general designer of the experimental design bureau (OKB) "Gidropress" Sergei Ryzhov, his deputy Gennady Banyuk, chief designer Doctor of Technical Sciences Nikolai Trunov, head of department OJSC Atomenergomash Valery Lyalin and chief technologist of the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau them. I.I. Afrikantova Andrey Trofimov.

By the way, nuclear scientist Andrei Trofimov worked on construction Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant in Iran, and Ryzhov was one of the leading specialists in the construction of a nuclear plant in India. All nuclear scientists flew to Petrozavodsk for a meeting at which it was planned to discuss issues related to the development of new nuclear reactors.

Later it was officially announced that the cause of the disaster was crew error. However, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz almost immediately proposed to consider the “conspiracy” version. According to Israeli journalists, it could have been directed against Russian nuclear specialists who were helping Iran develop its nuclear program. After all, let’s not forget: in Iran, the best scientists working in the defense industries are also being systematically destroyed. So, in Tehran recently people have been killed 5 nuclear physicists. Among them is Hassan Moghaddam, head of the Islamic Republic of Iran's missile program.

At the same time, here’s what’s interesting: the vast majority of murders of scientists remain unsolved. Why? Maybe the FSB should take the progress of investigations under special control?

A man with an erased memory

Another misfortune: some scientists who remained alive after the assassination attempt had their memory erased, as if they had passed an eraser along the convolutions, which made the person forget not only given name, but also what he did in his old life. By the way, the first such lost people began to appear in different parts of Russia immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Union. And this is very symptomatic: it was in the USSR that many great discoveries were made, which soon migrated to the West.

Let's mentally fast forward to October 2003. In the city of Zheleznogorsk (formerly Krasnoyarsk-26), a nuclear physicist from a local mining and chemical plant, Sergei Podoynitsyn, mysteriously disappeared. In a nuclear laboratory, a scientist was engaged in the disposal of irradiated nuclear fuel. And the scientist also made a discovery: he learned to grow artificial emeralds.

The Zheleznogorsk prosecutor's office opened a criminal case under Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Murder”. Nuclear scientist Podoynitsyn was put on the federal wanted list. At the same time, it was known that the Americans were very interested in Podoynitsyn - the scientist maintained scientific contacts with colleagues from the USA, which is why they knew about his developments. On May 21, 2005, Sergei Podoynitsyn suddenly appeared on the threshold of his home. With complete loss of memory. He didn't have any documents with him. It was as if he had arrived on an alien ship!

– Over the past 20 years at the Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry them. V.P. Serbian More than 30 people visited and it was as if they had fallen from the moon. Among them are many scientists who worked in various research institutes, says psychologist Irina Gryaznova. “They couldn’t even say their name.” Moreover, the reason for memory loss lay not in stress or in hereditary diseases. There is a pattern in all these stories. All these people were certainly on the road: on their way to work, to college, or on their way to the dacha. Then they disappeared. And they found themselves hundreds or even thousands of kilometers from home. For example, Professor Novikov was on his way to work. It happened in Kazan. But he never showed up in his laboratory. A professor was found near Saratov six months later... Can we say that someone interfered with the minds of scientists? Today there are several ways to erase memory: medicinal - with the use of narcotic drugs, as well as man-made - using generators. But the most effective is their combination.

Scientists keep dying

The flower of our society is truly dying: doctors of technical, mathematical, biological, chemical, and medical sciences. Among them are many nuclear scientists, microbiologists, psychologists, specialists in neurolinguistic programming, and designers of modern weapons. These famous and respected people were engaged in strategic developments, created new types of weapons, worked on the design of a new space engine, worked on new types of fuel, they guarded our health... Many discoveries and inventions of these advanced scientists remained to live on after their departure. But some discoveries remained only on paper.

In order to understand what Russia is losing, let us at least dwell on the death of the famous microbiologist professor Korshunov.

The head of the Department of Microbiology of the Russian State Medical University, Professor Valery Korshunov, was killed in the entrance of his house No. 4 on Academician Bakulev Street. The professor's body was discovered by neighbors. Forensic experts working at the scene of the tragedy concluded that the murder occurred at midnight. The cause of death was cranial injury.

Professor Korshunov was one of the leading Russian microbiologists. He specialized on the study of normal human microflora and methods for its correction. The scientist owns more than 150 scientific works. His developments are actively used in leading laboratories in Russia, the USA and Canada. Korshunov created several priority areas in the field of human microbial ecology, such as infectious complications of acute radiation sickness. And he suggested original methods their corrections. The developments were used in the treatment of patients who received a strong dose of radiation, including accident liquidators at Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Meanwhile, scientists continue to die. On September 22, 2014, in Moscow, in the Losiny Ostrov park, a leading employee of the Institute of Management Problems died under completely mysterious circumstances. them. V.A. Trapeznikova RAS professor Alexey Chervonenkis. He worked on mathematical statistics, machine learning theory and its applications. Together with mathematician Vladimir Vapnik, he developed a statistical theory for recovering dependencies from empirical data. It is called the Vapnik-Chervonenkis theory. The professor collaborated with the Yandex school of data analysis.

Who will stop the wave of murders? Who will stop Operation Elimination?

Professor Nikolai Uranov, General Director of the State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology “Liquidation”:

– The brutal murders of leading Russian scientists one after another cannot be just an accident! I believe that the ominous series of murders of the best minds in Russia is a targeted seizure, one of the channels of sabotage. I don’t know all the details of the activities of the murdered colleagues, but I can say about microbiologist Valery Korshunov that as a result of his death, work in the most important area of ​​science was stopped. Hundreds, if not thousands of people in Russia were doomed due to the halt in research.



Russian Federal Nuclear Center, All-Russian Research Institute experimental physics in Sarov - an enterprise of the Rosatom State Corporation. The RFNC-VNIIEF includes several institutes: theoretical and mathematical physics, experimental gas dynamics and explosion physics, nuclear and radiation physics, laser physics research, scientific and technical center high densities energy, as well as design offices and thematic centers. In the former numbered Arzamas, 3 academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 109 doctors of science, 505 candidates of science work.

The list of Russian scientists who died under mysterious circumstances includes dozens of names. It is easy to notice: all the dead were related to industries that were strategically important for the country and the defense industry.

January 4, 2002 in St. Petersburg The director of the Research Institute of Electrical Mechanical Engineering, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Igor Glebov, was killed.

On January 30, 2002, Andrei Brushlinsky, director of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, died.

On October 20, 2002, military psychologist Mikhail Ionov was killed. From his briefcase was stolen treatise"Intellectual decision support in reflexive enemy control."

On March 17, 2003, the General Director of the International Center for Nuclear Safety, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sergei Bugaenko, was killed.

On June 3, 2003, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Major General of Aviation Alexander Krasovsky was killed - the academician headed the department at the Academy. Zhukovsky.

On August 19, 2006, Leonid Korochkin, geneticist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, died tragically.

On January 28, 2007, the head of the zirconium supply department was thrown out of the Chop-Moscow train OJSC TVEL-Invest-Technology(structure of Rosatom State Corporation) Igor Dobrunik.

February 25, 2008 in France in a car accident Nuclear physicist Arkady Mullin died under very vague circumstances.

On June 1, 2010, in Orsay, France, under unclear circumstances, Russian scientist Mikhail Polyansky died suddenly. He was only 35 years old.


A big deal. Formula of death

More detailed and varied information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the “Keys of Knowledge” website. All Conferences are open and completely free of charge. We invite everyone interested...

"Over the past 14 years, more than seventy large scientific works nicknames Only three murders have been solved. The rest will likely remain a mystery. Some sensationalist journalists even blamed aliens from outer space for the death of scientists. But it is obvious that to search for criminals one must look not into the distance of the Universe, but beyond the Atlantic Ocean, believes Vladimir Smyk, a columnist for the newspaper Military-Industrial Courier (VPK).

Our country’s attitude towards the West resembles a series of ebbs and flows, the journalist writes. Then suddenly arms open in the hope that we will be accepted into the “family of civilized states.” Then I remember that we are Rus', unique, original, which has its own path and destiny. Let us ask: can Russia trust the West at all? Our own cultural, scientific and economic achievements would be immeasurably higher if the “civilizers” did not interfere with us. There are, unfortunately, a great many examples of this. To this day, scientists are being killed whose work can revive the industrial and, above all, military power of our state.

At the beginning of 2012, during the Republican Party primaries, several candidates for the presidency of the United States openly advocated the physical liquidation of Russian scientists who possessed the secrets of the development and creation of nuclear weapons. They pose a threat to US security. In the citadel of “fighters for human rights and democracy,” calls were made that cannot be interpreted otherwise than as terrorist.

To quote Rick Santrum: “We were talking about covert operations here. The corpses of nuclear scientists from Russia and Iran have already been found. I hope the US was involved in this. I hope we take all the necessary steps during covert operations.” A solid audience, listening to a Republican known for his extremely conservative views, rose from their seats and began to applaud vigorously. Another presidential candidate, former Speaker of the House Mill Gindridge, proposed that America conduct these operations around the world. And again applause.

By the way, another reason for applause for gentlemen (“gentle people” in literal translation into Russian). In 2006, leading American virologist Eric Pianka, speaking at a ceremonial meeting at the University of Texas, said that with the help of a new strain of Ebola fever (according to him, which has fantastic lethality), it is possible to reduce humanity by 90 percent “for the good of the planet.”

The American scientists present in the hall stood up in a single impulse and gave him a standing ovation... And what’s interesting: on board the Boeing MH17, which was shot down in the skies over Donbass, was a representative of the World Health Organization, Glenn Thomas, a leading consultant on infectious diseases, AIDS and the Ebola virus. He participated in investigations related to experiments on Africans in a bioweapons laboratory funded by George Soros, located at the Kenema Hospital (Sierra Leone): healthy people were infected with a deadly fever virus to develop a vaccine.

By a strange coincidence, the same Boeing carried virologists flying to a conference in Melbourne, including J. Lange, a professor at the University of Amsterdam, the most prominent expert on AIDS, a disease that, having escaped from American laboratories, was first discovered in the spring of 1981 in California and had nothing to do with Africa and “little green monkeys,” no matter how the States tried to convince humanity otherwise. It is possible that he and his colleagues brought with them the results of many years of work, perhaps even a long-awaited cure for a monstrous disease: shortly before the conference, Professor Lange’s employees said that his speech should create a sensation in the scientific world.

Nuclear workers are the first at risk

Each large-scale provocation solves not one, but a whole complex of problems. The Ukrainian fighter that shot down the Malaysian Boeing provided a lot of services to America: it helped unite the “indignant West” against Russia, which was allegedly responsible for the disaster, led to a sanctions regime, and also removed unwanted witnesses aware of the work of secret US laboratories developing biological and bacteriological weapon.

By the way, the mortality rate among American virologists and microbiologists, as calculated by independent experts in the same States, is tens of times higher than the average, and plane crashes are one of the proven ways to eliminate specialists working under CIA and Pentagon contracts. So it’s not just Russian and Iranian scientists who are dying. But Rick Santrum and other presidential candidates in the Republican primaries did not even mention the facts. strange deaths their scientific luminaries. But the message about dead Russians immediately increased his rating by several percent.

US presidential candidate Rick Santorum has made it clear that if elected would authorize covert operations by American intelligence agencies, as a result of which Russian nuclear physicists taking part in work on Iran’s nuclear program could be killed.

"Iran should not have nuclear weapons. And we will do everything to prevent this from happening. I hope... We were talking about covert operations (of American intelligence agencies). The corpses of nuclear scientists have already been found in Russia and Iran. There were computer viruses, there were problems at (nuclear) facilities.

I hope the US was involved (in all these operations). "I hope that through covert operations we are taking all the necessary steps to ensure that Iran's nuclear program does not move forward," Santorum said during the Republican presidential debate on Saturday evening in South Carolina. CBS.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney also mentioned Russia during the debate. He spoke in the sense that Moscow got the Obama administration to fulfill its priority tasks, while the American The White house cannot boast of the same successes, including on the Iranian issue. Moscow's main concern, according to Romney, was the deployment of US missile defense facilities in former satellite countries of the USSR.

He believes that Obama made concessions to Russia on this issue. " The President was unable to force Russia to agree to the introduction of serious sanctions against Tehran", Romney stated. Former Governor Massachusetts, which is considered one of the frontrunners among presidential candidates in the polls ahead of the Republican primaries, which will begin in early 2012, is not the first time that it has spoken out in this spirit, reports

Last year he died in Malta under strange circumstances. Alexander Pikaev, Head of the Department of Disarmament and Conflict Resolution, Center for International Security, IMEMO RAS. The death of Alexander Pikaev is a severe and largely irreparable loss for the staff of the Institute, the Russian and world expert community in the field of international security issues.

According to Times Of Malta, a mark from the blow is visible on the head of the deceased. However law enforcement agencies do not rush into inputs: perhaps the injury was received during a fall. The police noted that when Pikaev's body was discovered, his computer was still working and all data had been deleted.

Killed in Zhukovsky Gennady Pavlovets, outstanding aerodynamicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, laureate of State Prizes of Russia and Ukraine, prize named after prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, advisor to the TsAGI directorate, honorary citizen of the city of Zhukovsky. Worked on the creation of 5th generation aircraft. On July 13, 2010, at about 8 p.m., in a country house located in Zhukovsky near Moscow, after extinguishing a fire, the body of a 70-year-old adviser to the directorate of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after. Zhukovsky (TsAGI) Gennady Pavlovets with signs of violent death. A criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - murder.

In 2009, under unclear circumstances, there was a Professor Andrei Gorobets was shot dead, a fairly famous nuclear physicist. Some time ago, Gorobets announced his desire to return to Russia, where he left in the late 90s. He declared quite loudly, there were several publications in the press: the scientific center where he worked sharply refused to finance his developments, the professor’s laboratory was taken away and they began to intimidate his wife and adult daughter in every possible way - both of them were American citizens. Andrei Gorobets, of course, did not remain silent, but spoke about the pressure in the newspapers. As a result of psychological treatment, both women refused to leave for Russia with the professor, and the scientist’s departure was thus delayed.

« People from the CIA met with Andrei several times, at least that’s what he called them when he told me about it,” says another physicist from Russia living in America, Aron Fridlyand. - They persuaded him not to leave, threatened that they would trample on his reputation in the scientific community, would not invite him to give lectures and would block the publication of all his scientific works. But Andrei firmly decided to leave. He even persuaded his wife to follow him and bought two plane tickets.. And then they kill him . At the same time, no one knows the details of the murder, although quite a lot of time has passed».


Death of Captain Nyago Reuben Nureyev, chief inspector for nuclear and radiation safety of Minatom, was on a business trip in Novosibirsk in the summer of 1996.

In January 2000, First Deputy Minister of Atomic Energy Alexander Belosokhov passed away. He seemed to have died as a result of an accident: he was riding a snowmobile. A criminal case for attempted murder (this version was initially present) was not initiated.

ON MAY 13, 2001, Evgeny Ignatenko, vice-president of the Rosenergoatom concern, died in a car accident.

MARCH 2003. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bugaenko (General Director of the International Center for Nuclear Safety of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation) was killed. The body of 68-year-old Bugaenko with a traumatic brain injury was found in the entrance of house No. 44 on Leninsky Prospekt in Moscow.

DECEMBER 1997. Deputy Director of the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant was killed in Moscow commercial matters Vladimir Khokhlov. The murder has not been solved.

February 2004. Deputy director of the KNPP Boris Khokhlov (namesake of Vladimir Khokhlov, killed in 1997) was killed.

IN MAY 2006, the president of TVEL OJSC, retired captain of the first rank, Alexander Nyago, suddenly died.

In Russia, prominent scientists continue to die under strange circumstances.


Director of the Research Institute of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, World Health Organization expert, Professor Leonid Strachunsky died in room 741 of the Slavyanka Hotel (it belongs to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - AN) in the summer of 2005.

Just as strange was the death of the famous Ural scientist, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Sergei Vovk. He died on July 13, 2005 at the railway station in Yekaterinburg from clonidine poisoning. Professor Vovk studied the inert gas xenon. SOME time ago, the CIA accused the famous Russian scientist Nelly Maltseva of transmitting the smallpox virus to Iraq, which could be used by Baghdad as a bacteriological weapon. This one is special dangerous look The virus is resistant to vaccines. The CIA believed that with the help of missiles, the Iraqi military could transport the virus over long distances. Nelly Maltseva died two years ago. There seemed to be nothing strange about her death.

On January 4, 2002, Igor Glebov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the Research Institute of Electrical Mechanical Engineering, was killed in St. Petersburg.

At the end of January 2002, the director of the Research Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Andrei Brushlinsky, head of research on combating terrorism using psi methods, was beaten to death. Brushlinsky's stolen briefcase contained works on the latest methods of searching for terrorists. The professor had to send these materials to the Pentagon. A few months before Brushlinsky’s death, his deputy, Professor Valery Druzhinin, was killed.

A few days after Brushlinsky’s funeral, the head of the Department of Microbiology of the Russian State Medical University, Professor Valery Korshunov, a specialist in bioweapons and methods of controlling psi-impact, was beaten to death. Professor Korshunov was one of the leading Russian microbiologists. His developments were actively used in laboratories in Russia, the USA and Canada.

The vice-rector of the All-Russian State Tax Academy of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, a scientist and specialist in the field of psi-protection, Eldar Mamedov, was also killed with baseball bats. Then military scientist-psychologist Mikhail Ionov was killed. The materials “Intellectual decision support in reflexive control of the enemy” were stolen from his portfolio. After numerous threats over the phone, microbiologist Anikin was poisoned. He was involved in monitoring the use of psi methods. The murders have not been solved. AFTER the invention and successful testing of the “Psychic Probing System”, the famous academician, “father of psychotronic weapons” Igor Smirnov, quickly passed away.

ON APRIL 20, 2004, Vyacheslav Fedorov, professor of the Department of Mathematical Operations Research at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University, was killed in Moscow. The professor's body was found in the apartment of house No. 4 on Stoletova Street. The crime weapon is an ordinary kitchen knife. Next came a message about the murder of Nikolai Valyagin, a 59-year-old professor at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. The professor's body was found in his apartment on Metallurgov Street. The professor was also killed with a kitchen knife.

In September 2005, a verdict was rendered in the murder of 57-year-old Irina Proskuryakova, a professor at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. There were no eyewitnesses to the crime or fingerprints in the case. Nikolai Girenko, a senior researcher at the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography, a leading Russian expert on problems of interethnic relations, was also killed in St. Petersburg. He was a world-famous scientist. Nikolai Girenko’s book “The Sociology of the Tribe” became a true discovery in the science of interethnic relations. The murders have not been solved.

MYSTERIOUS death in Moscow of 83-year-old Professor Bondarevsky. Grigory Bondarevsky was a prominent orientalist, an expert on the problems of the North Caucasus.

AT THE END of the summer of 2002, the whole of Krasnoyarsk was talking about the mysterious disappearance of Professor Bakhvalov. The famous chemist Sergei Bakhvalov left home and did not return. August 19, 2006 - corresponding member. RAS, geneticist Leonid Korochkin.

November 10, 2006 - Deputy Director of the Hermitage Richard Dunin. December 28, 2005 - Deputy Director for Scientific Work of the Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexander Artemyev.

January 22, 2003 - Vice-Rector of the Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov Victor Frantsuzov. March 12, 2003 - teacher of the Financial and Legal Academy Vadim Ryabtsev.

June 3, 2003 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Major General of Aviation Alexander Krasovsky (academician for 40 years headed the department at the Zhukovsky Academy, where Yuri Gagarin and German Titov were trained - “AN”).

September 25, 2002 - Professor, Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy at Vladivostok Medical University Sergei Melnik.

December 26, 2002 - Rector of the Far Eastern state university fishing industry, ex-vice-governor of the Primorsky Territory Evgeny Krasnov.

November 20, 2001 - Professor of the Russian State Medical University Boris Svyatsky.

July 2000 at the dacha in Valen-tinovka - GITIS rector Sergei Isaev. A MYSTERIOUS story in the closed city of Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory).

In mid-October 2003, a nuclear scientist, deputy head of the central factory laboratory of the Mining and Chemical Combine, 46-year-old Sergei Podoynitsyn, disappeared without a trace. The nuclear scientist returned to his hometown six months later. With erased memory.

Not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Iran, several first-class nuclear scientists have been killed in recent years under strange circumstances.

We hope it is at least a little clear why in the USSR they hid scientists working on special topics in closed special towns and even kept their real names secret. Does our pseudo-elite itch when the country's best technical minds are physically destroyed? Not only not at all, but she herself first of all dealt an irreparable blow to domestic science and education. What do she care about some scientists?

Over the past 14 years, more than seventy prominent scientists have died under unclear circumstances. Only three murders have been solved. The rest will likely remain a mystery.

Some sensationalist journalists even blamed aliens from outer space for the death of scientists.

But it is obvious that to search for criminals one must look beyond the distance of the Universe, and beyond the Atlantic Ocean.

Our country's attitude towards the West resembles a series of ebbs and flows. Then suddenly arms open in the hope that we will be accepted into the “family of civilized states.” Then I remember that we are Rus', unique, original, which has its own path and destiny. Let us ask: can Russia trust the West at all? Our own cultural, scientific and economic achievements would be immeasurably higher if the “civilizers” did not interfere with us.

There are, unfortunately, a great many examples of this. To this day, scientists are being killed whose work can revive the industrial and, above all, military power of our state.

“The murder weapons of the same type - baseball bats - are a clear hint as to which country the order for the scientist’s liquidation came from”

At the beginning of 2012, during the Republican Party primaries, several candidates for the presidency of the United States openly advocated the physical liquidation of Russian scientists who possessed the secrets of the development and creation of nuclear weapons. They pose a threat to US security. In the citadel of “fighters for human rights and democracy,” calls were made that cannot be interpreted otherwise than as terrorist.

To quote Rick Santrum: “We were talking about covert operations here. The corpses of nuclear scientists from Russia and Iran have already been found. I hope the US was involved in this. I hope we take all the necessary steps during covert operations.” A solid audience, listening to a Republican known for his extremely conservative views, rose from their seats and began to applaud vigorously. Another presidential candidate, former Speaker of the House Mill Gindridge, proposed that America conduct these operations around the world. And again applause.

By the way, another reason for applause for gentlemen (“gentle people” in literal translation into Russian). In 2006, leading American virologist Eric Pianka, speaking at a ceremonial meeting at the University of Texas, said that with the help of a new strain of Ebola fever (according to him, which has fantastic lethality), it is possible to reduce humanity by 90 percent “for the good of the planet.” The American scientists present in the hall stood up in unison and gave him a standing ovation...

And what’s interesting: a representative of the World Health Organization, Glenn Thomas, a leading consultant on infectious diseases, AIDS and the Ebola virus, was flying on board the Boeing MH17, which was shot down in the skies over Donbass. He participated in investigations related to experiments on Africans in a bioweapons laboratory funded by George Soros, located at the Kenema Hospital (Sierra Leone): healthy people were infected with a deadly fever virus to develop a vaccine.

By a strange coincidence, the same Boeing carried virologists flying to a conference in Melbourne, including J. Lange, a professor at the University of Amsterdam, the most prominent expert on AIDS, a disease that, having escaped from American laboratories, was first discovered in the spring of 1981 in California and had nothing to do with Africa and “little green monkeys,” no matter how the States tried to convince humanity otherwise.

It is possible that he and his colleagues brought with them the results of many years of work, perhaps even a long-awaited cure for a monstrous disease: shortly before the conference, Professor Lange’s employees said that his speech should create a sensation in the scientific world.

Nuclear workers are the first at risk

Each large-scale provocation solves not one, but a whole complex of problems. The Ukrainian fighter that shot down the Malaysian Boeing provided a lot of services to America: it helped unite the “indignant West” against Russia, which was allegedly responsible for the disaster, led to a sanctions regime, and also removed unwanted witnesses aware of the work of secret US laboratories developing biological and bacteriological weapon.

By the way, the mortality rate among American virologists and microbiologists, as calculated by independent experts in the same States, is tens of times higher than the average, and plane crashes are one of the proven ways to eliminate specialists working under CIA and Pentagon contracts. So it’s not just Russian and Iranian scientists who are dying. But Rick Santrum and other presidential candidates in the Republican primaries did not even mention the facts of the strange deaths of their scientific luminaries. But the message about dead Russians immediately increased his rating by several percent.

The first victim among our nuclear physicists was, obviously, Reuben Nureyev, the chief inspector for nuclear and radiation safety of Minatom. In the summer of 1996, he was on a business trip to Novosibirsk, performing a task of national importance. On June 21, the cut body of the chief inspector was found on the railway tracks. The death was presented as suicide, although Nureyev’s relatives argued that the inspector had no reason to throw himself under the train. The crime has not been solved.

In January 2000, First Deputy Minister of Atomic Energy Alexander Belosokhov died. An accident allegedly led to death: the scientist was riding a snowmobile. A criminal case for attempted murder, although such a version was initially present, was not initiated. On May 13, 2001, Evgeny Ignatenko, vice-president of the Rosenergoatom concern, died in a car accident. He was on his way to the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant. The collision was head-on. Ignatenko died from his injuries. The car responsible for the accident fled the scene...

In March 2003, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bugaenko, General Director of the International Center for Nuclear Safety of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation, died of a traumatic brain injury. His murder occurred shortly after the visit to Moscow of US Deputy Secretary of State John Bolton, who was in charge of monitoring the nuclear non-proliferation regime. The Russian-Iranian cooperation program was the focus of the talks held by a senior American diplomat in Moscow. Bolton arrived in Moscow shortly after the United States released satellite images of secret Iranian nuclear facilities. The death of Professor Bugaenko is directly linked to the Iranian nuclear dossier.

The list of facts related to the murders of our nuclear scientists can be continued for a very long time..

Let's talk about what is perhaps the most egregious. On June 20, 2011, a Tu-134 plane crashed near the village of Besovets (Prionezhsky district, Karelia). Died here five leading Russian scientists at once- the color of our nuclear industry: general designer of the Gidropress experimental design bureau Sergei Ryzhov, his deputy Gennady Banyuk, chief designer Doctor of Technical Sciences Nikolay Trunov, head of the department of Atomenergomash OJSC Valery Lyalin and chief technologist of the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau named after. I. I. Afrikantova Andrey Trofimov. The latter worked on the construction of the Bushehr nuclear power plant in Iran. Sergei Ryzhov was one of the leading specialists in the construction of a nuclear plant in India. All nuclear scientists flew to Petrozavodsk for a meeting at which it was planned to discuss the development of new nuclear reactors. It was officially reported that the cause of the disaster was crew error. Maybe...

But strangely, the airline that organized the fatal flight Moscow - Petrozavodsk changed planes at the last minute without notifying the passengers, and thereby committed a gross violation of the procedure. As a result, instead of the Canadian Bombardier CRJ-200, the old Tu-134 took flight. The newspaper Haaretz, published in Jerusalem, almost immediately after the disaster, proposed to take into account the version of the conspiracy.

According to Israeli journalists, it was directed against Russian nuclear specialists who were helping Iran develop its nuclear program. After all, in Iran, too, there is a systematic destruction of the best scientists employed in the defense industries. Recently, several nuclear physicists have been killed. In November 2011, an explosion killed General Hassan Moghaddam, head of the Islamic Republic of Iran's missile program.

The customer leaves a mark

It's not just nuclear scientists who are dying. Doctors of technical, mathematical, biological, chemical, medical sciences - the intellectual flower of Russia - are being killed. Among them are many microbiologists, psychologists, neurolinguistic programming specialists, and designers. These people were engaged in strategic developments, created new types of weapons, worked on a unique space engine, worked on new types of fuel, stood guard over our health... Many discoveries and inventions continue to live after the departure of their authors. But some remained on paper. In order to understand what Russia is losing, let us dwell on the death of the famous microbiologist Valery Korshunov.

The professor, who headed the department of microbiology at the Russian State Medical University, was beaten to death with bats in February 2002 in Moscow, at the entrance of his house. Valery Korshunov was considered one of the leading researchers in his field. The scientist owns more than 150 scientific works. His developments are actively used in leading laboratories in Russia, the USA and Canada. Korshunov created several priority areas in human microbial ecology, such as infectious complications of acute radiation sickness. And he proposed original methods for their correction.

The developments were used in the treatment of patients who received a strong dose of radiation, including liquidators of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. “As a result of his death, work in the most important area of ​​science was stopped. Hundreds, if not thousands of people in Russia remained doomed, said Professor Nikolai Uranov, director general of the State Scientific Center for Applied Microbiology. - The brutal murders of leading Russian scientists one after another cannot be just an accident! “I believe that the ominous series of murders of the best minds in Russia is a targeted seizure, one of the channels of sabotage.”

Someone is purposefully tearing out the highest stratum of our scientific elite from life. On January 4, 2002, Igor Glebov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, director of the Research Institute of Electrical Mechanical Engineering, was killed in St. Petersburg. At the end of January 2002, the director of the Research Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Andrei Brushlinsky, the head of research on combating terrorism using psi methods, was beaten to death. The scientist's stolen briefcase contained works on the latest methods of searching for terrorists. A few months before Brushlinsky’s death, his deputy, Professor Valery Druzhinin, was killed. Valery Korshunov died literally a few days after Brushlinsky’s funeral.

The vice-rector of the All-Russian State Tax Academy, a scientist and specialist in the field of psi-protection, Eldar Mamedov, was also beaten to death with baseball bats. The same type of murder weapon - baseball bats - is a clear hint as to which country the order for the scientist's liquidation came from. This is also a method of intimidating the deceased’s colleagues. If threats do not work, reprisals follow.

The famous nuclear physicist Professor Andrei Gorobets, who left Russia in the late 90s, decided to return to his homeland in 2009 and loudly announced this. People from the CIA met with him several times. But persuasion did not work, and he already bought a plane ticket. Gorobets was shot dead in broad daylight in the center of New York. They killed demonstratively, so that all scientists from Russia who think of breaking out of the “freest country” would know what end awaits them.

The conveyor belt of murders of Russian scientists works without any glitches. On November 23, 2012, in Tula, five hundred meters from work, Vyacheslav Trukhachev, deputy general designer of the State Unitary Enterprise KBP, was killed. By all indications, the order was carried out by a highly professional killer. A single bullet from a Makarov pistol was fired in such a way that the victim had no chance. The designer died instantly, the likelihood of catching the killer is minimal. Vyacheslav Trukhachev designed anti-personnel and anti-tank grenade launchers, small-caliber automatic guns for aircraft and land- and sea-based air defense systems, active protection systems for armored vehicles, and ammunition. As we see, we're talking about about those weapons that have always been strong point of our defense industry.

Scientists who are not only involved in developments related to the defense industry are being killed. It seems that they are sometimes removed simply to reduce the number of outstanding minds in Russia. There is no other way to explain why on August 19, 2006, a motorcyclist hit and killed Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Leonid Korochkin on the pedestrian path of Leninsky Prospekt. The killer, as usual, was not found.

Korochkin was engaged in work in the field of fundamental genetics, put forward new theory pathways of cell differentiation - the “swing theory”. Leonid Ivanovich argued that a cell can choose a development program depending on the factors acting on it, asserted the possibility of its “redetermination,” in other words, a change in specialization under certain conditions. That is, even a cell does not know predestination, is not deprived of degrees of freedom, even at this level the principle of fate does not work. Works of geneticists recent years in practice they confirmed Korochkin’s theory, put forward by him in 2002. But the murdered scientist also worked fruitfully in neurogenetics, developmental biology, and studied cloning and stem cells.

Orthodox Christian Leonid Korochkin was a philosopher from science. In communication, a modest, benevolent person, somewhat shy; in his books and articles, during the years of state atheism, he desperately fought against Darwinism. He boldly analyzed the problems of the philosophy of biology, carried out comparative analysis various philosophical systems, put forward the principle of the trinity of religion, science, art (by the way, Korochkin is the author of interesting paintings). “World science and culture have suffered a huge loss,” he rightly wrote in his obituary dedicated to Leonid Korochkin. former colleague Professor Valery Soifer, who long ago became a US citizen. Or maybe this is the answer. Valery Nikolaevich lives in America, is the general director of the Soros education program in the field of exact sciences, does not intend to renounce his new citizenship, and therefore his life is quite prosperous...

Memory killers

However, in order to completely neutralize a scientist, as it turns out, it is not necessary to kill. You can erase his memory so that he forgets his own name and does not remember at all what he did before. Immediately after the collapse of the Union, such people began to appear in different points our country. A strange disease affects men under 45 in 99 percent of cases. It deprives memory, but very selectively: all functional skills and general knowledge about the world are preserved. People remember how to drive a car or play tennis, how to use a shower and a razor. They understand that they should contact the police for help and “ ambulance“, but they don’t remember anything that concerns them personally. People with erased biography were found on the side of roads, on railway tracks and in ditches, but each time - at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from their home

“Over the past 20 years at the Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after. More than thirty people visited V.P. Serbsky, who seemed to have fallen from the moon, says psychologist Irina Gryaznova. - Among them there are many scientists who worked in various research institutes. They couldn't even say their name. Moreover, the cause of memory loss was not due to stress or hereditary diseases. There is a pattern in all these stories. These people were certainly on the road: on their way to work, to college, or on their way to the dacha.

Then they disappeared. And they found themselves hundreds or even thousands of kilometers from home. For example, Professor M., who lived in Kazan, was on his way to work. But he never showed up in his laboratory. Found near Saratov six months later... Can we say that someone interfered with the minds of scientists? Today there are several ways to erase memory: medicinal - using narcotic drugs, as well as man-made - using generators. But the most effective is their combination.”
