How to glaze a wooden balcony with your own hands. Glazing a balcony with plastic windows: advantages and disadvantages of PVC, materials and tools, preparatory work, frame installation. Preliminary measurements and calculations

The renovation is in full swing and it’s time to improve the balcony? Certainly, modern variety in the services market makes you tense. Everyone wants quality and cheap. How about making your own balcony glazing? Let's figure it out together.

Stage one – preparation.

It is impossible to do without this. It is important that the balcony does not collapse under the weight of the structure, the windows do not fly out at the first wind, and the cladding does not come off as quickly as it is being installed.

Technical analysis is one of the components of the initial actions. Grade design features, the percentage of dilapidation (unsafety) of the living space - these parameters will allow us to draw a conclusion about whether the design of the house is designed for the fact that there will be an additional load on the balcony in the form of glazing.

Having made sure that all this will definitely not collapse, we move on to additional strengthening of the parapet. Depending on the future load, reinforcement is carried out using foam concrete blocks or metal.

Which material to choose? The answer depends on your goals and the technical capabilities of your home. Metal will be universal, suitable even for extremely dilapidated balconies.

How to do this is detailed in the diagram. Let us only note that durable metal structure“ties” the parapet and is able to take on the main load of the glazing system.

If your balcony is strong and wide, then you can use foam blocks. This material also serves as excellent thermal insulation. But such a structure requires strengthening with reinforcement. Otherwise, the desired effect will not happen.

After preparatory work finished, you can, without fear, deal directly with what, in fact, everything was started for.

Stage two – design selection.

  • Wooden Euro-windows have a long service life, so you don’t have to worry that they will rot or dry out under the influence of external factors.
  • Aluminum frames are cheap, lightweight and are most often used for cold glazing.
  • If we take PVC, then they have a wide range in the area additional functions– sound insulation, thermal insulation, imitation a certain style in architecture, etc. Of course, they are heavier than aluminum and are used for warm glazing.

How are things going with the lighting in the room? In addition to frames, you should also pay attention to glass. You sunny side, but I want to do it on the balcony game room? To prevent the baby's delicate skin from being exposed to ultraviolet rays, sun protection glasses are used, which special technology covered with film.

How energy saving glass works

This glass absorbs almost 99.9% of radiation. Or maybe the balcony is a future greenhouse? For this purpose, tinted glass is used, which prevents sunlight from penetrating through the glass and creating a “magnifying glass” effect.

Colored glass and stained glass are ideas for specific styles of both interior and exterior. Well, and finally, energy-saving windows. Factory applied to the glass surface the thinnest layer metal that retains heat indoors.

Glass, structure, reinforcement - all preparatory issues have been covered, the decision has been made. All that remains is to understand how it can be glazed. To do this, we move on to the next stage.

Video - what is energy-saving glass and what are its capabilities:

Stage three – choosing a glazing method.

The variety is amazing, just look at the neighboring house. There’s a lot you won’t see there, but let’s focus on the ways.

a) With take-out. Inner space becomes wider due to removal window profile(relative to the main fence). The increase is insignificant - 20-25 cm. A window sill can be placed on such a frame.

b) Frameless. In essence, it turns out panoramic window without vertical frames and horizontal partitions. A lot of light is a plus. Problem with care (for example, washing) is a minus. The design is quite durable, so there is no need to worry about bad weather.

Stage four – installation of the visor.

This should be done before the glazing system is installed, so that later you don’t have to think about how to stick it there so that it doesn’t come off. Using regular dowel nails, we attach it to the ceiling.

After the visor is secured, you can begin glazing, but first you need to secure it anchor plates on all sides except the bottom.

Video - installation of a loggia with a canopy:

Stage five - step-by-step instructions for glazing.

Of course, the balcony must be cleared of everything that was previously there: chairs, flowers, linoleum, tiles, old junk And so on. The issue of strengthening was previously touched upon, so we will omit the description of this procedure.

Installation of wooden windows.

Correct installation according to GOST

Installation of the frame. The beams that serve as the base are pre-treated with sealant (but only the mounting surface). Further, along the perimeter there is construction wooden structure using mounting dowels.

Window installation. The frames must be glazed, as the glass may simply break. Installation is carried out in the following sequence: front structure - side elements.

Afterwards, it is necessary to seal the seams using sealant and polyurethane foam. When everything has hardened (at least a day), you can glaze. But first all grooves must be processed silicone sealant. The beads used to secure the glass must press it tightly against the frame.

Video - how to glaze a balcony with wooden windows:

Installation of aluminum frame.

  1. We eliminate everything unnecessary, namely: we remove all opening elements, so as not to complicate our life, we remove the glazing, as in the previous case.
  2. Mounting plates are attached to the frame (using metal screws), with a pitch of 700 mm or more.
  3. Installation of the frame in the opening, followed by alignment (horizontal, vertical, plane).
  4. Fastening mounting plates to surfaces using dowels.
  5. We hang the sashes and return the glass.
  6. All holes and gaps are eliminated using polyurethane foam.

Video - how to install an aluminum frame with your own hands:

The decision to glaze the balcony today will not surprise anyone. Quite the contrary: the lack of glazing raises the question of why this was not done. Indeed, since the apartment layout includes these additional elements, why not make them into premises capable of performing practical function? For example, become an office, dressing room or winter garden.

Selection of glazing type

Glazing of balconies and loggias is a service that is in great demand in construction market. But those who are used to working in their home with my own hands, more often interested in how to glaze a balcony yourself. Despite the apparent complexity of the procedure, this is quite possible: the actual installation of windows on the balcony will not take much time. But first you need to prepare the balcony for this procedure, and in the case of an old balcony, you may even have to repair the floor and parapet, otherwise you can’t dream of high-quality glazing of balconies. What’s the point of installing windows, which a priori have a significant cost, if they do not provide airtightness and will let in not only wind, but also precipitation?

Therefore, before glazing a balcony with your own hands, it is necessary to critically assess the condition of this territory and determine a further plan of action.

When contacting a window production company, it would be good to initially know what exactly is needed. Otherwise, leading questions will be asked, and the customer may not be ready for answers. For example:

  • What frame should I make?
  • How many cameras should there be in a window?
  • Should the windows be casement or sliding?
  • Is it worth covering glass with energy-saving film?

And these are by no means all the questions that the manager will voice. That is why you first need to figure out how to properly glaze a loggia (balcony), and then what kind of glazing to choose for your balcony.

Option number 1 - cold

Such glazing of balconies and loggias protects from wind, dust and precipitation, but does not imply heat retention - it is more of an aesthetic nature, keeping the space clean, but in the cold season it will feel more low temperature, and installing a heater will not help.

Cold glazing of a balcony with your own hands is the easiest thing to do, since the technology of this type of glazing is the least labor-intensive. And in terms of costs, this is the most pleasant option. The frames used here are thin aluminum or wood, the glass is installed in just one layer.

Here, in a closed area, things will be stored safe and sound, since they will not be afraid of dust, rain and snow, birds and other living creatures that sometimes fly into the area. open balconies. Here they will feel good and indoor flowers- it will be enough for them sunlight to grow and please the owners.

Option number 2 - warm

This option is suitable for those who are looking for how to glaze a balcony and then use it as a living space. True, correct warm glazing a balcony is only one part of the work on insulating a room. The insulation technology also involves improving the parapet, sealing the ceiling and floor.

How to glaze a balcony with your own hands in this case? Of course, it would be nice to have at least a little experience in installing window structures and carrying out repair work- then you will be able to avoid a number of mistakes typical for beginners.

First, you need to inspect the quality of the foundation - both the floor, which is formed on the external slab, and the parapet, which in old buildings often has insufficient strength, durability and is in very questionable condition. The work flow looks like this:

  1. Strengthening and, if necessary, lengthening the floor.
  2. Construction of a new parapet or reconstruction of an existing one with mandatory insulation.
  3. Installation of window blocks by carefully sealing all cracks.
  4. Reconstruction of the roof if the balcony is located on the top floor.
  5. Floor insulation.
  6. Finishing walls, floors and ceilings.

Creation technology warm balcony represents a complete renovation of a small but independent room. It won't be fast, but if you do everything thoroughly, it will be of high quality.

Option No. 3 - panoramic

Glazing of balconies, popular today, is especially important for residents upper floors. The peculiarity of a balcony glazed in this way is that there are no frames on the windows: panoramic double-glazed windows glazed balconies and loggias fit tightly to each other. Such windows are installed on upper and lower guides, which secure the fasteners. This installation requires professionalism - to take on the task yourself panoramic glazing It’s not worth it, unless you are a specialist in this particular type of work.

This is definitely very beautiful balconies with always interesting view. But here you need to not only know how to glaze a balcony correctly, but also be able to do it. Windows can be fixed, sliding, hinged or tilting. The glass used in such work is not typical, but more durable and impact-resistant.

Of course, you need to understand that in such balconies there is much more sunlight (since the walls are glazed not by 40-60%, as usual, but by 100%). This means that in summer time The air here will be very hot and dry. However, this problem can be mitigated by choosing high-quality reflective curtains.

Window block installation

When contacting a window production company, you can immediately provide measurements of the required products - this will save time. But it is extremely important to take measurements on a perfectly flat surface, and for this you should use a level (more simply, an electronic meter).

By the way, if the upper part of the parapet, on which it will be based balcony block, has even slight unevenness, it is better to modify it with cement or demolish it and rebuild it: a flat surface is one of important aspects for high-quality window installation.

There is no need to write down centimeters in reserve, nor should you reduce the parameters just in case: everything should be written down strictly in accordance with the actual dimensions. If in doubt, it is better to invite an experienced measurer to mark the parameters himself. Of course, this will delay the fulfillment of the order by at least a day, but in this case the likelihood that the windows will not work as they should is minimal. A window designs, made according to individual measurements, in case of errors in these very measurements are not subject to return or exchange!

When the order is processed, the waiting time will begin. It can be filled by preparing the balcony for glazing. What is this?

  1. To free up space as much as possible, remove not only the cans of preserves, but also the shelves on which they stand, so that you can work comfortably on the balcony (as far as possible, given its often compact size).
  2. Dismantling the balcony glazing if it has already worn out or needs to be replaced existing type glazing to another.
  3. Freeing up space in the adjacent room in order to spread out window units and the necessary material.

It is better to dismantle the balcony glazing and remove the garbage before the new structure is delivered - this way there will be more free space in the apartment.

So, when the order is delivered to the place (note that many companies provide two types of services: delivery by car to the entrance and lifting by hand to the apartment - both services will be needed), you can begin installation.

Sequence of installation of window structures

  1. To do this, first the double-glazed windows, together with the elements that secure them around the perimeter (glazing beads), are removed from the frame and placed on a previously prepared, flat place covered with film. This not only simplifies the installation of the frame, but also makes the structure lighter.
  2. Then the opening sashes are removed; if there are any, they are also removed to lighten the weight of the frame. To do this, close the window completely (the handle is directed vertically downwards), remove the hinge covers, lightly tap with a hammer and pull out the pin from the top hinge, then from the bottom (you can use pliers instead of a hammer). Then the handle is moved to a horizontal position, “opening” the window - and the sash is easily separated from the main frame.
  3. Stand profiles are installed on the lower part of the frame - they are inserted into the grooves and secured with self-tapping screws. They will provide a tight connection to the parapet. Holes for anchor bolts are drilled along the entire perimeter at intervals of 70 cm, which will screw the frames to the walls. Moreover, it is necessary to retreat no more than 12 cm from the corner.
  4. Then the prepared frame is inserted into the opening intended for it, fixed with wedges, set strictly to the level, and only after that the bolts are finally tightened.
  5. The ebb, if it is intended by the design, is installed in place using polyurethane foam and self-tapping screws.
  6. WITH inside On the balcony, the gaps between the frame and the wall are filled with foam, this is especially important in the corner joints. Then, after the foam has dried, double-glazed windows and movable, previously removed sashes are inserted into the frame.
  7. All that remains is to install the window sill - again, using mounting foam and screws.

The described sequence will be the answer to the question of how to glaze a balcony with your own hands. Considering that the mass of the window block, even without glass, is quite impressive, it is still worth enlisting the help of comrades who can hold the block until it is securely attached to the walls.


How best to glaze a balcony depends on the purpose for which it will be used in the future, what the budget is and experience in repair work. In any case, this is quite possible. All you need to do is be patient, persistent and strictly follow the installation instructions.

How to glaze a balcony with your own hands

A glazed balcony or loggia not only provides additional thermal insulation and protects from outside noise from the street. A similar solution makes the owner of square meters the owner of an additional (albeit small) room, which can be arranged according to one’s own taste and needs. A huge number of construction companies offer their services in this regard, as do traders of PVC and duralumin profile structures. But often the financial situation forces us to find more profitable options in terms of savings, which involve doing a huge part of the work or doing it all without the help of others. We are trying to glaze the balcony with our own hands. The article will discuss how to glaze a balcony yourself.

Fundamentally: glazing of balconies requires official approval from the relevant authorities. If you do everything “according to the law,” then at first you will have to worry about additional “permitting” documents.

How best to glaze a balcony

There are quite a few methods, we will list all the main ones and give a small idea of ​​them, which will help you decide on the direction of work in the future.

Glaze the balcony photo

  • "Cold" glazing, regardless of the methods of opening the frames, implies that the balcony can be used as an additional “livable” room exclusively in the warm season. This is the most inexpensive option, because structures made of duralumin profiles, which are most often used for these purposes, are completely accessible. Among the positive properties of this type of glazing is its low weight, so if there are doubts about the reliability of the support, then aluminum will be the right choice. The material is very resistant to external influences, it is not afraid of humidity and low temperatures, although it can still be deformed due to large jumps. From time to time, for the “cold” method, wooden frames with one glass are used.
  • There is also an option with "warm" aluminum profile. It’s not difficult to make a wardrobe for a balcony or loggia with your own hands. You need to know some of the nuances and features, and have at least an approximate drawing or diagram. It uses double frames and double glazed windows. And in addition, special plastic placed inside the profile keeps heat inside and does not let cold air in from the street. But this design is almost not in demand due to its high cost.
  • Usage wooden frames It is considered a budget option, but labor-intensive in terms of caring for them: you will have to renew the paint once a year if appearance matters. To reduce the cost, some use used wood. With proper care it will last quite a long time. If your income allows, then you can, as they say, install wooden “Euro-windows” once and for life. Their production technology makes them durable, and they look very impressive.

  • Panoramic view glazing assumes that special glass, additionally processed to increase its strength characteristics, serves as the basis for assembling a balcony fence from floor to ceiling. From the point of view of creating a spectacular space, this method takes a leading position. Due to the thickness of the material, the apartment becomes protected from heat loss and the noise insulation performance increases. The partition can be made of tinted glass and looks especially stunning when assembled without frames.
  • Frameless method Balcony glazing requires certain skills and literacy during installation. But the complexity is justified by the result when the “output” is a light, as if weightless, structure made from one glass. The lack of frames is compensated by special metal guide profiles. Do-it-yourself window installation video instructions. It is in them that the glass sections are fastened and moved along them. Special tempered glass is used for such tasks.
  • PVC profile frames are a popular and practical way of glazing. The ability to install a double-glazed window with three air chambers significantly insulates the room, especially in combination with a wider profile. Installation is simple and quick, and the service life is quite long, and all this splendor will not require complex maintenance. For those who do not want to install plastic windows because the sashes “eat up” a lot of space when opened, you can opt for the option with sliding sashes.

  • If you want glaze the balcony “with the extension” of the structure, then you should be very confident in the strength of the parapet, because the load on it in this case will increase in two directions at once.

Important: it is better to carry out work on the exterior finishing of the balcony with siding or other materials before glazing. Glaze the balcony video. How to glaze a balcony with your own hands without a frame. This sequence will make the cladding work easier.

How to glaze a balcony with plastic windows

  • This process is not very difficult, especially since the manufacturer itself carries out measurements, so there should be no mistakes in this area. How to decorate the inside of a balcony with your own hands (photo). So, the finished PVC structures have been delivered, the decision has been made to abandon installation, what next?
  • The existing old sashes are being dismantled and at the same time the balcony must be freed of all objects and things that may interfere. The space on the balcony can’t be called large anyway, so ideally it’s worth taking everything out of it. How else is the “deep cleaning” stage useful? All the nuances that require improvement and elimination during insulation, waterproofing, and so on become immediately visible.
  • A wooden beam is secured along the perimeter of the balcony using mounting dowels. When measuring, the presence of beams is taken into account. That is, the height of the finished structure will be equal to the height from the side of the barrier to the top slab minus the parameters of the crossbar. It is worth checking with a representative of the supplier company what thickness of beam he includes in the calculations.

Do-it-yourself balcony glazing (Part 1, installation of window sill and siding)

Glaze DIY balcony not as difficult as it might seem. Moreover, covering the balcony with clapboards with your own hands, as there is a video tutorial on the balcony: In this series of videos I will try.

HOW TO GLAZ A BALCONY CHEAP!!! Glazing a balcony with your own hands.

HOW GLAZE the balcony for 30,000?!!! Channel DelaGardening Deeds Gardening Hello, my viewer! My name is Belik.

  • First, the PVC frame itself is installed without sashes. First of all, the main and largest front part is mounted. And then the side one. How to glaze a balcony with your own hands: step by step. In order to save money, many refuse glass on the side in favor of sandwich panels. This, of course, is a matter of taste.
  • On the street side, a flashing is attached under the frame. How to glaze a balcony with your own hands. If a balcony with a roof is glazed, then the canopy must also be secured. It is placed under the structure and secured with self-tapping screws, and the cracks are filled with sealant. The visor will protect against moisture ingress and leakage into the profile and into the room. Therefore, issues of tight fit should be given more attention.
  • When the frame is level and secured, you can begin installing the sashes in place. After installation, you should check them for tightness. An important indicator is the smooth operation when opening and closing. If everything is done correctly, the frames will open easily and close without effort, fitting tightly into the opening.

It is important to think carefully about the options for opening the doors. This structure will have to be washed, and it is better to plan it so that from the tear-off section you can easily reach the adjacent “blind” one. It’s unlikely that anyone would want to risk their life cleaning things up.

  • From the outside, it is convenient to hide the joints with the help of additional decorative elements. They can be purchased independently, or “included in the kit” when ordering from a company that supplies PVC frames. How to cover a balcony with clapboard with your own hands, video on covering and walls on the balcony. All gaps from the inside are sealed using polyurethane foam. When it dries, it is trimmed and the protective film is removed from the frame and sashes. Next, work continues on the final decoration of the room.

Glaze the balcony video

Glaze the balcony with an aluminum profile

Another advantage of a lightweight aluminum structure is the sliding opening system. It saves space, however, it also causes problems with the folds freezing in winter. If the choice is still made in its favor, then we learn how to properly glaze the balcony.

  • We dismantle the previous glazing.
  • If the parapet is made in the form of metal handrails, then an “apron” made of galvanized steel must be installed on top of them. If the barrier is concrete, this is not required. The profile will fit right on it.
  • The visor is mounted.
  • A window sill is being installed.
  • To secure the frame, anchor plates are installed in the opening. Using anchor bolts, the frame structure is installed on them.
  • The ebb is attached to the frame.
  • Sashes are installed in the openings.
  • All seams are sealed using polyurethane foam and covered with flashings (optional)
  • The final step is to adjust the fittings. The doors should move apart smoothly without making any noise. 6 DIY balcony glazing video; glaze the balcony with your own hands. This indicates correct installation.

Glaze the balcony with wood

It’s good if the home handyman has carpentry skills. Then the option with glazing with wooden frames becomes cheaper. After all, using wooden beams, glazing beads and ordinary glass 4 mm thick, he can assemble the sashes, providing them with the simplest fittings from the nearest store. How to glaze a balcony yourself: video and photos. However, even in the absence of such talent, you can order an inexpensive finished product from a workshop. After which you can begin installation.

It is important to consider that a large structure can “sail”. Therefore, despite the visual appeal of large and wide openings, this unpleasant effect is worth remembering.

  • Preparation has already been written above, so we skip this stage.
  • There are no special tricks in installing such a structure; moreover, the process itself differs little from, say, installing a PVC profile. Using metal fastening plates and screws, we install a wooden frame without frames.
  • The ebb, canopy and window sill are installed similarly to the glazing methods described earlier.
  • The seams are foamed and subsequently hidden under the finish.
  • The sashes are fixed in place, the fittings are adjusted.

For a long time, this was the only way to glaze a balcony in a Khrushchev building. Of course, such glazing will never become the object of envy of neighbors. But if done carefully and securely fastened, it can protect against dust, falling leaves and change the microclimate on the balcony by a couple of degrees.

How to glaze a balcony with your own hands using a frameless method

  • A very impressive type of glazing, but it also requires some effort and courage. The first thing many homeowners fear when they are offered this option is safety. If we are talking about installing “full-height” glass, then it may be worthwhile to provide some kind of removable structure, reaching a meter in height, and attached to the walls or floor at a time when, for example, children are playing on the balcony. It is quite simple to weld from metal pipes of small diameter.
  • The second not entirely desirable effect of a magnificent view of the surrounding area is an equally wonderful view of the privacy in the apartment. Especially in the evening with the lights on. Those who do not want to provide neighbors and random passers-by with the opportunity to watch the reality show “live” can choose the following “rescue” options.
  • Consider a system of curtains or blinds. The second option will be expensive, given the non-standard dimensions of the opening, and you will have to suffer with a fabric solution.
  • At the planning stage, you can choose the type of glass with one-sided transparency. They look good, they are very good on sunny days, but in the fall and in cloudy winter weather such glazing brings melancholy due to the low light transmission. Alternatively, the presence of such glasses can be combined with regular ones.
  • If we are talking about frameless glazing of a balcony only in the part where most people are accustomed to seeing a window opening, then the difficulties described above do not arise.

Important: glazing into the floor requires dismantling the parapet. Before carrying out work, you must make sure that the demolition is legal and will not cause negative consequences for the entire house.

  • For all its attractiveness, the panoramic method requires additional costs for insulation, and you shouldn’t choose it if the balcony offers a “wonderful view” of the factory complex or the dull neighboring multi-story buildings.
  • An aluminum panoramic profile will be cheaper, but its ability to retain heat, let’s say, tends to zero and you should think carefully before installing it.

There are many options, but each of them can be implemented on your own. How to insulate a balcony with your own hands - step by step. Therefore, balcony glazing can be considered a type of work on which you can save money.

Full glazing of balconies and loggias has long become the norm in the construction of apartment buildings. This can be seen in the photos of new microdistricts, but in old houses you have to do all this work at your own expense. Moreover, not all buildings built in the last century are designed to support the weight of modern PVC frames, which have the maximum level of thermal insulation among all possible options. This problem becomes especially relevant if you need to glaze a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building. After all, the support slab in houses of this type has serious restrictions on the weight that it can withstand. Therefore, many owners have to make do with cold aluminum frames and partial insulation of the parapet.

Glazing with extension

Since most typical balconies in Khrushchev-era buildings have a small area, the option of glazing with frames moving beyond the plane of the parapet allows you to slightly increase the usable volume of the finished room. In this case, the frames are moved beyond the parapet by 25–30 cm, resulting in a window sill that does not reduce the area of ​​the balcony. Frames can be removed either only in the front part, or from all three sides of the balcony.

The stem frame is usually made from a metal angle and attached to the parapet using welding or anchor bolts. After insulation, it is sheathed with the same material as the rest of the structure. But in the case when the outer window sill is attached to the railing, it is possible to use only lightweight aluminum frames that have a low level of thermal insulation and protect the room only from precipitation.

Most companies involved in glazing balconies have in their catalogs photos of several options for such glazing. Therefore, even if you want to do all the work yourself, you can choose a ready-made option that will suit a specific balcony or building facade.

It is also possible to extend along the entire height of the balcony, that is, from the floor level. This design requires careful calculation of its mass, since the supporting outrigger plate may collapse. This is especially risky in cases where the balcony on the floor below is not glazed, since this creates, albeit small, reinforcement.

Frame glazing

In order for a balcony in a Khrushchev-era building to withstand more weight than is provided for by the technical parameters of the external slab, it is possible to create a metal structure that will be attached not to the balcony itself, but to the load-bearing wall of the Khrushchev-era building.

The result is a box, the weight of which falls on both the load-bearing wall and the extension slab. Therefore, it becomes possible to fully insulate with the installation of PVC or warm aluminum frames. Photos of such a frame can be found on websites dedicated to insulating balconies.

The frame can be made either with or without an offset - flush with the vertical plane of the balcony railings. But in any case, this option requires additional costs for material and labor. This significantly increases the total cost of insulating the loggia, as well as careful calculations, in which the parameters of the external slab and the total weight of materials, including sheathing and insulation, must be taken into account.

Top floor

Finishing the balcony on the top floor

Since the balconies on the top floors of Khrushchev buildings are in the open air and do not have any canopies, when glazing them, a canopy must be created. It should have approximately the same operational parameters as the roof - that is, provide reliable thermal insulation and protection from precipitation.

In addition to the fact that the canopy increases the overall cost of glazing work, it also increases the load. Therefore, its design requires either the creation of a small frame or a reduction in the mass of other materials used in the work.

If you plan to fully insulate and create a warm room on the Khrushchev-era balcony, then it is best to use a full-fledged frame, even without removing the frames. After all, slabs of balconies on upper floors are usually more susceptible to destruction due to strong winds and precipitation. The canopy is insulated like any other roof, and it can be sheathed with slate, ondulin or profiled sheeting. Such balconies look quite nice, especially if their exterior decoration takes into account the overall design of the house. You can verify this by looking at photos in thematic catalogs.

Cold and warm glazing

In addition to differences in design, standard frame options used for glazing balconies in Khrushchev-era buildings are divided into cold and warm.

Cold glazing

View from the inside

This type of glazing is used when there is no need to make a warm room out of the balcony or when there are some restrictions, for example, financial or technical.

Among the advantages of this option are the following points:

  • Small mass. Cold aluminum frames can be installed without additional reinforcement of the balcony extension slab. They also do not require the creation of a supporting frame.
  • Variety of design options. The use of aluminum profiles allows you to create sections of various shapes and sizes - both sliding and standard tilt-and-turn ones.
  • High level of protection. The presence of sealed gaskets prevents dust and precipitation from entering the balcony. In addition, condensation does not collect on such windows.
  • Wide range of spraying options. The profile of aluminum window frames can have any color and shade - you just need to select its photo in the catalog when placing an individual order.

But cold glazing also has disadvantages:

  • Firstly, there is a lack of thermal insulation. On balconies with aluminum glazing in winter, the temperature is not much higher than outside - only 5–8 degrees.
  • Secondly, freezing. In severe frosts, the mechanism responsible for opening the window may freeze. It is also possible for the sashes to freeze to the frame itself.

Warm glazing

Example of a finished balcony - installation of the roof

Full insulation of a balcony involves the use of frames with double-glazed windows or having special insulating gaskets inside the structure. These can be windows made of PVC profiles or aluminum with thermal insert.

This type of glazing has a number of advantages:

  • Warm. Modern frames for balconies are no different in terms of thermal insulation from those installed in apartments. Therefore, they allow you to create a full-fledged small room on the balcony, the temperature of which in winter is maintained at the same level as in the whole house.
  • Reliability. Warm frames, with proper care and compliance with operating conditions, can last for several decades, protecting the space of the balcony and apartment not only from the cold, but also from any other external influences, including street noise.
  • Variability. A PVC profile, like an aluminum profile with a thermal insert, allows you to create sliding and folding balcony frames, including the presence of vents and any other auxiliary windows in the sashes.

This type of balcony attracts attention from afar

Despite all the advantages, warm frames have two disadvantages, which often become an obstacle to their use:

  • Weight. All types of warm frames, due to the design features and the use of double-glazed windows in them, are quite heavy, and not every balcony can support them. Therefore, warm glazing requires the creation of an additional reinforcing frame to reduce the load on the extension slab.
  • Price. Warm frames are much more expensive than cold frames. In addition, the total cost of the work increases due to the need to create a frame.


Modern technologies make it possible to glaze balconies with both light and heavy frames. Moreover, when it comes specifically to balconies, it is possible to use several design solutions that allow the installation of heavy frames. Such options provide a partial increase in the volume of internal space or the creation of a canopy, without which it is impossible to glaze the balcony on the top floor.

Photos of any design solutions for glazing can be found in online catalogs or even just when studying city landscapes.

It looks like it's open there to all the wind, but it looks like it's there. Because in summer, you can still sit there with a cup of tea or hang your suit to dry. But in the fall and even more winter, they will have the same rainwater and snow cover as in the yard. What kind of tea is this?

So sooner or later the idea is: “Close and isolate!” In addition, glazing a balcony with your own hands is a viable task.

Heating windows require a responsible approach and compliance with all requirements. You can read about it in this article.

A little theory

Before you decide to take such a crucial step, you must make sure that the status of the balcony panel allows you to create your plans.

Since the chips are deep and, in addition, cracks, they can warn with their ominous air that it is unlikely that the old plate will withstand the new, rather complex design.

Of course, it is possible to warm a balcony with a problematic base, but only with the use of specialized companies that will perform the necessary engineering calculations and strengthen them.

If everything is in order and you are confident in your abilities as a renovation builder, it is still up to you to decide which types of glazing are best for your family and its budget. All expenses should be calculated in advance, so there will be no problems in the future.

Let's consider all the possible options offered by the market.

The most common Soviet-era and most economical way to glaze a loggia or balcony is wooden frames with a single glass.

They are usually used with brackets and bolts.

Everything is easy and accessible. That's a plus. But even there flaws:

  • The tree requires special attention and regular handling.
  • A balcony or loggia closed in this way cannot serve as full-fledged residential premises. Because in the cold season the temperature is almost zero. But you are protected from wind, precipitation, dust and ruins from the upper floors. And using wooden Euro windows, although it will provide peace and warmth, is the most expensive glazing option.

The next popular method is PVC frame with single glazing or double glazing with double glazing.

With the right approach to the purpose and materials used, you can get additional living space.

And this is rarely unnecessary. And if you not only want to iron, but also insulate the balcony, then choosing double glasses will be the best choice.

PVC frames are more durable than wood.

It's much easier for them to worry: they often get enough dust and grease to fit fittings and seals. It is important that these balconies look more aesthetically pleasing. Plastic or metal-plastic frames are optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. Choosing windows is not too difficult, but you will have to spend some time on it

The next way to improve the appearance of the apartment and make it more comfortable is glazing with aluminum frames.

This method is much more expensive than the previous one.

Glazing balconies - it's easy to do it yourself

Its advantage is the low weight of the structure, which in some cases makes it possible not to strengthen the load-bearing part.

Low thermal insulation values ​​do not allow it to become a full-fledged method of heating rooms.

In severe frosts, ice can also form on frames.

The slight airtightness makes glazing by hand using aluminum frames an absurd task to keep out street noise. This also applies to distant balconies.

Among city dwellers, who often have daylight as well as sunlight, glassless glazing is becoming popular.

It can be made on the basis of existing fences or parapets and is completely panoramic.

The last option is very attractive for organizing a winter garden. At the same time, this will not allow you to change the balcony to some place to store household items or just old things. Colorless glazing is the least suitable for self-realization.

When choosing one or the other glazing method and, in fact, the type of frame, it can move on to the next step

Preparatory work

As a rule, glazing a balcony with your own hands consistently includes the following work:

  • dismantling of old buildings,
  • sizing,
  • strengthening of load-bearing structures (if necessary),
  • installation of a new frame and direct glazing,
  • thermal insulation,
  • external and internal finishing.

Regardless of the variety of future loggias or balconies, you should know what size before they are made or ordered.

For this purpose, the distance from the parapets to the ceiling is measured with a measuring tape.

Then for balconies - from one corner to another and behind the loggia - from wall to wall. In this case, if there is glazing, the entire structure must be removed before the measurement is removed, otherwise it may not be correct. If you place a new fence, this should be done to avoid distortion when installing the entire structure.

Installation of wooden frames

If you decide that it is best to clear a log or a balcony with a tree, then such frames cannot be ordered, but also independently.

Another cost-effective option is to find or buy used products.

All wooden parts must be pre-treated with special protective equipment. The first is a wooden box with a 50x50 mm profile. The rods are attached to the fence or parapets, to the ceiling, on the sides.

The lower part can be unscrewed immediately. The distance between the rays is frozen. The assembled frame is then attached to the box. This is done with simple screws.

After this you can start working. The outer envelope is most often made with plastic plates or sides.

They can be all colors. After this, insulation is carried out: the external fence is covered with foam, mineral wool or other insulation. Interior decoration that hides the insulation layer gives the room a beautiful appearance.

Installation of PVC profile frame

If you prefer modern plastic and then glaze your own loggia or balcony, you need to know some shades.

Depending on the heavy weight of the structure, the hinged door will need to be removed and the double glazed blind windows removed before installing the frame into the opening. Extension, glass frame, glazing can be unpacked.

Then you need to check that the subfolders are located at the bottom of the frame. If it's not done, it's in the grooves. Special mounting plates are attached at a distance of approximately 15 cm from each of the frame corners.

Then it is better if the assistants, frames without glasses and flaps, are open in the hole and attached with self-closing screws to each other in a uniform manner.

It is necessary to check the correct level of installation. Attached frames are attached to the ceiling, walls and parapets using an anchor. Then a guard needs to be hung to fill all the cracks. The double glazed windows can then be installed in the areas where they are installed and hung. The rear window frame is installed.

Since self-maintaining uPVC balconies is new, we suggest watching the following video to better understand all the important points.

For glazing a loggia or balcony, the majority may be forced by everyone.

We tried to talk about the main points of choosing materials, the shades of assembly of the most common types of frames, insulation and interior decoration. We hope that our article will be useful.

Glazing of balconies

I decided to glaze the balcony with aluminum profile windows, since I was quite happy with the “cold” glazing of the balcony.

And the price is two times less compared to plastic windows.

We installed the aluminum windows ourselves. And the source of inspiration for installing an aluminum window with your own hands is the price of installation.

It was almost half the cost.

What happened, all the installation nuances, what we had to face when installing the aluminum profile, when glazing the balcony is shown below with photographs.

When ordering a window, indicate the size of the opening a couple of centimeters smaller on the left and right (under the mounting foam), and at the bottom minus 2-2.5 centimeters under the window sill.

One important point is that to simplify installation during manufacturing, marks are placed on the back side of the aluminum profile (for their installers) with a marker (left, right, top, bottom, or indicated by arrows).

Ask them to do the same for you, since in the absence of these, you can easily confuse the profiles and have to disassemble the entire structure and reassemble it again, since the frames will not fit into place.

It took about 4 hours to glaze the balcony with an aluminum profile (including smoke breaks).

The balcony had been glazed previously; dismantling the old, rotten wooden frame took a lot of time.

We begin installation by assembling the aluminum frame (photo 1,2,3,4), twisting the profile with self-tapping screws (included in the kit), do not forget to glue self-adhesive seals in the corners.

1Aluminum frame joint seal.

Photo. 2 Glue the seal.

3, 4. Assembling the aluminum frame.

We install the assembled aluminum frame directly on the window sill (aligned level), fasten the top, side profile and bottom to anchor bolts, fill with foam (photo 5, 6, 7, 8).

Photo 5 Mounted frame.

Photo. 6, 7 We fasten the aluminum frame to the anchor bolts and pass through with foam.

Photo. 8 Installation of aluminum frame: 1- aluminum profile; 2-window sill.

The glazing of the balcony with aluminum profile frames is almost complete; all that remains is to insert the frames and adjust the latches.

When installing frames in an aluminum frame, 99% of the latches in the frames will not line up with the striker and will require adjustment.

First, we adjust the window block using a hexagon (photo 9); it should be vertical.

9 Adjusting the window block of the aluminum frame.

Then we adjust the strike plate (photo 10), use a hexagon to release the bolt in the middle of the strike plate and move the bar to the required height; the latch lock is adjusted in the same way (photo 11). Installation and adjustment is completed.

10 Adjusting the strike plate of the aluminum frame latch in height.

Photo. 11 Adjusting the aluminum frame latch.

All that remains is to secure the ebb outside and install a mosquito net (if ordered).

The ebb is attached to metal press washers, and the place of contact with the frame is sealed with sealant.

12 Attaching a mosquito net to a window.

When glazing balconies with aluminum windows, the mosquito net is attached from the inside; a special guide profile is used for fastening, which is also secured with press washers (photo.

Modern balconies are a place of rest and storage, so they should be warm enough and insulated from the weather. But the services of designers and builders are quite expensive and not always of high quality, so you can glaze balconies yourself. The main thing is to understand the type of material.

Cold and warm: what's the difference?

In glazing, the terminology “cold” and “warm” is often used.

This indicates the temperature the frames must withstand. Wood is more environmentally friendly, but it does not retain heat well. Therefore, aluminum and plastic options are recommended for low temperatures.

Glazing a balcony is not only about installing the glass itself, but also about building a strong support for it, so try to do everything as efficiently and reliably as possible.

For cold glazing, conventional designs are used, and for warm glazing, double frames and often an insulated floor are used.

The difference between the options is several degrees, but at the same time you will have to spend much more in price.

Aluminum profile

One of the most popular options. Using aluminum, you can make external frames (with the addition of additional space) and generally visually do without frames.
Even with the cold method, the balcony is warm and dry, and in terms of price it is one of the cheapest options.

Immediately decide on the number of frames and the opening method: swing open or move aside.

The purchased accessories depend on this. It is recommended to combine these options with stationary ones, then you can easily wash them and ventilate the room. Proper installation will also provide insulation from noise and cold.

This design is quite durable, and the aluminum frames do not absorb much light.

Service life is about eighty years.
The glass itself can be mirrored, plexiglass, bulletproof and armored.

Step by step installation

Let's start with choosing a manufacturer and accessories: choose only high-quality options with certificates.

  • Measure the exact size of the balcony, draw a sketch and calculate the amount of material.
  • Make sure that the frame is strong and reliable, and that it does not need to be strengthened or rebuilt.
  • If you decide to dismantle old glass, make sure that no one will get hurt below.

    Put up barriers.

  • We seal the glass with tape. We remove the old visor.
  • We take measurements again and make sure that the calculations are correct.
  • We remove the railings or cover them with a steel apron.

  • We install the frame on a concrete barrier or beams, fixing it with anchors (we attach special plates to the walls, screw in bolts from the bottom and top).
  • Fill with polyurethane foam.
  • Low tide installation.

  • Installation of sashes (we check everything by level).
  • We adjust the fittings.
  • We seal the joints from moisture and unnecessary gaps.

The glazing is completed; in extreme cases, contact specialists to check and correct your work.

PVC frames

PVC is mainly suitable for warm glazing options.

They provide tightness and sound insulation. This option is suitable for you if you are planning to make the balcony a full-fledged living space.

They do not require special care, just regular cleaning. The smooth surface looks very aesthetically pleasing.

Wooden frames

This is the most environmentally friendly option, but there is a stereotype about their fragility.

Glazing and finishing of balconies. Installation of the frame. Installation features

There is indeed a problem with wooden frames that they dry out and crack due to improper use.

But it is enough to cover them with the right varnish and periodically tint.

Wood looks really stylish and cozy in the interior, and retains heat well if you use sealed compounds during installation.

Wood can easily be painted in any color: make sure it looks aesthetically pleasing. Here, by the way, is a clear example of responsible and not so responsible owners.

DIY balcony glazing is easy

Glazing a balcony or loggia is not an easy task, which often requires the cooperation of craftsmen.

Before glazing a balcony or loggia, you need to prepare for this process.


If you have an apartment that does not have a balcony, but a loggia, then your task is very simplified. After all, the balcony support panel protrudes from the building wall on three sides, so the structure simply cannot withstand the heating process.

But don't give up. Today there are a large number of materials on the market with which balcony glazing can be made with a sufficient degree of safety for you, as well as for the balcony itself and for the neighbors below.

So let's get started.

First check the structure - the slab and balcony rails must be in good condition. This means that there should be no damage or other defects in the structural elements. Otherwise the errors must be corrected.

It should be understood that glazing a balcony is not only protection from wind and precipitation.

This creates a complete space that can be used for different purposes. Therefore, this problem should be taken full responsibility.

Before choosing the material and type of construction, it is necessary to measure those parts of the balcony that need to be glazed.

The next step in preparing the balcony for its transformation is choosing the appropriate material and type of construction.

If winters in your area are severe enough and temperatures often drop below thirty degrees, consider insulating your balcony and window with double glazing, opting for a two- or three-dimensional chamber.

If you don't have such frosts, but you will still heat the balcony, you will need a two-tone design. You can choose a double glazed window.

When you take into account all the nuances, you can order windows that will use a glazed balcony or loggia.

Find out more about preparing your own balcony glazing work. You can find out from the video.

Implementation methods

There are several ways to unlock a balcony or loggia:

  1. Cold glazing.
  2. Panoramic view.
  3. Sliding.

Cold glazing

The first method is suitable for those whose plans do not include using the balcony as a home.

This glazing can protect from wind and various types of precipitation, but not cold.

Popular version of double glazed windows

This method involves the use of wooden or aluminum frames with a single pane of glass.

Three types of valves:

  1. Rotary.
  2. Flip and fall.
  3. Sliding.

The cheapest wooden frames have hinged doors, but are prone to rust. In addition, they should be updated regularly with coloring pages.

At the same time, properly treated wood can take a long time.

And in this case, doing all the work yourself is quite simple.

Panoramic glazing

As for panoramic glazing, it includes the installation of a glass fence without frames at the height of the balcony. At the same time, the fence seems to be completely missing. Although in some cases the footage is still installed.

Panoramic glazing ensures the attractiveness of the balcony, as well as the penetration of more light into it.

Panoramic glazing uses glass treated with metal oxide. The thickness of this material is 6-8 millimeters. These two indicators determine the sufficiently high strength of the product.

In addition, glass has good thermal insulation properties, which retains heat on the balcony.

Panoramic design scrolls can be opened like a book, lifted or moved using a roller mechanism. Doing this kind of glazing with your own hands is a little more difficult than in the previous case.

Sliding glazing

Solid glazing

Sliding glazing is used if the surface of the balcony is relatively small, and the other option is simply unsuitable.

Although this depends on the aesthetic tastes of the apartment owners. In this case, you can use panoramic glazing and aluminum frames.

The roller mechanism allows you to open the door indoors. But don't decide what to do to get started on your own without consulting with experts. This is due to the fact that the use of sliding balcony glass is sometimes impossible.

For more information on how to iron balconies and magazines, see the video.

Materials for work

Today we use different materials for glazing balconies.

Frames are wooden, plastic or aluminum structures. It is also possible to glaze with an exclusive glass plate without frames.

The cheapest material is plastic. Plastic frames retain heat well on the balcony.

In addition, they are equipped with sound insulation and excellent seals.

This material does not require regular maintenance and looks attractive. However, such frameworks also have weaknesses - from an environmental point of view they are very complex and dangerous.

Operating procedure

The picture is aggravated by the fact that the popularity of plastic windows has caused the release of a huge number of fakes on the market, which, together with the high price, is of very low quality.

Therefore, be very careful when choosing this product.

Aluminum frames are much lighter in weight than those previously described, making it easier to do the glazing yourself. In addition, this design is completely safe from an environmental point of view, and also has a high degree of sound and thermal insulation.

There are two types of glazing of balconies using aluminum profiles:

  1. Cold.
  2. We are warm.

The first involves the use of single glass, and the other involves the presence of double glazing with a thermal insulation insert.

If we talk about the advantages of aluminum frames, we should take into account their low weight. But the aluminum product has a rather high cost.

The most favorable view on the wallet is the glazing of the balcony with windows in wooden frames. However, such glazing will not protect against cold and noise.

Glazing of balconies

Comfort and toilet

Thus, we have come to the stage of the work itself.

Once you have collected all the necessary elements, you can begin.

  • First, double glazed windows must be rolled out of the frames and then removed from the frames. A special metal stand is attached to the bottom of the frame and fasteners.
  • The frame is then inserted into the desired hole.

    Glazing of balconies and loggias

    You can do it yourself without calling the owner if you have a couple of helpers. This is due to the fact that the frame is quite large and cannot be mastered on its own.

  • When a frame is set to a level, it must be defined. To do this, special screws are used that are screwed into the fasteners.
  • All available frames are collected into one structure.

    It is important to continually check for correct installation using the design level.

  • The frames secure anchors to the ceiling, walls and parapets. The slots are filled with special foam. Also, don't forget to install a visor.

Once the tops are complete, the double glazed windows and sleeves are installed. At the end, outside the balcony is neat, and inside there is a threshold.


Balcony glazing will protect this design not only from wind, precipitation or autumn leaves, but also from the occasional leakage of debris from the upper floors.

And this will give the balcony a certain aesthetics.

Fenster SPb has put together 5 simple tips that will help you order glazing for your balcony a little cheaper.

So, here are 5 great free tips that will allow you to save up to 10,000 rubles on balcony glazing:

1. Choose for glazing inexpensive window designs, for example, aluminum sliding windows or inexpensive plastic windows of class “B”.

Inexpensive glazing options do not mean that low-quality components are used in their manufacture; on the contrary, all window systems are manufactured in compliance with GOST standards, have quality certificates and manufacturer warranties.

Glazing a balcony with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

Savings are achieved by simplifying the design and using inexpensive domestic raw materials in production.

2. Use fittings from domestic manufacturers in glazing.

Due to the rise in the dollar and euro exchange rates, the cost of imported fittings increased by 30-40%.

As a result, the difference from one opening window can reach up to 2000 rubles. Domestic fittings may be inferior to imported analogues in design and ease of use, but the differences in guaranteed service life are minimal.

3. Maximum simplify the design, i.e.:
— minimize the number of imposts (achieved by increasing the width of the blind sashes), the number of opening sashes;
— if possible, use fewer frame connectors (use one large window frame instead of two small ones).

4.Order glazing out of season, for example in winter.

In winter, there is a decline in orders for glazing balconies and installing windows, therefore, in order not to lose customers at all, window companies lower prices or, with a general increase in prices for raw materials, do not raise prices for their products until the last minute.

5.Follow promotions and discounts.

For example, in our company, when ordering windows from three pieces, there is a 25% discount, and if you also order interior decoration for the balcony, then in addition to the discount on windows, a 50% discount on installation will be added!

When installing windows, we do not recommend saving on glazing components: drainage systems, trim, mounting foam.
We do not recommend ordering glazing from dubious window companies offering unrealistically low prices. These could be scammers or companies that use low-paid and low-skilled labor from workers from neighboring republics.

The consequences of not following balcony glazing technology, such as: leaks, jamming - rubbing of opening sashes, cracks in the glass, condensation, are difficult to eliminate and require significant financial costs.

When the renovation reaches its peak, there is a desire to equip your balcony. Currently, there is a wide variety of these services on the market, which, in turn, confuses the consumer. Everyone certainly wants to glaze their balcony quite cheaply, but also with high quality. Or maybe you should consider arranging your balcony yourself? Therefore, today, together with the portal, we will try to figure out how to glaze a balcony with our own hands. This will help us step-by-step instruction, which was created to answer all questions.

Important information

Stage one - preparation . First you should start preparing the balcony. To ensure that it does not collapse under the total weight of the structure, and that your windows cannot fly out during gusts of strong wind, and that the outer cladding of the facade does not come off, it is necessary to correctly install the balcony. Technological analysis is the main component of the initial work. You must first conduct a competent assessment of the balcony design, taking into account how dilapidated it is and how old the building is. The listed features will allow you to understand what percentage of the load will be placed on the building structure when glazing your balcony. In order to make sure that your balcony will not collapse, you should start strengthening its parapet. This work is carried out by strengthening with metal or foam concrete blocks.

What material should you choose?

This question can be answered only when you determine for yourself all the goals and design features of your home. The best option in this case is metal. How should this work be done? In our article you can see this in the photo. The diagram is clearly drawn on it. The strength of this structure, as a rule, is ensured thanks to the parapet, which will take on part of the load after glazing the balcony. If it is strong enough and wide in width, then it is quite possible to use foam blocks. This material is heat insulating. In this case, it is necessary to strengthen the structure with reinforcement. Or you won't get the desired result. After preparing the balcony, you can begin the next stage of work.

Stage two – choice of design. This work is not difficult, but one should take into account the fact that almost any man has some knowledge in the field of construction. But, nevertheless, when glazing a balcony without experienced specialists in this field, you should know that you will have to do this rather dirty work yourself. Now we begin to choose a design. We start with the choice of glazing. It can be either cold or warm.

What difference is there between them
Cold glazing is produced using inexpensive materials, while warm glazing, on the contrary, can hit your wallet quite significantly.
Cold glazing is not able to retain heat inside a given room, and the temperature in it will be the same temperature as outside. Warm glazing, in turn, retains heat in the room and thanks to it, it becomes possible to maintain the temperature that is currently present in the room, regardless of the time of year. Currently, these are the only glazing methods that exist.
Once you have been able to figure out the load, you should start choosing materials. PVC, wood or aluminum.

Finish options

Wooden windows have a short service life, so when choosing these products you should not be upset that they will soon succumb to rotting or drying out due to the external influence of nature.
Aluminum structures are cheaper, lighter in weight, but serve more for cold glazing.
If we focus on the choice of PVC structures, then in this area they are most often used and have a large number of options: thermal insulation, sound insulation, wood imitation or a unique architectural style. They are heavy, unlike aluminum products, and serve for warm glazing.

How can we decide what the illumination of our balcony should be? It is worth paying attention not only to the frames, but also to the glass. If your balcony faces the sunny side, but you plan to equip it as a children’s playroom, then in this case, in order to avoid excess ultraviolet radiation on your child’s skin, you need to choose glass with tinting or a special film applied, as a rule, to the external glass of this product.
How energy-saving glass works Energy-saving double-glazed windows absorb almost 100% of radiation. If your balcony will be used as a greenhouse for growing plants, then, as a rule, double-glazed windows with tinting will be installed, which will not allow sunlight to penetrate into the room. And glass such as stained glass or colored products are elements of a certain decor or style that is present in the interior of the room.
And, of course, energy-saving double-glazed windows. When producing these products, the factory uses the following technology: silver oxide is applied to the inner part of the glass, located in the glass unit itself, which makes it possible to retain internal heat in the room.

How to glaze a balcony with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

Now we begin to glaze the balcony. Therefore, we will consider below how to glaze a balcony with your own hands in a Khrushchev-era building.
You can look around and discover the fact that there is a huge variety of balconies in neighboring houses. But let’s try to figure out what types of glazing there are.
Glazing with a small extension. The internal area of ​​the room is increased due to the profile system used for glazing. The area of ​​the room will increase by approximately 25-30 cm. It will be quite possible to install a window sill on the installed frame.

Frameless glazing. As a result, we will get a window with a panoramic view, without the presence of horizontal partitions and frames. In this case, we will have a very well-lit room. But there are also disadvantages - cleaning and washing these structures is quite problematic. This design will inherently have excellent rigidity along the entire perimeter of the balcony, so don’t pay attention or worry about factors such as strong wind.
Art finishing. This method takes place where stained glass windows are installed. In this case, you need to use the services of a designer.
If you have decided on the type of glazing for your balcony, you need to install the canopy. The installation of the canopy should be done before your balcony is completely installed, for the simple reason that in the future you will not have to rack your brains about how and where to attach it. The canopy is installed, as a rule, using ordinary dowels to the ceiling. After installing the canopy, we begin to work on securing the anchor plates along the entire perimeter of the balcony, except for its lower part.

Installation of wooden frames
Now let's start installation. Naturally, the balcony area must be free before subsequent work. It should be freed from furniture, chairs, and various objects.

Next, we install our frame. To do this, we use wooden beams, the surface of which is pre-treated with a special sealant. Then we begin to build wooden structures around the perimeter of the balcony. Also in this work we use dowels to secure our frame.

Our next step will be installing windows. First, let's unpack the frames. Remove all double-glazed windows, since they can easily break during installation. Installation must be carried out in the required sequence: first we mount the front part of the balcony (frontal) and then proceed to install the side parts.

After installation work, all seams on the balcony should be sealed with sealant to avoid destruction of the polyurethane foam during further use. After the sealant has dried and the foam has hardened, you need to start glazing. Before performing this work, all frame grooves should be lubricated with a special silicone sealant. And the glazing beads should fit snugly against the glass, pressing it against the frame.

Aluminum frame installation

  1. We start by removing all the elements in the structure, that is, removing them so that our work is easier.
  2. Then, we attach the mounting plates to the frame, with a distance of approximately 650-700 mm from each other.
  3. After that, we install our frame into the opening, and then we carry out work on its alignment.
  4. Now we install the plates in the place we need using dowels.
  5. We insert the glass into the frame and install the sashes in place.
  6. We seal the remaining gaps with polyurethane foam.

Installation of PVC windows

If you don’t know how to glaze a balcony with your own hands, then you should definitely read the useful information and watch a special video.

  1. In order to glaze a balcony using PVC, you need to remove glass from the frame. And to do this easily, you must first remove the glazing beads from it.
  2. If you plan to install PVC windows, then there is the same installation scheme as in the case of installation of previous structures. However, there are already some minor changes.
  3. Just as in the case of installing aluminum and wooden windows, we will use mounting plates that are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws.
  4. All gaps are also closed with polyurethane foam.
  5. And the last stage of our work is to bring the façade of our balcony to normal aesthetic condition.
