How to make all things in minecraft. Crafting in Minecraft: recipes, instructions. Craft Rod Edge

Crafting is the main engine of the cubic world. Without crafting, you can't do anything. Crafting recipes will help you a lot when you start the game, and will be with you throughout the entire gameplay. But you still have to look at this page, as the game is updated, and accordingly new items and their crafts are added. The main crafting window has a size of 2x2 cells. Here you can make all the most basic items: Craft boards from wood, make a stick, and the like. But for more complex tools you will need a Workbench; it has a crafting field measuring 3x3 cells.

What is craft? This is the creation of certain objects from materials obtained in nature, or previously “crafted”. To craft this or that item, you need to know the crafting recipe, which is unique for each item.

Item Durability:

  • Wood - 60 uses
  • Stone - 132 uses
  • Iron - 251 uses
  • Gold - 33 uses
  • Diamond - 1562 uses

Also, every tool and piece of armor has durability. Each material has its own strength, some materials have more, and some have less. Accordingly, the strength and time of use of an item or attribute of armor are different. But if you use an item for other purposes, say you are extracting a stone with a shovel, then the damage to the item will be counted as two units, rather than using the item for its intended purpose and spending only one unit. Therefore, be careful when choosing a tool.

What will happen How to craft What you need to have Description
Wood Construction material. Needed for crafting many things
Boards (4 pcs.) Needed for crafting in a 3x3 grid
Boards (2 pcs.) Used for crafting tools, etc.
Coal + stick Needed for lighting
Cobblestone (8 pcs.) You can cook food and smelt resources in it
Planks or iron ingots (6 pcs.) The wooden one opens by clicking, and the iron one only when activated by redstone
Boards (6 pcs.) Opens (vertically) by clicking or when activated by redstone
Box Boards (8 pcs.) You can store your resources in it without fear of losing them. If you put two side by side, you get one big one.
Trap Chest Chest + tension sensor Like a regular chest, but it gives a signal when opened
Ender Chest Obsidian (8 pcs.) + Eye of the End Like a regular chest, but all the End chests will contain the same things. What you put in one will appear in the other.
Wool (any) (3 pcs.) + boards (3 pcs.) Used for sleeping. It is also your respawn point after death.
Enchanting table Diamonds (2 pcs.) + obsidian (4 pcs.) + book Used to upgrade tools and armor
Obsidian (3 pcs.) + glass (5 pcs.) + Nether star Gives players within a small radius various effects
Iron blocks (3 pcs.) + iron ingots (4 pcs.) Used to repair tools using experience
Sticks or hell brick (6 pcs.)
Cobblestone walls Cobblestone (6 pcs.) or mossy cobblestone (6 pcs.) Fencing. Counts as one and a half blocks for the player and mobs
Gate Boards (4 pcs.) + sticks (2 pcs.) Special "door" for the fence. Opens with a right click and counts as one and a half blocks
Sticks (7 pcs.) Used to move vertically
Tablet Boards (6 pcs.) + stick Sign with text written by the player
Sticks (8 pcs.) + wool (any) Decoration. Hangs randomly on the wall. To hang another one, remove this one and hang it again
Sticks (8 pcs.) + leather A thing that can show a block or item contained in it
Pot Bricks (3 pcs.) Decorative block in which you can plant a seedling, mushroom, flower, cactus or bush
Iron/gold ingots, diamonds, lapis lazuli, redstone or emeralds (9 pcs.) More compact storage
Return Receipt Iron, gold, lapis lazuli, diamond or emerald block Unpacking resources from blocks
Glass panels Glass (6 pcs.) Analogous to glass. To obtain glass, melt sand in a furnace
Iron grate Iron ingots (6 pcs.) Used as a fence or decoration
Glowstone Light dust (4 pcs.) For illuminating the area, as well as the space under water
Glowstone + redstone (4 pcs.) A lamp that illuminates houses and the area. Can be turned on and off.
Threads (4 pcs.) Decorative construction material. Also obtained from sheep
Dynamite (TNT) Sand (4 pcs.) + gunpowder (5 pcs.) Explodes when activated by redstone and deals damage
Plates Planks, cobblestone, stone, sandstone, bricks, stone bricks, hell bricks or quartz blocks (3 pieces) Used as steps, roofs and decorations. If you put one on top of the other, you get a full-fledged block
Planks, cobblestones, bricks (regular, hellish or stone) or quartz blocks (6 pcs.) Full size steps
Snowballs (4 pcs.) Both building material and compact storage of snowballs
Clay (4 pcs.) Compact clay storage
Bricks (4 pcs.) Beautiful and durable building material
Stones (4 pcs.)
Hell bricks (4 pcs.) Beautiful and durable building material
Sheets of paper Reed (3 pcs.) For crafting books and maps
Sheets of paper (3 pcs.) + leather For crafting bookcases and enchanting table
Book + pen + ink bag To record any text
Boards (6 pcs.) and books (3 pcs.) Used as decoration or to enhance the effect of enchantments
Quartz (4 pcs.) Decorative block
Quartz blocks (2 pcs.) Decorative block. Used to build columns
Quartz slabs (2 pcs.) Decorative building material
Sand (4 pcs.)
Sandstone (4 pcs.) Decorative building material
Sand slabs (2 pcs.) Decorative building material
Jack-o'-lantern Pumpkin + torch Area illuminator
Carrot + fishing rod Allows you to control saddled pigs
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (3 pcs.) For the extraction of stone and ores
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold ingot or diamond For the extraction of earth, grass, sand, gravel, snow, clay and mycelium
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (3 pcs.) For quick extraction of wood and anything wooden
Sticks (2 pcs.) + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (2 pcs.) To loosen the soil/grass (right click)
Stick + boards, cobblestones, iron\gold bars or diamonds (2 pcs.) Deals more damage to mobs and players than a fist
Sticks (3 pcs.) + threads (3 pcs.) To attack mobs and other players with arrows from a long distance
Flint + stick + feather Bow Ammo (also dropped from dead skeletons)
Leather, iron\gold bars, diamonds or fire Leather helmet gives 0.5 protection Iron - 3 Gold - 2.5 Diamond - 1.5 Chain mail - 1
See helmet Leather breastplate gives 1.5 protection Iron - 1 Gold - 1 Diamond - 4 Mail - 2.5
Trousers See helmet Leather pants give 1 unit of protection Iron - 2.5 Gold - 1.5 Diamond - 3 Chain mail - 2
See helmet Leather boots give 0.5 protection Iron - 1 Gold - 0.5 Diamond - 1.5 Chain mail - 0.5
Flint + iron ingot Lights a fire
Fireballs Gunpowder + fire powder + coal Lights a fire like a lighter. When released from the dispenser, it becomes a fire projectile (like the Ifrits)
Dye + gunpowder A fireworks component responsible for the color, shape and character of the fireworks. The dye can be any
Rocket Star + sheet of paper + gunpowder Launches a small rocket upward, which after a certain time explodes like a firework
Iron ingots (2 pcs.) To extract leaves (left click) and wool from sheep (right click)
Sticks (3 pcs.) + threads (2 pcs.) For fishing in water
Iron ingots (3 pcs.) For scooping water and lava, as well as obtaining milk from cows
Gold bars (4 pcs.) + redstone Show time of day
Iron ingots (4 pcs.) + redstone Indicates your spawn point
Compass + paper (8 pcs.) Shows an image of the surface of the world
Eye of the End Fire Powder + Enderman Pearl Used as a means of detecting fortresses. Also needed to activate the portal to the Edge
Boards (3 pcs.) For storage mushroom soup. After eating the soup, the bowl remains
Mushroom soup Red and brown mushroom+ bowl Restores 4 hunger
Bread Wheat (3 pcs.) Restores 2.5 hunger
Sugar Cane For making cake and brewing some potions
Cake Buckets of milk (3 pcs.) + sugar (2 pcs.) + egg + wheat (3 pcs.) Restores 1 hunger. You can eat 6 times. After crafting, the buckets remain
Pumpkin + egg + sugar Restores 4 hunger units
Cookie Wheat (2 pcs.) + cocoa beans Restores 1 hunger unit
Carrots + gold nuggets (8 pcs.) Restores 3 hunger
Apple + gold nuggets (8 pcs.) Restores 2 hunger. Regenerates health four seconds after eating
Apple + gold blocks (8 pcs.) The old recipe (was before version 1.1), returned in an enhanced version in version 12w21a (1.3). Unlike a regular apple, it gives the effect of Regeneration IV (restores health very quickly) for 30 seconds, as well as Resistance and Fire Resistance for 5 minutes. This apple in the inventory has a purple signature and shimmers, whereas the regular golden apple's signature is turquoise and does not shimmer.
Watermelon slices (9 pcs.) For compact storage of watermelon slices, which restore 0.5 (half) of hunger. When destroyed, 3-7 watermelon slices fall out
Watermelon seeds Watermelon slice For growing watermelons. Can only be planted on loosened soil (bed)
pumpkin seeds Pumpkin For growing pumpkins. Can only be planted on loosened soil (bed)
Bone flour Bone Used for dyeing wool White color. Can also be used as fertilizer for seedlings and wheat, which leads to their instant ripening
Iron ingots (5 pcs.) Transports players and mobs along rails
Self-propelled trolley Furnace + trolley Pushes (not pulls) other trolleys using coal
Freight trolley Chest + trolley Used to transport things on rails
Demolition Trolley Dynamite + trolley Activated by activated activating rails and explodes 4 seconds after activation
Loading funnel + trolley Absorbs objects lying on rails and in containers above itself
Stick + iron ingots (6 pcs.) Trolley tracks
Stick + gold bars (6 pcs.) + redstone When activated, they speed up the trolley, when disabled, they stop.
Pressure rails Pressure plate + iron ingots (6 pcs.) + redstone Analogous to a pressure plate. However, it is not activated by the player, but by the trolley
Activating rails Red torch + iron ingots (6 pcs.) + sticks (2 pcs.) Activate dynamite trolleys that pass over them
Boat Boards (5 pcs.) Needed for quick movement through the water and convenient fishing
Stone or boards Used to activate items when pressed. It turns off after a second. The wooden button can be activated with an arrow, but the stone button cannot. Before version 1.4.2 it was crafted from 2 stones/planks
Stick + cobblestone Activates and deactivates objects
Pressure plate Boards (2 pcs.) or stone (2 pcs.) Activates items when a player or mob steps on it. Wooden plates can also be activated by an object falling on them, but stone ones only if the player steps on them
Weighted pressure plate Iron (2 pcs.) or gold bars (2 pcs.) Only activated by dropped items
Tension sensors Iron ingot + stick + planks New type of switches. They can be placed opposite each other and connected by a thread
Red torch Redstone + stick Used as a power source for wires and circuit elements
Red torches (2 pcs.) + redstone + stone (3 pcs.) Repeats and also delays the signal. Used when creating redstone circuits
Red torches (3 pcs.) + quartz + stone (3 pcs.) Allows you to compare two redstone signals with each other, subtract one signal from the other and check the fullness of containers located behind it
Music block Boards (8 pcs.) + redstone Allows you to create your own tracks directly in the game. When left clicked or activated, it plays the note it is tuned to. You can right-click to change the note
Boards (8 pcs.) + diamond Plays music from records that drop when skeletons kill creepers. Music depends on the inserted record
Glass (3 pcs.) + quartz (3 pcs.) + wood plate (3 pcs.) Emits a redstone signal in the presence of daylight and does not respond to artificial lighting
Cobblestone (7 pcs.) + bow + redstone Designed for issuing or throwing things away
Cobblestone (7 pcs.) + redstone Unlike the distributor, it does not use things for their intended purpose, but simply throws them away as if the player had thrown them away
Hopper Iron ingots (5 pcs.) + chest Can move items from containers above her to the container she is attached to
Planks (3 pcs.) + cobblestones (4 pcs.) + redstone + iron ingot A block that can push other blocks in any direction
Slime + piston An improved piston that can also return the block it pushed into place
Wool + dye Wool dyeing
Ink bag + bone meal (2 pcs.), or gray dye + bone meal For dyeing wool light gray
Ink bag + bone meal For dyeing wool gray
Rose For dyeing wool red
Red dye + yellow dye For dyeing wool orange
Dandelion For dyeing wool yellow
Cactus Greens + Bone Meal For dyeing wool lime color
Lapis lazuli + bone meal For dyeing wool blue
Lapis lazuli + cactus greens For dyeing wool turquoise
Lapis lazuli + red dye For dyeing wool purple
Purple dye + pink dye For dyeing wool lilac
Red dye + bone meal For dyeing wool pink
Flasks Glass (3 pcs.) Used in brewing potions
Cooking stand Fire rod + cobblestone (3 pcs.) Used for brewing potions
Iron ingots (7 pcs.) For filling flasks with water or just for decoration. Water is poured into it from a bucket
Fire Powder Fire Rod It is an ingredient in potions and is also used in crafting Eye of the Edge and Lava Cream
Lava cream Slime + fire powder For brewing a potion of fire resistance
Split Spider Eye Mushroom + spider eye + sugar Used in brewing potions. Adds negative effects to them
Sparkling watermelon slice Watermelon slice + gold nugget Ingredient for healing potions
Used to craft Glittering Watermelon Slice and Golden Apple
Gold nuggets (9 pcs.) No comments

Oddly enough, this is the question most often faced by users. Sometimes you really want to do something new and unusual, so here you will find out what you can build in Minecraft by studying the instructions and useful tips. You already know that any self-respecting player will confidently say that the game genre is sandbox. This means that while playing, you can create anything you want using available materials, and there is no specific task other than survival.


If you wish, you can travel the world, hunt, fish, garden, or contact other players online. There are no restrictions - neither in space nor in possibilities. There is even a game mode in which all resources for buildings, food and tools are completely available in unlimited quantities.

It is precisely because of the wide range of possibilities that the game attracts more and more people around the world, and a considerable number of them prefer to devote most of their time to such an activity as the construction of buildings and other structures that please the eye and allow you to improve your architectural skills!

Any activity, even a game that initially seems trivial, requires detailed knowledge of all the nuances. If you decide to dedicate your free time construction in Minecraft, you need, first of all, to know all the little things in more detail. Having studied the basics and basics, you can begin to think about what, after all, is possible to build. The process of creating buildings in the game is elementary and understandable to everyone. The whole world is a system of blocks: trees, grass, earth, stones, minerals and even water are blocks of ideal cubic shape, and it is from these cubes that you have to build.

Something you can get easily with bare hands, for example, wood or earth, and for some things special tools are needed: a pick for stone, an ax for rare types of wood, a shovel for earth. The resulting blocks can be placed side by side and stacked on top of each other: this is how the outlines of your future building will appear. Each material has its own specific structure and color, which allows you to take the process very seriously. So, gradually you can immerse yourself in the process and show your imagination to the fullest.

Basic Construction

On the one hand, the construction of beautiful buildings, sculptures and three-dimensional paintings from blocks is important, however, on the other hand, on the very first night of the game the player will need, first of all, a roof over his head, so it is necessary to build comfortable buildings. It is because of this that professional players first think not about beautiful tall buildings, but about functional shelter.

The goal - to create such a shelter - is feasible simply and quite quickly, because an ordinary basic box house does not require a lot of effort and resources to create, and it does not require much time to build it. All you need to do is put four walls, a couple of windows and a door, make a floor and a roof - you're done!

Of course, such a building will look sparse and uncomfortable, but it will protect you on the first gaming nights during the invasion of evil game mobs. In this way, the base house will fulfill its main function of protection. Question appearance– is a secondary matter, and you can start thinking about it later, when there are enough resources and time to modernize it.

Creating a more comfortable home

Gradually, it will be possible to build new, high walls from more attractive materials around the base building, remove old ones, build a cozy porch, divide the home into rooms and insert wide windows so that the house becomes a cozy nest and a place to store valuable resources that can be stored in spacious chests.

So, your new home will soon become a familiar place, and you will be able to feel professional builder and designer. A huge advantage The Minecraft game is the absence of any time or spatial framework, speed missions and other components of any other game. Gradually, the protective function of your home will be added to the fact that it will be pleasing to the eye.

How to make a portal in Minecraft?

Undoubtedly, any player needs a house. However, all game construction should not be limited to a couple of houses and the arrangement of a found cave with minerals. Along with housing, there are many other options for possible buildings, differing in shape, size and a number of functions they perform.

Gradually you realize that the world in Minecraft is huge and it is quite difficult to move between locations without special means. Along with the emergence of new territories, an excellent structure appeared in the game - a portal that allows you to instantly move from one world to another. In addition, there is a special mod that allows you to build portals to be transported from one specific point on the map to another, for example, home.

The first official addition to the existing worlds was the introduction of Hell. None separately existing world it is impossible to build, so to access even the Land there is no way to do without a portal. IN in this case the portal acts as a connecting link between worlds - a kind of bridge between them.

The main component for its construction is obsidian, which is impossible to find without making an effort. Obsidian is mined only with the strongest type of equipment, for example, a diamond pickaxe, for which the search and extraction of diamonds can also become a separate long adventure.

Having obtained obsidian, you need to find a site suitable in size for constructing a portal. The obsidian frame - the basis of the future portal - consists of four blocks lined up horizontally and five blocks standing one on top of the other vertically. To activate the portal and possibly move to Ender, you need to set the base of this obsidian frame on fire, for which you use a lighter.

To create a lighter, you need to have one iron ingot and one flint. As soon as you light the base, you will notice how the portal becomes filled with haze. This is where you need to stand to start teleporting. The process itself lasts a few seconds and resembles a short dizziness.

Thus, you find yourself in Ender, where a huge amount of resources become available that do not exist in the ordinary world: a bright glowing stone, a hellish brick, slowing down the sand of souls and highly flammable blocks that make up the whole of Hell as a whole. In addition, when you get to the Land, you will meet various mobs that also do not exist in the normal world. Some are purely hostile, others are neutral, but killing them will allow you to get many different useful materials and resources.

There are also portals to Heaven, the materials for the construction of which, oddly enough, must be sought in Hell. The box for such portals is no longer built from obsidian, but from luminous stone. The scheme for using the portal to Paradise is similar to the previous one.

How to build a village?

Many new players believe that single player it is impossible to meet people other than themselves. In fact, everything is wrong, and they are wrong. In the ordinary game world, there are villages modeled by the system, which, thanks to the Russian translation, began to be called cities out of habit. However, in the original English they remain "village".

In such villages there are always mobs - villagers. If you plan to stay in the village or just spend a considerable amount of time there, you will gradually begin to notice that over time the villagers begin to form their attitude towards you. The better it is, the more profitable deals with them will be for you.

All villagers are good traders, so it is very important to maintain friendly relations with them, because otherwise it will be impossible to establish trade relations with them due to extremely high prices. When unacceptable acts of violence are committed against the villagers, their protector, a tall golem, comes into play.

So, you can find such a settlement on the map by simply making a short trip around the world, but you can also create it yourself. To build an entire full-fledged village in Minecraft, you don’t need to look for a large amount of materials - you just need to have enough special seeds. It is necessary to plant these seeds, and from them ordinary villagers will appear. It is enough just to leave them for one or two nights, and they will take on the construction of an entire village. What to do next with this village is entirely up to you.

Knowledge of how to build entire villages in the game Minecraft is, of course, useful, but this is not enough. Having a whole complex of structures, it is important to know how to properly protect it and protect residents from any kind of danger. There is a need to protect not only one’s own own house, but also other important objects and points on the map. The main difficulty of this mission is the inability to move as quickly as possible between objects, especially if the distance between them is particularly huge. In this case, it is necessary to install mob traps.

The trap installation system is simple. You will need a mechanism, red dust, a little imagination and a switch of any kind. You can create mechanisms that will explode, shoot, set off alarms and much more. It is important to correctly connect the switch, which will take over the activation of the entire trap mechanism as a whole. This could be a lever, a button, a pull rod, or a pressure plate. Both need to be connected important element red dust, and the trap is ready! The mechanism of its action is extremely simple: an ill-wisher accidentally activates the mechanism and will be destroyed.

Farm construction

It is important during the game to pay attention not only to health, but also to the hunger scale. The less hungry you are, the faster regeneration occurs, so it is very important to eat on time. Food products can be obtained from nature on your own: killing livestock for meat, fishing or gardening.

Many people wonder how to build a farm in Minecraft. There is no definite answer to this, because each player relies solely on own experience in the construction of systems that do not require any precision or adherence to strict instructions.

There are many recommendations that can be followed when placing various objects on specific types of farms. Any type of farm will fully provide you with food or necessary resources, if you know how to create and maintain it correctly. It is important to know that all animals need to be fed periodically in order for them to reproduce, and all crops need regular watering or a close source of water.

Making your own castle

As with the question about farms, there is no clear answer on how to build a castle in Minecraft. But the desire to have your own castle awakens in every amateur who has learned the taste of the game. Of course, not everyone should take on such a construction that requires responsibility and a lot of time, but only those who are well aware of what they are getting into and how much effort they will need to expend. However, the process is worth the result - a beautiful, majestic castle.

When building your own castle, it is important to take into account the architecture and the fact that without some elements the building itself will not function as a castle. The first such element is the defensive tower. There should be several of them. Its shape, color and size will again completely depend on your imagination.

However, it is worth considering that you should have a tall and narrow vertical structure, which will allow you to have an excellent view from its highest point. This overview will allow you to shoot at the enemy most accurately. A convenient weapon in this case is a bow and arrow. Some mods can allow you to turn neutral creatures into sentinels.

As for defensive structures, in general, it is extremely difficult to get by with one or two towers. That is why it is important to build an entire wall for defense. And although most mobs are not able to get over a wall two or more blocks high, you should not forget that your game character will also not be able to overcome such a height, so do not forget about building a gate.


Any decorative structures are also important! Not all buildings in Minecraft game may be useful. Some of them do not carry any benefit, but may, however, be entire masterpieces of art, the creator of which will not be ashamed to show them to others. Thanks to such structures, any gaudy building becomes pleasing to the eye!

Now all you have to do is grab a tighter hold of your imagination and start creating and creating. We hope you found this article helpful and welcome your comments. Share the news with your friends! Thank you!


We are waiting for your comments, feel free to write!

They will go out and will need to be rekindled. One stick and one coal can make four torches.

Cobblestone -8pcs

The furnace allows you to both cook food to improve your standard of living and smelt ingots from rocks for the production of weapons and tools good quality. A furnace is made from eight units of stone, arranged in a circle in a 3x3 grid.

Boards - 8pcs

In the chest you can store what you are already tired of carrying with you. One chest contains 27 storage cells. If you place two chests side by side, you get a large chest in which you can place your things in 54 cells. One chest is made from eight boards arranged in a circle in a 3x3 grid.

Other blocks:

Fossil blocks.
Gold Ingot-9pcs or Metal Ingot-9pcs or Diamond-9pcs or Lapis Lazuli-9pcs

They can be used for compact storage of metal, gold or diamond, if storage in a box is not suitable for some reason. It can also be used as a building material, or if you, for example, play in multiplayer, to show how rich you are :)

Glowing cobblestone
Glowstone dust - 4pcs

Of the four units of glowstone dust that can be mined in parallel world, you can make one glowing block, which, like a torch, melts snow and ice within a radius of 3 blocks.


Can be used for storing thread, construction, painting and for making color blocks. A block of wool is produced from four units of thread, but it is much more convenient and easier to extract wool from a sheep.

Gunpowder-5pcs Sand-4pcs

With explosives you can not only have fun, but also clear mines much faster, which will speed up the search for minerals. But be careful. Damage caused by TNT can be fatal.

Stone tiles

Wood tiles
Boards - 3 pieces

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Cobblestone tiles
Cobblestone - 3pcs

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Sand tiles

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Brick tiles

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Stone Brick Tiles
Stone brick-3pcs

It is used as a building material, in particular for the construction of stairs.

Boards -6pcs or Cobblestones -6pcs

Brick staircase

Six units of planks or stones form a one-block ladder that can be climbed without jumping. (Also, by placing two empty signs on the sides, you can use it as a decorative chair.)

Stone brick staircase
Stone brick-6pcs

Six units of planks or stones form a one-block ladder that can be climbed without jumping. (Also, by placing two empty signs on the sides, you can use it as a decorative chair.)

Snow block

The snow block is used both for storing snowballs and as a building material in winter.

Clay block
Clay - 4pcs

The clay block is used both for storing clay and as a building material.

Brick block
Brick -4pcs

A block of bricks is used as a more modern building material.

Stone brick
Smooth stone-4pcs

Boards - 6 pcs. Book - 3 pcs.

The bookcase after update 1.9 serves to increase the possible level of improvement of the item on the sorcerer's table, but can also serve decorative functions.


Used as a building material.

Glowing pumpkin
Pumpkin - 1 piece Torch - 1 piece

If you find a pumpkin and insert a torch into it, you will get a great decoration for Halloween.

Glass panel

Flat glass, looks very good.


Stick - 2 pcs. Boards - 3 pcs. or Cobblestones

An ax is the most convenient way to extract wood. The stronger the axe, the longer it will last.

Stick-2pcs Boards-3pcs or Cobblestone-3pcs or Metal Ingot-3pcs or Gold Ingot-3pcs or Diamond-3pcs

The pickaxe is the main tool of Minecraft. With a pickaxe you can quickly dig your way through the stones. The diamond pickaxe is the most durable.

Stick - 2 pcs. Boards - 1 pc. or Cobblestone - 1 pc. or Metal Ingot - 1 pc. or Gold Ingot - 1 pc. or Diamond - 1 pc.

With a shovel you can quickly dig up soil, sand, and gravel. It will definitely come in handy when exploring a mine, because digging with a pickaxe takes longer and is not productive.

Stick - 2 pcs. Boards - 2 pcs. or Cobblestones

The main tool for growing crops, since with the help of a hoe you can find seeds in top layer land, and when the harvest is ripe, you can easily harvest it with a hoe.

Metal ingot - 1 pc. Flint - 1 pc.

With the help of a lighter, oddly enough, you can start a fire. But be careful. Don't burn down your house or nearby standing trees. And don’t set yourself on fire.

Metal ingot - 3pcs

You can use a bucket to collect water, lava, and milk. Using a bucket, you can create not just a puddle, but a source of water or lava. Water is also necessary for growing wheat and cane. A bucket can carry water, lava or milk.

Metal ingot - 4pcs Redstone - 1pc

Does the compass always point north? Heh! And in our case, it always points to the spawn point. So if your house is not far from it, you will always find your way home.

Compass-1pcs Paper-8pcs

Using a map, you can track how you have explored a particular territory. Moreover, you can see the designations of other players on the map if they have a copy of it.

Gold bar-4pcs Redstone-1pcs

When you have a watch at hand, it is always clear when it is safe to go outside.

Fishing rod
Stick-3pcs Thread-2pcs

Using a fishing rod you can catch a fish, which will restore some of your health.

Metal ingot - 2 pieces

With scissors you can collect blocks of leaves, as well as shear sheep without harming them.


Stick-1pcs Boards-2pcs or Cobblestone-2pcs or Metal Ingot-2pcs or Gold Ingot-2pcs or Diamond-2pcs

The sword is your main weapon in the world of Minecraft. The stronger the sword, the longer it will last and the faster it will kill enemies. A diamond sword kills a skeleton in 2 hits.

Stick-3pcs Thread-3pcs

A bow allows you to get rid of enemies from a distance, if, of course, you have arrows for it. Very effective weapon against skeletons.

Flint-1pc Stick-1pc Feather-1pc

From three components, flint, stick and feather, we get 4 arrows. Arrows are never superfluous. Especially during long dungeon crawls.


Leather-5pcs or Metal Ingot-5pcs or Gold Ingot-5pcs or Diamond-5pcs or Fire*-5pcs

Helmet, gives 1.5 units of armor.

Leather-8pcs or Metal Ingot-8pcs or Gold Ingot-8pcs or Diamond-8pcs or Fire*-8pcs

Basic armor, gives 4 units of armor.

Leather-7pcs or Metal Ingot-7pcs or Gold Ingot-7pcs or Diamond-7pcs or Fire*-7pcs

Pants give 3 units of armor.

Leather-4pcs or Metal Ingot-4pcs or Gold Ingot-4pcs or Diamond-4pcs or Fire*-4pcs

Boots, like the helmet, give 1.5 units of armor.

*Chain mail from fire cannot be made in Survival mode, since you can only get a fire block for crafting in multiplayer mode using the admin. commands


Metal ingot - 5pcs

In trolleys you can move along rails. You can also transport some mobs in trolleys. The trolley itself cannot move up. For this you need a self-propelled trolley.

Self-propelled trolley
Trolley-1 piece Oven-1 piece

Used to push trolleys up the rails. You cannot sit in a self-propelled trolley or place mobs in it. If the road is very steep, sometimes you have to use several self-propelled trolleys to push a trolley with a player or a mob or a luggage trolley. A self-propelled trolley runs on coal. In order for a self-propelled trolley to move, you need to right-click on it while holding coal or charcoal in your hands.

Trolley trunk
Trolley-1 piece Box-1 piece

In this trolley you can load items into 27 storage cells.

Metal ingot - 6 pcs. Stick - 1 pc.

If you love building railroads, then you will seriously need to stock up on metal ingots, since they will always be in short supply when building a railroad. 6 metal ingots and one stick give 16 units of rails, which will extend your railway for 16 cells.

Gold bar - 6 pcs. Stick - 1 pc. Redstone - 1 pc.

Accelerate (aka "booster") is used to accelerate the trolley (if it is connected to power) or as a brake (if there is no power).

Rails with detector
Metal ingot - 6 pcs. Button-plate - 1 pc. Redstone - 1 pc.

It is used like a regular plate button, only here it can only be activated by a trolley.

Boards -5pcs

The most economical and easiest way to move around the world and explore it. Made from only 5 boards. But if you break the boat, it will split into 3 boards and 2 sticks.


Boards - 6pcs or Metal ingot - 6pcs

I think there is no need to explain what doors are :). Two doors placed side by side form a double door. Iron door, unlike a wooden one, can only be opened using a mechanism (button, button-plate, lever, etc.). A wooden door can be opened by hand.

Boards -6pcs

The meaning is almost the same. The same door only on the floor :)

Plate button
Stone-2pcs or Boards-2pcs

The button is located in the floor and activates a nearby mechanism if you stand on it. Convenient to use for self-opening doors.

Stone button

A small button is located in the wall and a nearby mechanism is activated when pressed. After a second, the button itself deactivates the mechanism.

Redstone Lantern
Redstone - 1 piece Stick - 1 piece

A redstone lantern is located in the same way as a torch: on the wall or on the floor. It can be turned on or off using mechanisms. Flashlights also activate other mechanisms and perform the function of a sensor or LED.

Lever arm
Stick - 1 piece Cobblestone - 1 piece

The lever activates and deactivates the mechanisms. Unlike a button, the lever does not independently deactivate the mechanisms and can be set to ON and OFF. Also used to switch arrows on rails.

Note block
Boards - 8 pcs Redstone - 1 pc

Plays notes when interacting. With the right button you can set the pitch. The sound timbre and even the instrument depend on which block the note block is placed on. A great thing for creating a kind of synthesizer.

Music player
Boards - 8pcs Diamond - 1pc

You can start the jukebox using records. At the moment there are 2 types of records. The gold record plays the song "13" and the green record plays the song "Cat". You can find records in treasuries.

Distributor (Turrel)
Cobblestone - 7 pcs Bow - 1 pc Redstone - 1 pc

The distributor uses a 3x3 inventory grid and when it is running on redstone, it randomly ejects the objects loaded into it. If the Distributor is loaded with arrows, it turns into a turret, arrows fly out of it like from a bow. After using the turret, the arrows can no longer be picked up.

Repeater/moderator for redstone
Redstone-1 piece Redstone lantern-2 pieces Stone-3 pieces

Serves as a repeater for redstone circuits. It can also slow down the signal speed.

If you are planning to become an expert in the world of Minecraft, then you simply must know all the crafting recipes, which are the main component in the game. We have collected for you absolutely all Minecraft recipes that exist in the game. Thanks to this, you can always learn how to make a map or portal in Minecraft, as well as many other useful blocks. Crafting (or crafting) in Minecraft is the main method of obtaining and creating new blocks that exists in the game. To craft items, you use the crafting grid in your inventory or a workbench, with the help of which most of the game items are created. So, how to make a workbench in Minecraft? To do this we will need 4 blocks of boards and a crafting window available in the inventory. A workbench in Minecraft is created according to the following scheme:

By the way, a workbench can be created from any type of boards. In order to make colored boards in Minecraft, we will need different types of wood.

From the boards you can create sticks, which will be useful for crafting torches, tools, signs, ladders and a number of other items.

To prevent the nights in the game from seeming too dark, we will need a torch. See below for how to make a torch in Minecraft.

The longer you play Minecraft, the more items you will find. In order not to carry all the items with us, we will need to learn how to make a chest in Minecraft, where we will put all our game items. By the way, it is better to make more chests in advance and group the contents in them. You can use any type of board to create a chest.

Some blocks and items need to be crafted (melted) in a furnace. For example, the furnace is used to craft food and smelt various ores and minerals. The recipe for crafting a stove is presented below.

There is another chest in Minecraft called the End Chest (or Ender Chest). Its difference from a regular chest is that, having two such chests, you can leave items in one place and pick them up in another. To craft an end chest, we need obsidian and an enderman's eye.

Not long ago, magic was added to Minecraft, with which you can improve items and inventory. To do this, you need to create a table for spells. The recipe for creating a spell table can be found in the image below:

Minecraft blocks

Precious metals, emeralds and diamonds can be combined into blocks for more convenient storage. In order to create a block of diamonds or emeralds, you need to place objects throughout the grid in the workbench. As an example, take a look at our images.

To illuminate the surrounding space in Minecraft, you can use not only torches, but also a glowing block that is created from light dust. Light dust, in turn, can only be found in Hell, to access which you need to create a portal from obsidian and activate it.

There is also wool in Minecraft, which is needed to create a bed or paintings. Wool can be collected from sheep using scissors, or wool can be crafted from threads.

To destroy terrain and create cunning traps, you can use dynamite in Minecraft, which requires gunpowder and sand to craft. You can see how to make dynamite in Minecraft below.

To decorate buildings and make movement more convenient in Minecraft, there are various plates. Slabs can be created from wood, stone, brick and a number of other blocks. You can see how to create slabs in Minecraft in our examples.

To quickly move vertically and climb in your buildings, you can use steps, which are created in Minecraft in a very simple way. In addition, steps can be crafted from various blocks, so you can beautifully fit them into the style of your building.

To build beautiful buildings in Minecraft, you can create such various blocks, like brick, clay or snow blocks and many other items.

For creating brick block we will need clay, which must be melted in a furnace into brick ingots, and from the brick ingots it will be possible to craft a brick block.

Sand in Minecraft can be used to create sand blocks and steps. If you love Egyptian style, then you simply must know how to create new sand blocks in Minecraft.

Another block that will help you decorate inner space Your buildings are a bookcase. In order to create a bookcase in Minecraft, we will need books and boards. The recipe for crafting a bookcase is presented below.

There is another block in Minecraft that can be used to illuminate the area. We have already shown you how to create a torch and a glowstone, and now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the recipe for crafting a glowing pumpkin.

Minecraft Tools

In Minecraft there are a huge number of tools with which you can mine new ores or items. At the beginning of the game you have to create your first wooden instrument, which include an axe, a shovel, a pickaxe, a hoe (and even a sword). Below you can find recipes for crafting wooden equipment.

After some time, you will obtain the first resources, which will include broken stone (cobblestone). From cobblestone you can create stone equipment, which is more durable and has a greater number of uses (only a pickaxe) than wooden objects. Recipes for crafting stone equipment are presented below.

Using stone tools, you can mine new ores, which include metal. The metal must be smelted in a furnace into metal ingots, after which it will be possible to create new iron equipment from them.

As soon as you get your first gold blocks, you can use them to craft new gold equipment. To do this, gold blocks must be melted into ingots, after which they can be used for crafting. Gold inventory has a higher rate of resource extraction, but gold items are not very strong, which is why many people prefer not to use them.

However, the best items are traditionally those made from diamonds. This inventory is different high speed resource extraction and is the most durable of all existing ones. The recipe for crafting diamond equipment is identical to the previous recipes.

To activate the portal to Hell, as well as to set fire to the area in Minecraft, there is a lighter. You can see how to create a lighter in Minecraft below.

If you want to transfer water or lava from one place to another, you will need a bucket. The recipe for crafting a bucket is not so complicated and is presented in the image below.

You can use coordinates to navigate the world of Minecraft, but real Minecraft fans create a compass and map for this purpose. We showed how to make a map or compass in Minecraft using these crafting recipes.

If you spend a lot of time in caves looking for resources, then you probably want to be aware of what time of day it is on the surface. For these purposes you can make a clock.

Scissors have been added to Minecraft to collect wool and obtain foliage blocks. Their crafting recipe is shown in this image.

In order for your game character to always remain full, you need food. One type of food is fish, which can be caught by making a fishing rod in Minecraft.

An analogue of a lighter can be a fireball, which is created from gunpowder, coal and fire powder. The fireball can set the area on fire when you right-click, or can be used as a projectile for a dispenser.

You can make it out of carrots and a fishing rod great tool for pig management. To do this, you need to craft a fishing rod with carrots, the recipe for which is incredibly simple.

An anvil can be used to repair tools in Minecraft 1.4. It is notable for the fact that weapon upgrades on it are not reset, but, on the contrary, they are superimposed on each other. Also on the anvil you can rename any item. Crafting an anvil is quite simple, although it will require quite a bit of iron.

Weapons in Minecraft

Since there are aggressive mobs in Minecraft, you will have to defend yourself from them. For this purpose, there are weapons in Minecraft that can be used in melee combat or attacks from a distance. For close combat you need to create a sword, which can be wooden, stone, metal, gold or diamond. The better your sword, the more damage it will deal.

For long-range attacks in Minecraft, a bow is used. The recipe for crafting a bow and arrow can be found below.

Armor in Minecraft

To protect your in-game character in Minecraft, there are several different types of armor, each of which is created from various materials and has varying degrees of protection. For example, diamond armor will provide you with the most protection, but it requires quite a lot of diamonds to create it. You can find recipes for crafting a helmet, bib, pants and boots from different materials below.

The next strongest armor is metal armor.

Gold armor protects against damage better than metal armor, but wears out the fastest.

The strongest armor in Minecraft is armor made from diamonds. Recipes for crafting diamond armor:

Don't forget that you can combine Various types armor. For example, you can use a diamond breastplate, a leather helmet, and metal pants and boots. However, in this case, your defense will be summed up from the characteristics of each piece of equipment.

Trolleys and rails

To move around the world of Minecraft faster, there are a number of items with which you can create your own railway or subway. To begin, you will need to create rails, which are divided into regular rails, electric rails, and push block rails.

Electric rails can be connected to redstone torches, thanks to which they will speed up your trolley while moving.

Rails with a pressure block allow you to transmit a reston signal as soon as the trolley passes along them.

Trolleys in Minecraft are also divided into several types. A regular minecart allows you to move around in it and is created as follows.

The furnace minecart allows you to move other minecarts by placing coal in the furnace.

A trolley with a chest can transport things over long distances and is created using a box and a regular trolley.

For lovers of sea travel in Minecraft, you can make a boat with which you can surf the ocean in search of new islands and biomes. See below for how to make a boat in Minecraft.

Items with redstone

Any building in Minecraft must have an entrance, and any entrance must have a door to keep strangers out. There are two types of doors in Minecraft - wooden and metal. How to do wooden door or a metal door you will find in the following images.

If you prefer dugouts or vertical entries instead standard doors, then you can make a hatch in Minecraft and use it as an entrance to your building. The hatch can be made from boards of any color.

The only movable block in Minecraft that can also move other blocks is the piston. See below for how to make a piston in Minecraft.

Besides conventional piston, in Minecraft you can make a sticky piston that can return blocks to their starting position. To craft a sticky piston, you need to combine a standard piston and slime.

To activate pistons or other active blocks, we need redstone. You can also create from redstone various items, with which you can control circuits at a distance and so on.

As decorative items, or for creating interesting redstone circuits, traps and anything else you have enough imagination for, Minecraft has many blocks that can also be activated using redstone circuits.

Another block with which you can illuminate the surrounding space is a lamp. To create a lamp we need a glowing block and some redstone.

To activate redstone circuits or various blocks, you can use levers, buttons or pressure plates.

Not long ago, tripwires were added to Minecraft. You will learn how to do stretching in Minecraft from the picture below.

Food in Minecraft

Every living organism has a need for nutrition and main character Minecraft is no exception and also has a feeling of hunger. But for this in Minecraft there are a huge number of recipes for preparing various foods that you can learn about.

First, you should know that any raw meat can be cooked in the oven, after which it can be eaten. But if you want to cook something more interesting in the game, our Minecraft recipes will help you!

To cook a baked potato, you need to put it in the oven and wait for it to cook.

The recipe for making golden carrots is one carrot, surrounded on all sides with gold nuggets.

To make pumpkin pie you will need pumpkin sugar and an egg.

Various blocks and objects

Minecraft has the ability to create books to further create bookcases or record your stories and notes right in the game. To do this, you need to make paper, and from paper you can make a book in Minecraft.

To decorate your home, you can craft paintings that you can hang on the walls. See below for how to make a painting in Minecraft.

To make the night in Minecraft go by faster, you can make a bed to sleep on.

In Minecraft you can create signs on which you can write your own text. How to make a sign in Minecraft is shown below.

To move vertically, you can create a ladder.

In Minecraft there is a wooden fence, as well as a gate to it. You will find how to make a fence and gate in our crafting recipes.

In addition to the standard block of glass, which is created by melting sand in a furnace, you can make glass panels in Minecraft, which are also called thin glass.

The Eye of Ender can be crafted as follows.

The recipe for crafting new pictures or frames for items in Minecraft 1.4 is very simple. We will need 8 sticks and 1 leather.

Flower pots are another decorative block with which you can decorate your buildings. You can plant almost all types of plants in flower pots, ranging from red or yellow flowers, ending with tree sprouts.

In order to craft a flower pot, we need 3 bricks. The recipe for crafting a flower pot is shown below.

In addition to ordinary fences, there are also stone ones. Recipe for crafting a stone fence:

Dyes in Minecraft

In Minecraft, there are a huge number of dyes in a wide variety of colors that you can use to recolor wool blocks or leather armor. Bone meal is not only a white dye, but also allows plants to grow instantly when applied to a seedling or seed.

Wool dyeing

In Minecraft you can dye wool using dyes. Colored wool is used to create interesting and unusual buildings, as well as to create pixel art designs in-game.

Magic and potions in Minecraft

Magic in Minecraft allows you to create various potions, with which you can gain new abilities such as increasing movement speed and so on. To create potions you will need a number of items, the crafting of which we will now show you. The basis for crafting potions are flasks. How to make a flask in Minecraft:

Any preparation of potions takes place at a brewing stand, the crafting recipe for which is below.

There is also a cauldron in Minecraft, but it has no use yet.

Potions Ingredients:

Leather painting

Beginning with Minecraft versions 1.4.2 we got the opportunity to paint leather armor. Interesting fact is that when painting you can mix any dyes.

In Minecraft 1.4 you can dye not only leather armor, but also your pet's collar. To do this, you need to take any dye in your hands and use it on your dog.

Fireworks and Fireworks Minecraft

On New Year's Eve, Minecraft received an update that introduced the ability to create festive fireworks and fireworks. We have already dedicated this event, in which you can learn how to create different types fireworks, and on this page we will show you crafting recipes.

First, you need to learn the recipe for crafting a star, with which you can set the fireworks light.

As soon as the star is ready, you need to craft a salute or fireworks, which can then be launched into the sky. Recipe for crafting fireworks:

In the Minecraft 1.5: Redstone Update, a huge number of new blocks and items were added that are somehow related to redstone. Just below you can find all the crafting recipes from Minecraft 1.5 so that you are ready to create new items and blocks.

In Minecraft 1.5, you can find new hellish blocks with white splashes in the nether world. These are quartz blocks and can only be mined in hell. From quartz you can create some useful items, as well as decorative blocks, half-blocks and steps. In order to obtain pure quartz, you need to place blocks of quartz in a furnace and smelt them into ore.

After you receive quartz, you can craft new blocks and columns from it. Recipes for crafting items from Kravets are below.

Minecraft 1.5 introduced a light sensor that can send a signal to the redstone during daylight hours. Recipe for crafting a light sensor:

A comparator, which will be useful to all fans of redstone circuits, can be crafted as follows:

A trap chest capable of transmitting a signal when opened has the following crafting recipe:

New pressure plates made of gold and metal are capable of changing the signal strength depending on the number and weight of objects located on them.

The Ejector is another new block that appeared in Minecraft 1.5 and can be crafted as follows:

To collect items and distribute them into chests, a funnel was added to Minecraft, which has the following crafting recipe. Using a funnel, you can craft a trolley with a funnel that can distribute objects even when moving.

Well, now you can make a whole block from redstone, which will stably emit a strong redstone signal.

Minecraft Crafting Recipes 1.6.1

IN new version Minecraft 1.6.1 codenamed " Horse Update“The main focus of the game was on adding a new mob - lashes, therefore the crafting recipes for Minecraft 1.6.1 are mostly related to this. However, the new version of the game will not be without new blocks, the crafting recipes for which you can find a little lower.

So, in Minecraft 1.6.1 a block of coal was added, with which you can light a furnace to cook food and smelt ores. A coal block has the following crafting recipe:

A new decorative block that appeared in Minecraft 1.6.1 is a haystack. Using a haystack you can decorate barns, farms or other buildings of yours. A haystack can be crafted from 9 units of wheat.

Clay in the new version of Minecraft 1.6.1 has the ability to be colored, just like wool. You can apply any known dye to get a new clay color. To do this, you need to place a block of raw clay in the oven, thereby crafting baked clay that can be painted.

Another innovation in Minecraft 1.6.1 is carpets. The recipe for crafting carpets is very simple: just use 2 blocks of wool (you can use colored wool) arranged horizontally to get 3 pieces of carpet. The color of the carpet will depend on the color of wool you use when crafting.

Let's get to the fun part, the horses! Minecraft 1.6.1 features a huge number of new horses, donkeys and mules that can be tamed. And on horses you can put not only a saddle, but also armor! Many players ask how to craft armor for horses? The fact is that in the final version of Minecraft 1.6.1 the recipe for crafting armor for horses was cut out, and the only way to get it is to explore caves and mines.

Tag - another one new item, which has no crafting recipe and can only be found in dungeons. The tag is used to rename mobs, and you can rename absolutely all mobs except the Dragon and civilians! In order to rename a mob, you need to give a name to the tag on the anvil, after which it can be used.

Using a lasso, you can lead mobs behind you or tie horses to wooden fences so that they do not leave the parking area. The lasso can be crafted using the following recipe:

Just Enough Items, this is a very useful mod that can add many features to Minecraft and thus, it can improve your overall experience. If you used or before this, you will be familiar with how it works. However, unlike these two mods, the mod's only items are significantly easier to use and because of this, its path is more accessible to the average minecraft user. The main mod is attention to stability and performance, which is why you see that it doesn't have even the slightest impact on the game's performance.

Just Enough Items mod for Minecraft 1.14.4 1.13.2 1.11 1.10.2 1.10 1.9.4 , which was designed to view items and their crafting recipes right in the game, so you don't have to keep the crafting page open for a certain mod, or if you have a lot of mods, open a lot of tabs to get the information you're looking for. Along with displaying recipes for each item, it can also display the usage of a specified item, which can be quite useful in many scenarios. This mod's keyboard shortcuts are pretty easy to get the hang of so within a few minutes of using it you'll have a pretty stable grasp of how it works.

Just Enough Items has many features to offer, but perhaps the most useful feature is the one that brings to the lookup table. To use this panel all you have to do is click Ctrl+F, then enter the name of any item and it will give all the information you need. The search function allows you to search for items that have been implemented using mods. All said and done, this is a very convenient and useful mod that will save you quite a lot that you would have spent on tedious searching.
