Do-it-yourself green roof. House with a green roof. Museum Historial de la Vendée in France

Main mistakes and “helpers” when choosing roof color
Combination of roof and landscape colors
Roof texture
Choosing a roof color to match the finished facade of the house
How to choose a color, which color suits best
Features of colors with which they are combined

When constructing a new private house, each developer cares not only about the comfort, warmth and reliability of the future structure, but also about its beauty, because it plays a big role in the sale.

However, do not forget about the appearance of the house if you are building it for yourself; on the contrary, try to think through everything down to the smallest detail in order to create the ideal home. So you have to choose the color scheme of your house, which can be quite difficult, so in this article we will talk in detail about how to choose the color of the facade and roof.

A beautiful house is the merit of the owner, because the attractiveness of the building depends on his preferences. However, not everyone can boast of good taste, imagination, and especially artistic education, which is why, when deciding to build a house, it is important to think through the project to the smallest detail, and only after that purchase all the necessary materials.

Before drawing up your design, you can walk through the private sector and pay attention to new houses that have already been built. From this walk you can get some ideas for yourself, as well as understand which houses you really don't like.

Most likely, they will have the following disadvantages:

  1. Inconsistency of colors and style;
  2. Incorrect combination of colors of the house facade and roof;
  3. Violation of the unity of proportions of the house and the balance of its color.

All these errors vary in complexity: some of them can be corrected after the construction is completed, and some cannot be corrected at all, for example, the wrong color of the roof, because its complete replacement will cost a large sum of money, and painting will be impractical.

At self-selection flowers will help you:

  • Ready-made design solutions;
  • Various schemes and tables of color combinations;
  • Design programs.

Combination of roof and landscape colors

Each developer thinks through the design for his own purposes. Someone wants to show off the high price and show off the beauty of their home, while others, on the contrary, want to hide their home from prying eyes. Despite the opposition of these desires, they all require one thing - a combination of roofing and landscape.

Also remember that the landscape around your home changes several times throughout the year, so take into account the season and prevailing weather.

Primary colors:

  • A green roof will be combined with various vegetation around the house, for example, it will blend nicely with the trees growing around it, but this is where the main problem of green roofs arises: in winter, such a roof will be a bright spot among the snow and bare trees. Coniferous trees, which remain green all year round, will help you “blur” this spot;
  • A house with a terracotta roof will look great against the backdrop of wooded slopes. They are also suitable for houses with burgundy roofs;
  • Blue and also turquoise roofs are built in mountainous areas. It is worth mentioning that together with it it is necessary to create a light facade of the house;
  • A gray roof is suitable for humid climates, but combined with cold colors in the house it makes the house boring, so try to dilute it warm colors facade;
  • A brown roof is recommended for use in areas with long autumn periods, as shades of brown go well with autumn foliage.

We should also talk about especially bright colors. For example, houses with a red roof will undoubtedly look great not only in warm weather, but also in golden autumn. However, she has a special drawback - excessive attractiveness. The bright colors and beautiful shapes of the house can attract the attention of not only ordinary passers-by, but also burglars, so in this case it will be necessary to install a reliable security system.

Such bright colors They are also often used for extravagant projects that only a professional can handle, while a beginner will create complete disharmony and bad taste.

Roof texture

If you decide to highlight your home, make a roof complex shape. This way you will emphasize the wealth of your home, but remember that such a roof should be built separately and should not be blocked by trees, otherwise the harmony of foliage and color of the roof will neutralize the beauty of its form. This type of roof is best suited for small elevations.

When choosing a texture, also pay attention to neighboring buildings: do not make your house stand out too much from its neighbors. We recommend using the same materials as the neighboring houses, for example, metal tiles or corrugated sheets. You can be convinced of the need to combine houses on the same street by looking at the old streets, for example, in St. Petersburg, where all the houses retain their own style and create a special atmosphere.

Choosing a roof color to match the finished facade of the house

First of all, it is necessary to highlight the various factors influencing the choice of roofing:

  1. Financial opportunities. First of all, purchase everything you need: material for the rafter system, heat and waterproofing, etc. After this, plan a budget for the roof itself, because not everyone is ready to spend their last money on a roof with an unusual shape made of expensive materials;
  2. When choosing the color of the roof, it is worth considering its degree of heat absorption. Everything is simple here: the lighter the roof, the less heat it absorbs. So, for example, a house with a turquoise roof is perfect for southern cities, and we recommend building a house with a cherry roof in the northern regions;
  3. Also keep in mind that not all shades retain their saturation for the same long time. Sooner or later, any roof will begin to fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and precipitation, which is especially true for roofs made of cheap materials. Cool shades retain their saturation the longest. Let's look at it as an example White House with a red roof: its facade will retain its color much longer than a roof of a bright, rich shade.
  4. Do not forget about the combination of roofing material and facade. Despite the fact that the roof will sooner or later lose its color, you will not have to change it if you select the right materials. When choosing other woodwork for your home, make sure it is in harmony with the other elements - this way your home will not lose its attractiveness after many years.

Among the examples, it is worth highlighting terracotta tiles - they go well with a facade made of natural wood or brick.

Another important thing is facades with plaster or white brick, which are suitable for almost any type of roof.

How to choose a color, which color suits best

Having decided on the material and tone of the desired roof, you can begin to choose its specific color.

To avoid making serious mistakes, follow the rules:

  • You should not choose the same color for the roof and facade. If you still decide to use the same color, then make the roof lighter or darker than the facade;
  • Do not use brightly colored roofing against a dull building;
  • Don't make your home too colorful;
  • The combination of the color of the roof and the house must be in a certain balance, so use neutral shades along with bright shades;
  • Making a contrast from bright and dark colors, remember that a bright shade should prevail.

It is worth highlighting white facade, which is suitable for all types of roofing and is combined with a huge range of colors, for example, a white house with a red roof will attract you and passersby without annoying with its brightness.

We mentioned above that the color of the roof and facade should be suitable for the weather conditions prevailing in your area, however, there are solutions that are suitable for absolutely any weather and season:

  1. The combination of a dark top and a light facade will not only delight you with its appearance all year round, but will also visually increase the height of the building;
  2. We do not recommend choosing one color, however, the result of competent play with shades can look much more attractive than contrast and not lose its appeal all year round;
  3. A dark facade and a light roof are also used in the construction of a house; this combination makes your home more unique, however, the richness of the facade can take all the attention, and the roof will simply disappear from the field of view of a passerby;
  4. If you want a light roof, but you are afraid to “lose” it against the background of the facade, then we recommend building a white house with a blue roof;
  5. The last technique is qualitative contrast. For example, a white facade of a house with a red roof will always look fresh and energetic.

Features of colors with which they are combined

Playing with colors is a delicate art that not everyone can master. By choosing the right colors, you can visually change the proportions of the building; for example, a room with white wallpaper and ceiling always seems larger than a room with similar dimensions, but in dark colors. In addition, each color has its own psychology, for example, in hospitals, walls are often painted green or blue, because... they reassure patients.

The same thing happens with appearance Houses:

  • Brown color is one of the most popular roofing solutions. That is why the most common question is “what facade color will go with a brown roof?” The answer here is quite simple: any light colors that harmonize with brown, for example, beige.
  • Red is an energetic and memorable color that is increasingly used in the construction of houses. Basically, only its muted shades are used, which go well with wood, plaster and brick;
  • Blue color for the roof is also a good solution. Choose a shade of blue so that it harmonizes with the sky, and does not get lost against its background. The blue roof goes well with the white and gray facade.
  • If you have not yet decided which color goes best with a brown roof, then turn your attention to shades of yellow. A roof or facade of this color gives cheerfulness and optimism to its residents.
  • Choosing the color of the facade of a house with a green roof is not a big problem, because green goes well with a huge range of different colors, for example, white, beige or brown.
  1. If you are really bad at combining colors, then make combinations with the simplest colors - white, gray and black, or use a ready-made solution;
  2. Also in a simple way create good range natural combinations will be used, however, even here you need to be extremely careful, because some colors are completely unsuitable for building a house, for example, red and green;
  3. When choosing the color of the roof and facade, do not forget to maintain the style of the building under construction, for example, if the building was built in minimalism, then use simple colors, for example, gray and black;
  4. Don't neglect using special computer programs, as well as tables with color combinations.


Now you are familiar with specific solutions and know what logic to follow when choosing the colors of the facade and roof of a building, we hope that after reading you will not have questions like: “What color goes with a brown roof?” is a young educational site about home and family. Over time, it will turn into a storehouse of knowledge and become a daily assistant in everyday life.

How to make a grass roof with your own hands

When building their homes, humanity has made grass roofing since ancient times.

In some cases, this type of roofing is called earthen. This type of roof does not present any complexity and the construction scheme is not difficult.

There is, however, one indispensable condition: the weight of such a roof is quite large, so the roof rafters must be as reliable as possible.

If structures are being built from logs, beams, carriages, then a grass, heavy roof is even preferable - with its additional weight, the building being erected will go through the shrinkage process much faster. Also, the crowns will close together much more tightly.

You can divide the types of grass roofing into the following types:

- Turf.

- Reed.

— Shingle (wooden).

- Slate.

- Tiled.

- Copper.

How to make a grass roof

Let's highlight the main components of a grass roof.
First of all, absolutely any vegetation can be used for styling.

But hard-leaved is still better.
Next, lay a dense layer of earth (peat, turf), waterproofing is possible if necessary. Also, there is no way to do without insulation. Do not forget about drainage - it is acceptable to use gravel or crushed stone.
Please note that geogrid is used for large roof slopes. It makes sense to cover the drainage layer of crushed stone with a layer of geotextile.

Let's consider an environmentally friendly type of laying a grass roof.

The construction of a grass roof is similar in most cases.

This is a load-bearing rafter structure and sheathing made of unedged boards, on top of which turf was laid.
Instead of the waterproofing widely used today from rolled bitumen or other materials, a layer of birch bark was laid on the sheathing, on top of which turf was laid in two layers or a soil mixture was poured for sowing it with grass seeds.

However, before touching on the technology of laying bark and turf, it should be noted that the dead weight of a green roof is about 250 kg/m2.

This means that the shear load (especially on roofs with steeper slopes) can move the entire grass covering down. To avoid this, it is imperative structural element green roofs had fences. Their function was traditionally performed by turf fencing beams or boards laid along the overhangs - the so-called turf holders.

At the same time, the construction of the roof when creating a grass carpet had to ensure unhindered drainage of rainwater from the roof slopes.

To do this, it was necessary not only to choose the right shape of the sod holders, but also to attach them to the sheathing accordingly.

Strips of birch bark were laid overlapping each other.

In the overhang area they were laid in 5...8 layers. At the same time, the strips released from under the fencing beam and placed on it were laid with the outer side up. This was done in order to ensure effective water drainage and protect the sod holder and the end parts of the sheathing boards from moisture. In addition, the bark, laid with the outer side up, is an important decorative element green roof.

To increase the service life of the roof, the bark on the rest of the roof was laid with the outer side down, since its inner side provides more effective protection of the sheathing from the mixture of sigumic acids contained in the soil.

To protect the turf laid on the sides of the gable from wind and water erosion, natural stones were laid on the edges of the gable.

Later, pediment wind elements, which were used as logs, began to be used for this purpose. They were laid so that the ends protruded above the ridge. The logs were joined crosswise. And since the logs were the same thickness as the sod holders, together they formed a kind of wooden frame for the entire roof.

In another option, a wind board was used to protect the grass surface from erosion. It was fastened with wooden dowels and covered with birch bark from moisture.

Sometimes, instead of bark, a horizontally laid covering board was used.

One of the important elements of traditional grass roofs is the wooden gutter, which was made from boards screwed together at right angles or hollowed out from a tree trunk.

The weak point of grass roofs is the openings (in particular for chimneys).

To prevent water from flowing down the walls of the pipe into the house, stone slabs protruding beyond the pipe were walled into its masonry.

At the same time, sheets of birch bark were placed under these slabs, diverting the flow of water to the roof. Stone slabs on the side of the slopes they were arranged in steps, which contributed to more efficient drainage of rain or melt water from the pipe walls.

A log is used as a fencing element, supported by a stop hook secured under the sheathing.

In this case, the hook, cut into the log of the upper crown, is secured under the sheathing, and the round timber itself lies completely on the birch bark. To prevent water from accumulating on the roof, the sod holder has slots for drainage.

The round timber, in turn, is also lined with birch bark.

Green roof: uniqueness of your home

Despite the presence of such moisture protection, the sod holder still needed to be periodically replaced with a new one.

For example, when attaching a stop hook on top of the sheathing, a space is created between the birch bark and the turf holder to ensure effective drainage of water. And when attaching the enclosing element using a dowel, special slots were provided in the sod holder for water drainage.

Another interesting solution is when the fencing beam is attached to the side, with a distance of 5 cm from the edge of the overhang, which also ensures rapid drainage of water.

In all these cases, the turf holders are protected by birch bark.

The overhang zone itself is covered with several layers of bark.

You can also use the option of fastening the enclosing beam using a powerful dowel embedded in the end part of the rafter. This method of fastening was used for roofs with hanging rafters protruding beyond the overhang by approximately 12 cm.

Often, in order to save wood, instead of logs or beams, boards 3...4 cm thick and 12...16 cm wide were used to fence the grass covering, depending on the thickness of the green roof.

To ensure water drainage, holes or slots measuring 3x3 cm were made on the lower edge of the board every 20 cm.

On the side in contact with the turf they were expanded, giving the shape of a funnel. Sometimes boards were installed without drainage holes. In this case, they were fastened so that they protruded 2...3 cm beyond the overhangs.

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HomeInnovative technologiesGreen roofs in Russia: problems and prospects

Green roofs in Russia: problems and prospects

The principles of green construction, formed in the 20s of the last century in Western countries, include a wide range of requirements for buildings in large cities, where the environment needs serious changes for the better.

Green standards, such as LEED, BREEAM, etc., are today the most important factor in shaping society’s views on emerging problems and increasing the comfort of living in megacities. Among the phenomena that form the very idea of ​​ecological construction, a separate component is a green roof that can be used.

In Europe, the USA, China and other countries of Southeast Asia, a green roof is one of the main solutions for improving the environmental situation in megacities.

Considering the high cost of land and real estate, a serviceable roof is an excellent way to transform roofs into full-fledged areas for communication, holding various events and recreation. In addition, it is environmental problems that have become the basis for the growing popularity of such systems in countries with a temperate climate, such as Norway, where they are installed in almost 90% of private cottages and apartment buildings, as well as public buildings.

Eco-roofs increase the economic effect of using buildings by acquiring additional usable space and improving the aesthetic appearance, environmental appeal and increasing the rating of the property when certified according to green standards.

At the same time, the standard of living of city residents is improving, as they are provided with more opportunities for recreation, walking, playing sports, and installing playgrounds.

Green roofs and their types

The idea of ​​creating a green roof is, first of all, aimed at optimizing the impact of urban ecology on humans and their health, which is achieved by the combination of its characteristics.

Benefits of technology
Modern construction and installation of green roofs is characterized by a number of objective global advantages.

These include: energy efficiency and cost savings during operation, achieved by reducing heat loss through outer covering building; improving people's living and working conditions; increasing the aesthetic level of buildings. In addition, a green roof protects the waterproofing material, which is the main component of the roofing “pie,” from overheating and ultraviolet radiation, which increases its durability several times.

An important detail - to cover a sloping roof or a roof with a complex configuration, only an adhesive waterproofing membrane is suitable.

Today, manufacturers offer a wide selection of membranes that are resistant to chemicals and provide a high-quality green roof pie.

As for our country, where green standards are just beginning to be applied in the construction and certification of real estate, green roofing is becoming an economic tool in terms of following advanced global trends, increasing the attractiveness, and, consequently, the cost of buildings and achieving high public assessment at the international level.

In Russia, green roofs are just beginning to spread across major cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kaliningrad, Tver, Voronezh, and some others.

One of bright examples is the green roof of the Crowne Plaza business center in the Pulkovo airport building complex in the northern capital. The project, carried out in 2011, created a roof with extensive landscaping covering an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters. m.

Green roofs are also used in the construction of international-level facilities for the 2014 Olympics in Sochi and the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

The real estate market increasingly feels the need to design eco-roofs in residential buildings, since the economic effect of their presence in the implementation of development projects has the prospect of exceeding the costs of installation by more than a third.

Meanwhile, one cannot help but notice the factors slowing down the development of this idea in our country.

And they are connected not only with economic conditions, but also with existing stereotypes.

The full contents of this issue can be found here

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1. Green roof- technology

2. Design features of roof gardens

3. How to make a green roof

Greening the roofs of buildings is not a modern trend at all. The history of green gardens on the roofs of houses began several thousand years ago. The first of them were built in Babylon. The most famous garden complex can be considered the Gardens of Babylon.

Typically, such a roof consists of three layers.

The bottom one is a film that is designed to protect the supporting structure of the roof from the effects of plant roots. A foam lining is placed on top of it, which ensures the necessary balance of water in this ecosystem. The final layer is the soil itself in which the plants are planted. As a result, the resulting design has high performance indicators and light weight. The only drawback of such roofs is the admiring glances of neighbors and passers-by who cannot stop admiring such a solution.

Green roofing has a number of advantages:

  • environmental friendliness - the roof releases only oxygen into the air;
  • absorption of harmful radiation;
  • excellent noise protection;
  • excellent thermal insulation, positive influence on the climate inside the building;
  • reduction of dust in the area;
  • protection of the roofing pie from mechanical damage;
  • aesthetics and prestige of the building, unique appearance.

Thus, it becomes clear why green roofs are becoming increasingly popular.

Green roof - technology

There are only two types of green roofs - extensive and intensive.

The first type is more simple. It is optimal in cases where it is necessary to reduce the time and effort spent on roof maintenance. This system can be used on roofs with slope angles that do not exceed 45 degrees. This is the technology used to carry out landscaping. industrial facilities, shopping centers, terraces, garages, gazebos, bus stops and other buildings that do not provide for the possibility of a person going onto the roof.

To organize such a roof, various varieties of perennial plants are used that do not require watering or cutting, and also cope well with harsh winter conditions.

Despite the simplicity of the design, it is better to consult with specialists in advance, because a do-it-yourself green roof is slightly different from a regular roof, and therefore has its own installation nuances. As time passes, not only plants, but also birds settle on such a roof and begin to delight with their songs.

This aspect is another advantage that is unique to this type of roof.

But if you want not only to admire the green roof and listen to the morning trills of birds, but also to relax on the roof itself, then you need to resort to installing an intensive green roof.

Intensive landscaping can be used absolutely everywhere, but it is most widespread in the design of private houses. Such a roof involves laying paths, bushes and trees. That is, it becomes possible to organize a full-fledged garden on the roof. At the same time, the designer’s imagination is practically unlimited and on such a roof it is possible to create multi-tiered flower beds, alpine slides and even ponds.

Intensive green roofs often require lighting and irrigation.

Your own garden on the roof of the house will provide a break from the hot weather; in addition, the temperature in the room will be much lower, since the soil and greenery provide good protection from the scorching sun.

You can add exotic flowers to the general variety of roof plants; you can also place tables and chairs, sun loungers and awnings on the site. That is, on such a roof you can quite realistically relax.

Features of roof garden designs

Roof gardens can be characterized by the following parameters:

  • high safety for people.

    One of the mandatory requirements of such a roof is the organization of parapets and fences with a height of at least 120 cm. They must withstand the load of an adult. In addition, special fortifications and wind shields are installed;

  • using only environmentally friendly materials;
  • protection of load-bearing structures from corrosion, mold and fungi;
  • good isolation of plant roots;
  • permissible load values ​​on bearing structures(both static and dynamic);
  • possibility of organizing additional premises for storing equipment.

Ideally, the decision to organize such a green roof should be made at the planning stage of the entire building.

In this case, it is possible to carry out all calculations of possible loads on the foundation and elements of the supporting structure. But it is quite possible to install a green roof at the last stages of building a house, without organizing a preliminary landscaping project.

In this case, the installation of such a roof is no different from the previous option. But you still have to make sure that the supporting structures and rafters can withstand the load of plants, irrigation systems, etc.

d. Only in this case will it be possible to obtain a high-quality roof.

Greening the roof, examples in the video:

How to make a green roof

It must be emphasized that to organize a green roof, plants should be carefully selected, taking into account certain criteria, as well as the possibility of survival various plants on one site. In addition, the roofs of high-rise buildings have some restrictions on the choice of plants.

The flora on such roofs will grow in conditions very close to high mountain ones - constant wind, high level solar radiation, sharp fluctuations temperatures In addition, the very base of such a roof is very similar to rocks.

Therefore, not all plants will be able to survive such conditions.

Regardless of the type of roof, you must choose greenery according to the following criteria:

  • the root system should be small;
  • have high levels of frost and drought resistance;
  • does not require careful care.

At the same time, a roof with a turf base should have a more attractive appearance.

Facades and roofs: color scheme

Therefore, preference should be given to dwarf or creeping shrubs and trees, unpretentious herbs and vines, as well as plants that densely cover the soil. In order for the turf roof to turn green in the spring, small-bulb daffodils, crocuses, scylla and muscara are planted on it.

Since plants on the roof can be visible from a great distance, their appearance - the shape of the leaves and trunk, their color - plays a huge influence when choosing a “garden”.

For creating harmonious composition, trees and bushes are selected into similar groups.

After all work is completed and properly carried out landscape design, you will get not just a roof - but an incredibly beautiful and environmentally friendly roof.

A unique design that stands out from similar solutions will only highlight the taste of the home owner. The architectural integrity of the building will become even more pronounced and pleasing. Well, what can compare with the comfort of relaxing in the garden right on the roof of your own home?

The most interesting thing is that such roofs are not excessively expensive and almost everyone can afford it.

All you need for this is desire and a little imagination.

The renewed interest in grass roofs has prompted many apartment owners in the Scandinavian countries to install roofs on both old and newly built homes.

Modern architects are trying to give new architectural projects when designing grass roofs and at the same time maintaining the old traditions of the Norwegian house.

From this point of view, readers will be interested in the fact that a special regulatory document was developed and implemented in the building of the Norwegian Research Institute, which regulates the basic rules for the construction of roofs with grass.

Construction of grass roof

Sl.1 - click to enlarge!

The design is a so-called “double roof” in which an air cavity is provided between the bottom insulated layer and the grass cover.

The advantage of this design is that the water vapor generated in living rooms, diffuses through the vapor-permeable thermal insulation and then leaves the atmosphere.

The next layer is protected from the roots.

Let us recall that the function of protecting the base of a grass roof from the roots of growing plants has since the previous period been performed with birch bark. However, due to its heavy procurement, the use of this natural roofing material with grass cover is very expensive.

Currently, birch bark is actively replacing modern effective materials. One of them, base stone, is a rolling waterproofing material made by stamping from a two-layer high-density polyethylene membrane.

The thickness of this material is 0.5 ... 0.7 mm, it is compatible with bitumen and is resistant to humic acids. The surface of this film is tubercular (pimple). During the embossing process, conical bumps of about 8 mm are formed on the canvas.

Thanks to the “pimples”, air chambers are formed under the membrane, which prevent the capillary rise of water, which eliminates hardening through the protective layer of the roots of growing plants.

However, birch bark is also used for modern roofing grass.

It is true that it serves instead the function of protecting against moisture and roots, but it is only a decorative element of the roof canopy that draws attention to the traditions of ancient architecture.

Work technology

The technological characteristics of the production of a modern roof with a cover on a grassy surface can be considered using the example of a residential building, the owners of which decided to replace the roofing slate with a grass roof (photo 1 .... 7)

The supporting structure (racks) is a distribution strip 80x150 mm, attached to the rafters in increments of 50 cm (see Fig.

They are made from plywood with glue on them, bitumen sheets are attached with galvanized nails.

The joints of the plates and hats are covered with nails 25 cm wide and welded with a gas torch (see Photo 2).

Fencing elements - drainage brackets and boards - are installed on the contours of the roof.

at least 2 cm. Please note that the water flow between the bottom edge and the associated layer of roofing layer dernoderzhateley predicts that the width of the gap will be more effective if it makes a cut every 15 ... 20 cm at the bottom of the board.

We use impregnated beams, plates or bobbins as security elements and only fixed permanent hooks and corners and nails are used to secure them.

As a root protection and sealing layer on the roof of the fundalin v table.

The film is placed with the tubercles down, fixing the top edge with nails on the roof. The next tape is expected to be at least 20 cm on the previous one (with a roof slope of more than 25 °). For shallow roofs, the recommended opening width should be at least 25 cm.

The fondaline placement process is simple. Cleaning the substrate from dirt and dust first covers a separate plate belt (see Photo 3).

Then place the first armpit strip, attach it under the jigger to the edge of the overhang, fold under the edge and secure it underneath with galvanized nails (see Fig.

To work with the foundation, you only need a hammer, scissors and a meter. The joints of this film are sealed with a special weight that is root resistant and chemically compatible with polyethylene. It is available with the material.
On the plates, the film is also attached to the edges that were left on the protective cover on top (see Fig.

In the base stone ridge area, skates are attached on both sides and the nail heads are covered with special weights.

Particular attention should be paid to roofs. To do this, use baker's bark or modern materials— plates resistant to humic acids (for example, lead or copper), as well as “apron” film,

The chimney, for example, must be sealed so that water flows from all sides along plastic film(see Fig.

However, in such cases, lead sheets that have been adapted to the chimney wall are most effective.

Similarly, condensation and ventilation of water. At the same time, the roof of the roof should have an "apron" on top of the flashing and on the side of the ridge - underneath.

Anti-peel protection If the lawn requires a fencing device only when the roof pitch slope is 22° or more, then fill with slip-resistant underlayment and flat roofs (18°).

You can do this in different ways. Let's take a look at them.

Protect the anti-slip elements provided in the root protection layer, in this case, in the upper part of the plywood (or plate), fix the position of the sawdust halfway round timber or roof pillars, giving them parallel roof drops at intervals of 1.0 ... 1.5 m. The root layer is laid on top (Fig.

Before laying the sealing film, roof rails with a rough surface are coated protective coating, which is chemically compatible with non-woven material.

Sorry for the roof of the house with your own hands

The advantage of this implementation of protecting the substrate gasket is that the film holds the sealing bridges in the area of ​​​​the original soil-vegetable water layer, which prevents it from drying out.

Anti-slip protective elements located above the protective layer

The stability of the roof grass can be ensured by laying a cut-off bowl or cutting bowl in a "grid" pattern by spraying sections between strips onto a backing of soil mixture (Fig.

In this case, part of the splash of the “axial” cover on the slope captures the peat strips.

In Scandinavian countries, a frame consisting of racks that support a grass roof is also widely used (Fig. 6a).

These beams are simply installed on the sealing layer, with emphasis on the sealed members, or tied together at the roof ridge area.

To avoid damaging the film, a protective canvas is placed under the frame. For the manufacture of frames, unprotected antiseptics are used, which allow the destruction of wood during the development of the plant root system.

To protect the grass from slipping, reinforcing mesh with plastic coating (Fig.

6b), laid using remote pylons. And in this case, a canvas is placed under pressure, which protects protective film from damage.

On opposite slopes, in the ridge area, connected reinforcement mesh(as well as wooden gratings). A separating layer between the base stone and the roof surface is not required because polyethylene is chemically compatible with the bituminous plywood sheathing.

After hydraulic and root protection of the roof, the roof is laid in two layers of water or sprinkled with a mixture of soil (see Photo 7).

Grass cover

The simplest method of laying roofs is the so-called Scandinavian method, which involves laying the cut vessel in two layers.

At the same time, the first layer is laid with grass, and the laying of pipes is carried out using joint covering. This grass cover is less susceptible to erosion, retains heat better, and allows water to drain more efficiently from the roof.

If the roof slope falls more than 22°, carpets are placed between layers to prevent slipping (for example, "recovery" fabrics, wire mesh or fine mesh fishing nets).

The density of the grass cover should be high.

Garlic, ragweed, and other deep-rooted plants must be removed before selecting a spoon. The thickness of the two-layer covering grass is approximately 5 ... 7 cm, which means that the load-bearing structure of the roof must withstand a load (including wind and snow) of about 250 ... 300 kg / m2.

The load on the roof structure can be slightly reduced by covering it with tiny strips that are not cut, but with rollers (bands), the production of which is determined in Norway and other European countries.

Grass roofing

Today, the main criterion during construction is efficiency, while there is no need to talk about environmental issues. That is why green roofs are becoming more relevant than ever. In countries Western Europe We have already accumulated vast experience in creating roofs of this type. In our country, such a solution is new.

The very idea of ​​such a roof is very simple.

The roof is a platform with soil on which various greenery grows. Some designers embody entire compositions of lawns, ponds and tennis courts on the roof surface.

"Green roof". We are creating it together with forum members!

In addition to rational use of the surface, green roofs have a number of advantages:

Depending on the type of landscaping and the purpose of operation, the installation of a green roof can vary in type:

Green roof - device

Extensive green roofing pie which consists of 6 layers:

  • plant layer;
  • soil substrate;
  • filter element;
  • drainage system;
  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation.

Intensive roofing pie differs in that in this case the thermal insulation layer is located above the waterproofing (the principle of inversion roofing).

Due to this, the waterproofing membrane becomes protected from mechanical damage and impacts negative temperatures. The thickness of the soil layer depends on the chosen technology. So, for an extensive type of roof, 5-15 cm of substrate is sufficient, and for an intensive type, at least 20 cm is required.

(more details: “Installing a roofing pie: useful tips”).

Geotextiles are often used as a filter material. It allows you to filter water and prevent dirt and sand particles from reaching the drainage. In this case, it is best to use a thermally riveted type of material, since the arrangement of its fibers allows the geotextile not to become clogged throughout its entire service life.

The drainage system allows you to organize optimal conditions for plant development. It is made from durable roll materials based on polystyrene or perforated polyethylene.

Sometimes you can get by with using regular perforated polystyrene or simply filling the surface with gravel. Excess water is removed using asbestos or corrugated pipes with slots.

One of the most effective materials for organizing thermal insulation is foam glass.

A green roof with its use does not have negative influence on the environment, since the material itself is neutral. It is also resistant to moisture and pressure from plant roots. But you can also use other, more traditional thermal insulation materials - basalt wool or extruded polystyrene foam.

Waterproofing is created using a polymer membrane.

At the same time, it is additionally protected from roots. This membrane has a bitumen or synthetic base. If it is laid incorrectly, then a number of negative consequences of using such a roof may ultimately arise. If the green roof must have the function of protecting load-bearing structures, then copper or aluminum foil can be laid on top of the waterproofing membrane.

Main design features

In view of the fact that plant roots and the weight of the soil will create additional load on the supporting structures, the development of a green roof project should take place at the design stage of the entire building.

If the decision to organize a green roof was made for an already built house, then it is necessary to carry out calculations showing the increase in load on the rafters, walls and foundation.

Greening of the roof is possible for structures with small angles of inclination (up to 12 degrees).

But in some cases it is quite possible to create a green roof on steeper slopes (up to 30 degrees). In this case, it is necessary to install elements that will prevent the roof pie from slipping. When organizing such a roof, special attention should be paid to vertical junctions, since it is in these places that there is the greatest likelihood of leaks.

To solve this problem, they often use the method of raising a layer of waterproofing to a vertical surface, and also installing protective aprons.

For extensive green roof structures, solar illumination plays a huge role.

If there is a lack of light, the plants will not feel well, which will lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the roof. On intensive roofs, this aspect plays a less important role due to the greater variety of plants used.

As already stated above, waterproofing membrane can be processed by special means, which allow you to direct the movement of plant roots not through the material, but parallel to it.

Why we need green roofs, see the video for details:

Aesthetic factor

Despite the labor-intensive work and high installation costs, green roofing technology is becoming increasingly in demand and popular.

It allows you to create a unique appearance of the building. A house with such a roof has a special coziness that is incomparable with city buildings.

Read also the article: “Sod Roofing – Benefits.”

The main task of the roofing covering is protection from cold winds, blizzards, heavy rains, snowfalls and others. natural phenomena. A significant disadvantage of the area for construction is the polluted ecology in the vicinity of the city, low-quality crop products, which force the roof to be loaded with auxiliary functions and the introduction of creative architectural projects.

In modern housing construction, the most popular trend is the creative “green” roof. You can place both a green lawn and a natural vegetable garden on it, and grow tasty and healthy fruits and vegetables. This article will help you properly arrange a vegetable roof with your own hands.

Historical information

Grass and vegetable gardens located on roofs are a completely old invention. The most representative project for the use of green roofs is considered to be turf houses in Iceland dating back to the 18th century.

Moss placed on the roof of a house is typical of people living in modern Britain, Switzerland and Norway. Peoples living in harsh climatic conditions have noticed that a roof with vegetation can protect against low temperatures, as well as preserve it inside the house, while creating a favorable microclimate.

For the first time in Europe in 1867, namely in Paris, a photo of a house with a green roof was published, this caused the delight of local residents who argued that such an application of aesthetic beauty was the future in the creation of new buildings.

Modern green roofs are used for planting lawns or small vegetable gardens, which is fashion trend, which makes it possible to take care not only of the environment, but also of your own health, as well as to properly organize your living space.

Advantages of a vegetative roof

A resident of a big city does not always have the opportunity to relax in nature or simply breathe clean air in the forest. The most common reason for this is lack of time. Multi-storey buildings, gloomy streets and hard asphalt underfoot oppress you every day.

In this regard, residents strive to realize their desires in communication with nature by building a house from environmentally friendly material.

The main advantages of a house with a green roof include:

Reliability. The growing green roof element will last more than 25 years, since the soil and plants the best way will save it from negative influences environment, as well as in case of bad weather conditions and mechanical damage. Regular maintenance of such a roof will increase the service life of the roof by 20 years.

Stagnation of water drainage. This important feature for places where there are heavy torrential downpours, since wastewater systems cannot cope with the huge volume of water.

A garden or lawn placed on the roof of a house can absorb more than 25% atmospheric precipitation. This effective method in the fight against flooding, water is used to irrigate crops and at the same time reduces pollution of nearby rivers and reservoirs.

High degree of sound insulation. After installing a palisade on the roof, you will certainly notice that the noise effect in the room has significantly decreased. This is very important for people whose homes are located in extremely noisy areas.

Auxiliary area. The space used with a green roof provides special, additional footage for panoramic project. You will get an excellent place for relaxation if you sow a lawn or arrange a swimming pool.

Improving the situation from an environmental point of view. This condition is important for modern large cities, since it can be difficult to find a place for a park, because there is concrete and asphalt everywhere.

Plants placed on the roof can perfectly purify the air. They are capable of retaining more than 20% of dust, harmful additives and impurities contained in the atmosphere.

Artistry. Houses with a green roof have an unusual and original appearance that simply cannot leave a passerby indifferent. In the USA there is a special company for roof floriculture. She installs ecological roofs for free on various buildings. In Russia, this focus has not yet been applied.

Creating an eco roof

Built like a layer cake, it contains several necessary layers. They are required to ensure the stability of the structure in certain areas: reliability of the roof, protection from water ingress, elimination of heat loss in the room. So, let's look at them in more detail.

The first layer is put prof. flooring. The material in this case can be wood or concrete; it is important that the base has a large margin of safety.

The next layer is insulation. It protects against the penetration of rainwater and moisture. It also prevents plant root germination. Next, drainage is designed to distribute moisture entering the soil. The filtration layer is also important; it is laid on top of the drainage to limit the penetration of small particles.

The easiest and safest way to complete a green roof structure is to apply it as the final layer. rolled lawn chick. In this case, the slopes of the slopes are normal, grass can be planted on a layer of soil. Before sowing, the soil must be compacted and loosened.

Selection of plants for the roof

You need to choose simple and frost-resistant plants that thrive in confined spaces. Landscape designers advise following a few simple rules:

You need to choose plants with a small, horizontal root structure. Moss and grasses fit the current criteria perfectly.

The plant must be frost-resistant and can withstand minus temperature, in winter. You need to choose plants that do not need to be watered constantly and can wait until it rains.

It is necessary to understand that some plants are not suitable for our climatic region; they require especially careful maintenance. They can be planted if you agree with the large financial costs, since the plants need to be provided with a suitable habitat.

Thus, it will not take much time to green the roof. This trend will allow you to radically change the appearance of the building and effectively use the usable area.

Green roof photo

The roof of a building can be done in different ways. A long time ago, our ancestors had a rather dark and unkempt dugout as their home, which had an earthen rampart instead of a roof. The history of human development has made its own adjustments to house building. The roof of leaves and branches has been transformed into red tiles and gray slate. But many homeowners miss the pleasant, eye-pleasing grass-green cover overhead.

Modern engineering solutions and technologies make it possible to make green roofs for residential and administrative buildings not only in villages, but also in cities. Such an organic solution is timely and very pleasing to the eye. Almost any finishing materials of natural origin will be suitable for the facade of a house: stone, brick, wood or ceramic tiles or sandwich panels that imitate them.

Traditional green turf roof installation

Not every resident of a large city has the opportunity to relax in the forest or breathe fresh air in mountain meadows. Most often, there is simply not enough time to go out into nature. Multi-meter buildings, stuffy streets and scorching asphalt underfoot are depressing every day. Therefore, many happy owners of private houses strive to realize their desire to communicate with nature by building housing from natural, environmentally friendly materials.

Russian specialists adopted many technical solutions for installation, insulation, decoration and reconstruction of houses from the experience of Scandinavian countries. Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish engineers have long been using a number of technologies in construction that are only now becoming popular in our country.

Among them is the same “turf roof” that is actively being built on residential buildings not only in Scandinavian countries, but also in some European countries.

The general principle of constructing a green roof in the old Norwegian version was as follows: a clay bedding was laid under the turf layer. Its thickness was about 10 cm. The clay simultaneously served as thermal and waterproofing. For such a system it was necessary to create very strong supporting structures. Not only did the soil pie weigh a lot, but in winter a lot of snow was added to this load. If the load-bearing supports were not heavy enough, residents risked waking up one morning with a pile of earth and snow on their heads. Perhaps in the summer the building looked very picturesque, but the installation of such a roof could not be called cheap. For some time they stopped making turf roofs altogether.

Green roof

Possibly interesting constructive solution it would have remained a relic of the past if new manufacturers had not remembered the well-forgotten old Scandinavian customs.

Modern installation of green roofs

The task of modern specialists has become to reduce the total weight of the roofing structure. With such technology it was necessary to preserve it decorative look. The main problem was creating a durable waterproofing layer. It had to be dense enough to prevent moisture and plant roots from passing through, and lightweight so as not to put a serious load on the roof structure.

The first layer is to lay the load-bearing flooring. The material in this case is unimportant. These can be boards or sheets of pressed shavings. Lining will also work, but then the cost of building materials increases somewhat.

The next layer is insulation. This part of the roof structure should protect the roof spaces from penetration of rain and melt water. In addition, it is he who prevents the germination of plant roots. Construction stores offer a variety of roll waterproofing on a rubber or bitumen basis. The choice is large, there is room to expand.

"Roofing pie" for a green roof:

Green roof installation

The simplest and safest way to logically complete a green roof is to use rolled lawn as the finishing layer. If the slopes are normal, grass can be planted directly on the soil layer. Before sowing, the soil is compacted manual tamper and loosen.

If the slopes are too steep, spring snowmelt or heavy rainfall can cause a landslide. As a rule, if the roof slope exceeds 10 °, a layer of soil should be laid between special barriers that prevent the soil from “sliding” down the roof.

Ground fencing

Norwegians and Finns usually do not bother much with the choice of herbal crops, so everything that has sprouted on its own grows on the roofs. Such a spectacle, of course, looks colorful, but somewhat untidy. Therefore, Russian homeowners prefer to plant special ornamental grass on their roofs, which covers the house with an even green carpet.

Let's take a closer look at one of the most important layers when installing a grass roof - the drainage layer.

Drainage systems for green roofs. Drainage options

Since the water's path into the house is blocked, it means it must find a way out in another place. For this purpose, roof drainage is provided. Without this layer, water will accumulate on the surface of the waterproofing and cause acidification of the soil. This, in turn, will cause the roots and stems of the green roof to rot, which will ruin the whole idea of ​​creating a green roof. As drainage, you can pour a thin layer of sand or crushed stone. If possible, you can buy lighter coverings such as geotextiles.

Ready-made solutions are often used as drainage systems for green roofs.

Benefits of green roofs

In addition to the obvious advantages (decoration, environmental friendliness and fire safety), a green roof has one more advantage. The roofing pie is considered heavy enough to ensure high-quality and uniform shrinkage of the house frame. In summer, the eco-roof protects the building from sunlight entering the attic and creates a comfortable cool temperature in the room.

Impact of solar rays on conventional and green roof structures

In winter, the grass structure significantly reduces heat loss.

Repairing such a roof will not require many years, and over the years, the appearance of the structure will not cease to please the eye with its elegance and neatness.

Leaky, expensive, difficult to operate... No, no, and no again! Find out the truth about the living rooftops and check out examples of their simple use.

Common Myths

Myth #1: Green roofs are a new and experimental part of the green trend.

When do you think the green roof of the building in this photo was installed? Five years ago? Ten? Maybe 20? This green roof has protected this German home since 1940 - for over 70 years!

Last May, a conference of the International Green Roof Association was held in Hamburg, Germany. As part of the conference program, participants visited the small community of Wohldorf-Ohlstedt. This roof and others like it were built in 1943 in one of three Norwegian settlements. The area was conceived as a social housing option for those in need, including former concentration camp prisoners. It later became a middle-class suburban area. Green roofs have been very popular here, but difficult to access.

In fact, green roofs have been around for centuries. It’s just that recently their execution has become more technical, which has made it possible to make thin and light roof profiles.

Myth #2: Green roofs are only for green buildings.

Of course, there are different Green Building Certifications that award points for installing a green roof. The environmental benefits are undeniable. However, even homes without a specific eco-goal can benefit from the aesthetic and economic aspects of expanded garden space.

Or maybe you're just looking for a way to find a much-needed breath of fresh air in a very dense urban environment.

Green roofs also help save money. In Germany, where the use of green roofs has the most long story, wide green roofs are used as an economical alternative along with other roofing options. They showed excellent results to reduce heating and cooling costs, and to reduce stormwater runoff (and therefore flooding). In addition, such a roof provides additional commercial space, which, in turn, increases the market value of the property.

The benefits of stormwater mitigation were seen in the City of Portland, which subsequently launched the Portland Ecoroof Program to incentivize developers who design vegetative roof systems.

Myth #3: Green roofs look attractive, but they can leak and cause structural problems.

This is perhaps one of the most common misconceptions among clients. Let us be clear: a roof leaking does not depend on whether it is a green roof or a traditional roof. This problem is related to the installation and design specification of the structure. All roofs, including green roofs, must have a proper waterproofing membrane.

There is no reason to believe that green roofs are more prone to leaks. In fact, some studies show that longer life cycle green roof is associated with the protection of the waterproof membrane from ultraviolet sunlight. Plants and substrate act as a natural barrier to weathering.

A properly designed green roof will also have a root barrier that will prevent plants from rooting too deeply.

This homeowner decided to plant an entire vegetable garden on his roof (perhaps to protect his vegetables from hungry animals).

Sometimes a green roof design will include a gravel border around the edge, intended to keep plants from more extreme weather and wind conditions at the edges of the roof. But this is not always necessary - it largely depends on the type of green roof and plants. All these features were taken into account when the architect and green roof specialist designed the system.

New builds must meet the design load requirements, so as long as your architect and structural engineers are aware of your desire to create a green roof, there should be no problem creating it to meet the structural requirements of new builds.

But you have to be a little careful with converted green roofs. The requirements will largely depend on what part of the country you live in and what types of loads your home was originally designed to withstand (snow, wind, rain, etc.).

Myth #4: Green roofs are difficult and expensive to irrigate.

Many people believe that a green roof should be planted with sedum or other succulents(plants that have special tissues to store water) because watering a green roof is difficult and very expensive. In fact, initially, at the stage when plant roots are strengthened, all green roofs require irrigation (except those covered with pre-grown imported grass covers). The popularity of succulents is explained by the fact that they are quite beautiful and quite resistant to harsh growing conditions on the roof.

However, sometimes, combining them with other types of vegetation, such as native grasses, can add vibrant variety and even greater aesthetic charm to the roof. An excellent example of such ideas are intensive roofs, or roofs with gardens, bushes and trees.

The irrigation needs of a green roof are specific not only because of the characteristics of the plants, but also because of the uniqueness of the local climate. Thus, specialist Casey Boyter of Casey Boyter Gardens in Austin, Texas, talked about how to design green roofs during the long and very hot summers in Texas, where temperatures sometimes reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit throughout the summer.

She noted that when it finally rains during these periods, it rains for a very long time and heavily. Therefore, for green roofs, it is not only important to select drought-tolerant plants that can survive such heat, but it is also necessary to develop a thicker substrate (growing medium) made from materials that can absorb large amounts of water. Deep pockets can also be made in the drainage layer (similar to an egg tray) to store water, which will then be released back to the plants when dry weather returns.

Thanks to these features, the need for watering is significantly reduced. In fact, many green roofs do not require additional water resources once they are installed. They simply become an integral part of the natural water cycle in a particular area.

“If we think of our environment as a self-healing, water-cycling organism, we will soon forget about our sprawling desert landscapes,” Boyter says. “Green roofs, living architectural systems are tools that improve our quality of life.”

Mark Graff of The Watershed Company in Seattle has a similar approach to the issue. The rooftop gardens pictured here were specifically designed to attract insects, especially pollinators such as bees. “We created additional planting space to increase species diversity,” he says. This means that a green roof can also be used to enhance the natural landscape. In this way, the roof becomes part of a healthy and balanced micro-ecosystem that supports biodiversity.

“Long-term irrigation of a green roof costs no more than watering any other planting area,” he says. To offset costs, you can use collected water as irrigation water. rainwater, as is the case with this green roof pictured.

Myth #5: You can just put some dirt on your roof to make your own green roof. Stop! Do not do that. Creating a well-designed green roof requires much more than just good soil. Often you don’t even need soil for this, but you do need perlite or other porous, lightweight materials.

As stated earlier, the structure of your home must be analyzed to ensure it can handle the load of a wet green roof. You will also need to take into account the specific climate of your area and carefully develop drainage systems and choose suitable plants.

However, this does not mean that all green roof systems need to be built. Some professionals in North America use modular systems in their design specifications. For example, Aaron Kahn-Crosby of Spore Design says that for this roof deck the company used modular system from LiveRoof with sedum already grown in a local nursery.

Myth #6: A green roof is simply too expensive and difficult to maintain.

It seems that many people are hesitant to "get" a green roof because they don't know where to start or how much it will cost them.

“Choosing the right team of professionals is one of the key ways to reduce short-term and long-term costs,” says Boyter. To get started, you can ask your architect for details or check the database of accredited green roof professionals in your area.

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates the cost of a green roof to be $10 to $25 per square foot. Obviously this price varies greatly depending on whether you want a sedum roof or a rooftop garden.

Warranties for building products used in a green roof are the same as all other building products in the home. They must be installed in accordance with technical specifications manufacturer by a qualified technician.

Every green roof installation must come with an annual service contract. maintenance. The extent of this maintenance will largely depend on how you want to use your green roof.

According to Boyter, a maintenance plan should be part of the initial design and installation of the roof—it could be a two-year plan, a five-year plan, or perhaps an even longer plan under certain circumstances. The lifespan of residential green roofs is still largely undocumented, but some professionals say such roofs can last twice as long as traditional roofs. For example, the green roofs of Rockefeller Center in New York use waterproofing membranes that were installed back in the 1930s.
