Options for arranging a dressing room. Budget and stylish DIY dressing room. How to make a dressing room: open and closed type

Proper organization space is one of the keys to creating cozy atmosphere in the home interior.

Today, dressing areas are increasingly being organized for storing things or entire rooms are allocated, equipped with everything necessary.

If you think that allocating space for these purposes with a convenient layout and stylish design- this is luxury, look at the examples in the photo - and make sure that this is possible in any living space.

The main thing is to decide on the size and layout of the dressing room, as well as think through other details that we will tell you about.

DIY dressing room from a storage room of 2 sq. m, photo

About the placement of the wardrobe

When choosing a location such functional area Be guided by the size of the dressing room in the apartment.

A small dressing room, in which a few things will be stored, can be equipped even in a small room, since minimum size a dressing room can be 1 by 1.5 m. Here you can place several drawers, rods and a shelving unit, and, if desired, also a mirror on the entire wall.

Small dressing room, photo

Attention! The dressing area should be well lit, so choose compact ceiling or wall type or opt for inward-mounted models.

If space in the room is allocated for storing things, it is better to go with a modular option. Then, if necessary, you can swap and rearrange the modules. As a rule, such wardrobes are installed in the corner of the room or along one of the walls so as not to clutter up the space in the center of the room.

The second type of dressing rooms involves allocating an entire room for storage. The most common option is a small pantry.

The photo shows one example of a small dressing room from a closet:

Small dressing rooms from the pantry, photo

If you have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for these purposes, you will get even more benefits from organizing a full-fledged dressing room. This option is suitable for anyone who does not have to save on space and wants to equip a place for proper storage of a maximum of items.

The main advantage of this layout is the ability to zone the space to suit your taste and even allocate separate sections for each family member.

When choosing the type of dressing room and the place where it will be located, keep in mind that each shelf or rack must be easily accessible. If the area of ​​this area is limited, focus on the most necessary sections, and place less important elements (like a dressing table, ironing and other parts) outside.

Dressing room design: photo, 3 sq. m

Pros of installing a dressing room

If you are not sure about the need for a dressing room in your home or apartment, check out the main advantages of such an area:

Built-in dressing rooms, photo

Before you make a dressing room in a room, find out more about the possibilities of its layout in order to make it as comfortable, functional and ergonomic as possible.

Layout features

There are several ways to plan a dressing room. One of the simplest ones - linear - resembles an elongated wardrobe with closed walls.

If such a dressing room does not occupy the entire room, drywall is used to create a border. If creating a reliable partition is not important for you, you can fence off the dressing area with a decorative curtain.

Small wardrobe rooms, photo

By the way, linear layout It is also appropriate if the dressing area is a walk-through area. And if for these purposes it is allocated separate room, you can place cabinets in the dressing room along one or two walls parallel to each other, and hang a mirror perpendicular to them.

The dressing room can also be placed in the corner. The corner layout is a great space saver. To allocate more space for storage, you can choose non-standard doors for a hemispherical dressing room.

Doors for a dressing room, photo

In a long and fairly wide space, a U-shaped wardrobe would be an excellent option. The filling of a dressing room of this type may include not only storage sections, but also laundry baskets, hangers, holders, areas with dressing tables, ironing and other compartments.

How to equip a dressing room, photo

Small wardrobes do not accommodate so many modular elements, so you will have to leave only the essentials.

The main areas of the wardrobe are the high section for outerwear with a bar at a height of at least one and a half meters, a meter section for short clothes, a section for shoes and upper shelves for hats and clothes that you will put away in the off-season. For example, in a dressing room of 4 sq.m in the bedroom, as in the photo, this will be enough.

Photos of dressing rooms - small, 4 square meters. meters

When planning how the dressing room will be equipped, focus on its owner. For girls it is necessary to provide a place where they can look in the mirror, but for men it is more important to quickly find everything they need, so you should additionally think about the practicality of the storage sections.

The organization of space for children also requires special attention: there will be a different height of the shelves and their configuration.

Advice: for women's dressing room with large area You can choose stylish chests, drawers for accessories and other devices that will help you organize and highlight your creative design.

Today, so-called transformable elements are in fashion: furniture of this type can be adjusted to the parameters you need. This wardrobe is suitable for a small area of ​​several square meters, and for a separate room.

How to make a dressing room in a small room, photo

It is more convenient to place a hanging bar in the center of a modern wardrobe. Install racks and separate shelves on the sides. In fact, there are a lot of ideas for designing such areas, so before starting work, look at at least a few layout options.

Corner option

Corner wardrobes are perfect for small spaces. They will find use in rooms with an area of ​​about 20 square meters, since it will be enough to allocate up to 4 square meters for storing things.

Taking into account the characteristics of the room, prepare sketches of dressing rooms. Such sections can have different shapes:

Depending on the model you choose, you can install different equipment inside. But if you are planning a small corner dressing room, choose simplified models.

Pass-through wardrobe

Sometimes it becomes necessary to organize a storage area in a walk-through room. In this case, the racks are installed so as not to block the passage into next room or zone. For example, this situation is typical for modern apartments, where the bedroom and bathroom are located next to each other.

What is important to consider when organizing space in this way? First of all, correctly plan the placement of shelves and other sections. They should not interfere, but it is important to maintain their capacity. The second point is the doors. Standard doors that open away or towards you take up a lot of space. Perhaps a door option similar to sliding wardrobes will suit you better.

It is convenient when adjacent rooms are located along the same axis, and not diagonally to each other. In this case, you can place the shelving in such a way as not to impede movement and ensure a harmonious appearance of the entire area.

Narrow dressing room, photo

Dressing room in the attic

Assembling your wardrobe yourself will allow you to adapt to the nuances of the room layout. In this case, it will not be difficult to place a dressing room even in the attic. Choose components so that you can easily fit them into sloping areas and parts of the attic with low ceilings.

Attention! You should not make a wardrobe in the attic if maximum height in this room does not reach two meters.

It is important that when visiting such a wardrobe you can calmly stand at your full height. If you have enough space, you can begin planning this area. In areas with low ceilings, place shelves for shoes, in higher areas - storage sections and hangers.

Dressing room in the attic - layout, photo

How to design a dressing room

When decorating a wardrobe that is located in a bedroom or another room, choosing a design will not be difficult. The color of the materials used should be in harmony with the interior of the room. It is desirable that all furniture elements, including the dressing room, have a similar texture or even belong to the same collection.

The doors of such a wardrobe can be decorated with transparent or frosted glass, mirrors, moldings or carvings. The design method depends on the style of the room: for more modern design You can even choose photo panels based on plastic.

The design of a separate type of dressing room, as a rule, requires good lighting, since there are no windows in such rooms. Therefore, it is better to decorate the walls in light color(this could be paint or wallpaper).

The color of the facades itself may be different, depending on your preferences and the area of ​​such a room, but it is better if it is also a light and easy-to-read palette.

Design of a small dressing room, photo

When outfitting your wardrobe internally, you can think about unusual sections. For example, glass racks or shelves where the best shoes or accessories will be displayed.

Also, a spacious dressing room can be decorated with a soft fleecy rug and mirrors with stylish frames.

Bedroom design with dressing room, photo

Since there are a lot of ideas for planning and decorating such areas, we advise you to look at photos of examples of dressing rooms, and then creating a stylish, functional and cozy storage area will become even easier.

How you can arrange a dressing room - look at the photo:

Now about sketches and drawings. Look at the sizes and layouts of the options presented below - perhaps one of them will be suitable for creating your own small-sized dressing room (click on the full large-sized image):


Every girl dreams of a personal dressing room. Having watched enough films about the lives of rich people, many believe that average salary I can't afford such chic. But if you are at least a little familiar with repairs, then this will not pose huge difficulties and costs for you.

You can afford a dressing room not only in a spacious apartment, but also in an ordinary one. It is not necessary to make it huge, like a separate room.

For example, a small corner dressing room

DIY dressing room made of plasterboard

Look various options dressing room finishing:

DIY shelves and doors


  • You can choose any doors, but the best option would be to use sliding doors or accordion doors. This will save space.

  • This type of door can be installed in both square, rectangular and corner wardrobes. They can be wooden, glass, plastic, fabric, louvered and even mirror, It's all a matter of taste and family budget.


  • Shelves and racks can be do it yourself or order it from a furniture store. The traditional set includes rods with hangers, hooks, laundry baskets, closed drawers, various shelves for clothes and shoes, and racks.

Options for wardrobe shelves

It will be cheaper, of course, to do everything yourself, to do this, make shelves from metal mesh. It is better to use welded fine mesh. It is produced chrome-plated, galvanized, with PVC coating. Such scraps can be purchased very cheaply in the store, since they are no longer suitable for sale, but just right for shelves.

  • IN small dressing room It is best to make more open shelves and several drawers. The most optimal placement of shelves is “letter G” and “letter P”.
  • Racks conditionally divide into zones. For example, lower, middle and upper. It is better to place shoes, knitwear, and linen at the bottom. Place your casual clothes (pants, skirts, dresses, bags) in the middle zone. The top is most convenient for storing items that are rarely used, such as seasonal clothing.

How to arrange a dressing room with your own hands

  • When arranging your dressing room, do not forget what is missing there daylight. The most popular today is LED lightening. Spot lighting and built-in lamps are also widely used.
  • Large chandelier would also be a good solution to the problem.
  • Can be done shelf lighting, which is very convenient on the lower shelves with shoes.
  • To place things conveniently, buy a variety of hangers, brackets and hooks.
  • They are very convenient two-level dressing rooms, as well as structures with turnstiles.
  • If the apartment is very small, then you can use it as a dressing room storage room, niche, balcony. They can be equipped with narrow shelving, racks up to the ceiling, and mobile hangers.

Dressing room from the pantry

  • Can be mounted on walls metal or wooden rods, on which clothes will be hung.
  • Make it from below shelves for storing shoes. It is important to take into account that they do not interfere with free movement around the dressing room.
  • Don't forget about ventilation, since things have the peculiarity of staleness, acquiring at the same time a not very pleasant aroma. Periodically air your clothes on the balcony.
  • Hang special ones in the dressing room sachet with your favorite scent.
  • Can hang a mirror it will not only be a convenient part of the interior, but will also visually increase the space of the room. For more comfort You can attach a backlight to it.

Storage system in the dressing room

Everyone chooses their own convenient system storage, but still taking into account the shortcomings of many owners of dressing rooms, I would like to give some advice.

  • Designate a storage area for seasonal clothing. It could even be a separate shelf on top.
  • Hang your pants separately.
  • Use a separate compartment to store shoes.
  • Designate three or more drawers for each family member.
  • Install 2 pipes, hang long things with hangers on one, and short things on the other.
  • Things that do not wrinkle can be laid out on open shelves.
  • Take care of the compartments for accessories - ties, belts, jewelry. You can use small drawers for this.
  • It is better to store bags on hooks or separate shelves.
  • It is very convenient to use a basket for dirty laundry, which will save space in the bathroom.

In conclusion, I would like to note that everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. In addition, this is, first of all, a guarantee of reliable and durable storage of things, a guarantee of protection of clothes from fading and moths. A dressing room is a completely realizable and affordable dream.

Video on how to make a dressing room with your own hands:

Today I want to develop the pressing topic of putting the house in order and talk about filling the closets. A dressing room is undoubtedly the cherished dream of any woman... and let’s face it, most men too =) If earlier a separate dressing room was considered exclusively as an unaffordable luxury, then nowadays the owners small apartments, and spacious apartments are increasingly thinking about organizing a dressing room, even if there is a shortage of extra square meters.

What is good about a dressing room?

1. All your things are collected in one place: clothes, underwear, shoes, bags, accessories - everything is in front of your eyes and at your fingertips. There is no need to run between the closets in the bedroom and hallway trying to find the pair of shoes you need - saving time and nerves during your daily preparations.

2. The dressing room unloads the entire apartment, saving you from the need to buy separate wardrobes, chests of drawers, shelving, consoles, cabinets...

3. The dressing room is great way save! What is more profitable: buy a wardrobe, chest of drawers and a cabinet for each room or install sliding doors, separating the wardrobe from prying eyes, and equipping it with simple racks for clothes, boxes, hangers? For example, Ikea offers a lot of budget options for solving the storage issue for dressing rooms.

4. Thanks to its excellent capacity, you can store not only clothes in the dressing room. Everything that should be hidden from view will fit here: bed linen, pillows, blankets; collections, albums, boxes with small items; household supplies – ironing board, vacuum cleaner, cleaning products. You can even organize a laundry room in the dressing room by installing here washing machine and drying. Clear out your home with only stylish decor and minimum required furniture.

There are a huge variety of options for equipping a dressing room to suit any budget: from drawers, hangers and shelves with complex mechanisms behind facades made of expensive wood, to racks for hangers and plastic baskets and drawers constructed from improvised means.

1. Bars and pantographs. There should be several rods for hangers: high for long dresses, coats, raincoats. Its height should be at least 165-175 cm. Lower rods are for jackets, blouses, skirts, jackets. The height of such rods is from 100 cm.

A pantograph is a type of rod that has a mechanism for descending to a convenient level. Good for a small dressing room, where it is not possible to allocate the upper shelves under the mezzanine, but you have to use the entire height of the room for rods.

2. Retractable trouser hangers. Must be present in a functional dressing room and occupy a height of at least 60 cm.

3. Boxes. Some of the dressing room modules must be protected from dust. Drawers store underwear and bed linen, accessories, and jewelry. Flat boxes storage of small items should be equipped with dividers to avoid chaos from belts, socks and jewelry.

The drawers can extend to 3/4 depth and to the full depth, and are equipped with closers and one-touch opening mechanisms. Of course, every additional function requires capital investment, but adds ease of use.

4. Shelves. Can be stationary or retractable. The width of the shelf is at least 30-40 cm. Under the ceiling of the dressing room, you can plan wider shelves - 45-60 cm - under the mezzanine. Suitcases, boxes of seasonal items, rarely used equipment and clothing will be stored here.

5. Boxes and baskets. A convenient thing for storing things that do not need ironing, as well as shoes, bed linen, and various small items. Baskets can be equipped with a retractable mechanism, or they can be completely simple plastic and stand on shelves - a great way to save on expensive retractable elements.

Before you put another pair of shoes or bag in a box, be sure to label what's inside. Better yet, take a photo of the contents and put a sticker on the end of the box. In moments of urgent preparation for an important event, you will be endlessly grateful to yourself for your organization.

6. Modules for shoe storage. Shoes are stored in boxes, on open shelves, in drawers (often designed at an angle) and overshoes, on special stands for models with heels or in the form of a last. Boots with high soft tops are stored hanging to maintain their shape (leave sections 40-60 cm high for such pairs). Unused seasonal shoes are on the mezzanine, everyday pairs are closer to the floor.

7. Hangers for ties, scarves, belts, umbrellas. They can be retractable (similar to trouser hangers), hanging (located on a rod) or circular - in the corner of the dressing room. Hooks and clips attached to the wall or door serve the same purpose.

8. Spacious sections for storing ironing boards, dryers, irons, vacuum cleaners, buckets and others household supplies. It is better to hide such often unsightly devices behind cabinet doors. We want the dressing room to be not only comfortable, but also beautiful!

9. Mirrors. Ideally, there should be several of them: one full-length - on the cabinet door, on the wall, or a mobile, free-standing one. At least one small one - so that you can look at yourself from the side and behind.

10. If space allows, you can place a convenient pouf or armchair, dressing table or console.

1. Special attention give . The best optionSpotlights, giving bright diffused light. The lighting should not be yellow or go into other colors so that you can objectively evaluate the makeup and color combination of clothing and accessories. Be careful with the pretty ones hanging chandeliers: after all, trying on clothes is often associated with careless waves of hands...

2. It is advisable to provide in the dressing room ventilation. Air circulation will provide protection from unpleasant odors and reliable safety of things. Ventilation is especially important in rooms equipped with washing machines and clothes dryers.

3. Start planning your closet from high sections for long clothes. The remaining elements (shelves, drawers, pull-out modules) are distributed according to the residual principle.

4. Depth stationary shelves should not be more than 100 cm. It is better to make deep shelves retractable, because The arm length of an adult is usually no more than 80 cm.

5. Drawers and shelves should not be made wider than 90 cm due to possible sagging under heavy things and for good operation of retractable mechanisms.

6. The same goes for rods more than 100-120 cm long. Provide support for them so that one day the entire structure does not collapse under the weight of heavy winter clothing.

7. On aisles between shelves you should leave at least 60 cm. If the dressing room is equipped with sliding mechanisms, add another 50 cm of free space for convenient use of all modules.

How to arrange a dressing room if there is little space:

If you do not have the opportunity to allocate a separate room for a dressing room, you should not refuse such a functional element of the interior. The dressing room can be placed:

1. In a niche. Separating shelves and hangers from prying eyes beautiful curtain, suspended from the ceiling itself, with a screen, sliding doors.

2. Place it under the dressing room a small part of the room (better bedroom) - this can be one and a half meters across the entire width of the room behind the bed, a corner of the room (in this case, the sliding doors are installed diagonally - the dressing room becomes triangular in shape, or at a right angle - for a square or rectangular room).

3. If you live in a private house or on attic floor, best place for the dressing room - non-functional beveled corners premises, as well as substaircase space.

If you have read this lengthy article to the end, you know everything or almost everything about filling a dressing room. I hope you find this information useful! Stay with us - subscribe to blog updates so as not to miss the most interesting things!

Even if you live in a small apartment, you probably want all your clothes to be in their place and be easy to find. special effort. Designers recommend paying attention not to closets, but to small dressing rooms that can accommodate an incredible amount of things.

Features and Benefits

A small dressing room is an excellent alternative to a closet, because it is comfortable, functional, holds a lot of clothes and shoes, and thanks to its compact size it will fit even in ordinary apartment. Its most important advantage is that despite the fact that it supposedly “eats up” part of the space, it allows you to free up a huge amount of space in the apartment.

You can avoid clutter excess furniture: a wardrobe, bedside tables for shoes (or a whole rack), a chest of drawers for linen and more. You can install an ironing board in the dressing room, which is usually difficult to place in an apartment so that it does not interfere.

If you design the space correctly and leave enough space, the dressing room can be used as a fitting room, so there will also be no need for mirrors in the room.

As you can see, the apartment can really become much more spacious.

In a small ergonomic dressing room, if all the furniture is chosen correctly, it is much easier to find the clothes you need than in any closet. In this it wins even over a large dressing room, in which you can get a little lost.

A small dressing room is perfect solution for those who love quality clothes famous brands and prefers to wear one thing for at least several seasons. Unlike a closet, here each piece of clothing has a strictly designated place for it, therefore, a neatly placed dress or coat will for a long time keep presentable appearance.


  • Corner wardrobe. One of the ideal options for small space. Most often it is a spacious corner cupboard with many compartments. Thanks to this shape, there is enough free space at the entrance, which is suitable for changing clothes and trying on.
  • U-shaped. If the space you want to allocate for a dressing room is rectangular in shape, then this perfect option. Thanks to this arrangement of shelves, it will be convenient for you to move around inside the room, and clothes hung on both sides will always be in sight.
  • In one line. This is an option for those who have very little wardrobe space. This is how you can convert your pantry. It differs from the previous version in that the shelves are located not on two sides, but only on one. Externally it resembles a wardrobe without sliding doors.
  • Built-in. The most popular option because it is highly compact. There is no space between the ceiling and the floor, no gaps between the corners. Its only drawback is that it is unlikely to be dismantled when moving/


First you need to decide on the width of the future dressing room. If you want to use a longitudinal rod, the width must be at least 65 cm - this is the width of hangers. If you wear large clothes, you may need wider hangers. If there is not a lot of space, you can make the hangers at the ends, but the minimum size of the dressing room itself should still be at least 35-40 cm, otherwise you will not be able to place your shoes.

To figure out the minimum length of a dressing room, you need to add together the length of all the cabinets and other furniture that you plan to place under one wall.

The minimum cubic capacity of the dressing room should be 2 square meters. m - 3 sq. m, but if you prefer a U-shaped layout, this option will be cramped for you, but for a corner dressing room this is an excellent option. remember, that we're talking about O standard room, if you want to arrange a wardrobe in the attic with a sloping ceiling, you will need twice as much space.

In general, a comfortable, even small dressing room, should start from 4 square meters. m. Ideally, if you can allocate so much space, then you can place not only clothes inside, but also find a place for compact furniture and household appliances.


Since standard dressing rooms are focused on large sizes, there are not many ideas for arranging small dressing rooms. However, with due ingenuity, you can find interesting options.

The simplest and quick way arrangement for a very small room - a mobile hanger that will serve as a dressing room. You can place shoes under the hanger and hang handbags on the sides. This is a good option for those who have few things.

Can also be stored in dressing room clothes seasonally, that is, hang up those that you are currently wearing, and hide those that are currently irrelevant in a small closet or chest of drawers.

One of the main advantages of such a hanger is its compactness and mobility. If necessary, it can be easily moved around the apartment.

  • If the apartment has a niche, you can use it to place a built-in dressing room. The passage can be closed using curtains or sliding doors.
  • If there is very little space, keep it open, but with lots of shelves, lockable drawers, hangers and racks. To make everything look harmonious, install an ottoman or a small chair, hang a mirror.
  • When equipping a dressing room in a small bedroom, place it behind the headboard. Several brackets and shelves are suitable for placing clothes that are constantly worn.

Remember that the design of the dressing room must match the design of the room. To avoid overloading the space, give preference to stylish minimalism.

Internal filling

Storage systems

You need to start by choosing the right storage system, which are divided into three types - metal frame, mesh and modular wooden.

Aluminum (metal frame) systems are very popular. They are a frame made of a profile, which comes with a set of additional elements and various accessories. They come already ready - several standard options from famous manufacturers, and are produced to order - according to individual drawings and the wishes of the customer.

In such a wardrobe system there are no doors, partitions or side walls. But the frame itself can have different contents - shelves, cargo, rods, baskets and much more.

The mesh system must be attached to the wall; more precisely, a horizontal strip with vertical guides is first fixed. Shelves, racks and mesh baskets are already fixed directly on it.

Another popular option is a modular system. Its disadvantage is that it is made of wood or chipboard, so its size needs to be thought out in advance, since it cannot be changed. But it is durable, reliable, has a classic appearance and holds a lot of things.

You can buy ready-made modular system or made to order.

Ventilation and light

Properly selected light in the dressing room is very important, so choose lighting fixtures you need to act responsibly. Since there is already little space, it is worth abandoning hanging lampshades, which take up a lot of space and do not provide enough lighting. Give preference to spotlights that can be built into cabinets - they will create excellent illumination.

Another good decision– floor lamps located along the furniture line.

Organization of good ventilation is also important - it will avoid the formation of humidity, mold and the appearance of insects that love warm and humid places. It's good if you arrange a separate ventilation system However, this is a rather expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford. A budget option– exhaust fan (such devices are often installed in bathrooms).

The most optimal solution– installation of an air-conditioning system with an antibacterial filter. They will purify the air and remove any unpleasant odors, so your clothes will always smell nice and fresh.

Interior arrangement

Doors – important element small dressing room, they do not take up much space. It is better to give preference to folding accordion doors, which are the most compact. Another option is sliding doors, which look very aesthetically pleasing. Their only drawback is that they are extremely difficult to install.

Both options are quite expensive; if your budget is limited, you can use roller blinds, roller shutters or just a decorative partition.

One of the advantages of a dressing room over a closet is inner space fully usable, from ceiling to floor. The brackets are placed at a height of about one and a half meters so that clothes do not drag on the floor, but can be easily reached. Under them there are usually racks for storing shoes. It could also be low wide chest of drawers With big amount boxes. They can be used to store not only shoes, but also clothes that do not correspond to the current season.

On top there will be shelves on which you can keep blankets, blankets, bed linen, suitcases and other bulky items that are not often in everyday use.

In a small dressing room, where there is no extra space to hang all the clothes on hangers, you can install a multi-level rack. It will allow you to place a maximum of things when folded, while the interior will look stylish and neat.

Planning interior design, don’t forget about lockable drawers in which you can store gloves, hats, scarves, socks, underwear, etc. When arranging a small dressing room, it is better to give preference not to retractable drawers, but to roll-out ones. Their advantage is that the things stored in them are always visible, so finding one or another will not be difficult.

Of course, it is better to install several closed drawers for linen. To save space, it should be laid out vertically, twisted into small tubes. Use a special divider-organizer that will keep all your laundry in order.

Hooks are also indispensable when arranging a small dressing room, since they take up minimal space, because they are simply attached to the wall, and you can hang anything on them - from pajamas to a bag or outerwear. If you have a lot of classic trousers with arrows in your wardrobe, they require special storage. Install a special crossbar for them, where they will keep their shape well.

It is advisable to purchase identical shoe boxes that will match the color color scheme dressing room.

So as not to open every box looking for the right pair, they can be beautifully signed.

You can store various small items - sunglasses, hair accessories and jewelry - in special pocket cases, or place them on a special rack with many hooks and closing glass doors.

Where to place it?

Unfortunately, in an ordinary apartment there are not many options where you can place a dressing room.

In the pantry

Pantry - the fastest and affordable way creating a dressing room in Khrushchev. But before you start remodeling, it is important to make sure that it is spacious enough. Its minimum size should be 1x1.5 meters. Even in such conditions limited space you can equip enough drawers, shelves and hangers.

Give preference to linear placement of furniture. Such a dressing room will resemble a closet, and you can choose required amount shelves, drawers, hooks and more.

Another good option is an L-shaped storage system, which works well for a narrow and long pantry. Thanks to convenient layout, you can also store an ironing board and a vacuum cleaner inside, and the clothes you need will be located on the far wall. The U-shaped layout is the most spacious, since the walls will be used minimally. However, it is only suitable for large closets where there is enough space.

In the hall

A dressing room in the hallway is very convenient, since everything you need will always be at hand before leaving the house. At the same time, the hall will always reign perfect order. Separately, you can allocate space for household items. equipment (mops, buckets, detergents and other things). You can also place meters and alarm control panels behind the doors to hide them from prying eyes.

Most often, small dressing rooms are made in the corresponding hallway, since the large one has room to walk around. Therefore, a built-in wardrobe is usually chosen as a dressing room, which copes with this task perfectly. Another good solution is to separate the free space in the corner and fence it off with partitions. This way you get a triangular or square shape. In this case, the partitions can be sliding, as in a wardrobe, or solid - from ceiling to floor, and the entrance opening will be located in the place you choose.

How to do it yourself?

As you already understand, you don’t have to build a dressing room from scratch; you can remake it from a cluttered closet, loggia or balcony. When equipping it, refuse cabinet furniture, which takes up a lot of space. Give preference to special modular designs that do not have extra walls, but have convenient mobile cabinets. You can place the bar in the center, and on the sides of it there are shelves, which can be partially equipped with drawers and wicker baskets.

A dressing room is a separate small room in which clothes and sometimes other things are stored: some Appliances, ironing board, etc. But it should not be confused with a pantry. The dressing room is intended primarily for clothes.

Interestingly, there is space for a 1.5 by 1.5 m dressing room in almost every house or apartment. It is in your best interests to organize the space in such a way as to free up as much as possible. more area. And the dressing room will help you with this.

Is it worth getting down to business at all?

Many are sure that a dressing room of 1.5 by 1.5 meters is theft of an extra 2 sq.m. in the apartment. And when it is already small, organizing an additional area or room seems like an unaffordable luxury. Fortunately, modern technologies and the developments of designers help to cope with this problem and wrap it up. Dressing rooms today have a lot of advantages:

  • all clothes will always be stored in one place, you won’t have to clutter the entire living space;
  • everything is in sight, you don’t need to waste time looking for this or that thing, you will have a clear idea of ​​where the components of your outfit for the day are located;
  • if there is a place for fitting (and in a dressing room 1 5 by 1 5 it can be organized), then you will select outfits right here and quickly combine them;
  • you no longer have to use bulky cabinets, placing them in the bedroom or living room;
  • the cost of a dressing room is a little more than the price of one cabinet cabinet with the right approach.

As a result of organizing your dressing room 1500 by 1500 mm, you save space in your home. This is also a way to save time on trying on and searching for clothes, which you spend every day. That's why the decision to make a dressing room is always relevant.

Where to find a place?

Often, the owners themselves have no idea where they can find a place to store their clothes. And very little space is required - a little more than 2 square meters.

Here are the most common places where you can equip a dressing area or even a room:

  • lumber room;
  • pantry;
  • space under the stairs;
  • in a niche;
  • in the attic or attic;
  • on the balcony;
  • in the corner of any room.

People post here successfully efficient systems clothing storage. At the same time, 1.5 by 1.5 meters is more than enough not only for placing clothes, but also for arranging a changing area. Carefully evaluate the different spaces in your apartment. You will surely find a suitable corner that can be used much more efficiently.

Types of dressing rooms

Once you have decided on the location of the dressing room, think about what kind of dressing room it should be in your home. There are really a lot of them in design and they can be made from various materials. Determine the budget you are willing to spend on organizing new system storage At the moment, there are 4 main types of dressing rooms.

  1. Classic dressing room. As a rule, it contains only standard cabinet furniture as a set. To save more space, it can not be equipped with doors. Most often it is made of chipboard or plain wood.
  2. The frame wardrobe system is mounted to the floor and ceiling on metal profile. Then it is sheathed with the material of your choice, shelves, rods, hangers, etc. are attached to it. There are no vertical partitions, so it saves even more space. Most the best option for an area of ​​150 by 150 cm.
  3. The cellular wardrobe system requires slightly more space. It consists of a large set of shelves, baskets and drawers. The entire system is located on metal frame. The peculiarity of such a wardrobe system is that its modules can be moved to places convenient for you.
  4. Another interesting solution For small room or zones 150 by 150 cm - panel dressing room. Wood panels are attached along the walls. The fittings and filling are already attached to them. This system has no vertical partitions.

All of these options are suitable for small area. And there will be space left for arranging a place for changing clothes.


What should your 1.5 by 1.5 meter dressing room look like? Depends on your desires and the specific place where you plan to arrange it. Let's consider several options. Oddly enough, the area may differ significantly; now we will explain why.


If you have a square pantry at your disposal, you're in luck. It can also be a niche of the appropriate size, an attic, an attic or even a balcony. The peculiarity is the square layout. The area is 2.25 square meters. This is more than enough to run shelving on all three walls.

There is a lot of room for creativity before you. You can equip any of the above wardrobe systems. There is space in the center for choosing things and changing clothes.


The corners of rooms are often not used effectively enough, and this is one of the main reasons to arrange a dressing room or area in one of them. And there are a lot of options here.

  1. Creating a special niche in the corner. You fence off a niche with an interior partition and get a dressing room with an area of ​​2.25 square meters. You can deal with it in exactly the same way as described above.
  2. The triangular corner dressing room has half the area with dimensions of 1500 by 1500 mm. This is enough to store a modest wardrobe for two people. Wherein closed place It is unlikely that it will be possible to equip it for changing clothes. You can increase the width of the partition and remove the door to save space. Such a small dressing room will not steal your space, will help optimize the space in the house and will ennoble the room by smoothing out the corners.
  3. Five-walled. One of the most interesting options, but it is also somewhat more difficult to implement. It is necessary to install not one, but three interior partitions. The area in this case is difficult to calculate. We can only say that it will be more than 1.125 and less than 2.25 square meters with the dimensions of two walls being 1.5 by 1.5. Looks stylish and attractive.


Modern dressing rooms are made from the most different materials. The most common is drywall. It weighs little, is cheap and has sufficient strength. Attaches to a metal vertical frame from floor to ceiling.

Also wardrobe systems made of chipboard and wood. Durable and durable materials, easily supporting the weight of a large number of things.

As for the filling, it is made from a variety of materials. Widely used plastic, metal and wooden elements. Filling includes:

  • shelves for sports and home clothes;
  • drawers for bed linen and underwear;
  • rods for hanging clothes;
  • baskets for hats and shoes.

This is just a basic list; the dressing room can be supplemented with other useful elements. A small ottoman and a full-length mirror would be very relevant.
