The most beautiful Daffodils: Photos, Types, names, descriptions, bouquets, wallpaper. Groups of daffodils with photos, names and descriptions of varieties

perennial spring garden flowers amaryllis family. There are more than 25 thousand varieties of daffodils, which are classified into 13 groups, of which only one group is a wild species (about 60 subspecies), the rest are selection ones. IN natural environment common in Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, northern Africa. The favorite habitat where you can find the most beautiful daffodils is mountain alpine meadows and forests.

Did you know?The flower got its name from the beautiful young man Narcissus. An ancient Greek myth says that a young man, seeing his reflection in the water, could not turn away and leave, his face seemed so beautiful to him. Struck by his own beauty, he died by the pond from admiration and hopeless self-love. And at the place of his death tender beautiful flowers, they were called daffodils. That is why in Ancient Greece they were considered the flowers of the dead.

The colors of flowers in all species are varied - cream, pink, yellow, white-orange, sand, white and various variations of white-yellow combinations. The leaves of the flower are basal, green, different types their width, length and shade are different. The bulbs are brownish, covered with scales, round, oval or elongated.

Daffodil breeding is becoming more widespread - and because decorative properties which they possess, and because of the relative cheapness of purchasing these flowers for planting. Next, all types of daffodils will be presented with descriptions.

Their flower crown is the same length as the petals or slightly longer, which is why it resembles a gramophone tube - hence the name. There is one flower on the stem with a diameter of 7 to 13 cm, the peduncle is strong and tall.

Tubes – red, white, orange, yellow. The flowers are white and yellow or yellow-white at the tips. They are garden daffodils and bloom well in winter. Look great in a vase and bouquets. These types of daffodils grow and develop well in our climate. These include the following varieties:

  • white – Kantara, White Knight, Peter Bahr, Birshiba, Madame de Graaf;
  • yellow – Maximus, Dutch Master, Obvallaris, Ballad, Albert Schweitzer, Birsheba, Golden Harvist, Hans Christian Andersen, Priamble, Golden Medal, Celebrity, Golden Harvist, King Alfred, Lunar C, Easten Bonnet, Golden Spar, Musical Hall, Little Gem, Point Barrow, Mount Hood, Pseudonarcissus, Henry Irving;
  • barely perceptible creamy color - variety Milner;
  • two-color trumpet varieties of daffodils - very fragrant yellowish-white Spring Glory and garden Emperor, Impress.

These garden daffodils have the largest crowned inflorescences of all types - up to 12 cm in diameter or more. The inflorescence consists of six identical lobes and an elongated wavy crown. The colors of the crowns are deep orange, pink, yellow, white, red. Petals are white, orange, yellow. The peduncle is single, long – up to 50 cm in height, tubular.

There are 2 - 4 narrow leaves around it. But their tubers are mostly small - up to 3 cm in diameter. Large-crowned daffodils are very popular among gardeners, their best varieties are Anthea, Voa, Confuoco, Smaragd, Kentucky Cardinal, Lagerlef, Velazquez, Daydream, Fortune, Carlton, Mount Tekoma, Tibet, Curley, Modern Art, Ringleader, Record, Mercato, Flower, Shea, Orange Progress, Selma, Professor Einstein, Rococo , Salome, Prekoshes, Sound Semiramis, Royal Orange, Lady Bird, Scarlet.

Inflorescences with a diameter of 5-8 cm with a low crown - no more than 2/3 of the length of the perianth. The color of the crown is white, pink, yellow-orange, red in the center with a green eye. The peduncle is low and strong. This universal look daffodils - they are quite unpretentious, easily take root, grow well without creating any special conditions.

They are perfect for forcing and gardening, as well as for cutting into bouquets. Varieties of small-crowned daffodils - State Fair, Amor, Jewel, Matapat, Barrett, Audubon, Altruist, Browning, Verona, China White, Burma, Limerick, Verger, Apricot.

Did you know?Small-crowned daffodils are often characterized by a bordered crown.

They have either a double crown or the entire flower is double. The crown can be white, yellow, bright orange, red. Perianth – white, yellow, yellow-orange. They have one or more inflorescences on a peduncle.

For example, double multi-flowered daffodils varieties Yellow Chirfulnes. Other varieties - Ice King, Van Sison, Replit, Modern Art, Irene Copeland, Texas, Acropolis, Golden Ducket, Tahiti, Obdam, Exotic Beauty, Menley, Rip Van Winkle, Indiana Chief, Dorchester, White Lyon, Fashion, Mary Copeland. They take root well, are relatively unpretentious, and are suitable for lawns, gardens and cuttings.

Stunningly beautiful, decorative with a regular rounded flower shape. They have a noticeably dissected crown with what appears to be a second row of petals. This effect is created due to the fact that the six free lobes of the crown grow together only at the base. This species has one inflorescence on a long peduncle with a diameter of up to 11-12 cm. The color of the inflorescences is white with pink, white, yellow, white.

Universal flowers: for indoors, gardens and for cutting. Photophilous - avoid shading when planting; insulation is necessary in winter. One of the best varietiesBaccarat, Dolly Molinger, Cassata, King Size, Modesta, Palmares, Lemon Beauty, Chanterelle, Canasta Baccarat, Oringeri, Split Crown. The flowers of the Split Crown variety have an incredibly attractive appearance - they look like an exotic butterfly or orchid.

Triandrus, triander daffodils

Hybrid, garden, miniature, with a small goblet-shaped crown with all the characteristics of three-stamen daffodils. A very narrow and rather long (sometimes longer than the perianth) tube with the perianth lobes bent back at a large angle.

Flowers on a low peduncle are drooping, with single or multiple inflorescences - from two to six. The color of the crowns is yellow, pale yellow, yellow-green, white, golden. Triandrusaceae look great in flower beds and are suitable for complex flower arrangements, rock gardens, but they are not cold-resistant, this must be taken into account when planting. Varieties – Tresemble, Ice, Liberty Bells, Wings, Hawera, Stoke, Thalia.

Not higher than 20 cm in height, they resemble cyclamen in appearance. Peduncle with one inflorescence, drooping flower, with petals moved back. The crown-tube is long and narrow. Characterized by early flowering, they look great in alpine slides, borders, and flower beds. Varieties – Beryl, Tete-a-Tete, Baby Dowell, Andalusia, Jenny, Jetfi, Jack Sneel, February Silver, Piping Tom.

Important!For quick and full development Daffodils require clay in the soil.

Heat-loving, unusually fragrant (their essential oils used in perfumery) and graceful daffodils. The peduncle can have from one to six inflorescences with a short crown. The leaves are thin, flexible, the stem is up to 35-40 cm high.

Very interesting jonquil daffodils yellow varieties Baby Moon - with very small inflorescences. Basically, all varieties of this species are sensitive to cold, but in the southern regions they can grow without transplantation for up to 6-7 years. Common varieties - Susie, Cherie, Golden Chain, Sweetness, Trevitien, Hill Star, Step Forward, Bel Zong, Pipit, Hesla.

On the peduncle there is a single inflorescence with a small crown and a trumpet. The tube with a bright red border is a feature of the daytime species. The inflorescence has six pure petals white. Peduncle up to 40-45 cm high, narrow gray-green leaves. They have a sophisticated, fragile appearance and a pleasant, subtle aroma, which is why they got their name. They require shelter for the winter. Varieties – Margaret Mitchell, Sarchedon, Red Rome Actea, Milan.

Narrow-leaved daffodils growing in natural conditions in groups and even entire fields. They have white, pale yellow, cream inflorescences with a red or orange border. In the CIS, this species grows in the Carpathians - in the Valley of Narcissus.

In Europe - in the Alps. Found in Russia, Italy, Greece, Romania, Great Britain, Monaco. Narrow-leaved species unpretentious, but prefers the mild, humid climate of the Mediterranean.

Did you know?The ancient Romans, unlike the ancient Greeks, considered daffodils to be the flowers of winners; garlands and wreaths made from them were a symbol of victory in battles. In China, the daffodil is still a symbol of the upcoming New Year. And in Chinese medicine Narcissus takes pride of place as an excellent treatment for mastitis.

Multi-flowered daffodils

Peduncle of these garden daffodils crowned with eight or more flowers, forming a lush “cap”, due to which one stem looks like a small bouquet. The color of the inflorescences is white, apricot-beige, yellow. The crown is light or bright orange.

The original form of tazetta daffodils is the tazetta, or calyx, daffodil. Hybrids of this narcissus have inherited the low hardiness of their parent, meaning they bloom well only in regions with a mild climate. They are known as forcing plants (many varieties in cold regions are cultivated only indoors) and cut plants. The group of tatset daffodils also includes daffodils poetats. A hybrid of poetic narcissus and narcissus tazetta combines the cold resistance of the former and the thick aroma and ability to produce a whole bouquet of flowers on one peduncle of the latter.

Tatset daffodils are grown in groups in warm, sunny places. It should be remembered that in regions with cold winters it is better to turn to the cultivation of more cold-resistant hybrids of this group - daffodils poetac. Spring-blooming daffodils will become a real decoration of a sunny rock garden. If you plant taceta daffodils on the terrace or along the paths leading to the house, you will be able to enjoy their magical aroma. Some varieties are used for forcing at Christmas.

Daffodils are ideal partners for all spring-blooming species. In the garden they look good next to spring flowering shrubs, herbaceous perennials and bulbous plants, for example, tulips, Siberian scilla and Armenian muscari. In various bowls, taceta daffodils can be combined with other fragrant species. Create a colorful arrangement of daffodils, oriental hyacinth and muscari.

What is needed to plant daffodils for forcing? - for forcing you should take suitable dishes, pour a layer of gravel 2cm high on the bottom. Fill the bowl halfway with soil. We place the bulbs on the surface of the ground next to each other with their tops up. Sprinkle the substrate on top. Water the bulbs well and place them in a dark and cool place, such as a basement or a cold storage room. At the end of January, when the dormant period ends, we place the vessel or our bowl in a bright place with a temperature of 10-12 degrees and water it. When the bulbs sprout, transfer the vessel to a room with a temperature of 15-18 degrees. In the warmth, the daffodils will soon sprout. Adult daffodils can be propagated by daughter bulbs. Dig up the plants, separate the children and plant them.

Should buy large bulbs tacet daffodils. Such specimens produce about eight flowers on one peduncle at once, but I would not recommend buying into soft or damaged bulbs of taceta daffodils. Always check the packaged bulbs before purchasing. The location should be in full sun or partial shade. Daffodils grow and bloom best in a warm place protected from the wind, near the wall of a house or near a fence. Soil rich in nutrients and humus will be the most optimal for daffodils if you decide to plant them in the garden. If the bulbs grow in a damp area, they are affected by rot.

Various viruses cause spots and stripes to appear on leaves. There are no methods to combat viruses, so affected daffodils are removed and destroyed. Viral diseases carried by aphids. If aphids have settled on the daffodils, then we begin to fight the insects.

The plan for gardening with daffodils is very simple. In August/September we plant daffodil bulbs in improved soil. Cover the planting sites with brushwood. For forcing, we plant the bulbs in pots and bowls in early October. In winter, keep daffodil bulbs growing in pots in a bright, cool room and water them. Such plants will bloom in 2-4 weeks. In spring we remove faded flowers. We leave the leaves until they die completely, but after the leaves die, we dig up and divide the bulbs. We plant the daughter bulbs.

Daffodils bear several small but beautiful flowers on the peduncle. Such elegant charmers. Good luck to you.
