Installation of the roof on the floor slabs. Construction of flat roofs of various types. Briefly about the design of a flat roof

Floors are horizontal diaphragms that divide buildings into floors. The main purpose is to absorb loads from equipment, people, and furniture. Floors are also necessary to act as a stiffening diaphragm, ensuring the overall stability of the building.

What are floor slabs?

It is well known that floors are load-bearing horizontal design any structure and are designed to separate floors from each other. There are attic and interfloor types. During construction and during further operation of the house, it is the floors bear an extremely heavy load, since, in addition to their weight, they must withstand the weight of the part of the building located above them.

Basic elements consisting of heavy prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, are called parts of floors. Sound insulation and heat are provided by the upper part, and the lower part acts as a ceiling.

IN construction industry Such slabs are usually made of concrete or reinforced concrete. A distinctive feature of ribbed reinforced concrete structures is the presence of a gap between the ribs of about 150 cm. They can also serve as coverings reinforced concrete beams , quite tightly fitted to each other. In such cases, in beam floors It is recommended to insert special liners between the beams and concrete the gap formed between them.

You can add steel-stone floors to the list of the most commonly used slab types. You can purchase them without any problems at any building materials store, but it is better to install them in an industrial environment.

IN residential buildings or cottages with brick, block or concrete walls, Reinforced concrete structures are most often used as floors. They are located both along the building and across it, depending on the features of the project. The material for the slabs, in this case, can be light or ordinary heavy concrete of grade 200 or more. Very often, in order to reduce the weight of slabs, as well as save concrete, they are made with longitudinal voids round shape. The width of the slabs can vary between 600-2400 mm, with a length of 2400-6600 mm. If necessary, for large spans without additional installation of supports, floors with a structure length of up to 12,000 mm can be produced.

Main functions and characteristics

A slab is a rectangular flat piece of metal, stone or other material and is integral part building. In construction, this element bears the full weight of other parts of the structure.

The main characteristics for the overlap are:

  • strength, due to the need to withstand large design loads;
  • rigidity, because there should be no noticeable kinks in the ceiling even under significant loads. Acceptable value is 1/200 span for attic floors and 1/250 span for floors between floors;
  • sound insulation must provide sufficient protection of the room from the transfer of sounds from other rooms located nearby;
  • thermal protection;
  • fire resistance;
  • efficiency implies the least weight with a small thickness;
  • industrialism of all elements.

The total cost of structures, as a rule, is 15-20 percent of the total cost of the entire building. Therefore, a correct and rational approach to choosing the design of floors will help to significantly reduce the level of financial costs and at the same time maintain all the necessary aesthetic and operational qualities of the structure.

With well-chosen and coordinated sizes structural elements at home, only standard parts can be used in construction.

Classification of floor slabs

What types of floor slabs are there? Reinforced concrete structures are classified according to various parameters, such as the thickness of the slabs, the type of slab support on load-bearing structure, the presence and placement of voids in the body of the slab.

However, as a rule, structures are divided as follows:

Types of reinforced concrete hollow-core slabs

Structures of this type are used as ceilings for the spans of buildings and structures. Their length, as a rule, is 12 m. The width of the floor (PC) is 1 m, 1.2 m or 1.8 m, and the height is usually from 0.22 to 0.31 m. The slab is given special bending strength by the presence it contains reinforced ribs and voids, with a relatively light weight. Hollow-core slabs best suited for laying communications and electrical wiring.

These structures are also divided into types, depending on their purpose, support options, number of voids and thickness of floor slabs:

  • reinforced concrete structures with round voids, a diameter of 1.59 m and a floor thickness of 2.2 cm. They are used as supports on two, three or four sides;
  • reinforced concrete structures with round voids, 1.4 cm in diameter and 2.2 cm thick. Used as support on two, three or four sides;
  • reinforced concrete structures with round voids, 1.27 cm in diameter and 2.2 cm thick. Designed for support on two, three, four sides;
  • structures with round voids, 1.59 cm in diameter and 2.6 cm thick. Purpose – support on both sides;
  • structures with round voids, 1.8 cm in diameter and 2.6 cm thick. Purpose – support on two end sides;
  • structures with round voids, 2.03 cm in diameter and 3.0 cm thick. Purpose – support on two end sides;
  • structures with round voids, 1.14 cm in diameter and 1.6 cm thick. Purpose – support on two end sides;
  • reinforced concrete structures with pear-shaped voids and a thickness of 2.6 cm. Purpose - support on both sides;
  • reinforced concrete structures with a diameter of 1.59 cm. Purpose - support on both sides.

An increase in the number of floor support planes is indicated by the third letter. Eg:

  • 2PKT - for support on three sides;
  • 1PKK - for support on four sides.

The length in decimeters is indicated by the first two numbers in the design marking. Actual slab size, as a rule, less by 20 mm. Thus, for example, the number 63 indicates that the actual length is 6280 mm.

The second two digits in the marking indicate the width of the structure in decimeters. The actual width is 10 mm less. For example, the number 12 means that the width of the slab is 1190 mm. All slabs are produced standard width, equal to 1.0 to 1.8 m.

Finally, the last figure indicates the load-bearing capacity of the floor, which is measured in hundreds of kilograms per 1 m2.

The letter symbols at the end of the marking indicate:

  • AtV - the lower part of the working surface of a reinforced concrete structure is reinforced with previously stressed reinforcement;
  • t – this slab is made of heavy concrete;
  • a - means that the floor slab is equipped with sealing liners at the ends of the holes.

Principles for designating the brand of reinforced concrete hollow-core PCs

For symbol For brands of hollow-core reinforced concrete floor slabs, it is customary to use 3 groups, consisting of letters and numbers.

The first group serves to indicate the type of product, its overall dimensions and the type of concrete, as well as the class of prestressed reinforcement.

The second group is intended to indicate the design load on the product, measured in kilopascals, as well as the standard number for bearing capacity. At the same time, the class of prestressed reinforcement for prestressed slabs is also designated.

The third group denotes complementary characteristics that are necessary to reflect special conditions of use reinforced concrete floors and specific nuances of such structures.

According to the rules for marking on floors, all necessary indicators are applied to the side surface of the slabs. Marking inscriptions are usually divided into installation, basic and informational. The main ones, in turn, consist of:

  • grades of reinforced concrete structures;
  • the name of the company that manufactured the product and the registered trademark of the manufacturer;
  • a stamp confirming the passage of technical control.

Advantages of some types of floor slabs

Among specialists, the most widespread are hollow-core structures, which have some advantages over monolithic ones:

  • due to the fairly large scale of production, the cost of such plates is very affordable even for an ordinary private developer;
  • the voids present in the body of the slab increase the level of sound insulation of the floor;
  • It is convenient to lay various communications through the voids, such as an alarm system or an electrical cable;
  • the voids significantly reduce the weight of the slab, thereby significantly lightening the load on the foundation;
  • By using pre-stressed reinforcement in the slab structure, it is possible to significantly increase both its strength and performance qualities.

Reinforced concrete slabs used as floors, are a cost-effective choice and allow you to install the main frame of the building in the shortest possible time.

Today, a flat roof is not the most obvious solution to the roofing issue. But in Switzerland and Germany, this particular type of roof began to gain increasing popularity. It is possible that in the near future European fashion will come to us.

The following factors contribute to the increasing popularity of flat roofing:

  • Ease of installation of the roofing pie. All materials are laid on a flat surface directly under your feet.
  • A flat roof has better heat transfer. The roof area is evenly heated throughout the sunny day.
  • Possibility of useful use of space. You can do it on the roof summer terrace, install a small pool, etc.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • A flat roof wears out faster. It will have to be repaired more often, although this is not difficult.
  • On a flat roof winter period A large amount of snow accumulates. Firstly, it creates unnecessary power load. Secondly, if it is not removed, over time it will begin to melt, and there may be so much water that it will somehow find its way through the roof.
  • There is an opinion that a flat roof is cheaper than a pitched roof. This is not so, and if you calculate all the costs, which include: floor slabs; slope-forming screed; insulation that experiences high compressive loads, and is therefore more expensive than pitched roof; waterproofing; installation of parapets - it becomes clear that a flat roof will cost more.

Traditional or inversion roofing

Before you make a flat roof with your own hands, you need to choose the type of roofing pie. It can be traditional or inversion.

The fundamental difference lies only in the order in which the elements are laid out flat roof.

The traditional type involves first installing a vapor barrier, then thermal insulation, and only then waterproofing. This allows you to protect the insulation, but puts the waterproofing material at risk. The inversion type involves the installation of waterproofing, followed by thermal insulation. Thus, the waterproofing material is protected from temperature changes and excessive pressure.

The installation of a flat roof of a private house most often involves the use traditional type, and that’s what we’ll look at in this article.

Preparing the base

Preparation of the foundation begins immediately after construction load-bearing walls. It directly depends on whether the roof will be used or not. Can be made from:

  • Reinforced concrete slabs, subject to the construction of walls made of bricks, blocks or concrete panels.
  • If the roof is not in use, it is possible to install a base made of corrugated sheets on iron beams. Profiled sheets must have sufficient wave height, type N-153.
  • A flat roof in a private house allows the installation of wooden floor slabs on wooden beams. For use only on unused roofs small area. They are laid with a gap of two millimeters, which is subsequently compensated by thermal expansion.
  • Can be used wooden planks minimum thickness 40 mm and maximum width 180 mm. They are also laid with a small gap. Suitable for used roofs.

When using wood, do not forget to treat it with antiseptics and fire retardants to increase durability and fire resistance.

Deflection device

The next stage is the deflection device. Necessary for draining water to gutters.

  • A screed is poured over reinforced concrete slabs with an approximate slope of 2-5 degrees. This is approximately 2 centimeters of slope per 1 meter. It is possible that the screed will be preceded by a backfill of expanded clay. Also, a slope can be created using a special wedge-shaped insulation.
  • The construction of a flat roof using corrugated sheets involves the implementation of a slope at the stage of installation of the base. That is, profiled sheets are initially laid with a slope of 2 centimeters per meter. If this was not done, it was permissible to use wedge-shaped insulation or make a slope-forming screed made of polystyrene concrete.
  • Wooden slabs are also initially laid with a slope. In its absence, wedge-shaped insulation is used.

When constructing a roof base from corrugated sheets or wooden slabs, the box walls are initially made with a slope in the desired direction to facilitate the subsequent installation of floor slabs.

Let us note that using wedge-shaped insulation will cost you more than arranging a slope using a screed, and even more expensive than installing a slope at the stage of installing floor slabs.

Vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is used only in the construction of a traditional type of flat roof. It is necessary to prevent the penetration of vapors from the room to the insulation. For vapor barrier, specialized films are used. They are laid with an overlap of 10 cm. The joints are carefully taped with adhesive tape. The film is no less carefully glued in places where it adjoins various kinds of protrusions (parapet, steps, etc.). It is attached to the base using a construction stapler or special galvanized nails.

Bitumen-containing materials, such as roofing felt, can be used as a vapor barrier. They are attached to the base using a gas burner, and the joints are glued in the same way. Also, the modern building materials market offers self-adhesive films, for installation of which no additional materials are required.

Please note that ballast roofing does not require mechanical fastening of the vapor barrier to the base.

In turn, ballast roofing is a roof for finishing coating which use weighting materials - paving slabs or loose washed gravel.

Thermal insulation

Do not forget that before making a flat roof for a house, you need to decide on the slope-forming layer. The type of insulation will depend on this.

The insulation is laid in several layers. To prevent the formation of cold bridges, each subsequent layer must overlap the joints of the lower one. Polyurethane glue is used to glue the layers one to one. In its absence, the use of polyurethane foam is allowed. Also, all possible holes and cavities are sealed with polyurethane foam.

Before installing the thermal insulation layer, you must ensure that there is no moisture on the vapor barrier. It is better to carry out the installation itself in parts. That is, lay several squares of thermal insulation, followed immediately by waterproofing on top. This is necessary so that in case of rain the insulation does not get wet.


One of the most important stages of installing a flat roof with your own hands is waterproofing. Can be made from:

  • Bituminous materials, roofing felt.
  • Bitumen- polymer materials, euroroofing felt.
  • PVC films.
  • Liquid rubber.

Let's take a closer look at each of the materials.

Ruberoid is the simplest, cheapest, but also the most short-lived of all. Placed on a concrete base or insulation resistant to impact high temperatures. Its service life is only 5-10 years. To install it you will need: a gas burner, a painting knife, a spatula, a brush and a primer for roofing felt. The work order is as follows:

  1. Primer treatment.
  2. After it has completely dried, the roofing material is rolled out and allowed to rest for 24 hours.
  3. They glue it with mastic. Don’t forget to carefully apply the waterproofing to the protrusions.
  4. The joints (minimum overlap of 7 cm) are processed with a torch.
  5. After the first layer, lay the second one. The sequence of actions is the same, with the exception of primer treatment. The lower the slope, the more layers, up to four.

Bitumen-polymer waterproofing will last an order of magnitude longer. The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. Cleaning the base from dust, dirt and moisture.
  2. Primer treatment.
  3. Installation of material using a gas burner. If the roofing felt was glued with mastic, then there is no need to do this here. The burner heats the entire width of the roll, but it is very important not to overmelt the material, otherwise it will become too brittle. Especially for this purpose, a pattern is applied to the rolls; as soon as it begins to deform, it can be rolled out further. The waterproofing is attached to the base using a wooden mop. Minimum overlap 8 mm.
  4. In some cases, when installing a flat roof with your own hands, installing the first layer using a burner is difficult to accomplish. Then use mechanical fastening in increments of 50 cm.

Due to the need to use highly specialized tools, installation of PVC membranes and liquid rubber becomes almost impossible without the involvement of specialists. Therefore, it makes no sense to consider these materials in detail. We only note that both types of waterproofing are quite durable.

Drainage system

A flat roof in a private house can have several types of drainage systems:

  • Interior.
  • External controlled.
  • External uncontrolled.

We’ll immediately discard the last option, since it is used mainly for outbuildings.

External controlled drainage involves collecting and draining water using gutters located with outside. To drain water, special holes are made in the parapet.

The internal one is mounted directly into the roofing system, even before the roofing cake has been assembled. Due to this, its installation is more complicated, but in this case the drain can be hidden inside the building. In this regard, the issue of water drainage must be resolved before making a flat roof.

The apparent simplicity of a flat roof often misleads novice home builders. The elementary configuration gives rise to thoughts about the efficiency and low cost of construction. The minimum number of structural elements can dull the vigilance of independent performers who are ignorant of the intricacies of the roofing business.

In reality, installing a flat roof requires scrupulous adherence to the rules unique to it, guaranteeing the flawless operation of the structure and long-term operation.

Flat roofs are a separate category of roofing structures that do not require the construction of a rafter frame. Purely visually, it is a ceiling that rests directly on the walls of the building. Due to the absence of slopes, a flat roof does not upset the windage that occurs under the influence of gusty winds. However, its configuration does not contribute to the rapid removal of snow deposits from the surface.

The load from the snow is not transferred to the rafters, as in standard pitched systems, but presses directly on the walls of the building. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to equip houses with flat roofs in regions with insignificant amounts of winter precipitation and high wind loads.

In regions and districts of the country located in the middle zone and to the north, flat roofs are used mainly in industrial construction.

Private owners install them over one-story extensions, garages, and household buildings. For an independent craftsman, a flat roof over a shed or shed is an excellent option to practice as a roofer.

Briefly about the design of a flat roof

It is customary to call roofs flat, the only conditional slope of which is located to the horizon at an angle from 0º to 1.5º, or otherwise up to 2.5%. However, a number of technical sources call systems with a slope of up to 5º flat, a percentage value of up to 8.7%.

Even roof structures have a slight slope, creating a clearly horizontal impression. It is formed to drain wastewater to drainage points or to an overhang.

Regardless of the steepness, the layers of a flat roof are arranged in a strictly defined order:

  • Vapor barrier covering the base. It is necessary to protect the insulation from the penetration of household fumes.
  • Insulation laid in one or two tiers. Required to prevent leakage of heat waves through the upper ceiling, used exclusively in insulated systems.
  • A screed created when the thermal insulation is insufficiently rigid or when there are no slopes for drainage.
  • Waterproofing that protects the insulation and ceiling from the destructive effects of atmospheric water. It is laid with a continuous waterproofing carpet.
  • A finishing coating that gives the structure an aesthetic appearance.

The brands of waterproofing materials currently supplied to the market successfully perform the functions of finishing roofing. These include numerous rolled and mastic bitumen, bitumen-polymer, and polymer varieties. Most of them are laid in one layer.

Due to the slight slope of flat roofs, the use of piece materials in the arrangement is contraindicated, because multiple joints between elements create the risk of leaks.

It is undesirable to use large sheet metal due to the harmful effects on the material of water stagnating on a flat surface during periods of heavy rain and snowmelt.

When using old, well-known roofing felt types of roll coatings finishing roof arranged in 4 or more layers, the lower of which play the role of waterproofing. A mastic or emulsion self-leveling roof is constructed in a similar way: the emulsion or mastic is applied in five or more layers, alternating pasty or creamy material with layers of fiberglass or polyester.

To lay and fix the above elements of the roofing pie of a flat roof, a rafter structure is not required. They are laid directly on the base, which can be a ceiling, a screed created on top of it, or the upper plane of the attic structure. To fasten PVC-coated systems, use adhesive, mechanical or. Self-leveling roofs are applied according to their name, the descendants of roofing material are fused or glued.

Unlike pitched counterparts, flat systems do not have sheathing that creates ventilation ducts for washing the insulation with air currents. Therefore, to the selection constructive solution, materials and their sealed installation should be approached with due respect and focused attention.

A ventilated flat roof is only possible when lumber is used in the construction of the ceiling and attic. The latter option is most often used in private construction.

Types of floors used

The construction of flat roofs is carried out on floors made of reinforced concrete, wood and profiled sheets. The choice of material for the ceiling depends on the purpose of the roof structure, the size of the span to be covered, possible operation and ease of maintenance.

One of the significant advantages of a flat roof is the possibility of organizing a used area on it: a place for relaxation, a solarium, a green area, a terrace, etc. Of course, the overlap for such objects should be quite powerful. In addition, in the flat family there are roofs that do not involve incidental use, and therefore do not require a thorough covering.

Depending on the operational criteria, flat roofs are equipped with:

  • Reinforced concrete floors, if it is planned to organize useful space above a long-span brick or concrete box.
  • Steel profiled flooring metal beams, if an unused roof is being constructed that covers spans of any size between walls made of brick or other artificial stone.
  • Wood panel made from boards 40-50mm thick, up to 180mm wide. It is used to cover medium and large spans wooden buildings in case of planned operation.
  • Wood chipboards and fibreboards according to wooden beams, used to cover small spans of wooden and stone buildings. They are used if an unused roof is being constructed.

Lumber is a leader in the construction of low-rise residential buildings, because... are ahead of concrete and steel competitors in terms of environmental criteria.

Note that wood is inferior in fire resistance. True, fire hazard in low-rise housing construction is not recognized as a decisive factor. In addition, to combat it there are effective means– flame retardants.

Roll coverings in flat systems with wooden base Then they serve only as waterproofing, on top of which plank or parquet flooring is laid.

If a flat roof is being erected over a brick or concrete box, it is wiser to lay a reinforced concrete floor for the object in use or corrugated sheet for the one not in use.

The overlap of a flat roof does not always serve as the basis for its construction. In some cases, an attic structure is erected above the ceiling, which can be either a canopy over the base with a roofing pie, or the base itself.

Roofing pie structure attic roofs similar, but the layers may be located at different levels.

With or without an attic?

The unconditional inclusion of flat roofs in the category of non-attic structures is fundamentally incorrect, although it has strong technical justifications. They may or may not have attics, although they are not formed by installing rafter legs.

Depending on the availability of the attic flat roofing systems are divided into:

  • Without roofs, the elements of which are structurally combined with the ceiling. They are completely devoid of an attic superstructure, which significantly reduces the budget allocated for their construction.
  • Attics with an attic superstructure above the ceiling. The minimum height of the superstructure is 80cm. The construction of attic structures for flat roofs is more expensive, but by separating the floor from the roof, the service life of the system increases at least three times.

In addition to the budget cost, one of the advantages of atticless systems is the ability to eliminate mechanical cleaning. The snow will melt due to the heat emanating from the room. Due to spontaneous precipitation, it is not advisable to equip flat roofs without an attic with parapets.

It is enough to install railings, which further reduces costs. The disadvantage of the absence of an attic will affect when identifying the causes of leaks, because the condition of the thermal insulation and other layers of the cake cannot be controlled.

The attic is an air chamber between the ceiling and the roof. This is a kind of buffer that compensates for the difference in temperatures outside and inside the premises.

The presence of an attic reduces the likelihood of condensation forming, and as a result prolongs life cycle structural elements. Elements of the attic system are always available for observation: the simplicity of inspections is difficult to overestimate.

An undeniable advantage is the possibility of installing insulation after construction, which prevents it from getting wet. The disadvantage of flat roofs with attics is their high cost and the need to regularly clear snow.

Despite the mythical cheapness of atticless systems, this is a very complex structure that requires experience from the builder, careful selection of materials and adherence to technologies for their hermetic connection. For an independent master It is better to give preference to roofs with an attic, if their construction is not excluded by the design decision.

Subtleties of water drainage

Flat roofs must be equipped with drainage systems that all year round are obliged to freely drain water at an operational pace. Systems come in external and internal types.

Optimal type drainage system determine the climatic conditions of the construction area:

  • External gutters constructed when constructing flat roofs in southern regions, where icing of drains in external pipes is excluded. According to the external type, water is discharged to pipes located outside along the perimeter of the building or to a gutter attached along the lowest overhang. In the middle zone, only flat roofs of non-residential buildings are equipped with external systems.
  • Internal drainage systems atmospheric water when installing flat roofs are built in the middle zone and to the north. In accordance with the internal layout, water along slopes or obliquely installed pipes transported to water intake points in the center of the roofs. Drainpipes transporting water to the sewer system are laid inside the building, but isolated from the premises.

Despite the impressive cost of construction internal drain mandatory for temperate and northern latitudes, and in the south its arrangement is irrational.

Installation of slopes for drainage

If the slope of the flat roof was not provided for during construction old roof and the construction of a new one, it must be created. The roof must be inclined towards the water intake funnels by at least 1-2%, approximately 1º.

Those who want to know how to correctly make a slope on a flat roof and what material is best to use to form slopes should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Slopes on reinforced concrete slabs are made mainly using a screed, or a screed is combined with preliminary filling of expanded clay or laying slab insulation. On an unused roof, it is enough to lay wedge-shaped mineral wool slabs, produced specifically for forming slopes.
  • Slopes on corrugated floorings are formed using metal structures or wedge-shaped insulation.
  • Slopes by wooden bases are specified structurally, but if they are absent in the project, it is possible to use wedge-shaped mineral wool.

Due to their serious weight, screeds are poured only for exploited roofs erected above concrete floor. On a concrete slope, the recommended thickness of the screed is 10-15mm, on rigid insulation panels 15-25mm. For backfill thermal insulation, the screed is poured with a layer of 25-40 mm and used metal mesh for reinforcement.

Nuances of organizing ventilation

Normal ventilation can be done using the only method - by installing battens on the floor beams, similar methods are dictated to us. It is clear that the above method is only valid for wooden options, and for roofs by concrete base or it is unacceptable to the professional sheet.

Ventilation system roofing pies for concrete and corrugated sheeting depends on the type and characteristics of the finishing coating. PVC roofing is capable of spontaneously transmitting excess moisture from the insulation to the outside, so there is no need to install ventilation ducts between it and the insulation.

When using bitumen and bitumen-polymer materials, it is mandatory to install weather vanes over the entire area of ​​the flat roof. The spacing of these devices depends on the thickness of the insulation. Vane aerators ensure the removal of moisture from the under-roof space to the outside.

Algorithm for constructing a flat roof

Let's consider the common case of constructing an unused flat roof over an extension on suburban area. It will be equipped with an external drain. Insulation of the structure is not expected, because climatic conditions and the purpose of the room below do not require thermal insulation.

The sequence of constructing a cold flat roof on wooden beams:

  • We mark the installation step of the floor beams, for which we will use a board 40-50mm thick. Installation step from 50 to 70cm: choose it based on the actual length of the walls. There should be equal spaces between the beams.
  • We place the board on its edge, fasten it with nails or corners. Required slope to the lowest overhang is created spontaneously due to the difference in the height of the walls of the box.
  • We lay a continuous flooring made of OSB boards, moisture-resistant plywood or other similar material on the beams. There should be a gap of 3-5mm between the plates to compensate for thermal expansion. They are fastened with galvanized self-tapping screws or rough nails.
  • We install a wind board along the perimeter of the roof, the edge of which rises 5-7 cm above the plane of the future roof so that a small side is formed.
  • We nail it to the sides wooden slats with a triangular section or a regular plinth. These are fillets necessary to drain water from the edges of the roof.
  • All wooden elements We treat with antiseptics and fire retardants. After they dry, apply primer.
  • We lay an additional waterproofing carpet in a strip along the perimeter on top of the fillets. In the case of junctions and pipes passing through the roof, additional waterproofing is applied to the adjacent vertical planes similarly, i.e. on top of the fillets.
  • We fuse the finishing roofing material selected for installation, heating its back side with a gas burner.

In the case of thermal insulation, a vapor barrier layer is first laid out on the base, the edges of which are placed on the vertical sides. Insulation boards are placed in a kind of pallet formed by the vapor barrier, the thickness of which is calculated in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 02/23/2003. Thermal insulation is attached to the base with self-tapping screws and telescopic devices.

Then waterproofing is laid over the sides and junctions. If one of the latest brands of rolled paper is selected for installation waterproofing material, then she will also be entrusted with the responsibility of finishing coating.

An impressive range of new polymer-bitumen and polymer coatings laid in one layer, which helps to save the installer’s effort and construction costs. Among them there are materials that are extremely preferable for home craftsmen and do not require the use of a gas burner. They are glued onto mastics or using the back adhesive side and fixed mechanically, laid loosely and loaded with ballast.

Video for DIYers

A video collection will help you consolidate information about the difficult task of constructing flat roofs:

We hope that the information we presented will help future roofers who decide to practice with their own hands in constructing a not-so-simple design.

There are many conditions for the proper construction of a flat roof, but they must be observed for ideal operation and long service. Information about the intricacies and specifics of constructing a flat roof will help not only determined craftsmen, but also owners of country estates who resort to the services of third-party construction organizations.

Concrete roofs are typically flat surfaces. Such roofs are economical, reliable and durable, and also have long term operation. Such garage roofs are made from monolithic casting or ready-made reinforced concrete slabs, which require appropriate coating in the future. Read the instructions on how to cover a garage roof with bicrost.

What to cover with?

To the question of what is the best way to cover a garage roof made of concrete slabs, quite recently the answer was quite obvious - roofing felt. Since the technology for installing roofing felt sheets involves the use of mastic or roofing felt, the work is not very safe, and is also labor- and time-consuming. Currently, new and improved roofing materials with improved characteristics, accordingly the use of roofing felt began to fade into the background.

A modern analogue of roofing felt is Bikrost, which refers to soft roofing roll type. Installation process of this material much simpler, here you only need to use a gas burner to melt the adhesive layer, as well as a roller, a roofing mop and a primer that is applied to work surface roofs before laying Bikrost. If we compare Birkost with roofing felt, the former is more flexible and has an increased service life.

The process of laying Bikrost on concrete and reinforced concrete roofs consists of several stages:

  • Cleaning and leveling the working base;
  • Application of a special primer for better adhesion of Bikrost to the roof surface;
  • After the primer has completely dried, Bikrost is directly laid, which is rolled out across the surface across the slope of the roof;
  • Overlaps at the ends must be at least 15 cm, and at the edges at least 10 cm;
  • A gas burner is necessary to heat the Bikrost base, and then use a roller to roll out the material, gluing it to the roof surface.

How to make a concrete screed?

Installation concrete screed for a garage roof is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but it's worth it. Such a roof has excellent waterproofing properties and also eliminates deformation that can be caused by loads from a large amount of snow.

The phasing of work must be strictly observed:

  1. At the level of the top of the garage walls, floors are constructed from metal or wooden guides, which are laid horizontally. Further along long walls and the floor elements are attached on top of the guides. Their length should be approximately 15 centimeters longer than the length of the garage on each side.
  2. Then the boards are laid end-to-end on the ceiling and additionally secured with guides with external parties garage walls.
  3. Sheets of roofing material are laid on top of the ceiling with an overlap of 10-15 cm to ensure good waterproofing.
  4. Insulation in the form of mineral wool, or expanded clay.
  5. After laying the insulation, a screed made of a solution of cement and fine sand is applied on top.
  6. The screed is poured slowly, filling all voids and cracks. The surface of the screed is leveled using a wooden strip.
  7. The screed dries within a few days; only after complete drying is another layer of waterproofing and finishing coat applied.

How to pour concrete?

Look at the video for a clear example of how to fill a garage roof with concrete:

You can cover a concrete garage roof without a burner with roofing felt or waterproofing. Soft roof roll type is an excellent option for covering concrete roof. In addition, you can use liquid rubber, which has recently become very popular. Read the guide on how to calculate the foundation for a garage.

An excellent roof for a concrete or expanded clay concrete garage roof base would be Bikrost or Corrugated Sheet.

The ceiling for a garage roof made of foam concrete is usually made of a single slope. In addition, this roof option is the most common among garage construction.

How to lay a profiled sheet?


Roof insulation
