DIY porch projects for the house. How to build a porch made of wood - a beautiful and functional addition to the entrance to the house. Types of house porch design

Among the decorative elements of a modern interior, arches occupy a special place. Vaulted structures give the room space, sophistication and coziness. For any style of decoration of an apartment or house, you can choose an arch design that will not only fit organically into the image of the room, but will also become its focal point, the highlight of the space.

Translated from Latin, the word “raka” means bend, and this is how we present the classic version of this structure. But in a modern interior there is a place for arches of various modifications, made of wood, stone, brick and plasterboard. There are many ways to decorate your home without sacrificing comfort and a sense of spaciousness and freedom. In this publication we will try to provide as many possible ideas in the field of design of interior arches.

An interior arch is a stylish and elegant solution for a modern interior. It's great for designing open type. The arch delimits the functional segments of the home, but at the same time does not allow the feeling of common space to leave the room. In any apartment or house there are rooms that can do without interior doors and only benefit from their absence. For example, combining a kitchen and dining room or living room and hallway. For some homes, arches are relevant as doorways utilitarian premises. Having installed the arches and removed interior partitions, you expand the space, increase each functional area, but at the same time leave it in its place.

Choosing material for the arch

The choice of material for the arch is directly influenced by the composition of the walls themselves, their thickness, dimensions and shape of the arched vault. For many materials there are limitations not only in terms of the weight of the structure, but also the difficulty of creating the arch shape. When building interior arch The following materials may be included:

The easiest, fastest and cheapest way is to make an arched structure from plasterboard. After sewing up the arched vault with this material, the final finish can be varied. It can be sheathed in wood, covered with mosaics or decorative plaster. Even use lightweight fake diamond or wall panels imitating brick, marble or wood.

A stone arch looks impressive and gives the whole image of the room a certain solidity and massiveness. Depending on the color and texture of the stone covering, the arch could be relevant in different styles interior

The first associations of the arch with stone cladding are associated with country style, rural motifs and closeness to nature. But such a structure can be successfully integrated not only into a country home. Classic interiors, Provas, some varieties of country style and even modern style of interior design look organically with a stone arch.

A brick arch looks great in a modern interior, and it doesn’t matter whether you decide to leave the masonry in its original form, treating it only with protective sprays and varnishes or painting the surface.

One of the most traditional ways of decorating an arch is wood trim. Such a structure will be relevant in any interior – from classic to contemporary. A wooden arch brings elegance and comfort to the design of a room, and the functional background of the room itself does not matter - it is a corridor or a living room.

Arch design - a kaleidoscope of ideas for modern housing

From the point of view of the external appearance of the arch vault, the following types of similar structures are distinguished:

  1. Classical or Roman arch. The Romans borrowed a lot from Greek culture and architecture, but this element can rightfully be considered their invention. The arch that is closest to all of us in shape and design is a vault with a regular radius and a semicircular shape. This design does not contain protruding connections and is famous for its simplicity and conciseness. external image. Classic arches look great in rooms with high ceilings. If you are planning to install an arch in ordinary apartment with a standard ceiling height, then this option most likely will not suit you.

One option for using the classic arch is to integrate columns and supports into a round vault structure. As a rule, such structures are made of wood or stone, but for a more democratic interior, plasterboard structures can be used.

  1. British arches or structures in the style modern. Such designs differ from classical ones in a more elongated part of the arch, the arc is straightened and has a truncated radius of the arch. For rooms with low ceilings, British arches are an ideal option.

  1. Arches using element ellipse They do not have rounded corners and are a fairly popular option for decorating rooms. The spread of such designs is primarily due to the versatility of the design. It can be used both with and without columns, in rooms with low ceilings and in spacious rooms, in combination with arches of another modification.

An excellent way to isolate a kitchen space without reducing the usable space of the room is to use an elliptical arch with columns.

A similar design can be used to partially separate the space of a boudoir, office or dressing room located within the sleeping area.

One of the variations of the use of an ellipse in the design of an arch is practically round form opening. Such structures are often used in spaces where, in addition to the decorative background, the cancer also serves functional role– limits the rest area from the workplace, for example.

  1. Slavic arch (or "romance") is, in fact, a rectangular opening only with roundings at the corners. This is another universal way of zoning space, which will look organic both in a standard city apartment and within a country home.

  1. Turkish the arch is reminiscent of the structures that decorated palaces, harems and simply the houses of wealthy residents during the times Ottoman Empire. Of course, for such an arch design, the support of the entire interior is necessary - the features of the Mediterranean design of decoration and furniture will create a more harmonious image of the room.

  1. Gothic the arch has a sharp arch. Such structures bring originality to the interior, but are only suitable for rooms with high ceilings. Decorated with mosaics, stone or ceramics, Gothic arches look luxurious and become focal points of the interior.

  1. looks like a continuation of a rectangular or round door. Typically, inserts made of transparent or frosted glass are used in the upper part; it is possible to use stained glass, translucent plastic with relief.

  1. Thai an arch (or semi-arch) is a structure in which one of the sides ends at a right angle, and the other is rounded. In this case, the radius of the circle can be any.

The shrine itself can be decorated different ways. Lamps or lamps are often built into a plasterboard structure. LED backlight, thereby providing not only zoning of the room, but also highlighting the functional segment with the help of light.

An interior arch decorated with moldings, cornices and stucco molding is perfect for both classic interior, and for its variations.

Combination of arched openings with other interior elements

The interior arch will organically fit into the interior, where rounded arches are already used for other interior elements. For example, in a kitchen or dining room you can use arched niches as decoration or storage systems, rounded shapes glass inserts in facades kitchen cabinets and buffets also contribute to creating a balanced image of the space.

An excellent addition to arched openings and interior vaulted structures are doors with semicircular tops. Of course, doors with round arches are more expensive than conventional models, but the costs individual design will justify themselves in the form of an original and sophisticated interior of the room.

The same can be said about rooms in which, in addition to interior arches, rounded vaults are used in the construction of windows. Graceful and elegant appearance such a room is guaranteed.

The arch at the entrance to the living room will be in perfect harmony with the semicircular arches in open shelving for books. The same technique can be used for cabinets closed with facades in the form of threads or glass inserts in the doors.

Interior arch - an elegant element of the interior

Nowadays, many people strive to create a stylish and unique interior at home. That is why they try to use the most unusual and fashionable stylistic solutions. A design such as an arch can emphasize the refined taste of the owner and his high social status. To create it, you need to know how to decorate an arch and what are the features of such a design.

Advantages and disadvantages

Decorative arches in the interior have a huge number of advantages. So, they allow you to remove the boundaries between different rooms and thus visually expand the space. In large rooms, arches can help solve zoning problems. The arch is a beautiful architectural element, the shape and decor of which can be very diverse.

If you replace doors with arches, you can save space in the room and add spaciousness to it. Moreover, in this way it is possible to separate different functional areas, but at the same time visually make them more united. The arch looks very stylish and unusual, it can surprise any guest. It can have a simple, uncomplicated design or a variety of shapes. Moreover, all models can be transformed with the help of interesting decor.

You can decorate the arch so that this element of the interior stands out against the background of the rest of the space or, on the contrary, so that it harmoniously fits into the stylistic direction of the interior. Their big advantage is that they make ceilings visually higher. They are perfect for installation between walls and the kitchen, because through the arch you can carry food and other items with your hands full, and nothing will interfere with you. Arches bring freedom and style to interior design. And their decor can become the highlight of any interior.

But such designs also have some disadvantages. So, To install them, you need to completely get rid of the door frame. Before installing such a structure, it will be necessary to carry out a lot of repair work. Also, arches are not suitable if heat or sound insulation is important to you, because all sounds will penetrate into neighboring rooms.

Arches are only suitable for decorating passage rooms in the house, because more secluded, intimate rooms are kept closed. The disadvantage of arches is also that they allow odors to pass through. By installing an arched structure in the kitchen, upholstered furniture located in other rooms will be saturated with odors during cooking.

But many people like arches because while in one room they can observe what is happening in another. This way you can keep an eye on small children. That is why arches are very convenient and functional structures. At beautiful design and decoration they look very advantageous.


All arched openings can be divided into two large groups:

  • Active. They are distinguished by their complex shape and unusual symmetrical solutions. They are installed in the widest doorways and perform a purely decorative function.
  • Passive. Models that are distinguished by their simplicity of shape and design. Most often they are used only to mark boundaries in rooms.

All decorative arches in the interior may differ in appearance, or rather in shape:

  • Trapezes are a very stylish and non-standard option, which is most often used to decorate interior spaces in houses with high ceilings. Their characteristic feature are beveled corners. Such decorative arches are perfect for rooms decorated in the style of English classics.
  • Ellipsoidal - beautiful and regular in shape products that represent an arc in the shape of an ellipse. Such models look very luxurious and are most often made of wood.
  • Rectangular arches are the simplest in shape and take up the least space in the opening. This is an option that is perfect for a one-room apartment. A rectangular arch takes up a minimal amount of space, but can be very stylish and unusual decor. Typically, such models are installed in rooms decorated in high-tech or minimalist style.

  • Eastern - models of arches, the decor of which is characterized by the presence of a dome on top with a sharp end. These are very elegant models, which are most often decorated in bright colors.
  • Roman ones are models that are made in the shape of a symmetrical regular semicircle. In this case, the width of the doorway is equal in size to the diameter of such an arch.
  • Thai. They are also called semi-arches. The design of such structures is different in that one side is semicircular, classic, and on the other side there is a straight line, that is, the structure is externally beveled. These asymmetrical models look very beautiful. Their decor is also distinguished by symmetry and unusual solutions.


The size of the arch usually depends on the width of the passage. Also, their size depends on the height of the ceilings. Arches can be narrow. Such designs replace single-leaf swing doors. There are also wider models that replace double doors or accordion doors.

Narrow models are used more often for installation in rooms whose exit leads to a corridor, and wide ones - in passages leading to the hall or dining room, as well as for zoning spacious rooms. The arch must also be selected according to its height. So, if the ceiling is 2.5 meters high, then the arch should be slightly lower, about 2.2 m.

But if the ceiling is 3.2 m, then the arch should be 2.6 m. These are ideal parameters that allow the structure to fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

The radius of the arch should be determined by the width of the doorway. Before the purchase It is necessary to measure the height and width of the opening. It is also important to use the depth indicator, which reflects the thickness of the walls. Moreover, the depth should not be greater than the thickness of the arched structure.

Decorative elements

To create decorative elements on arches, stucco molding, paint, natural and artificial stone, decorative panels, marble, and tiles are used. Very often in this case they resort to a combination of several materials. So, stone can be combined with wallpaper and paint. Moreover, the decor in this case can be done by arranging the stones in different orders. They can be folded into patterns where each pebble complements the other or, on the contrary, you can make a more chaotic arrangement of these

You can also use a plastic decorative bending corner for finishing. It will highlight the shape of the arch and make it more durable. Also in this case, decorative overlays are used. They are also used to decorate arches. decorative element, connecting the top of the structure with the horizontal projection of the cornice. Most often this element is decorated with carvings or stones.

Bamboo or fabric curtains can also serve as decorative elements. You can also hang beautiful colored silk threads, wooden curtains or even beads in the opening of such an arch.

Vine is also used for decoration. Some even decorate them with shells or beautiful stones, such as granite.

Design options

The framing of an interior doorway can be very diverse. Most often, the design of the passages of a square arch is done using decorative plaster. This method of decoration will allow you to create the most diverse and unusual shapes. Moreover, you can create an interesting texture and relief.

The arch can be covered with bright contrasting wallpaper, thereby highlighting it in the interior. You can also use wallpaper with a pattern for decoration, the color of which will match the color wall coverings neighboring rooms. For the hallway, you can use mosaic tiles or mirrors. Such a design at the entrance will attract the attention of guests and add narrow corridors extra space.

The arch in the living room can be decorated with a pattern. These can be either geometric or abstract images, or entire works of art in the form of paintings. The edging of an arched door can have three-dimensional shapes.

For the classic style, you can use images of people, angels and entire three-dimensional statues.

Balconies with an arch opening into the living room can be decorated with large, interesting columns. It's pompous and luxury option, which is perfect for decorating a room in a classic style. Very inexpensive option finishing is painting. In this case, the arch must first be plastered and then covered with several layers of paint. Moreover it is better if the paint color matches color scheme rooms connected by a passage.

Looks very nice in the design of the arch frosted glass or glass with a lumpy structure. This is an excellent solution for dark rooms. You can also make a transparent glass arch with LEDs located inside. This design looks very stylish and modern. Moreover, in the arched structure itself, you can provide shelves and decorate them with beautiful vases or other accessories.

Some people use such a design move as an arched corridor when finishing. In this case, several things are done in a long corridor. decorative arches, each of which complements the other. This way you can carry out proper zoning of the corridor and make it more elegant.

You can decorate an arch not only with the help of unusual finishing materials, but also in another way. Lamps are often used. By correctly placing light accents, you can transform the interior space and expand the room. In this case, it is very often installed Spotlights with LEDs.

It is important to take into account that the design of the arch initially assumes the possibility of installing spotlights. Otherwise, you will need to completely dismantle the structure in order to install wires there for installing lamps.

Also, arches are often decorated with beautiful curtains or tulle. Moreover, in this case they are used as dense sliding curtains, and lighter translucent ones.

The arches are also decorated with mirrors. If the mirror is directed towards the window, it will fill the room with light and make the passage more spacious. Glass is often used to decorate arches. Moreover, these are usually blocks installed at the full height of the doorway and small glasses of different widths installed along the arch.

Arched structures are often decorated with colored glass or mosaics. They are usually decorated using stained glass. This design will look very bright and aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, mosaic or stained glass can decorate both the entire arch and its individual elements.

Arches in the romantic or classic style can be decorated with stucco. This way you can even decorate a room in the Baroque style. Stucco molding can be made in the form of columns and beautiful figures. This arched design may be distinguished by baler-reliefs.

Finishing materials

A wide variety of materials are used to decorate arches. It could be:

  • Polyurethane. This is a very smooth and flexible material in texture. It is used to make decor such as stucco or pediment. Moreover, polyurethane is used both for cladding the outside of the arch and for creating the frame of this structure.

  • Stone. This finishing material is used only if the arched structure is reliable. If you have an arch that is empty in design, it is better in this case to give preference to a lighter artificial analogue. To create it, gypsum is used, which is very light, but not very durable.

When finishing with natural stone, preference is given to slate, marble, granite, travertine, and shell rock.

  • Acrylic based tiles. This is a very interesting and versatile material in design. It is able to imitate other materials such as stone, brick, marble. It is stylish and easy to use and does not require much maintenance. This material has a low price.

  • Drywall. Arches made of plasterboard are distinguished by their graceful shapes and interesting design. In this way, you can show your imagination and create products of the most unusual shape with your own hands. Drywall is a very light material, you can work with it yourself.

  • Polyurethane molding on such structures looks very luxurious. It allows you to create an analogue of the classic structure with columns. Polyurethane moldings They are quite strong and dense, so they can last a very long time.

They are not only polyurethane, but also wooden, marble, and metal. But the most practical and lightweight is polyurethane.

  • Laminate. When decorating arches in rooms decorated in Eco, Country or Classic styles, laminate is often used. Such designs recreate the natural wood grain and fill the room with coziness.

  • Brick. Brick arches are quite unusual, because they look both simple and stylish at the same time. This finishing can be done in the form wall panels or individual bricks. Moreover, the masonry can be very diverse.

  • Tree. Wood finishing is usually done in rooms decorated in a classic style. This arch is distinguished by its simplicity of decor. Very often, such models are decorated with openwork carvings or images of animals, birds or geometric designs are cut out on them.

An arch is an opportunity to abandon significant interior elements to free up usable space. In addition to saving living space, this solution will ensure freedom of fresh air circulation and visibility of the home. The arch allows you to visually effectively zone the area of ​​the home, while uniting the rooms together, which is important, for example, for a balcony and a room with access to it. If the transition from one room to another resembles a niche, or you need to design a doorway between the kitchen and living room, in this case the arch will fit harmoniously.

Options for designing doorways in the form of arches and the need for them:

Ceiling height as an indicator of the choice of arch type:

The design style also influences the choice of arch type:

  • The classics are characterized by ellipsoidal, three-centered and semicircular arches. Moreover, their peculiarity is absolute symmetry. An effective option is to organize an arch with vertical slopes in the form of semi-columns;
  • The Empire and Baroque styles are characterized by similar symmetry, but they are replete with decorative elements from polyurethane stucco, gilding and plaster bas-reliefs on the top of the arch;
  • For oriental style characterized by bizarre and intricate forms of arches, in particular pointed and keeled;
  • For modern styles The curvilinearity of the arches is characteristic. Techno and hi-tech styles are dominated by the rigor of geometric shapes, while pop art and Art Nouveau style are characterized by relaxed and unexpected forms. Decorative spotlights can also be used here, creating the effect of a “curtain of light.”

A stained glass arch looks impressive, mostly of a curvilinear type, where most of it is occupied by stained glass, which is important when combining a kitchen and a living room, or the latter and a balcony. The romantic style is restrained in the forms and materials used. Arches are reproduced in a symmetrical circular or flat shape, which gives a static and light design in combination with building materials in a rich color scheme.

The peculiarity of the arched opening is its non-standard nature appearance and originality design solution. The geometric shape of the arches and their design with a variety of materials can be absolutely anything.

Ways to design an arched opening

The most common and inexpensive finishing material for an arched opening are plastic panels. Imitation of wood structure and color will emphasize the severity and clarity of the lines and create a contrast with wallpaper of a lighter or darker tone, or painted walls, contrasting with door leaves and plastic panels. This way it is possible to visually increase the height, widen the opening and raise the ceiling a little. In addition, plastic panels are practical. They are attached with liquid nails to a cleaned surface.

Polyurethane stucco resembles gypsum and is a common finishing material for decorating arches, and is lighter in weight. Its easy adhesion to absolutely any surface is its main advantage. In small-sized rooms, the main rule is not to overload it, for which they are used flat elements stucco moldings without massive relief. In a room with high ceilings, stucco is used as an arched door element or as pilasters on the sides. White color The stucco molding can subsequently be given any color shade.

Decorative stone as a cladding looks stylish and expensive. Its advantages are durability, wear resistance, practicality and easy maintenance. Therefore, his choice is often obvious, despite the high cost and labor intensity of the work. Artificial decorative stone is made in a variety of colors with the addition of shells or marble pieces to its structure. The cladding is done with small decorative stones placed around the perimeter of the arch, creating an even edge. By not cutting the stone and laying it out in its natural order, “ragged” edges of a distinctive style are created. The color of the stone is chosen according to color scheme rooms. In order for the stone to adhere, it requires careful preparation. To do this, the wall is well cleaned and treated with a primer.

You can lay clinker tiles around the arch. For greater effect, clinker is laid in a similar way to brick. You can decorate not only the inside of windows and doors; clinker tiles are also used for exterior facade finishing.

Decorating the corners of the doorway

To finish the corners of the arch, a durable and resistant material is selected, which should fit harmoniously into general interior premises. Among the huge variety of materials, we should highlight artificial stone, which is distinguished by its reliability and beautiful appearance, and at the same time its high cost, and wood, which allows you to create the necessary patterns and decorative elements, but is not suitable for a plasterboard arch.

You can limit yourself to the most affordable solution to the issue of decorating corners - ordinary painting or wallpapering. You can do all this yourself. But the result largely depends on the quality of the paint or wallpaper and their color scheme.

The corners of the arch are its most vulnerable places. When using hard facing materials It is not necessary to use special arched corners for protection. Otherwise, it is the corners that will protect this architectural structure from mechanical damage and preserve the aesthetics of its appearance. Modern market offers many arched plastic corners of varying widths, but most convenient size is 1 by 2 cm.

Decorating arches with curtains

Fabric curtains are an affordable way to decorate an arched opening, which is distinguished by its diversity. By choosing the right fabric and texture, curtains will complement any interior. At the same time, the choice of curtains as decor requires stylistic unity, so they are selected in the same way as window curtains. But absolutely any compositional solution is allowed - with draperies and lambrequin or in a restrained oriental style.

Bamboo curtains Filament curtains - interweaving of bundles with top fastening into one tape. Their classic design involves making them only from fabric cords, but modern options

include glass figurines and beads, seashells and pebbles strung on ropes.

Installation of lamps under the arch Built-in spotlights are a great style element for a plasterboard arched structure. Inside such an arch there is space that allows you to install lamps in the necessary places. This lighting solution

, thanks to the direction of the light beam, only illuminates the arched opening itself, depriving the room itself, which provides certain conveniences at night. LEDs, made in the form of a thin flexible cord, help create the effect of a luminous dotted line of various color shades

. It is worth noting that a transformer is often required to create such a design. Installation of lamps requires paying attention to the following features:

How to make an arch with your own hands? This question worries many who dare to design the interior opening on their own.

Completed door arch with your own hands will make you proud of yourself, thereby allowing you to add something original and unique to the interior of your room or bedroom. Despite the fact that many beginners are tormented by vague doubts, in fact there is nothing terrible in this work, the main thing is desire. If you have it, ours detailed plan help you get the job done!

What is an arch and its varieties

Arch is an ancient architectural element that is increasingly used as an internal decorative element of the entrance or interior door, or rather a doorway. An arch is a universal opening in a wall that can give “volume” to a small room, and at the same time, zone a small apartment.

Taking into account the wishes of the homeowners, thanks to arches, designers can turn various ideas into reality, giving the doorway different kind. Today, modern materials make it possible to give arches different geometric shapes, as well as form intricate vaults. Most often for the manufacture of arches and their cladding they use:

  • Brick.
  • Wooden beam.
  • Plywood.
  • Tiles.
  • GKL, etc.

The structure of the arch is a support for partitions and walls. But, since the doorways in high-rise buildings are not load-bearing, the only requirement that is put forward to them is to withstand their own weight (with finishing finishing material). If the wall is load-bearing, the material must be selected according to external loads.

Any version of the arch, which is mounted instead of a door, performs a purely decorative function. The frame of the structure can even be made from a lightweight profile for fiberboard or chipboard; you can also use wooden beams. Only important point– reliable fixation of the partition so that the decor does not fall off or become deformed after a few days.

As we noted, the design of a house can be beautifully complemented with an arch, because there is a huge variety of its forms. They can be made in classic or romantic style. Art Nouveau is also often used. No less popular are the ellipsoidal shape, trapezoid, “portal” and many others.

The first example is made as a regular semi-arch, in the shape of a semicircle. In the last photo you can see a square interior opening called a “portal”. This design method is carried out with strict adherence to rectangular outlines. All other samples are intermediate variations between the two basic forms.

But these are not all options. You can also experiment with side supports, use curved posts, etc. You can finish the form and decorate it in different styles, the main thing is that the passage fits harmoniously into the home interior. In some apartments, classics and a round, correctly bent vault look great, in others - portals, it all depends on the taste preferences of the owners. Pay attention to the advice of experienced finishers:

  1. Classic arches are best done in apartments with high ceilings, at least 3 m.
  2. In panel-type high-rise buildings, it is better to frame the doorway in the Art Nouveau style.
  3. It is preferable to decorate wide doorways from the corridor to the hall in a romantic style, for which wide counters are selected.
  4. The finishing of the “portal” opening goes well with the interior of the room, which uses clear lines. “Portal” is ideal for houses made of lining, logs or timber. This combination is very elegant and harmonious.

What materials can be used to form arches?

To make an arched vault, you need to stock up on the following material:

  • Sheets of drywall.
  • Plywood.

It is worth noting that it is best to sheathe the frame with sheets of plasterboard, because in the future it can be decorated with different decorative materials. But, if you need to create a more sophisticated shape, choose plywood sheets as they bend better. The preparation of the arched frame is formed from:

  • Metal profile.
  • Wood beams.

But, to build an arch, you can also take concrete, aerated concrete and brick, which are decorated with finishing materials. Despite the fact that such structures are solid, it is prohibited to erect them in high-rise buildings due to their heavy weight. It is also prohibited to make door frames from metal, which, moreover, will cost a pretty penny. And how to make an arch in an apartment with your own hands from metal? After all, this is a very labor-intensive process that requires the use of specialized devices. That is why plasterboard is the most acceptable material for finishing apartments.

How to make an interior arch. Step-by-step instructions (video)

How to make an arch from wood?

Do-it-yourself wooden arch, more precisely wooden frame, is formed without special effort. But, in addition to wood blocks, you will also need sheets of plywood. The first thing to do is measure the width of the passage, subtract the thickness of the materials, after which we get optimal thickness wooden beams. Then an arc is drawn on the plywood, which is cut out with a jigsaw.

Subsequent installation is carried out with self-tapping screws (5cm), which secure the beams to the plywood. Arch in doorway It is also fixed with self-tapping screws, which are screwed in at a distance of 15 cm. The final stage– fixing the 2nd wall of plywood and its subsequent covering with sheets of plasterboard. Please note that you need to fix the drywall sheets with special self-tapping screws for working on drywall.

Installing a plywood arch

How to make an arch with your own hands from wood without using natural material? Today this is not difficult, because wood can be replaced with plywood. To correctly calculate the amount necessary materials, including fittings, the first thing experienced finishers do is create a sketch.

To work with plywood, you will need the following handy tool:

  • Jigsaw (or hacksaw).
  • Drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Finishing equipment.

Since plywood is a rather unique material that allows you to create original and unusual shapes, you need to work with it following the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Measure the doorway and note what size the arch will be.
  2. Then you need to cut the strip and carefully process it.
  3. The resulting strip is slightly moistened and left for some time.
  4. After these manipulations, the plywood will be pliable and will easily take the required shape.
  5. The prepared strip is bent in the required way and immediately inserted into the required doorway, carefully fixed and spacers installed in the corners.

Forming an arch from plywood. After the canvas is installed, you need to wait a little until the sheet dries completely and takes its final form. At the next stage, you can act in two scenarios:

  • Form inserts from wooden blocks and cover the surface with plasterboard.
  • Take advantage polyurethane foam, filling the voids with it.

Installation of a plasterboard arch

Working with plasterboard, as with plywood, is very similar and does not cause difficulties, but is cheap. If you have the opportunity to build walls and form an arch at the same time, this way you can complete the work as quickly as possible. Before forming the arch, you need to prepare the surface step by step, namely:

  • Dismantle the old one door panel, decorative overlays, platbands and other accessories.
  • Repair all damage to the walls to avoid troubles in the future.
  • Get some tools.
  • Draw up a detailed work plan and sketch.

You can install a plasterboard arch in different ways; below we will describe each method in more detail. The first option is the most popular:

  • Take 2 sheets of drywall, one of which is cut in half.
  • A U-shaped frame is formed in the doors using a metal profile.

  • One segment is fixed to the frame, having previously been marked into 2 equal parts and marking the center.
  • A hole is drilled in the rail from the edge and in the center. The distance between them should be equal to the middle of the arc of the formed arch. To do this, determine what distance will be maintained between the edges of the semicircle.
  • Then a curved line is drawn to connect the hole in the middle of the batten with the center of a piece of drywall sheet that is fixed to the frame. You should immediately check whether the height of such an opening is suitable.
  • Then the sheet is removed and the excess is cut off, after which it is fixed again on the frame.
  • The second sheet of drywall is installed on the opposite side. Taking a corner and the first segment (like a stencil), transfer the dimensions of the arc. Next, cutting out the arc and fixing it is repeated according to the same pattern.
  • After the work has been done, a void is left in which the frame is mounted. To do this, the profile is cut and bent. The resulting structure is fixed to the racks and drywall. It is also worth installing jumpers for the reliability and strength of the structure.

  • Next, cut out the required strip, bend it, and make deep cuts on the inside. You need to fix it without haste, with careful movements.
  • That's all, the arch is formed. All that's left to do is to paste the wallpaper or paint it in the desired colors.

The second method is much more complicated. The masonry is formed using the following technology:

  • Drywall pieces are fixed from the corners on both sides using a mixture of PVA glue and water.
  • Drywall is cut so that each next fragment is smaller than the previous one.
  • Work continues until the smallest fragment is installed.
  • As additional fixation use self-tapping screws or anchors.

It's just preparatory process. Further it will be even more difficult. The next stage will require plaster and putty. Large expansions and other defects are sealed with plaster, and a smooth arc is created with putty. This is quite painstaking work that requires firm and experienced hand masters, so it is better for a beginner to immediately purchase template blanks.

Step-by-step instruction

If you decide to install an arch in the hallway, kitchen or balcony, follow the recommendations below:

  • Dismantle old door and platbands.
  • Widen the doorway to the desired size.
  • Level the walls and repair any defects.
  • If the structure will be backlit, carry out the wiring.
  • Take all measurements in different places to minimize errors.
  • At uneven walls choose the depth of the arch at the thickest point.
  • Don’t be too lazy to make a life-size sketch (this will allow you not only to install the arch as accurately as possible, but also to pre-assess what the arch will look like).
  • Start installation work load-bearing frame need in this order:
  • Create a main contour from the profile around the perimeter of the doorway and fix it on the wall.
  • Secure the frame system.

  • Install the vertical guides with an indentation from the plane of the interior surface to the thickness of the drywall and add 2 mm to the data (make a reserve for plaster).
  • The surface must be rolled out with plaster until it is as even as possible.
  • To create a semicircle from the profile, cuts are made on it in increments of 5-7 cm.
  • When an ideal curve is formed from the profile, it is installed in the right place and fixed to the frame.
  • For greater strength, the arc must be fixed with several hangers to the horizontal upper guide.
  • Then the crossbars are installed in increments of 40-60cm.
  • The result should be a structure made of metal profiles in the shape of an arch for further cladding.


When the arched frame is ready and sheathed, you can begin finishing work. To do this, you need to cover the edges and joints of the materials with specialized paper tape or fiberglass mesh. You will also need to apply putty in at least 3 layers and sand the structure. Once you are convinced of the reliability of the formed structure, you can proceed by following some of the recommendations given below.

To do everything Finishing work, you need to purchase acrylic putty, which is intended for interior work. But, please note, it is better to use a special mass for drywall. Before use, the putty mass is thoroughly stirred until smooth.

When starting work, put on gloves and other personal protective equipment! The putty is applied in linear movements with a rectangular spatula. In addition to filling all the unevenness and joints of materials with putty, it must also be applied to the heads of the screws so that their edging does not show through. Similar actions are carried out until the surface becomes ideal.

After puttying, you can begin gluing the joint and edges to remove all sorts of irregularities and give the material strength. To do this, you can take a fiberglass mesh or paper tape, it all depends on your preferences (both options are good). Cut a piece of mesh and place it at the joint (in the very center), pressing it with your fingers into the putty that has not yet dried. Check that the tape is securely fastened and that there are no wrinkles.

After all the joints have been treated with mesh, you can cover the curved parts of the arch with it. The work must be done according to a similar scheme. When the mesh forms folds during the processing of arcuate sections, they can be smoothed out by cutting the fabric with a sharp knife.

After drying, the putty will become snow-white. This will be a signal that you need to take sandpaper and go smooth the surfaces. But, work carefully, do not remove too much putty, so as not to expose the mesh. For this work, use a respirator, because during surface grinding there will be a lot of dust, which is very harmful to human lungs.

When all 3 layers of putty have been applied and the surface has been cleaned, you need to wait about 12 hours for the structure to dry completely. Work again sandpaper fine grain, achieving a perfect surface. That's all, you can decorate the surface.

Decorating the arch

It doesn’t matter at all what material you used to install the arch, because even a do-it-yourself brick arch needs final decoration. To decorate a door arch, you can use the following techniques:

  • Painting to match the walls.
  • Sheathing with wood blocks (as an option, laminate, siding, etc. are often used for this).
  • Wallpapering.
  • Use artificial stone based on gypsum.
  • Decorate the structure with mirrors or mosaics (for mosaics you can use small pebbles, corks, glass, etc.).
  • Use foam molding or surface painting.

Important! Try not to overdo it, so as not to clutter the aisle and mix incompatible items. It is worth noting that sometimes a simple paint job is enough to add elegance.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for finishing decoration, for which you can use not only natural materials. It all depends on the designer’s idea and the wishes of the owners, as well as the general style of the room. The classic additional interior can be complemented with stucco molding and fabrics so that everything fits harmoniously together. The finishing of the columns looks no less laconic if clinker is glued to them.

Ready-made arch kits

If you are not confident in your own abilities, and the educational video lessons from the Internet are not entirely clear to you, you can make your life much easier by purchasing a ready-made kit for forming an arch. Similar kits can be made from different materials, have different design, color, design and texture, which will allow each person to find the most suitable option. The most suitable option is a set made of fiberboard or MDF. Such materials are very similar to wood, but are less complex to process and install. The ready-made standard interior arch kit includes.

Anyone can decorate this interior element with their own hands. The shape of an arched opening is practically not limited by anything except imagination, but quite often apartment owners, when renovating, limit themselves only to painting the plasterboard elements of the arch. Such designs look rather boring, creating a feeling of incompleteness. If the main style of the room is not minimalism, then the arch can be turned into a unique decorative element that emphasizes the integrity of the interior.

Possibilities of decorative arches

Using arches you can make small room more spacious, and in a large one to create effective zoning. This architectural element in the apartment performs several functions at once:

  1. Saving space and visually increasing it.
  2. Simultaneous functional separation of adjacent rooms and their visual unification.
  3. Creating a certain atmosphere in the house, emphasizing its style.

Types of decorative arches

Most often, arches are made of plasterboard. Flexible and plastic plasterboard allows you to quickly create a structure of almost any shape with your own hands. Finished item has high aesthetic characteristics. A plasterboard arch can subsequently be lined with almost any material, including wood, stone (most successful examples can be seen in the photo).

Arched openings can be divided into two types:

  1. Active – have complex shape, providing maximum visibility to neighboring rooms, can themselves decorate the interior.
  2. Passive - simple in form, often serve as a border.

Advice! It is advisable to determine the shape of the arch before the repair, as well as its subsequent design.

To simple passive arches can be attributed:

  • Classic - with the correct arc radius. Optimal for any interior.
  • Ellipsoidal - the arc can have the shape of a regular or irregular oval.
  • Modern - an arc with a pronounced rise.
  • Romance - the arc is cut off at the top, but rounded on the sides.
  • Portal – rectangular shape opening.

Complex active ones include:

  • Eastern.
  • Lancets.
  • Horseshoe-shaped.
  • Trapezoidal, etc.

Such arches can have uneven or figured edges, be located on several levels, and twist from one room to another.

Arch decor

An arch is, first of all, a part of the wall; accordingly, when designing it, you should start from the finishing of the latter. An architectural element must fit harmoniously into the interior and be part of it. If there are several arches in the apartment, then they must correspond to the design of the room, be of the same shape or made of the same materials.

Advice! The wider the arched opening, the more attention should be paid to its design, color and stylistic matching of adjacent rooms.

Finishing materials

Depending on the style of the room and the arch itself, you should select the material for its design.

Paint, wallpaper, decorative plastersimplest option do-it-yourself arched doorway design. An element decorated with such materials practically does not stand out in the interior. The color of the coating on the walls and the inside of the arch may differ if this does not contradict the style of the room.

Tree – noble, durable material. Most appropriate for decorating interiors in a classic style. Looks ideal on designs of simple shapes.

Polyurethane stucco – with its help you can decorate an arch of any shape and style with your own hands: from minimalism to baroque. The opening can be decorated with polyurethane columns, figured or flat moldings, all kinds of rosettes, bas-reliefs - the material has practically no restrictions on shape. Initially white elements can be painted in any color with acrylic paint.

Stone – natural or artificial. Thanks to a variety of textures and colors, it can be used to decorate arches different styles and forms.

Ceramics – tiles or mosaics can cover both the entire arch and its individual parts.

Glass – these can be blocks installed at the full height of the opening, at different widths, or in a ladder. This design of arches in high-tech style looks impressive. Often there is a design of arched openings using stained glass and colored glass, such elements are ideal for the Art Nouveau style.

Decorating an arch with artificial stone

Artificial stone is widely used when decorating arches. This material is durable and aesthetic, it can imitate any natural analogue, which can be seen in numerous photos in magazines and the Internet. Natural stone, of course, can also be used for cladding, but the arch must be located in the opening of a load-bearing wall or monolithic partition. Drywall simply cannot withstand such a load, so it is better to use lightweight artificial materials for it. Besides a natural stone It's quite expensive.

Advice! To cover plasterboard arches with your own hands, it is better to use light and flexible acrylic tiles. Its surface can imitate the texture of any stone and other materials.
