Length of the largest building in meters. The tallest building in the world

The tallest buildings in the world are the result of engineering advances in construction. Thanks to the development of technology around the world, skyscrapers appear that amaze with their height.

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Chart of the tallest structures in the world (timsdad / wikipedia.org)

For many years mankind has been pulled up into the sky. Even in the Bible there is a story about the construction of the Tower of Babel. Not only New York was destined to become a city of skyscrapers. In many Asian cities, one after another, skyscrapers of the most interesting forms have grown up, which have added to the list of the tallest buildings. The list is presented below.

10th place. Kingkey 100 (Kingkey 100) - 442 meters, China

Kingkei 100 is located in Shenzhen. In the central part of the financial district in Guangdong. It is ranked tenth in the list of tallest buildings. Its height is approximately 442 meters. It is ranked fourth in height in the entire Celestial Empire.

As you might guess from the name, the skyscraper has 100 floors. This building is multifunctional. The first 67 of its floors belong to offices. Above are shopping malls and a hotel. The top four floors are occupied by elite restaurants and a garden, which is called "Heavenly".

Kingkey 100 (11x16 Design Studio / flickr.com)

9th place. Willis Tower - 443 meters, USA

Willis Tower is one of Chicago's landmarks. This is a city in which, like in New York, they once began to build skyscrapers. And here a skyscraper was erected, which is in ninth place on the list.

Willis Tower Observation Deck (Dustin Gaffke / flickr.com)

The building was built in 1973, and for 25 years it was the most high building peace. How many floors did it have? There are 110 floors here, and offices occupy quite a considerable area - 418,000 square meters.

It is the second tallest skyscraper in the United States of America. From this height, you can see the entire state of Illinois. Neighboring states can be seen from the observation deck. The equipped place, where a magnificent view opens, is called Skydeck. In general, the tower is very popular among visitors, so it is visited by about 25 thousand people a day.

Willis Tower (Dustin Gaffke / flickr.com)

8th place. Zifeng Tower - 450 meters, China

Located in Nanjing in the financial center of Nanjing Greenland. This is one of high-rise buildings new millennium - it was built in 2008. Included in the list of the tallest buildings in the world.

The tower owes its extraordinary appearance to the architect Adrian Smith. The tower seems to be surrounded by two interconnected elements, which symbolizes two dancing dragons.

It is the third tallest in China. Many of the windows glisten in the sun and are somewhat reminiscent of the scales of giant reptiles. The building contains many offices, an intercontinental hotel, shops and an observatory. On the roof there is a garden with a swimming pool.

Since the top of the building is equipped with lighting, the skyscraper looks like a lighthouse at night and can be used as a landmark in a dark city.

FROM different parties this building looks different every time, it owes this feature to its unique design.

7th place. Petronas Twin Towers - 452 meters, Malaysia

These glittering towers are located in the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. They look like two giant ears of corn connected by a bridge.

Petronas Towers (Davidlohr Bueso / flickr.com)

They are considered a real masterpiece of modern architecture. And they are on our list of buildings. On the plan of the whole complex, you can see that the buildings look like an eight-pointed star. One of the symbols of the Muslim world.

Two identical skyscrapers are connected by a pedestrian span. Each tower has 88 floors. The construction of this structure took 6 years and 800 million dollars. On the area of ​​​​all its premises, 48 ​​football fields would fit.

As in other similar buildings, offices of various companies are located here. At the bottom is a huge shopping center occupying six floors. It has many high end shops.

On the territory around the towers there is a vast park with a pool and a fountain, where you can see a unique spectacle - singing fountains. For some time, these towers were lucky enough to be the tallest skyscrapers on the planet.

Petronas Twin Towers - 452 meters, Malaysia (Simon Clancy / flickr.com)

6th place. International Commerce Center (ICC, China) - 484 meters, China

The building has 118 floors. The third tallest building in China is located in the Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China.

It towers over 4,000 other high-rise buildings in Hong Kong. Year of construction - 2010.

It is located in the west of Hong Kong in the Kowloon area on Unity Square. It was originally conceived as a building with even greater height. But due to the ban on the construction of buildings exceeding the surrounding mountains, the number of storeys was reduced.

At the very bottom is a shopping center. An observation deck is open for tourists, which is located on the 100th floor.

Above are high-end five-star restaurants and a hotel that includes a presidential suite on the 117th floor. One day stay in it costs 100 thousand Hong Kong dollars. Get on top floors, or you can go down with the help of 30 working elevators.

The building of the World Financial Center is located in one of the major cities of China - in Shanghai. This is the tallest building in China.

It owes its fantastic appearance to an American architect, David Mallot. The skyscraper is popular and has received the nickname “opener” from the local population.

Why he had such a name, you can guess from the appearance. A popular souvenir among tourists who come here is a drink opener in the shape of this famous skyscraper.

On the 100th floor, you can see the city from the mark - 472 m. The hotel, which is located on the upper floors, was for some time the highest hotel in the world.

The shape of the opening at the top of the building was originally supposed to be round, but the authorities decided that this symbolized the land of the rising sun, so the window began to have a trapezoidal shape.

4th place. Taipei 101 - 509 meters, Taiwan

It is located in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei. It has 101 floors. For design and construction works spent more than half a billion dollars.

The construction was quite expensive. It was necessary to build a skyscraper that had to withstand the strongest earthquakes and typhoons. Appearance also received sufficient attention. It is built in the style of postmodernism and has various elements Asian culture and European innovations.

Taipei 101 - 509 meters, Taiwan (中岑范姜 / flickr.com)

3rd place. World Trade Center 1 - 541 meters, USA

It is located in the New York area, Manhattan. It is the tallest skyscraper in the US. Together with the antenna, the height of the structure is 541 meters, and without the antenna - 417 meters. Having made some simple calculations, you can find out how many meters the spire adds to the building. Its length is 124 meters.

The building was built just on the spot where the Twin Towers, which died during the disaster, were located until 2001. The new skyscraper is named the Freedom Tower. This building is the first of a complex of skyscrapers, which was supposed to be a reminder of the September 11 tragedy.

The memorial was unveiled in 2011 by the current and previous presidents of the United States. Exactly where the foundations of the two towers were, two large pools were made. Construction works began in 2006, and their completion was planned for 2013. At the time of construction, the Freedom Tower was the tallest skyscraper in the United States.

Freedom Tower, New York (Phil Dolby / flickr.com)

2nd place. Abraj Al Bayt - 601 meters, Kuwait

This is a tall tower with a huge clock that looks like Big Ben in London. Time can also be viewed from four sides. The diameter of the dials is 43 meters. Their height is 400 meters. This is the largest and tallest clock in the world.

The spire, 45 meters long, connects the clock on the tower and the golden crescent - a religious symbol. The building is located in Mecca. It is the tallest building in Kuwait. Located on the other side of the Al-Haram Mosque, where the great Islamic shrine is located.

The building houses a hotel called the Royal Clock Tower. Pilgrims visiting Mecca stop here. Construction work on the construction of this tower ended in 2012.

1 place. Burj Khalifa - 828 meters, United Arab Emirates

Many are interested in which building is the tallest and how many floors does it have? This is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This is the tallest building in the world.

Burj Khalifa - 828 meters, United Arab Emirates (Mohammed J / flickr.com)

It is far ahead in height of all the skyscrapers and structures of the planet. The tallest skyscraper looks like a giant mirror stalagmite.

Another name is Burj Dubai. The building was erected in early 2010. It has 163 floors. The floors of this building are almost entirely residential.

There is a hotel, various offices and a shopping center. An observation deck is equipped for visitors. There is also underground parking, which can accommodate 3,000 cars.

Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper in Dubai, the tallest building in the world. The height of the building is 828 meters. Its construction began in 2004, and the grand opening ceremony took place on January 4, 2010.

The skyscraper project was designed by the American architectural firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, which also designed the Willis Tower in Chicago, World Trade Center 1 in New York and many other famous buildings. The author of the project is the American architect Adrian Smith.

The Burj Khalifa was originally planned to be the tallest building in the world. When the skyscraper was still under construction, its design height was kept secret. If during the construction of the tower a skyscraper of a higher height had been designed somewhere, then adjustments could have been made to the project.

Inside the complex there is a hotel, apartments, offices and shopping centers. The building has 3 separate entrances: the entrance to the hotel, the entrance to the apartments and the entrance to the office premises. The Armani hotel and offices occupy floors 1 to 39. 900 apartments occupy floors 44 to 72 and 77 to 108. The 100th floor is wholly owned by Indian billionaire Shetty. Office rooms occupy floors from 111 to 121, from 125 to 135 and from 139 to 154. On the 43rd and 76th floors are located GYM's, swimming pools, viewing platforms. The highest observation deck is located on the 124th floor at an altitude of 472 meters. On the 122nd floor is the Atmosfera Restaurant, a restaurant located at the highest altitude in the world.

The construction of the skyscraper began in 2004 and proceeded at a rate of 1-2 floors per week. Especially for the Burj Khalifa, a special brand of concrete was developed that can withstand temperatures up to +50 degrees Celsius. Concrete works were completed after the construction of the 160th floor, followed by the assembly of a 180-meter spire from metal structures.

The Burj Khalifa has special equipment that cools and flavors the air inside the building. At the same time, the building is finished with tinted glass thermal panels, which reduce the heating of the premises inside, which reduces the need for air conditioning.

2 Tokyo Sky Tree

Tokyo Sky Tree is a television tower in Tokyo, the tallest among the television towers in the world and the second tallest structure in the world after the Burj Khalifa. The height of the TV tower together with the antenna is 634 meters.

In July 2011, all television in Japan was to switch to digital format, but the Tokyo TV Tower was not tall enough to transmit to upper floors some skyscrapers, so a taller tower was built. Construction began in July 2008 and was completed on February 29, 2012. The opening took place on May 22.

During the construction of the tower, a special system was created that compensates, according to the architects, up to 50% of the force of tremors during earthquakes.

The tower is mainly used for digital TV and radio broadcasting, mobile telephony and navigation systems. In addition, it is a popular tourist attraction. In the TV tower you can visit 2 observation platforms: one is located at an altitude of 350 meters, the other is at an altitude of 450 m. There are also a large number of boutiques and several restaurants, and at the foot of the tower there is a mini-complex with a shopping area, an aquarium and a planetarium.

3 Shanghai Tower

The Shanghai Tower is the tallest skyscraper in China and the third tallest building in the world. Its height is 632 meters.

The spirally curved tower was designed by the large American company Gensler. In June 2009, a foundation pit was dug, and the construction of the first floors of the tower began. In August 2013, a solemn ceremony was held in Shanghai to erect the last beam at a height of 632 meters, that is, the skyscraper was brought to roof level. Facade cladding was completed in September 2014, and all interior work— in 2015.

In 2016, the Shanghai Tower was supposed to overtake the Pingan International Financial Center under construction in Shenzhen, but at the last moment its height was reduced from 660 to 600 m.

The lowest floor of the Shanghai Tower is dedicated to historical Museum cities. Each area of ​​the tower contains shops and galleries. There is a hotel in the middle of the building. Also inside there is a restaurant, the peculiarity of which is that it rotates around its axis, a concert hall and a club. The skyscraper attracts about 2.8 million travelers annually. The tower has several viewing platforms.

High-speed elevators are installed in the Shanghai Tower, rising up at a speed of eighteen meters per second. The building is equipped with 106 Mitsubishi Electric elevators, three of which are high-speed and reach a record height of 578 meters, breaking the Burj Khalifa record of 504 meters.

4 Abraj al-Bayt

Abraj al-Bayt is a complex of high-rise buildings built in Mecca. It is the largest structure in the world by mass, and it is also the tallest structure in Saudi Arabia. The height of the building is 601 meters. Its construction began in 2004 and was completed in 2012.

Abraj al-Bayt stands opposite the entrance to the al-Haram mosque, in the courtyard of which is the Kaaba, the main shrine of Islam. The tallest tower in the complex, which serves as a hotel, houses about 100,000 of the more than five million pilgrims who visit Mecca each year for the Hajj.

The Abraj al-Beit towers house a four-story shopping arcade and a parking garage with space for more than 800 vehicles. In residential towers there are apartments for permanent residents of the city.

At the top of the highest Royal Tower, there is a huge clock with a diameter of 43 meters (the length of the hour hand is 17 meters, the minute hand is 22), located at a height of more than 400 meters above the ground. Four of their dials are set on the four cardinal points. The clock is visible from anywhere in the city and is the largest and highest clock in the world.

The Royal Tower is crowned with a 45-meter spire with a gilded crescent. There are 160 powerful loudspeakers on the spire in eight rows, capable of broadcasting the call to prayer over a distance of more than seven kilometers. The crescent is the largest ever built. Inside, it is divided into several service rooms, among which small room for prayers - the highest in the world. The diameter of the crescent is 23 meters. It is covered with golden mosaic.

5 Guangzhou TV Tower

Guangzhou TV Tower is the second tallest TV tower in the world. Built in 2005-2010 by ARUP for the 2010 Asian Games. The height of the TV tower is 600 meters. Up to a height of 450 meters, the tower was erected in the form of a combination of a hyperboloid bearing mesh shell and a central core.

The mesh shell of the tower is made of steel pipes large diameter. The tower is crowned with a steel spire 160 meters high. The tower is designed to broadcast TV and radio signals, as well as to view the panorama of Guangzhou and is designed to receive 10,000 tourists a day.

Glazed observation platforms are located at heights of 33, 116, 168 and 449 meters, and an open observation platform is located at a height of 488 meters. Revolving restaurants are located at 418 and 428 meters.

Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in Dubai and the tallest skyscraper in the world. The shape of the building resembles a stalagmite, which rushes up to 828 meters. The building has 163 floors, on which there are 9 hotels and a system of fountains. The total cost of the construction is estimated at $4.1 billion. And that's for the most amazing facts about the Burj Khalifa.

1. The tallest building in the world

It is common knowledge that the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the entire world. However, how tall is it compared to other monstrous structures? The height of the Burj Khalifa is 828 meters, and the height of the second tallest building in the world (Shanghai Tower) is 632 meters. The difference is more than obvious. Also Burj Khalifa is three times taller eiffel tower.

2. Inside the building

Those who think that the Burj Khalifa is very impressive from the outside, simply have not been inside a skyscraper. The highest observation deck is located at an altitude of 452 meters. In total, the building has 164 floors, 1 of which is underground, and as many as 58 elevators that travel at a speed of 10 meters per second (these are one of the fastest elevators in the world). Also in the Burj Khalifa there are 2957 parking spaces, 304 hotels and 904 apartments. Interestingly, the Burj Khalifa has a special elevator system designed for evacuation during a fire.

3. The skyscraper was designed by the Americans and built by a South Korean company.

While the Burj Khalifa is located in Dubai (the original name of the skyscraper is Burj Dubai), the building was designed by the American firm Skidmore, Owings and Merrill. Chicago engineers helped develop a special support structure that resembles a three-pointed star. The construction of the building was entrusted to the South Korean company Samsung Engineering and Construction.

4. Multiple records

Everyone knows that the Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world. In fact, the Dubai skyscraper holds not only this record. It is the tallest free-standing building, the building with the highest residential floor, the building with the most floors, the building with the highest elevators, and the second highest observation deck (the highest observation deck is located in the Canton TV Tower).

5. What was needed for the construction

In order to build such a titanic building of almost a kilometer, it took a lot of time and effort (namely, 6 years and 22 million man-hours). On especially busy days, more than 12,000 workers were at the construction site at a time.

6. Huge weight

To build a huge building, a huge amount of materials was needed. One aluminum went so much that it would be enough to create 5 A380 Airbuses. 55,000 tons of reinforcing steel and 110,000 tons of concrete were also spent. This is approximately equal to the weight of 100,000 elephants. And if you take and fold the reinforcement from the building in a row, then it would stretch for a quarter of the Earth.

7. Heat resistance

Dubai is very hot, with an average summer temperature of 41 degrees. In July 2002, Dubai recorded the most heat at 52 degrees. Naturally, a building built in this country must withstand extreme temperature fluctuations. That's why over 300 have been hired Chinese experts cladding, who developed a cladding system capable of protecting against local temperatures.

8. Power consumption

Naturally, for a normal life in such a huge building, a monstrous amount of resources is required. For example, the Burj Khalifa requires about 950,000 liters of water every day (while Dubai uses an average of about 200-300 liters of water per day). Also, the building consumes a huge amount of electricity (about as much as "eat" 360,000 hundred-watt light bulbs).

9. Washing a skyscraper

How they clean and wash 26,000 glass panels that always look perfectly smooth. Responsible for this are 12 machines, which weigh about 13 tons each, moving along special rails on outside building. The cars are serviced by 36 people.

10. Floral design

The design of the Burj Khalifa was inspired by the hymenocallis, a flower that has long petals radiating from the center. The three wings of the Burj Khalifa diverge to the sides like these petals.

A spirit of rivalry is inherent in man, to say nothing of states, each striving to excel in culture, art and architecture. Year after year, like giant guards, different parts light grow skyscrapers, striking in their size and beauty. Here are just a dozen of the tallest and most famous skyscrapers in the world.

1. Burj Khalifa

It can be said without exaggeration that this is the tallest building in all of Asia and the world as a whole. It is located in Dubai (UAE). Many associate its shape with a stalagmite facing upwards. If you look closely, it really seems, in addition, this form gives the structure greater stability. The huge structure rose 828 meters above the city and includes 163 floors, it initially had a "claim" to be unique. The tower is called "a city within a city" and there is some justice in this. Spread over vast areas and multiple floors, there is a hotel designed by Armani, rich apartments, offices, restaurants, boutiques, swimming pools and fitness centers, etc. A favorite place for tourists is an observation deck located on the 124th floor, from which a unique view of the city in the desert opens before your eyes; by the way, you will be taken to it by an elevator that develops a speed of up to 10 m/s.

2. Warsaw radio tower

This mast is located in Poland. Its height reaches 647 meters. Until the moment it collapsed, it was in first place in terms of height in the world. When the radio tower fell down, the Poles had a joke saying that they began to call it the longest structure in the world. The Warsaw radio mast is the only such half-wave antenna for transmitting and receiving long waves that has ever existed. They even issued postage stamps with the image of this radio tower. When the Polish government decided to restore such a large structure, local residents became outraged. They commented that the radiation from the Warsaw tower is harmful to health.

3. Tokyo sky tree

This television tower has another name - Tokyo Skytree. It is located in one of the districts of Tokyo and is considered the highest TV tower in the world. If we consider its height together with the antenna, then it is equal to 634 m. The Japanese did not just choose such a figure for the height of the television tower. They wanted the name of the number to match the name of the historical area where modern Tokyo is located. From this, the tower received the second name "Musashi". If translated, then "mu" is the number 6, "sa" - 3, "si" - 4. This tower has one architectural feature. During construction, they created a special system that should control the force of tremors underground during an earthquake. This is what the Japanese architects said. The tower is mainly used for digital TV and radio broadcasting, mobile telephony and navigation systems. In addition, this tower is visited by many tourists every year.

4. Shanghai Tower

Although it is currently under construction ( interior decoration), and has already won an honorable second place in the world of skyscrapers, soaring 632 meters into the sky.

This teleradiomast is located in Blancshire and reaches a height of 629 meters. There was a period when this building was considered the tallest in the history of mankind. The tower can transmit and receive a signal throughout Europe and North Africa. The radio mast was held by fifteen guys, which were attached at various levels.

6. Towers of Abraj al-Bayt

"Abraj al-Bayt" is a complex building, which consists of seven towers, their height ranges from 240-601 meters. The complex is located in Mecca (Saudi Arabia), directly opposite the main mosque. The clock on the royal tower can be seen from a distance of 25 kilometers. Inside, it is filled with numerous shops, a hotel and apartments.

The TV tower was built to a height of 600 m. It got its name because of the city in which it is located - Guangzhou. The tower transmits television and radio signals. On the TV tower there is a separate place where 10 thousand tourists are placed. Here, from a tall building, they can enjoy the beauty of Guangzhou. On high different levels observation platforms are located, glazed and open. At an altitude of 420 meters there is a revolving restaurant.

8. CN Tower

The upper part of this tall building is also a TV tower, the height of which is 53 m. This building is located in Toronto. Since 1975, for nearly thirty years, the CN Tower has been the tallest building in the entire world. Today, many no less tall buildings have already appeared. This building has an elevator that will take you to the desired floor, it moves at a speed of 22 km / h. Thanks to this speed, you will get to the observation deck or a restaurant at the very top of the tower in seconds. There are 78 such cases. CN Tower is able to withstand even a strong hurricane wind, which reaches a speed of 420 km/h. This building is twice the height of the Eiffel Tower. On the observation deck, architects-designers made a glass floor. It is quite dense and can withstand 24 hippos. Since 2011, the tower has come up with the Edge Walk attraction: a walk (with insurance) around the observation deck at an altitude of 356 m.

9. World Trade Center-1

Another name for this building. Freedom Tower (New York). It was built on the site of the tragedy on 09/11/11 and is the main one in the complex of the newly built World Trade Center. Interior spaces given over to offices. The height of the building is 541 meters.

10. Ostankino tower

The height of the huge tower is 540 m. Ostankino is located in Moscow. This building is considered the highest in all of Europe. It can be called a full member of the International Federation of Great Towers. This tower was built by Nikolai Nikitin, creating a project in just a day. If you turn on your imagination, then "Ostankino" is like a lily flower, only in an inverted world. TV tower transmitters transmit signals over vast distances, or large territories with a population of over 15 million people.

The largest building in the world by mass, but the second tallest May 6th, 2013

We are very much with you. However, I heard about this building for the first time. And it's practically a record holder! See how times change and new objects appear right before your eyes!

The Abraj Al-Beit Towers is also known as "Makkah Clock Royal Tower" and is a huge residential complex located in Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The building is unique in that it holds several world records in marine construction. Among them: the tallest hotel in the world, the tallest clock tower in the world and the largest clock, the largest building in the world in terms of area, the second tallest building in the world after Burj Dubai. The building complex was built a few meters from the largest Islamic mosque - Masjid al Haram.

It is the largest (but not the tallest) structure in the world by mass, it is also the tallest structure in Saudi Arabia and the second in the world after the Burj Khalifa.

That's how it all started!

When completed, it will be the tallest freestanding tower, the tallest building in Saudi Arabia, the largest and tallest hotel in the world, with a planned height of 601 meters. The area of ​​the structure will be from 1.500.000 m2. Same as Terminal 3 in Dubai international airport, in the United Arab Emirates which is also under construction. The Abraj Al Beit Towers will surpass the Emirat Park Towers in Dubai, which until then was considered the tallest hotel in the world. A complex of 6 towers, the height of the central (somewhat reminiscent of Big Ben in London) is 525 meters.

The building is located across the road south of the entrance to the Masjid al-Haram, which houses the Kaaba. The tallest tower in the complex will serve as a hotel to help provide accommodation for the more than five million pilgrims who visit Mecca each year for the Hajj.

Abraj al-Beit will have a four-story shopping center and a garage that can accommodate more than a thousand cars. The residential towers will accommodate residents while two helipads and a conference center will accommodate business guests. In total, up to 100,000 people can be accommodated inside the tower. The project will use clock faces for each side of the tower hotel. The highest residential floor will be located at 450 meters, just below the clock. The dimensions of the dials are 43 × 43 m (141 × 141 m). The roof of the clock is located at a height of 530 meters above the ground. A 71 meter spire will be added to the top of the clock giving it overall height 601 meters, making it the second tallest building in the world when fully completed, surpassing Taipei 101 in Taiwan.

The tower will house an Islamic museum and a lunar observation center.

The complex is being built by Bin Laden Group, the largest construction company in Saudi Arabia. Clock tower designed German company The premiere of composite technology, watches, from the Swiss engineering company Straintec. The total cost of the project is $800 million. The Bin Laden Group was founded by Mohammed bin Laden.

Tower name:
1. Zamzam - a well in Mecca, located on the territory of the Al-Haram mosque. Archangel Gabriel indicated his location to Hagar, Ismail's mother.
2. Hagar - a slave, a servant of Sarah during the childlessness of the latter, who became Abraham's concubine and gave birth to his son Ishmael.
3. Qibla - the direction towards the Kaaba. In Muslim religious practice, worshipers are required to face this direction while praying.
4. Safa - Safa and Marwa - two hills in the courtyard of the mosque al-Haram mentioned in the Koran. During the Hajj, pilgrims climb Safa Hill, turn to face the Kaaba and turn to Allah with a prayer.
5. Makam - An analogue of the Christian Ladder, a spiritual state on the path of self-improvement

More than five million pilgrims visit Mecca every year. There is a hotel in the Royal Tower that can accommodate about 100,000 people. In addition, the towers contain residential apartments, a shopping center, a garage for 800 cars and even 2 helipads.

The construction of Abraj al-Beit was completed in 2012.

In a 5 star Abraj al-Bait 858 rooms served by 76 elevators, also designed to provide quick access to the holy mosque of Al Haram for prayers.

Due to its proximity to Holy Kaaba, most sacred place islam, Abraj al-Bait will become a "beacon for pilgrims", guests will also be able to visit the museum of Islamic icons and art objects designed to develop the cultural heritage of the region.

To the complex Abraj al-Bait includes three luxury hotels with luxury suites, a four-story shopping mall, two helipads and a conference center.

The hotel has nine restaurants, where you can experience the taste of both Indian and Lebanese cuisine, as well as taste the grilled steak.

Washne is home to the Lunar Observatory and the Museum of Islam. It is located in a huge complex. Abraj al-Bait, which is part of the development project of King Abdulaziz, aimed at modernizing the surrounding area Mecca and Medina.

The Meccan clock is located on the Royal Clock Tower of the Abraj Al-Bait high-rise building complex, which is located almost opposite the main shrines of Islam, the Al-Haram Mosque and the Kaaba house. All the buildings of Abraj al-Bayt are five-star hotels where wealthy Muslim pilgrims on Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, stay.

It is worth telling a little more about the complex of high-rise buildings Abraj al-Beit. This complex was built by Saudi Arabia's largest construction company Saudi Binladin Group in 2012. The complex, which cost approximately $15 billion to build, is itself the largest hotel in the world, with a capacity of 100,000 guests. In addition, the complex is the most massive structure in the world and the most tall building in Saudi Arabia. The height of its Royal Clock Tower is 601 meters and in height this building is inferior to only one building in the world - the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai.

The total height of the Royal Clock Tower also includes the height of the 70-meter spire, which is crowned with an Islamic crescent. By the way, this spire is used to track the moon during the Islamic holiday of Ramadan. But, in addition to all of the above, this tower has another technological miracle - the world's largest clock, designed by the Swiss company Straintec.

Each of the four dials of this watch, located at a height of about 400 meters, has a diameter of 43 meters and consists of 98 million glass mosaic pieces. The dials, hour hands, 17 meters long, and minute hands, 22 meters long, are illuminated by two million green and white color. In addition, another 21,000 LEDs form a kind of information board, which displays calls for each of the five daily prayers. Due to the high height of these watches, the light from their dials and additional displays can be seen in good weather at a distance of about 30 kilometers.
