What is csp. Cement particle board - characteristics, properties, types, applications. Dimensions and weight

How to quickly and efficiently, but at the same time with a minimum waiting time, level the floors in an apartment or house? If it is the speed of work that is very important, and the creation of a regular cement screed impossible, then a DSP plate is perfect for this purpose. The use of this building material for the floor allows you to make surfaces even very quickly. At the same time, the coating will be durable and of high quality.

DSP slab - floor application

DSP is a cement-bonded particle board, and the name fully reflects the composition of this material. DSPs are made from a mixture, the components of which are wood chips and cement compositions.

The composition of the building material includes:

  • wood chips with fractions of various sizes - 24%;
  • water - 8.5%;
  • special additives - 2.5%;
  • Portland cement - 65%.

The production process is quite simple - DSP is done as follows.

  1. Special water solutions are loaded into special mixers, which include various salts, liquid glass and aluminum.
  2. Further, wood shavings with fractions are gradually added to these solutions. different sizes- mineralization of raw materials occurs.
  3. Cement is added to the resulting composition and a little more water is added.
  4. The mass is subjected to thorough mixing until a homogeneous mass and then goes under a powerful press.

GOST 26816-86. Cement particle boards. Specifications. Download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

The result of this production chain is the finished cement particle board, which is quite thin and has a smooth surface. A large amount of cement in the composition allows you to create a fairly durable material. By the way, inside the plate, the chips have b O Larger dimensions than outside, due to which the smoothness of the surface is achieved finished material. DSP does not need to be further leveled after laying, making the material excellent for creating a rough floor covering for laminate, tile and other types finishing. Also, voids are not formed inside the DSP during production.

On a note! Wood chips as a raw material are also used in the production of chipboard, fiberboard and OSB boards. The technologies for the production of these materials are somewhat similar to the technology for producing CSP boards.

DSP boards are widely used in construction. They can be used to decorate the facade walls of houses, they are used to create various partitions inside the premises. The material is suitable for use in restoration purposes and for interior finishing work. At the same time, it is suitable for apartments and private houses.

DSP plate is characterized by high environmental friendliness, as it is created from natural natural materials and practically does not contain additional chemical ingredients. That is why the stove is recommended for use both in residential premises and in production.

The use of cement particle board is an opportunity to abandon the laborious pouring of a cement screed to create a base. Building material allows you to reduce labor costs and spend less funds from the budget planned for leveling the floors for laying the finish coat.

csp plates

Characteristics of DSP board

DSP is a material of a completely new category, characterized by significant strength, long service life, and a certain level of moisture resistance. It also has good soundproofing and heat-saving properties. All these features allowed DSP boards to take a strong place in the construction industry - they are used for various purposes.

Of course, this material is far from ideal, but still, due to its properties and characteristics, it can be used both outside and inside the building. DSP plate does not lose its qualities in a variety of climatic conditions.

On a note! Compared to the usual chipboard for many, the board based on cement and chips is 3 times stronger and has high resistance to various physical influences and loads.

Table. Key parameters of the DSP.

Length, mThickness, mmWidth, mArea, sq.m.The number of sheets in 1 cubic meter, pcs.
2,7 8 1,25 3,375 37
2,7 10 1,25 3,375 29
2,7 12 1,25 3,375 24
2,7 16 1,25 3,375 18
2,7 20 1,25 3,375 14
2,7 24 1,25 3,375 12
2,7 36 1,25 3,375 8
3,2 8 1,25 4 31
3,2 10 1,25 4 25
3,2 12 1,25 4 20
3,2 16 1,25 4 15
3,2 20 1,25 4 12
3,2 24 1,25 4 10
3,2 36 1,25 4 7

The density of one cubic meta CSP plate is quite high - about 1300-1400 kg / m 3. The moisture content of the material is 6-12%. By the way, the material is not 100% protected from the effects of water, however, swelling upon contact with liquid during a full day should not exceed 2%.

To the touch, the plate is rough, but smooth - often these indicators depend on the grinding method used. Sometimes the DSP does not need the latter - if the roughness level is not more than 80 microns. The plate is selected in accordance with the operating conditions, as well as the requirements for the final results. For example, indoors, smooth slabs are usually used, while rougher ones can be dispensed with outside.

On a note! The finishing of CSP boards is simple - any type of floor finish can be laid on them, and paint, varnish, plaster, etc. can be easily applied to the surface.

Cement particle board - transportation

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of plates over other similar materials? Let's consider the answer to this question in more detail.

DSP Advantages:

  • environmental friendliness of the material, as it is made from natural ingredients. DSP does not contain asbestos- and formaldehyde-containing substances;
  • fungus and mold do not settle on the plates;
  • the material is not hygroscopic - this is its main advantage over chipboard;
  • DSP does not suffer from temperature fluctuations, does not lose its operational qualities;
  • 100% incombustibility of DSP plates allows them to be used in any premises. The material can resist fire for 50 minutes;
  • reasonable price, allowing you to purchase material even in the case of a small budget;
  • significant strength due to the multi-layer material. Excellent performance is noted at pressure both from the end of the plate, and from any of the other sides;
  • the plate does not require work on additional leveling of surfaces;
  • the material is not afraid of chemical influences;
  • cement-bonded particle board perfectly resists decay processes;
  • relative impermeability to water - during the day, the DSP is able to absorb a maximum of 16% of the liquid;
  • high soundproofing and heat-insulating qualities;
  • ease of installation.

On a note! DSP boards are recommended for use when installing a water heated floor system. In this case, it will be possible to create an additional air gap between the heating and the finish coating, which will significantly improve the result of the work done.

The disadvantages of plates are as follows:

  • a large mass of material, which makes it difficult to work with it;
  • during processing, the DSP generates a lot of dust. If you have to cut the plates, then you should wear a respirator and goggles so as not to harm the organs of vision and breathing.

However, the advantages of the material are much greater than the disadvantages, which determines its popularity in construction, including for leveling floors. Usually DSP boards are laid on logs - this is best option application of the material in this area. More often DSP is laid under laminate, carpet, linoleum, ceramic tiles.

In general, it can be noted that DSP boards are superior to drywall, chipboard and fiberboard in most indicators, which makes them one of the best building materials. Also, the DSP will save a lot of money if a choice is made in their favor.

DSP in insulation works

Most often, DSP is used in the field of insulation of buildings and structures. Usually the building is sheathed with material from the outside. Fixing is done with screws or nails.

But, since DSP is an environmentally friendly material, wall and floor cladding can also be made from inside the room. The sheathing process is similar to what is done outside: the material is attached to a wooden or metal crate using nails or self-tapping screws. Sometimes adhesive mastics can also be used. After the installation of the plates, the finishing is carried out.

floor application

DSP is often used to create a subfloor. Most often, the material is laid on the basis that in the future it will be glued to it. ceramic tile- This is the most demanding coating for evenness of the base. DSPs are also suitable for pouring and for installing soft floor coverings.

DSP slabs can be mounted on logs, as well as laid on a flat concrete or wooden base. Serves material long years and at the same time it is capable of withstanding significant loads, subject to proper installation.

DSP slabs for the floor - photo

The choice of cement sheets for the floor

The choice of DSP boards is carried out in accordance with the conditions in which the material will be used, as well as the technology by which it will be installed. For laying on logs, plates with a thickness of 20-26 mm are used - they will perfectly cope with their function as a rough base. If the installation is carried out directly on the ground, then plates of 24-26 mm are used. In general, almost any DSP boards can be used for floor leveling.

On a note! DSP boards can be laid even in cold weather. It does not matter if outside the window the air temperature drops below zero.

Requirements for DSP boards used for floor installation:

  • humidity - from 6 to 12%;
  • density - more than 1300 kg / m 3;
  • tensile strength - 0.4 MPa;
  • surface roughness - 80 microns;
  • moisture absorption level - 16%.

Preparing for DSP Coating

Before starting work on arranging a rough coating from DSP, the subfloor must be properly prepared. For example, in the case of laying material on a wooden base, old or rotten boards must be dismantled and replaced with new ones. It is important to close all the cracks with putty, and the wooden base is primed for better adhesion to the glue, on which the slab coating will be mounted.

If the installation is to be carried out on concrete base, then it should also be carefully inspected for damage and repaired if necessary. Also, if there are strong horizontal deviations, cement mixtures are leveled. In the case of laying DSP on the ground, a preliminary leveling of the surface is necessarily carried out - this can be done by pouring a sand-gravel mixture 20 cm thick on the ground and ramming it.

The best option is to lay DSP boards on logs. In this case, if it is planned to install the base directly above the ground, the supports for the logs are installed on the ground, and hydro and thermal insulation is also laid. The distance between the supports can vary from 0.5 to 1 m - this figure depends on the thickness of the timber used for the logs.

Materials and tools that need to be prepared for working with DSP:

  • timber for lags (section 150x100 or 50x100 mm);
  • DSP boards in the required quantity;
  • antiseptic solution for timber;
  • sawing tool (for example, a hacksaw);
  • materials for waterproofing and insulation;
  • measuring instruments (tape measure, pencil);
  • fixing material;
  • drill.

Arrangement of the floor with the help of DSP

Let's consider the arrangement of the floor from the DSP on the logs using the example of a balcony.

Step 1. A layer of insulation is laid under the logs. Logs are installed parallel to the walls at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other.

Step 2 Cross bars are installed, crates are being created. Between themselves wooden bars are connected using metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Step 3 The space between the lags is filled with insulating material.

Step 4 DSP slabs of the required dimensions are laid across the longitudinal logs. The width of the piece of material should be slightly less than the width of the balcony (by 5-10 mm).

Step 5 The plates are fastened with self-tapping screws on the logs. The gaps between the DSP boards are sealed adhesive composition.

Video - Laying tiles on the DSP

DSP floors: laying nuances

In general, the installation of DSP boards is carried out in exactly the same way as the laying of OSB boards. During the work, it is important to follow a few rules, and then the base of the floor will turn out to be of the highest quality:

  • wooden beam for logs, it is necessarily processed with compounds that prevent decay. Special compositions can be replaced with engine oil;

  • when installing plates on a concrete screed for a log, you can use a beam of a smaller section - up to 50x50 mm. This will save usable space;
  • when installing the log, you should monitor their level - it must be strictly horizontal;
  • before installation, DSP boards are laid out on logs - this will allow you to determine which of them need to be trimmed if necessary;
  • glue must be well mixed before use;
  • Compensation gaps along the walls will allow avoiding deformation of the DSP base.

DSP - the material is not bad enough, if you use it to create an even base. It is not difficult to work with him, but due to the large mass of sheets, it is better to get an assistant.

Building materials are constantly replenished with new products, or old ones are modified, becoming owners of higher technical and operational characteristics. In this article we will talk about one unique building material - cement particle board. So, what is a DSP plate: dimensions and price, characteristics and scope.

This material is made from two main components: and chips with the addition liquid glass and other chemical additives. The photo below shows the proportions in which all the ingredients are used.

The production technology of DSP is very similar to the production of boards. Here is the sequence of operations performed:

  1. Shavings are mixed with liquid glass and other chemical additives.
  2. Cement and water are added.
  3. Plates are formed under a press pressure of 2–6 MPa.
  4. Heat treatment is carried out.
  5. The ends and sides of the plates are treated with protective substances.
  6. Within 14 days, the products are stored at a certain temperature and humidity until complete drying and polymerization of the binder components.

Attention! All DSP boards produced in the factory must comply with GOST 26816-86 and be certified.

Technical characteristics of DSP boards and their application

The technical characteristics of this building material, like all others, determine its qualitative state. Therefore, the table contains all the main parameters that affect the service life of the plate and its ability to withstand certain loads of operating conditions.

Characteristic Unit rev. Index
Humidity% 9
Water absorption% in 24 hours16
Thickness swelling% in 24 hours2
Flexural strength (not less): thickness:MPa
10,12 and 1612
24 10
36 9
Tensile strengthMPa0,4
Thermal conductivityW/m K0,26
Flammability class G1 (low combustible)
Life timeyears50

The ratio of the dimensions of DSP sheets: length, width and thickness with the weight of the plates and their price

Now let's move on to the analysis of dimensional indicators. DSP is produced in standard sizes:

  • 2700×1250 mm;
  • 3000×1250 mm;
  • 3200×1250 mm.

Depending on the thickness of the panel, the volume of the material and its weight change. Both indicators are important to consider when transporting and calculating the load on bearing structures buildings in which DSP boards will be used. Consider how the two indicators change depending on the thickness. The table will indicate panels with a size of 3000 × 1250 mm.

Thickness, mm Weight, kg CBPB plate volume, m³
8 41,6 0,032
10 52 0,04
12 62,4 0,048
16 83,2 0,064
20 104 0,08
24 124,8 0,096
26 142,2 0,104

At what price can you buy cement particle board

Depending on the dimensional parameters, the price of products also changes.

csp plate

It should be noted that DSP boards of the same thickness differ slightly in price, for example, 16 mm. The difference is only 50 rubles. But if the amount of material used is large, then the difference will be considerable.

Attention! Dimensional parameters: length and width when ordering for individual projects can be adjusted during the production process to the required indicators. The thickness remains unchanged within the limits established by GOST.

Where are DSP boards used?

The scope of application of cement-bonded particle boards is quite wide:

  • : conventional and ventilated;
  • : floor, ceiling, walls;
  • building ;
  • as fixed formwork for pouring various building structures;
  • during construction.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the positive aspects of the material:

Now the disadvantages:

  1. The weight of DSP boards is decent, even a sheet of small thickness of 10 mm weighs more than 50 kg. It is not possible for one person to lift it and install it at the place of demand. And raising the material to the upper floors will require the use of lifting equipment, which increases the cost of the work.
  2. If DSP panels are used outdoors, then their service life is reduced to 15 years.

Processing rules - how can you saw and drill DSP boards

Like it or not, CSP is a concrete stone filled with shavings (wood filler). Therefore, when the question is raised, how to process this type of material, one cannot mention a hand tool. Cutting and drilling can only be carried out with an electric tool.

So, we have considered the topic of DSP boards. This is actually an interesting building material that has recently been gaining popularity, especially among residents of the northern regions. If you have any questions about laying technology, prices and types, we are ready to answer them. Write in the comments, and our editors will definitely answer.

For comparison with other materials, we propose to use such characteristics as:

  • fire safety;
  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to mold and disease;
  • reviews of builders;
  • feedback from residents and homeowners.

Fire safety and flammability class

In this parameter, DSPs are superior not only to polymeric insulation and PVC, but even to wood concrete. TsSP is assigned a flammability class - G1, that is, they are slow-burning. Due to the large proportion of cement, each of the chips is surrounded by a cement stone, so to start the pyrolysis process in wood close to the surface exposure to a temperature of 500 or more degrees for half an hour is necessary.

As soon as thermal effect eliminated, the pyrolysis process is quickly completed, because for the start of a self-sustaining reaction, close contact of many chips is necessary.

If the temperature exceeds 700 degrees, and this effect lasts more than an hour, then the pyrolysis of the chips begins throughout the entire depth of the plate.

At this temperature, any building materials sharply lose strength, and concrete is completely destroyed. Therefore, after a fire of such magnitude, the house cannot be repaired, except that the fire was local in nature and burned out only a small area of ​​​​the house.

Even the start of the pyrolysis process does not lead to the release of particularly toxic substances, because the main components of pyrolysis gas (smoke) are:

  • nitrogen;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • carbon monoxide.

Only carbon monoxide is a serious danger, but, firstly, very little of it is released during the pyrolysis process, and secondly, during a fire, combustion occurs in conditions of lack of oxygen, so carbon monoxide is released everywhere in huge quantities.

Therefore, the DSP one of the safest in the fire plan of materials and is comparable to gypsum boards and fiberboards. It is much safer than finishing from:

  • plywood;
  • boards;
  • wood concrete;
  • insulating fiberboards;
  • foams and plastics.

Ease of installation

Due to the high cement content of CSP much harder than most finishing materials.

The weight of thin sheets is 25-45 kg, so a minimum of 2 people are needed to work with them.

To work with thick sheets, 5-6 people are needed, because the mass of a sheet with a thickness of 26 mm exceeds 200 kg.

Cutting the material is also difficult, because you need to use high-speed circular saw and a diamond-coated disc or carbide tipped.

Therefore, in terms of ease of installation, DSP is inferior to most finishing materials. After all, its weight, with equal dimensions and thickness, exceeds the mass of any other finishing material, including LSU and wood concrete.

Resistant to mold and disease

Due to the fact that the wood in the DSP does not have direct contact with air, it is less susceptible to mold and disease.

In addition, for products manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST, the chips are pre-soaked in a solution of lime or other reagents, increasing biological stability wood.

Feedback from builders and residents about wood-cement blocks

In order to collect the most reliable feedback on the characteristics, application and prices of DSPs, we turned to the forums, among the users of which there are:

  • professional builders;
  • experienced engineers;
  • owners of apartments and houses;
  • people with experience in self-repair.

Here list of forums with DSP discussion threads:

  • Forumhouse;
  • Forumgrad;
  • NGS House;
  • Vegalab;
  • We build a house;
  • Mastergrad;
  • Ideas for your home;

Scopes of DSP

DSPs are widely used in many construction areas thanks to its technical characteristics. Modern products based on cement and wood shavings compete with drywall, fiberboard and plywood.

Loft-style room

Finishing the facade of the DSP

Houses, the facades of which are lined with CSP, acquire an aesthetic appearance. The front layer of such products can have different designs. They imitate other finishing materials (stone, brickwork, plaster) or have a decorative rough surface made of stone chips of various colors and fractions.

Milled decorative slabs for stone and brick
High strength, resistance to negative environmental influences and aesthetic appearance of decorative CBPBs allow them to be successfully used for facade work in the construction of private houses
A variety of front decorative layer of stone chips

ABOUT decorative materials based on DSP for facade decoration, this video will tell:

The use of DSP for the floor

When laying DSP on the floor along the logs, it is recommended to choose a thickness of products from 24 mm in order to ensure sufficient strength of the floor covering.

Fastening on lags

When working indoors, it is necessary to take preparatory measures - to close the holes in the base, if any, fix the logs, put insulation and vapor barrier material.

Preparatory work before laying the DSP on the floor

Fixation of the plates is carried out using self-tapping screws, while the screw with a countersunk head must be immersed in the body of the wooden beam by 20 mm. The result is a perfectly flat subfloor with excellent performance.

frame construction

DSPs have proven themselves in the construction of frame-type houses. There are two options - the purchase of a ready-made house kit from SIP panels based on DSP or self-construction of walls, between which there is a mineral insulation. Plates are fixed on wooden or metal crate, while the frame is sewn around the perimeter, and then window and door openings are cut out. The elements of the crate are installed in increments of 60 cm so that the insulation material can be firmly fixed between them. Plates are taken with a thickness of 10–16 mm, fixed with galvanized screws.

House on frame technology using DSP

Related article:

Do-it-yourself frame house: step by step instructions. Wanna build frame house with your own hands? Step-by-step instruction, given in this article, will help to understand all the intricacies quickly and easily even for beginners.

Interior finishing works

The environmental safety of cement-bonded particle boards made it possible to use them as a full-fledged finishing material inside premises for any purpose. Due to its high moisture resistance, this material has significantly replaced drywall, which is not recommended for use on walls in wet areas.

Leveling the walls and floor in the bathroom

DSPs are used for effective leveling of walls and their subsequent finishing with decorative finishing materials. However, DSP in some interiors (loft, industrial, hi-tech and others), where a raw concrete texture is appropriate, is used to create accent surfaces and even for covering entire rooms.

accent wall in the bedroom at the head of the bed is made of cement panels

The fastening of the plates depends on the thickness and dimensions of the sheets, and, accordingly, their weight. Heavy products are attached to the crate, and light ones - with the help of a special solution or mastic.

Production of SIP panels from CSP

CIP panels made of DSP are a three-layer material, where an insulation made of expanded polystyrene, basalt fiber or polyurethane foam (PPU) is fixed between the sheets.

Appearance of sandwich panels

A common distinguishing feature of the material is its high fire and environmental Safety. The possibility of rapid construction of a private house and significant savings on finishing facade work.

Assembling a house kit from SIP with DSP

The use of DSP for formwork in monolithic construction

There are a number of advantages of this type of fixed formwork device in the production of monolithic works:

  1. Reducing installation work and the total period of construction of the facility.
  2. Surface ready for finishing.
  3. High profitability of the construction of the facility as a whole.
  4. Guaranteed to create a solid and reliable design.

Monolithic construction using fixed formwork from DSP

Mounting methods

DSP can be mounted different ways depending on the purpose for which they are used. When finishing or insulating buildings, they are attached to a crate made of a metal profile or wooden bars with self-tapping bolts or nails. The arrangement of fixed formwork also involves frame erection (given the large weight of the plates, it, like the crate when finishing the walls, must be strong enough). In addition, the slabs can be laid on logs (when installing the floor) or rafters (under roofing). At interior decoration them also can be attached to the wall with mortar or mastic.

Preparing for DSP Coating

Before starting work on arranging a rough coating from DSP, the subfloor must be properly prepared. For example, in the case of laying material on a wooden base, old or rotten boards must be dismantled and replaced with new ones.

It is important to close all the cracks with putty, and the wooden base is primed for better adhesion to the glue, on which the slab coating will be mounted.

If the installation will be carried out on a concrete base, then it should also be carefully inspected for damage and repaired if necessary. Also, if there are strong horizontal deviations, cement mixtures are leveled. In the case of laying DSP on the ground, a preliminary leveling of the surface is necessarily carried out - this can be done by pouring a sand-gravel mixture 20 cm thick on the ground and ramming it.

The process of building a gazebo with a DSP floor

The best option is to lay DSP boards on logs. In this case, if it is planned to install the base directly above the ground, the supports for the logs are installed on the ground, and hydro and thermal insulation is also laid. The distance between the supports can vary from 0.5 to 1 m - this figure depends on the thickness of the timber used for the logs.

Materials and tools that need to be prepared for working with DSP:

  • timber for lags (section 150x100 or 50x100 mm);
  • DSP boards in the required quantity;
  • antiseptic solution for timber;
  • sawing tool (for example, a hacksaw);
  • materials for waterproofing and insulation;
  • measuring instruments (tape measure, pencil);
  • fixing material;
  • drill.

Fastening floor tiles with self-tapping screws

How to paint DSP board

To give DSP boards an attractive appearance, the most in a simple way is coloring. After appropriate preparation of the surface, two coats of paint are applied with a roller or. Most often, in order to paint the DSP, they use:

Acrylic paints . This paint has good adhesion and is highly wear resistant. If financial possibilities allow, it is better to use paints that include a solvent, but also water-soluble facade acrylic paints, if properly applied, will last from 3 to 5 years.

latex paint . This coating is resistant to alkaline and mild acid solutions, easy to wash and mechanically clean with detergents. Besides. Painting work can be done independently, which will save a significant amount.

silicate paint . The use of this type of coating has high adhesion, their vapor permeability ensures optimal conditions for air circulation, which prevents the appearance of mold and other fungi. The coating is not afraid of atmospheric influences and detergents, and the service life will satisfy even the highest requirements.

Before proceeding with DSP staining, it must be taken into account that the application alkyd paints undesirable, since direct contact with alkalis may cause cracking and peeling of the coating.

1 What are such plates made of, are additives needed?

DSP is a multi-component sheet building material, in the manufacturing process of which Portland cement and wood shavings are used. In addition, the composition of the plate includes special chemical additives that allow the base materials to coexist without any problems. Indeed, under normal conditions, wood is not friendly with cement, which provokes excessive moisture and the associated warping and decay of the material.

For the manufacture of CBPB, Portland cement and shavings are used.

The use of special additives (up to 2.5–3% of the total volume) eliminates Negative consequences the neighborhood of wood and cement, giving CBPB such useful properties of the first and second components as heat resistance and fire resistance. Moreover, due to the percentage ratio - 24% of wood accounts for 65% of cement - the plate acquires other positive qualities: high strength, frost resistance, soundproofing properties, vapor permeability and complete disregard for the material by both insects and rodents.

In addition, at the same time, a wooden and cement board demonstrates such qualities as resistance to fungi, moisture resistance, resistance to temperature shrinkage and compatibility with most finishing materials, which is explained by enviable adhesion. At the same time, chemical additives in DSP do not belong to environmentally harmful materials, since they do not contain either asbestos or formaldehyde.

Specifications of the DSP

In the manufacture of high-strength cement compositions are mixed with wood shavings of various fractions, water and a number of chemical reagents (for example, liquid glass or aluminum salts). Reacting with wood shavings, chemicals mineralize it, thereby increasing the strength and durability of the board.

Layering is the main quality of the boards, which guarantees their high quality and special strength. The formation of the slab structure occurs in such a way that large fractions of chips are located inside, and small ones are outside. After the preparation of the cement-chip mass, its layers are placed in special molds under the press, from where the finished multilayer DSP with a smooth surface on one side comes out.

DSP: specifications plates are such that it does not require the application of finishing putty. It is sufficient to paint the slabs after placement. In some cases it will be sufficient to apply a thin coat of primer before painting.

CSP floors laying nuances

In general, the installation of DSP boards is carried out in exactly the same way as the laying of OSB boards.

During the work, it is important to follow a few rules, and then the base of the floor will turn out to be of the highest quality: a wooden beam for a log must be treated with compounds that prevent rotting

Special compositions can be replaced with engine oil;

  • a wooden beam for a log must be treated with compounds that prevent rotting. Special compositions can be replaced with engine oil;

Wood preservatives

  • when installing plates on a concrete screed for a log, you can use a beam of a smaller section - up to 50x50 mm. This will save usable space;
  • when installing the log, you should monitor their level - it must be strictly horizontal;
  • before installation, DSP boards are laid out on logs - this will allow you to determine which of them need to be trimmed if necessary;
  • glue must be well mixed before use;
  • Compensation gaps along the walls will allow avoiding deformation of the DSP base.

Another example of the use of DSP

DSP - the material is not bad enough, if you use it to create an even base. It is not difficult to work with him, but due to the large mass of sheets, it is better to get an assistant.

Mounting Features

Boards based on a cement-bonded mixture are easy to process. For cutting, you will need a hacksaw with fine teeth. Large teeth contribute to the formation of dust, makes the edges of the part uneven, so this tool is not suitable for sawing DSP.

When arranging a dry screed, concrete or wood flooring. It is also possible to lay sheets on a frame, the cells of which are pre-filled with insulating material (mineral wool, foam plastic, expanded clay, and another type of dry filler).

The plates are fixed with self-tapping screws or with the help of an adhesive mixture. The adhesive must be evenly distributed over the surface of the material with a notched trowel, leaving no gaps. This will help to avoid deformation of the material.

It is also important to generously fill the joints with adhesive to obtain a monolith. Self-tapping screws are screwed in at intervals of 35-50 cm

When facing the DSP of the outer walls of the building, an installation method is used that provides for the arrangement of the crate. Frame parts can be wooden or made of metal profiles. When choosing a tree, it is recommended to pre-treat it with an antiseptic solution to protect it from premature aging and microbiological processes.

To create a thermal protection of the dwelling, it is recommended to lay heat-insulating material between the walls of the house and the DSP. Preference should be given to basalt wool, which has a good rate of vapor permeability (the walls will breathe) and high resistance to moisture (low hygroscopicity will prevent moisture absorption into the layers of the heat insulator).

Fine finishing of slabs from a cement-bonded mixture provides for surface treatment with a primer, laying a reinforcing mesh and applying a layer of decorative plaster. The facade is painted in a color that echoes other architectural elements of the exterior.

Arrangement of the floor with the help of DSP

Let's consider the arrangement of the floor from the DSP on the logs using the example of a balcony.

Step 1. A layer of insulation is laid under the logs. Logs are installed parallel to the walls at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other.

Logs installed on top of the insulation

Step 2 Cross bars are installed, crates are being created. Between themselves, wooden bars are connected using metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Cross bars are installed, the crate is ready

Step 3 The space between the lags is filled with insulating material.

Insulation laying

Step 4 DSP slabs of the required dimensions are laid across the longitudinal logs. The width of the piece of material should be slightly less than the width of the balcony (by 5-10 mm).

Laying DSP boards

Step 5 The plates are fastened with self-tapping screws on the logs. The gaps between the DSP boards are sealed with adhesive.

Fixing plates with self-tapping screws

Video - Laying tiles on the DSP

DSP in the process of creating the foundation

Cement- and chip-based slabs can be used to create formwork that aids in pouring foundations. The thickness of the material depends on the required dimensions of the foundation and ranges from 16 to 26 mm.

Strengths of CSP formwork.

Simplicity in the installation of plates by an order of magnitude reduces labor costs and reduces the time of work, thus reducing the cost of the process of pouring the foundation. On outside you can apply a special paint, after which it will acquire the properties of vertical waterproofing. Due to the high strength of the plates, the formwork is resistant to deformation during pouring and drying of the concrete solution.

The versatility of DSP allows the use of this material in the construction of frame-based housing, for leveling floor and wall coverings, as well as during the installation of soft roofs in buildings of any type. CSP plate for floor receives good feedback from builders around the world, thanks to high quality material and excellent performance.

Cement particle board floor application

The main advantages of CSP are high strength and durability.

The use of building materials consists in laying finished panels on different kinds grounds:

  • a flat surface of a wooden or cement floor;
  • wooden logs installed at regular intervals.

Ceramic tiles can be glued to the surface of the plates, flooring can be laid, as well as laminate or parquet. The properties of the material are preserved for decades, subject to the installation technology.

Scope of application of DSP boards

As mentioned above, DSP boards, the use of which provides high mechanical strength created structures are widely used in construction, repair and finishing works, in particular:

  • When making formwork foundations and other monolithic reinforced structures. The use of DSP greatly simplifies the installation process, in addition, this design prevents concrete leakage and ensures the formation of smooth side walls that do not require subsequent plastering.
  • For wall cladding and construction . In most cases, DSP sheets are attached to a pre-mounted metal or wooden frame. The thickness of the sheets in this case is from 8 to 12 mm. For fastening, self-tapping screws are most often used, it is also possible to use screws or nails as fasteners. In some cases, when leveling walls, special adhesive polymer mixtures can be used.
  • The use of DSP floor slabs provides high mechanical strength, as well as high rates of heat, hydro and sound insulation. The thickness of the material is selected based on acting loads and the distance between the lags, but not recommended use of DSP slabs less than 14 mm thick.
  • Application for facade at home allows not only to significantly reduce the time of work on outdoor decoration, but also provides high-quality waterproofing of the main walls. Another advantage is that when using DSP, the characteristics of the material allow you to create various types of ventilated facades. As for the thickness of the sheet, for outdoor work it can vary from 12 to 14 mm.

Plate production

The production of DSP consists of the following steps:

  1. Aluminum, liquid glass, various salts are part of aqueous solutions that are loaded into special mixers.
  2. Mineralization of raw materials occurs with the gradual introduction of wood shavings into these solutions, consisting of different-sized fractional inclusions.
  3. Then cement and a little water are introduced into the composition.
  4. The mass is thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous consistency, sent under a powerful press.
  5. The output is thin, but strong, with a smooth surface product.

The smooth surface of the plate is obtained due to the special distribution of chips in its structure - larger fragments are inside the product, and small ones are on the surface. In the production of DSPs, there are no voids in them. Another advantage is that the product is not subject to additional leveling, but can be immediately used for the manufacture of a subfloor and serve as a quality, flat ground for laminate, tile and other finishes.

DSP production technology

From the name itself, it becomes clear that the main components of this material are cement (65%) and wood chips (24%). All this is mixed with water (8.5%), and various additives are added to the resulting mixture to improve the technical characteristics of the plate (2.5%).

Two types of chip material are used in the production process of DSP boards. They differ in size: small and medium. The plate itself has a three-layer structure, so medium-sized chips are poured into the second layer, and small chips into the first and third. The production process itself takes place in the following sequence.

  • Chips are mixed with hydration additives.
  • Cement grade M500 is added to the resulting mixture.
  • Water pours in.
  • The solution is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • The first layer with small chips is poured into the mold.
  • The second layer with medium-sized chips.
  • And the third layer.
  • Pressing is in progress.
  • After that, the semi-finished material is heated to +90C for eight hours.
  • Then, within 13-15 days, it dries in natural conditions.
  • After that, depending on the batch, it is either polished or simply stored.

Cement particle board applications in construction

DSP is a cement-bonded particle board, and the name fully reflects the composition of this material. DSPs are made from a mixture, the components of which are wood chips and cement compositions.

What is DSP and OSB? What is the difference?

The composition of the building material includes:

  • wood chips with fractions of various sizes - 24%;
  • water - 8.5%;
  • special additives - 2.5%;
  • Portland cement - 65%.

DSP boards for outdoor use

The production process is quite simple - DSP is done as follows.

  1. Special water solutions are loaded into special mixers, which include various salts, liquid glass and aluminum.
  2. Further, wood shavings with fractions of different sizes are gradually added to these solutions - mineralization of raw materials occurs.
  3. Cement is added to the resulting composition and a little more water is added.
  4. The mass is subjected to thorough mixing until a homogeneous mass and then goes under a powerful press.

GOST 26816-86. Cement particle boards. Specifications. Download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

GOST 26816-86

The result of this production chain is the finished cement particle board, which is quite thin and has a smooth surface. A large amount of cement in the composition allows you to create a fairly durable material. By the way, inside the plate, the chips have b O Larger dimensions than outside, due to which the smoothness of the surface of the finished material is achieved. DSP does not need to be further leveled after laying, making the material excellent for creating a rough floor covering for laminate, tile and other types of finishes. Also, voids are not formed inside the DSP during production.

Cement particle board production

On a note! Wood shavings are also used as a raw material in the production of chipboard, fiberboard and OSB boards. The technologies for the production of these materials are somewhat similar to the technology for producing CSP boards.

Comparative table of performance characteristics of wood-based materials

DSP boards are widely used in construction. They can be used to decorate the facade walls of houses, they are used to create various partitions inside the premises. The material is suitable for use in restoration purposes and for interior finishing work. At the same time, it is suitable for apartments and private houses.

DSPs are used in construction for many purposes.

DSP plate is distinguished by high environmental friendliness, as it is created from natural materials and practically does not contain additional chemical ingredients. That is why the stove is recommended for use both in residential premises and in production.

Cement particle board (DSP)

The use of cement particle board is an opportunity to abandon the laborious pouring of a cement screed to create a base. Building material allows you to reduce labor costs and spend less money from the budget planned for leveling the floors for laying the finish coating.

Installation of a DSP plate for ceramic tiles

Processing rules for sawing and drilling DSP boards

Like it or not, CSP is a concrete stone filled with shavings (wood filler). Therefore, when the question is raised, how to process this type of material, one cannot mention a hand tool. Cutting and drilling can only be carried out with an electric tool.

At the same time, it is better not to use a jigsaw, although some craftsmen manage to cut plates of small thickness with such a tool. You just have to change the file often - every 5-7 m. Therefore optimal solution- disk cutting tool.

The easiest way to cut DSP is with a circular saw with diamond disc

As for the disk, there are two options:

  1. Diamond coated disc with cut out segments. This disc is used for dry cutting. Here you can use discs for cutting stone, concrete or brick - they all work.
  2. Pobedite-coated discs for cutting wood. DSP is not the most durable material in terms of comparison with stone, so such a tool will cope with it.

As for power tools, most often craftsmen use a grinder or a circular saw (parquet).

Attention! It is easier to cut slabs with a DSP circular saw because the power tool has a support bar. It is she who allows you to clearly orient the disk in a perpendicular plane to the sheet, and as the final result - an even cut of the material

DSP slabs can be cut with a grinder with a cutting diamond blade installed on it

As for drilling holes in slabs, either metal drills or drills are used for this.

Types and characteristics

There are 3 types of DSP:

  • fibrolite- heat-insulating material based on long-fiber shavings (“wood wool”). Soft, easy to process, resistant to biological factors;
  • wood concrete- made from sawdust and small chips. It has a wide range of applications (thermal insulation, decoration, material for wall partitions, etc.);
  • xylolite(slab and cast). It has high strength, thermal insulation qualities and a wide range of color solutions used as a floor covering.

Due to their water absorption, the plates increase in size, so a gap is required when installing between them.


There are three types of DSPs. Studies of the material showed with accuracy that each of them does not lose its valuable properties even during multiple cycles of significant temperature rise and subsequent defrosting.

Resistance to fire and especially humid environment, negative biological factors was also confirmed. But each type of plate has its own characteristics, consisting in the method of production, the difference in raw materials, the characteristics of the finished product and the scope. Among the types you can specify.

1. Fiber mat. Its basis is the so-called wood wool, which is a long-fiber shaving. The composition also includes inorganic binders.

Wood tapes obtained on special machines are impregnated with solutions of calcium chloride and liquid glass. Raw materials pressed in molds are subsequently dried. The thickness of such plates can reach 150 mm, but there are a number of much thinner parameters.

These building elements, characterized by considerable strength, are excellent for thermal insulation. Similar material is also used as acoustic.

It is easy to process and soft, because of this, it is in demand for multifaceted repairs, as well as works on the reconstruction of various structures. During construction operations with plates, due to their low weight, lifting equipment is not required; therefore, their use is very economical.

2. Arbolit. It is classified as lightweight concrete and contains small shavings, sawdust, reeds or rice straw. The most high-quality plates of this variety are made from wood chips.

If the basis of the composition is wood shavings, then the material is usually called wood concrete, if sawdust - sawdust concrete. The two types mentioned have somewhat reduced performance compared to the first one mentioned above.

They are heavier, denser and subject to unpleasant deformations, but also cost somewhat less. The scope of arbolite is quite wide. But basically it is in demand as a material for low-rise private construction, it is especially popular in the manufacture of wall partitions, as well as for decoration and thermal insulation.

3. Xylolite is most commonly known in the application as a coating DSP for floor. Plates, similar to those previously described, are made from wood waste, differing from other types in production technology. On sale, the presented assortment pleases with a variety of colors.

The material is distinguished by excellent thermal insulation qualities and increased strength. It does not burn in an open fire, but only gradually chars; even when boiling, it does not soak in water and is slightly thermally conductive; has an enviable elasticity and is hard as a stone, but at the same time it is easily processed like a tree: it is drilled, planed and sawn. In application, in addition to the above, it is excellent as a sheathing for stone, covering stairs, window sills, roofs.

An important characteristic is the weight of the DSP board. Such indicators are simply necessary to know during construction and other works.

The specified data is very useful in the transportation of goods and at the time of installation work. The mass of one module directly depends on the thickness and, knowing this indicator, it is easy to calculate it. After all, for every 10 mm there is a tiled weight of approximately 54 kg.

Installation work than sawing DSP

You should not try to cut the DSP with a hacksaw - this is a thankless task, the process is long, and the result leaves much to be desired. You can use a jigsaw or grinder.


What is a CSP? Why is it needed? Where and why is DSP used?

We will answer all questions in this article.

So what is a CSP?

CSP (cement particle board) is a new generation material. It is strong, waterproof and durable! Let's see why.

As the name implies, CSP is made from cement and wood chips. Cement resists fire well, and wood shavings do not allow the slab to crack in frost or heat.

In addition, cement-bonded particle boards have excellent heat and sound insulation qualities. It does this material universal for carrying out external and internal works in different climatic conditions. The material is just as easy to work with as conventional timber. But unlike wood, csp is reliably protected from damage by insects and rodents, and is practically not afraid of fungal formations.

Advantages of DSP

Environmental friendliness

The main chemical binder in DSP is the cement itself. This material does not contain any phenolic, formaldehyde and other toxic compounds.
Boards are made by pressing a mixture of wood chips, cement, minerals and water. Indeed, DSP is an environmentally friendly material.

fire safety

In case of fires in the premises, DSP boards do not form smoke, do not emit toxic gases and vapors. Cement is generally considered non-combustible material. AND,
if the DSP boards are compared with the well-known OSB, then the DSP clearly wins.

Biostability and moisture resistance

The composition of the DSP contains antiseptics that help to resist the effects of various fungi, beetles, rodents and other living creatures.
Biodamage of DSP boards is not observed even with prolonged exposure to moisture.

Frost resistance

Perhaps the most important advantage DSP is frost-resistant, expanding the geography of the use of cement-bonded particle boards. Thus, the normative value of the decrease in bending strength after 50 cycles does not exceed 10%. In practice, the value of this indicator is lower. A long experience in the use of structures with TAMAK DSP in buildings for various purposes in Yakutia, Khanty-Mansiysk has confirmed the high performance properties of the material.


DSP TAMAK well tolerate changes in temperature and humidity levels for a long time. This ensures a wide geography of application and durability of structures.

DSP application

Construction and insulation of buildings

One of the most popular types of work with the use of cement-bonded particle boards is the insulation of buildings of various types. IN frame construction installation of cement-bonded particle boards allows you to perform two tasks at once. With their help, both external and inner surface building. Plates are attached directly to the frame-crate.

Usually, DSP boards with a thickness of 12-16 mm are used, which must be fixed to the crate. The size and material of the crate is best to choose strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations. For this type of work, it is recommended to use mineral plates (mineral wool) as a heater. Between the plates you need to leave a small gap, no more than 10 mm. It must be insulated with elastic mastic or a sealing gasket. From above, such a gap must be closed, for example, with the same cuttings of the DSP.

Internal work with DSP

Cement particle board is completely safe for humans and environmentally friendly material. DSP boards are recommended for use in interior decoration of any type of premises. Use such plates to quickly and efficiently align the wall. You can attach them to wooden crate from timber or metallic profile. To do this, use nails, screws and screws. After that, the plates can be faced, plastered, painted or carried out other work. This finish significantly increases the level of fire safety.
DSPs are also great for shaping internal partitions, especially when it comes to moisture-resistant partitions. If ordinary chipboard is well suited for an ordinary screen, then under conditions high humidity this stuff won't last long. In order to increase the service life of such a partition, it must be painted with a recommended moisture-resistant paint. Particular attention should be paid to the edges of the plate, they must be treated with a special moisture-repellent agent.

CSP floor and roof
The rule of good form is the use of DSP when laying the floor or the formation roofing cake instead of obsolete chipboard.

There is absolutely no need to change the technology. Usually the floor is arranged along logs with a section of 50x80 mm and a pitch of about 600 mm. For work of this type, more durable plates are used, with a thickness of 20 to 26 mm. With their help, you can lay the base under the floor, sf to form an underlying or leveling layer. DSP is also used for laying underfloor heating and clean floors with a front layer. Separately, it should be noted the possibility of laying a floor from a cement-bonded chipboard with a thickness of 24 and 26 mm directly on the ground. This allows you to build storage and utility rooms on bulk soil, even when negative temperatures. That is, the cost of repair and ancillary work is significantly reduced. Firstly, it is not necessary to select the right time and temperature, secondly, the installation of such a floor is carried out in a short time, and thirdly, with a minimum of financial costs, a full-fledged working room is obtained.

As for the soft roof, despite the increased moisture resistance of the building material, it is necessary to strictly monitor the waterproofing. The main danger for any roof is water that has penetrated and accumulated inside. If the damage is not detected in time, then
the consequences can be very different. Therefore, the joints between the plates must be protected with strips of sheet material. After that, they are additionally reinforced with strips of protective roofing material. And only after that a protective roll coating is applied to the roof itself. But in general, the process of forming a base for a soft roof with the help of a DSP is practically no different from working with similar wood materials. Depending on the design of the building, slabs with a thickness of 16, 20 and 24 mm are used.

Outdoor work with DSP

Cement particle boards are often used in outdoor applications. The simplest example is sheathing metal doors. Pick up and attach the plate required sizes even without prior preparation. Extra edges are easy to remove hand tool. Sheathing can be carried out both from the outside and from the inside. This will significantly increase the sound and heat insulation of the room, as well as give the door fire-resistant qualities. One DSP plate 20 mm thick, capable of holding the flame for 50 minutes. It is recommended to use this material for fencing a balcony or loggia. Usually, asbestos-cement sheets are used for this purpose, but this material is very fragile. This complicates its installation and leads to a quick failure during operation. By using DSP for balcony railings, you get a strong and durable structure.

Recently, window sill boards have been produced from CSP. The size of such a board can be very different. They are usually made directly construction site depending on window size. The minimum thickness of such a board is 10 mm, the maximum is 26 mm. This technology is characterized by the following advantages: low price, durable smooth surface, no joints, dimensional stability. When pouring the foundation, cement-bonded particle boards are increasingly used as formwork. This technology has proven itself in low-rise construction. Typically, slabs with a thickness of 12 to 26 mm are used, depending on the size of the foundation. In this case, the plates perform two functions at once. Firstly, their use can significantly reduce labor costs and terms of work, because. installation of this building material is as simple as possible. Secondly, if the outer part of the slab is painted with a special paint, then they will take on the function of vertical waterproofing. But the main thing is that the DSP is strong enough not to deform during pouring and hardening of the concrete mixture.

DSP is a product for a wide range of construction purposes, which is based on two diverse components: cement, which is of mineral origin, and wood shavings - a natural organic raw material.

The slabs combine the advantages of concrete and fiberboard products, demonstrate great strength and absolute environmental safety.

Manufacturing process

DSP panels are made in several stages, the most important of which is the stage of preparation of raw materials. The composition of the composite product includes the following components:

  • cement, reaching 65%;
  • wood chips equal to 24%.

For effective enveloping of two types of components, hydration, binding fillers are introduced in an amount equal to approximately 2%. The entire working mixture is wetted with water, the mass fraction of which should not exceed 9%.

Raw material preparation

At the stage of preparation of raw materials, the chips are crushed and dispersed into two fractions. Pieces with smaller dimensions in the manufacture of DSP boards will be located in the outer layers, with larger parameters - in the inner core of the board.

To ensure the safety of wood raw materials for a long time, it is impregnated with solutions of aluminum salts and liquid glass. Processing provides chip resistance to biological contamination, increasing the strength of the fibers that perform a reinforcing function in the composition of the composite.

Mixing and pressing

At the next stage, the chips, the solution of additives and cement must be combined and thoroughly mixed, achieving a completely homogeneous mass. This can be done only with the help of special mixers of high power, adjustable rotation intensity. Wood pieces are not very well covered with mineral cement powder, so sometimes a small portion of fuel oil and industrial (technical) oil is added to the mixture.

Upon reaching absolute homogeneity, the mixture is placed in layers in pallets, which are placed one above the other and placed under a press. After exposure high pressure compressed cement-chip mass, fixed in molds with latches, is transferred to thermal chambers, where heating is carried out during one working shift.

Then the molds are removed from the chamber, returned again under the press, where the locking clips are removed. For the final acquisition of all operational characteristics, the formed DSP sheets are transferred to storage facilities, where they are kept for 2 weeks, periodically drying with an air stream heated to 100 ° C.

On final stage plates are formatted according to size, packaged, sent to storage rooms for finished products.

Sheet sizes

The national standard regulates the subdivision of the material according to the general physical and mechanical parameters and dimensions of the DSP boards into 2 groups. The length of the products is 3.2 and 3.6 m. In the first group, fluctuations of the parameter in one direction or another by 3 mm are allowed, in the second group - by 5 mm.

The standard widths are 1.2 and 1.25 m, the trend in the allowable parameter fluctuations is the same. Errors in the geometric parameters of products of the 2nd group are always greater.

The thickness of the sheets is different:

  • in one category it reaches 10 mm with a minimum of 8 mm;
  • in the other - 16 with a minimum of 12 mm;
  • in the third - 28 with a minimum of 18 mm;
  • in the fourth - 40 with a minimum value of the range of 30 mm.

Thickness fluctuations allowed by the standard vary from 0.6 to 1.4 mm in the first group of DSP boards and from 0.8 to 1.6 mm in the second group.

The regulations stipulate the strict perpendicularity of the intersecting sides of the plates, the normalized dimensions of the diagonals, the limited deviation from the plane, which is equal to a maximum of 0.8 mm for the 1st group, and a maximum of 1 mm for the second.

The standard specifies the number of flaws, the presence of which is permissible. The possibility of chipping on DSP boards is completely excluded, the number of possible spots of any origin and dents is strictly regulated. The requirements for products with the designation TsSP-1 are more stringent than for products TsSP-2. Delaminations, foreign inclusions, mechanical defects are completely excluded for the entire range of materials.

physical characteristics

For evaluating the operational capabilities of DSP sheets, physical parameters are of decisive importance.


It is possible to plan the conditions of transportation, installation, knowing the value of the weight of the DSP, which is determined by the dimensions and density of the products. Minimum specific gravity cement particle board is 1100 kg / m 3, the maximum is 300 units more.

As an example: one sheet with a density of 1300 kg / m 3 and dimensions of 2700 x 1250 x 10 weighs almost 44 kg (43.88).

From this, the obvious conclusion is that the material is very heavy. One cubic meter of panels will weigh almost one and a half tons. The buyer must make thorough preparations for the delivery and subsequent use of panels with such a weight.


The normalized humidity of the DSP is 9%, the standard legalizes fluctuations in the value by a third in the direction of increase or decrease. The sufficiently large value of possible deviations is apparently due to the structural features of the composite.

DSP-products during control tests per day can increase in size in thickness by 2%, which occurs due to the absorption of moisture in an amount that can be 16% of the initial sheet weight. This factor must be taken into account when storing plates and installing it on the front of the house, outside of industrial buildings.


The presence of wood fibers in the composite made it possible to impart good strength properties to the material. Thus, the maximum strength under bending loads for the thickest sheet is 12 MPa, for the thinnest - 7 MPa. If tensile forces, estimated at 0.35 MPa, are applied to the plate, it will not change. Since the strength of DSP boards is higher than that of plywood, they are actively used for the construction of formwork.

The standard standardizes the permissible surface roughness, which is 4 times less for sanded panels than for unsanded ones. For the manufacture of formwork, it is quite possible to purchase slabs that have not been sanded. Facade decoration can be made beautiful both with the help of polished products, and by installing CSP boards with roughness, which have undergone additional decorative processing.

fire safety

From chemical composition And technological features production logically follows the high resistance of DSP panels to ignition, the minimum tendency, equal to almost zero, to the spread of flame. In the case of strong heating of the cement-bonded material, there is a negligible possibility of the formation of gases and smoke during combustion. At the same time, the toxicity of the released thermal oxidation products is very low.

Note! It is safe to say that DSP-plates are a fireproof material.

Wood shavings burn remarkably well on their own, but as part of the composite, they are soaked through with mineral agents, surrounded by particles of Portland cement, which reduces fire hazard down to zero. The combustibility of DSP panels in accordance with the generally accepted classification is designated as G1.

Frost resistance

One of the important characteristics of CSP boards is frost resistance. The ability of panels made from a mixture of cement and shavings to endure frost is impressive. Even if the finish undergoes defrosting and then freezing 50 times during the winter (although such frequent temperature changes are extremely rare), the strength of the coating will decrease by only 10%. DSP-plates can be used outdoors for half a century without any problems.

Varieties of DSP

The production of CSP boards in Russia has been implemented in the industry for about thirty years. During this time, domestic and foreign technologies have changed, which led to the emergence of new similar materials on the market, for example, such as:

  • fibrolite;
  • wood concrete;
  • xylolite.

The composition of the fiberboard includes cement and wood fibers so thin that they are called wool. The material is soft to the touch, well isolates sound, has high strength and resistance to cracking.

Arbolite is a mixed composite consisting of cement and wood chips, shavings, pieces of reed stalks and rice straw. The material is not very durable, suitable for the construction of light partitions. Unlike DSP-plate, which is quite applicable for flooring, wood concrete will not withstand such a load.

A feature of xylolite is increased resistance to water, achieved due to the introduction of Sorel cement into the composite mass. Xylolithic panels can be laid on the floor, laid on the roof, placed in any place where a large amount of water can get in.

Application features

Cement-bonded panels can be laid on ceilings, installed as partitions or main walls, sheathed house frames, finished part of the walls above the foundation (plinth). It is known to use a DSP-plate for the floor instead of a cement screed. The material perfectly copes with the load, besides it provides thermal insulation.

Mounting plates

To fix the structures, galvanized helical nails are suitable, when choosing the length of which, one should take into account the thickness of the sheet and the total dimensions of the cake. You can also use self-tapping screws, for which holes are pre-prepared.

Due to the large mass of panels Special attention the recommended distances between fasteners must be observed. To do this, it is advisable to use special tables, which are compiled taking into account the value of the sheet thickness and the location of the fastener.

In addition to fixing along the perimeter, intermediate fixings are necessarily made on the tile, usually located in the middle part of the height. In the gaps, the DSP can be fixed half as often as along the edge lines.

Inserts can be formatted with conventional high-quality tools designed to work with materials of high hardness.

External finishing of plates

Sanding the surface layer is not worth it, because this can lead to an increase in the tendency to absorb moisture. When joining wall structures, there may be a need for leveling the height, which is somewhat more difficult to do than when working, for example, with a brick. In such situations, any grinder, the main thing is that the size of the grains fit up to No. 25, then damage to the structure will not occur.

For finishing DSP surfaces are usually plastered and painted. This reduces their ability to absorb moisture. The material lasts longer, does not crumble.


When working with DSP, it is important to leave a sufficient distance at the joints, which should be at least 4 mm indoors, and 8 mm outdoors. If this requirement is ignored, cracking of the seam joints may occur. A sufficiently large space is covered with elastic plastic or sealant.

External junctions are sometimes decorated with slats or profiles made of aluminum alloys; a special elastic cord can be laid inside at the junctions.

During the construction of private housing constructions, customers who want to ensure maximum fire safety for the building choose a project option with the manufacture of SIP panels from DSP sheets. At the same time, an inorganic heater of mineral origin is laid between two layers made of a mixture of cement and shavings. The resulting design demonstrates strength, environmental friendliness, fire safety.
