Problematic essay on the theme of the family. Problems of the modern family material on the topic. II. Generalization of the learned about types of speech

- You don't need him! He's bothering you! And I just need to hear his laughter. Necessary to live on...

- Not! the boy said firmly. - I need him, dad, mom ... He will grow up and become a good friend to me. I'm taking it from here.

- Okay, said the witch. - Let's change. This is for my brother. And in her hands were rollers, not ordinary ones, but those about which

one can only dream. But the boy could not even think about such an exchange! Grabbing his brother by the hand, he ran out of the hut with an arrow. Their journey home was hard. The old woman arranged all sorts of obstacles, but the guys still stubbornly approached their home, and the elder carried the younger one on his shoulders almost all the way.

How happy their parents were! How many tears and laughter! Mom and dad took turns hugging the children, and then hugged all together. When the whole family calmed down and the children were in bed, the mother sat down on the bed next to the boy, stroked his head and said: “I remember your request to give you roller skates for your birthday.” And in her hands were wonderful videos, not as beautiful as the old woman's, but most importantly, well-deserved.

427. How easy it is to live, floating down the river of life! To live like this, when every day passes for a person in convenience, warmth and comfort, without problems and the need to make this or that decision, to perform this or that act. An act that could change your life. It is easy every day to go on about your laziness and spinelessness.

It is hard to confirm the high rank of a person with your whole life. It is hard every day to fight for honesty, justice, truth. “The soul must work day and night!” - said the poet. It should, but it's very difficult. It is not easy from childhood to accustom yourself to the implementation of strict rules, the observance of which will later serve you well. Each

get up early in the day, do exercises, keep the body and spirit clean, observe StudyPort give a daily routine - all this will teach you self-discipline, which. will make a goal-oriented person out of you. Be honest, fair, don't be afraid

to stand up for the weak, to be able to defend one's point of view means to be a whole person. Do not choose convenient paths in life, but toil your way, no matter how thorny it is. And then, looking back, it will be possible to admit that life has not been lived in vain and there are no regrets about the past years and perfect deeds.


428. Reasoning is a semantic type of text in which some phenomenon, fact, concept is affirmed or denied.

The reasoning is built according to the following plan: the thesis, arguments proving it; conclusion.

This book is strange. There is in it, it seems to me, something mysterious,

almost mystical. Here comes the next new edition - and

it immediately appears somewhere in the statistics. But in fact, even though the book is, but it is not yet! Not until at least one reader reads it.

Yes, a strange thing is a book. It stands on the shelf quietly, calmly, like many other items in your room. But then you take it in your hands, open it, read it, close it, put it on the shelf and... that's it? Hasn't something changed in you? Let's listen to ourselves: after reading the book, didn't some new string sound in our soul, didn't some new thought settle in our head? Didn't you want to reconsider something in your character, in your relationships with people, with nature?

The book... It's a piece of the spiritual experience of humanity. reading, we voluntarily or involuntarily process this experience, we compare our life's gains and losses with it. In general, with the help of the book we improve ourselves.

N. Morozova.

That's it ... - arguments. In general - the conclusion.

This text is not a problem essay, because it does not contain any problematic issue and there are no signs of an essay. This is pure discussion.

429. The theme is the family in the structure of society. The idea - the family - the basis of society. The title is "Family and Tradition in Russian Culture".

Vocabulary reflecting the life of an old Russian peasant family: a hut, a courtyard, a stove, a tower, a smut, a porridge, a husband, a wife, a shepherd, a head, a cross, an elder, a big one, a big one, an older one, a worldly gathering, a big one, an older one.

1. The concepts of “genus”, “family” have become one of the key concepts in Russian traditional culture.

2. Since ancient times, in Russia, the main human relations have been associated with the family.

wearing. StudyPort 3. Among the people, a reverent attitude towards the family was maintained.

puppy servants.

4. The family was like the church clergy.

5. The ordering of relations between members of a large peasant family was facilitated by its complex hierarchical stratification

The problem of the family at the present stage is one of the most important in the social policy of the state. Today, there are many challenges associated with the family. Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, young people are not interested in starting families, mainly because they have nothing to support them. As a result, the birth rate of the population is falling, and, consequently, the percentage of the able-bodied population is decreasing with a simultaneous increase in pensioners. The growth of youth drug addiction and alcoholism also contributes to the destruction of family foundations. The increased number of divorces in recent years has a strong impact on the demographic situation in the country. So, we can state that until normal family relations are restored in society, there will be no end to our economic and political troubles.

As for my personal opinion, it seems to me that the concept of the family has changed somewhat in recent years. So, we, representatives of the younger generation, for the most part tend to believe that in order to create a family, it is absolutely not necessary to register your relationship with the registry office. Understand-

tie official marriage replaced in this case by civil marriage.

Our parents accuse us in this regard of lack of responsibility. However, it seems to me that in most cases the stamp in the passport is not at all a guarantee of responsibility and therefore seems to be only an unnecessary formality. The guarantee of responsibility, mainly, should be the upbringing in a person of such qualities as decency, honesty and respect for the rights of other people. It is this approach, it seems to me, that will make it possible to avoid to some extent such phenomena as single mothers, abortions and orphanages.

430 . The main theme of proverbs is family life.

With a good wife, grief is half grief, and joy is doubly. A treasure is not needed, if the husband and wife are in harmony. The bird rejoices in the spring, and the baby rejoices in the mother. Love and advice - so there is no grief. A gift is not expensive - love is expensive. The cat also grows fat from the master's eye. Not the mistress who speaks, but the one who cooks cabbage soup. The heart feels the heart. One heart suffers, the other does not know. And you love, but you destroy. Short, what a girl's memory.

431 . Topics relevant to society: "Fighting corruption", "Private right to land", "Compulsory military service".

Outline of an essay on the topic "Compulsory military service". 1. Compulsory military service - draft slavery. 2. The origins of compulsory military service.

3. How is the army formed in civilized countries?

4. Alternative service and professional army.

5. The law on alternative service of the Russian Federation - another sop call -

StudyPort to nicknames. .ru

6. Conclusion: Compulsory military service is an anti-democratic measure that needs to be abolished.

432 . "Passionate pursuit of truth" is the spiritual and creative search of man. The beautiful "in relations between people" is love and friendship. Conscience is a sense of moral responsibility. "Striving for excellence" is the human ideal; Vera. "Sense of justice" - attitude towards others as towards oneself.

434. What gives a person knowledge?

Knowledge gives a person, if not everything, then a lot. Without knowledge, a person would not know his past, would not be aware of the present, and the future would be foggy for him. After all, knowledge is a very broad concept, which includes the ability to behave, and an idea of ​​the world around, and skills in a particular activity, and much more. Imagine that a person would be deprived of all this ... What would happen? The person is probably

then he would be no different from an animal. Knowledge, therefore, serves for us not only as a guide in life, but also satisfies our most diverse spiritual needs. The need to learn new things, to discover the previously unknown - all this is inherent in human nature.

Studying is one of the ways to gain knowledge. Folk wisdom says: "Live and learn". Therefore, it is necessary to take the maximum from life in terms of education, especially now, in youth, when the character and worldview of a person are being formed. This period is also the most productive for study. “It is hard to learn, easy to fight” is another instructive proverb. It can be rephrased in accordance with our theme: the more a person knows, the easier it is for him in life.

Thus, knowledge gives a person the ability to live in society, helps him find his place in life and, undoubtedly, makes life itself more interesting and diverse.

435 . Logic is the science of laws and forms of thought; the course of reasoning, inference.

Judgment - a form of thinking, which is a combination of concepts, of which one is determined and revealed through the other; opinion, conclusion.

Inference - conclusion, conclusion.

Reasoning is a conclusion, a series of thoughts presented in a logically consistent form.

Thesis is a statement that requires proof.

Evidence - a fact or argument that confirms, proves something.

Argument - argument, proof.

Analysis - a method of research by considering individual aspects, properties, components of something.

StudyPort Synthesis is a method of studying a phenomenon in its unity and mutual connection of parts.

Logical unity - continuity, mutual connection of judgments. Induction is a way of reasoning from particular facts, provisions to general

drawing conclusions.

Deduction is a way of reasoning from general provisions to particular conclusions. Generalization - a general conclusion.

436. ON THE. Nekrasov "To the Sowers".

Sower of knowledge to the people's field! Do you find the soil barren, Are your seeds thin?

Are you timid at heart? are you weak in strength? Labor is rewarded with frail shoots, Good little grain!

Where are you, skillful, with kind faces, Where are you, with koshnits full of life? The labor of those who sow timidly, bit by bit,

Move forward!

Sow reasonable, good, eternal, Sow! The heartfelt Russian people will thank you...

Artistic and stylistic features. Metaphors: sower of knowledge, folk cornfield. Epithets: frail, cordial.

Inversions: folk cornfield, frail seedlings, Gradation: sow reasonable, good, eternal...

A.S. Pushkin "Prophet"

Tormented by spiritual thirst, In the gloomy desert I dragged myself, - And the six-winged seraphim Appeared to me at the crossroads. With fingers as light as a dream, he touched my pupils. The prophetic eyeballs opened, Like a frightened eagle's.

He touched my ears, - And they were filled with noise and ringing: And I heard the shudder of the sky, And the flight of angels on high, And the underwater reptile of the sea, And vegetation of the valley vine. And he clung to my lips,

And tore out my sinful tongue, And idle and crafty,

And the sting of the wise snake StudyPort In my frozen mouth .ru

He invested it with a bloody right hand. And he cut my chest with a sword, And took out my trembling heart.

And coal, blazing with fire, Pushed into the chest.

Like a corpse in the desert I lay, And the voice of God called to me:

“Arise, prophet, and see, and listen, Fulfill my will, And, bypassing the seas and lands,

Burn people's hearts with the verb." Artistic and stylistic features. Metaphor: spiritual thirst.

Epithets: gloomy, prophetic, idle-talking, crafty, quivering, flaming.

Comparison: prophetic eyeballs opened, like a frightened eagle.

Lyudmila Kosykh
Problem essay “Do you know your child?”

Problem essay on the topic:

« Do you know your child

At first glance, this question seems absurd. And if you think about its meaning? What our child can do, what he wants and what he does not want, what knows and what not knows how to help him? How should the requirements for it be changed so as not to harm? Is it possible to expect positive results of education if we do almost everything blindly?

And no matter how good our intentions are, everything that we teach a child will cost a little, if we do not preserve his health, if we do not help him develop spiritually.

To get to know the child more deeply, it is necessary to analyze his attitude to the world around him. Any personality is revealed in relation to study, work, your business, to the surroundings. By studying these relationships, one can also identify the basic qualities of a person, make an educational diagnosis and, in accordance with it, select methods and methods of education. There are relationship groups, consider three of them: child's attitude to your business; attitude towards others, attitude towards oneself.

Does he work because the result or the process of labor itself is important to him, because it gives him the opportunity to make discoveries, create, or the opportunity to gain leadership, achieve recognition?

The attitude of the child to work lies on the surface, successes and failures are always visible. It is very important not to replace the attitude with the result. The child wants to do something, but it may not always turn out well for him. Achievements in work, study are not always adequate to the child's attitude towards them. For children, the main thing is a positive attitude towards work, a desire to work, to understand the importance of work in human life. It is necessary to observe the child in different situations, and perhaps conduct conversations with him on individual problems. Conversations can arise after reading any stories, books.

It is very important to focus on family relationships. It is the family that affects the emotional well-being of the child. Meanwhile, the opinion that unfavorable children grow up in unfavorable families is not always true. There are many examples when difficult children grew up in a prosperous family.

There are parenting styles.

Family relationships can be represented as formulas:

family relationship system = (parents + parents) + (parents + children) + (children + children).

We will look at the relationship between parents and children. These relationships are called the style of family education. The mental and, in general, the overall development of the child largely depends on the style of family education.

Cinderella parenting. Parents who adhere to this style of upbringing are overly picky about their children, demand from them unquestioning obedience, observance of order, and submission to family traditions. They are hostile or unfriendly to the child, do not give him the necessary caress, warmth. Downtrodden, timid, always under the fear of punishment and insults, many of these children grow up in the future to be sloppy, shy, unable to fend for themselves. In some cases, children have a desire for self-affirmation through aggressiveness and conflict. Such children hardly adapt to new conditions. These children, acutely experiencing the unfair treatment of their parents and other adults, fantasize a lot, go into the world of fantasy, instead of acting actively.

Parents punish their children for not following the rules, for bad school grades, for not fulfilling their requirements, for violating many other prohibitions.

These parents care little about the moral side, it is important that the child be obedient and unquestioningly fulfill the requirements of the elders.

The strictness and excessive demands of parents often turns into the fact that children do not want to learn, they hardly concentrate their attention during the teacher's explanation. Authoritarian parents create in children an increased anxiety about the praise or blame of the teacher.

The step-by-step control of parents over the actions of the child excludes not only the possibility of freedom for him, but also excludes trust between children and parents. Under the conditions of distrust and restriction of freedom, the search activity of children is suppressed, initiative and imagination are extinguished. The older the child becomes, the more intolerant he shows to the demands of his parents. On this basis, conflicts arise, sometimes with a deplorable outcome. Children develop feelings of inferiority and rejection.

Education by constant care. Parents warmly treat their children, but control their every step, do not allow them anything that could cause displeasure of adults. Constant guardianship leads to the fact that the child is deprived of independence. His initiative is suppressed, he cannot show his abilities. Dependent, unsociable, infantile, unadapted to life, self-centered people grow up among such children. They get used to the fact that someone decides everything for them, and they have no choice but to obey someone else's evil will.

Education by the type of family idol. With this style of education, all the requirements and the slightest whims of the child are fulfilled. The whole family strives to satisfy his desires and whims. Children grow up headstrong, stubborn, not recognizing prohibitions, not thinking about the material and other possibilities of parents. Selfishness, irresponsibility, inability to delay getting pleasure, a consumerist attitude towards others - these are the consequences of such upbringing.

Education indifference. The child does not receive any warmth or attention in the family, he is left to himself, is not controlled by anyone. No one forms in him the skills of social life, does not teach him to understand "what is good and what is bad." These children may have serious behavioral problems. This is education, on the basis of which many forms of violation grow, up to illegal actions. There are many children among juvenile delinquents whose position in the family could be characterized as neglected. Significant efforts are required to correct the former fruits of upbringing.

Gift education. There is also such a style of parenting when parents do not spend enough time with their children, getting rid of them with gifts. Children brought up in this way, instead of receiving affection, warmth and care from their parents, receive surrogates of love from them. Parents entrust the upbringing of their children to relatives, tutors or random people, so long as the children do not interfere with their careers and work. Such upbringing is reflected in the psyche of the child, he does not feel happy, necessary to close people. As a rule, such children subsequently hand over their parents to nursing homes, depriving them of his worries in old age.

Trust education. Parents provide children with a certain independence, treat them warmly, respect their human dignity, often allow them to regulate your behavior, ready to help, indulgent to mistakes, bring up socially adapted, independent children, capable of cooperation and creativity.

The child needs the support of elders, the belief that if he cannot do something today, then tomorrow he will definitely succeed.

The psychology of family education puts forward the requirement for an optimal parental position. The position of parents in the upbringing of children is optimal if they accept the child as he is, treat him warmly, objectively evaluate him and, on the basis of this assessment, build upbringing; if they are able to change the methods and forms of influence in accordance with the changing circumstances of the child's life; if their educational efforts are directed to the future and correlate with the requirements that future life puts before the child.

The optimal parenting position is aimed at the good of the child. All education in the family is based on love for children. The love of parents ensures the full development and happiness of children.

Education by love does not negate parental control. According to psychologists who study Problems family education, control is necessary for the child, because outside the control of adults there can be no purposeful education. The child is lost in the world around him, among people, rules, things. At the same time, control conflicts with the child's need to be independent. It is necessary to find such forms of control that would correspond to the age of the child and not infringe on his independence, while at the same time contributing to the development of self-control. Instead of directive suppressive control ("do as I say") you can use directive control ("maybe you will do as I suggest"). Instructive control develops initiative, diligence, self-discipline.

It is difficult to change the established approaches of parents to raising children. The one who is open to new experience, wants to change his attitude towards their children, it can be recalled that child has rights: the right to date, the right to be what it is.

In order to recognize the child's attitude towards himself, it is necessary to pay attention to such qualities as self-esteem, pride, criticism and self-criticism, modesty, doubt, kindness, generosity, vindictiveness, selfishness, selflessness, etc.

These qualities and corresponding actions should be judged not by the result, but by the motive that prompted the child to take a certain action. The external side of the child's actions does not always correspond to his internal motives. Depending on the motive, the ways of productive influence on the child are chosen in terms of the formation of the positive qualities of his personality. There is no one recipe for all cases. Knowing the characteristics of the child's personality will allow you to determine the appropriate program for his upbringing.

Bad kids are not born. A child is born to know the world, not to anger parents or teachers. The real basis of a person is not his individual qualities, but his way of life. The child lives from the first minutes of birth, and does not prepare for life. The child is a social being. Every personality develops in communication. The child needs cooperation. In cooperation, the child turns out to be much smarter, stronger than when working independently.

Understanding the child, accepting him not only with the heart, but also with the mind, awareness his responsibility for the fate of a little person will help adults choose the style of education that will benefit both the child and parents.

Every day, hour, minute and even second in the world there are changes. We cannot stand still, but must keep pace with progress. To do this, you need to develop, absorbing various information from everywhere.

Recipe for success

The future of any person depends on the baggage of knowledge that is behind him. They will help build a solid foundation of precise goals and strong life positions. Knowledge comes to us from the outside world, flows throughout our consciousness and leaves traces for many years.

A smart person is a huge creative force that entails wisdom, wealth, love, longevity. Only perseverance and the desire to learn something new will give great success in any business. Anyone who reads a lot gets a large vocabulary in return. With each read book comes a clear understanding of the world, a character, life mores and principles are built. It is very pleasant to communicate with such people, you can learn a lot of new things from them.

Whoever has knowledge wins everywhere. (proverb)

Forward to perfection

Being comprehensively developed is not only interesting, but also useful for life. With knowledge, a person becomes self-sufficient, without demanding anything from anyone in return. All world merits, from the smallest to the global scale, belong to designated, intellectually developed people. The world around us continues to improve only with the help of new knowledge.

Knowledge prepares a person for the future. In order to achieve success in life, leaving a mark, as well as to become useful to society, you must always strive to learn new things.

204*. Write using spelling rules. Identify the topics of proverbs and sayings. Pick up synonymous proverbs, sayings, aphoristic expressions for one of them, and antonymous proverbs for others. Explain all cases of setting a dash.

1. (Not) necessary .. and a treasure if the husband and wife are in harmony. 2. The bird rejoices in spring, and the youngest.. mother's day.. . 3. Love and light, and there is no grief. 4. (Not) expensive gift dear love. 5. From the master's eye, the cat also flies. 6. Not the hostess who talks, but who cooks cabbage soup. 7. Ser (?) Tse hearts .. chu ..t. 8. One heart another (does not) know. 9. And yes 10. A girl's memory is short.

1. With which proverbs do you agree completely, with which - partially, with reservations, with which - do you disagree? Why?

2. Compose a text arguing or agreeing with one of the proverbs.

205*. Formulate 2-3 topics that are relevant for society or for you personally. Make a plan or theses of a problematic essay on one of the topics.

206. K. Ushinsky considered the following spiritual values ​​to be the most important for a person: a) “passionate striving for the truth”;

b) striving for beauty "in relations between people";

c) conscience; d) "strive for excellence"; e) a sense of justice.

How do you understand each of these spiritual values ​​of the human person? What would you put first? Why? Give justification in writing.

207*. "Happiness - how do I understand it?" Try to write a problem essay on such a topic. Choose an epigraph. Remember that you must have a reasoning essay, that is, a reasoned one.

208. Write a problematic essay on one of the following topics:

1) Is it possible at my age to choose a profession for life?

2) What is more important: who to be or how to be?

3) What gives a person knowledge?

4) My thoughts about the people of the Earth, their lives in the past and future.

When writing an essay, use the fiction you read, articles in newspapers and magazines.

209*. Give an interpretation of the following words (in writing). In case of difficulty, refer to the explanatory dictionary.

Logic, judgment, conclusion, reasoning, thesis, proof, argument, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization.

The means of journalistic style (social and moral and ethical vocabulary, rhetorical questions and appeals, invocative intonations, civil pathos, etc.) are used both in fiction and in poetry - classical and modern.

210*. Choose a poem that successfully uses the means of a journalistic style that increase the emotional impact on the listener, reader, awaken high civic feelings, calling for a feat, to fight for one's ideals, to a good, bright life. Prepare an analysis of the linguistic means of emotional impact in this poem.

oral presentation

The journalistic style of speech includes not only articles, essays, reports, but also oral presentations- speeches, reports on socio-political, moral and ethical topics.

The main task of an oral presentation is communication, the ability to convey information to your listener, to convince him, to prove his point of view.

In journalistic speeches, simple sentence structures, incomplete interrogative and exclamatory sentences, appeals are widely used, participial and participle constructions are used less often, they are replaced by subordinate clauses.

niyami, homogeneous members. Oral public speech is rich in phraseological units, figurative means, in it, more often than in ordinary oral speech, epithets, comparisons, metaphors are used.

In an oral publicistic speech, common vocabulary, socio-political, and colloquial is used. If questions of science or technology are touched upon, then there are also some widely used terms.

211. Evaluate the speech of the prosecutor and the speech of a well-known lawyer in the past, defender F. Plevako, described in the "Memoirs" of the writer V. Veresaev.

The old woman stole a 3 teapot worth less than fifty kopecks. She... was subject to a jury trial. Whether along with it, or so, on a whim, Plevako acted as the defender of the old woman. The prosecutor decided in advance to paralyze the influence of Plevako's defense speech and himself expressed everything that could be said in defense of the old woman: poor old woman, bitter need, insignificant theft, the defendant does not cause indignation, but only pity. But property is sacred, all our civic amenities rest on property; if we let people shake it, the country will perish.

Plevako got up.

Many troubles, many trials had to endure Russia for its more than a thousand years of existence. Pechenegs tormented her, Polovtsy, Tatars, Poles. Twelve languages ​​fell upon her, they took Moscow. Russia endured everything, overcame everything, only grew stronger and grew from trials. But now, now... An old woman has stolen an old teapot worth 30 kopecks. Russia, of course, will not be able to withstand this, it will perish irrevocably from this.

Plevako's speech turned out to be decisive for the jurors. They were unanimous in favor of the old woman's acquittal.

1. What technique in Plevako's speech was, in your opinion, the most powerful? How did it fit in with other speech means?

2. Mark in Plevako's speech the words and turns of high, solemn

vein style. What connotation is given to them in this speech? What confirms this special shade?

3. How do you understand the word twelve! Break it down by composition. What are the names of words that are not currently used? What stylistic connotation does this word take on in this text?

Each of you in your life more than once had or will have to speak to the audience, to prepare a speech yourself. It's harder than retelling someone's article, speech, or book.

What will help you succeed?

1. For an oral presentation, you must carefully
get ready. And this means that it is necessary to think over the content of the speech: what to talk about, what facts, examples to use, what sources to refer to, how and with what to argue; think about conclusions and generalizations.

It is important to know the topic of the speech well, to understand the essence of the issue, to understand the goals and objectives of the speech: what should be achieved from the audience, what to convince them of, what conclusions to draw, what to tune in to, what to warn against.

2. It is necessary for the speaker, speaker to be personally convinced of what he will speak about: one must defend one's opinion, one's point of view, one's approach, taking into account, however, the prevailing public opinion. This does not mean at all that one should think and speak the way everyone thinks and speaks. But if the speaker's opinion differs from the opinion of the listeners, he will have to speak, convince in a different way, not like in a speech to his like-minded people. In this case, it is desirable to start with something that can unite with the listeners, and only then put forward a thesis with which not everyone will agree, arguing it very thoroughly, referring to facts and authorities that are weighty for the listeners.

3. Remember the words of A. Pushkin about the speech of one of the heroines of his fairy tales: “But how it speaks, like a river murmurs.” So you need to work on your pronunciation. Speech should sound smooth and even, without tongue twisters and constant gestures.

4. Highlight the most important words and phrases, turns of speech, think about what expressive means of the language you can use in your speech (comparisons, epithets, metaphors, etc.).

5. The beginning of the speech should be structured in such a way as to immediately interest the audience with its main idea, argumentation, capture their attention, and then keep them in emotional tension all the time, make them like-minded people.

6. In order for the listeners to believe, “follow” your thoughts, try to influence not only logic, reasoning, but also your will, emotions, through intonation, expressive pauses in the right place, logical stresses, in some cases - through gestures, mean, but expressive.

7. In order not to lose the thread of the speech, have a brief plan in front of you, which should include: the beginning, the first phrases; main provisions, brief theses and turns, with the help of which you will move from one thought to another; conclusions, conclusion.

8. Try to think over your entire speech according to the plan, and then, alone or in front of one of your comrades, say it out loud (or record it on a tape recorder, voice recorder). So you can observe your diction, voice timbre, speech rate, pauses, check the correct pronunciation of individual words.

When rehearsing your speech in advance, outline where in the speech you need to increase your voice, where to pause, where gestures are required, questions to the audience, how you will behave if there is noise in the hall or laughter, or replicas or questions are heard.

When speaking, try to look at the audience.

So, public speaking, in addition to a good knowledge of the speaker of his topic, requires him to be lively, emotional, passionate about what he is talking about, and convinced of what he is saying, the ability to communicate with the public.

212. Write down the text, applying the spelling rules. Plan it.

Public oral presentations are common now in our lives. Everyone should be able to speak at meetings and maybe give lectures and reports.

Thousands of books have been written in all ages about the art (?) of your orat..dov and lecturers. (Not) it is worth repeating here everything that is known about oratory. I will say one very simple thing so that (would) the performance be interesting, the speaker himself should be interested in speaking. It should be interesting for him to state his point of view (?) to convince him that the material of the lecture should be attractive to him to some extent surprising. The speaker himself must be interested in the subject of his speech and be able to convey this interest to the audience to make them feel(?) the interest of the speaker. Only then will it be interesting to listen to him.

And in the speech there should not be several equal thoughts, ideas. In any speech there should be one dominant idea, one thought to which others are subordinate. Then the performance will not only interest but also be remembered.

And (essentially) always act from good positions. Strive to build even a speech against any (or) idea of ​​thought as a support for the positive that is in the objections of the arguing with you. Public speaking should always be from a public standpoint. Then it will meet with sympathy. (D. Likhachev)

213*. Based on theoretical information (“Oral presentation”) and the text of exercise 212, prepare two speeches: a) “Linguistic and compositional features of oral public speaking”; b) "How to prepare for an oral presentation."

214. Read the story of I. Andronikov (see p. 162). What conclusions will you draw for yourself about the skill of the storyteller? What helps to master this skill? Write about it.

It is known that in the 18th century Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin amazed everyone with his "oral stories". The author of "Undergrowth" is replaced and seems to portray Sumarokov. And How

P. A. Vyazemsky writes in Fonvizin’s biography, “amusing the nobleman (Potemkin), he mimicked his boss and patron in front of him,” because “he had the gift of mimicry, represented his boss in his faces - an innocent joke!”.

In 19th-century Russia, Gogol, Turgenev, Grigorovich, Pisemsky were reputed to be wonderful storytellers. But still, they were writers who brought the main honey to the literary hive. Oral storytelling was for them a gymnastics of imagination and observation, a test, an etude, and if it was fixed on paper, it immediately ceased to exist as a sounding word.

The genre of oral story with the exact measure of improvisation and plot was more carefully preserved and cultivated, perhaps, by the actors of the old Maly Theater. These were not monologues, scenes that they performed from the stage. An oral story, a story "from life" - everyday, autobiographical or parodic, arose in a moment of rest, behind the scenes, at a party, at a party. Mikhailo Semyonovich Shchepkin was known as an amazing storyteller in Moscow living rooms. Prov Sadovsky, with gloomy seriousness, but in such a way that everyone around him “tugged their tummies,” reproduced the monologue of the Zamoskvoretsky merchant about Napoleonder Bonoparte and the “Republic of France”: how Napoleonder wanted to take all of Europe under the fingernail, but ended up on the island of St. Alena, where there is no sky, no earth, no water, - one swell under heaven and the sentry walks ...

Ivan Fedorovich Gorbunov became famous in this genre, the author of the later recorded scenes “La Traviata”, “The Aeronaut”, “At the Cannon”, the creator of the legendary image of the retired General Dityatin, who had his extraordinary opinion on every occasion of life and politics and expressed it with stately aplomb under friendly laughter from those present.

Oral speeches from the stage of I. L. Andronikov about writers, artists, and scientists were very popular. Many of his oral presentations have been recorded and published.


This is the first attempt to translate into letters a story that for many years has existed only in my oral transmission and is one of the most important “oral stories” for me. But...

Paper is able to fix the text. And she is powerless to convey the "performance" itself, the game - the timbre of the voice, the manner of pronunciation, "facial behavior", gestures, "mise-en-scene", and most importantly, intonation. And thus intonation subtext.

As for the dinner, about which the story is told, here the impressions of many meetings with Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy and from the only one with Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov were combined (later, when I already performed this story in public, I saw V. I. Kachalov more than once). But at that early time, the lack of impressions made up for the memory of the performances with Kachalov, which I saw two and even three times.

Needless to say, the story was preceded by a multitude of intonational “sketches”, a long, almost involuntary search for intonations, timbres, psychological observations, and entering into an image, behind which one could guess the “structure of character”.<...>

I have known Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy for twenty years, at various periods of his life and under the most varied circumstances...<...>

Soon, in a circle of friends, and then in front of a wide circle of acquaintances, I began to reproduce with exaggeration the nature of his speech, judgments, jokes, and what he said, and what he never said, but in his spirit. And then I could, in his image, in his voice, in his manner, improvise on the move, without difficulty, because in those moments I was more of him and much less of myself.

Somehow the neighbors came to see him... At the request of the "public" I showed Tolstoy and Marshak. From Alexei Tolstoy they switched to Leo Tolstoy, they started talking about the play "Resurrection" at the Moscow Art Theater, about how Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov plays the role of "From the Author". I began to show how Kachalov reads, and mentioned the dinner at Tolstoy's. Schwartz (playwright) demanded that I show everything in order and in faces. (He often forced me to introduce new, as yet untried plots into circulation.) Then he said:

Now tell me how he arrived, how he met
his Tolstoy...

I was surprised:

I don't have such a story.

No, it will.

I don't even know where to start.

And you start, and it will begin.

At first they talked in the front...

So go to the front and start. I went out and called out in Tolstoy's voice:

Tusya, Vasya Kachalov has arrived!..

And he told everything without hesitation - about what you already know. He finished with the clatter of horseshoes, imitating this clatter with his tongue. Since childhood, I have been clattering, imitating the running of a horse, but I did not know what to apply these sounds to. Finally found a use.

When I fell silent, Schwartz, with a laugh, began to analyze and retell this story in front of me.

Since then, I have performed this story constantly. 4 In the clubs of the intelligentsia. 4 Away. 4 In concerts. In the troops of the Kalinin Front. on the southern front. In a partisan detachment on Smolensk land. As in my other oral stories, the text changed each time, in relation to the audience, to its ideas. And every time the verbal content and the degree of similarity were dictated by a sense of tact in relation to the topic, to the audience and, of course, to the persons I portrayed. But, despite the sometimes dashing transformations of the text, the existing structure remained. And many parts of the text are still preserved.

At first, I performed this story in the editorial offices, on the sidelines of the Leningrad Public Library, at the Pushkin House, and at a party. In Moscow, he began to perform at his evenings. Finally, Tolstoy saw himself. 4 And myself - Kachalov. 4 Then, together with Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, I came to Alexei Maksimovich Gorky. And it so happened that Gorky asked to repeat this story again and again for the newly arrived guests. And two weeks later I again had the good fortune to perform it for the fourth time in front of Gorky. And Tolstoy encouraged me with his benevolent laughter. Gorky, on the other hand, not only approved of the stories, but at the same time noticed improvisational

text differences. Then I performed this story more than once in the house of Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy for guests. Then...

Then it turned into a memory.

With the passage of time, the funny is captured less and less. And the story itself became stricter - in terms of execution. In 1946 I recorded it on magnetic tape. Then an excerpt from it entered the television film. And finally, the first attempt to put this text on paper. It is not for me to judge what came out of it.

Analyze the syntax of I. Andronikov's story: what sentences prevail in it, how are they formed intonation, how is this related to punctuation marks? Pay attention to the types of subordinate clauses and sentences with homogeneous members, to the use of participial and adverbial phrases. What is their role in this text?

215*. Learn to improvise, that is, to compose an oral story without prior preparation: a) on a fantastic or fairy-tale theme (with a description of the appearance of the characters); b) reproducing household scenes familiar to you, scenes from school life; c) on the plots of television and films, performances, works of art. Try to enter into the role of the character being portrayed, remember the course of events and at the same time constantly vary the verbal design, the semantic shades of the replicas, and the depiction of the characteristic details. Perform one of these improvisations in the classroom, in the lesson.

216. What do you remember most often when you are away from your home for a long time? Tell me about the details that come to mind most vividly. Tell in such a way that the listeners (or readers) will believe you, together with you they will feel the beauty and significance of what excites your soul, although it may be quite ordinary, simple, inconspicuous to the prying eye (tree, stream, cherished path, alley , favorite pastime at home, acquaintances, relatives). Title your text so that its title and content reflect the main idea. After oral playback, record it.

217*. Do you personally know a good storyteller? Try to convey in writing one of his stories, keeping the style and figurative expressions of speech (first orally, then in writing).

218. Write down and comment on each of the proverbs: how
does it characterize oral speech? Tell us about the content in
proverbs spelling and punctuation difficulties,
grouping them first.

1. Start .. l from the jug end., l about the barrel. 2. In the garden .. booz .. on and in Kyiv uncle. 3. Many words, many o.. work. 4. Heart .. word to the heart (?) Tsa income ..t. 5. Words are pearls, but when there are a lot of them, they lose their value. 6. The word s..r..bro is silent. .e gold. 7. The word is not in..r..beam out..t not flood, .sh. 8. Word of speech..t sl..way sings.

219. Write down the text. How do you evaluate the expressed in it
thoughts about good and stupidity? Prepare an oral presentation
about his understanding of the relationship and correlation of these two
properties of the human soul, their perception by different people.

Good (not) can..t be stupid. A good deed is never stupid because it is selfless and does not pursue benefits and "smart results". It is possible to call a good deed “stupid” only when it obviously (not) could achieve the goal or was “false good”, mistakenly good, that is (not) good. I repeat a truly good deed cannot be stupid, it is (out of) estimates from the point of view of the mind or not the mind. The good and the good. (D. Likhachev.)

GT1 The report is the most complex and responsible form of oral presentations, distinguished by the completeness of the disclosure of the topic and completeness.

In the report, as in other oral statements, one can single out the main thesis (basic provision), which must be disclosed, proved, and private theses. The basics of building a report, the requirements for it, are set out earlier, when talking about an oral presentation. However, the report, unlike other types of oral presentations, has its own characteristics..

1. The report is carefully prepared in advance, briefly, in the form of abstracts, each of its provisions is formulated. The general thesis is confirmed, revealed by private theses. Evidence is selected for each thesis: facts, examples, figures. The necessary conclusions and generalizations are thought out in advance.

2. The speech is built taking into account the main idea, the main thesis, those tasks and goals that are set in the report. How those present relate to your idea, to your thoughts, largely determines the course of the entire report, its construction: it becomes clear which aspect needs to be strengthened, which should be illustrated with examples, substantiated by authoritative references, and which can not be developed or completely omitted.

3. “For the success of speech, the course of the lecturer's thoughts is important,” A. Koni wrote. - If the thought jumps from subject to subject, is thrown, if the main thing is constantly interrupted, then such speech is almost impossible to listen to. It is necessary to construct speech in such a way that the second thought follows from the first, the third from the second, etc., so that there is a natural transition from one to the other.

4. The report wins if some problems are put before the listeners and they are immediately solved either by the speaker himself or together with the listeners. Experienced speakers successfully use an analogy technique that activates the attention of the audience: they give similar facts, solutions from a field of knowledge that is closer and more understandable for listeners, and then move on to the main essence of their message.

5. A report is well received if it somehow touches on the life, interests, problems of the audience you are speaking to, its current concerns and anxieties, perspectives and expectations.

6. Speaking with a report, you can use abstracts and working notes. A specific situation in the course of a speech requires (and quite often) special words, and sometimes a restructuring of the entire speech. At the same time, it is important not to lose the main train of thought, the logical connection between theses, proposals, to have examples, arguments, logical transitions in stock.

The report uses the words should, should, should, should be. Semantically empty words should be avoided: here, this, this is the most, so, well, that, as a matter of fact, they say, in a word, one can say, uh-uh and etc.

220. Prepare a report on the life of one of the remarkable people of science or art: an outstanding Russian linguist, geographer, physicist, public figure, artist, artist.


One must be able not only to make reports, report, take and give interviews, but also participate in the discussion messages, reports of other persons, in dialogues, disputes and discussions on emerging issues, be an opponent(i.e., to make objections) on a particular issue. What is important for this?

1. Try to argue, argue with reason, prove the truth with scientific, economic justification, convince not by the power of your voice, but by facts.

2. Defend your views (your own or another speaker, if you support him) turn into an offensive.

3. Do not get involved in empty polemics and do not give others a reason for such polemics.

4. Try not to resort to the means used by an unscrupulous opponent (distortion of facts, statements, avoiding the main thing).

5. Find the courage to admit that the enemy of your idea is also right.

6. To refute an opponent's position that is incorrect, from your point of view, there are many tricks, opportunities to prove its inconsistency. Here is some of them:

a) a false (as it seems to you) thesis is refuted by other facts that the speaker kept silent about;

b) the system of proofs is criticized: show that
the thesis put forward does not follow from the given arguments, facts;

c) arguments are criticized, the facts themselves, which can be considered differently (prove it);

d) a false (in your opinion) thesis develops further, to its logical conclusion and is reduced to absurdity.

221. Write down an excerpt from V. Rasputin's article "Look for a woman." What is the peculiarity of the author's position?

The sacrificial (?) awn and healing of the heart (?) were the mood of a woman and in enlightened circles (c) the flesh (before) the middle and even the middle of the last century, as evidenced by Russian literature, which has always been able to sensitively st. public sounds. Olga Ilyinskaya hopes ... to defeat Oblomov's laziness. Vera in Goncharov's (Oh, oh) break expects to soften the destructive nig..ism of Mark Volokhov. Sonya Marm.-ladova in Dostoevsky is ready to do anything to save Raskoln from despair .. niya. .kova, according to the disinterested (?) composition of her moral figure, are worthy of a monument if they are gifts to literary heroes .. now these honors - whose image could still serve as an indication of the greatness of a woman!

The history of mankind has more than one thousand years. During this time, people have gone through many stages of development, learned to use the environment, learned the secrets of nature. Technological progress has reached great heights: science does not stand still. What was the reason for such a growth of man, what helped him to move from the Stone Age to the age of high technology? I think it's knowledge.

In the early period of development, people were very vulnerable, and for survival it was necessary to learn as much as possible about the world around them in order to understand how to avoid danger. People came up with new ways to get food, learned how to build houses, tamed animals. Observing nature, man made a calendar, which helped a lot in housekeeping. New tools, inventions, technologies… All this has appeared thanks to knowledge.

Knowledge plays an important role in the development of mankind. Where do we get them from? There are many ways to find out. We get knowledge from observations, our own experience, books, the Internet and television, from other people. They may be necessary or useless, but they are necessary at least for the general development of man and society as a whole. What gives knowledge? First of all, the development of science and technology. Scientists in laboratories study objects and phenomena, thereby pushing scientific progress forward. Our life has undoubtedly improved with the invention of electricity, automobiles and new means of communication, so the acquisition of new knowledge has also had a positive effect on the standard of living of people and their comfort.

More knowledge gives freedom. The more a person is aware of the surrounding objects, phenomena and events, the more he orients himself in the world around him, and the more difficult it is for someone to impose his will on him. People whose knowledge is very extensive tend to rise above the rest and are able to manage those whose stock of knowledge is small.

If a person knows and can do a lot in some area, and even better, if these are several areas, then he becomes a master of his craft and due to this he becomes freer, because now he depends on fewer people and is able to provide himself with a decent life.

But the knowledge itself is not enough, it is also important to be able to apply them in life, which is written in the paragraph above. If you know a lot, but you can't use it, how much good will come from it? Knowledge should be useful not only theoretically, but also practically. As the famous Italian poet Francesco Petrarch said: “What good is it that you knew a lot, since you did not know how to apply your knowledge to your needs?” Therefore, it is not enough to study only theory, you must also be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

As we can see, knowledge is of great importance in people's lives. Without them, the progress that we have now would not have been possible. Maybe we would still live at the level of the Stone Age, if we did not strive for knowledge. Everything we know makes us stronger and better, giving us the ability to influence the course of life.

Knowledge is power! And the more we know, the more we develop and move forward. I hope that in the future people will learn a lot of new things and use this knowledge wisely to improve the world in which we live.
