Light in the bathroom. Lighting in a small bathroom. Adjustable lighting power

The bathroom is a place not only for hygiene procedures, but also for relaxation after hard working days. Here we bathe, do laundry, clean ourselves up, and can also take a bath, relax and gain new strength. Therefore, proper lighting in such a room is no less important than in others. Long years it was represented by only one lamp, often a lampshade with an incandescent lamp, hanging on the ceiling or above the door. But nowadays there is a wide variety of lighting methods, even for such a specific room as a bathroom, to make life more comfortable. First, let's talk about how to make lighting in the bathroom safe.

Safety rules for organizing lighting in the bathroom

The bathroom has a microclimate with high humidity, which must be taken into account when installing electrical wiring and lighting yourself.

You also need to make sure that the lighting is as close as possible to natural daylight, that makeup is applied correctly and that hygiene procedures are carried out conveniently. Certain rules must be followed:

  • Correctly calculate the bathroom lighting scheme; for this you can resort to the help of professionals. After all, alterations can be expensive later and take up extra time and effort.
  • Do not place open sockets, tees in the bathroom, and extension cords should not be used here either. It is best to choose special moisture-proof sockets; electrical appliances should also have a high degree of protection.
  • It is best to separate the electrical wiring in a hidden way. If the cable is laid open, then it must be protected using corrugation or a plastic tube.
  • All wiring in the bathroom must be grounded.
  • You need to choose only lamps that tolerate moisture well. At the same time, their metal parts must have anti-corrosion protection.
  • The power of lighting devices should be small, no more than 12 watts.
  • For the safety of swimmers, it is important to properly place the lamps in the room. Do not hang sconces directly above the bathtub to avoid contact of water with the hot lampshade to prevent the light bulb from bursting. You should also beware of exposed incandescent light bulbs during damp room– if a light bulb breaks, its flying fragments can cause significant harm.
  • All unprotected sockets and electrical appliances must be located at a sufficient distance from the water, at least 2.5 meters.
  • There are four humidity zones in the bathroom - in the immediate vicinity of the bathtub, sink or shower; space above the bathroom ceiling; half a meter from the edge of the bathtub or washbasin; at a distance of 2.5-3 meters from the bathtub and sink, where only condensation reaches. Depending on the humidity zone, you need to choose a lighting device more or less high level protection, according to their existing classification.

Number and location of lamps in the bathroom

Even while planning repair work You should consider the number of lighting fixtures in the bathroom. These days there are different variants lighting, which will allow you to make a choice based on your own preferences, availability of finances and design ideas. You can choose open or built-in lamps, but you should pay attention to the size of the room and the height of the ceilings. After all, the closer the lamps are to a person, the brighter they illuminate all the necessary objects.

Sconce in the bathroom

If the bathroom is small, you can limit yourself to one central light source on the ceiling - a chandelier with several shades, one closed shade, sconce or directional lamp.

But still, one source may not be enough, so experts recommend installing additional lighting working area– places near the washbasin and mirror.

Considering the importance of convenience when applying makeup and shaving, such lighting will allow these processes to be performed more efficiently.

If the bathroom is large enough, then you can highlight and highlight each zone separately - a wash area (sink and mirror), a bathing area (bathtub or shower), a free area (for example, for laundry). In a spacious room you can install several ceiling lamps - about six are enough. When choosing several lighting objects, their size and power may be less than if there is one central one.

Depending on their location, lamps are divided into types:

  1. Ceiling lights: This is a traditional type of lighting needed in every bathroom. They provide the main light, indicate the exit, and are often the only source of light in the room.
  2. Wall-mounted: used to illuminate functional areas of the bathroom, giving the room greater convenience and sometimes a special aesthetic effect.
  3. Floor standing: are optional, carry more decorative function. They give an unusual effect, sophistication, and visually expand the space of a small bathroom. It will be especially interesting to use multi-colored light bulbs. The power of such lamps is about 5 Watts, and you should definitely take care of good protection from moisture.

A new trend in bathroom lighting is the use of spot lighting. It can be performed using different types of lamps and performs the function of illuminating a specific area for a specific need. The lamps can be rotated to illuminate the object needed at the moment.

Let us highlight the following features of the location of light sources in the bathroom:

  • The light should be uniform and correctly distributed; we must not forget about the different functional areas of the bathroom.
  • Better to guide lighting not perpendicular to the reflective surfaces, but at a certain angle to them.
  • When lighting a mirror, you should hang lamps on the sides of it, or side lamps in combination with the top ones. This will allow you to achieve the effect of light reflection and the absence of shadows on the face and any unnecessary distortions.
  • It is better to connect different lamps with separate lines, so that, if necessary, you can turn on either bright or dim light.
  • You can also illuminate furniture, especially the contents of cabinets and shelves, in order to find needed items in such dimly lit places.
  • Separately, you can highlight and highlight a bathtub or shower stall, although this has more of a decorative function. Lighting would also be useful measuring instruments, lamps with low power will be sufficient.

Types of bathroom fixtures

Today, there are several types of lamps that can be used when lighting a bathroom:

  • Incandescent lamps.
  • Halogen lamps.
  • LED lights.

An incandescent lamp is a popular product, widely known and used in everyday life due to its availability, low price and instant ignition. It does not depend on temperature environment, works silently, but still has some disadvantages. This is relatively not long term service - designed for approximately 1000 hours, and strong heating. It is not recommended to use it together with plastic shades, fabric lampshades.

Halogen lamp - has excellent light output, copes well with thermal radiation, will last a long time, can be used in spot lighting on suspended ceilings. They have a power of 220 V and 12 V. But they require the installation of a low-voltage transformer, and also consume quite a lot of electricity.

Fluorescent lamps are distinguished by a wide variety of shades of light and are designed for a long operating time. But they can react to the surrounding temperature and voltage, and simply not ignite. They also operate with more noise than other lamps and have a power of no more than 150 watts.

LED lightening– characterized by low energy consumption and long service life, used for spot lighting of rooms. The only disadvantage is its high price - both for lamps and related equipment.

Using any type of these lamps you can create correct lighting In bathroom.

To avoid light distortion in the bathroom, you should choose a closed lampshade made of matte white or transparent material.

Cold spectrum fluorescent lamps are also not suitable, as they can distort what we see. You need to focus on the spectrum of natural light, especially considering that in most bathrooms the lighting is predominantly artificial due to their distance from windows facing the street.

Lampshades with stained glass will create interesting light reflections on the walls, which will add zest to the room.

Suitable lighting power

The level of illumination in a sanitary room affects the comfort of the residents there. Therefore, there are standards for the number of lumens per square meter room, that is, according to the brightness of the light flow of each light bulb.

For sanitary premises, 200 lumens per square meter is sufficient. At the same time, we must not forget about the decoration of the walls of the room: the darker the tone of the decoration, the more light will be needed for comfortable lighting.

  • Incandescent lamps with a power of 25 to 100 watts have a brightness of 200 to 1350 lumens.
  • Halogen lamps will provide brightness from 625 to 1170 lumens.
  • Fluorescent lamps will provide 1500 to 2000 lumens.
  • – the brightest, up to 6000 lumens, and they can be selected to suit any need due to the many configurations of such lighting.

Decorative lighting in the bathroom

If space allows, you can let your imagination run wild and add decorative lighting to the main one. It will add a special atmosphere to the bathroom and can create an intimate atmosphere. Now you can highlight whatever your heart desires - the floor, windows, niches, steps, the perimeter near the bathtub. There is even lighting built into the bathtub, but this is one of the expensive projects. You can install an LED strip around the perimeter of the floor and ceiling, which will create a unique effect. Ceiling lighting with a starry sky effect, installed in addition to one central lamp, will look amazing. You can make your own lanterns from shiny tin cans by making holes in the cans and placing a candle inside. They can be moved to different places, thus playing with lighting.

The main thing here is a sense of harmony, style, taste and imagination, then all ideas can be realized with best result. Or you can contact specialists who will develop a suitable individual project for the bathroom, will hide all the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages, based on any area of ​​​​the room.

So, organizing lighting in the bathroom is a rather interesting task and has different alternatives. It is worth paying attention to it to achieve the best effect and maximum comfort in a room so necessary for life.

The bathroom is a room in the house in which the lighting should be bright and safe. In this room, the conditions for the operation of electric lighting devices are difficult - humidity and temperature changes. Lighting in the bathroom requires a careful approach in terms of placement, direction, number of sources, type of fixtures and lamps.


The bathroom, if it is combined with a toilet or separate, belongs to the zones high humidity. Therefore, in the process of selecting lighting devices and their installation, it is necessary to remember to ensure the safety of their use.

Important! Lighting in the bathroom, regardless of its type, must be created as close to natural as possible.

Requirements for selection and installation:

  1. The wiring is hidden.
  2. The distribution box and switches are mounted outside the room - GOST requirement.
  3. The degree of protection of electrical appliances is IP 44. When installing lamps in the bathroom, this parameter is IP 67.
  4. It is better to use sealed terminal blocks to connect cables.
  5. For open wiring it is necessary to use corrugated tubes or special boxes that are attached to the wall.
  6. One lighting device is not enough. You need at least a lamp near the mirror, in other places on the wall.
  7. The socket must be placed at a distance of 2.5 m from the tap, no less. If the device is equipped with moisture protection, this distance is reduced to 60 cm.
  8. Extension cords (carrying cords) should not be used; it is better to install sockets with a reserve for each household appliance that can be used in the bathroom.

We should not forget that the number and power of lamps should be selected based on design idea, the finish used, its color, the size of the room.

Everything needs to be illuminated functional areas

Humidity zones

There are requirements regarding the selection of a lighting fixture based on its placement in the bathroom. There is a classification according to humidity zones. More specifically:

  • The first or places of high humidity. There may be water flowing here, there is a high concentration of steam. Such areas are located near the bathroom, inside the shower. Here it is allowed to use 12 V light bulbs, a lighting device with a protection index of IP 674.
  • Second. Areas near the sink, as well as those adjacent to the bathroom. There is a risk of moisture in the form of drops or steam. Lamp power – up to 24 W, protection index of the lighting device – IP 425.
  • Third. At least 50 cm from the edge of the washbasin or bathtub. It is allowed to use light bulbs of any power, the protection of the lighting device is IP 242, which is considered sufficient.
  • Fourth. This includes the rest of the space. Moisture comes in the form of steam or condensation.

Types of lamps, their advantages and disadvantages

Lighting fixtures used in the bathroom are designed to accommodate different types of lamps. Each light source used today has its own characteristics and specific application, and this must be taken into account when selecting them for such a room.

Incandescent lamp

Ilyich's light bulb is cheap, available in any store, but it is not for the bath the best option. It does not like humidity, so there is a risk that it will burst if moisture comes into contact with a heated lamp. Its service life is unlikely to exceed 1000 hours. Such lamps get very hot, while creating a weak luminous flux. It is highly undesirable to use them with plastic and fabric lampshades. In the first case, there is a risk that the lampshade will begin to melt, in the second, that it will completely ignite. Despite all the shortcomings, its cheapness still attracts buyers.

Important! The incandescent light bulb is the most “gluttonous”. It consumes a lot of electricity.

Halogen lamp

Such light bulbs are often used in spots. Their light output is many times greater than that of the previous version, they heat up less and last longer. On sale you can find lamps of this type that are designed for use at a voltage of 220 or 12 V. In the second case, it is necessary to install a transformer.

Option to use halogen lamps in spotlights in the bathroom


At proper arrangement The bathroom can be turned into a wonderful place for relaxation and rest. One of the most important conditions For this, it is properly organized lighting. If you use only one bright lamp in the center of the ceiling, you cannot always achieve a wonderful effect. On the other hand, you shouldn’t limit yourself to lighting only - general light is needed during cleaning, washing, or in the morning when washing your face. Therefore, it is better to combine different types of lighting in the bathroom, which will create the desired comfort and coziness.
Arranging light accents is not as easy a process as it seems. Light walls made from ceramic tiles, earthenware plumbing fixtures and mirrors transform and refract artificial light, creating glare that strains and irritates the eyes. However, when correct design bathroom this can be avoided.



The chandelier in the bathroom is used for general lighting. It is better to place it so that direct light does not “hit” the eyes, even when reflected from mirror surfaces. It is also important to choose the correct mounting height and location of the chandelier, because heated lamps can burst from drops of water, which are quite difficult to avoid during water procedures.



Installing classic sconces will add romance to your bathroom decor. Shades of diffused white glow from the lamp will help soften the light. However, it is necessary to provide another light source in the room to provide sufficient illumination for grooming and makeup application.
Sconces provide diffused light that does not cast shadows, is softer, creating a cozy atmosphere. It is best to place the lamps on both sides of the mirror to reflect the light evenly. This will completely eliminate glare and shadows on the mirror surface.

Ceiling spotlights


Spotlights are often used for directional or general illumination of certain areas of the bathroom. Built-in lighting is usually auxiliary to conventional lighting. If, in addition to the chandelier, you install spotlights along the perimeter of the room, then visually the size of the bathroom will appear larger.


Such lamps can be installed in the ceiling, on walls, or embedded in furniture.

Surface mounted ceiling lights


Surface mounted lamps are ideal solution bathroom lighting issue. They are easy to use, economical, and can be easily installed on any ceiling. Such lamps allow you to create comfortable conditions for cosmetic and water procedures. They are protected from dust and moisture by shades that prevent the entry of wet steam and shower splashes. By installing overhead ceiling lights in your bathroom, you can endlessly enjoy the radiant and warm light.

Pendant lamps (shades)


Lamps-shades are perfect for the main lighting of the bathroom. They are installed on the top of the wall or ceiling. The quantity is determined by the area of ​​the room; if the room is small, then one powerful lamp will be enough. You can also install multiple lighting fixtures on the ceiling or walls.

Directional light and backlight


In order to relax and unwind in the bathtub, it needs to be at least conditionally made into a separate corner from other plumbing fixtures. There are bathtub models equipped with autonomous lighting - a wonderful sight, but not everyone can afford it.


More affordable option is to highlight areas of the bathroom with directional light, plunging the rest of the room into twilight. This effect can be achieved using a colored glass lampshade or sconce.

Mirror lighting


There are several options for mirror lighting. When the light is placed on one side, it should fill the entire room as much as possible. In the bathroom, it is better to illuminate the mirror with diffused light. In other cases, you need to make symmetrical lighting to minimize the risk of glare and shadows.


This is an additional light source that can also be used separately. They provide pleasant dim lighting and decorate the bathroom.

Recessed recessed lights


Such lamps are a very good option, both for bathroom design and for saving energy. They are based on low voltage converters or halogen fittings. By adding a dimmer, you can adjust the lighting in the bathroom. As a rule, they are installed in ceilings, but if the bathroom is small, then installing them will be problematic.

Natural light


Natural light is the cheapest and healthiest. However, not all bathrooms are equipped with a window. And if it is impossible to install a window opening, there is an excellent solution, which consists in organizing a skylight. Through such openings, natural light penetrates into the room. The tunnel clearance can also be used at night and in the evening by installing a special illuminator in its frame.

Zoned lighting


Bathrooms large areas allow you to zoning the space using lamps. Basically, the sink and mirror areas are highlighted (where the owners put themselves in order), as well as the bath area (where they wash themselves). In this case, the light can turn on in the area where the person is currently located. You can “break” a room into zones using various lighting sources, these can be lamps, local sources, chandeliers, LED lights, etc. Here everything is limited only by the owner’s fantasies.

Colored water


Nowadays, anyone can arrange a real aqua show and unforgettable relaxation in their bathroom. This is possible using shower heads, faucets, LED heads, colored strips, etc. Such devices allow you to decorate the room with new colors, making the atmosphere more cozy and comfortable.

Such lights can have several colors and are very easy and quick to install. In addition, these devices can also have many useful and interesting features, allowing you to make water procedures even more enjoyable.

Illumination of water with lamps


Water lighting helps make the atmosphere of the bathroom mysterious, romantic and unusual. Of course, you can do this using special attachments, devices and other devices, but not everyone can afford it. But you can get by with lamps. They can be placed and installed in absolutely any place so that the stream of water falls exactly under the light beam.

Recessed luminaires


Such lamps are better suited for suspended ceilings. However, this is not the best option for the bathroom, since the beam of light from the lamps that are built into the ceiling is directed downwards without scattering. Most suitable solution is the use of lamps with a rotation angle that can be adjusted.

Furniture lighting


A bathroom simply cannot be imagined without various shelves, drawers and cabinets where you can store wash utensils, bathrobes, towels and others. necessary items and things. Bathroom furniture can be equipped with illumination from recessed spotlights, which will allow you to quickly and easily find the necessary things.


In addition, the use of such miniature sources will give the bathroom additional charm.

Colored lighting for some areas


Colored lighting of areas allows you to add individuality to the bathroom and make the use of the room more pleasant. In the bathroom you can highlight recesses and niches. Light colored accents can be placed in niches used to place various utensils and decor. You can make a few accents with a variety of colors. Many people will definitely like such solutions.
You can illuminate plumbing fixtures, faucets, furniture, etc. Even in a small bathroom, colored lighting can play a big role in transforming it. Besides appearance premises, such solutions will make the bathroom comfortable. You can create a variety of effects and make your fantasies come true.

And finally...

The power and size of light sources directly depend on their number. The more lamps there are, the smaller they should be. If you follow this rule, it is possible to achieve uniform lighting in the bathroom.

Playing with light is so exciting that sometimes we can forget about the simplest safety rules. And this forgetfulness can lead to dire consequences, especially when it comes to bathroom lighting. It must be remembered that it is imperative to protect light sources from direct moisture, and the wiring should be carried out by a professional technician, in accordance with all the rules.

The choice of lighting devices is determined not only by the room, but also by the personal tastes of the owners. Some prefer lampshades of standard shapes, located in the center, while others prefer spotlights. Let's look at how to organize lighting in the bathroom so that it helps create the right atmosphere.

Basic lighting rules

It seems that choosing lighting fixtures is not such a difficult matter. But the bathroom differs from the rest at least in that daylight the inside is almost completely absent. One light bulb is not enough to provide proper comfort. It is necessary to use intense light, general or local.

The modern market offers many solutions in this direction. You need to choose what is ideal for a particular room. For example, small and spacious areas require different proportions, both in intensity and in the placement of light sources.

Security questions

This requirement can be considered perhaps the most important. When choosing lighting fixtures, you need to carefully study the index with markings. Their decoding will be as follows:

  • The first number indicates how protected the device is from dust. If there is no protection, then it costs 0. Full protection is designated as 6, this is an important indicator.
  • The second number is for the level of moisture protection. If it is 8, it is completely waterproof. This means that the device will withstand even if it is immersed directly in water for an extended period of time. But appliances with the number 0 are not suitable for bathrooms at all.
  • The third number is the impact resistance value. This indicator can range from 0 to 10. If the value is maximum, then the formation of dents, chips and cracks after mechanical impacts of up to 20 J is acceptable. Some manufacturers refuse to indicate impact resistance, then the index will only have two digits.

IP 442 – optimal level, providing protection from negative factors. The location area and operating conditions must always be taken into account. The marking must be a minimum of IP 674 in the case of luminaires inside showers, next to washbasins. IP 452 – marking suitable for ceiling areas in the same premises.

LED luminaire IP 442

Types of lamps and selection criteria

The quality of lighting depends not only on the proper placement of lamps, but also on the power of the lamps. Typically, one suitable main device is selected, which is complemented by several auxiliary ones. This model is also suitable for suspended ceiling coverings.

Overhead lighting in the bathroom does not exclude the possibility of using combinations. For example, a regular ceiling lamp, complemented by spotlights.

Depending on certain factors, there are several types of lamps:

  • According to the purpose of use. Here we're talking about about additional decorative lighting, or general, working, main lighting. In each case, the location of the devices is selected separately.
  • By type of lamps. We can distinguish metal halide, LED, fluorescent, incandescent, and halogen lamps.
  • By location. The presence of protrusions above the surface allows us to talk about working with types of closed or open devices.
  • Based on work areas. Lamps can be found above the bathroom or in cabinets, near mirrors or doors.

Different types bathroom fixtures

It is advisable to calculate the load from the electrical network in the bathroom at the planning stage. It is recommended to install a separate machine on the branch due to the presence of high humidity. Then the network will receive additional protection from short circuits, fewer problems arise when organizing it.

Incandescent lamp

Easy to use with affordable prices made such products very popular. When turned on, the light bulb lights up immediately, which makes it especially functional. The performance of the product is practically independent of the ambient temperature.

But there are also a number of disadvantages. For example, low level in terms of luminous flux along with a short service life of only 100 hours. The bulbs become very hot, making them impossible to use under some circumstances.

It is not allowed to install an incandescent lamp in a lamp with a lampshade small size, with a variety of lampshades made of plastic or textile-based products.

It is not advisable to place an incandescent lamp in such a lamp.

Halogen varieties

Such lamps are often used in so-called spots. The main advantages are long service life, high luminous efficiency. It is assumed that an aluminum diffuser will be used, for which thermal radiation will not be a problem, making it possible to use it in spotlights, regardless of the surface on which they are mounted.

The power of such lamps is in the range of 12-50 W. In the first case, additional installation of a low-voltage transformer will be required.

What are the benefits of luminescent types?

Luminous flux and service life are even longer than previous models. It is assumed that different types of phosphor will be used, which are responsible for creating different shades. For example, with such products the light can be cold natural, warm white, daylight, and so on.

Models in the form of tubes can be used as independent light sources. This design has a drawback only in the sense that it actively reacts when the temperature and pressure drop, after which the product stops igniting. The operation of the light bulbs is by no means silent. Characteristically, there is a limiting power of up to 150 W.

LED backlight

Manufacturers say that LEDs can last up to 100 thousand hours in general, while they are small quantity energy whose consumption is active. Most often, lamps of this type are complemented by spotlights located on an area of ​​1 square meter and are used to create special lighting strips. Even thin glass will not be harmed by them.

Calculation of the optimal power indicator

The level of illumination largely determines how comfortable it will be to be in a particular room. After all, this indicator can even influence not only our nervous system, but also on vision. Therefore, corresponding standards were created, which indicate how many lumens should be used per square meter. This will allow you to understand which models illuminate the rooms how.

But when purchasing, many pay more attention to the energy consumed, which is measured in Watts. The brightness of light under specific circumstances is determined precisely by lumens. This determines how the bathroom interior will look.

200 lumens per square will be enough for most bathrooms:

  • With 40-80 W LEDs you need 6 thousand lumens.
  • 40 W fluorescent lamps require 2000 lm, 200 W - only 1500.
  • Halogen lamps at 230 Volts and 42 W suggest the use of 625 lm. If the power is 70 W, then you will need to apply 1500 lm. This must be kept in mind during repairs.
  • In the case of conventional incandescent lamps, 200 lm is enough. At 100 W you need 1350 lm.

Correct places to install lamps

There are always not enough light streams. Therefore, the ideal option is when the entire system has three levels:

  • Top level - ceiling lighting in the bathroom. Usually they mean a chandelier that is mounted in the middle of the ceiling. But, if the room is small, it is recommended to give preference to spot options. For example, in the form of several small lampshades evenly spaced on the ceiling, or along a common perimeter.

  • Bathroom lighting for work areas. Involves providing illumination for areas of primary importance. Here, sconces are usually used together with lamps; they are often located near mirrors, sinks and shower stalls. To illuminate the working parts of the space, the brightness of the light is important.

  • Downlighting in the bathroom. There are more decorative elements than functional ones. Designs are needed to decorate any part of the room. Backlight is used various types, but more often LED.

Types of lamps and methods of mounting them

The widest range of lighting equipment is presented on the market, which allows everyone to choose perfect option, which is suitable exactly in a particular case. Design intent, technical specifications and the installation method - this is what you should rely on when choosing.

The fastening method allows us to distinguish three types of design:

  • Built-in. These are the so-called “spots”, spotlights. In a small bathroom they easily serve as the main or additional lighting. Installation involves the use of special lugs and is carried out at the base of suspended ceilings. The main thing is that the interceiling cavity does not exceed 12 centimeters in the case of incandescent lamps, and 7 centimeters for halogen lamps.

  • Hanging. It is assumed that multi-arm chandeliers or single-lamp lamps are hung directly on a metal hook in the ceiling. It is only necessary to correctly select the power of the main lamps so that the light fluxes do not irritate.

  • Invoices. Many ceiling lamps are like this. They are suitable for any surface that serves as a base in a particular room. They can be made the main one or additional source Sveta. The structures are equipped with tips made of metal or plastic. Installation is carried out using hardware. Devices are most often produced with the correct shapes preserved, which is easy to see in the photo.

On video: tips for choosing bathroom fixtures.

Types of lighting

Lighting is divided into main, working, lower or additional, as already described above. Any lighting fixtures can be used: chandelier, wall sconces, spotlights and pendant lamps, overhead models. The most popular option is the point type of structure. Especially when additional comfort needs to be provided in the bathing area.

A convenient lighting option in the bathroom is lamps with flexible brackets. They are better protected from mechanical damage.

Lighting options

Lighting elements in the bathroom must be positioned correctly. Classical ceiling chandelier easily complemented by halogen spotlights; it is permissible to use decorative lighting around the bathtub, along the perimeter of the room.

Small bath

Techniques modern design small bathrooms are based on the fact that it is worth choosing the right wall color, equipment and decorative elements. The main thing is to ensure that the shadows inside the room practically disappear. The light should be bright, but not blinding.

Single lamps are used, but they do not allow energy to be evenly distributed throughout the room. It is better to correctly use several structures located on the ceiling or walls. There are different options for bathroom lighting; photos will help you choose the right one.

Related article: LED lighting in the interior of an apartment: pros and cons (types of devices)

LED lighting is the best option for water treatments in the morning or evening. Different types of LED strip allow you to realize any design ideas. The space of the bathroom will be visually increased if you place many mirrors around the work area.

Decorative lighting

Sometimes you can make it so that the light alone will create a unique atmosphere. There are many options for decorative lighting that will not only be beautiful, but also practical.

Ceiling lighting

Light shades finishing materials- not the only option. Can be used glossy ceiling other colors, but so that its surface is mirror-like. Then correct solution- lighting equipment that seems to protrude somewhat above the surface of the ceiling.

As an addition, you can make the ceiling unique “ starry sky", strewn with many LED dot elements.

Lighting on the floor

Floor lighting allows you to create an atmosphere that is more conducive to relaxation. Pedestals along with the sides of the bathtub are often decorated using LED strips and spotlights. The latter are often built into decorative screens, niches, under the bathtub, as well as in baseboard cases.

Mirror lighting

The issue of lighting a mirror in the bathroom is one of the most pressing. An excellent option is to install lighting elements around the object or use built-in models mounted around the perimeter. LED equipment, fluorescent lamps – optimal choice in such circumstances. The main thing is to ensure that the mirror does not have a blinding effect or additional glare, they will only interfere.

The correct light from the mirror should fall on the face, but evenly. On the sides and also above mirror surfaces install sconces under the lampshade or lamps with frosted glass.

Bath lighting

The bath itself can also be illuminated. To do this, most often two lamps are installed, one of which is directly above the bathtub. The LED strip around the perimeter of the bath will become optimal solution if there is a lack of light during water procedures. Colored LED lights will allow you to use additional healing effects.

Zoning with light

Using zoning, you can highlight certain zones in a room. In the case of a bathroom, this approach involves illuminating work areas, for example, near the mirror, sink, cabinets, etc. LED lighting in bathrooms in the area of ​​hooks and shelves is attractive appearance. This illumination is quite enough for normal functioning and use of space.

Multi-level lighting

The bathroom is one of the rooms where you can often observe some multi-tiered design. The same thing happens in the toilet. The top level is considered to be any lighting element located at a distance of 180 centimeters or more from the floor. Here there can be several light sources, or one can be used. There is no need to choose one to realize your imagination and ideas; there are no restrictions.

The middle level is approximately where the human eyes are. Here it is important to illuminate the area where the mirrors are located. It all depends on what manipulations are performed most often.

The lower level is no more than 10 centimeters from the floor level. IN in this case it's more often about various types decorative lighting. Optimal optionsLED strips or spotlights.

How to make mirror lighting with your own hands (2 videos)

Lighting design in the bathroom (70 photos)

Bathroom lighting is key point and requires some considerations before installation: 1. What type of lighting is best to use and how to plan it 2. Where to place the lamps, and how many of them are needed.

And to begin with, let’s immediately decide on the type of lighting, there are only two of them: natural and artificial.

Natural lighting - the use of daylight and sunlight for lighting interior spaces. Artificial lighting - illumination of premises using artificial light sources.

It is rare for a city bathroom to use natural light, so it is better to immediately understand the options for artificial lighting:

1. Built-in lamps in a suspended ceiling- the most optimal source The light for suspended ceilings is LED lamps, since they heat up slightly and have effective light output; you can also use halogen lamps with a mandatory aluminum reflector and ordinary incandescent light bulbs. Lighting at suspended ceiling is divided into several options that can be used individually or together:

Central- lamp located in the center

Spot- lamps are mounted throughout the ceiling

Along the perimeter

Starry sky- conventional or fiber optic LEDs are installed in the form of a starry sky, or various constellations

2. Lamp for a regular ceiling- V this option, the optimal solution would be a lampshade in the form of a plate or ball, which is mounted on the ceiling or wall.

3. Mirror lighting- It should be bright enough to provide even illumination and minimize the reflection of shadows on the face. For small mirrors, you can use lamps, placing them on both sides at face level, which is ideal for applying makeup; for large ones, install horizontal lighting - coming from above along the entire perimeter. In addition, the use of lamps with translucent white shades will help to avoid glare; lamps with transparent glass, on the contrary, tend to cause them.

As for the little ones, so for the large mirrors, it is most practical to install lamps independently of the general light, that is, they should have their own switch and preferably with a dimmer - this method will help save on electricity.

4. Shower-bath lighting- an area that requires additional lighting, here it should be noted right away that it is not a shower stall, which, as a rule, is already equipped with appropriate lighting, but an ordinary shower above the bathtub. The area where the lighting plays functional role, which will facilitate comfortable shaving, facial care, or for reading books and studying labels. For such purposes, special lamps designed for use in damp environments are best suited, and since they are made in the form of sconces, in addition to practicality, they will bring aesthetic beauty to the bathroom.

How many lamps are needed for optimal lighting in a small bathroom? Let's look at the example of a bathroom in Khrushchev, which is 1.9 x 1.6 m.

Units of measurement for specific rooms at 1 ft 2 and 1 m 2

Let's start by calculating the total area of ​​the bathroom - S= a x b (length times width).

S = 1.9m x 1.6m

Then we multiply the resulting area by the lux given in the plate. The first value in the table is the minimum illumination, the second is the maximum, bright, we will calculate both.

215 x 3.04 = 653.6 lumens (minimum)

540 x 3.04 = 1641.6 lumens (maximum)

Now we convert the resulting number of lumens into light bulbs, following the table below.

Incandescent lamp



Luminous flux lm

About 250lm

About 400lm

About 700lm

About 900lm

About 1200lm

About 1800lm

About 2500lm

Lighting a small bathroom with a minimum number of luxes.

Incandescent lamp



5-7W - 2-3pcs

2-3 W - 2-3pcs

40W - 1-2pcs

10-13W -1-2pcs

4-5W - 1-2pcs

15-16W - 1 piece

18-20W - 1 piece

10-12W - 1 piece

Lighting a small bathroom with maximum lux.

Incandescent lamp



5-7W - 6-7pcs

2-3 W - 6-7pcs

10-13W -4pcs

15-16W - 2 pcs

18-20W - 1-2pcs

10-12W - 1-2pcs

40-50W -1 piece

18-20W -1 piece

The bathroom is the room where the day begins and ends, so it is so important to install comfortable and functional lighting in it that will meet all requirements.

Bathroom lighting options photo
