How to make a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands. The operating principle of a smoke generator for cold smoking. Do-it-yourself smoke generator from a fire extinguisher: a simple and reliable option

To carry out the process of smoking products, equipment and technology are required. It is possible to mount the structure that does this with your own hands. Homemade device does its job perfectly. The smoke generator for cold smoking will correspond to individual needs.

This is a method of culinary processing of food products, in which they acquire excellent taste. Their shelf life increases. Spices and firewood from various breeds trees will make a variety of dishes from meat, fish, and poultry.

Cooking food by smoking - long process. A traditional appliance requires a certain amount of firewood and must run for several days. The combustion continues continuously. A smoke generator for cold smoking produces smoke, which is supplied to the cabinet with the processed workpieces. As a result, products pre-marinated using a special method are transformed into delicious dishes that are ready to eat.

The device of the cold smoked smoke generator has simple design, which you can install yourself. . The materials for this are sometimes at hand. The temperature inside the smoking cabinet is not very high, so the food does not burn. Smoke is obtained from smoldering sawdust, wood chips or shavings. The task is to make the combustion constant, uniform and somehow feed it into the cabinet. You can set up automatic operation.

A simple design goes like this.

  • Fuel (wood) is smoldering in one of the chambers.
  • The chamber in which food products are suspended is connected to it by a cylinder with a soldered pipe having an outlet. Air moves through it under low pressure.
  • The flow moves to the second chamber, followed by smoke from the smoke generator.

A combustion chamber equipped with a device that creates a flow of smoke and air directed towards the products is nothing more than a smoke generator. Its size should be optimized according to the principle: the larger it is, the longer the process. To make it with my own hands A milk can made of aluminum, a fire extinguisher body, or an old thermos are suitable.

But The best decision - create a smoke generator from a steel pipe with the following parameters: diameter up to 10 cm, length - 0.5 m. One side must be closed with a lid by welding. The second one is open, but a hole is made on the side for ignition. You will also need a side hole to attach a branch pipe (short tube - outlet), through which the air forced by the compressor will flow.

The location of the pipe is important. Optimally, it should be located further from the combustion area for the following reasons.

  • If this is not the case, then the combustion chamber will have height restrictions, which will lead to fire extinguishing.
  • And also the service life of the smoke generator may be reduced. Intensive smoke suction means rapid combustion.
  • The draft inside the smokehouse will decrease, especially at times when the compressor is not working.
  • If the pipe is low, wood chips can get inside and block the passage.
  • In area high temperatures(below) the pipe may have a reduced service life.

There are other options for manufacturing the intermediate part. Pipes can be connected using threads with the installation of a tee - fitting between them.

Principle of operation

A smoke generator for cold smoking produces smoke that flows through a cylinder with a pipe and an outlet to the chamber with the products. The air supplied under pressure carries it along with it. At the same time, it is completely absorbed by the product and does not leave the device. That is, it is consumed without loss. The larger the volume of the combustion chamber, the longer the food is smoked.

The smokehouse consists of two parts: for burning fuel and for hanging food. Firewood should only smolder, so fresh air little oxygen should enter this chamber. These parts are connected by a pipeline through which smoke flows. The more it is, the more intense the smoking occurs. There should be a hole in this middle part to allow excess smoke to escape. With its help, a rarefied atmosphere is created.

When smoking food for several hours, the fuel needs to be constantly smoldering. Firewood is added, which forces you to be nearby. By making a smoke generator with your own hands, it is possible to eliminate this need.

When the smoke from burning wood ends up in the chamber with the hung products, they become soaked, which gives the effect of canning. They also acquire a unique taste and appetizing aroma. The stages of operation of the device are as follows.

  • The smoke generator is loaded with wood chips or sawdust to a volume of up to 1 liter and sealed with a lid.
  • The compressor pipe is connected, the chimney is combined with the smoking chamber.
  • Using the side hole, we set fire to the wood.
  • The fan turns on. The smoking has begun.

The operating principle of a smoking smoke generator is implemented using an injector, the role of which is played by a tee with a fan. A rarefied atmosphere is formed in the chimney, which draws out smoke. The flow goes to the smoking cabinet. The side openings of the smoke generator provide a simultaneous flow of external air. Thanks to this, combustion occurs without human intervention. A built-in thermometer monitors the temperature inside. If the length of the chimney is changed, the conditions are adjusted from hot to cold smoking.


In order to make a smoke generator for cold smoking yourself, you need to prepare the following components.

  • Square or round stainless steel pipe up to 120 mm in diameter.
  • Pipe sections (diameter from 2.5 to 4 cm, length - up to 0.4 m) for the smoke channel for hot smoking.
  • A corrugated plastic hose (pipe) up to 3 m long or a metal sleeve with a diameter similar to that of a chimney. This is necessary for cold smoking.
  • Electric fan as part of a compressor. You can take it from the aquarium.
  • Tee fitting designed for pipelines with a diameter similar to the size of the pipes.
  • Switch, wires for connecting to the electrical network.
  • Temperature meter (thermometer).

Cooking smoking is not only a tasty result, but also an interesting process that requires creative approach, skills and experience. Many people don't want to buy anymore ready-made systems for smoking, so they decide to create a smoke generator with their own hands. At first glance, this may seem quite difficult task, But actually it is not. If you have the desire and a small list of materials and tools, you can independently build an excellent smoking installation, with the help of which the taste of the holidays will take on completely new shades.

Interestingly, smoked products can be useful not only for direct consumption at holidays held in nature. Smoking is also known as an excellent preservation method. Products processed in this way (meat, lard, fish) can perfectly retain their beneficial and tasteful qualities for a long period of time. This is why many people often want to get a smoke generator for a smokehouse so that they can use it to prepare food for storage.

Before getting down to work, it is recommended to understand what the unit in question is. A smoke generator is a device that creates a directed stream of smoke that appears during the combustion of fuel, which in most cases is firewood. The approximate structure of a typical fog generator looks like this:

  • The device must have an inlet for the flow of smoke emanating from the combusted fuel.
  • A connection is supplied to it through which air is supplied at high pressure. It is created through the use of a compressor.
  • Under the influence of the compressor, a stream of smoke rushes to another part of the device and exits into the smokehouse.

A smoke generator for smoking is a small cylindrical device whose task is to distill smoke from burning wood into the smokehouse. The device is completely simple and easy to manufacture; its construction does not require large expenses and the use of complex tools.

The peculiarity of this type of device is its very high PDC value. Since the smoke follows the air flow from the compressor (which should not be too large), there is practically no loss of useful working substance. Anything can be used as a reservoir for smoke distillation:

  • body of an old fire extinguisher;
  • an old aluminum milk can;
  • non-working thermos.

The best option would be to use a steel pipe with a diameter of approximately 8–10 centimeters and a length of no more than half a meter. On too long length the smoke will lose its temperature, speed of movement, dissipate and lead to ineffective operation of the device.

Manufacturing Basics

In general terms, the process of creating a smoke generator with a steel pipe looks like this:

  1. First, it is closed on both sides with plugs. On one side, you can weld the pipe tightly, but on the other, leave a tight lid through which fuel for combustion will be loaded into the installation.
  2. In one side on the side (where the fuel will lie) it is done big hole(rectangular or round), through which firewood and wood chips should be ignited.
  3. A hole is made on the other side of the pipe and a pipe is connected to it. It is needed to supply air under pressure from the compressor, due to which the smoke will be drawn out of the device and supplied to the right place.

In order for a smoke generator for a smokehouse created in this way to work well, you need to place the outlet pipe for the working substance in the optimal position. It is recommended that it be located above the combustion zone, as this will help overcome several significant negative effects:

  • The size of the combustion chamber will not be limited in height; it will be possible to install large quantity chips or firewood.
  • Rapid combustion of fuel due to too much draft.
  • Regulating the draft with a pipe located above the combustion level will be much easier and more efficient.
  • Unburned wood chips get into the pipe, which may cause it to become clogged and require cleaning.
  • The working life of the nozzle will be significantly reduced if it is located in the combustion zone.

Constant exposure to high-temperature flames contributes to rapid wear of the material and loss of its performance and strength characteristics. If you follow these recommendations, the owner will definitely have an excellent smoke generator with his own hands, capable of working for a long time and bring benefits to its owner.

Simple DIY smoke generator

To make good device, with which you can cold smoke food, you need very little material and available tools. An ordinary steel pipe with a diameter of 10 cm will make an excellent combustion chamber. On one side it should have a welded part, on the other - an opening lid. On the side of the welded part, a small hole is made to ignite the fuel; on the side of the lid, a hole is made to connect the pipe, through which the smoke will be directed into the smokehouse.

Other key components of the installations still need to be manufactured.


A smoke generator for a smokehouse does not require a high-power compressor. Here it is enough to use the simplest device with a power of only 4–5 W. Such compressors are actively used for aquariums. Their cost is low, and their operating efficiency is quite sufficient to create a fully functional smoke generator.

For those who want to save money here and create their own compressor, there are also options, and here is one of them. To implement it you need a regular computer fan And plastic bottle for five liters. The compressor development process is as follows:

  • You need to cut out the bottom of the bottle and insert a PC cooler into the hole. You can secure it with self-tapping screws or pieces of regular wire.
  • You need to attach a hose where the bottle cap is screwed on.
  • It is important to do this in such a way that the connection is airtight, otherwise its operation may be in doubt.

That's all. The homemade compressor is ready and the smoking installation will become even more budget-friendly.

Smoking chamber

It is important to think over the design of the smokehouse itself, where the products that need to be processed will be located. Anything can serve as the required reservoir:

  • a rectangular box with a door welded from metal sheets;
  • old metal barrel.

If there is a non-worker lying around on the farm that no one needs old refrigerator, then it is ideal as a smokehouse. To blow smoke into this device, you can simply lead a hose to it from the nozzle.

Important nuances

In order for a smoke generator for a smokehouse to function as it should, you need to carefully consider some of the features of its operation. This primarily concerns such things as adjusting the combustion draft, collecting ash and combating unwanted condensation.

In the simple design of a smoking generator, one significant problem can arise - it is difficult to regulate the intensity of the combustion process. The main options for influencing this parameter are: adjusting the power of the compressor and installing a so-called blower. The first option is often impossible, since the system will use the simplest or homemade compressor. All that remains is to spend some effort on the construction of the blower.

Making a smoke generator with your own hands, the best way adjusting the draft will create a damper of variable area. This is done like this:

  1. A hole is made in the lower part of the steel pipe body (smoke generator body) and a short piece of pipe is welded to it.
  2. In this pipe you need to make two parallel holes into which a steel rod will be inserted.
  3. A round or round plate should be made for the rod itself. square shape(depending on the pipe used for the blower) and install it inside the structure.

Now the draft in the device is adjustable - you just need to turn the rod in the blower, increasing or decreasing the level of opening of the plate.

Additional settings

If you plan to use the smokehouse regularly, then it would be useful to provide an ash pan in order to periodically, without unnecessary effort, remove the remains of burned fuel. It can be made from a pipe of a slightly larger diameter than that used in the device, with a door mounted on the side. Between the combustion chamber and the ash pans is located metal grid, through which the ash falls down and is periodically removed.

When you need to use the smokehouse in the cold season, you will have to face the problem of condensation in the pipe. This can be worked around as follows. The pipe, instead of running perpendicular to the body of the device, is lowered to the ground, where a pair of tubes are welded to it:

Smoke generator with ash pan

  • one faces down and removes condensed liquid from the device;
  • the other rises up again and passes the smoke further into the smokehouse.

When planning to make a smoke generator with your own hands, it is recommended to think about this point in advance. Cold smoke will easily rise up the tube and enter the product processing chamber, and residual moisture will simply flow down the lower tube into the provided container and will not create any problems.

Making a smoke generator from an electric stove

For those who don't like difficult decisions, there are always simpler options. The most basic smoke generator can be made with your own hands using a simple electric stove. It is done like this:

  • A metal container (which will no longer be needed on the household) with sawdust poured into it is placed on the electric stove.
  • A wide metal “body” is installed on top of the tiles, for example, from a barrel without a bottom or top.
  • At the top of the barrel, a primitive fastening is created for placing products (tensioned wire, crossed rods, etc.).
  • The stove turns on and smoke begins to emit.

Smoking takes approximately 3–4 hours. The advantages of the method are that there are no problems in manufacturing a smoking cabinet; the entire design is extremely simple and very cheap.

If you are going to make a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands, then there is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to stock up on a small supply of material, a steel pipe, and also welding machine and the idea will come to life in a matter of hours.

Smoking meat and fish products, as a way to give them a unique taste and aroma, as well as to preserve them to increase shelf life, has been known for a very long time. Smoked fish is an expensive and at the same time very healthy delicacy. Smoked chicken or lard are rich sources of protein for the body. Many fellow citizens, buying these delicacy products in the store, wonder whether it is possible to prepare aromatic smoked fish or chicken on their own.

With the spread of the Internet, information about smoking methods, devices for this and ways to make these devices from scrap materials with your own hands has become publicly available. Fashion also played an important role in the spread of home smoking. The trend of eating environmentally friendly products is pushing people to invent. As Lenin would say, “the creative energy of the masses” gives birth to more and more new designs for home smokehouses.

Actually, the definition contains meaning.

Cold smoking is a process of processing products with smoke, the temperature of which does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. This type of smoking takes from 3 hours to several days, depending on the mass and type of product, and smoke temperature.

Hot smoking is a similar procedure, the only difference being that the processing is also accompanied by thermal effects. The smoke temperature during this preparation ranges from 45 to 120 degrees Celsius. The time spent on hot smoking is much less, 2-4 hours is enough, but cold smoked products will last longer.

Both methods of smoking meat, fish or chicken can be accelerated using a high-voltage electrostatic field and smoke ionization.

Smoking as a method of food preservation has been known for a very long time. Today it has not lost its relevance, not so much because of the long shelf life, but because of the taste qualities that the product acquires. In this article we will talk about how to make a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands.

Traditional cold smoke smokehouse setup

Regardless of the type of smoking, the source of smoke is the fire. When cold smoking, the main thing is that the smoke is cold or warm, but not hot. The maximum temperature is about +40°C. To do this, the fire is lit several meters from the smoking cabinet, and a chimney pipe is laid between them. Passing along this path, the smoke cools to acceptable temperatures.

Installing a chimney is a long process. The smoke path must ensure normal heat removal and must be sealed. To create a chimney, you can use a standard metal chimney(but not made of galvanized steel), but in order for the smoke to cool better, it is advisable to bury the pipe in the ground. All in all, not an easy task. This is why they prefer to make a hot smoked smokehouse - less problems- set a barrel over the fire and smoke...

But there is a simple smoke generator for cold smoking, which will cost literally several thousand. But to work you will also need the ability to handle it. Everything else can be bought at the market or in hardware store. If you have all the components, you can assemble a smoke generator for smoking with your own hands in an hour or two.

A simple smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands

If you do not need production volumes, you can make a small and simple smoke generator from metal pipe. A body is made from the pipe, into which sawdust or shavings are stuffed. The shavings are ignited from below, the smoke rises upward, where it is discharged using a welded pipe into the smoking chamber. To enhance traction, a low-power compressor is connected to the upper part of the housing - with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters/min. That is, you can use an aquarium compressor or a unit from an old refrigerator. If you have a choice, then an aquarium one is preferable, since it can be used to regulate the intensity of the smoke output.

The smoke coming out of this smoke generator is slightly warm. The source of fire is very small, the fire spreads slowly, and the resulting smoke slowly rises through the sawdust. It cools down and the sawdust dries out. In general, everything works perfectly.


For the smoke generator body you can use:

  • round pipe with a diameter of 80-90 mm;
  • profiled pipe with a side of 80 mm or more.

The larger the cross-section, the more sawdust can be placed inside, the longer the smoke generator for cold smoking will work on one stack.

The length of the pipe is 60 cm or more. Optimally - about 1 meter. Again, the larger the pipe, the greater the amount of fuel that can be placed. On the other hand, a smoke generator that is too large is inconvenient to refill and clean, as it turns out to be heavy and bulky.

Cold smoked smoke generator - one of the options

You will also need a 3/4 inch pipe - a piece of 30 centimeters or more. 1/4 inch or so tubing. Its length is selected ready-made, but 20 cm should be enough.

You also need a mesh. This can be any metal mesh with a mesh size of 2-3 mm or a plate with frequent holes. For the legs, find small pieces of rod/rebar/metal strip. Some designs can do without them, but with them the design is more stable.

You also need a compressor with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters/min, preferably with the ability to adjust the performance. Aquarium compressors meet these requirements. And you need a fitting so that you can connect the pipes from the compressor through it.


We will describe a smoke generator for cold smoking based on profile pipe section 100*100 mm. WITH round pipe the process is almost the same, but welding tubes is more difficult if you have little experience in welding work, it is better to use a profiled (square) pipe.

  • At a distance of 2 cm from the bottom edge, use a grinder to make cuts on two opposite sides.
  • We cut out a square from the mesh, slightly larger than the cross-section of the pipe. We insert it, securing it in opposite cuts.

  • On the other side we weld a piece of 3/4 inch pipe.

  • Strictly opposite, you need to weld a fitting to connect the compressor. It must be positioned so that its center coincides with the center of the already welded three-quarter pipe.
  • Now take a thin tube. It must be inserted into the fitting, it must pass through the body and enter the opposite tube by 1 cm. No more, but no less. Air from the compressor enters through this tube. By creating draft, it stimulates combustion. By adjusting the power of the compressor, the intensity of the smoke output is regulated.

  • Making a lid. We cut out a square from a piece of metal, slightly larger in size than the cross-section of the body pipe. We make a hole in the center and install a handle. Preferably wooden. Although the smoke is not hot, the body is heated by the “fire” that burns in the lower part. This cover is not very convenient, as it falls off. Having outlined the outline of the pipe, we step back a couple of millimeters from the resulting line and weld a strip of metal 1 cm wide or so. This lid doesn't come off anymore.

  • From below, where the mesh is fixed, we weld four pieces of rod/reinforcement. These are the legs.

That's all. Homemade smoke generator for cold smoking. Ready. It can be experienced. For ease of use, you can also weld the legs. And remember that coals and ashes will spill out through the mesh, so you should install the smoke generator for cold smoking on a non-flammable area.

How does it work

Dry shavings are placed in the pipe. You can use sawdust, but then a spring is put on a thin tube located in the upper part, which reaches the length of the mesh itself. The condition and quality of the spring are not important. Its diameter is important - about 2 cm. Why is it needed? To activate combustion and normal smoke output.

When the body is filled with sawdust, they lie tightly, making it very difficult for the smoke to escape, the air intake is very weak, everything burns barely. The spring is needed to activate combustion. Smoke comes out through it, creating draft (from the mesh - through the spring - to the outlet pipe.

Set fire to the bookmark from below - through the mesh

After filling the body with sawdust, they are set on fire from below. This can be done using gas burner, tilting the smoke generator for smoking on its side. When the chips start to burn, put on the lid and turn on the compressor. If the shavings/sawdust are dry, smoke begins to actively enter the stasis. That's all. You have made a smoke generator for cold smoking with your own hands.


The design described above is fully functional. But it has many disadvantages and is not very convenient. Based on the results of its use, modifications and improvements were made.

Adjustable traction

One of the main disadvantages of the described design is poor adjustment combustion intensity. It can be slightly changed by adjusting the compressor performance. An adjustable blower can be added to the design. It can be made according to the gate principle:

That's it, the adjustable damper is ready. Turn it, adjust the intensity of air flow, adjusting the intensity of combustion.

Ash pan

Another drawback is that ash spills through the mesh. You can install a smoke generator on metal plate, but you can make an ash pan. By the way, the gate can be made in an ash pit. This will be more correct, since the air leak can be almost blocked, which cannot be achieved with a damper in the housing - the air enters through the mesh.

Ash pan - a small container slightly larger in size than the body

The ash pan is made from a piece of pipe with a slightly larger cross-section than the pipe on the body. If you don't have one, you'll have to cook it. The bottom is welded to a piece of pipe, and a thin strip of metal is welded to the body around the perimeter. The body is inserted into the ash pan (the legs are also welded to it).

Condensate collection

When a smoke generator for cold smoking operates, condensation occurs. This makes life difficult, especially if the temperature outside is low. You can solve the problem by making a condensate collector. For this:

With this device, a significant part of the condensate ends up in the container. The problem is not so acute.

The simplest smoke generator from an electric stove

If you need smoked meats “right now,” you can use a very simple method: you need electric stove, a barrel without a bottom or a piece of large diameter pipe, a wire mesh with a cell of at least 10*10 cm, a sheet of plywood or iron. Also - sawdust and “object of smoking”.

This type of cold smoked smokehouse is usually placed outside, in the backyard. We need to clear the patch of vegetation and install an electric stove. Place a metal container on it (which you don’t mind throwing away). Sawdust is poured into the container.

In the upper part of the barrel/pipe, moving 10-5 cm from the top edge, drill four holes. They are located diametrically or opposite each other. We thread pins through them. You can use metal rods, or you can use sticks. The choice depends on the weight of the products being stacked or what is available. The rods themselves can be arranged crosswise or as two parallels, located approximately 1/3 of the diameter of the smokehouse body. We lay a mesh on top of this support, with products attached below. Cover the smokehouse with plywood or a sheet of metal.

Turn on the tile. After some time, the sawdust begins to smoke. The “working” time on one tab depends on the amount of sawdust poured, but on average it is 3-5 hours. Then you have to put the body aside, add sawdust, and put everything in place. It’s hard, inconvenient and fraught with “accidents”. But the design is very simple, this is a “camping” option, which does not involve any amenities.

Another disadvantage is that you can adjust the smoke intensity using a mono tile regulator, but doing this in this form is inconvenient - again, you have to move the body. You can get rid of these shortcomings by making a door at the bottom. With its help, it will be possible to regulate the air flow and change sawdust.

Smoke generator stove for cold smoking

If higher productivity is required, cook a simple stove. It can be made from the same large-diameter pipe or a rectangular body can be welded from metal. Weld the door, make chimney, fixed at an angle. That's all the difficulties. Need more inner space split horizontally fixed metal sheet into two parts. The lower part is larger, the upper part is smaller. A fire is lit below and sawdust is poured onto the sheet. The rest of the process is known.

From stove chimney a pipe is laid to the smoking cabinet. It should have an upward slope, albeit a small one. In this case, the entrance to the cabinet should be located in the lower part so that the smoke envelops all the products. Therefore, the cabinet is installed on a platform, legs, or pedestal. To save space, you can install a smoke generator stove under a cabinet by welding a structure from a metal corner.

Smoke generator - free-standing stove

But with this design, the smoke can be too hot. To cool it you need additional measures. An alternative is to find a larger diameter pipe and put it on the main chimney. Install the cooler so that the air flow is directed into the gap between the pipes.

Another option is to make something like a water jacket, during smoking you also get hot water. But where to put it is the question. Although, warm water It will always come in handy on the farm.

A smoke generator for cold smoking of this type requires more costs - metal or thick wall pipe, plus a chimney. Moreover, it is better not to make a chimney from galvanized steel - zinc is not a metal that is good for health. Asbestos should not be used either. Firstly, it does not remove heat well, and secondly, it is even more harmful than zinc. Therefore, the choice in this regard is small - order pipes made of black steel or buy stainless steel. Here everyone decides for himself.

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