How to cool a room. How to cool a room without air conditioning: salvation from the summer heat. My home is my bathhouse

Until recently, regulation of microclimate parameters was associated only with air conditioning equipment. But as the requirements for changing individual parameters of the air environment grow in the market climate systems Specialized devices began to appear. Such devices include air coolers, which purposefully lower the temperature and, if necessary, can also perform the functions of ionization and humidification.

Operating principle of coolers

Exist different types humidifiers, but they all work by spraying water. A small reservoir is installed in the device body, which serves as a kind of cooling source. In front of it in the same housing there is a fan unit. During operation, the mobile air cooler generates currents that fill the room, changing its characteristics. The fundamental difference between coolers is the ability to humidify the air, while mobile air conditioners dry it.

A mesh filter is used to spray small particles of water - a fan passes air currents through it. For this reason, air coolers must be filled with water regularly. It is poured into a special tank working fluid. In some cases, automatic filling is carried out if the system is connected to a central water supply.

Types of devices

The main difference between cooler models is functionality. As already noted, such devices not only change the temperature regime, but are also responsible for humidification. Actually, based on these criteria, two main types of equipment can be distinguished - these are coolers themselves, as well as evaporators. The work of standard coolers is to lower the temperature and saturate it with moisture. At the same time, evaporators are also capable of providing an air cleaning effect. But the temperature reduction function of such models is ineffective. Devices also differ in type of design. The traditional air cooler is a floor-mounted one, which allows the body and its quick installation anywhere without connecting to engineering networks. But there are also wall-mounted and even suspended structures, which save space and often turn out to be more efficient in operation.

Reviews of the model BPAM-09Н from Ballu

The model is included in the middle segment of coolers, but is highly valued by users. It is noted that the device shows good performance even when used from the sunny side under a window. According to the owners, only 10 minutes are required to bring the temperature to the optimal state. But for full operation of this model, the pipe will need to be brought outside - hot air will be discharged through it. Concerning negative reviews, then the BPAM-09Н version of the air cooler for home is significantly limited in settings. You can only regulate the speed of rotation of the fan blades, and other parameters are set according to a single standard. This model is also criticized for its noisy operation, not enough effective system air filtration (from dirt and odors), lack of timer option and remote control. That is, in terms of basic performance qualities, the solution is worthy, but the functionality and individual operational nuances spoil the overall picture.

Reviews of the model AC TIM 09H P4 from Timberk

This option is suitable if you need both a cooler and insulation. Users testify that the device effectively cools the room, makes little noise and can act as a dehumidifier. Pleasant moments also include the original stylistic execution of the design and well-implemented controls - at least in comparison with the previous analogue from Ballu. The kit includes a remote control and standard list equipment settings according to various parameters. But during operation, this air cooler can also disappoint. Reviews indicate the lack of ability to select the temperature, which is a big drawback during the first time of use. In the future, such settings can be made intuitively, knowing the potential of the cooler.

Reviews of the AM400 model from Bimatek

It should be noted right away that this cooler is a record holder in terms of low noise. It works very quietly, causing virtually no acoustic discomfort. For comparison, its lower noise threshold is 38 dB, while the average parameter of other models is 50 dB. But this is not the only attractive feature of the air cooler from Bimatek. Operating practice shows that it quickly cools rooms and does not require special effort during installation and can be easily configured using different parameters and modes. This has few weak points, but it does have them. For example, a short pipe of the device is noted and big sizes housings.

How to choose the optimal air cooler?

Mobile cooling systems are very diverse in their capabilities. Therefore, you should initially determine what specific tasks will need to be performed - lowering the temperature, humidifying, air purification, ionization or drying. As already noted, some models are capable of increasing the temperature level, which allows the device to be used in winter time. Next, the design and its parameters are determined. The most popular solution is a floor-standing air cooler, which can be moved around the apartment without difficulty. If you need complete freedom of movement, then you should choose models without an external pipe and corrugation - this should be a device with a closed accumulation system air masses. Then specific operational parameters are selected, a set of options and other nuances are determined - from design subtleties to power.


The very need for a cooler for a home occurs in cases where it is not possible to install a standard air conditioner. Such situations are also possible in country houses, and in apartments, and even more so in dachas. But will this be the best way out? In terms of the totality of operational qualities, indeed, in addition to full-fledged split systems, only an air cooler can regulate the microclimate as effectively. Price floor model with standard parameters the average is 8-10 thousand rubles. As you can see, even compared to an air conditioner, this is a very attractive option. Of course, such devices may lose in performance, but this will depend on the power of the specific model and operating mode. Theoretically, the cooler could become even more effective assistant in the regulation of the air environment, since it provides, in addition to temperature regulation, humidification and the function of ionization with cleaning, filtration and drying. This list is not always found in one model, so the functionality is calculated in advance in the optimal configuration.

This year, summer spoils us like a king: heat, rare thunderstorms and little rain. By the sea, such weather would be ideal, but the city is melting due to the extreme temperatures. Let's figure out how to use simple ways turn your apartment into an oasis of coolness.

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This year's summer was a success, and there's no way to jinx it. Heat up to +35, rare thunderstorms. In general, the weather is practically resort, seaside. Only there is no sea in central Russia, and the cool breeze does not blow over our bodies exhausted by the heat. The dusty, gas-polluted city is melting from high temperatures, and we are suffocating in dust and soot. One salvation is to take refuge at home, under a roof and behind thick walls. Wow, and here, it turns out, is a real bathhouse. Whatever you touch, everything gives off heat. Do you really have to sit in a cool bathroom? No way - let's invent home air conditioner.

We began collecting folk ways to save an apartment from the summer heat just at the time when unbearable heat came to Ryazan. First, we removed all the carpets. Walking on a bare floor barefoot is more pleasant than walking on wool pile - you immediately feel cool. Well, at the same time we got rid of piles of vases, figurines, lace napkins and other cute nonsense that so warms the soul in the cold season and incredibly quickly gathers dust in the summer, when all the windows are wide open. How painful it is to wash and wash all this every week - it’s time to take a break.

Method one. Under deep siege

My apartment is on the corner sunny side. In winter we are visited by winds and cold, and in summer there is unbearable stuffiness. I also don’t really want to hang sun curtains on the windows, otherwise it will completely block the air supply to the apartment. But it is entirely within our power to isolate ourselves from the sun. I borrowed this method from the mother of one of my friends - every summer when it gets hot, she covers the windows with foil and feels great. We didn't have much food foil, but it was enough for one room. Glue doesn't stick to foil, so we used tape. It is very inconvenient to work with foil - it is thin, slides on the glass and constantly breaks, especially when children pull it on top of each other. Due to our inexperience, we made a huge mistake - we glued some of the foil onto the glass. Traces of tape, alas, cannot be erased by anything. It is better, of course, to mount it on the frame.

When we finished, the polar night fell in the room. How good it was for the first half hour, when the sun finally stopped mercilessly frying me from all sides, hitting the monitor and heating up all objects within a radius of three meters from the window. I immediately felt drawn to sleep. But then one wanted to read, the other decided to do puzzles on the floor. I had to turn on the light. And this is at noon. No, I am still firmly convinced that the deficit of sunlight accumulated over the winter must be replenished at all costs. And if you live with artificial lighting in the summer, your body simply cannot stand it.

Method two. Carlson to himself

Overboard +34. It's time to invent a home air conditioner according to Aunt Sveta's instructions from the second entrance. While chatting on a bench, a neighbor said that she had been fighting the heat this way for three years now.

To build this device, we used the most complex, super-technological equipment: an old fan and three or four plastic bottles. Neighbors helped with empty bottles. We filled all the bottles cold water and put it in the freezer. The car is a beast! Within 40 minutes I have four 1.5-liter ice creams in my hands. Strictly following Aunt Sveta’s recommendations, I place the fan in the corner of the room and direct it in the direction opposite to the window. In front of him on a stand are all four frozen bottles.

At night, Aunt Sveta’s development had to be improved a little. First, I turned the fan away from the bed - it smelled so cold that I began to miss the cotton blanket. Secondly, she placed a large tray under the bottles - the thawed water flowed from them onto the floor.

Method three or Chjort pobieri!

Don't even think about it! - my mother protested when the children and I pulled out an old thick hose from the depths of the pantry.

Calm down, grandma! Now we will do one small experiment, and we will return everything as it was,” the eldest son said authoritatively, putting one end of the hose on the kitchen faucet.

I discovered this method on a women’s forum and, to be honest, I didn’t believe in its effectiveness. Well, since you’ve decided to try everything, there’s nowhere to go.

The main character of the experiment is a long hose; many people have these in their dachas. But it’s better, of course, to buy another one - don’t let watering take its course (excuse the pun) summer cottage? We completed the task quickly - we connected one end to the cold water tap in the kitchen, and dragged the other end around the apartment and threw it into the bathtub. Knowledgeable forum visitors promised that the circulation cold water will create comfortable temperature. I’ll say right away: during the day it’s better to immediately abandon this method of cooling. Firstly, by turning off the water, you actually paralyze work in the kitchen. Secondly, the hose lying on the floor makes walking very difficult. Everyone in the household tripped over it, and more than once. With the words “damn it!”, “I saw your experiment...” and other free variations on this theme, every now and then someone would stretch out on the floor. We had to stop the experiment early.

During two hours of operation of the ingenious air conditioner, the air temperature in the rooms that lay in the path of the hose dropped by 3 degrees. The same cannot be said about the indicators of another, no less significant measuring instrument- the water meter has fulfilled its weekly quota.

Method four. I'll kill everyone!

No fancy devices - just a regular flower spray and cold water. The spray bottle was found on the windowsill among numerous flower pots– I didn’t even think that we had so many flowers. You fill up with water and spray around the perimeter of the room.

It took no more than two minutes to spray one room. But then there is a curtain of water in the air for about half an hour. It's +35 outside, and the apartment is pleasantly cool. Beauty!

Needless to say, the children embraced the opportunity to “legally” splash water? They, of course, swore that they would shoot only in the air... But after five minutes they began to shoot each other with joyful squeals.

And only the grandmother walked around all day with a gloomy look. Well, first of all, solving a crossword puzzle (as well as watching TV, relaxing...) on a sofa that won’t dry out is not very pleasant. Secondly, to be fair, it must be said that not only the sofa was wet, but also the wallpaper, wardrobe, glass doors in the sideboard and all the clothes carelessly forgotten on the surface. It’s good that the carpet was rolled up at the very beginning of the experiment.

I found only two disadvantages to this method. First, the procedure must be repeated every 40 minutes, and this, if you are not a housewife, is almost impossible. And secondly, on average, about four liters of water are spent per room per day (at the rate of half a liter per room about eight times a day from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.). For owners of water meters there is a noticeable increase in utility bills.

Method five. Bath for a cat

I’ll tell you a secret, I learned this method from our cat Timofey. When the air temperature in the apartment becomes incompatible with the cat’s comfortable existence, he moves to the bathroom. He will sit under the sink or in the bathtub itself and feel blissful. And if cold water comes out of the tap, Timka’s happiness knows no bounds. Why are we worse than cats? Let me dial full bath ice water, I decided. But you won’t sit next to the bathroom all day - she opened the door to let the coolness flow through the rooms, and went to the store.

Did I feel like I was in an oasis of paradise when I returned? No. The air was filled with moisture only in the hallway, where, in fact, the bathroom door opened. The temperature dropped from 28 to 25. The freshness did not reach the living room - the nearest room. In the kitchen, as before, there is a steam room - straight Sun rays and pudding in the oven.

And only one member of our family seemed to be truly well. Timofey, like an Antarctic penguin, flopped around in the icy water, making blissful sounds. Well now let him just try to protest the next time the time will come wash.

Well, to summarize: by wasting water from 200 to 400 liters (depending on the volume of the bath), we get a cooled bathroom and, in best case scenario, corridor. So if you don’t have a cat and weren’t planning on moving into the bathroom for the summer, it’s better to look for another way.

Method six. Hello neighbors

Another method of saving with water is probably the most harmless for owners of water meters. My labor costs were minimal: I filled a large bucket to the brim with cold water and placed it by the bed overnight. When we went to bed, it was +24 in the room, three hours later, when I got up, it was already 21. But I would not attribute this to my homemade air conditioner– after all, the temperature outside has also dropped. But how good it is - without getting out of bed, put your hands in a bucket, wet your face and neck with cold water. In general, some advantages. If not for one minus. Waking up in the morning, I completely forgot about the bucket of water and... for the next thirty minutes I crawled and collected almost 10 liters of water from the floor.

Method seven. Ghost: wild but cute

This is the only method out of all of the above that I have used before. I humidified the air in the bedroom when my asthmatic child had an exacerbation. On preparatory work It only took ten minutes – there wasn’t enough space in the room for two sheets. I replaced one with a large terry towel. I soaked both the sheet and the towel in cold water. The main thing here is to squeeze things out thoroughly, otherwise you will turn the room into a pond. True, it was not possible to hang them up right away - the boys immediately snatched them up and began playing with ghosts. Well, we cooled down at the same time.

During the day, in the heat of the day, wet sheets were of little use - the temperature in the room did not drop at all, and breathing became only a little easier. But at night, when the children were suffering from stuffiness and could not sleep, wet linens hanging next to the beds really helped. The boys passed out literally after five minutes.

Instead of an afterword

Well, we honestly tried all the methods. Decide for yourself how to escape the heat. But in any case, do not forget about a few simple rules that will help you keep your apartment cool:

If possible, ventilate the apartment only during the day - in the morning and evening you risk letting not only coolness into the house, but also all the dirt from the street;

Do not dry clothes in the apartment or on the balcony;

Do not use a humidifier in hot weather.

And may the weather be good in your home!


According to nutritionists, you can cool down with spicy dishes. Spices, such as hot chili peppers, speed up blood circulation - you sweat and lose heat. Foods that improve blood circulation also include: onions and garlic, dark chocolate, citrus fruits, olive oil, nuts and seeds.


My home is my bathhouse?

Comfortable temperature in the house largely depends on the building material. The residents are the luckiest brick houses. Brick has high thermal inertia, that is, it gains heat rather slowly. But concrete, on the contrary, has low heat resistance. It warms up quickly, but does not give off heat back. Therefore, if you do not take measures to cool such a home, you will end up with a home steam room.

In new monolithic houses summer is also hard, here the residents come to the rescue modern system home ventilation. True, it can also present an unpleasant surprise. For example, during extreme heat it can begin to pull in the opposite direction, that is, at 23 degrees in the apartment and 38 outside, hot air will be drawn into the house. According to the laws of nature, from the area high pressure air moves to a low area.

Well, it’s no secret to anyone that the size and orientation of the windows affects the atmosphere in the apartment. In a spacious apartment with high ceilings and the windows facing east will be much cooler than in a cramped one-room apartment with low ceilings and windows to the south.

Every year summer gets hotter and hotter. It becomes impossible to be either in the apartment or on the street. A good solution in this case is air conditioning. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to purchase it. In this case, do not despair; there are many ways to cool an apartment without air conditioning. Then you will be satisfied, and you won’t have to spend a lot of money on buying an expensive device, which, in addition, is not entirely safe.

How to prevent heat from entering the apartment

You can prevent heat in your apartment using the simplest methods.

Listed above are the simplest and most readily available methods that do not require much effort or money to keep the room cool during the hot summer. But there are more complicated methods, the effect of which will suit you 100%.

Ventilation in the apartment with your own hands

From effective ways To achieve fresh air in the apartment without resorting to buying an air conditioner, is forced ventilation. To install it you will need a supply ventilation valve. Such a system is convenient because the air from the apartment goes outside, and from the street it comes into the house fresh and clean. Such a device is absolutely silent, does not consume electricity and additionally filters the air.

Before you begin installing such ventilation, you need to check the working condition of the standard ventilation system. It will not be possible to perform this operation special labor. Just enough to open front door and attach a piece of paper to the hood. If the paper is pulled in or “sticks,” then everything is fine with the ventilation and it is working properly. Now you can begin installing the ventilation valve.

It is necessary to take into account that it is located ventilation valve should be so that the air from it is directed towards the heating radiator.

Installation of supply ventilation must begin with the selection and marking of the installation site. The empty housing must first be attached to the mounting location where the air intake will take place. After precise marking, you can proceed directly to installation. To do this you will need a hammer drill or a powerful drill to make a hole in the wall through hole about 6 cm in diameter. Pipe insulation and a pipe for the fence are inserted into this hole. Then the housing is put on top of the intake tube, but so that it does not come into contact with the tube. Afterwards, marks are made for fastening. According to the markings, places are drilled into which dowels are then inserted. By pressing the insulation, the body itself is screwed on. The part responsible for noise absorption is inserted into the housing and a cover is placed on top. The final step is to insert the box from the outside, and the supply ventilation valve is installed.

Installing such a ventilation system is quite simple. This is one of the most effective ways to save yourself and your family from the sultry heat. But it is worth noting that forced ventilation has one significant drawback - it only has an effect on small areas. And such a system will not work as well in an apartment.

Disadvantages that can become advantages

Almost every entrance has a basement. And the basement, in turn, is one of the coldest places. The air in it is damp and it is a pleasure to feel this coolness. Residents of the first floors often complain that it is cold in their apartment. Freshness comes into the apartment from the basement. But what benefit can be derived from this? In the summer it will always be nice in the rooms, because you can draw air into the apartment from the basement. And in winter, in order not to freeze, put carpets on the floor or increase the operation of the radiators using a heater.

The coolness from the basement spreads throughout the rest of the apartments, but in this case, proper general ventilation and exhaust are needed. One more the folk way serviceability checks ventilation system is a lit match. When the system does not have any problems, the match flame will deviate towards the hood. And if the flame remains in place, the tones general ventilation You should not rely on it, as it is in a faulty condition.

Thus, residents of the first floors can rejoice in the fact that there is a basement below them. This will save a lot of money, since you don’t have to think about buying an air conditioner. This is how an obvious disadvantage can become a successful advantage.

Fans, and which one is better for an apartment

The most common method that demonstrates how to cool an apartment without air conditioning is a fan. This is an effective alternative to air conditioners, especially since everyone can afford it. Don't forget that buying an air conditioner is only half the battle. The main headache is also its installation.

Therefore, more than 50% of the population prefer to buy an expensive fan than the cheapest air conditioner. The principle of its operation is quite simple: move the air in the room using blades that rotate at high speed. But before purchasing a fan, you need to understand which type is best for you.

The differences in fans are:

  • by design;
  • at the installation site;
  • depending on how the blades rotate;
  • depending on pressure.

The main two characteristics that you should pay attention to when choosing a fan are the installation location and the design of the device itself. By design, fans are axial, diametrical and centrifugal.

In axial fans, the wheel with blades is located in a cylindrical casing. Thus, the air flow propagates parallel to the axis of rotation, and due to the presence of a collector at the outlet, the aerodynamic characteristics of such a fan are higher compared to others. This design consumes low power.

Diagonal structures do not differ much from axial ones. The only difference is how the air flows out. Air enters the fan blades in the axial direction and exits diagonally. This fan design is less noisy.

Centrifugal fan designs are the most complex. The blades are located in a spiral casing, and the air tends to move towards the center of this wheel. After the air flow has passed through the spiral casing, it is directed to the outlet. IN multi-storey buildings Centrifugal type fans are installed.

According to their location, the fans have wide choose. These can be fans for the kitchen, toilet, bathroom, fireplace, roof, fans that are hung on windows, walls or ceilings. There are also household and industrial fans. But the most common and effective look devices that can cool an apartment are duct fan. It is installed inside the air duct. Its main advantage, in addition to its efficient operation, is that you can install it yourself, without the help of specialists. Moreover, they are produced different sizes, and due to the multilayer wall, such a fan is also silent.

We can conclude that it is not necessary to pay through the nose to purchase and install an air conditioner if there are many ways to endure the hot summer in your apartment.

Summer heat and elevated temperatures can reduce our productivity, affect our mood and have a detrimental effect on health, especially for older people. There are ways to cool an apartment in hot weather without using air conditioning. They will help solve the problem of heat without large financial costs, or at least reduce its negative impact, increase comfort, and therefore improve your mood.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the air conditioner does reduce the air temperature due to a special physical process and expensive equipment; the methods listed below will only temporarily, to one degree or another, help combat the unbearable heat.


It is worth remembering that opening all the windows in the apartment in the heat, especially at temperatures above +35 ºС, is not the best correct option. Firstly, even in the absence of air conditioning, the premises usually remain more comfortable. It is logical to assume that by opening the windows, you will simply “let in” the summer heat, and you will suffer from the heat even more. Some resort to cunning and try to tightly close the windows on the sunny side and open them in the shade. This method cannot be called effective, because with active air exchange it does not matter at all whether the window is in the shade or not - the temperature will be the same.

The best option would be minimal ventilation, which will relieve you of stuffiness, but will not allow coolness to escape from the apartment through the windows. Fully ventilate the apartment better at night, in cloudy or cool weather. It is optimal to do this from 10 pm, and you should stop airing with the first signs of heat (usually 8-9 am).

If you're struggling with the heat and are looking for ways to cool your apartment and do it effectively, pay attention to your windows. 90% of the heat enters the apartment precisely due to direct exposure to sunlight. First of all, curtain all the windows and close the blinds. Thick curtains are a guarantee of protection from ultraviolet radiation and an increase in room temperature to such a level that it becomes unbearable. Of course, not everyone will like this atmosphere, but it’s worth making a decision - a sunny room or coolness and comfort.

Pasting with reflective film also remains a popular method now. A slightly more advanced option is to stick on light filters that prevent ultraviolet radiation from entering the room. By the way, if you are thinking about the question of how to cool an apartment during the renovation or construction stage, and there is no way to install an air conditioner, install special energy-efficient windows with a polarized coating applied. They guarantee warmth and comfort in winter, and coolness and freedom from the summer heat in summer.


Moist air can reduce the effect of heat in an apartment. Stuffiness, dry air combined with elevated temperatures can greatly ruin the life of even a lover of hot climates. An installed household air humidifier, of course, will not replace an air conditioner, but it will make your apartment a pleasant place to spend time. In general, this device is quite universal, since it solves the problem with indoor humidity in winter, and with temperature in summer. A humidifier is especially important if you have small children.

Even if you are very scrupulous and carefully wet cleaning, V summer period, especially in the heat, dust particles easily rise from the floor, move from shelves and hard-to-reach places. It is for this reason that many allergy sufferers and asthmatics experience an exacerbation during this period. Humid air can reduce the impact of dust.

Modern developments make it possible to use such a device in the home as an air washer. This device performs several functions at once:

  1. Humidification – the ultrasonic membrane is intensively capable of moisturizing a fairly large internal volume. You just have to remember that the device works effectively only in the room where humidification is needed.
  2. Air purification from dust, fungal spores, viruses - in summer heat dust rises from the floor and moves into the middle layers of the room volume, and is suspended. Air washing will allow a large volume of air to pass through the mechanical and water filter for the purpose of purification from pollutants.

Even if you have such a device, you need to wash the floors more often, wet-clean surfaces, and wipe down furniture and shelves.

Additional heat sources

Despite the hot season, we cannot always refuse to use devices that produce heat. This means that in addition to natural elevated temperature, additional heating occurs inside the room.

Turn off heated towel rails if they are connected to hot water or electric ones if there are no thermostats. Such a heating device, firstly, is not needed, and secondly, it is capable of generating a fairly large amount of heat, equal to 100-400 W. In winter, this is enough to heat a small bathroom, but why is it warm in summer?

It is worth remembering that everyone electrical appliance, to one degree or another, produces heat. If you have regular incandescent lamps installed, add up their number and calculate the power. More than 5 lamps can produce thermal energy, comparable to a small radiator. Not only does this lead to increased energy consumption, but it also causes additional discomfort in the summer.

Hot air spreads very quickly indoors. If you have to cook for a long time, close the doors tightly and open the windows. It would be better to reduce the use of the stove, electric kettle, and cook and heat food in the microwave.


Contrary to obvious misconceptions, a fan is not capable of cooling the air; on the contrary, it heats it. Why is it used then? Just for the sake of feeling cool, creating forced ventilation in room. Our sweat glands actively release fluid onto the surface of the skin, and it evaporates. In this case, an exothermic process occurs that cools us.

The fan is not capable of cooling, but if you install it in close proximity to the workplace, you can breathe a sigh of relief. You can use a fan effectively only by installing it in the direction of a window or front door. It must move hot air masses from the room to the street if the room is located on the sunny side and is very overheated.

Excessive humidity is also bad. Many people unknowingly hang large amounts of laundry inside the apartment and hang wet curtains. The result is a not very pleasant and comfortable climate, very similar to the tropics. Humidity plays decisive role in the summer. Firstly, curtains that are hung directly in the sun dry instantly, secondly, they can become damaged because of this, and thirdly, one curtain can contain up to 5 liters. water, which will evaporate almost instantly and saturate the internal volume. It will become difficult to breathe, you may suddenly break out in profuse sweat, which will dry out more slowly due to the saturation of moisture in the air. Not a very happy prospect, especially in the heat.

Purchasing an air conditioner

Buying an air conditioner, although expensive, is beneficial from a comfort point of view. Depending on where you live, the heat may be easy to bear or require significant effort. For example, located in close proximity to the road, an apartment on the sunny side will be very susceptible to temperature influence.

Air conditioning cooling

On average, in summer, unbearable heat can last for no more than a month. During this short period, you can get by with the above tips. If you want maximum level comfort - you will have to fork out and buy an air conditioner.

Summer heat without air conditioning can create considerable discomfort. To cool down and feel good without air conditioning, you can use various tricks using water, fans, light clothing, cool drinks and food, psychological techniques and so on. You can also naturally cool your entire home, preventing heat from stagnating in it. With the right approach, you can successfully beat the heat while saving money on air conditioning.


Using water for cooling

    Drink water often. The body will be cooler if its water balance is in order. Try to drink about 230 ml of water every hour. Adding mint leaves or orange, lemon or cucumber slices to the water will make it more refreshing. You may also find it easier to drink the water if it has a slight flavor.

    Spray yourself with cool water. Fill a spray bottle with cool water and set it to a fine spray. For an immediate cooling effect, spray onto bare skin.

    Chill a damp handkerchief in the freezer and apply it to your neck, forehead, arms or legs. Applying a cold cloth to your skin will help you combat the heat. Once the fabric is warm, simply rinse it and put it back in the freezer.

    • You can also apply an ice pack to the back of your head.
  1. Run cold water over your wrists. Soak your wrists and other areas of the body with large blood vessels under the skin, such as the neck, inner bends of the elbows and knees, in cold water for about 10 seconds. This will slightly reduce your body temperature.

    Wet your head. Wet hair helps cool your body, so try this step for an instant cooldown. You can wet your entire head or just your hairline. The evaporation of water will cool the head (however, because of it, previously styled hair may become curled if it is naturally curly).

    • Put a bandana soaked in water on your head and walk around in it.
  2. Fill the bathtub with cool water and soak in it. Once you get used to the water temperature, lower the water a little and add more cold water. Continue doing this until you have cooled down enough. Once you get out of the bath, your body will remain cool for a long time.

    • If you want, you can take a cool shower instead of a bath.
    • You can also soak your feet in a bucket of cold water. The body primarily radiates heat from the palms, feet, face and ears, so cooling any of these areas will effectively cool the entire body. Shallow wading pools are also good for cooling the feet of adults.
  3. Go for a swim. Visit the swimming pool, go to the river, lake or sea and unwind. Immersion in water will cool you down in incredible ways. On outdoors Be sure to use sunscreen to prevent sunburn, which can heat up the body even more.

Cooling your home

    Close the curtains or curtains on the windows. Closed in daytime Blinds and curtains will help block out the sun's rays. As soon as the sun begins to heat up the building in the morning, curtain all windows and keep them, as well as the front door, locked during the hottest part of the day. At nightfall, when it becomes cool enough outside, the windows can be opened.

    • If your windows have blinds, tilt them so that when you look through them, you see the ground rather than the sky.
    • For even more sun protection, use cellular insulating shades or sun protection film, which, similar to car window tinting, will make the window glass darker or more reflective.
  1. Open your windows at night. Open strategic windows to allow cool evening air to flow in throughout the night. It also wouldn’t hurt to reveal everything interior doors indoors (including cabinet doors and kitchen sets). If you leave them closed, they will trap daytime heat and your home won't be able to cool down quickly enough in the evening.

    • Be sure to get up early in the morning to close all windows and curtains when the sun begins to heat up the house. In some regions this will need to be done as early as 5-6 am.
  2. Cool your home with fans. If you have two-storey house or apartment, install stationary ceiling window and attic fans so that they expel the heated air accumulated in the upper rooms outside. Position your portable fan so that it draws cooler air from the floor and pushes warmer air even higher toward the ceiling.

    • To create good air circulation, use a combination of fans. Vent hot air outside by installing a powerful exhaust fan next to one window and a powerful exhaust fan near other windows. regular fans, which will blow fresh, cooler air inside.
    • You can also turn on the hood above the stove or open the chimney damper from the fireplace or stove. They will also help draw heated air out of the house and fill it with cooler evening air.
  3. Make your own homemade air conditioner. Place a metal bowl with salty ice and adjust the fan so that it blows on the ice. Either take one or more two-liter plastic bottles and fill them about 70% with water and 10% with salt. Leave 20% of the volume empty for water expansion during freezing. Freeze the solution in the bottles, and then place them in a basin (to catch any condensation that drips down. Set a fan to blow on the bottles. As the salt ice in the bottles thaws, the air around them will begin to cool, and the fan will blow that air on you.

    • Salt lowers the freezing point of water, making ice very cold.
    • Salt water can be frozen every night and used regularly during the day.
  4. Turn off all heat sources. Do not use the stove or oven for cooking. Turn off the lights and computer when you don't need them. It also wouldn’t hurt to turn off the TV (since it generates a lot of heat), and also unplug the power adapters of non-essential electrical appliances from the outlets.

    • Incandescent light bulbs also produce heat. Switch to compact fluorescent or LED bulbs.
  5. Make cool air rise. If you have a basement at home and central system ventilation system, hire a professional HVAC installer to add to your ventilation system a cold air intake from the basement, which will force the natural coolness present there to circulate throughout the rest of the house when you simply turn on the hood above the stove.

    • Organize an individual ventilation system in the room with the ability to take in fresh cool air, extract hot air, as well as control temperature and humidity. This way, cool, fresh air will flow to you at night, and the air conditioner can keep you cool in the middle of the day.
  6. Set up ceiling fans to rotate counterclockwise. This will help lift the hot air towards the ceiling and at the same time create a cool breeze in the rooms. To enhance the cooling effect, turn on more high speed fan rotation.

    Install a community fan. It will push the hot air towards the attic where it will be dissipated through the attic vents. To cool your home, open the basement door and make sure all other interior doors between the basement and the room containing the fan are also open. Run the fan at night with the downstairs windows open so it can effectively cool the house. However, be sure to make sure your attic vents are working properly first, otherwise your attic may not be able to handle the heat dissipation.

    • If you don't have attic vents, get them. You can't even imagine how amazingly a cool attic affects the temperature of your entire home.

Fighting the heat

  1. Avoid peak heat hours. Try not to go outside between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., when the sun's rays are at their strongest. This way you will avoid sunburn. Try to run or exercise physical activity on fresh air early morning or late evening. Typically, the early mornings and evenings are cool enough for you to enjoy walking, running, trail hiking, biking, and gardening or yard work.

    Wear summer clothes made from natural fabrics. Wear low-density natural fabrics (cotton, silk, linen), rather than polyester, synthetic viscose and others. synthetic fabrics(excluding possible specially designed breathable sports fabrics).

    • Choose clothes light color. Dark-colored clothing absorbs heat from the sun better and stays warm longer than light or white clothing, which better reflects light and heat.
  2. Walk barefoot. Take off your shoes and socks, especially on days when the humidity is extremely high. Wearing boots with socks in these conditions will cause your feet to sweat, generally raising your body temperature. Try to go barefoot as often as possible (if possible).

    Stock your freezer with frozen fruit treats. Use ice cream sticks (you can find them at the supermarket) or simply grab a bag of frozen fruit slices, such as watermelon, pineapple or lemon. Chilling can be delicious too!

    Take advantage of the properties of mint. Mint refreshes the skin and leaves behind a feeling of pleasant coolness. Apply peppermint lotion (avoid your face and eyes), shower with peppermint soap, or make a peppermint foot bath or soak using other mint-infused powders. In addition, there are several delicious mint recipes that you can also try:

    • watermelon yogurt and mint smoothie;
    • Irish chocolate drink with cream and mint;
    • mint truffles.
  3. Use silk or satin pillowcases and sheets. Smooth sheets help keep you cool, so switching to silk or satin can keep you cool greater comfort. Breathable cotton sheets are better than flannel sheets, which are best removed completely in the summer. Silk, satin and cotton have a smoother texture and will help you feel cooler while you sleep.

  • Do not leave the fan running unattended in closed room. The fan does not cool the air present in the room and even heats it up. The fan motor generates heat, and some heat is also generated by friction from the circulating air. When the fan is running, you feel cool due to the increased evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, which cools your body, but only when you yourself are in a room with a fan. Save electricity and turn off all fans that are in unoccupied closed rooms.
  • During peak heat, some city municipalities set up “cooling centers” with running air conditioning that anyone can visit. If you don't have air conditioning in your home (and especially if you are elderly or have a medical condition), call your city's help line to find out about possible availability cooling centers.
  • If the foundation of your house is under living rooms If the garage is located, please leave your hot car outside to cool it down before putting it in the garage.


  • Heat is often an integral accompaniment of drought. If your area is experiencing water restrictions due to drought, be sure to check them before trying the water cooling tips mentioned in this article.
  • While drinking too much water is rarely a problem for healthy people, it can be dangerous for people with heart, liver or kidney problems. If you have any of these serious conditions, be aware of how much water you drink, as your kidneys may not be able to process the excess water properly.
  • Infants, children, pregnant women and the elderly are more susceptible to overheating. Be sure to keep an eye on your family members, work colleagues and neighbors who are in this risk category.
  • If you notice symptoms of heatstroke or dehydration, call an ambulance or contact a medical professional yourself to get qualified medical service. A body temperature above 40°C is life-threatening, but if it rises to 42.5°C it will be fatal.