How to inexpensively decorate the facade of a house: classic materials and siding - features of use and price comparison. What is the cheapest way to cover the outside of a house? The best way to sheathe the outside of a country house How to sheathe a country house

Any owner of a wooden house sooner or later has to think about cladding the outside of the building. Wood is a natural material that is susceptible to rotting, which means it is best hidden under reliable and durable sheathing. Which, moreover, can serve as an additional heat and sound insulator, and will also make the house look neat and elegant. Modern construction production offers many options for cladding for wooden buildings: they all have their own pros and cons. In the article we will tell you more about them and find out what material is best to cover the outside of a wooden house.

Functions of facade cladding for a wooden house

Someone might say - why bother covering a wooden house at all, let it stand as it is. However, one can argue with this statement: external cladding A wooden house has several important functions. This is especially necessary for older log houses, where external influence environment had a noticeably strong effect.

Let's list them in order.

Firstly, a wooden house is a fire hazardous structure. The presence of cladding increases the building's resistance to fire. In addition, the home’s resistance to the effects of various microorganisms, fungus, mold, and insects also increases significantly. Thanks to the cladding, the exterior of the house becomes much more presentable.

All information about facing tiles for the facade, you can read.

Review of materials for a log house

Let us give the characteristics of the most common cladding materials that are used for wooden buildings. The review contains materials that can not only cladding, but also insulate a building.


This is the most favorite exterior cladding among home owners. We got siding not so long ago, but short time managed to leave all other types of cladding far behind in popularity. Siding can turn even an old, shabby wooden house into a completely presentable structure. In order to install this product on the facade of your house, you need to install.

There are two types of siding: metal and vinyl. The metal one is inconvenient because it heats up in the sun and gets very cold in the cold. In addition, it is susceptible to corrosion and is afraid of mechanical stress: dents and scratches easily remain on it. The vinyl version is not as durable, however, it is lighter and is not susceptible to rust. In addition, plastic siding makes the building modern and gives it a certain “European” touch. Vinyl panels do not have to be painted or treated with any solutions.

The big plus of siding is that it has many options. color scheme and different widths of the slats. Such a wealth of choice allows you to decorate the house in any color, blending it harmoniously into the surrounding space.

Siding is durable, and throughout its operation its appearance does not deteriorate. In addition, this durable material is not afraid of temperature changes: it will safely withstand both frost and heat, and thanks to its special fastenings, even in the wind.

The advantage is that the top of the siding does not need to be covered with anything: it does not require any anti-corrosion or antibacterial impregnation, or a moisture-repellent composition. Siding is also good because its installation work can be carried out in any weather, except for too much heat.

You can also read information about clinker panels for facades.

Installation of the material requires preliminary installation of the sheathing.

The price of the material is quite affordable, which makes siding one of the most attractive sidings in terms of price/quality ratio.

This cladding also has a drawback: it is low resistance to mechanical damage. But if you are sure that no one will encroach on your brand new siding: scratch it and leave dents, then this option is the most attractive today.


This is also one of the types of siding that can be used for cladding wooden buildings. Planken differs from conventional siding in that it can imitate various materials and textures: marble, brick, stone, etc.

The material is not cheap, but very beautiful and extremely presentable. It requires no maintenance, is completely environmentally friendly and safe.

Block house

This is a rather expensive material, but also the most beautiful and presentable. From the outside it appears that the house was built from round logs. Therefore, if you do not want to sheathe a wooden house plastic panels, but if you want to preserve the “spirit” and originality of a wooden structure, pay attention to the cladding from a block house. This material consists of perfectly calibrated (matched by color and size) small slats of logs. A house covered with them looks like a real fairy-tale tower. Externally, the cladding looks very aesthetically pleasing. Neat logs laid in rows look wonderful and elegant.

The advantage of a block house is that it is not afraid high temperature, so they can also be used to cover a wooden bathhouse. As a result, by decorating all the buildings on the site with the same material, you can get a unified style for the entire “estate”.

The material is very durable and strong, which increases its attractiveness to the buyer. In addition, even a novice finisher, as well as a person far from construction work, can cope with a block house and cover a house with it on their own.

Corrugated sheet

This material is also called metal profile: both names can be found in stores. The material, as an option for cladding, is in steady demand among owners of wooden (and brick) houses. The advantages of corrugated sheeting are that, at a low cost, it is very durable: it can serve for 50 years without losing its performance qualities. This material is not afraid of mechanical damage, is resistant to moisture, and can be installed very quickly, in a matter of days.

For cladding the outside of a wooden structure, corrugated sheeting marked C is required - means “wall”. In addition, it is quite possible to sheathe a house yourself with a metal profile and without hiring a hired contractor. work force: installation is simple, as it is very different.

The disadvantages of corrugated sheeting include that it is not very presentable appearance. Therefore, for the most part, dachas, temporary buildings, and utility buildings are sheathed with this material. For solid buildings, corrugated sheeting is not chosen as external cladding, since, whatever one may say, it reduces the cost of appearance.

The disadvantages include the appearance of condensation on metal sheets, which over time can lead to destruction of the casing. Thermal insulation coating This type of sheathing cannot be called either - it will not additionally protect from frost.


Everyone knows the material, which has been used in our country for quite a long time. But if previously there was only one type of lining, now you can choose from wooden and plastic varieties.


This material is able to preserve the environmental friendliness and naturalness of a wooden home in its original form. You should know that wood lining is excellent additional heat and soundproofing. Therefore, this option will be more suitable for the northern regions.

Notches, knots and other defects reduce the quality of the lining and, as a result, worsen the appearance of the building.

The material is usually made from coniferous trees: larch or pine, as well as oak. After the house is covered with clapboard, it must be treated with a fire-resistant solution, then painted and varnished. Then the material will last a long time and will not lose its important characteristics.

The disadvantages of this material include the need to periodically paint it and treat it with antiseptic solutions.


If the choice fell on plastic version, then you need to know that in this case there will be no significant thermal insulation, but the plastic does not rot, is not afraid of moisture, and is durable. And plastic lining is also very easy to clean and wash: the house will always be elegant and shining.

The technology for installing a ventilated facade made of metal cassettes is described.

Stone and facade brick

There is also this option for cladding wooden buildings. In this case, the house will look brick or stone from the outside - guess that there is a wooden “filling” hidden under the cladding. to an ordinary person impossible.

Let us note right away: this is not the most popular option for decorating the facade of a wooden house., since stone and brick significantly increase the weight on the foundation, which is undesirable. However, if the foundation is strong enough, then such cladding can make the house very warm. In addition, the walls will become many times more fire-resistant.

Immediately after construction, such cladding cannot be used: it is necessary for at least a year to pass until the house “settles” completely. When performing work, it is necessary between the stone/brick and wooden wall At home, leave a gap of 5 cm.

How to choose facing materials for house facades will tell you.

Finishing work will have a long-term effect, provided that materials for walls, floors and ceilings are selected correctly. The information provided below will introduce you to the main factors affecting quality interior decoration country house with periodic and permanent residence. The article talks about all types finishing materials: plaster, paint and varnish, roll, tile and lath; as well as about the main styles of living room decoration.

Country house living room interior

Interior decoration: where to start

Most owners country houses strive to create a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere in their home. Whether the house will delight you with coziness is largely determined by the choice of method of finishing the walls. Until a few decades ago, interior decoration consisted of plastering the walls; then the walls were painted or wallpapered. Today the construction market is filled with a variety of finishing materials, and you have every opportunity to create an original design.

When comparing finishing options, it is important not to forget about the type of walls in your home, since what they are made of determines the choice of finishing material. The interior decoration of a country house is also carried out taking into account some additional factors, which include:

    Seasonality factor. If you visit your dacha in the summer or on weekends, most likely the house does not have constant heating. In this case, for finishing it is worth choosing materials that can withstand high humidity and low temperatures.

Country style living room

    Style factor. For different interior styles, certain materials and colors are preferred.

    Time factor. If you don’t like frequent repairs, it’s better to opt for high-quality finishes in natural shades. If you love change and start renovations every few years, think about budget materials that allow you to do it quickly (plaster, drywall, wallpaper).

    Preparation factor. It is necessary to carefully calculate (and not estimate) the quantity required material. This simple rule will save you from unexpected work stoppages and additional expenses (which is very unpleasant).

    Order factor. Finishing internal surfaces counts finishing work. To do this, you should wait until the installation of electrical wiring and plumbing is completed.

How often are you willing to do repairs?

Choosing materials for a house with periodic residence

The interior decoration of the dacha is carried out taking into account the type of walls, seasonality and personal preferences of the owners. If the house is used periodically, the following options will be preferable:

    Brick walls. It is not prohibited to use any type of finish here. A classic way to give a brick wall a dramatic look is to use wet plaster. It must be remembered that without constant heating, condensation will form on the brick surface; in this case, choose moisture-resistant cement-based plaster.

    Walls made of foam concrete blocks. Foam concrete is known high level water absorption. This feature cannot be ignored, so a primer is applied to the walls in several layers deep penetration, strengthening the porous base and reducing paint consumption. The next step will be gypsum plaster, and painting with vapor-proof paint.

Installation of sheet plasterboard on foam concrete

    Aerated concrete walls. For their finishing, lining, gypsum plaster, and drywall are preferred. In areas with long winters, a layer of thermal insulation will not hurt.

    Frame walls . The surface is covered with OSB (multilayer oriented strand boards). This will help increase the strength of the wall and improve heat and moisture resistance. The finishing touches on the inside of the dacha are done with paint; wallpaper can be used instead.

    Walls made of profiled or laminated timber. If you want to improve sound and heat insulation, suitable Wall panels, lath materials and drywall. Natural wooden walls are usually left in their original form, covered with wax or varnish, unless the design requires a different solution. You should also be aware of shrinkage wooden structure, and do not rush into finishing until this natural process is complete.

    Log walls, rounded timber. They also do not require special finishing.

Log walls are magnificent in their natural form

Wall decoration in a country house with permanent residence

If the family plans to live in country house year-round, the interior design possibilities expand significantly. In this case, the finishing is chosen based on the type of construction (wall material), purpose of the room and the allocated budget. To decorate the walls of premises, you can use materials from the following groups:

Plaster materials

Plaster can perform two functions: protective and decorative. There are two types of plaster, differing in execution technology. The first is wet (monolithic) plaster, a plastic aqueous solution of several components. The second type is dry plaster, produced in the form of gypsum boards (GCP), wall and ceiling.

Application decorative plaster

There are several advantages to using wet plaster. It allows you to qualitatively level the wall surface, correcting minor defects. Thanks to coloring, you can easily get the desired shade of the coating, which (another plus) will be very durable. The disadvantage can be considered the plastering process itself - lengthy, requiring maintenance special conditions indoors until dry. Mixtures on water based are divided into two types:

    Ordinary plaster. Depending on the composition, there are cement, lime and gypsum plaster. All of them are used to level the surface, after which the selected finish is applied to the prepared base. Depending on the specifics of the design, this may be wallpaper, tile, paint or another layer of plaster, this time decorative.

    Decorative plaster. Finish coating, creating the effect of a natural texture on any surface - marble, velvet or leather. Acrylic varieties are popular, intended for protective and decorative treatment in rooms with a high content of water vapor.

Types of decorative plaster

    Liquid wallpaper. They are a type of decorative plaster and are used for walls and ceilings in any dry rooms. The mixture contains natural fibers (cellulose, cotton or silk), dyes High Quality, additives (quartz chips, glitter).

On our website you can find contacts construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

paints and varnishes

Paint and varnish finishing materials are the most extensive and popular group for finishing the interior of a dacha; they are usually divided into the following groups:

    Water based paints. Safe for humans and the environment, they are excellent for interior work; also have other undeniable advantages: they dry quickly and are odorless.

    Water-dispersion paints . The composition contains synthetic polymers, which does not prevent them from being diluted to the required consistency with ordinary water. Thanks to the wide range (as with water-based paint), they are the most popular in construction.

Water based paints are ideal for wooden walls

    Oil paints. Although budget, it is not the best option for finishing. The composition includes drying oil, which means Strong smell, long drying and relative fragility: over time, the paint fades, begins to crack and peel.

    EnamelspaintAnd. They are rarely used for finishing walls in the countryside due to their persistent strong smell and compositional features - high toxicity and fire hazard.

    Varnish. Varnish coating valued due to its spectacular appearance and sufficient wear resistance, therefore it is often used for finishing wooden surfaces. However, the varnish is toxic and a fire hazard; When varnishing walls, care should be taken to ensure good ventilation.

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About the choice paint and varnish materials for the interior in the following video:

Tile materials

This category includes a wide range building materials. All of them, despite differences in composition, quality and operational characteristics, are widely used for finishing. An impressive list allows you to choose an option for every taste and budget; The tile group includes:

    Particle boards (chipboards). They are used as the basis for wall decoration and for making subfloors. The boards have limited moisture resistance, which is why they are used mainly in dry rooms (or are additionally protected from moisture). The slabs are mounted on the sheathing or directly on the wall if it is made of timber.

    OSB boards(oriented strand). Compared to chipboard they are superior in strength and moisture resistance; They are used in flooring and as a base for any type of cladding.

    Plywood. Budget material with decent sound insulation and moisture resistance, which allows it to be used for cladding kitchens and bathrooms. If you're not happy with natural look plywood (although, if used correctly, it can look very stylish), finishing includes painting or wallpapering.

OSB boards in the interior of the room

    Polymer tiles. A proven material known for its strength and excellent steam and water resistance; The only limitation is that the tiles cannot withstand high temperatures.

    Ceramic tile . An excellent proven material, durable, waterproof, non-flammable and aesthetically pleasing. The convenience of ceramics is that it can be used to cover any surface, from plaster to chipboard and OSB boards. You just need to choose the appropriate glue.

    A natural stone. Perfect option, suitable for both floor and wall finishing (usually partial). U natural stone, be it slate, granite or marble, there is a common significant drawback - they cannot be called a budget option.

    Fake diamond . A worthy replacement for its natural analogue. On construction market You can choose a material of any texture and natural color. Tiles imitating stone can have different basis- cement, acrylic, gypsum or quartz.

Combined finishing using artificial stone

Roll materials

Pasting walls with roll materials, among which the most popular are wallpaper, is considered the most in an inexpensive way interior decoration. The main thing to do before gluing is to level the walls. Despite the stunning variety of colors and textures, roll materials can be divided into several types:

    Paper wallpaper. They are used for gluing walls and ceilings in all rooms, except wet ones. Thin single-layer wallpaper (the most budget option) and multi-layer non-woven wallpaper are on sale. The non-woven base thickens the material and helps hide minor surface defects.

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About the types of decorative plaster in the following video:

    Washable (moisture-resistant) wallpaper. The top layer ensures the strength and resistance of the wallpaper to water and detergents. This protective and decorative coating is made of vinyl, fiberglass or acrylic; there are wallpapers with cork top layer, covered with wax. Washable wallpaper serves as a practical finishing method; they are often used as an alternative to tiles. This material is used to cover the walls of the kitchen and dining room, hallway and corridors; Can be used in the bathroom.

    Cork wallpaper. Textured and environmentally friendly cork wallpaper is one of the elite finishing materials; They are most often used to decorate living rooms and guest rooms. Wall mounted cork covering, made from natural cork tree bark, improves sound insulation; it can be installed on surfaces with complex shape(convex). Panel and roll material is available on sale.

Cork wallpaper in the interior of a country house

    Wallpaper made from other plant materials. This wonderful decor with a natural base can completely transform the interior. Floral wallpaper, in addition to cork, is made from bamboo, reed, and jute. In veneered wallpaper, the base is non-woven or cellulose, and the top (decorative) layer is a thin cut valuable species wood Environmental friendliness and design possibilities somewhat offset by the high cost.

    Film roll materials. Double layer finishing films with paper base and a top PVC coating, which can have a texture (isofilm and foam). A high-quality, but completely airtight option, which limits its use to technical rooms (storages), corridors, and bathrooms.

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About choosing wall panels in the following video:

Rack materials

Most dachas are used in the warm season, and in winter they are heated periodically, which has a negative effect on wallpaper and plaster. The best solution For interior design will become rack materials, which include:

    Wooden lining. Surface covered with clapboard natural wood, aesthetically pleasing; the material is environmentally friendly, durable and has many color and texture options. Before finishing, the lining is treated with an antiseptic; upon completion of the work, if the style requires it, the walls are varnished or painted.

    PVC panels(plastic lining). A budget replacement for a wooden analogue, a practical and unpretentious finishing option that is not afraid high humidity and easy to maintain. Despite all the advantages, PVC panels are used mainly for ceiling finishing small rooms- they can be seen in the bathroom, kitchen and hallway.

    MDF panels. Inexpensive material, for which you do not have to pre-level the surface of the walls. You can choose flat or embossed panels, with the front side decorated with wood veneer or colored polymer film.

Lining in a modern interior

Finishing the ceiling and floor in a country house

Among the popular methods ceiling decoration includes the following methods:

    Natural massif. The ceiling is finished with clapboard, block house or imitation timber; Suitable wood is both coniferous and deciduous.

    Drywall. Using this material you can perfectly level the ceiling or create a complex multi-tiered structure.

    Stretch ceiling . Ceilings in the country are increasingly decorated in this way, which has many advantages: it is installed quickly, has an ideal smooth surface, moisture resistance and allows you to hide unevenness and communications.

Video description

About the interior decoration of a wooden house in the following video:

Floor finishing is carried out using the following materials:

    Wood. Eco-friendly, heat-retaining and therefore a common finishing method, indispensable for some interior styles. Budget option Regular and tongue-and-groove boards are used; parquet boards are more sophisticated and expensive.

    Ceramic (tile) tiles. Practical choice for use in rooms with high humidity - in the bathroom and kitchen, as well as in the hallway or hall.

    Laminate, carpet. Common in suburban housing with year-round accommodation. The variety of colors and textures available on the construction market allows you to choose the material to suit any style.

    Linoleum. Practical and inexpensive finishing floor, which has one limitation - it cannot be laid on a heated floor.

Tiled floor in the kitchen

Decorating a living room in a country house

The interior design of a house is often determined by this, the largest room in area. The family spends their evenings here, and holidays invite guests; Therefore, the design of the living room is chosen especially carefully - because it sets the tone for other rooms. For the living room of a country house, one of the following styles is mainly chosen:

    Classical. This decoration is designed to emphasize both the status and excellent taste of the owners. The walls and floor of a classic living room are lined with natural wood, which gives the room a luxurious, aristocratic look.

    Rustic. Such trends as country and chalet are united by the possibility of using them in wall decoration textured plaster, dark and light lining. Provence style makes it possible to decorate walls with wallpaper in delicate shades with floral motifs or cover wooden surface light (even white) paint. A large living room can be zoned using several styles for visual separation.

Living room in Provence style

    Eclecticism. You can mix different materials, from brick and stone, to bamboo wallpaper or wood and plastic panels. In this way, you can combine a wide variety of styles, for example, loft and oriental, or Provence and modern.


The choice of materials for interior decoration should be approached carefully; this affects the service life of a country house and the frequency of repairs. To achieve a high-quality result, saving a lot of time and resources, it is better to choose materials and cladding methods that provide not only a decorative, but also a heat-saving effect. The technique of combined finishing can help with this, when different materials and textures are combined in the design of one room.

Let's talk today about what is better to sheathe country house outside - consider beautiful, warm and inexpensive solutions.

Wooden houses have traditionally been common in our country, with centuries-old traditions of construction and renovation. Today they are regaining their popularity, combining desirable comfort and designer beauty. However, with all its advantages, a wooden house is not without certain disadvantages - in the form of fire resistance and susceptibility to fungus. After construction, the shrinkage of the house can be up to 6%. During this period, especially in the case of imperfect construction, it is strongly recommended to consider additional cladding.

The main goals of cladding the outside of a country house:

  • Improve home fire resistance, impact resistance chemical factors and pests.
  • Insulation, protection of the house from drafts.
  • Improving the appearance of the building.

To achieve a similar effect, the choice is usually made in favor of refractory materials with low hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity. When insulating, polystyrene foam is common, mineral wool, among decorative materials Siding, heat-insulating plaster, wooden lining, block house and facade brick are in demand.

External insulation of the house with polystyrene foam and mineral wool

The most common materials for exterior cladding of houses are polystyrene foam and mineral wool. The undoubted advantage of working with polystyrene foam is ease of use and the most affordable price. Although there are many more disadvantages - in terms of vapor permeability it is 10 times inferior to mineral wool. Therefore, when working with polystyrene foam, you need to properly consider the ventilation system. The wood under this material may begin to rot because it does not allow air to pass through. Such savings can lead to additional expenses several years later.

Exterior wood cladding of a house

Wooden cladding includes lining, block house, imitation timber. The materials themselves differ in appearance and cost. At the same time, they are environmentally friendly, with effective absorption of street noise, providing high thermal insulation of the room and a natural design effect.

Exterior cladding of a wooden house with siding

Siding can be made from vinyl or metal. The vinyl version is less durable, but also much lighter than its metal counterpart, and more reliably resistant to corrosion. Does not require painting - the appropriate dye is introduced at the production stage.

Siding is sold in the form of panels, which are simple and easy to install and can be easily removed if necessary. Work can be carried out in any weather conditions, with the exception of too hot seasons.

Selection of finishing materials for external cladding the house is really great. Should do suitable choice taking into account your financial capabilities, house characteristics, climatic and weather conditions. If you do not have much experience in construction and repair work, we recommend consulting with a specialist in the industry.

  1. Decoration of a timber house
  2. Facade of aerated concrete building
  3. Foam plastic and blockhouse
  4. Choosing a color for a wooden house, its renovation and lighting

During the finishing works for a house made of timber or aerated concrete with your own hands, you must use only quality materials, which can even change and decorate the design of the building. Let's look at how to sheathe the outside of a wooden house, why façade lighting is needed, how to protect it, and how better material decorate the house outside.

We cover the outside of the house ourselves

Decoration of a timber house

Exterior decoration of the house with wood

Before finishing a house from timber, you should remember that due to shrinkage of the structure, significant deformations are possible. Therefore, finishing a country house made of timber or country cottage should occur somewhere 2-3 years after completion of construction. Very often, natural materials are used for cladding houses made of timber, such as wood, stone, metal or decorative plaster.

It is possible to cover the outside of the house with clapboard. The use of such material for timber buildings is due to the following advantages:

  1. The lining is durable and reliable, the design with its help will serve you for quite a long time
  2. Simple installation allows you to do the work yourself
  3. Use inside the house allows you to hide communications
  4. Good thermal and sound insulation performance
  5. Eco-friendly materials not only protect the façade. With the help of lining you can decorate any home
  6. Repairing the damaged area is not a problem

In addition to natural elements, you can also use artificial materials. Their advantage lies in the ease of cladding with your own hands, low cost, and the ability to decorate the facade and give it any color. The durability of such cladding allows you to forget for a long time about finishing the façade of a house made of timber. In particular, for this they use:

  • Siding panels
  • Fiber cement boards
  • Thermal panels

Siding panels are the most common and popular option for inexpensive finishing of your home. Processing of such material is not required, caring for it is very simple, and even a beginner can handle installation and repair. However, having sufficient weight, the panels should only be installed on reliable foundation and a house frame made of timber. Fiber cement boards are also good option registration The ability to choose any color only makes the slabs more in demand.

Brick can be used for the facade of a house made of timber, but during work we must not forget about shrinkage. In addition, the brick has a lot of weight, for which the foundation must have special strength. Brick has the following advantages:

  1. Fireproof
  2. Easy to use
  3. Aesthetic appearance - the facade design will look much more attractive than gray plaster
  4. Brick allows you to achieve good sound and heat insulation

In order to use brick for a wooden house, you should remember the need ventilation gaps– can be installed ventilation grates at a distance of 2-3 m from each other. In order to connect a brick and a wooden wall, you need to apply metal elements. They are attached to a wooden wall on one side and cemented on the other. Brick allows you to give the facade an aesthetic appearance and decorate old building. However, due to its cost, brick is not used so often.

Facade of aerated concrete building

Exterior decoration of the house

Not just owners wooden buildings I'm interested in what to cover the outside of the house with. What is better to use for a house made of aerated concrete? Most often, aerated concrete walls are plastered, but bricks and tiles can be used.

Important! Protection of the façade outside of a house made of aerated concrete should occur after finishing the finishing work inside. This is due to the possibility of unhindered escape of the resulting vapors through the walls.

It should be remembered that ordinary plaster it is not used here, since aerated concrete walls instantly absorb moisture. It is for aerated concrete that special mixtures are made that prevent moisture absorption. After completing the plastering processes, you can decorate the facade and give it the desired color using paint. Aerated concrete is also processed using special water repellents. Porcelain stoneware slabs can significantly speed up and simplify the DIY cladding process. The slabs are large in size, and their installation occurs not only with the help of adhesive solutions, but also on the sheathing.

Also, recently, wall decoration with metal profiles has become very popular. And if previously it was used more for industrial buildings or warehouses, now you can decorate the facade of even a country house with metal profiles. The color of the material is so varied that it becomes possible to use the most extraordinary colors for the facade. In addition, the metal profile can be fixed both vertically and horizontally. Vertical finishing the panels are in no way inferior to the horizontal position.

Foam plastic and blockhouse

We cover the house with a blockhouse

Very often, when choosing cladding, the privilege is given to the design of a blockhouse. In order to decorate a country house with a blockhouse with your own hands, you need to:

  • The first step is to make calculations required quantity material. Only with the correct calculations will you be able to quickly decorate the facade with panels
  • The panels should stand for several days after purchase for “acclimatization”; installation immediately after purchase is not recommended
  • Clean the surface of the wooden wall for subsequent cladding. In addition, treatment with drying oil and an antibacterial mixture is needed. Primer treatment is also required.
  • The lathing is made using a level; you need to adhere to a step of 50 cm
  • It is enough to simply finish the surface with a blockhouse. Fastening occurs with a tongue-and-groove system and self-tapping screws
  • If the walls of the house are covered with a vinyl blockhouse, then a small gap is left to compensate during expansion

Blockhouse panels are universal: color and texture allow you to bring any design to life, even inside the house. Protection of a blockhouse with panels indicates the possibility of carrying out repairs with your own hands, because if scratches appear, it is enough to sand the surface and paint over it. The panels have the only drawback, which many turn into an advantage: the material requires periodic painting. At the same time, it becomes possible to change the color of the walls of the country house.

The insulation of the house, as well as its cladding, can be done using penoplex. The main thing to remember is that this material requires subsequent plastering. Penoplex finishing is high-quality protection country house, which will cost you much less than covering it with siding panels or using a fiber cement board. Before you start insulating with penoplex, you should make sure that the walls are even and if they have significant differences, then the surface will first have to be leveled. The walls are finished with dense penoplex, the thickness of which should be at least 5 cm; the plates are attached with glue and dowels. It is important to pre-prime the surface and place the foam in a checkerboard pattern. After finishing with penoplex is completed, it is necessary to begin plastering the surface. If you have not yet decided how to cover the outside of your house, then think about the usual option: foam insulation and plastering. By the way, if in plaster mortar By adding pigment, the façade can be given a different color. It seems to me that there is simply no cheaper way to decorate the walls of a house.

Choosing a color for a wooden house, its renovation and lighting

Of course, over time, dacha wooden house is losing its original appearance, and we are starting to repair the facade. But how does it happen, and what kind of wall treatment should be done to maintain the protective properties of wood?

If you don’t know what color to choose for the future facade, then you should consider overall design and roof color. Usually in northern latitudes more warm shades, and in the south, cold motifs are popular. However, the design of your facade is purely your right and therefore you can decorate it, either blue or lilac paint. Very often, homeowners use similar colors both for design inside the house and for decorating the walls outside the home. Before you start painting, you should prepare the surface. In some cases, the facade may only require treatment with special stains and impregnations. By the way, varnish treatment will give the wood its former appearance and thereby protect it from external negative influences.

Repairs should include only high-quality materials, and sometimes even those elements with which it was built country house. If we talk about wood, then everything is clear, but clay and even manure were also often used for buildings. Repair summer cottage It may well take place without the involvement of outside people, because painting the facade, insulating the walls and treating them with various impregnations, and repairing the fence can be done independently. Design is also important interior space, it must coincide with the general style of the building. And if you built a wooden house in the country, then there is no point in using high-tech design in it.

A cozy atmosphere in a country house is the key to a comfortable pastime away from the noisy city. In building favorable conditions for relaxation Not the least important role is played by the interior decoration of the walls of a country house, which can be done different ways.

At the same time, not all owners can afford to buy expensive materials in order to tidy up their dacha, which encourages them to look for more budget solutions.

Wall design options

Construction market replete with various offers, forcing the modern consumer to rack his brains over the choice of finishing material.

Some choose on the simplest and available ways, which are suitable both for finishing an old country house and new houses, o which will be discussed below.


To implement this finishing option can be used different kinds paints(see photo), among which the most common are water-based and acrylic materials.

The advantages of this finishing method:

  • painting is a very simple procedure that does not require special skills and tools;
  • the painted surface can be easily repainted in a different color if necessary;
  • an endless selection of colors and shades;
  • ease of cleaning and disinfection.

Now about the disadvantages:

  • Before painting, the walls require careful preparation, since if there is a rough surface, the paint will lie in an uneven layer, which will lead to the formation of peeling over time;
  • the painted surface needs systematic wet cleaning;


Installation of drywall will not only allow perfectly align the walls indoors, but also placed between the sheets and the main wall thermal insulation material, if there is such a need.

Advantages of using drywall:

  • quick and easy installation;
  • the ability to construct structures of any complexity;
  • drywall makes it easy to disguise wiring and various communications;
  • Possibility of finishing with various finishing coatings.


  • decreases effective area premises;
  • low resistance to mechanical stress;
  • the need for additional puttying of seams and joints after installation, as well as puttying of the material over the entire area;
  • Drywall is susceptible to high humidity, which negatively affects the service life of the material.


This finishing method often used in the old days, and now he has received a second birth. Both natural textiles and artificial materials are used to cover walls.

Textile fastened in various ways: pasted like regular wallpaper, stretched onto pre-constructed wooden frames, which are then installed on the wall, fixed to the wooden wall with a stapler.

Advantages of the method:

  • there is no need to level the walls (except for those cases when fabric is glued instead of wallpaper);
  • resistance to various mechanical damage - textiles simply stretch under load without being subject to ruptures or cracks;
  • the room acquires a special chic thanks to the texture of the material;
  • fabrics for wall decoration are made in a wide range, so there are many options to choose from, as well as the possibility of combining the material with curtains and bed linen.


  • the fabric absorbs a large amount of dust, so the material must be vacuumed regularly;
  • textiles quickly lose their appearance, get dirty and rubbed easily.


A traditional option that provides the modern consumer wider range of possibilities, than in the old days.

Today you can buy not only paper wallpaper, but also vinyl, duplex, non-woven, textile and other types of materials.

Advantages of wallpapering:

  • walls require less thorough preparation, unlike painting, which requires repairing even the smallest cracks and irregularities;
  • large selection of different types of material;
  • the ability to independently carry out finishing work with minimal skills.


  • the need to replace wallpaper (except liquid wallpaper) after 5-7 years, as they quickly lose their appearance;
  • susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • difficulties in removing contaminants, even if we're talking about about washable wallpaper.

Wall panels

Wall panels are products intended for decorative finishing walls Can be made from various materials (chipboard, fibreboard, PVC, wood) and different shapes– in the form of plates, sheets and slats.

They are mounted like drywall on a frame, which in this case can be either steel or wood.

Advantages of panels:

  • relatively simple installation;
  • the possibility of equipping the wall with sound insulation, which is laid behind the panels;
  • there is no need to level the walls before installation;
  • the ability to dismantle the panels for use in another location.

The disadvantage of this finishing method is reducing the size of the room, since the sheathing on which the panels are installed takes up a lot of space.

How to choose the right material?

When choosing a material you need must be taken into account, what the walls to be finished are made of.

For finishing brick walls for a country house, the most suitable material is wet plaster, taking into account the fact that in winter the room will not be heated. Therefore, other materials (such as drywall or wallpaper) can quickly become unusable on a cold brick wall.

To finish walls made of aerated concrete, it is best to use both plaster and finishing frame materials(plasterboard, lining). One has only to take into account that for aerated concrete, due to its characteristics, Gypsum plaster is best. If the building is located in an area with a harsh climate, then a layer of thermal insulation will need to be laid under the drywall.

A distinctive property of foam concrete is gyroscopicity (the ability to absorb moisture), therefore for interior decoration of walls made of foam blocks it is better to use vapor-proof material.

Frame house it is best to finish the inside using OSB boards - one of optimal options. The plate increases the rigidity of the frame and improves moisture-protective and thermal insulation properties buildings. Both wallpaper and paint can be used as a finishing touch.

Walls made of laminated veneer lumber. Despite the fact that the walls are made of timber, as well as log house and the log house itself have a completely aesthetic appearance, some still resort to additional finishing. This is often due to the desire to insulate the building.

Here the same drywall or wall panels come to the rescue, allowing you to hide thermal insulation material under decorative cladding.

Walls made of rounded logs in wooden structure. In this case, for lovers of natural wood, the method covering wooden walls with clear varnish.

For those who are not impressed by this option, there are other methods of finishing the walls of a wooden house, among which the most common are:

However, it is worth noting that the last two options can hardly be called budget.

Decorating the inside of the house with wood with your own hands

One of the original finishing options that allows you to give your walls the look natural wooduse of special wood wallpaper which are made from various breeds tree.

According to the installation method, they are practically no different from regular wallpaper , requiring only the use of a special adhesive mass. But not everyone can afford such pleasure.

A more popular way to decorate a house with wood is to install a block house, this option will cost you little and has an aesthetic appearance.

Before installing it, you must keep the material indoors for 2 days. During this time, you can prepare the wall - if it is not level, you should level it with plaster. After this, they construct from the bars wooden frame for installation of a block house.

Installation of the block house is carried out from floor to ceiling, in the process the material is attached to the frame with self-tapping screws, screwing them into the base of the spike with which each separate element products. The boards of the block house are connected to each other using the tenon-to-groove principle.

Upon completion installation work the surface can be coated with clear varnish or varnish with stain.

Decorating the inside of a house with a block house: video tutorial.
