Download a textbook on technical mechanics. Technical mechanics

Arkusha A.I. Guide to solving problems in theoretical mechanics, 1971
(8.5Mb) - Download
Arkusha A.I., Frolov M.I. Technical mechanics, 1983
(130Mb) - Download
Bat M.I., Dzhanelidze G.Yu., Kelzon A.S. Theoretical mechanics in examples and problems,
Vol.1 - Statics and kinematics, 1967 (7 MB) - Download
Vol.2-Dynamics, 1966 (7.1 MB) - Download
Berezova O.A., Drushlyak G.E., Solodovnkov R.V. Theoretical mechanics,
Collection of problems, 1980. (7.2 MB) - Download
Butenin N.V., Lunts Ya.L., Merkin D.R. Theoretical mechanics course,
Vol.1 - Statics and kinematics, 1979 (2.8 MB) - Download
Gernet M.M. Theoretical mechanics course, 1973
(5.6Mb) - Download
Dievsky V.A., Malysheva I.A. Theoretical mechanics. Collection of tasks, 2009
(25Mb) - Download
Ishlinsky A.Yu. Theoretical mechanics. Letter designations quantities, 1980
(0.3Mb) - Download
Kepe O.E. Collection of short problems on theoretical mechanics, 1989
(8MB) - Download
Kirsanov M.N. Reshebnik. Theoretical mechanics, 2002
(2.8Mb) - Download
, 1986 and later years of publication.
(6MB) - Download
Meshchersky I.V. Collection of problems on theoretical mechanics, 1975
(9Mb) - Download
Loytsyansky L.G., Lurie A.I. Theoretical mechanics course,
Vol.1 - Statics and kinematics, 1982 (10.3 MB) - Download
Vol.2-Dynamics, 1983 (12.9 MB) - Download
Novozhilov I.M., Zatsepin M.F. Typical computer-based calculations for theoretical mechanics.,
1986 (2.2 MB) - Download
Olofinskaya V.P. Technical mechanics, 2007
(10Mb) - Download
Setkov V.I. Collection of problems on technical mechanics., 2003
(7Mb) - Download
Starzhinsky V.M. Theoretical mechanics. Short course according to the full program of technical colleges, 1980
(0.8Mb) - Download
Targ S.M. Short course in theoretical mechanics, 1986
(6.5Mb) - Download
Theoretical mechanics. Guidelines and control tasks for part-time students of construction, transport, mechanical engineering and instrument-making specialties of higher educational institutions. Ed. Targa S.M. , ed. 3, 1982
(1.9Mb) - Download
Theoretical mechanics: Guidelines and test assignments for part-time students of thermal power, mining, metallurgical, electrical instrument making and automation and technological specialties, as well as specialties of geological, electrical engineering, electronic engineering and automation, chemical-technological and engineering-economic higher education educational institutions. Ed. Targa S.M. , ed. 3, 1983
(2.8Mb) - Download
Theoretical mechanics: Guidelines and test assignments for part-time students of energy, mining, metallurgical, electrical instrument making and automation, technological specialties, as well as geological, electrical, electronic engineering and automation, chemical-technological and engineering-economic specialties of universities. Ed. Targa S.M. , ed. 4, 1988
(1.1Mb) -

Manufacturer: "Librocom"

The textbook presents “Theoretical Mechanics” and “Strength of Materials” - the first two sections of the course “Technical Mechanics” - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties at technical schools. The application of basic laws, theorems, equations, and calculation formulas is illustrated by the solution practical examples. The textbook can be recommended to students of mechanical engineering specialties studying at technical schools and colleges, including on-the-job training. The textbook can also be used in groups of students in non-engineering specialties related to the operation industrial equipment. ISBN:978-5-397-04192-8

Publisher: "Librocom" (2014)

ISBN: 978-5-397-04192-8

Other books on similar topics:

    AuthorBookDescriptionYearPriceBook type
    Arkusha A.I. The textbook presents “Theoretical Mechanics” and “Strength of Materials” - the first two sections of the course “Technical Mechanics” - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties at technical schools... - URSS, (format: 60x90/16, 304 pages) -2016
    757 paper book
    Arkusha A.I. The textbook presents `Theoretical Mechanics` and `Strength of Materials` - the first two sections of the course `Technical Mechanics` - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties... - LENAND, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages)2016
    949 paper book
    Arkusha A.Technical mechanics: Theoretical mechanics and strength of materialsThe textbook presents “Theoretical Mechanics” and “Strength of Materials” - the first two sections of the course “Technical Mechanics” - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties... - Lenand, (format: Hard glossy, 352 pages)2016
    777 paper book
    I. A. Arkusha The textbook presents "Theoretical Mechanics" and "Strength of Materials" - the first two sections of the course "Technical Mechanics" - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties... - Librocom, (format: 60x90/16, 354 pages)2015
    1131 paper book
    A. I. ArkushaTechnical mechanics. Theoretical mechanics and strength of materials. TextbookThe textbook presents “Theoretical Mechanics” and “Strength of Materials” - the first two sections of the course “Technical Mechanics” - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties... - Lenand, (format: 60x90/16, 352 pages)2016
    753 paper book
    A. A. Erdedi, Yu. A. Medvedev, N. A. ErdediTechnical mechanics. Theoretical mechanics. Strength of materials. TextbookThe textbook outlines, using higher mathematics, the fundamentals of theoretical mechanics and strength of materials, and also provides basic information from the theory of mechanisms and machines. Given in detail... - graduate School, (format: 60x90/16, 304 pages)1991
    180 paper book
    Erdedi A., Erdedi N.Technical mechanics. TextbookThe fundamentals of theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, machine parts and mechanisms are outlined using elements of higher mathematics. Examples of calculations are given. The textbook is based on the 13th edition... - Academy, (format: Hard glossy, 528 pages)2014
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    Setkov V.Technical mechanics for construction specialties. Textbook. 4th edition, revised and expandedThis tutorial is structured in an unconventional way. Typically, a course in technical mechanics for students of secondary vocational educational institutions in the construction field consists of the following three sections... - Academy, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages)2015
    1428 paper book
    V. P. OlofinskayaTechnical mechanics. Collection of test tasksThe collection contains tests for testing knowledge of the course "Technical Mechanics" in the sections "Theoretical Mechanics" and "Strength of Materials". Five disciplines are proposed for the main topics... - Forum, (format: 60x90/8, 134 pages)2011
    372 paper book
    The proposed book presents a course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics - " theoretical mechanics" and "strength of materials". Each section contains options practical classes by... - Forum, Professional education 2018
    978 paper book
    Olofinskaya V.V.Technical mechanics: a course of lectures with options for practical and test tasksA course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics - “Theoretical Mechanics” and “Strength of Materials”. Each section contains options for practical exercises on main topics. This educational book... - Forum, (format: Hardcover, 352 pages)2014
    421 paper book
    Olofinskaya Valentina PetrovnaTechnical mechanics: A course of lectures with options for practical and test tasks. Tutorial. RF Ministry of Defense stamp349 pp. The proposed book presents a course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics: theoretical mechanics and strength of materials. Each section contains options for practical training on ... - Prospectus, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages) Professional education 2009
    1212 paper book
    V. P. OlofinskayaTechnical mechanics. A course of lectures with options for practical and test tasksThe proposed book presents a course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics - “theoretical mechanics” and “strength of materials”. Each section contains options for practical exercises on ... - Neolithic, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages) Vocational education (Neolithic) eBook2016
    249 eBook
    Olofinskaya Valentina PetrovnaTechnical mechanics. A course of lectures with options for practical and test tasks. TutorialThe proposed book presents a course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics - “theoretical mechanics” and “strength of materials”. Each section contains options for practical exercises on ... - Forum, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages) Professional education

    Guide to solving problems in theoretical mechanics. Arkusha A.I.

    5th ed., rev. - M.: 2002. - 336 p.

    The manual contains systematically selected typical problems throughout the course, general guidelines and tips for solving problems. Problem solving is accompanied by detailed explanations. Many problems are solved in several ways.

    For students of mechanical engineering specialties of secondary specialized educational institutions. May be useful for students of technical universities.

    Format: djvu (2002 , 5th ed., revised, 336 pp.)

    Size: 6.2 MB

    Download: yandex.disk

    Format: pdf(1976 , 3rd ed., revised, 288 pp.)

    Size: 20.5 MB

    Download: yandex.disk

    Chapter I. Operations on vectors
    § 1-1. Vector addition. Rules for parallelogram, triangle and polygon
    § 2-1. Decomposition of a vector into two components. Vector difference
    § 3-1. Addition and decomposition of vectors in a graphic-analytical way
    § 4-1. Projection method. Projection of a vector onto an axis. Projections of a vector onto two mutually perpendicular axes. Determination of a vector sum by the projection method
    Section one Statics
    Chapter II. Plane system of converging forces.
    § 5-2. Addition of two forces
    § 7-2. Polygon of forces. Determination of the resultant of converging forces
    § 8-2. Equilibrium of Converging Forces
    § 9-2. Equilibrium of three non-parallel forces
    Chapter III. Arbitrary flat system of forces
    § 10-3. Moment of a couple of forces. Addition of force pairs. Equilibrium of force pairs
    § 11-3. Moment of force about a point
    § 12-3. Determination of the resultant arbitrary flat system strength
    § 13-3. Varignon's theorem
    § 14-3. Equilibrium of an arbitrary plane system of forces
    § 15-3. Equilibrium taking into account friction forces
    § 16-3. Articulated systems
    § 17-3. Statically definable trusses. Methods for cutting nodes and through sections
    Chapter IV. Spatial system of forces
    § 18-4. Force parallelepiped rule
    § 19-4. Projection of force onto three mutually perpendicular axes. Determination of the resultant system of spatial forces applied to a point
    § 20-4. Equilibrium of a spatial system of converging forces
    § 21-4. Moment of force about the axis
    § 22-4. Equilibrium of an arbitrary spatial system of forces
    Chapter V. Center of gravity........................
    § 23-5. Determining the position of the center of gravity of a body composed of thin homogeneous rods
    § 24-5. Determining the position of the center of gravity of figures composed of plates
    § 25-5. Determination of the position of the center of gravity of sections composed of standard rolled profiles
    § 26-5. Determining the position of the center of gravity of a body composed of parts having a simple geometric shape
    Section two Kinematics
    Chapter VI. Kinematics of a point
    § 27-6. Uniform rectilinear movement points
    § 28-6. Uniform curvilinear movement of a point
    § 29-6. Uniform motion of a point
    § 30-6. Uneven movement points along any trajectory
    § 31-6. Determination of the trajectory, speed and acceleration of a point if the law of its motion is given in coordinate form
    § 32-6. Kinematic method for determining the radius of curvature of a trajectory
    Chapter VII. Rotational movement solid
    § 33-7. Uniform rotational movement
    § 34-7. Equally alternating rotational motion
    § 35-7. Uneven rotational movement
    Chapter VIII. Complex movement of point and body
    § 36-8. Addition of the movements of a point when the portable and relative movements are directed along the same straight line
    § 37-8. Addition of the movements of a point when the portable and relative movements are directed at an angle to each other
    § 38-8. Plane-parallel body motion
    Chapter IX. Elements of kinematics of mechanisms
    § 39-9. Determination of gear ratios of various gears
    § 40-9. Determination of gear ratios of the simplest planetary and differential gears
    Section three Dynamics
    Chapter X. Movement material point
    § 41-10. Basic law of point dynamics
    § 42-10. Application of d'Alembert's principle to solving problems involving the rectilinear motion of a point
    § 43-10. Application of d'Alembert's principle to solving problems involving the curvilinear motion of a point
    Chapter XI. Work and power. Efficiency
    § 44-11. Work and power in forward motion
    § 45-11. Rotational work and power
    Chapter XII. Basic theorems of dynamics
    § 46-12. Problems involving translational movement of the body
    § 47-12. Problems involving rotational movement of the body



    Section one. Theoretical mechanics

    Chapter I Basic provisions of statistics

    § 1.1. General information

    § 1.2. Axioms of statics

    § 1.3. Connections and their reactions

    Chapter 2. Plane system of converging forces

    § 1.4. Addition of two forces applied at a point on a body

    § 1.5. Addition of a plane system of converging forces. Geometric equilibrium condition

    § 1.6. Determination of the resultant system of converging forces by the projection method. Analytical

    equilibrium condition

    Chapter 3. Theory of pairs of forces on a plane

    § 1.7. Couple of forces

    § 1.8. Equivalence of force pairs

    § 1.9. Addition of people's forces. Equilibrium condition for pairs

    § 1.10. Moment of force about a point

    Chapter 4. Plane system of arbitrarily located forces

    § 1.11. Bringing force to a point

    § 1.12. Reduction of a plane system of arbitrarily located forces to a point

    § 1.13. Varignon's theorem

    § 1.14. Special cases of reduction of a plane system of forces

    to the point. Equilibrium condition

    § 1.15. Equilibrium equations and their various shapes

    § 1.16. Beam systems. Types of supports and types


    § 1.17. Real connections. Sliding friction and its laws

    Chapter 5. Spatial system of forces

    § 1.18. Addition of a spatial system of convergent

    strength Equilibrium condition

    § 1.19. Moment of force about the axis

    § 1.20. Arbitrary spatial system of forces

    Equilibrium condition

    Chapter 6. Tschpr gravity

    § 1.21. Center of Parallel Forces

    § 1.22. Body center of gravity

    § 1.23. Determining the coordinates of the center of gravity of flat planes

    and spatial figures

    § 1.24. Equilibrium stability


    Chapter 7 Kinematics of a point

    § 1.25. Basic concepts of kinematics

    § 1.26. Methods for specifying point movement

    § 1.27 Determination of the speed of a point at natural

    method of specifying this movement

    § 1.28. Determining the acceleration of a point at natural

    way to set its movement

    § 1.29 Special cases of point motion. Kinematic

    § 1.30. Determination of the speed and acceleration of a point at co

    ordinate method of specifying its movement

    Chapter 8. The simplest movements of a rigid body

    § 1.31. Forward movement

    § 1.32. Rotational movement. Angular velocity, angular acceleration

    § 1.33. Special cases of rotational motion

    § 1.34. Speeds and accelerations various points rotating body

    § 1.35. Methods for transmitting rotational motion

    Chapter 9. Complex movement

    1.36. Complex point movement

    § 1.37. Plane-parallel body motion

    § 1.38. Determining the speed of any point on the body

    § 1.39. Instantaneous velocity center

    § 1.40. Addition of two rotational movements

    § 1.41. The concept of planetary gears. Willis formula


    Chapter 10. Motion of a non-free material point

    § 1.42. Basic concepts and axioms

    § 1.43. Free and non-free points

    § 1.44. Inertia force

    § 1.45. d'Alembert's principle

    Chapter 11. Work and power

    § 1.46. Work of constant force during linear movement

    § 1.47. Work done by resultant force

    § 1.48. Work of variable force on a curved path

    § 1.49. Power

    § 1.50. Mechanical efficiency

    § 1.51. Work of forces on an inclined plane

    § 1.52. Work and power during rotational motion of bodies

    § 1.53. Rolling friction. Work when rolling bodies

    Chapter 12. General theorems of dynamics

    § 1.54. Impulse of force. Quantity of motion. Kinetic energy

    § 1.55. Theorem on the change in momentum of a point

    § 1.56. Theorem on the change in kinetic energy of a point

    § 1.57. Concept of mechanical system

    § 1.58. Basic equation for the dynamics of a rotating body

    § 1.59. Moments of inertia of some bodies

    § 1.60. Kinetic energy of the body. Kinetic moment

    Section two. Strength of materials

    Chapter 1. Basic provisions

    § 2.1 Problems of strength of materials

    § 2.2. Load classification

    § 2.3. Basic Assumptions

    § 2.4. Section method. Types of loads

    Chapter 2. Tension and compression

    § 2.6. Normal forces and stresses in the cross section of a beam

    § 2.7. Movements and deformations. Hooke's law

    § 2.9. Static testing of materials. Main mechanical characteristics

    § 2.10. Strength calculations

    § 2.11. Statically indeterminate systems

    Chapter 3. Practical calculations for shear and crushing

    § 2.12. Basic calculation premises and formulas

    § 2.13. Calculation examples

    Chapter 4. Torsion

    § 2.14. Pure shift. Hooke's law under shear

    § 2.15. Torque. Construction of diagrams

    § 2.16. Torsion of a round straight beam. Basic

    prerequisites and formulas

    § 2.17. Strength and stiffness calculations

    § 2.18. Coil springs extension and compression

    Chapter 5. Geometric characteristics of plane sections

    § 2.19. Moments of inertia of sections

    § 2.20. The concept of the main central moments of inertia

    § 2.21. Axial moments of inertia of the simplest sections

    Chapter 6. Bending a straight beam

    § 2.22. Straight bend clean and transverse

    § 2.23. Construction of diagrams shear forces and bending


    § 2.24. Basic calculation premises and formulas

    when bending

    § 2.25. Strength calculations

    § 2.26. Shear stress at transverse bending

    § 2.27 Concept of linear and angular movements

    when bending

    § 2.28. Mohr's integral

    § 2.29. Vereshchagin's rule

    § 2.30. Stiffness calculations

    Chapter 7 Oblique bend. Bending of timber with tension (compression)

    § 2.31. Oblique bend

    § 2.32. Calculations of a beam of high rigidity in bending with

    stretching (compression)

    Chapter 8. Strength hypotheses

    § 2.33. The concept of a stressed state at a point of an elastic body

    § 2.34. Strength hypotheses and their purpose

    § 2.35. Round timber calculations cross section at

    bending with torsion

    Chapter 9. Stability of compressed rods

    § 2.36. Stability of elastic equilibrium. Critical force

    § 2.37. Euler's formula

    § 2.38. Critical tension. Limits of applicability of Euler's formula


    Subject index

    The textbook presents “Theoretical Mechanics” and “Strength of Materials” - the first two sections of the course “Technical Mechanics” - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties at technical schools. The application of basic laws, theorems, equations, and calculation formulas is illustrated by solving practical examples. The textbook can be recommended to students of mechanical engineering specialties studying at technical schools and colleges, including on-the-job training. The textbook can also be used in groups of students in non-engineering specialties related to the operation of industrial equipment.

    Publisher: "URSS" (2016)

    ISBN: 978-5-9710-3233-5

    In My-shop

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      Arkusha A.I. The textbook presents `Theoretical Mechanics` and `Strength of Materials` - the first two sections of the course `Technical Mechanics` - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties... - LENAND, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages)2016
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      Arkusha A.Technical mechanics: Theoretical mechanics and strength of materialsThe textbook presents “Theoretical Mechanics” and “Strength of Materials” - the first two sections of the course “Technical Mechanics” - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties... - Lenand, (format: Hard glossy, 352 pages)2016
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      I. A. Arkusha The textbook presents "Theoretical Mechanics" and "Strength of Materials" - the first two sections of the course "Technical Mechanics" - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties... - Librocom, (format: 60x90/16, 354 pages)2015
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      A. I. ArkushaTechnical mechanics. Theoretical mechanics and strength of materials. TextbookThe textbook presents “Theoretical Mechanics” and “Strength of Materials” - the first two sections of the course “Technical Mechanics” - in accordance with the program for mechanical engineering specialties... - Lenand, (format: 60x90/16, 352 pages)2016
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      A. A. Erdedi, Yu. A. Medvedev, N. A. ErdediTechnical mechanics. Theoretical mechanics. Strength of materials. TextbookThe textbook outlines, using higher mathematics, the fundamentals of theoretical mechanics and strength of materials, and also provides basic information from the theory of mechanisms and machines. Provided in detail... - Higher School, (format: 60x90/16, 304 pages)1991
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      Erdedi A., Erdedi N.Technical mechanics. TextbookThe fundamentals of theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, machine parts and mechanisms are outlined using elements of higher mathematics. Examples of calculations are given. The textbook is based on the 13th edition... - Academy, (format: Hard glossy, 528 pages)2014
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      Setkov V.Technical mechanics for construction specialties. Textbook. 4th edition, revised and expandedThis tutorial is structured in an unconventional way. Typically, a course in technical mechanics for students of secondary vocational educational institutions in the construction field consists of the following three sections... - Academy, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages)2015
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      V. P. OlofinskayaTechnical mechanics. Collection of test tasksThe collection contains tests for testing knowledge of the course "Technical Mechanics" in the sections "Theoretical Mechanics" and "Strength of Materials". Five disciplines are proposed for the main topics... - Forum, (format: 60x90/8, 134 pages)2011
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      The proposed book presents a course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics - “theoretical mechanics” and “strength of materials”. Each section contains options for practical training on... - Forum, Professional education 2018
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      Olofinskaya V.V.Technical mechanics: a course of lectures with options for practical and test tasksA course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics - “Theoretical Mechanics” and “Strength of Materials”. Each section contains options for practical exercises on main topics. This educational book... - Forum, (format: Hardcover, 352 pages)2014
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      Olofinskaya Valentina PetrovnaTechnical mechanics: A course of lectures with options for practical and test tasks. Tutorial. RF Ministry of Defense stamp349 pp. The proposed book presents a course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics: theoretical mechanics and strength of materials. Each section contains options for practical training on ... - Prospectus, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages) Professional education 2009
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      V. P. OlofinskayaTechnical mechanics. A course of lectures with options for practical and test tasksThe proposed book presents a course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics - “theoretical mechanics” and “strength of materials”. Each section contains options for practical exercises on ... - Neolithic, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages) Vocational education (Neolithic) eBook2016
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      Olofinskaya Valentina PetrovnaTechnical mechanics. A course of lectures with options for practical and test tasks. TutorialThe proposed book presents a course of lectures on two sections of technical mechanics - “theoretical mechanics” and “strength of materials”. Each section contains options for practical exercises on ... - Forum, (format: Hard glossy, 400 pages) Professional education