Painting balusters. How to paint a wooden porch outside. How to treat wood before painting

Staircase in the house - an important part, especially if the building consists of several levels. With its help you can not only climb to the next floor. She must become unique element interior Therefore, every owner of a two- or three-story private house needs to know how and with what to paint a staircase.

To give the staircase a finished look, several types of paint and varnish coatings are used. These are varnishes, impregnations and paints themselves. The former emphasize the structure of the wood (tinting) or fix the result (transparent), the latter also emphasize the beauty of the wood pattern, but require additional fixation with a transparent varnish. The paints allow you to paint the stairs as you please.

Coloring is done not only for aesthetic purposes. On the floor, tongue and groove pine boards are most often used. Despite its strength, unopened wood wears out 5 times faster. This is due to the fact that dust and grains of sand become clogged in the pores, which over time destroy the structure of the floorboards. By painting a staircase made of pine or any other wood with varnish or paint yourself, you extend its service life.

Clear/tinted wood varnish

Varnish is used to cover steps, balusters and railings. The colorless composition does not hide the wood texture. It is very important that the sanding of all elements of the staircase is carried out the highest level. Transparent varnishes come in several types:

  1. Latex. Non-toxic material, safe for humans and animals. When applied to wood, it forms a thin, durable, water-resistant layer. It has antiseptic properties - protects wood from mold and rot. Can be used both indoors and outdoors.
  2. On water based or acrylate. Doesn't have unpleasant odor, non-toxic, forms a fairly durable coating that is resistant to mechanical damage, and prevents the aging of wood.
  3. On synthetic resins. Such varnishes dry quickly, are resistant to aggressive environments (alkalies, acids), and are used only for interior work. Do not use synthetic resin varnishes to paint steps. They are suitable for balusters and railings.
  4. Yacht. Happens different types, depending on the base - alkyd and its varieties (urethane-alkyd, alkyd-urethane) and acrylate. It is toxic, so when using it inside a living space, wear a respirator, otherwise the probability of poisoning is 99%.

Advice! Use for painting stairs only as a last resort. It is poisonous even after drying.

Tinting varnishes include oil-based compositions. With their help you can change the color of wood from pale yellow to rich brown. When choosing, you need to look at what percentage of oil is included in the composition. To paint the steps of the stairs, this parameter must be at least 65%. In this case, you will get a durable, wear-resistant coating. If the oil varnish contains only 50% oil or less, there can be no talk of any strength. This composition is suitable only for balusters and railings.

Wood paints

You can find a great variety of different formulations on sale. But which one is suitable for painting wooden stairs? To answer this question, you need to consider the types of paints used for wood:

  1. Oily. They consist of drying oil, stabilizers and coloring pigment. Dont Have strong smell, affordable, available in a rich color palette, and economical in use. However, wood under such paint does not breathe. The resulting surface cannot withstand mechanical damage and quickly wears off and becomes dull. Service life up to 5 years.
  2. Alkyd. Based on pentaphthalic varnish with the addition of coloring pigment and antiseptic additives. Dries quickly. The finished coating is elastic and resistant to mechanical damage, durable. Alkyd paints are cheap and have a rich color palette.
  3. Acrylic. Manufactured on the basis of acrylic resins. They are non-toxic, do not have a strong odor, dry quickly, are wear-resistant, have a rich color palette, and do not fade over time. The tree breathes under this coating. Service life up to 20 years.

Advice! Invariably good result give alkyd paints for wood. Choose them if you want to save a little and get high-quality coating stairs.

What to pay attention to

The criteria for choosing a certain type of paintwork for a wooden staircase are as follows:

  1. Floor load. If the stairs to the second/third floor are often used, then a wear-resistant coating is chosen.
  2. Tree species. Pine floors can and should be painted; larch boards have beautiful drawing, so it is better to choose a clear or tinted varnish.
  3. Availability of ventilation. The staircase is usually located close to entrance area, which means there should be no problems with ventilation. Therefore, you can choose any LMB.
  4. Price. The issue of saving is especially important if a lot of money has been spent on repairing or building a house. In this case, you can choose cheaper paintwork materials for the stairs, but not at the expense of the quality of the finished coating.

Now you know how to paint a wooden staircase and how to choose the right composition.

Dyeing technology

Painting a wooden staircase takes place in 2 stages. This is preparing the base and, directly, opening the railings, balusters, and steps with varnish or paint. The first stage is very important; you cannot do without it if you want to get a beautiful and smooth staircase.

Preparing the base

To work you will need a solution for wood putty or alternative ways sealing cracks (wood chips, wood dust mixed with colorless varnish), antiseptic primer, iron brush, spatula, sandpaper - 80, 100, 120, 180 - 220, 240 - 320 and zero.

The technology for preparing the base with your own hands is simple:

  1. Remove debris from the stairs and wash them with water. Then wait until it dries completely.
  2. Treat steps with remover old paint. Using a spatula, remove the swollen coating. Remove what hasn't risen with an iron brush.
  3. Clean the steps, balusters and railings with sandpaper, or preferably two – first 80-grit, then 100-grit, remove dust with a brush, and vacuum the steps additionally.
  4. Seal the cracks. The putty will not last long if the stairs are actively used. Try sealing the cracks with wood chips. Select a piece according to the size of the hole, coat it with PVA glue and place it in place. Another way to seal cracks: mix wood dust with colorless varnish, seal the cracks with the resulting composition and let dry.
  5. Go over it again with 120-grit sandpaper, remove the dust and finish the job with sandpaper. Ideally, the steps, balusters, and railings should be smooth “like an egg.”
  6. Treat the stairs with an antiseptic primer. Use a roller for this. Make sure that the composition gets into all the recesses and decorations (if any).
  7. Wait for the primer to dry.

Now you can begin the final stage.

Paint coating

This is a crucial moment. Depends on the quality of the coating appearance stairs and how harmoniously it will fit into the interior of the house. To work you will need paint and a brush/roller. You can use a spray gun (it costs significantly more than conventional tools for applying paintwork).

DIY paint application technology:

  1. Open the jar. Using a long, strong wooden stick, stir the paint thoroughly. There should be no lumps in it.
  2. If the composition is excessively thick, dilute it with a solvent.
  3. Dip your brush or roller into the paint. Start painting. All movements should be along the fibers. After priming, the paint should not be absorbed too quickly. If you notice that the composition goes into the wood like a sponge, paint the entire staircase and wait until the first layer dries.
  4. Reapply paint. Pay special attention to the joints of the baluster/floor, baluster/railing, as well as various notches and squiggles (if there are shaped elements on the stairs).

Advice! After the paint has dried, open the stairs with clear varnish. This will increase the strength of the coating. As an option, paint only the steps, and varnish the balusters and railings.

Varnish coating

The preparatory work before such finishing is somewhat different. Sanding is carried out only once before the first opening. This is due to the fact that the varnish will inevitably raise all the fluff on the surface. Interlayer sanding will be required (180 - 220 sandpaper), and for the first layer it is better to use a special primer varnish.

Note. After stripping the primer varnish, the staircase is always a pitiful sight. It looks much worse than after removing the old paint. Don't be alarmed. A second coat of varnish, applied to a properly prepared surface, will do the trick.

Painting the stairs is carried out in steps:

  1. Prepare a clear varnish (if it is two-component, mix it with your own hands according to the instructions).
  2. Dip a velor roller into varnish.
  3. Start coating by running the roller along the grain of the wood.
  4. Let the layer dry. This is approximately 3 hours.
  5. Do another intercoat sanding. Use fine sandpaper (240 – 320).
  6. Apply a second coat of varnish. The third or more layers are applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

If you don’t like the natural color of pine, larch or other wood, use stain to make the stairs darker. You can apply varnish on oil based, choosing the desired shade. It's up to you to decide which is better.

The drying time for the staircase depends on the number of layers of varnish. After a day, you can walk along it in socks or knitted slippers without hard soles. On average, the coating gains working strength in 7 - 10 days. In order to tidy up the staircase with your own hands and not spoil its appearance, you must have minimal skills in working with paints and varnishes. Follow the instructions exactly, and then the result will meet your expectations.

From pine? Perhaps the question will make the reader smile: is it worth racking your brains over such a simple operation? However, practice shows that the service life and quality of the appearance of the coating are directly proportional to the time spent on surface preparation and its application. Let's try to do the job according to all the rules.

The photo shows an interfloor staircase. Material – pine.

Is wood any different from, say, metal in terms of applying paint and varnish coatings? Does pine stand out in any way compared to other types of wood?

  1. Unlike metal, wood is hygroscopic. Its surface absorbs paints and solvents just as well as water.
  2. Moistening or applying a layer of paint means the pile is raised: the wood fibers change their orientation, and the surface becomes rough.
  3. The wood texture itself is quite beautiful and can be used as a decorative element. Of course, in this case the final coating should be transparent or translucent.
  4. Pine is different big amount resin that impregnates the material. Not all paint will adhere to the tarred area; what is equally important is that the resin content is uneven. As a result, the coating itself may become uneven.

Let us clarify: resinity is a property not only of pine. All conifers have it to one degree or another.

Basic moments

Let's discuss a few questions that inevitably arise when building a wooden staircase with your own hands.

Choice of coverage

Is a surface layer necessary? Why are various oil- and wax-based impregnations worse than varnish or enamel? Can't you just cover the steps, bowstrings, balusters and handrails with stain?

Stain is definitely not enough. Any coating must create a barrier to moisture: fluctuations in atmospheric humidity, inevitable throughout the year, will quickly cause relatively loose pine to crack and warp. In addition, do not forget about rotting and woodworms.

Impregnation is quite capable of protecting the tree from most adverse factors. However, one trap awaits us here: oil and wax will not protect the surface of the steps from mechanical wear. Walking along the soaked stairs only barefoot or in soft slippers... are you sure that this is comfortable?

Conclusions? They are, I think, obvious.

  • For painting wooden stairs made of low-grade wood optimal choiceenamel. It will hide traces of putty on knots and cracks; more importantly, a dense surface layer will protect the surface from premature wear and minor mechanical damage. Finally, the enamel layer is easy to clean.
  • If the surface of a pine staircase is free of significant defects, our choice is varnish. It will highlight the beauty of the texture, enhancing its appearance. If the pine seems too light to you, you can either cover it with stain before varnishing, or add color to the varnish itself.

Chicken or egg

What should you do first – assemble the staircase or paint/varnish its parts?

This question is an eternal stumbling block on thematic forums. Strong arguments can be made for both points of view.

  • If as connecting elements self-tapping screws, bolts, studs or dowels are used, it is wiser to apply the final coating to the parts before assembly. In this case, those surfaces that will become inaccessible after assembling the stairs will be reliably protected from adverse influences.
  • In the case where adhesive joints are used, the finished staircase should be painted or varnished. Wood glue is unlikely to bond painted surfaces as reliably; in addition, any adhesive joint is stronger the thinner the adhesive layer between the parts.

Choice of paint and varnish

How to paint a pine staircase? Or if your choice is varnish coating- How to varnish it?

It is worth separating the working surface of the steps and all other elements of the staircase: they have completely different modes of operation. The steps are subject to severe wear and tear; In addition, pine, as we remember, is a species with low wood density. Stilettos or hard heels may well leave marks on it if the strength of the protective layer is low.

On the other hand, handrails and accessories for stairs (bowstrings, balusters) and the back side of the steps are practically not exposed to loads. Any coating will do most of the work decorative functions- of course, in addition to protection from rotting and moisture.

Hence the choice of materials:

  • For work surface steps, floor enamels are used on alkyd baseddomestic PF-266 and imported analogues. Brand preferences are deeply subjective, so we will not name specific names in order to avoid accusations of hidden advertising.
  • The best varnish for pine stairs (more precisely, for the surface of the steps) - polyurethane parquet. Its price is quite high; but it forms an extremely durable and wear-resistant surface.

Advice: it is better to choose matte or semi-matte varnish rather than glossy. It shows less visible signs of wear, which will inevitably appear in the center of the steps, even after a long time.

  • For surfaces that are not subject to intense mechanical stress, we can again recommend alkyd enamels PF-115 for exterior use: They are weather resistant but are not intended for floor painting. With varnishes it’s even easier: inexpensive ones will fully satisfy our requirements. nitrocellulose varnishes of the NC series or alkyd PF-170.


So, we have decided how to cover a pine staircase. You can start working. Where to begin?


One of typical problems pine has already been mentioned: resin. The resin content of the fibers and, most importantly, resin pockets. How to get rid of this scourge?

Acetone or turpentine can help. Both solvents are excellent at removing traces of resin and dissolving resin accumulations in pockets. For cleaning use ordinary rags.


The optimal choice in our case is acrylic wood putty. Irregularities, cavities from knots and resin will have to be puttied 2-3 times with intermediate sanding: the putty shrinks when it dries.

If painting is to be done, the color of the putty does not matter; but when varnishing it is better to match it to the tone of the wood. The exception is the case when the final coating is dark tinted varnish: white patches on a light background under its layer will not be noticeable.


A sander can be used on the planes, but the balusters, the surface of the steps between them and the handrails will have to be sanded by hand. For grinding you will have to stock up on several types sandpaper with different grits: trying to jump from 60 to 120 grit will only be a waste of time. You shouldn’t treat the stairs with a zero polish: save it for interlayer sanding paint coating.


Painting a pine staircase is done with a brush: alkyd enamel or viscous varnish cannot be sprayed with a spray gun; for a roller, the surface of the stairs is too complex shape. Painting is carried out in at least three layers; polyurethane varnish can be applied on steps and in 6-7 layers: it performs not only decorative functions, but also provides reliable protection from mechanical damage.

After applying the first layer and drying it completely (regardless of whether we are talking about enamel or varnish), the entire surface is sanded with a zero polish. Enamel or varnish will inevitably raise the pile, but leaving the surface rough is not in our interests. Ideally, all layers except the final one are sanded.

Please note: before painting work you will have to spring-cleaning premises. Dust can disfigure any coating.

To give the interior staircase a new look and protect the wood from damage environment, it should be treated with special paints and varnishes.

How to paint a wooden staircase inside a house between floors

Selection of paints and varnishes for painting interfloor stairs made of wood is represented by a variety of materials, from which there is a finishing method to suit every taste. Varnishes, paints, enamels, and stains are used for painting.

  1. . Coating wooden stairs indoors can be done with two types of paints: oil-based with the addition of natural drying oil and a version with an artificial analogue. Natural paints are of higher quality and are used in rooms with high humidity. Samples on artificial drying oil are quite suitable for covering stairs in a dry room and have a low price.

  2. . This material has many variations.

    To cover wooden surfaces two groups of varnishes are used:

    • Light oil-resinous version. It is more resistant to moisture and is made from natural ingredients;
    • Synthetic varnishes have many more varieties, depending on the base (polyester, cellulose base, acrylic, vinyl samples, etc.).
  3. This option for processing wooden stairs partially combines both presented options. This is due to the fact that enamels are made on a varnish base with the addition of paint. After treating the surface with enamel, a thin film forms on it, which is destroyed over time, so this option is not recommended for use in places with high humidity.

  4. Polishes. Used as finishing coat to give wooden structure additional gloss and brightness. Nitro-based polishes are suitable for application exclusively to similar paints and varnishes.

  5. stain. This option not only emphasizes the texture of the wood, but also has an antiseptic effect and fire resistance. Such impregnations can be applied in several layers without worrying about the uniformity of the texture and the possibility of stains. The stain is simply applied to the product using a brush.

When choosing a material for covering stairs, you should choose a shade that is as close as possible to the natural color. Having chosen a color, you need to decide on the type of paint, remembering that pigmented mixtures hide defects well and can be applied to putty areas. However they hide natural look wood

How to paint a wooden staircase outdoors

For arrangement entrance stairs and the porch often uses wood. The material needs protection from weather influences and pests. There are a number of products available for this purpose that will extend the life of the product and improve its appearance.

Since outdoor stairs are subject to more severe loads, you need to use suitable varnishes and paints to paint them. From these materials the best option The surface will be treated with natural drying oil paint. Also, finishing can be done with alcohol-based, alkyd or polyurethane-based varnishes. Enamels and paints based on artificial drying oil are not suitable for outdoor work because they are afraid of dampness.

How to treat wood before painting

Proper treatment of wood before painting is important point in extending the service life of the product. Preparation for future painting is necessary before assembling the structure. This list includes the following treatments:

If a clear varnish is chosen for painting, then instead of a primer you should coat wooden product stain.

What paints and varnishes should I use to treat pine?

If the staircase is made of pine or other coniferous species trees, before painting it, the material should be treated with preparations that will degrease the resin. Otherwise, the surface of the structure will be stained, especially if it is covered with matte or light varnish. This is due to the uneven absorption of paint by different areas of resinous pine wood.

To carry out this process, you can use a solvent. A 25% solution of technical acetone copes well with this task. After deresining the wood, you should not proceed to the next process until the product is completely dry. Then a stain is applied, which will further protect the wood and make it more attractive.

The final stage will be the application of paint and varnish. After painting, it is advisable to treat pine material with parquet varnish, which does not become slippery after drying. Otherwise, there is no fundamental difference between the treatment of pine with paints and varnishes from other tree species.

Choosing the color of steps and balusters

When painting wooden stairs, the color of steps and balusters is selected to match the tone of the entire structure, which depends on the owner’s imagination or the features of the interior. If you want to highlight the beauty and features natural wood, it makes sense to use stain or clear varnish for painting.

In order to hide minor defects or fit the stairs into general interior, paints, varnishes and enamels of suitable colors are used. Experts advise that when treating a structure with varnish, stop at matte version, which will allow you to hide minor errors in the structure, without spoiling the overall impression.

Many people have recently given preference to patina when painting balusters. This option will allow you to choose any shade, while balusters painted in light or gray tones seem airy, white and turquoise options look very expressive, and gilded or bronze patination adds luxury to any interior.

When painting steps, you should follow the same rules as when processing the entire structure. It should be remembered that before starting to apply paint, the room and stairs must be clean to avoid dust or dirt getting under the paint, which can lead to stains and streaks.

Since painting a staircase can take more than one day, the steps can be treated through one element. This will cause some inconvenience when walking, but will make it possible to use the stairs while painting.

Painting technology

Treating stairs with paints and varnishes is not difficult and anyone can do it. The main thing is to carry out pre-treatment correctly and fully comply with the technological process.

After the preliminary processing discussed above, you can begin the main work. A wide soft brush or spray bottle is suitable as a working tool.

Varnish or paint is applied to a wooden staircase in 3 layers. Moreover, each subsequent treatment is carried out after the previous coating has completely dried.

  1. The first layer is applied along the wood fibers in the longitudinal direction.
  2. The second treatment is carried out perpendicular to the location of the wood fibers.
  3. The final layer goes on like the first.

If the stairs are coated with opaque paint, its surface must be cleaned and puttied. After the putty has dried, the product is sanded. It is advisable to perform this operation in two stages, with a break of several days between them. This will allow defects that were not previously noticed to appear.

Then, the surface is primed and after the structure has dried, a final layer of paint is applied to it.

What is better to paint a wooden staircase to the second floor inside the house, on the street, than to treat the wood before painting, what paint, varnish to coat a pine staircase, the color of the steps, balusters


The internal staircase is a functional element and a noticeable accent in the interior of the house. Most often it is built from pine wood. The designer’s task is to ensure that the architectural component blends harmoniously into the environment and performs its tasks for as long as possible. To do this, pine stairs are treated with special means and painted in accordance with the overall design.

What are the advantages of making stairs from pine

During the construction and finishing of budget wooden houses solid pine is used. This wood is not as durable as oak, cedar or larch, but it is quite wear-resistant, more common, cheap and accessible. Pine ate better, because it has a denser texture and much fewer knots, which reduce the strength of the lumber.

Pine products are distinguished by a pleasant light golden or almost white color and a unique pattern.

Pine has a pleasant light golden or almost white color

Features of pine wood

Working with pine is somewhat more difficult than working with cedar or oak. Soft wood requires fine sanding and careful selection of finishing agents.

The density of the material depends on the growing conditions of the tree:

  • IN warm periods intensively growing fibers form a loose mass. Cold years provide hard and dense wood.
  • Pine harvested in the mountains has a dense and uniform texture, while pine grown on sandy soils has a light, loose, fibrous texture.
  • Northern pine is of better quality than material mined in southern latitudes.

Therefore, most of the resulting lumber absorbs processing agents unevenly. Unsightly stains appear under the transparent coating, which is extremely unpleasant for aesthetic reasons. Resin (resin) contributes to the appearance of color spots on the surface of pine products. If the raw materials are prepared in winter period, when the main volume of resin is pumped by the tree into root system, the fibers remain drier, cleaner and stronger. They absorb processing agents evenly. Stains and stains appear on wood cut down during the spring-summer sap flow. When brought into a warm, dry room, it begins to push the resin out.

The steps of internal stairs are usually built from edged solid board. But they often use glued boards, which have greater strength and wear resistance. The difference in the color of the lamellas from which such a board is assembled is especially noticeable. In addition, the lamellas begin to warp over time due to changes in humidity, and gaps form between them.

On glued boards the difference in the color of the lamellas is especially noticeable

If you want to leave the interfloor wooden staircase in its original natural color, you will have to use special means treatments: primer, mastic, wax, stain. A simpler option is to apply a decorative opaque coating to the pine staircase.

Why should you paint your home?

The statement that wood is beautiful and does not need painting is completely false. Wood does have an attractive appearance, but it is very vulnerable to insects, mold, hard shoe soles, dirt, and fire. The steps wear out especially quickly.

Stair treads wear out the fastest

Therefore, it is necessary to paint a pine staircase. If you want to see the natural grain of the wood, paint it with at least a clear varnish, but be sure to paint it!

Paint creates solid protective covering, which does not allow premature “wetting” of wood fibers. It is inedible for bugs and unsuitable for rot and mold. Impregnations greatly enhance protection and extend service life.

How to paint

To process pine stairs, the following are used:

To ensure a high-quality and durable coating, cover the wood only with high-quality materials purchased in specialized stores or from manufacturers.

Which painting material to choose: comparison table

Types of paints




Moisture-resistant, rich in color, creates a reliable protective film

They take a long time to dry, do not “breathe”, have a strong toxic odor, lose their shine in areas of wear, are afraid of alkalis, and can peel off over time

Moisture resistant, form the most durable and smooth surface, dry quickly, lie flat

They provide only a matte surface and are intended for interior use only.

Acrylic, acrylate

Water-repellent, breathable, water-soluble, quick-drying, low odor, lays flat

They only provide a matte surface.


Moisture-resistant, dry quickly, form a smooth surface with a polishing effect

For stairs, use matte or semi-gloss paints. Glossy steps and railings lose their shine over time due to constant use and look untidy. You won’t be able to quickly refresh the color; you’ll have to sand and repaint all surfaces.

Materials and tools

  • Primer
  • Solvent, paint cleaner
  • Paint, enamel, varnish
  • Wood putty
  • Sealant
  • Masking tape
  • Protective film
  • Putty knife
  • Napkins, rags, rags
  • Scraper
  • Sanding tool, sandpaper
  • Mini rolls, brushes
  • Protective equipment: gloves, respirator (“petal” or others).

Procedure for working with paint or enamel

All work with paints and solvents should be carried out in the warm season to ensure constant ventilation of the room.

Video: How to properly paint steps

Procedure for working with varnish

Preparing and covering stairs with stain + video

  1. Complete everything preliminary work: protection of adjacent surfaces, cleaning, puttying, sealing, sanding.
  2. Using a paint brush, apply stain one step at a time. Leave for 2-3 minutes to absorb. Use a dry, lint-free cotton rag to thoroughly wipe off any excess substance, moving it only in a longitudinal direction.
  3. Treat all steps, balusters, and railings in the same way.
  4. If the color of the impregnation is uneven, repeat the treatment. To ensure that the stain applies evenly, does not leave stains, and better emphasizes the texture of the wood, wet the surface with water before applying it. When working with stain, wear rubber gloves, as contact of hands with soiled rags is inevitable.

Before staining the entire staircase, experiment with the tone on a small, inconspicuous area.

Finishing varnish (with video instructions)

  • For stairs, it is advisable to use matte and semi-gloss varnishes. They do not show signs of wear, and the slip coefficient of the matte surface is lower, which makes the stairs safer.

Wear on the glossy surface is especially unsightly

  • Combined coatingTo paint the interior stairs, you can use a combined method. For example, paint the vertical parts of the steps and balusters, and protect the more easily worn horizontal parts of the steps and railings with parquet varnish.

The best varnish for steps is polyurethane parquet. It is expensive, but extremely durable.

When working with a spray gun, the use of a respirator is mandatory.

Painting interior stairs does not pose any serious difficulties and is quite affordable home handyman. If you purchased quality materials and follow the technology when working, your staircase will perform its tasks and look brilliant for a very long time.

Before you start using a wooden staircase, you need to prepare it for use. One of the most important stages of preparation is painting the balusters. It is quite difficult to cope with such a task on your own, so it is advisable to turn to the experts. Professionals will recommend excellent paints and varnishes and will do everything quickly and efficiently.

Painting balusters price

First of all, customers are concerned about the cost of specialist work. Do you think you'll have to pay for painting? a large sum? Our store website provides similar services for a very reasonable fee.

If you are interested in painting balusters, the price will be the decisive argument in the matter of choosing craftsmen. We offer a high-quality service, so all costs will be fully justified. We can process elements on finished staircase or paint them immediately and provide them already prepared for use. This option is preferable, because then there will be no garbage remaining at the site after processing.

Prices for services can be found on our website. If you feel that the information is not enough to make a decision, then you should contact the managers. Consultants will promptly make all calculations and answer your questions.

Painting pine balusters

Products made from this type of wood are very popular because they are relatively cheap, but have excellent qualities. To extend their service life, they must be carefully processed. Typically, painting pine balusters does not take much time, but it immediately changes the appearance of the staircase. The product can be coated:

colored varnish (matte or glossy);




We use materials highest quality, so you always get a great result. Let us remind you that balusters can be painted to match the color of the stairs, or a different shade can be used. The second option will appeal to those who want to get an original product.

Painting larch balusters

We offer a service such as painting larch balusters. Many people order products made from this type of wood, as they last a long time and are durable. During the process, our craftsmen take into account all the nuances, so they guarantee high-quality work.

Our store website is working at maximum capacity favorable conditions. Professional help will cost you much less than DIY painting. You will save not only money, but also valuable time.

Painting oak balusters

One of the most common services is painting oak balusters. Stairs made of durable wood are found quite often, so we are fluent in processing techniques. In addition to paint, we also apply a special coating that reliably protects the stairs from rotting and mold. After many years, the product will look the same as the day it was purchased.

The store website has everything you need for quality work masters We use the most modern materials and tools, but we never inflate the cost of services. Do you want a beautiful and comfortable staircase- contact us.

A large selection of different shades and colors for painting balusters of wooden stairs. Various varnish compositions. Low prices, good discounts on volumes of work.

More detailed information You can always find out about painting balusters and discounts on the services provided by calling us at any of the contact numbers (consultation is free).
