Hydrogen peroxide for rapid seed germination. Soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide before planting. Why is it necessary before sowing?

(H2O2), in addition to direct use for medical purposes, is widely used in everyday life. Scientifically and traditional methods Its actions have been proven and tested - the ability to kill bacteria and work as an oxidizing agent.

Due to this, it is widely used in various fields human activity. Let us dwell on the use of hydrogen peroxide in the garden.

Treating seeds before planting

Good seed is the key bountiful harvest. That is why it is recommended to prepare the seeds before planting in the ground. One of the stages of preparation will be getting rid of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Tested and reliable way disinfection - treating seeds with hydrogen peroxide before sowing. However, when using any disinfectant, the question of its safety is raised. Therefore, further on how this product is used is applicable to plants from a scientific point of view.

The formula of hydrogen peroxide differs from the formula of water in the presence of an oxygen atom. In a molecule, oxygen bonds are unstable, as a result of which it is unstable, loses an oxygen atom and, accordingly, is destroyed into absolutely safe oxygen and water. Oxygen acts as an oxidizing agent, destroying the cells of microorganisms, as a result of which most harmful spores and pathogens die. Plant immunity increases.
There are a number of ways to treat seeds with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. Place the seeds in a 10% solution. The ratio of seeds to water should be approximately 1:1. Most types of seeds are recommended to be kept in this way for 12 hours. The exceptions are, which should be soaked for approximately 24 hours.
  2. Place the seeds in a 10% solution and then rinse in running water.
  3. Soak the seeds in H2O2 0.4% for 12 hours.
  4. Heat the 3% composition to 35-40 degrees, pour the seeds into it for 5-10 minutes, stirring constantly. After that, dry it.
  5. Spray the seeds with a 30% solution from a spray bottle and let dry.

Important! The liquid should not come into contact with metal. Planting material should be placed in different containers.

Experiments have shown that after dressing, seeds are more resistant to adverse weather conditions.

Growth stimulator for seeds

Methods of soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide before planting, in addition to disinfection, also have a stimulating effect. The seeds contain inhibitors that prevent them from germinating. In nature, they are destroyed naturally through the process of oxidation.

When H2O2 works, its molecule breaks down and active oxygen is released, which is an active oxidizing agent. Therefore, it is more likely to destroy the inhibitor, which increases the percentage of germination and promotes more active germination. Scientists have proven that the use of this remedy is more effective than the use of a commercial drug or.

Experiments have shown that the percentage of germination after such treatment can reach 90%, for corn - 95%. After soaking the seeds, seedlings appear earlier than usual in 2 to 7 days.

For the development of the root system of seedlings

Before planting, it is recommended to treat with hydrogen peroxide. Active oxygen kills bacteria and also promotes growth by saturating tissues with oxygen. You can either spray the seedlings or place them in the solution. It reanimates dried roots, and also best helps prevent the appearance of
Take 3 ml of the drug per liter of water and place the seedlings there for the required time. If you use the method as a growth stimulator, a day is enough. If the plant is sick, you should use the solution until complete recovery, renewing it. Due to the saturation of plant tissues with oxygen, their immunity increases, and cuttings take root faster.

It has been noticed that after treatment with peroxide, there are significantly fewer cracks on ripened fruits.

Important!Seedlings do not rot in the solution, unlike ordinary water.

Watering and spraying plants

Hydrogen peroxide is widely used for... Based on it, you can prepare solutions for watering and spraying. The universal recipe is 20 ml of 3% H2O2 per liter of water. Adding it to the water promotes greater aeration, since the active oxygen ion is released, combines with another atom and forms a stable oxygen molecule. Plants receive it in more than before the procedure.

Acting as an oxidizing agent, it kills pathogenic bacteria, rot and mold that form in the soil. There are recommendations on how to water with hydrogen peroxide, namely 2-3 times a week. Scientists have found that it is precisely after this time that the solution is added to it that it breaks down into water and oxygen.

Important! Only freshly prepared solution should be used. Otherwise, it loses its properties.

The universal solution can be used for spraying and watering. When oxygen is released, it acts as a kind of leavening agent - root system and the sprouts receive it in greater quantities. The seedlings take root and grow much better.

The solution can revive fading crops. Also, a solution of hydrogen peroxide is indispensable for soils receiving excess moisture. Plants receive a lot of water and little oxygen, so they simply cannot breathe. When a hydrogen peroxide solution is added to such soil, the root system receives additional oxygen when the H2O2 molecule breaks down. It is recommended to water no more than once a week.

You can spray the sprouts with a solution, this will give the leaves more oxygen and kill pathogens. The growth and productivity of crops will increase.

Did you know? When a hydrogen peroxide molecule breaks down, 130 liters of oxygen are released from 1 liter of a 30% solution.

Application as fertilizer

With regular watering of the soil with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, the roots of the plants are healthy, and additional aeration of the soil occurs. As a fertilizer, it is enough to use a mixture of a teaspoon of H2O2 per liter of water. This fertilizer is safe because a few days after use it breaks down into safe oxygen and water.

Hydrogen peroxide-based fertilizers are approved for use by the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements. In America, for example, 164 species have been registered. They are used for processing seeds, introduced into the soil, and used to process products after harvesting. Moreover, after use, products are allowed to be labeled as organic. Nowadays this is important because healthy eating becomes a priority.

Did you know?Hydrogen peroxide perfectly revives old soil. Therefore, do not throw it away when replanting plants, but “revive” it by watering it with a 3% peroxide solution per liter of water.

Prevention of pests and diseases

The drug can be used not only to combat, but also to prevent it. When replanting, you need to treat the pot and roots with a solution of hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per liter of water. This solution can also be watered, which will keep the root system healthy and protect the soil from

But you can soak any seeds during the spring planting period, only then they need to be slightly dried before sowing.

Soaking is done for various purposes:

  • for disinfection against bacteria and microorganisms
  • to stimulate faster growth
  • to activate vitality
  • to increase germination

Seeds from famous manufacturers have already gone through certain stages of processing before hitting the shelves. This must be taken into account and not do anything unnecessary and maybe even harmful.

First of all, you cannot soak seeds with such industrial processing as coated (with a nutritious protective shell), encrusted (with a thin and water-soluble layer of disinfectants and growth-stimulating substances applied), as well as sprinters, laser and plasma seeds.

Ordinary seeds in bags, which do not have special protective shells, are also treated by manufacturers with disinfecting solutions, so there is no point in treating them again with anything, for example, potassium permanganate. The result will be “butter-butter”.

But the experience of soaking seeds before sowing with various stimulating compounds shows that plants:

  • become resistant to diseases
  • tolerates variables well weather(temperature changes)
  • recover quickly from damage
  • they have a more powerful aerial part
  • excellent fruit set
  • increased yield

What methods of soaking seeds do gardeners use:

  1. in plain water
  2. in magnetic water (if you have such a device)
  3. in potassium permanganate
  4. in boiling water (hot water)
  5. in epine or zircon
  6. in aloe juice
  7. in honey water
  8. in solution with boric acid
  9. in ash solution
  10. in hydrogen peroxide

Let's take a closer look at the most popular ones at the moment.

Soaking seeds in potassium permanganate

Soaking seeds in potassium permanganate is the oldest method of disinfection (dressing). The method is required for use if the seeds are your own.

But, you cannot soak dry seeds in potassium permanganate.

First, you need to soak them in plain water for 6-24 hours so that they swell: they are saturated with water. And after swelling, the seeds are kept in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.

Because if there are microbes and fungal spores, then they are on the surface of the seeds, and not inside. And, if you immediately place dry seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, then they, like a sponge, will begin to absorb not the life-giving moisture of the water, but a dead solution, large doses of which can negatively affect the seed embryo itself.

The solution of potassium permanganate, after treating the seeds, will need to be washed off from their surface to eliminate its further influence.

Simple boiling water has a disinfecting effect on seeds: you just need to pour it into a saucer with seeds hot water and leave them in the water until it cools. The result will be no worse than in potassium permanganate, but safer and more reliable: bacteria will be killed high temperature and at the same time, the seeds will be saturated with moisture very quickly, since the water is hot.

Soaking seeds in epine before planting

Epin has long been used in gardens and orchards as a stimulant to enhance the protective properties of plants from all sorts of adverse effects:

  • vegetable crops from differences in night and day temperatures in unstable weather
  • shrubs at the age of the first leaves to increase resistance to pests and diseases
  • potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle
  • cuttings so as not to rot
  • and so on.

Epin has a huge spectrum of action on different stages plant development: after transplantation, so that the plants take root successfully; at the beginning of flowering, to increase their number; in the budding phase so that more fruits are produced...

To soak seeds in Epin before planting, add 1-2 drops of Epin-Extra to 100 ml (half a glass) of boiled water at room temperature. According to the instructions for seed treatment vegetable crops it takes 4-6 hours.

The germination of seeds increases, the processes of root formation and growth intensify.

Soaking seeds in aloe juice

Soaking in aloe juice is used by many gardeners who have this treatment plant. For seeds, aloe juice is used as a natural biostimulant. At the same time, “several birds with one stone are killed”:

  • disinfection of seeds occurs, since aloe has bactericidal properties
  • germination is accelerated, since aloe has excellent regenerative properties: under its influence, cells begin to divide and grow faster
  • metabolic processes are accelerated, which has a beneficial effect on the plant in each of its stages of development, right up to fruit ripening

Aloe juice must be made from leaves that have been picked in advance and placed in the refrigerator for several days so that regenerative processes begin to occur in them, which is why aloe becomes so valuable in the treatment of various human diseases.

The juice must be squeezed out and diluted in a 1:1 ratio with water. The seeds should be kept in this solution for no more than 18 hours, stirring them from time to time if they are placed in bulk, or shaking if they are placed in aloe juice in a bag.

Tomato seeds respond especially well to aloe juice. For seeds with a hard shell, the effect of aloe juice is not clear.

This solution can be strengthened by adding another part of honey.

There is no doubt about the properties of honey (both bactericidal and biologically active), so instead of aloe juice, if you don’t have it, you can use honey water to soak the seeds.

Soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide

Soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide is an effective pre-planting method.

3% hydrogen peroxide can be bought at a pharmacy, if anyone doesn’t know and doesn’t have it in their home medicine cabinet as a disinfectant for treating wounds, various fungal skin diseases (fungus on the soles of the feet), etc.

It is very good to water plants with a solution of hydrogen peroxide from time to time (or when there are signs of disease), because in the earth its atoms disintegrate into water and oxygen, and oxygen has a very beneficial effect on the vigor of growth and the health of the root system.

Spraying with a solution of hydrogen peroxide is very popular in home gardening. potted plants for feeding and for disinfection (from flies and various diseases). You can even quickly revive a wilted plant...

Undiluted hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat hard-shelled, hard-germinating seeds for 15-20 minutes. And it’s okay, don’t be afraid if you see something bubbling in the saucer: there will be no negative impact, only positive.

If in doubt, soak the seeds in a solution of one teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water for 2-3 hours.

After washing the seeds and drying them, they can be sown. Germination will be smooth and 100%.

Purchasing seeds from well-known manufacturers does not provide a 100% guarantee of their quality, so it makes sense to additionally process the seeds before sowing in order to achieve uniform germination and improve the properties of the plants themselves to achieve a good harvest.

Soaking seeds before planting in any stimulating composition should be done only after they have slightly swollen in plain water. And it is advisable to use only one remedy, so as not to get the opposite result from the effects of several different drugs.


Soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide before planting. Hydrogen peroxide is an amazing remedy that can be used for treatment. But it turns out that the use of peroxide is even wider and more varied. It can help the seeds different plants Grow faster and better!

Many gardeners and flower lovers know that some plants are difficult to grow from seeds. Including trees, shrubs, indoor plants. Peroxide will come to the rescue.

The fact is that the seeds contain inhibitors that prevent germination. In nature, they are destroyed through the process of natural oxidation. IN agriculture To increase germination, soak the seeds in a solution of hydrochloric acid.

To oxidize inhibitors at home, you can use hydrogen peroxide, this is perfect safe method, because when peroxide decomposes, only . In our article we will talk about soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide before planting.

What you will learn from this material:

Why soak seeds in hydrogen peroxide?

Peroxide is practically the same as water, except that it has an additional oxygen atom in its formula. It is an excellent oxidizing agent and perfectly disinfects everything that is processed with it.

Seeds obtained by gardeners themselves may not be very healthy, and those received from other hands may be completely contaminated with something. It's practically invisible now.

But after sowing, when the shoots appear, it will become clear that the efforts were wasted. Therefore, treating seeds with hydrogen peroxide before sowing disinfects the seeds, disinfects them, and increases their germination.

Seeds germinate faster, and plants grown from them have high immunity to various diseases, good regeneration after any damage, are more resistant to sudden temperature changes and have excellent fruiting.

Which seeds should not be soaked in hydrogen peroxide?

Seeds from well-known manufacturers have already gone through certain stages of processing before hitting the shelves. This must be taken into account and not do anything unnecessary and perhaps even harmful.

First of all, you cannot soak seeds with such industrial processing as pelleted (with a nutritious protective shell), encrusted (with a thin and water-soluble layer of disinfectants and growth-stimulating substances applied), as well as sprinters, laser and plasma seeds.

Ordinary seeds in bags, which do not have special protective shells, are also treated by manufacturers with disinfecting solutions, so there is no point in treating them again with anything, for example, potassium permanganate. The result will be “butter-butter”.

How to soak seeds before planting in hydrogen peroxide

Advice! Before soaking the seeds in any product, it is useful to first soak them in plain water for 20-40 minutes (depending on the hardness of the shell and the freshness of the seeds). The shell will soften a little and the effect of soaking in any product will be greater.

Let's start processing the seeds. You will need hydrogen peroxide (10%), as well as seeds spread on a rag. You can wrap the seeds in a cloth and place them in the solution, for example, if they are small enough, in addition, you can pour peroxide into the seeds in the container so that they absorb more liquid.

Usually the seeds are soaked for 12 hours and no more, otherwise they may lose all their beneficial features, which they need for further germination or become wet and completely unsuitable for immersion in the soil.

To avoid disturbances or the formation of empty seeds, keep the seeds for no more than half a day. There is an exception that is used to treat the seeds of tomatoes, eggplants, and beets - they are soaked for about 24 hours.

A whole day is needed for preparation, to get rid of the nitrate content in the seed, as well as to prevent the absorption of nitrates from the open ground soil, if any.

Treating the soil with hydrogen peroxide before planting seedlings

The product has also found application in cultivating land summer cottages. Most harmful insects prefer to overwinter in the soil. Therefore, before planting seedlings in open ground, it is recommended to disinfect the soil.

You should water the peroxide solution not only before planting seedlings, but also after harvesting.

For 4 liters of water you only need one bottle of product. Mix the solution thoroughly with a wooden stick, pour it into a watering can and pour over the dug up soil. Watering with an aqueous solution is carried out in autumn and spring, a few days before planting young seedlings in the beds.

Watering and spraying plants with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is widely used for indoor plants. Based on it, you can prepare solutions for watering and spraying. The universal recipe is 20 ml of 3% H2O2 per liter of water. Adding it to the soil promotes greater aeration, since the active oxygen ion is released, combines with another atom and forms a stable oxygen molecule.

Plants receive it in greater quantities than before the procedure. Acting as an oxidizing agent, it kills pathogenic bacteria, rot and mold that form in the soil. There are recommendations on how to water flowers with hydrogen peroxide, namely 2-3 times a week. Scientists have found that it is precisely after this time that the solution is added to the soil that it breaks down into water and oxygen.

The universal solution can be used for spraying and watering garden and garden plants. When oxygen is released, it acts as a kind of leavening agent - the root system and sprouts receive it in greater quantities.

The seedlings take root and grow much better. The solution can revive fading crops. Also, a solution of hydrogen peroxide is indispensable for soils that receive excess moisture.

Plants receive a lot of water and little oxygen, so they simply cannot breathe. When a hydrogen peroxide solution is added to such soil, the root system receives additional oxygen when the H2O2 molecule breaks down.

It is recommended to water no more than once a week. You can spray the sprouts with a solution, this will give the leaves more oxygen and kill pathogens. The growth and productivity of crops will increase.

Using hydrogen peroxide as a fertilizer for tomatoes

You can also fertilize tomatoes using hydrogen peroxide. Dilute peroxide with water (3 liters per 50 ml of product) and water the tomato bushes with the resulting fertilizer. You can fertilize both young seedlings and adult bushes.

Watering seedlings with this product helps the rhizome better absorb microelements and macroelements. The released oxygen “eats” small roots and also destroys all pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Just remember that it is not advisable to water the foliage of plants. Feeding is done no more than once every 10 days.

We conclude that buying seeds from well-known manufacturers does not provide a 100% guarantee of their quality, so it makes sense to additionally process the seeds before sowing in order to achieve uniform germination and improve the properties of the plants themselves to achieve a good harvest.

Soaking seeds in hydrogen peroxide before planting video

Where to buy seeds and seedlings with delivery

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Pre-sowing seed treatment is a mandatory measure that affects the germination of cucumbers and prevents seedlings from becoming infected with viral or fungal diseases. At home, cucumber seeds are treated with hydrogen peroxide. This procedure is quite simple, and its effectiveness is comparable to a number of agrotechnical techniques included in pre-sowing preparation.

In the natural environment, a cucumber seed germinates under certain conditions. These include elevated temperature and humidity, light intensity, increased oxygen flow. These factors suppress the action of substances that inhibit the awakening of the embryo during the dormant period and influence the increase in growth stimulants in the storage tissue of seeds.

To force a seed to leave its state of natural dormancy in conditions where it is outside subzero temperatures and there is snow, they resort to techniques that imitate natural environment. The seeds are frozen, heated, soaked in a solution with microfertilizers, subjected to bubbling (saturated with oxygen) and disinfected with fungicides.

Many of these techniques require a careful approach and adherence to strict temperature and time conditions. To simplify the process of preparing seeds, they are treated with hydrogen peroxide before sowing, combining several preparatory procedures at once.

Peroxide affects the seed coat. As a result of the oxidative reaction under the influence of oxygen, the amount of inhibitors inhibiting germination decreases. The embryo wakes up, starting a new one life cycle plants.

Important! Hydrogen peroxide acts as an effective antiseptic and growth stimulator at the same time.

How does hydrogen peroxide affect seeds?

Hydrogen peroxide sold in pharmacies has a 3% concentration. A slightly acidic environment has a complex effect on cucumber seeds:

  • affects the strong peel and promotes its destruction;
  • as a result of oxidative processes, the amount of substances limiting the germination of the embryo decreases;
  • saturating the endosperm with oxygen, enhances the effect of growth stimulants;
  • Hydrogen peroxide disinfects the surface of the shell and the hatched seedling, destroying pathogenic microflora.

By soaking cucumber seeds in hydrogen peroxide before planting, you get an immediate effect of disinfection and saturation of the planting material with a dose of active oxygen. Peroxide activates the germination energy of the embryo, which ensures friendly shoots. Treatment with peroxide does not take much time and is very simple in everyday life.

How to properly soak cucumber seeds?

The planting material is calibrated before the procedure, trying to initial stage carry out culling. This is done by placing the seeds in a saline solution or plain water for 20–30 minutes. The floating seeds are removed, and the full seeds that have settled to the bottom are washed and prepared for further processing:

  1. To soak the seeds you will need 3% hydrogen peroxide, which can be purchased at any pharmacy in glass or plastic bottles of 50 ml or more. If you assume in addition to soaking seed material To treat the soil with an antiseptic or spray plants, it is more profitable to purchase peroxide in liter containers in chemical stores.
  2. You will need a glass saucer or glass into which you can safely pour the drug. Select the volume of the dishes depending on the number of seeds to be soaked. If you have to process several at the same time different varieties, then each needs separate dishes. The dishes are washed and dried.
  3. Prepare small pieces of fabric that are necessary to absorb excess liquid and maintain constant moisture around the seeds. It is not advisable to use fabric that is too thin, as the seed may get stuck among the fibers and be damaged. Gauze or bandage should be folded into 4-5 layers.
  4. Place a cloth on the bottom of the glass container and moisten it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Place the seeds on its surface, distributing them evenly over the surface. Cover the top with a second piece of woven material. Moisten this layer so that the seeds are completely covered with the soaked cloth.
  5. If you are soaking a large amount of planting material of the same variety, you can put them in a glass container and fill them with peroxide solution without using fabric protection. In this case, the drug is poured just enough so that it covers the top layer by 2–3 mm.

The soaked seed material is kept in solution at normal room temperature within 12 hours. After which it is washed in boiled water and dry it.

What should you pay attention to?

Of course, pre-sowing preparation is directly related to the method of cultivation:

  1. If cucumbers are grown by seedlings, then the seeds are planted in peat pots. In this case, it is not at all necessary to wait until they hatch. Thermal and light conditions are much easier to create at home.
  2. If you plan to grow cucumbers by direct planting in the ground, then additionally the seeds are allowed to swell to the point of sprouting. To increase immunity, sprouted seed material is placed in the refrigerator overnight. After this, the seeds can be planted permanent place with full confidence that in a few days friendly shoots will appear.
  3. In addition, the quality of seed material that has undergone this treatment is much higher. It is known that pathogens are often transmitted from planting material. They can penetrate not only into the outer shell, but also into the endosperm. The antimicrobial and antiseptic effect of hydrogen peroxide prevents these dangerous processes.

Soaking seeds to select the best (culling).

Most high yield produce large, mature seeds. Therefore, during preparation they must be calibrated using table salt. For tomato, pepper, and eggplant seeds, use a 5 percent solution of table (kitchen) salt; cucumber, cabbage, beets - 3 percent solution (30 g of salt per 1 liter of water). The seeds are placed in the solution and stirred for 4-8 minutes. The sunken ones are separated, washed thoroughly with water, and dried. The seeds are easy to sow if mixed with chalk or tooth powder.

So, with the help of salt and soaking, you can reject unsuitable seeds.

Soaking to disinfect seeds

Many pathogens and plant pests are transmitted through seeds. So, from cabbage - vascular bacteriosis, phomosis, downy mildew; carrots - phomosis, bacteriosis; beets - downy mildew; cucumbers, melons - bacteriosis, anthracnose; tomato, pepper - tobacco mosaic virus; onions, garlic - downy mildew and stem nematode.

Therefore, the seeds of all vegetable crops must be disinfected either with chemical disinfectants (3-8 mg per 1 g of seeds) or fenthiuram (3-6 mg per 1 g of seeds). To do this, they are placed in glass jar, carefully close it with a plastic lid and shake for 5-7 minutes.

But it is better for amateur vegetable growers to use harmless means. For example, to completely disinfect tomato seeds from viral diseases, it is enough to soak them for 20 minutes in a 1 percent solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 100 g of water), followed by thorough rinsing in running water (the seeds turn black, this is not dangerous).

To combat diseases of carrots, beets, and celery, their seeds are soaked for 15-20 minutes at 45-50 degrees; cabbage seeds - 30 minutes at 48-50 degrees. Onion sets and garlic are immersed for 5 minutes in water at a temperature of 50 degrees, and then in cold water to combat the nematode. Bean and eggplant seeds are treated with water at a temperature of 60 degrees for 4 hours. Dry heating is most often used for seeds pumpkin crops. You can put the seeds at room temperature from 15-20 degrees, gradually increasing to 50-60 degrees over 3-4 hours. You can also soak the seeds in 10% hydrogen peroxide or vodka for disinfection. The time used is the same, about 20 minutes, as when soaking in potassium permanganate (a percentage solution of potassium permanganate)

To ensure uniform and friendly germination of vegetable plants, it is advisable to soak their seeds. The duration of soaking and the amount of water for this is not the same for different vegetable crops:

Cabbage, radishes, lettuce, radish soak for 12 hours using 6 milliliters of water per 10 grams of seeds

Cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin soak for 12 hours using 5 milliliters of water per 10 grams of seeds

Onion soak for 6-8 hours, taking 7-8 milliliters of water per 10 grams of seeds

Tomatoes soak for 48 hours using 7-8 milliliters of water per 10 grams of seeds

Beetroot soak for 48 hours using 8 milliliters of water per 10 grams of seeds

Parsley, celery, carrots, dill soak for 48 hours using 10 milliliters of water per 10 grams of seeds

Beans, peas soak for 2 hours using 10 milliliters of water per 10 grams of seeds

Soaking for quick germination.

IN last years I practice soaking vegetable seeds in nutritious physiologically active substances and microelements. I will give you data from my table on different cultures and solutions that I use to soak seeds.

Cultures Microelements and growth regulators Processing time, h Concentration
% mg/l
Tomato Aloe extract 12 1 part aloe, 1 part water
Copper sulfate 0,001 - 0,005 10 - 50
Manganese sulfate 0,5 0,5 - 1 1000 - 500
Zinc sulfate 12 0,03 - 0,05 300 - 500
Boric acid 12 0,005 - 0,05 50 - 500
Bicarbonate of soda 12 0,5 500
succinic acid 24 0,002 20
Ivin 12 0,001 10
Krezacin 0,5 0,5 500
Cucumber Copper sulfate 12 0,001 - 0,005 10 - 50
Manganese sulfate 12 0,05 - 0,1 100 - 500
Zinc sulfate 12 0,03 - 0,05 300 - 500
Boric acid 12 0,005 - 0,05 50 - 500
Bicarbonate of soda 12 0,5 500
succinic acid 12 0,0017 17
Aloe extract 12 1 part aloe, 1 part water
Copper sulfate 12 0,001 - 0,005 10 - 50
Manganese sulfate 12 0,005 -0,1 100 - 500
Zinc sulfate 12 0,03 - 0,05 300 - 500
Krezacin 0,5 0,05 500
Green Manganese sulfate 12 0,1 10
Zinc sulfate 12 0,03 300
Roots Boric acid 12 0,05 500
Copper sulfate 12 0,003 30
Manganese sulfate 12 0,1 100
Onion Boric acid 12 0,05 500
Manganese sulfate 12 0,1 100
Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP 12 1 1000

After soaking, start germinating 5% of the total seeds. The swollen seeds scatter thin layer on a damp cloth and placed in a heated room at 20-25 degrees.

The next stage of seed preparation is their hardening at variable temperatures. Moreover, experiments have shown that seeds should be kept at low temperatures at night, and at high temperatures during the day. Read more about this in our article:

Video: comparison of three methods of soaking seeds

Soaking seeds before planting can be done for various reasons. I do this for three reasons: soaking to determine best seeds in the sample, and disinfection and to improve germination.
