Features of the design of a Swiss roof with a de chalet style roof. Rafter diagrams and alpine chalet roof designs with visual drawings and photographs. How to draw up a competent roof project without the help of specialists Chalet-style roof slope

The chalet style roof looks incredibly beautiful. Due to its large overhangs, sloping slopes and wide eaves, such a roof seems heavy and at the same time unusually cozy, reminiscent of houses in the Alpine region of Europe. It is no coincidence that it is also called an Alpine or large Swiss-type roof. It performs well in conditions of heavy snowfall and strong winds. The construction of a chalet roof can be done with your own hands.

An Alpine chalet has a very wide gable roof, the material for which is most often wood. Its peculiarity is the use of a very wide roof opening angle - more than one hundred degrees, as well as a short distance to the ground, which makes it possible not to install gutters on it. Roofing mansard type can be described as a prototype chalet, with the difference that it has a higher ridge and sharp slopes. One more distinctive feature A chalet-style roof is a large overhang over the walls of the house, which most often exceeds a distance of one meter.

This style of house is characterized by the presence of balconies, terraces and attics, which are located under wide roof extensions.

Thanks to the long overhang of the chalet-style roof, the blind area, walls, and basement are protected. This design provides some shading of the windows, which can be useful for houses built in warm climates. Sometimes they resort to an interesting method: in the areas of the roof located above the windows, they make gaps in the form of a lattice. In summer it is sown with climbing plants, and in winter, when there is no flowering, it forms additional light.

Sometimes in projects the roof of the chalet is slightly changed, making an overhang to the ground. In this case, you get something like a “hut”, where the role of the walls is played by the rafter system.

The name of the roof comes from the word “shalloit”, meaning “temporary shelter”. Shepherds used it for their small dwellings. Thanks to modern technologies, they began to resort to “chalet” style construction in the construction of cottages up to three floors.

Such a roof can be made asymmetrical, having different levels. This will allow you to create an even more unique appearance. For the installation of such a roof, corrugated sheeting is most suitable, having the necessary softness and lightness.

Among the advantages of a chalet-style roof are::

  • Thanks to the gentle slopes, snow deposits do not form.
  • You can eliminate the installation of a drain.
  • Possibility of organizing space under eaves in the form of terraces.
  • The main disadvantage of a chalet-style roof can be the high consumption of material, which increases its cost.

    Features of the chalet roof

    Such a roof is supported by powerful rafters and roof beams, the ends of which extend along the sides of the roof at a distance of 1 to 3 meters. Extending to a greater length can make the structure unstable.

    The following features must also be taken into account:

    1. Each beam at the bottom is fixed to the wall using brackets in a checkerboard-like pattern. This not only ensures the reliability of the fastenings, but is also nice addition appearance.
    2. To support the roof covering, strapping is used. It also serves as an excellent decorative addition to the appearance. It is necessary to correctly install the harness, because it bears the greatest load.
    3. If there is a reinforced belt, it can be used to wall up special studs intended for the frame Mauerlat. This design will be indispensable provided that you are designing a very wide overhanging roof that drops significantly to the ground.

    When choosing the angle of inclination, the requirements are the same as for conventional roofs - 20-45 degrees, and provided that it is asymmetrical - 30 degrees. The size of the slopes also remains traditional.

    Roof installation

    Despite its appearance, the design of such a roof is simple - you can complete the project yourself. The main thing is to pay attention to correct installation nodes. This is perhaps the most the hard part designs.

    Here step-by-step instruction:

    1. Work begins with the installation of the Mauerlat. It is a support beam with a cross-section of 15x15 cm, secured with large mounting nails.
    2. The beams are mounted on the walls using anchors. At the same time, work is being carried out to insulate the corrugated sheets with roofing felt, plastic film, waterproofing device, etc.
    3. Rafter legs are selected in accordance with the roof parameters - width, slope angle and length (taking into account plumb lines).
    4. The roof design involves attaching the rafter legs to the ridge assembly using overlapping brackets. In this case, the lower ends are installed on the beams using twist brackets.
    5. To increase rigidity, struts are installed, placing them between the racks and the purlin. They will help increase resistance.
    6. To ensure a long service life, it is necessary to choose the correct plumb angle and also prevent moisture from entering. This can be done by using a special primer to cover the joints.
    7. It is important to maintain the correct length of rafter overhangs and ties on external walls - no more than three meters.

    For northern regions, it is better to reduce the length of the overhang, but for areas with a warm climate, more can be done.

    1. When the installation of the rafter system comes to an end, a sheathing is laid perpendicular to it, the pitch of which is selected depending on the cross-section of the beam and roofing material.
    2. It is also necessary to take care of the insulation of the roof, since the under-roof space is used as a living space.

    Selection of material for roofing depends on the personal preferences of the home owner. The most suitable for this type of roof would be:

    • shingles or larch shingles;
    • reeds or straw;
    • flexible or ceramic tiles, wooden is also suitable;
    • composite roofing.

    Solid gable roof The chalet is finding more and more fans thanks to the successful combination of its qualities. The article talks about the architectural features and advantages of the roof large area. You will become familiar with the nuances of design rafter system and overhangs, find out which building materials are suitable for arranging an alpine roof and for its insulation.

    Modern chalet project Source pinterest.com

    Chalet: features and benefits

    The name chalet usually refers to a house in a rural style, a distant descendant of the Alpine huts that served as shelter for shepherds during bad weather. Today, such buildings are a common feature of the mountainous regions of Switzerland, France and Austria; characteristic appearance they are given not only traditional bunk use building materials, but also the roof structure.

    The name of the style is consonant with the Russian word “shawl” and conveys essentially the same meaning - a cozy cover. The roof structure cannot be pointed; it is always emphatically simple: gable, flat, covering the entire structure. Distinctive for traditional house and the roofs of the chalet are the following features:

      Sloping roof. The most characteristic alpine housing. In modern country buildings, a slope of up to 30° is laid (in Swiss and Austrian chalets, an angle of 23-25° is often found).

      Cornice overhangs. Their length can reach a quarter or even a third of the length of the rafters. This solution allows you to protect the façade, plinth and blind area from moisture. Rafters and soffits are made only from wood.

    Source yandex.uz

      Combination of materials. The first floor is made of stone (conventionally), the second or third, and the attic are made of wood. For exterior finishing wood, stone, plaster are used. Classic material roofs - wooden shingles.

      Options. In a classic chalet roof, the slopes are the same length, but in modern architectural projects It is not uncommon to see an asymmetrical roof, which gives the building an original and stylish look.

    The advantages of a house with a roof reaching the ground include several design features:

      Streamlined shape makes the building resistant to snow and wind loads.

      Enough simple rafter system, suitable for one-, two- and three-story houses.

      With this roof shape, installation of a drainage system you can refuse.

      Space under wide overhangs convenient to use for organizing terraces and balconies. In some projects, the overhang is extended to the ground, in which case the rafter system plays the role of a wall structure.

    Asymmetrical project Source bettshouse.org

    Chalet roof installation

    To ensure that the wide roof looks presentable and does not look like an alien element above the facade of the house, its design is carried out on the basis of traditional proportions and concepts. The chalet roof project, the design of which is created on the basis of accurate load calculations, includes the following elements:

      Basis of design- a rafter system consisting of triangular trusses that provide maximum rigidity. The long side of the triangle, the sloping tank, serves as the base for the roof covering.

      If the designed roof has enough big sizes(project for a large house), the rafter system should rest on a reinforced belt, which settles in front installation work. The Mauerlat, the basis of the future rafter system, is installed on it.

    Rafter fastening diagram Source winterhouse.ru

    country house design service

      Canopies and overhangs chalet roofs significantly go beyond the buildings. Beam length in modern projects calculated in such a way that their ends are extended beyond the border of the facade by a maximum of three meters on all sides of the house. Metal brackets are fixed to the walls, which secure the beams to the wall.

      Harness attached to the lower ends of the beams; subsequently the lower part of the roof will be mounted on it. All details roofing system fastened together using steel plates.

      Characteristic details of the chalet roof, consoles, play an important supporting and decorative role. They are installed under overhangs, on side walls. In order for the consoles to be functional, it is recommended to especially carefully calculate the permissible loads when constructing the protrusion.

      Long overhangs can shade windows, which is not always acceptable. Therefore, the design of the visor protruding above the windows design lattice, which does not interfere with sunlight entering the room.

    Chalet rafter system Source pro-remont.org

      The rafter system serves basis for lathing. The roofing cake is assembled on the sheathing and the roofing material is laid.

    The length of the rafters is determined by the main parameters of the roof, its dimensions and the angle of inclination of the slopes. The length and width allow you to determine the roof area of ​​the chalet; The angle of inclination of the roof depends on several parameters, including the characteristics of the local climate (amount and distribution of precipitation) and the roofing material intended for use. If the region has snowy and long winters, the rafter system will need to be strengthened. If the slope angle exceeds 45°, the snow load is not taken into account.

    Video description

    About the house with a roof in alpine style in the following video:

    On our website you can find contacts construction companies who offer turnkey construction of country houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

    Materials for the roof of an alpine house

    The practicality of scrap chalets lies, among other things, in the availability attic room. To install a residential attic, you will need materials that can provide reliable thermal insulation and comfortable life owners. At the same time, to maintain an elegant look alpine house, natural materials are used as a finishing coating, including:

      Shingle. A durable material with high aesthetic value, in the form of wooden plates (another name is wooden tiles). The main disadvantage limiting its use is the high cost, which is why this design is classified as luxury construction.

      Clay tiles. The tiled roof fits perfectly into the style; many shades of the material perfectly support the style of the traditional way of life. Features a long service life, high thermal insulation characteristics, beautiful appearance and significant weight. The use of ceramics will require strengthening the rafter system, and, therefore, an increase in the budget.

    Artistic element on a shingle roof Source commons.wikimedia.org

    In addition to natural materials, the chalet roof can be covered with:

      Onlulin. Pressed cellulose sheets with bitumen impregnation are affordable, lightweight and protect well from atmospheric moisture.

      Soft (flexible) tiles. Multilayer material, lightweight and beautiful to look at, easy to install and maintain. Choosing flexible tiles, it is worth remembering that its service life is on average 25-30 years.

      Composite tiles . Such a roof, stylized as shingles, does not go out of style and reliably protects the under-roof space.

      Metal tiles not recommended for use in chalet roofing. This is due to usage restrictions of this material- at angles of inclination characteristic of chalet structures, snow will be retained on the metal tile roof; under its weight, the surface may deform and lose its tightness.

    Video description

    About the intricacies of filing overhangs in the following video:

    The classic, time-tested roofing covering for a house with a roof down to the ground is shingles. These high-quality wood shingles are made from hardwoods (oak, cedar, spruce or larch). Exclusive wood covering harmonizes with any landscape environment and has ideal properties:

      Dry wedge-shaped the dies weigh little, do not create excessive load on the walls and foundation; their use does not require strengthening the rafter system.

      Characterized by low thermal conductivity, which allows you to effectively retain heat in the house.

      Shingle roofing absorbs noise well in the rain, perfectly insulates from precipitation and does not freeze with ice crust.

    Soft roof Source pinterest.com

      Natural material helps regulate the microclimate in the house, keeps it comfortable throughout the year.

      The highest quality shingles are considered larch dies- a tree known for its special resistance to rotting. Larch shingles have a beautiful structure, a pleasant shade and do not require protective impregnation.

      To fasten the wooden roofing of the chalet, use wooden dowels(cylindrical fastening rods) or dowels (wooden nails). This method is as close as possible to alpine technology.


    Insulation is an essential component of the process of arranging a chalet-style roof, since living quarters are located underneath it. An unusual option Dry reeds are considered to create a heat-insulating layer. A material that can hardly be called classic - it is unlikely to have been used in the Alps. However, fans of eco-style can consider it as a worthy alternative, especially since reed is a light, heat-intensive and fairly durable raw material.

    Canopy over the main facade Source pinterest.it

    Mats or sheaves are formed from reeds, which are laid between the rafters and hemmed underneath with plasterboard or clapboard. Due to its structure, reed insulation is well ventilated and does not allow condensation to form. Industrial materials such as mineral wool or expanded polystyrene are also suitable for thermal insulation. Roofing pie must necessarily include an air gap between the insulation and the roof, as well as a vapor barrier layer. Violation of the rules will lead to slower air circulation in the under-roof space, the formation of condensation, the appearance of mold and premature destruction of wooden parts.

    Side gallery under a reinforced overhang Source uterem74.ru


    The hallmark of the style is a sloping roof with large extensions; sometimes an additional row of supports in the form of pillars is designed for them. Similar technical solution transforms the space under the canopy into a spectacular gallery with different possibilities of use. In order for the pillars not to wander, but to properly fulfill their role, competent calculations of loads are required, both on the roof structure and on the foundation. Wherein great importance acquires the quality of lumber; preference is given to durable, dried wood coniferous species.

    Chalet-style buildings are becoming increasingly popular among projects of private houses and cottages. Traditionally, they are built from natural materials. For greater reliability, the first floor is made of stone, brick or concrete. And the second is coniferous wood, oak, aspen. The main characteristic Such houses have a chalet roof, which has overhangs up to 3 meters from the walls of the building. Thanks to this, the house is reliably protected from bad weather.

    The chalet-style roof comes from the mountainous regions of Switzerland, France, and Germany. Literally, the word “chalet” is translated as “shepherd’s hut.” Initially, these were one-story buildings made of stone and wood, which protected not only shepherds, but also animals. And heavy snowfalls, with such a roof structure, played a positive role, since snow has good heat-insulating properties.

    Distinctive features of the style

    Local materials were used to build houses - stone, wood. The main entrance to the house was made on the east side. And a large number of windows in the house were placed in such a way that all rooms were illuminated throughout the day. Alpine houses are distinguished by a gable, flat roof with wide extensions, as well as a canopy that covers the balcony the entire width of the house. Making the first floor from stone, as well as roof overhangs, protects the wood of the second floor, which makes such buildings durable. Chalet-style house designs allow you to equip residential attic, a terrace that will help you merge with nature and feel harmonious on vacation.

    Chalet roof design

    The roof of the chalet is a gable roof with beams extending wide from the walls of the building. This design does not weigh down the building, but it is necessary to build consoles along the walls, which will serve as additional support for the roof slope. Another type of chalet house is the hut-type house, in which the roof overhang reaches the ground. When calculating the angle of inclination, one should take into account the climatic conditions and the material from which the roof will be made.

    Important: if the angle of inclination is more than 45 degrees, the snow load is not taken into account. On such a roof it is believed that snow will not linger. When the angle of inclination is less than 45 degrees, a reinforced rafter system is required.

    The design of the chalet roof allows you to protect the foundation from precipitation, as well as increase usable area building. Due to the large overhang, shading of the windows may occur. In warm climates with little precipitation, part of the overhang can be made in the form of a lattice system along which greenery is allowed to grow. IN summer time they will give additional protection, and in winter they will not block light from entering. The roof of the chalet consists of beams that are attached to the wall of the house and tied around the edges for greater reliability.

    Selection of roofing material, insulation

    Since the chalet roof assumes a residential attic, it is necessary to choose a type of roofing and insulation that will create comfortable living conditions. Traditionally, reeds are used as insulation - environmental material which prevents condensation from accumulating. The reeds are laid between the rafters and sheathed with the material that will be used to decorate the walls. Most often, slabs of basalt, polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene are used as insulation. They have good thermal insulation properties, and their low weight will not weigh down the roof.

    Important: when using mineral wool As insulation, it is necessary to steam and waterproof the roof.

    Chalet roof design photo

    Do-it-yourself chalet roof is possible today, as there is a large assortment roofing materials allows you to perform this work quickly and efficiently. The appearance of your home will depend on the roof that is used:

      wooden tiles (shingles) - characterized by high noise absorption, durability, but have a high cost;

      clay tiles - considered the most durable material, but its installation will require significant investment, since it will require reinforced truss structure due to the weight of the tiles;

      ondulin - sheets of pressed cellulose impregnated with bitumen, characterized by an affordable cost;

      soft tiles - bitumen strips, easy to install and operate, but still their service life does not exceed 30 years;

      metal tiles, for all their advantages, are rarely used in chalet houses, since at a slope angle below 45 degrees, the roof may depressurize due to the fact that it will be held snow cover. And with a slope of 45 degrees or more, the costs associated with the rafter system, as well as the amount of material used, increase.

    DIY chalet roof installation

    In order for your own chalet roof to serve you for a long time, you need to make a calculation taking into account all the design features, wind loads, and the material that will be used. And also properly fasten all materials to make the roof reliable. If artificial building materials are used in the construction of walls, then it is necessary to consider a ventilation system so that condensation does not accumulate in the under-roof space. Installation begins with the installation of a support beam, after which the beams are laid on the walls. Anchors are used as fastening. Due to the large overhang, rafter legs They are attached to the ridge assembly with an overlap; in this case, the fasteners are special brackets. To increase the rigidity of the roof, beams are installed between the posts and the purlin. After the rafter system is installed, it is necessary to make lathing, the pitch of which depends on the roofing covering and the width of the beam. Next, thermal insulation is carried out, depending on the insulation used, hydro- and vapor barriers are laid. And also laying the roof.

    The construction of a roof begins with the selection of an acceptable architectural solution that will meet the tastes and requirements of future owners. The roof is an integral part of the architect’s idea and the implemented project. At the same time, it is quite difficult to talk about choosing a universal option that would be suitable for all types of residential buildings without exception and have an interesting appearance. Nevertheless, it is precisely such projects that I would like to talk about and show how it is built. universal roof do it yourself step by step using modern materials.

    Choosing a roof design: beautiful design and optimal technology

    Choosing a house design and roof structure is difficult because the practice of classical construction alone has several dozen options. Each of them has its own characteristics and advantages, the analysis of which becomes impossible for private builders. As a result, the choice leans towards low-cost and technologically simple gable roof. But if we talk about functionality, design and optimal construction technology, then classic version will obviously be modified.

    Hip roof

    The functions of modern roofs being erected include insulation of the house, its sound insulation, additional warm room on the attic floor, aerodynamic characteristics with low wind load and pitched shape for drainage of sediments. Typically, for these purposes, a hip roof is erected, assembled from rafters attached to a wall or frame structure. Its advantage is the ability to design almost any roofing structure in this way, including those with complex and non-standard shapes.

    Hip roof is a classic hipped roof. Numerous modifications are known, including half-hip gable solutions. With certain assumptions, a gable roof can be classified as a half-hip roof. The following hip structures are most often used in construction:

    • classic hipped with corner ribs from the ridge and straight rafters with the correct geometry of the structure;
    • half-hip Danish with a vertical front;
    • tent with a triangular shape of all hips.

    Modified gable attic roof for compact houses

    Despite the familiar appearance, the gable roof meets the most stringent requirements functional design, which can be illustrated using photo projects. These projects have common elements that make the house more attractive, we're talking about O remote balcony and the presence of a full second floor. At the same time, these houses also have disadvantages - these are the small area and low height of the ceilings of the under-roof living space. The rooms can be used as bedrooms and children's rooms, which cannot be called rational decision for small houses.

    Architects are distinguished by the fact that in their projects they often unexpectedly combine structures and get interesting solutions. Now imagine how you can connect a gable roof and a full second floor. That's exactly what the world-famous postmodernist architect Frank Wright did. Many people know him popular expression: “The roof is a symbol of the house.”

    Many readers will be drawn to the chalet-style house Frank Wright designed for one of his clients with a very interesting mansard roof when choosing a roofing project. This compact structure has full living spaces on the first and second floors, as well as a terrace with an outdoor fireplace. The design and construction of the roof is quite suitable for a country house or cottage. The vertical arrangement of attic windows and canopies protect them from the sun and precipitation.

    Such external roof structures can be one- or two-sided. The peculiarity of the chalet house is, first of all, the manufacturability of the construction. In fact, we are talking about the construction of a two-story house, to which a roof has been successfully attached. The first floor is a foundation assembled from wild stone, the second floor and attic are made of manually profiled timber.
    If you look closely, the roof turns out to be combined: the gable roof is more of a design element, and above the external windows it is built into general design single-pitched roof. The installation of the roof of a similar house without dormer windows is shown in the video and is characterized by technological simplicity.

    Similar roof structures also occur in classical house construction. We are talking about gable mansard roofs with dormer windows. At the same time, the rooms on the second floor of such a house will be expected to be less bright and spacious.

    Hip roof for large one-story houses

    The above example works great for lots and houses small area, where you need to make the most practical use of living and garden space. For large single and two-story houses Without an attic floor, a hipped hip roof is best suited. They are sometimes called Frank Wright style houses.

    The hipped roof is universal and is often used in utility and technical rooms. The advantages of such a roof are safe and relatively easy installation for one worker, low consumption of materials without waste, low wind loads and aesthetics. Using a hipped roof, you can also build an attic floor with good lighting and fairly comfortable rooms.

    Sometimes such buildings are called “prairie houses.” Indeed, Frank Wright worked in Asia for a long time, he borrowed many architectural elements from traditional buildings of eastern countries. At the same time, he was influenced by house-building traditions of Eastern Europe, Where is he from. Life in America formed an attachment to the colonial style.

    Structural calculation and roof design

    So, in your choice for self-construction roofs, it is better to stick to universal options. They are distinguished by more technologically advanced installation, which can be done without the involvement of assistants. For these purposes, it is justified to choose a combined gable roof with a second floor for compact cottages, as well as a four-slope option for large houses and garden buildings. Designing a roof will require knowledge of some terms and the names of structural elements, which are shown in the photo.

    Structural diagram

    Roof design is carried out using Sketchup and Arkon software applications. Professionals can use Autocad and Scad. This subsection provides a design video mansard roof with full living quarters. It describes in detail how to make a roof with your own hands, step by step, using available tools.

    The combined version of Frank Wright's chalet can be calculated in a similar way (not given due to possible copyright claims). Please keep in mind that such a house may be subject to greater wind loads than a cottage with a standard mansard roof. In practice, we are talking about combining a full second floor with a gable roof and lean-to elements. The angle of the roof in Frank Wright's chalet is 45 degrees, the slope of the slopes is 25 degrees. Ceiling height in attic floors usually does not exceed 2.6-2.7 m, but can be increased by additional lower beams of profiled timber.

    Calculation of roof loads

    • from the roof’s own weight after designing the structure;
    • short-term load from the weight of people, the standard pressure is 1.5 kPa on the floor beam, with a safety factor of 1.3;
    • snow load: on roofs with a slope of more than 60 degrees is not calculated; if the slope is less than 30 degrees, then the coefficient is taken as 1; for a steeper slope, it is calculated by the method commensurate with the increase in angle. How the snow load is calculated taking into account the snowy region of the Russian Federation, as described in the video;
    • wind loads on the windy and leeward sides, see the video for detailed instructions.

    In conclusion, you need to check the results of calculations of the load on the attic structure separately and in combination, which is also covered in detail in the video tutorial. Regulatory Requirements reflected in SNiP 2.01.85 “Loads and impacts” and “Changes to SNiP 2.01.85”.

    Video instructions for calculating roof loads:

    Design diagram and structural calculation

    When calculating a mansard roof using the Scad software application, you can visualize the load values ​​and which beams will experience the strongest mechanical pressure. The video instructions provide formulas for accurately calculating the roof structure.

    If you want to simplify your task, which is quite acceptable in the chosen project, use standard roofing beams for the floors and rafters. Beams from 10*10 cm to 20*20 cm can be used for the Mauerlat. The minimum pitch between the rafters is 120 cm, it can be increased to 180 cm.

    When increasing the number of rafters “by eye”, take into account the increasing load on the foundation and wall structure. In the case of a stone foundation, this can be neglected. The section size of the timber can vary from 8*10 to 10*20. In the example under consideration, the walls on the second floor provide sufficient rigidity to the structure, so you can completely settle on an 8*20 roof beam, which will slightly reduce the cost of materials. The beam width of 20 cm is used for insulated rooms and corresponds to the thickness of the insulation.

    In order to save money, you can make a larger rafter pitch in all projects with large roof angles, since the entire load in this case is distributed to the load-bearing walls. This is also typical for our project.

    Video instructions on how to obtain a design diagram and structural calculation of an attic roof

    Design and calculation of a hipped hip roof

    A hip roof, on the one hand, requires quite a long preparation of the roofing scaffold, on the other hand, it has a low structure, as a result of which it can be done without the involvement of assistants. An example is given in the construction video hip roof for a small utility room or bathhouse measuring 4.66 * 5.20 m, which has a shape close to a square.

    Functional advantages of a hip roof

    TO functional benefits hip roof can be attributed to the absence of a pediment, as a result there is no need to sew up large vertical planes. In addition, this design better protects the building from precipitation, since gables with a gable roof are usually flooded during heavy rains.

    Returning to the design features, it can be noted that houses with a classic hip roof are rightfully called “prairie houses”, since the structure is reliably protected from water during the rainy season and minimizes wind loads. Moreover, such a roof has an increased snow load, the calculation of which was discussed above, so the choice must be made taking into account the region of construction.

    The basic rule when carrying out structural calculations is to maintain the correct geometry of the classical hipped design and equal angles of inclination of all 4 hips. In this case, installation and carpentry work will be much easier, and there will be no problems with filing overhangs.

    Video instructions for calculating and constructing a hip roof for a bathhouse

    Preparation of structural calculations

    The design of the rafter system begins from the ridge or top of each hip. The rafters are placed at equal intervals. In case of frame bath The length of the ridge is used as the base distance between the rafters; the rafters are placed at equal distances from the center. If you need to design a complex hip roof for a residential building, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video installation instructions. For calculation simple designs can be used mobile app Zhitov Calc for Android, specially designed for use in the field.

    Video instructions for using the hip roof calculator

    Example of calculation of Danish and other hip roofs

    The hip roof may have various shapes. The photo shows one example of a Danish roof.

    Video instructions for calculating and constructing a Danish roof

    Installation of the rafter system

    Features of installing a gable roof

    In sources and methodological manuals for installation of a gable roof can be found various options fastenings In the case of a gable attic roof, fastening is carried out using metal roofing fittings, which greatly facilitates many carpentry works and ensures high reliability of the roof. This can be done using wooden overlays - a more labor-intensive method, but it also guarantees the necessary reliability of the structure. In general, work is carried out using the methods shown in the photo.

    DIY roof step by step photo

    Scheme of fastening the rafter system

    Examples of fastening rafters to the mauerlat (hinged system)

    Fastening the rafters at the ridge

    Fastening and splicing the Mauerlat

    Please note that the reliability of the structure depends on the quality of fastening of the roof to the load-bearing walls. For these purposes, a reinforcing concrete belt must be made along the entire perimeter of the buildings, since reliable fastening of the Mauerlat to the wall with studs is only possible to concrete. Similar fastening to sand-lime brick, which is practiced by many private construction teams, cannot provide the required fastening parameters! Special attention You need to pay attention to splicing the Mauerlat. For these purposes, a straight or oblique lock is used, which is tightened with bolts and wide washers.

    In general, a roofing felt gasket is made between the wall and the Mauerlat; for insulation, some craftsmen use liquid bitumen mastic and other compositions. Top edge waterproofing options load-bearing wall enough to make a choice according to your budget.

    The method of attaching the rafters to the mauerlat is chosen depending on the available materials. Experienced builders recommend using a hinge system, which ensures the adaptive qualities of the roof structure. Due to the absence of rigid fastenings, the roof with hinged joints is not damaged under heavy loads.

    Video instructions for installing the Mauerlat:

    Video instructions for installing an attic roof with your own hands according to a house project (in the style of Frank Wright's chalet)

    Installation of a hipped roof in the photo

    We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of installing a hipped roof using photos of intermediate works. The basic principle of fastening rafters remains the same for all types of roofs, and depending on the chosen type of roof there are some peculiarities.

    DIY hip roof step by step video:

    Laying roofing material

    • no labor-intensive high-altitude work for lifting building materials;
    • optimal price-quality ratio, despite the higher price;
    • any color combinations and the ability to choose a roof design;
    • easy self-installation;
    • excellent sound insulation;
    • improved waterproofing through the use of OSB board and waterproofing layer;
    • simple repair of damage.

    Video instructions for installing soft roofing (bitumen shingles):


    The decision to make a roof with your own hands is completely justified, since in remote areas private construction crews carry out work with all sorts of violations building codes and technology. Therefore, self-installation means, first of all, confidence in the reliability of your roof structure. Of all the options, the most versatile can be considered a four-slope hip roof. For small houses, we can recommend a combined mansard roof. Based on the entire volume of information presented, you can easily design and build all types of universal roofs.
