Mikhail Ivanovich Davydov oncologist. Davydov Mikhail Mikhailovich, oncologist: biography and photos. Final qualifying works of students

Born on October 11, 1947 in the city of Konotop, Sumy region (Ukraine). Father - Davydov Ivan Ivanovich (1922-1985). Mother - Davydova Asmar Tamrazovna (born 1926). Wife - Irina Borisovna Zborovskaya (born 1952). Son - Davydov Mikhail Mikhailovich (born 1985).

There is an element of chance in the fact that Mikhail Davydov became a surgeon. He graduated from the Suvorov School, then served in the Airborne Forces for three years. Mom dreamed of her son becoming a musician. But Mikhail decided that his character would be difficult in art. Then he came across Yuri German’s trilogy “My Dear Man,” and he decided: I’m going to become a surgeon. This is how Mikhail Davydov ended up in Moscow.

In 1975, M. Davydov graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after Sechenov (while still a student he worked as a laboratory assistant at the department of operative surgery), and then completed residency (1975-1977) and graduate school (1977-1980) at the Oncological Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, defended his candidate and doctoral dissertations, became a professor. In 1986, Mikhail Ivanovich became a leading researcher in the thoracic department. From 1988 to the present, he is the head of the department of thoracoabdominal oncology. From 1992 to the present - Director of the Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Scientific Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, from 2001 to the present - director of the Russian Scientific Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin RAMS. Chief oncologist of the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Head of the Department of Oncology of the Russian State Medical University.

M.I. Davydov is known in Russia and abroad as a major scientist who devoted his scientific and practical activities developing new and improving existing methods surgical treatment of lung cancer, esophagus, stomach, mediastinal tumors. He developed a fundamentally new technique for intrapleural gastroesophageal and esophageal-intestinal anastomoses, which is distinguished by its original technical design, absolute safety and high physiology, and developed surgical interventions where, due to mediastinal and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, the results of treatment for cancer of the esophagus, lung, and stomach were improved.

For the first time in the practice of oncosurgery M.I. Davydov began to perform operations with plastic surgery of the vena cava, aorta, and pulmonary artery. He developed and successfully performed a combined esophageal resection with circular resection and tracheoplasty for esophageal cancer complicated by esophageal-tracheal fistula. It enriches the arsenal of broncho- and angio-bronchoplastic surgery. He is one of the first authors of the method of surgical treatment of tumors of the superior aperture of the thorax.

Along with the scientific and administrative activities of M.I. Davydov continues to operate. In total, his clinic performs over 30 operations per day. Mikhail Ivanovich himself calls himself one of the most surgical directors in the country - and this is not an exaggeration, because he performs two or three operations in the clinic every day himself. At the same time, Davydov’s surgical intervention technique is often called offensive, even aggressive. By removing a tumor in a severe stage of cancer, it simultaneously completely cleanses the body of metastases. And he is not afraid to do this, relying on experience, confidence, instinct, talent. He is not afraid to operate on patients with serious complications - those who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, or diabetics. In any case, the number of cancer recurrences in his patients is minimal.

“Many doctors treat surgery as a craft. Maybe this is so, I don’t know... But Davydov elevates craft to the rank of art. We specifically go to watch him operate, receiving aesthetic pleasure,” said one of his students, surgeon I.S., about Davydov’s skill. Stilidy. For the hands that can do anything, he also came up with a nickname for his teacher, which firmly stuck to him at the institute - “Paganini of surgery.”

M.I. Davydov created a school of oncologist-surgeons dealing with the issues of refined diagnosis and improvement of treatment of malignant tumors using the most modern achievements in various areas of experimental and practical oncology. More than 30 dissertations were defended under his leadership. He is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific publications, including 3 monographs, 6 scientific and methodological films. The most important of them: “Surgical and combined treatment of cancer of the middle and lower third of the esophagus” (1983), “Surgical treatment of esophageal cancer after ineffective radiation therapy” (1985), “Methodology of esophageal-gastric bypass anastomosis for cardioesophageal cancer” (1986), “Lewis operation in the surgical and combined treatment of esophageal cancer” (1986), “Simultaneous operations on the esophagus for cancer of the middle and lower thoracic regions with high intrapleural anastomosis” (1987), “Immersion anti-reflux esophageal-gastric anastomosis during operations for proximal cancer stomach and thoracic esophagus" (1987), "Prevention of suture failure of intrathoracic esophageal-gastric anastomoses" (1988), "Modern aspects of the treatment of esophageal cancer" (1989), "Garlock's operations for esophageal cancer" (1990), "Modern aspects of surgical treatment of cardioesophageal cancer” (1992), “Experience in surgical treatment of non-small cell lung cancer” (1991), “Surgical Aspects in the Treatment of Esophageal Cancer” (1992), “Gastric Esophagoplasty for Esophageal Carcmoma” (1992), “Modern aspects of surgical treatment cardioesophageal cancer” (1992), “Surgical and combined treatment of locally advanced cardioesophageal cancer” (1992), “ New way tracheal anastomosis in pediatric oncology. First experience” (1993), “Experience of total and subtotal tracheoplasty for tracheal and esophageal cancer (patient demonstration)” (1993), “Lung cancer” (1994), “New aspects of combined treatment of non-small cell lung cancer: mechanism, implementation, effect ” (1994), “Biochemical indicators in the complex diagnosis of lung cancer” (1994), “Bypass operations as an alternative to fistula operations for advanced cardioesophageal cancer” (1995), “Lymphodissection in patients with cancer of the proximal stomach” (1995), “Significance of indicators DNA ploidy of tumor cells in predicting the course of lung cancer” (1995), “Surgical manual for esophageal cancer with the formation of fistulas” (1997), “Surgical treatment of unresectable cardioesophageal cancer” (1997), “Transsternal access during operations for lung cancer” (1997), “Successes and failures of “molecular surgery” for lung cancer” (1997).

Best of the day

M.I. Davydov is a laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology (2002), academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2003) and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2004), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.

Among the leading surgeons of Russia and the CIS, he was elected a member of the International Society of Surgeons, a member of the American and European Society of Surgeons, and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Mikhail Ivanovich is a master of sports in boxing, he left the ring at the age of 21. While serving in the airborne forces, he jumped with a parachute many times. Became an avid hunter. In his youth he received a good musical education. He has retained his love for music to this day, preferring classics and retro. Among the singers, he singles out L. Pavarotti, I. Kobzon, M. Magomaev, L. Dolina.

  • Started working at the Higher School of Economics in 2012.
  • Scientific and teaching experience: 29 years.

Education, academic degrees

  • Doctor historical sciences: Russian State Humanities University, specialty 07.00.09 “Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research”, dissertation topic: Market and market relations in Russia in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. (Source research)
  • Candidate of Historical Sciences: Institute of History of the USSR, USSR Academy of Sciences, specialty 07.00.02 “Domestic History”, dissertation topic: Monopoly and competition in the sugar industry of Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century.
  • Postgraduate studies: Institute of History of the USSR, USSR Academy of Sciences
  • Specialty: Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov, specialty "History"

    Specialty: Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty: Historical, specialty "History"

Final qualifying works of students

  • Bachelor's degree
  • Davydov M.A., Garskova I.M. Dynamics of development of credit cooperatives in 1905–1915. // Historical research in the digital era: information resources, methods, technologies: Proceedings of the XV International Conference of the Association "History and Computer": Moscow - Zvenigorod, October 7–9, 2016 - M.: MAKS Press, 2016. (Newsletter of the Association "History and Computer". No. 45. Special issue). pp. 82–83.

    Land and taxes in post-reform Russia: did payments and arrears depend on the area of ​​peasant plots? // Economic history. Yearbook. 2014/2015. M., IRI RAS. 2016. pp. 83-151.

    A Fresh Study on Russian Standards of Consumption and the Cause of Revolution in the 19th Century and the Early 20th Century (再论19世纪末20世纪初俄国消费水平和革命的原因) // JOURNAL OF HISTORICAL SCIENCE (史学月刊) 2016, No. 3. P.119-132


    Davydov M. A, Vishlenkova E. A. Einhundert Jahre Streit um die Helden von 1812: Vom „Vaterländischen“ Krieg zum Ersten „Weltkrieg“ // Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas

    Count A.A. Zakrevsky - military and statesman// Count Zakrevsky. Governor-General of Moscow and resident of Tuscany. M., Staraya Basmannaya. 2015.

    “War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy as a paradox of historical memory // “Wars and military conflicts in the history of Russia: on the 70th anniversary Great victory" Materials of XIX All-Russia. scientific-theor. conf. M., RUDN. 2015. P.93-108.

    Personal and group land management during the Stolypin agrarian reform (1907 – 1915) // Russian History. 2015, No. 3.S. 116-141


    On the problem of land management in countries Western Europe and in Russia // Economic reforms in Russia abroad (History of the world economy, issue 3). M., Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. pp. 126-153.

    The problem of peasant arrears at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. // Problems of historiography, source study and methods of historical research. Materials of the V scientific readings in memory of Academician I.D. Kovalchenko. M., Moscow State University, 2014. P.239-247.

    “Proof by contradiction”: the first 9 months of the Prohibition Law of 1914 and the well-being of the Russian population // Historical Journal. 2014, No. 2(20). P.214-232

    Theses "On the history of peasant payments at the end of the 19th century (experience of content analysis)" // Materials of the XIV conference of the Association "History and Computer" "Historical research in the digital era: information resources, technologies, methods." AIC Information Bulletin No. 42 M., 2014. P.88-91


    Feudal thinking of the Russian post-reform society and the equalization-redistribution community: (towards the formulation of the problem) // Bulletin of RUDN University. Series History of Russia. 2013. No. 1 P. 5–19.

    Stolypin’s agrarian reform: figures and people // Historical journal: scientific research. 2013. No. 5. pp. 541–560.

    On the problem of peasant payments at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. // Economic reforms: lessons from history: collection of articles. M.: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013. pp. 138–187. (History of the world economy. Issue 2.)

    Russia's harvest statistics: is it possible to straighten the Leaning Tower of Pisa? // Economic history: yearbook: 2011–2012 / resp. ed. L.I. Borodkin, Yu.A. Petrov, S.A. Salomatina. M.: Rosspan, 2013. pp. 149–189.

    On the boundaries of common sense (answer to I.A. Kuznetsov) // Ibid. pp. 229–244.
    Beginning of land management P.A. Stolypin: 1907-1908 // Theoretical and applied aspects of socio-economic and political development countries Central Asia and CIS: Sat. materials international scientific-practical conf. / ed. M.S. Besbaeva, S.A. Zhakisheva. Almaty: Center for Operational Press KazATiSO, 2013. T. 1. P. 51–62.

    The Vorontsov family and the spiritual emancipation of the Russian nobility // Historical and cultural heritage of the Black Sea region: study and use in education and tourism: abstract. report Series “History, Archeology”. Yalta: RIO Krymsk. humanist Univ., 2013. pp. 16–17.

    “Family Tradition” of the Stolypins // Personality in political, economic and cultural processes Russian history: materials of the XVII All-Russian. scientific and technical conf. Moscow, RUDN, May 16–17, 2013. M.: Ekon-inform, 2013. P.178–186.

    On the problem of “loneliness” B.N. Chicherina // B.N. Chicherin and the traditions of philosophical and socio-political thought in Russia: materials of the international. conf. Tambov, November 20–23, 2013 / ed. N.V. Medvedev and others. Tambov: Publishing House of TSU named after. G.R. Derzhavina, 2013.

    People of the Stolypin reform // Sat.m-lov.international. conf. “The history of professions in retrospect: from source analysis to data processing technologies.” Newsletter of the History and Computer Association. No. 41. Barnaul. 2013. pp. 185-196.


    Liberated consciousness in a feudal country: (to the problem of M.S. Vorontsov’s worldview) // Historical journal: scientific research. 2012. No. 3. P. 107–114 (in collaboration with S.A. Fokin).

    Statistics of land management in Ukraine during the agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin: 1907–1915 // P.A. Stolypin and the historical experience of reforms in Russia / editor-ed. N.F. Gritsenko. M., 2012. pp. 260–287.

    On the statistics of land management during the years of Stolypin’s agrarian reform (1907–1915) // Economic history: review. M.: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2012. Issue. 16.

    Long life natural economic theory, or why historians do not understand each other // Economic history of Siberia XX - beginning of the XXI V. / ed. E.V. Demchik. Barnaul: AKIPKRO, 2012. T. 1. P. 9–28.

    ABOUT radical reforms in a serfdom country // Reforms and reformers to the history of Russia: to the 150th anniversary of the Great Reforms / resp. ed. V.M. Kozmenko, V.V. Kerov. M.: RUDN. 2012. pp. 156–171.

    Stolypin agrarian reform: first results in the context of historiography and statistics // Stolypin readings. Ways of modernization of Russia: from Stolypin to modernity: international. scientific-practical conf. M.: Media-Print. 2012. pp. 184–209.

    Provincial transportation of all goods in general on Russian railways in 1913. Railways and the process of social modernization of Russia in the 19th - first half of the 20th centuries. // Collection of materials of the International Scientific Conference / Ed. advice: I.M. Pushkareva (pres.) et al. Tambov, 2012. pp. 14–25.

    On the problem of land management in Western Europe and Russia // Bulletin of the Surgut State Pedagogical University. 2012. No. 4 (19). pp. 161–168
    Politics and statistics // Questions of history. 2012. No. 12. pp. 122–140.


    Statistics of land management during the Stolypin agrarian reform (1907–1915) // Russian history. 2011. No. 1.

    Russia in history: from measurement to understanding: A new book B.N. Mironov in the responses and reflections of his colleagues // Russian history. 2011. No. 1.

    Be careful with statistics // Questions of history. 2011. No. 3. pp. 129–138.

    On the problem of M.S.’s worldview Vorontsova // Materials of the Third International scientific and practical conference "Historical and cultural heritage of the Black Sea region: study and use in education and tourism." Yalta, April 28–30, 2011 Yalta, 2011 (co-authored with S.A. Fokin).

    February 19, 1861 and the fate of the Russian village // The Great Peasant Reform of 1861 and its influence on the development of Russia: collection of reports of the All-Russian Scientific Conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the abolition of serfdom / Under the general. ed. V.M. Bautina. Publishing house of RGAU-MSHA named after. K.A. Timiryazeva, M., 2011. P. 50–57.

    Stolypin agrarian reform and the South of Russia // South of Russia: reforms, revolutions, searches for civil peace: (in memory of P.A. Stolypin) / Editorial Board: G.G. Matishov (pres.) et al. Rostov-on-Don, 2011. pp. 20–27.

    On the question of the role of the subjective factor in the process of Stolypin land management // Proceedings of VEO. M., 2011. T. 54.

    On the statistics of land management during the years of Stolypin’s agrarian reform (1907–1915) // Economic history: Review / rep. ed. L.I. Borodkin. M.: MSU, 2011. Issue. 16. pp. 146–150.


    On the level of consumption in Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. // Polit.ru. URL: http://www.polit.ru/article/2010/12/10/consumlevel/, free ( full version article published in 2009 in abbreviation)


    On the issue of population consumption in Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century // Russian History. 2009. No. 2.

    On the level of consumption in Russia at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. // About the causes of the Russian revolution. M., 2009 (text published in abbreviation).


    Bureaucracy, intelligentsia, paternalism and socialism in post-reform Russia // Bureaucracy and bureaucrats in Russia in the 19th and 20th centuries: general and special. M.: RUDN. 2008.

    Stolypin agrarian reform as a break in the paternalistic tradition // International Likhachev Scientific Readings “Dialogue of Cultures and Partnership of Civilizations” St. Petersburg, 2008.

    Internet publications

    Publications 22

    • Article Davydov M., Einhundert Jahre Streit um die Helden von 1812: Vom „Vaterländischen“ Krieg zum Ersten „Weltkrieg“ // Jahrbucher fur Geschichte Osteuropas. 2015. Vol. 63.No. 4. P. 545-572.

      Chapter of the book Davydov M. A. // In the book: Economic reforms in Russia and abroad (History of the world economy, issue 3): Collection of articles. M.: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2014. pp. 126-153.

      Article by M. A. Davydov // Bulletin of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University. Series: History of Russia. 2013. No. 1. P. 5-19.

      Article by M. A. Davydov // Newsletter of the Association History and Computer. 2013. pp. 185-196.

      Chapter of the book Davydov M. A. // In the book: Economic reforms: lessons from history. M.: Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013. pp. 138-187.

      Chapter of the book Davydov M.A. // In the book: Economic history: Yearbook. 2011/2012 / Rep. ed.: L. I. Borodkin. M.: ROSSPEN, 2012. pp. 229-244.

      Chapter of the book Davydov M.A. // In the book: Reforms and reformers to the history of Russia: to the 150th anniversary of the Great Reforms. M.: RUDN Publishing House, 2012. pp. 156-171.

      Article Davydov M. A., Fokin S. A. // Historical journal: scientific research. 2012. No. 3. P. 107-144.

      Chapter of the book Davydov M.A. // In the book: Stolypin readings: ways of modernization of Russia: from Stolypin to modernity: international. scientific-practical conf. M.: Media-Print, 2012. pp. 184-209.

      Chapter of the book Davydov M.A. // In the book: Economic history: Yearbook. 2011/2012 / Rep. ed.: L. I. Borodkin. M.: ROSSPEN, 2012. pp. 149-189.

      Chapter of the book Davydov M.A. // In the book: The Great Peasant Reform of 1861 and its influence on the development of Russia: a collection of reports of the All-Russian scientific conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the abolition of serfdom. M.: RGAU-MSHA named after K.A. Timiryazeva, 2011. pp. 50-57.

    Scientific supervisor of dissertation research

    for the academic degree of Candidate of Sciences

    June- report “Modernization of Witte-Stolypin: modernization in spite of?” at the international conference “Problems of reforming Russia at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries: on the centenary of the death of S.Yu. Witte." June 19-20, 2015 European University in St. Petersburg.

    year 2014

    March- report “Count A.A. Zakrevsky as a statesman" at the Russian-Italian conference " Historical portrait Count A.A. Zakrevsky (1786-1865) in the mirror of time" March 18-19, 2014 Florence. http://www.fontanka.it/pdf/conferenza.pdf

    April- report “The first 9 months of Prohibition 1914” at the XV April Conference of the National Research University-Higher School of Economics. Round table NA-09. // https://conf.site/2014/prog

    October- report “On the history of peasant payments at the end of the 19th century.” (experience of content analysis" at the XIV conference of the Association "History and Computer". "Historical research in the digital era: information resources, technologies, methods", October 3, 2014 // http://www.aik-sng.ru/content/

    year 2013

    February- report “On the first results of the Stolypin agrarian reform. 1907-1915." Second Russian Economic Congress, section “Economic History” (Suzdal).

    March- report “Start of land management of P.A. Stolypin. 1907–1908" at the conference "Theoretical and applied aspects of socio-economic and political development of the countries of Central Asia and the CIS" at the Kazakh Academy of Labor and social relations(Almaty)
    April - report “The Vorontsov Family and the Spiritual Emancipation of the Russian Nobility.” IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Historical and cultural heritage of the Black Sea region: study and use in education and tourism." Yalta, April 25-26, 2013
    May - report “Family Tradition” of the Stolypins.” XVII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference “Personality in the political, economic and cultural processes of Russian history.” May 16-17, 2013 RUDN University.
    October - report “People of the Stolypin Reform”. International conference “History of professions in retrospect: from source analysis to data processing technologies” - Barnaul, October 4-6, 2013.
    November - report “On the problem of “loneliness”” by B.N. Chicherin." International conference “B.N. Chicherin and the traditions of philosophical and socio-political thought in Russia.” Tambov, November 22-23, 2013
    December - report “The problem of peasant arrears at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries.” V readings in memory of academician I.D. Kovalchenko (on his 90th birthday). Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

    year 2012
    April- report “On the development of individual farms during the years of the Stolypin agrarian reform” at the XIII International Scientific Conference on Problems of Economic and Social Development at the State University Higher School of Economics on April 3–5, 2012;
    April- report “Stolypin Agrarian Reform: Preliminary Results” at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Stolypin Readings. Ways to modernize Russia: from Stolypin to modernity” on April 17 at RANEPA (Moscow);
    May- report “On radical reforms in a feudal country” at the XVI All-Russian Scientific and Theoretical Conference “Reforms and Reformers in Russia: on the 150th Anniversary of the Great Reforms” at PFUR, May 17–18;
    June- report “The long life of the natural economic theory, or why historians do not understand each other” at the III All-Russian scientific conference “Economic history of Siberia in the 20th and early 21st centuries.” June 29 - July 1, 2012 at Altai State University (Barnaul);
    September- report “On the issue of concentration of land management during Stolypin’s agrarian reform” at the XIII International Conference of the Association “History and Computer” (co-authored with A.A. Davydov)

    February- speech “Russian intelligentsia and the Great Reform” at Round table“Lessons of the Great Reforms” on February 16 at the Republican Democratic Party “YABLOKO”;
    March- report “February 19, 1861 and the fate of the Russian village” at the All-Russian scientific conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the abolition of serfdom at the Russian State Agrarian University-Moscow Agricultural Academy named after. K.A. Timiryazeva;
    March- report “On the problem of the welfare of peasants in post-reform Russia” at the conference “Reform of 1861, results and consequences” at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    April- report “On the problem of the welfare of the population in post-reform Russia” at the XII International Scientific Conference on Problems of Economic and Social Development at the State University Higher School of Economics on April 14–15, 2011;
    April- report “On the problem of the worldview of M.S. Vorontsov" at the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Black Sea Region: Study and Use in Education and Tourism" on April 28–30, 2011 at KSU, Yalta (co-authored with S.A. Fokin);
    July- report “Stolypin agrarian reform and the South of Russia” at the Regional scientific conference “South of Russia: reforms, revolutions, searches for civil peace (in memory of P.A. Stolypin)” July 1–2, 2011 at the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Rostov-on-Don;
    September- report “On the role of the subjective factor in the process of Stolypin land management” at the International conference “Lessons from the reforms of P.A. Stolypin: strategy of transformation in modern Russia» September 12, 2011 in the Free Economic Society;
    September- report “Ukraine and Stolypin’s agrarian reform” at the International scientific and practical conference “Implementation of the spiritual and economic heritage of P.A. Stolypin in modern Ukraine" (Kyiv)
    September- “Statistics of land management in Ukraine during the agrarian reform P.A. Stolypin. 1907–1915." at the International Scientific and Practical Conference “P.A. Stolypin and the historical experience of reforms in Russia" (on the 100th anniversary of the death of P.A. Stolypin) on September 29 at the House of Russian Abroad;
    november- report “On the statistics of land management during the years of Stolypin’s agrarian reform (1907–1915)” at the International scientific conference “Economic reforms in Russia in the 19th-20th centuries. New approaches, methods and technologies of research" November 24–25 at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Director of the Russian Oncological Research Center named after N.N. Blokhina, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Born on October 11, 1947 in the city of Konotop, Sumy region (Ukraine). Father - Davydov Ivan Ivanovich (1922-1985). Mother - Davydova Asmar Tamrazovna (born 1926). Wife - Irina Borisovna Zborovskaya (born 1952). Son - Davydov Mikhail Mikhailovich (born 1985).

There is an element of chance in the fact that Mikhail Davydov became a surgeon. He graduated from the Suvorov School, then served in the Airborne Forces for three years. Mom dreamed of her son becoming a musician. But Mikhail decided that his character would be difficult in art. Then he came across Yuri German’s trilogy “My Dear Man,” and he decided: I’m going to become a surgeon. This is how Mikhail Davydov ended up in Moscow.
In 1975, M. Davydov graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after Sechenov (while still a student he worked as a laboratory assistant at the department of operative surgery), and then completed residency (1975-1977) and graduate school (1977-1980) at the Oncological Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, defended his candidate and doctoral dissertations, became a professor. In 1986, Mikhail Ivanovich became a leading researcher in the thoracic department. From 1988 to the present, he is the head of the department of thoracoabdominal oncology. From 1992 to the present - Director of the Scientific Research Institute of the Russian Scientific Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, from 2001 to the present - director of the Russian Scientific Research Center named after N.N. Blokhin RAMS. Chief oncologist of the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Head of the Department of Oncology of the Russian State Medical University.
M.I. Davydov is known in Russia and abroad as a major scientist who devoted his scientific and practical activities to the development of new and improvement of existing methods of surgical treatment of lung, esophageal, stomach, and mediastinal tumors. He developed a fundamentally new technique for intrapleural gastroesophageal and esophageal-intestinal anastomoses, which is distinguished by its original technical design, absolute safety and high physiology, and developed surgical interventions where, due to mediastinal and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection, the results of treatment for cancer of the esophagus, lung, and stomach were improved.
For the first time in the practice of oncosurgery M.I. Davydov began to perform operations with plastic surgery of the vena cava, aorta, and pulmonary artery. He developed and successfully performed a combined esophageal resection with circular resection and tracheoplasty for esophageal cancer complicated by esophageal-tracheal fistula. It enriches the arsenal of broncho- and angio-bronchoplastic surgery. He is one of the first authors of the method of surgical treatment of tumors of the superior aperture of the thorax.
Along with the scientific and administrative activities of M.I. Davydov continues to operate. In total, his clinic performs over 30 operations per day. Mikhail Ivanovich himself calls himself one of the most surgical directors in the country - and this is not an exaggeration, because he performs two or three operations in the clinic every day himself. At the same time, Davydov’s surgical intervention technique is often called offensive, even aggressive. By removing a tumor in a severe stage of cancer, it simultaneously completely cleanses the body of metastases. And he is not afraid to do this, relying on experience, confidence, instinct, talent. He is not afraid to operate on patients with serious complications - those who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, or diabetics. In any case, the number of cancer recurrences in his patients is minimal.
“Many doctors treat surgery as a craft. Maybe this is so, I don’t know... But Davydov elevates craft to the rank of art. We specifically go to watch him operate, receiving aesthetic pleasure,” said one of his students, surgeon I.S., about Davydov’s skill. Stilidy. For the hands that can do anything, he also came up with a nickname for his teacher, which firmly stuck to him at the institute - “Paganini of surgery.”
M.I. Davydov created a school of oncologist-surgeons dealing with the issues of refined diagnosis and improvement of treatment of malignant tumors using the most modern achievements in various areas of experimental and practical oncology. More than 30 dissertations were defended under his leadership. He is the author and co-author of more than 300 scientific publications, including 3 monographs, 6 scientific and methodological films. The most important of them: “Surgical and combined treatment of cancer of the middle and lower third of the esophagus” (1983), “Surgical treatment of esophageal cancer after ineffective radiation therapy” (1985), “Methodology of esophageal-gastric bypass anastomosis for cardioesophageal cancer” (1986), “Lewis operation in the surgical and combined treatment of esophageal cancer” (1986), “Simultaneous operations on the esophagus for cancer of the middle and lower thoracic regions with high intrapleural anastomosis” (1987), “Immersion anti-reflux esophageal-gastric anastomosis during operations for proximal cancer stomach and thoracic esophagus" (1987), "Prevention of suture failure of intrathoracic esophageal-gastric anastomoses" (1988), "Modern aspects of the treatment of esophageal cancer" (1989), "Garlock's operations for esophageal cancer" (1990), "Modern aspects of surgical treatment of cardioesophageal cancer” (1992), “Experience in surgical treatment of non-small cell lung cancer” (1991), “Surgical Aspects in the Treatment of Esophageal Cancer” (1992), “Gastric Esophagoplasty for Esophageal Carcmoma” (1992), “Modern aspects of surgical treatment cardioesophageal cancer” (1992), “Surgical and combined treatment of locally advanced cardioesophageal cancer” (1992), “New method of tracheal anastomosis in pediatric oncology. First experience” (1993), “Experience of total and subtotal tracheoplasty for tracheal and esophageal cancer (patient demonstration)” (1993), “Lung cancer” (1994), “New aspects of combined treatment of non-small cell lung cancer: mechanism, implementation, effect ” (1994), “Biochemical indicators in the complex diagnosis of lung cancer” (1994), “Bypass operations as an alternative to fistula operations for advanced cardioesophageal cancer” (1995), “Lymphodissection in patients with cancer of the proximal stomach” (1995), “Significance of indicators DNA ploidy of tumor cells in predicting the course of lung cancer” (1995), “Surgical manual for esophageal cancer with the formation of fistulas” (1997), “Surgical treatment of unresectable cardioesophageal cancer” (1997), “Transsternal access during operations for lung cancer” (1997), “Successes and failures of “molecular surgery” for lung cancer” (1997).
M.I. Davydov is a laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology (2002), academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2003) and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (2004), Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation.
Among the leading surgeons of Russia and the CIS, he was elected a member of the International Society of Surgeons, a member of the American and European Society of Surgeons, and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Mikhail Ivanovich is a master of sports in boxing, he left the ring at the age of 21. While serving in the airborne forces, he jumped with a parachute many times. Became an avid hunter. In his youth he received a good musical education. He has retained his love for music to this day, preferring classics and retro. Among the singers, he singles out L. Pavarotti, I. Kobzon, M. Magomaev, L. Dolina.
Lives and works in Moscow.

Our citizens have long been accustomed to desperately scolding domestic medicine, pointing out the mistakes of doctors and the slowness of service. Meanwhile, Russian doctors are considered one of the best in the world; patients even come to the country from abroad for examinations and treatment. Our surgeons deserve special honor, who not only save hundreds of lives every day, but also participate in the development of new methods of getting rid of diseases. One of such outstanding doctors in Russia is Mikhail Mikhailovich Davydov, oncologist, academician, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.


He was born into a completely non-medical family, in the city of Konotop, Sumy region (Ukraine). His father early noticed strategic inclinations and a strong character in his son, so he wanted him to have a military career. The boy studied at the Suvorov School, received a musical education and did not even think about the fate of a doctor.

After receiving secondary education, he served in the army for three years, and it was there that, after reading the books of Julius German about the exploits of a military surgeon, he became interested in medicine. Davydov decides to start his career in the capital; here the future famous oncologist enters the Moscow Medical Center. institute at surgery department. From the very first years, the young man actively tried to prove himself, to gain maximum practical experience, and demanded that he be accepted for everything. complex cases, and in the third year he already operated on his own.

Thus, Mikhail Mikhailovich Davydov, an oncologist, gradually learned the basics of the profession. The biography of this man is like one continuous feat of will, he tried to learn all the intricacies of the craft, it is not for nothing that his students and followers call their mentor a virtuoso of medicine.

Carier start

The decision to become an oncologist did not arise immediately; he wanted to choose vascular surgery for practice, but it happened scandalous story, and it was no longer possible for a young graduate to get there. Friends recommended the oncology department at a recently opened medical center in Moscow, such a life turn turned out to be decisive in his fate. Thanks to a simple accident, the surgeon Mikhail Mikhailovich Davydov eventually chose his path. RONC named after. Blokhin was still developing in the mid-seventies, and young and talented personnel were needed here.

It is with this place that Davydov’s whole life is connected; here he entered first residency, then graduate school and successfully defended his candidate’s and doctor’s dissertations. When he first came to work at the institute, the mortality rate for cancer patients was 70-80 percent. Over the course of several years, a team of doctors managed to reduce this figure to half by introducing new technologies and their own developments. Mikhail Mikhailovich Davydov undoubtedly sees his great merit in this. The years 1985 and 1986 were successful and joyful in every sense, the couple had a long-awaited son, who was named after his father, and the head of the family became a leading specialist in the thoracic department at the Oncology Research Center named after. Blokhina.


One of the most famous cancer surgeons in the country, together with a team of professional doctors, was able to raise Russian medicine to the world level. Mikhail Mikhailovich Davydov today performs the most complex operations, even the most dangerous ones, related to extreme oncology surgery. As director of the Russian Scientific Research Center named after. Blokhin, he primarily values ​​responsibility and courage in decision-making in his subordinates. In this, the surgeon sees the difference and superiority of Russian medicine over foreign medicine; foreign doctors often do not undertake to help a sick person due to high risks or legal delays.

Davydov Mikhail Mikhailovich is a world-class oncologist, he is a member of the European and American Medical Society. To transfer the accumulated knowledge, he created the world's largest school for training specialists in cancer surgery.

Development of new techniques

Davydov Mikhail Mikhailovich (oncologist, head. For many years he specialized in operating on malignant tumors of the stomach, lungs and esophagus. Along with improving known methods in surgery, he was actively involved in the development of fundamentally new treatment methods. Davydov has successful experience in removing even difficult-to-reach tumors at the last stage of development. The peculiarity of its work is in the original technique of execution with mandatory safety for the patient.

Despite being very busy at the Medical University. I.M. Sechenov, where he heads the department of oncology, as well as at the center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the honored academician of Russia does not stop medical practice at the Russian Cancer Research Center. Blokhina. It was he who discovered a fundamentally new method of plastic surgery of the vena cava, aorta, and pulmonary artery.

Over his entire life, more than fifteen thousand operations were performed by Mikhail Mikhailovich Davydov (RONC). Photos and videos of successful interventions under the guidance of an academician have long been included in scientific and methodological films for the training of medical students.

President of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

The successes of doctors of the Russian Oncology Center named after. Blokhin are largely the merit of their director, who was able to assemble and organize an outstanding team of Russian oncologists. Davydov’s abilities did not go unnoticed, and in 2003 he was accepted into Russian Academy Medical Sciences, and soon (in 2006) he became its president.

Here, an outstanding surgeon has the opportunity to solve medical issues more globally. Davydov Mikhail Mikhailovich tried to convey to the country's leadership the need to increase funding for the entire healthcare sector, raise salaries for workers and approve the special status of doctors in Russian society.

Among other things, he is a member of the scientific and editorial board involved in compiling a register of drugs approved in Russia.

About the problems of cancer

Mikhail Mikhailovich Davydov, whose photos often appear in foreign medical magazines, has always argued that Russia is the undisputed leader in the operation of malignant tumors. He devoted more than twenty-five years to the study of oncology and came to the conclusion that the problem of frequent patient mortality lies not in the low competence of doctors, but in the lack state program for detecting oncology in the early stages. Early diagnosis, according to Davydov, makes it possible to cure almost any type of cancer.

The academician saw a solution to the problem in a large-scale revision of the system medical care Thus, oncology departments must function independently from other areas of healthcare and have well-trained specialists. The lack of qualified personnel in the regions forces people to turn to therapists and dermatologists, who cannot always accurately diagnose on time.

Personal life

Davydov Mikhail Mikhailovich devoted himself entirely to medicine, it became his only love and passion. In one of his interviews, a famous Russian surgeon lamented that all responsibility for raising his son fell on the shoulders of his wife, while he himself was constantly at work or on the road. However, Mikhail Davydov Jr. also decided to continue his father’s work and became a successful surgeon.


Until the age of 23, M. M. Davydov was actively involved in boxing, but when he entered surgery he left this sport forever. Today he prefers to relax while hunting or during out-of-town trips, and to relax with the help of good books and classical music.

Davydov has been considered the main oncologist in Russia for more than twenty years; with his practical and educational activities he has earned the respect of domestic and foreign colleagues. Under his leadership, dozens of candidate and doctoral dissertations on medicine were written, about three hundred were published scientific works and several educational films for students were made. Davydov’s contribution to Russian surgery is invaluable; he saved the lives of thousands of people, and his techniques and developments are used all over the world.
