How and with what to paint a wooden floor. What is the best way to paint wooden floors and how to do it correctly? How to paint wooden floors in your home

Floor painting - final stage repair work. Everything is already behind you: the walls are leveled and the wallpaper is pasted, the ceiling shines with impeccable whiteness and only the floor confuses you with its “shameful appearance.” But the only thing left to do is to find out what to paint the wooden floor with and start transforming it into a brand new, shiny coating that will please the eye and your feet.

Types of paints and varnishes for wooden floors

Typically, wood floors are painted with either an opaque paint or clear coats that contain various pigments that reveal the natural grain of the wood during application.

Opaque paints

This group of paints and varnishes is represented by paints based on special organic solvents, which reliably protect the wood surface from moisture, rot and various pests. You can find the following types of opaque paints on the market:

  • perchlorovinyl
  • oil
  • polyurethane
  • alkyd
  • acrylic

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages (if any) of each type of material.

Perchlorovinyl paints used for coloring wooden surfaces both indoors and outdoors. They have high weather resistance, bright color scheme with rich shades and are quite cheap, but along with these advantages they have a number of disadvantages, which have become the reason that perchlorovinyl paints are “retiring”. These include:

  1. toxicity, because the paint contains a volatile organic solvent, which, evaporating from the surface of the wood, has a negative effect on human health, moreover, such volatile substances are quite fire hazardous;
  2. tendency to cracking;
  3. high degree of fading.

Oil paints literally a few decades ago were wildly successful among consumers, but not because they were so good, but because there was no other choice. Although even today some people prefer to buy oil-based paints and varnishes to improve the floors in their houses and apartments. Why? They simply have a deep, rich color, a smooth, uniform structure, high resistance to changes in temperature conditions, and most importantly - low price. But you will have to wait about a day for such paint to dry, which is very, very sad, because nowadays no one likes agonizing waiting. In addition, in a few years you will no longer enjoy a smooth and shiny floor, but will contemplate a rough and sometimes even cracked surface.

Oil paint for the floor - a bright and stylish look for your home

Polyurethane paints are characterized by high levels of wear resistance and resistance to external influences, excellent protective properties and durability, but at the same time they also have disadvantages (how could we live without them).

Firstly, polyurethane paints are highly toxic due to the organic solvents they contain, and secondly, the cost of such materials is quite high.

Alkyd paints are used to protect wooden surfaces indoors and outdoors. They are characterized by high resistance to precipitation and temperature fluctuations and bright colors. But the disadvantages of such paints may make you think a hundred times before deciding to buy.

  1. During painting, alkyd paints emit a very strong specific odor that persists even after drying. However, don’t think that you will have to breathe paint all your life, no! After a few days, or maybe even weeks, the “aroma” will disappear. All this time it is better for you to be in another place, since breathing such air is unsafe for your health.
  2. The organic solvents contained in the composition are quite flammable, so the paint ignites very quickly and easily.

Acrylic dispersion paints V last years are in high demand and for good reason! They have a number of advantages:

  • high weather resistance
  • water resistance
  • frost resistance
  • resistance to fading
  • Huge range of colors (more than 2000 different shades)
  • durability (up to 10 years of service without the slightest complaints).

Acrylic paint on water based- the key to a beautiful and safe floor

True, one sad fact somewhat darkens such a rosy picture - the price of acrylic paints is quite high, and the choice of manufacturers is not that great, because in Russia such a product is not yet produced, and what comes to us “from over the hill” is not always different high quality, therefore, when choosing acrylic paints, be careful and pay attention to the markings and country of manufacturer. Paint for wooden floors, for example, from Spain or Germany is no worse than the widely advertised Finnish one. Their composition is almost the same, and the properties are similar, but why pay more if you can buy exactly the same thing, but at a more attractive price.

Transparent coatings for wood surfaces

This type of paint and varnish materials includes impregnating agents and clear varnishes. Let's consider each type separately.

Impregnations for wood there are two types:

  • acrylic
  • oil

Acrylics are characterized by high absorption into wood, which allows you to protect the floor surface to the maximum. In addition, such impregnations can have different shades, thanks to which you can create an unusual and bright interior. The composition is applied with a regular brush or roller, although spraying is also provided, because not everyone can spend two hours of their precious time spreading the impregnation on the floor.

Acrylic impregnation preserves the wood texture and protects it from rotting and other troubles

Oil impregnations are used to protect, strengthen and tint wood. They are perfectly absorbed, as a result of which the surface of the wood becomes strong, shiny and more moisture resistant. As a rule, impregnation oil is made from natural modified resins, linseed or wood oils. The scope of its application is quite wide: bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, cottages, swimming pools, in general, almost everywhere, even where there is no heating. Oil impregnation It can be easily refreshed if you add special products to the water while washing floors.

Floor oil - beautiful and inexpensive

Varnishes have many advantages. They preserve the natural beauty of the wood, protect the floor surface from the harmful effects of external factors, but... There are also BUTs that do not allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of the varnished floor, because a thin varnish film cannot protect the floor from impacts, chips, and physical stress. Even when the varnish is completely dry, it still remains quite elastic and mobile, moving with any damage along with the wood fibers. You will only have to walk on the varnished floor in slippers with soft soles. Are you willing to make such sacrifices for the sake of beauty? Most likely no!

Varnish - chic and luxurious

Are you ready to make sacrifices for such beauty?

What to choose?

So, to summarize, we can draw the following conclusion: to protect a wooden floor, opaque acrylic paints are most preferable, because they can not only protect soft and pliable wood from physical and atmospheric influences, but also give the floor a beautiful, noble look, but varnishes, to Unfortunately, they cannot fulfill the role of a reliable “protector”, although they have a chic appearance.

Question painting the floor special attention should be paid, since this area of ​​the home is most susceptible to various types of influences. About the choice floor paints various types, wax, floor varnish and other materials, and how to paint the floor correctly and efficiently, we will tell you in this article.

Painting floors - advantages and disadvantages

    Among the advantages of painting the floor are:
  • resistance of the coating to moisture, since most paints applied to the floor are moisture resistant;
  • the paint creates a protective film on the floor that protects it from various types of influences;
  • the coating becomes easy to maintain and can easily withstand any type of cleaning, both dry and wet;
  • application of paint is quick and does not require special physical effort; in addition, after the paint has dried, the floor is ready for further use;
  • This type of finishing is economical and affordable, therefore it is the most popular among alternative options.

    Among the disadvantages of painting floors in the house are:
  • low level of thermal insulation, in winter time walking on a painted floor does not bring comfort, so it requires the installation of rugs;
  • low level of wear resistance, this coating is not capable of being used for a long time and requires periodic updating;
  • low drying speed, most paints dry within two to seven days, during which time walking on the floor is prohibited;
  • the appearance of the coating is quite simple, so sometimes when arranging a special designer room, painting the floor is not the best option.

Necessary tools for painting

If you decide to paint the floor, then, first of all, we start with the selection necessary tools. High quality painting the floor provides for the presence of: painting strips of different widths, and. When choosing a paint brush, you should opt for the so-called flat brushes of different widths. They are used to process floor edges, baseboards, corners, and other surface areas that are difficult to reach with a roller. It is better to carry out the main part of the painting work with a roller - this will not only speed up the process, but will also allow you to apply the paint in even layers. It is best to use rollers with short naps, as too long naps will result in a rough or uneven floor surface.

Painting tape is used to prevent paint from getting onto surfaces that are not to be painted. Her main feature is that after removing the tape, no traces remain on the sealed area.

To make it more convenient to put paint on the roller, you need a paint tray. As a rule, these containers have a raised bottom on one side, beveled at a slight angle, which has a relief surface, which allows you to remove excess paint from the roller.

To achieve a smooth surface wooden covering, it is necessary to remove excess knots on the boards using a chisel. A spatula and putty will be necessary if you need to fill existing cracks.

To protect your eyes you will need.

Initial preparation for painting any type of floor

Features of painting a wooden floor

There are several options for painting the floor, the choice of which will depend on the condition of the floor and the desired final result.
First way. Suitable for floors that have no visible defects, it is the simplest and fastest. First, the wooden floor is covered with drying oil or primer, after which it is given 2-3 days to dry. Next, the first layer of paint is applied, which dries for several days. When the surface is completely dry, apply a second layer. It may take 4 days to a week for the second layer to dry completely.
Second way. Used for floors that have cracks, gaps between boards or other imperfections. Preparatory stage consists of applying drying oil or primer that dries well. After this, the floor surface is puttied using a special oil putty, which should be the same tone as the floor. The putty areas dry and are sanded, after which the procedure is repeated. Before painting, problem areas of the floor are primed and painted several times until the putty is visible. Next, two layers of paint are applied alternately, as described in the first method.
Third way. This option painting is characterized by high labor intensity and complexity of the finishing stage of the work, which can be performed by two methods. According to the first method, the floor surface is covered with drying oil, dried and puttied several times, with each layer of putty thoroughly sanded down. After this the floor is last time putty, primer is applied and the surface is painted in three layers. The second method is that after the first layer of putty has been cleaned, the next putty-like layer of putty is applied to the surface of the wooden floor, on which tightly stretched gauze is applied and embedded in it. The surface dries, after which putty is applied a third time, it is cleaned, primed and painted in three layers.

After it has been applied last layer The paint must be allowed to dry completely, which usually takes several days. To check if the floor is dry, you can use a fairly in a simple way: just press your finger or a piece of paper onto the painted surface; if it doesn’t stick, you can safely walk on the surface.

After completing the work, you need to pay attention not only to whether the paint has dried or not, but also to the quality of the paint. The floor surface should not show through the lower layers of paint, stains, wrinkles, drips, marks from a roller or brush. If such defects are present, another layer must be applied.

Choosing a paint and varnish material for a wooden floor

When choosing a paint and varnish material, the type of wood should be taken into account; operating conditions (this includes the humidity level, temperature conditions, whether there is heating); compatibility with the previous coating (if we are talking about old floors).

All paint and varnish coatings intended for wooden floors are conventionally divided into transparent (varnishes, oils, waxes) and opaque (paints, enamels).

Varnish is essentially dissolved natural solid resins; nowadays they are also synthetic polymers. Depending on the solvent included in the composition, varnishes are divided into several types: water-based, turpentine, alcohol-based, oil-based, polyurethane, urethanized, polyurethane-acrylate. The varnish penetrates into the pores of the wood no deeper than 2 mm, forming a film on the outside. Therefore, if in the future you want to change the coating, then old varnish can be removed by scraping the floor.

    There are cases when varnishing the floor is unacceptable:
  • the old floor was previously treated with drying oil or other oil compounds;
  • sites on outdoors– terraces, gazebos, verandas;
  • in rooms with increased level humidity.

Most ancient method covering a wooden floor is to treat it with oil. This is an environmentally friendly technique. For these purposes, sunflower, soybean, wood, linseed oil. As well as natural modified resins and synthetic polymers. The oil penetrates deeply into the structure of the wooden floor, providing a preservative effect on the material, which serves as protection for the coating from the effects of pathogenic flora and internal changes. An oil-soaked floor will not swell or dry out. You have the opportunity to choose an oil that will not affect the color of the wood. There are oils that change the color of the floor from whitish to red-yellow, brown and black. When impregnating a wooden floor natural oil For finishing it needs to be opened with wax.

Wax floors have a golden hue and a silky glow. Linseed oil, beeswax and other additives are used to make wax for covering wooden floors. This coating has high moisture resistance, but is not protected from mechanical stress. Because of this, it is unprofitable to use a wax floor covering in high-traffic areas.

When painting, the floor is covered with opaque paint in order to protect the wood from mechanical stress and, if the quality of the wooden floor is not presentable enough, to preserve its natural structure. The main advantage of painting the floor is that it can be repainted several times if necessary.

When choosing paint, pay attention to environmental factor, the best option there will be a material on a water-dispersion basis that does not contain organic solvents. This type of paint is waterproof, has good adhesion to the surface and is color fast. To paint the floor in the kitchen or bathroom, it is recommended to purchase paint from acrylic base. It is more durable and resistant to moisture. Acrylic paint is also perfect for painting concrete surfaces. The resulting film is characterized by moisture resistance, so acrylic compositions can be used to paint floors in bathrooms, kitchens, toilets, balconies and terraces. The paint is easy to use and dries in 10-14 hours (see information on the can).

The most popular paints for flooring in residential premises are epoxy or alkyd compositions. Epoxy paint needs preliminary preparation, alkyd is immediately ready for use. Before using an epoxy composition, the surface is not primed; before using alkyd compositions, a primer must be applied. Epoxy paint does not change over time appearance, this paint can be used to cover both indoor floors and the floors of terraces and verandas. It is also suitable for concrete floors. Keep in mind that it will be very difficult to change the color of a floor coated with epoxy paint in the future. To paint parquet, use alkyd enamel.

Painting a wooden floor is done along the horizontal movement of the wood fibers. It is preferable to start work from the perimeter of the room, namely from the baseboard.

If you have to paint the floor in a room with high humidity, then use waterproof acrylic paint for this purpose. Worried about the health safety of paint? In this case, water-dispersion paint is suitable for you. Its advantages are long-term color retention and ease of application to a wooden surface.

    If you have old wood floors in your room, chances are they've already been painted several times. And therefore, it is worth focusing on following points:
  • existing floor color (to paint over dark shade lighter colors may require more than 2 coats of paint);
  • type of previously used;
  • your financial capabilities and the availability of suitable paint in the store.

Alternatively, you can try to remove it completely old paint, scrape the floors. It will become a problem if there are nails hammered into the boards from above and hiding under a layer of old paint. In such cases, it is better to think about completely replacing the old wooden floor with a more durable one. modern covering. But parquet (almost all of it is made of oak), even old ones, is much easier to peel off. All that remains is to then coat the floors in two layers of varnish (with or without tint) over the primer.

Treating wood floors in a garage

A wooden floor in a garage will not be resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress unless it is pre-treated. When painting a wooden floor in a garage, you should choose a coating that would significantly improve the wear resistance of the wood. To obtain a wear-resistant coating for wooden floors, polyurethane varnishes were specially developed. They are 100% polyurethane in an organic solvent without suffocating alkyd additives.

    Types of coatings:
  • glossy varnish for interior works;
  • impregnation for interior work;
  • glossy light-resistant varnish for exterior use;
  • light-resistant impregnation intended for interior/exterior use;
  • impregnation and wear-resistant varnish for light-colored floors for external/internal use.

The penetration depth of impregnations is 3–7 mm. After painting, a transparent or colored film is formed on the floor. After hardening, the finished coating is harmless to the human body. Such varnishes are used in temperate/cold climates. Can withstand temperatures from -50 to +100?C. Paintwork resistant to water, detergents, acids and aggressive salts in the temperature range -30+60? C.

Polyurethane varnish can be applied in the temperature range -15+40?C. The surface of the garage floor must be dry, otherwise bubbles may form under the coating. The floor should be pre-treated with toners, fire retardants and antiseptics. Only in this case will the coating be durable. Also before application polyurethane varnish The floor should be sanded and dust removed. For a matte finish, use polyurethane impregnation.

After the first layer of impregnation has been applied (approximate varnish consumption is 200 - 300 g/m2), you need to let it dry for 3-4 hours. Then you should remove the raised wooden pile. Use sandpaper for these purposes. Apply the next layer of impregnation at a rate of 150–200 g/m2. The varnish is applied in 1–2 layers, its consumption is 200–300 g/m2.

How to paint a fiberboard floor?

Sometimes, to simplify the work of painting an old floor, it is recommended to first cover it with hardened fiberboard. The sheets can be additionally treated with drying oil on both sides. This will have a beneficial effect when high humidity in room. After this procedure, you can begin painting with a roller. The brush is suitable for a wider format.

If fiberboard sheets have been laid, then only thixotropic alkyd paints are suitable for painting the floors. You can also use products with additives that speed up the drying process. It is recommended to pre-treat the surface with a primer, then the paint will adhere better. It is better not to buy a water-based primer, otherwise the material will swell even earlier. This will create unwanted ripples on the surface.

Painting a concrete floor: features and technology

The quality of surface preparation directly affects the service life of a painted concrete coating. The first step is to remove dirt, debris, dust, old paint or bitumen from the floor. Take care to remove concrete chips, seal and putty small differences in the surface, if any. With the help of a special grinding machine grind the surface. It is this process that will make the surface smooth and significantly improve the adhesion between the paint and the floor.

Using a vacuum cleaner or a regular mop will help get rid of dust. For dust removal concrete base purchase compositions of polymer origin. They will significantly improve the quality of concrete. To strengthen the concrete surface, use toppings - these are impregnations with a strengthening effect. Products with a hardening effect will increase the strength of the base and protect the floor from dust for 4 years.

To ensure better adhesion between the concrete floor and the paint, use a primer. Among the great variety of this material, select the composition in accordance with the type of paint that will be used to treat the surface.

To apply the primer, use a foam roller, which helps to evenly distribute the primer on the surface. Applying a primer requires a special technology: first you need to mix it; To prevent the floor from being slippery, add ready mixture some quartz sand; Apply the composition in two or three layers.

After purchasing and choosing paint for the floor, you should determine the type of tool used in the work. This can be a regular brush, roller or spray. The decisive factor in this matter will be the paint that will be applied to the surface. The latter option promotes better paint application. In addition, it is easy to implement, economical and a small amount the time it takes to paint.

Next comes floor drying, which is carried out under certain conditions. When carrying out this process, the room temperature should be about 19 degrees, and the humidity should be up to 86%. The floor dries within three to eight days, it all depends on the drying conditions and the type of paint. After drying, the coating is ready for further use.

Choosing a paint and varnish material for a concrete floor

Polyurethane enamels are often used to paint concrete floors. Coatings of this kind are highly resistant to atmospheric influences, are characterized by high environmental friendliness and efficiency, are not afraid of damage, and allow you to obtain beautiful glossy surface. Polyurethane-based enamel is applied at temperatures from +5 to +35 degrees. It is necessary to pre-mix the components of the composition. This enamel is usually applied in two layers with an interval of at least 24 hours. A significant disadvantage of this coating is that the composition finally dries for about 2 weeks.

Epoxy and alkyd compounds are popular for painting concrete floors. Their qualities are somewhat inferior to polyurethane ones, but they are easier to apply and dry much faster.

The paint is applied to the concrete floor with strokes in various directions and then rubbed over the surface. The layers should not be too dry. It is better to apply 2-3 thin layers than one thick one. A new layer is applied only after the previous one has dried.

After painting, you need to allow time for the floor to dry completely. Even after complete drying, it is recommended not to subject the surfaces to mechanical stress for 3-4 days.

Wood is unique construction material, used to solve various problems. One of the applications of this product is the construction floor coverings in household and industrial buildings. In order for wood to serve for a long time and with high quality, it must be additionally protected with special solutions. Today the market offers many types of mixtures to solve such problems. Therefore, it is important to know in advance which paint to choose for a wooden floor. This will make it possible not only to protect the tree, but also to extend the service life of the entire structure.


Painting wooden floors is used almost everywhere today.

This is due to several advantages of such a system:

  1. The paint qualitatively protects the wood from damage. The top layer absorbs almost all physical loads, and this, in turn, allows you to extend the service life of the material.
  2. Coated wood does not absorb moisture, as a thin film of paint prevents this. This also prevents the board from expanding or contracting greatly, and also prevents the development of rot and fungus in the organic structure.
  3. Using paint, you can give wood any color by matching the floor to certain style rooms. This expands the use of wood in construction and makes it very popular.

The paints themselves for wooden surfaces differ in several features:

  1. Drying time. High-quality products dry fairly quickly without releasing any strong odors. But there are solutions that harden only after several days, which is not always practical in a modern home.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Almost all paints consist of harmful components that evaporate into the air during the drying period. Only water-based formulations have optimal performance.
  3. Moisture resistance. Paints have different structures that can transmit or repel moisture.

What's the best way to paint?

Compositions offered by modern construction market, quite a lot, but when choosing them they are guided by several criteria.


Wood floor paint can be of several types:

  • Perchlorovinyl compounds. The material is universal, it can be applied both outside and inside the house. They are rarely found in everyday life, since the composition contains a harmful component that is released into the air. In this case, the paints quickly crack after drying, and the surface loses its aesthetic appearance.

  • Oil paints. Solutions of this type are inexpensive. One disadvantage is the long drying period, which can last several days. At this time it also stands out bad smell. The surface formed by oil paints is not resistant to abrasion. After several years of service, roughness and sometimes cracks will appear.
  • Polyurethane paint for floors. Such products appeared on the market quite recently and have already gained popularity. The surface formed by these compounds is wear-resistant - it is not subject to abrasion for a long time. But polyurethane-based paints are toxic, so it is not recommended to use them in residential areas.

  • Alkyd mixtures. Wood paints of this type tolerate temperature changes and humid environments very well. This allows them to be used in various places around the house. But the compositions emit an unpleasant odor, which does not always disappear even after they are completely dry. Also, paint components are highly flammable and quickly spread fire. Therefore, it is important to weigh these disadvantages before purchasing alkyd products.
  • Rubber paints. The compositions are water-based with the addition of special plastic components. These paints are distinguished by their elasticity, resistance to external factors, and low consumption. The materials are completely safe for humans, as they do not contain harmful substances and do not emit unpleasant odors.

  • Acrylic mixtures. This paint is odorless and quick-drying, which allows you to get the finished result after just a few hours. The solutions are made based on water, which eliminates the use of harmful toxic components. Acrylic paints are among the safest and most practical. They can be used in children's rooms, where the environmental friendliness of the product is important.

Coverage type

The choice is also influenced by the structure of the base. Wooden floors can be located either on joists or on concrete surfaces. The latter type is much colder and leads to condensation. Therefore, it is important that paints repel moisture well.

New plank flooring is fairly easy to paint. The surface of the wood has not yet been impregnated with such compounds. This allows you to choose the desired color, which will not be changed by the base of the old paint. But painting such bases must be done more carefully, since it is necessary that the solutions are evenly distributed over the entire surface.

You can paint floors that already have a coat of paint on them. It is important to take into account the presence of damage and chips. In these places, add a little more paint to even it out a little. upper layer.


Each room has its own original microclimate. Therefore, it is important to take it into account when choosing paint. Today, manufacturers produce products that can be used not only inside a house or apartment, but also on the veranda. For rooms with high humidity(bathhouse, bathroom) experts recommend selecting mixtures that repel water well. This will prevent it from seeping under the paint layer and destroying the wood.

Inside an unheated cottage or on a balcony, it is advisable to paint the floors with compounds that can withstand temperature changes. Special attention should be given to the terrace, where the microclimate can change dramatically. There are direct sunlight, water, and change temperature regime. Such surfaces are coated only with special paints that can provide high-quality protection from such influences.


The color range of paints today is practically unlimited.

The most popular shades on the market are:

  • brown;
  • dark yellow;
  • red;
  • black.

But the best option still is White paint. This color on the floor is quite rare. But the shade of the solution can be easily changed using color schemes. This allows you to create almost any color even at home.


The quality of painting depends on auxiliary tools, which allow you to properly prepare the surface and apply the solution.

To solve such problems you need a set of standard items:

  1. Metal spatula and chisel. They are used to remove old paint.
  2. Roller and brushes. The dimensions of these structures are selected individually, since everything depends on the size of the room being painted.
  3. Masking tape or tape. Their main purpose is to protect surfaces that should not be painted. This allows you to control all processes and speed them up several times.
  4. Painting tray. This product can be any container where paint can be placed.

Preparatory work

Wooden floors are painted several times during their entire service life. Preparing a new surface does not require special labor, since it has virtually no damage and is completely leveled after installation.

Let's consider the technology of how to properly paint an old wooden floor that already has paints and varnishes on it.

The procedure begins with preparing the base and consists of the following sequential steps:

  • Removing old paint or varnish. You can do this yourself using special grinding wheels and Bulgarians. But this approach will lead to the formation of a large amount of dust. An alternative mechanical removal may become chemical removal. This method involves the use of aggressive chemical solutions that dissolve the paint. After this, it is easily pulled together with a regular spatula. If you don't want to use chemical mixtures, you can try heating the top layer with a hairdryer to soften the mixture.

  • Leveling the floor. This operation is performed for both new and old coatings. But if the structure has already served for several years, then it is necessary to inspect the condition of each board. In case of rot separate element is replaced with a new one. The leveling itself is carried out using a grinder and a special attachment, or with scraping machines. The latter option is faster and of higher quality.

  • Primer. The wood should be impregnated special compounds, which will prevent its fire and rapid rotting. For this purpose they use Various types solutions. Before applying them, the floor must be thoroughly washed, dirt removed and dried.
  • Puttying. This process involves filling large cracks, dents or crevices with special mixtures. They resemble gypsum solutions, which are painted in different color. They can be selected to match almost any wood structure. But this is not so important when you use opaque paints.

After drying, the primer must be sanded finely. sandpaper. If this is not done, lumps will remain on the floor surface even after painting.

Painting technology

Painting a wooden floor is a relatively simple operation that you can do yourself without any experience working with these substances.

This procedure consists of several basic steps:

  • Painting begins with preparing the paint. Before using it, it is advisable to stir the mixture thoroughly. In some cases, multi-colored colors are added to the solutions, which can change the shade of the paint. To achieve desired color, all components must be mixed correctly.

  • After this, the paint is poured into a flat tray, where the roller is soaked in it. You should not add a lot of mixture. It is advisable to squeeze the roller a little after this procedure.
  • The solution is applied along the fibers. If there are batteries or other structures on the floor surface, it is advisable to cover them with masking tape. This will prevent them from being accidentally stained. Painting is carried out initially in hard to reach places ah brush. After this, just cover the boards with a roller.

Painting any floor, including old ones, is done in two layers. This is necessary to obtain a uniform film that will protect the wood.

To learn how and what you can use to paint a wooden floor, see the following video.

Famous brands

Wood floor paints are very popular products today. This has led to many companies producing them. Among all this diversity, several of the most popular brands should be highlighted:

  • Tikkurila (“Tikkurila”). This brand produces many varieties of paints that are of high quality. The Finnish manufacturer is one of the leaders in this market. The best colors for wooden floors “Betolux” and “Betolux Aqua” are considered.

  • Dulux. Paint this British company has high performance. But at the same time, it is significantly inferior to the previous manufacturer.

Despite the abundance and variety of floor coverings, painted wood floors are not a thing of the past. In apartments today they are quite rare, but in country houses and dachas, floors are most often made of wood. Except decorative function, painting protects the wood from dampness, facilitates cleaning and creates a unique pastoral interior. In addition, it is not so difficult to choose what to paint a wooden floor in country house– this can be determined depending on the type of wood used and the purpose of the room.

The choice of types and colors of paint and varnish products is very large

Why do you need to paint a wooden floor in your country house?

The tree is soft natural material, capable of quickly deteriorating under the influence of external factors without additional protection. Therefore, in any case, the main task of the coating applied to a wooden floor is to protect it from moisture, rotting, and the spread of mold and mildew indoors. However, this is not enough. The interior of the house in general and the floor in particular should be beautiful, lift your spirits, and make you return to the dacha with joy and impatience.

Gone are the days when the dacha was used exclusively as an additional warehouse for unnecessary things in the city. Today interiors country cottages This independent region design, and the choice of paint for a wooden floor must be approached very responsibly.

Accordingly, there are a number of main reasons for painting a wooden floor in a house:

    painted floors practically do not absorb moisture and do not dry out;

    paint protects wood from mold and mildew, extends its service life;

    Painted surfaces are much easier to care for and are easy to clean;

    the paint protects the surface from temperature fluctuations;

    Using varnish or paint you can create a very beautiful, original interior.

Painting the floor is only part of the design of the room

The main types of materials for painting floors

When deciding how to paint a wooden floor in a house, you will have to choose from two main categories of paint coatings:

    Transparent compounds. These include varnishes on different bases, which create a transparent protective film on the floor surface, allowing you to admire the structure, color, and quality of the wood.

    Coloring compounds. They cover the wood with a dense protective film selected color, completely hiding the wood. Wooden floors are painted with oil, alkyd, and acrylic paints. New generation, compounds based on rubber, perchlorovinyl, polyurethane.

High-quality floor painting involves the use of traditional enamel, and to emphasize the beauty of the wood and the naturalness of the coating, you can coat the floor boards with varnish. You can also look towards modern protective compounds based on oils or wax.

Video description

In the video, processing a wooden floor with oil:

Paint or varnish, which is better for wood?

When choosing what to cover a wooden floor in your country house with, paint or varnish, you must take into account that varnish coatings more difficult to use than paint. Only perfectly processed, sanded floors can be coated with varnish.

Varnishing is applied only to a flat floor surface

Another question is how to paint a wooden floor in an unheated dacha in cold weather. If the dacha is not heated and there is practically no one visiting it in winter, then under the influence low temperatures The varnish may crack and fly off. Therefore, for a wooden floor in a country house, varnish is not always functional. If you absolutely want to varnish your floors, take a closer look at compositions for exterior use. They are more heat- and wear-resistant, but the price of such varnish will be higher.

Paint for a wooden floor in a country house allows you to get the desired shade of the coating, retains its decorative and protective properties for a long time, allows you to hide possible defects, and is usually quite affordable in price.

Floor treatment compounds

In addition to varnish and paint, floors are often coated with special compounds based on oils and wax. They protect floors well from moisture, preserve the structure of wood, and perfectly camouflage minor defects, do not slip.

The disadvantage of such a coating is the need to periodically update it (rub it until it shines). It is better not to place it on floors treated with this composition. metal objects, as they will leave dark spots. To clean this floor you need special detergents.

It is better to wash painted floors only with products intended for this purpose.

Rubber and polyurethane compounds form a strong, durable coating that does not slip, does not crack, and has additional waterproofing properties and high density.

The disadvantage of such coatings is the significant price

The benefits of painting the floor have been known for a long time, so no matter which floor covering option is chosen: varnish, paint or wax coating, the main thing is that the wooden surface is protected, lasts a long time, and cannot harm the health of people living in the house.

Video description

Visually about the features of painting wooden floor coverings in the video:

Compatibility of paints and varnishes

Before covering a wooden floor with paint or varnish, you need to take this nuance into account:

    Acrylic paints can be applied to almost any previous coating.

    Alkyd, can be applied to oil-painted floors.

    Polyurethane mixtures are compatible only with each other.

If there are any nuances regarding the combination of materials, then this should be reflected in their characteristics. Therefore, when choosing a paint, you should definitely study the information that the manufacturer indicates on the label. In addition, the seller can also suggest something useful.

Which varnish to choose

Water-based varnishes do not have an unpleasant odor and are easy to apply. If the dacha is heated, the coatings do not suffer from temperature changes and high humidity, then they can be used to cover the floor.

Varnish is a timeless classic for covering wooden floors

Floors in rooms that may suffer from cold and dampness should be covered with more serious protective compounds. In this case, it is better to overpay a little, but choose varnish for exterior use - it forms a stronger, more durable protective coating.

Which paint to choose

When deciding how to cover a wooden floor in a country house, you can choose from several types of paints, which differ primarily in the base on which they are made.

    More recently, floors in dachas were painted primarily with oil paints. They took a long time to dry, possessed pungent odor, over time, the coating cracked and flew off. Today oil paints rarely used.

    Acrylic paint for wooden floors is a safe, water-based composition, it forms an abrasion-resistant coating, does not lose brightness over time, and perfectly protects the wood.

    Alkyd paints and enamels. Cheap and practical. Floors coated with such paints are easy to clean, and the coatings themselves are beautiful and last a long time.

    Polyurethane paints. They form a very durable coating, are practically not deformed, and are durable. Often used when painting verandas and gazebos, they are not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity.

    Rubber paints. New on the paint and varnish industry market. They form a very dense matte coating similar to rubber. It perfectly protects the floor, is durable, does not wipe off, and does not slip.

Painting with rubber paint

With an abundance of offers on the market, the choice always remains with the buyer and depends only on the budget allocated for this part of the repair and general interior Houses. In general, no matter what paint you choose for the wooden floor inside the house, if you follow all the recommendations for its application, the house will always be cozy and warm.

Video description

What mistakes can occur when painting wood - in the video:

What tools will you need?

The quality of the work performed depends not only on the correct paint, but also on the tools prepared in advance - so that you do not have to be distracted by this issue during the work process. Before you start painting, you need to buy protective gloves, a respirator, and several brushes. different sizes, roller on a long handle. Telescopic handle more convenient, it allows you to adjust the tool to the height of the performer.

Brushes are needed in any case, for painting corners and baseboards, even if everything else will be painted with a roller. By the way, for the roller itself you will need a paint tray (or several, depending on the number of workers who will paint the floor).

When working with a roller, you will need a paint bath.

More will be needed masking tape– they will cover areas of the surface that can easily be stained with paint during work.

When using oil paint and enamel, you must additionally prepare a solvent or drying oil and ensure the room is ventilated.

If you choose to paint the floor alkyd paint, buying a sprayer will greatly simplify the work.

The order of preparatory work before painting

How to properly paint a wooden floor in a country house largely depends on the quality preparatory work. Before painting, the floors are cleaned of old coating, chips and cracks are cleaned. The gaps between the floorboards are sealed with putty and cleaned after drying. Sand if necessary. After this, the surface is washed and allowed to dry. Only dry, clean floors can be painted. If the floors are to be painted, they should be treated with a suitable primer. This will make painting easier and reduce paint consumption.

Applying a layer of primer to the parquet

If the floors are going to be varnished, the sanding should be of a higher quality. In addition, the first layer of water-based varnish lifts the microfibers of the wood, making the surface rough. It is necessary to wait until the floor is completely dry, sand it until smooth, and cover it with two or three more layers of varnish.

Treating floors with a primer before painting

On a clean, dry floor, ready for painting, apply a suitable primer in 2 layers. Each layer needs to dry. The primer is chosen depending on the type of paint you decide to use. Consult with the seller and carefully read the composition and instructions for use on the container with primer. Priming will reduce paint consumption and make the painting process easier. The primer can be applied with a brush or roller

Painting wooden floors

First, use a brush to paint the baseboards and those places where it is difficult to reach with a roller. Then the entire surface of the floor is painted with a roller, moving from the windows to the exit. The second layer is applied after the paint of the first layer has completely dried. Typically, two coats of paint provide a high-quality, durable finish.

How to varnish floors

Before covering the floors with varnish, they are also primed. This is done with nitro varnish, which is applied along the wood fibers, carefully, leaving no untreated areas.

After the primer has completely dried, varnish begins to be applied to the floor. When varnishing, a roller is usually not used. The varnish is applied with a wide soft brush, which must be carefully selected, since falling hairs are difficult to remove from the treated surface.

Wide brush for applying varnish

Important! When purchasing a large quantity of paints or varnish, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to the product article and lot number. So in a simple way you will be able to select and purchase paint of a completely identical shade.


Paint for wooden floors in the country, the simplest and most affordable type of finishing. Although simple and inexpensive, this method provides excellent protective and decorative results. In addition, painted floorboards provide an indescribable tactile sensation, because it is so pleasant to walk on them with bare feet, unlike “bare” wood, which may develop chips and cracks over time.

On our website you can see the list companies specializing in paints and varnishes, among the houses presented at the exhibition is Low-Rise Country.

The rules for painting the floor depend on what material the floor is made of and whether it has been painted previously.

Why do you need to apply paint to the floor surface?

  • This way you protect the floor from chemicals and mechanical damage
  • The surface acquires special characteristics: antistatic, anti-slip, decontaminated
  • The floor gets decorative
  • Easy to use and hygienic

Implementation of concrete floor painting

  • IN in this case it is worth choosing special enamels or primer mixtures. If you want to give concrete bright color, you can use tinting impregnations. Glitters and flocks will help to add decorativeness.

Also read materials:

Important! Properly chosen paint is not the key to success! You will have to prepare the concrete for painting. Painting of floors occurs after preparing the waterproofing and checking the condition of the surface.

  • If the surface is old, it is necessary to remove stains of bitumen, others, oil. Is the floor new? Then rid it of concrete chips, water and dust. Standard option– painting the concrete floor with polyurethane dye in combination with a hardener.
  • As a rule, 80–100 ml of paint are used per 1 square meter of surface. The second layer is applied a day later.
  • Concrete floors are painted with a roller or spray. If you need to get the job done quickly, you should use the second option. However, it is worth noting that this tool will not reach hard-to-reach places, such as corners. Therefore, you can treat them with a paint brush.
  • Painting must be done efficiently. To do this, first apply strokes in different directions, and then the product is rubbed over the floor. It is better if the layer is thin, so the paint will dry much faster.

Wooden floor: how to paint

Treating the floor with paint is an important process, not only because it makes the surface beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but also because the health of everyone in the apartment depends on it. That's why the work needs to be done correctly. It doesn’t matter whether old or new ones are being painted, preparatory work must be carried out, and only then can painting begin.

Preparing a new wooden surface

If you are interested in painting new ones, you should find out what preparatory work is needed in this case. It's very simple - the surface should be washed. It is best to use soapy water. Make sure there is no dust, stains or grease left. What happens if you don't wash the floor? You won’t get a smooth surface, and after painting you will see that unsightly lumps have formed.

Preparing an old wood floor

If you have an old floor, it is worth removing areas of swollen paint and other blemishes and irregularities. To do this, it is recommended to use a regular spatula.

  • Once you've removed the old paint, hammer down any loose boards.
  • Then you have to plan the floor.
  • Next, debris is removed from the cracks, they are primed with drying oil and sealed with putty.
  • The next stage is primer.
  • Next comes grinding and puttying.
  • Then sand again and apply primer.

How to choose the right painting tools (video)

What to do with worn-out floors

Painting worn wood floors can be done in two ways: either you apply paint to old surface, or first get rid of the old floor, then lay a new one, and then paint. Moreover, if varnish was applied to the surface, you can re-coat the surface, and if paint is applied, it is better to re-cover it.

In this case, grinding occurs mechanically. The primer is applied in three layers.

Revarnishing can be done without removing the old varnish if there are no holes in the previous surface coating. If the condition of the old floor is unsatisfactory, you will first have to remove the old varnish by sanding.

Wood flooring painting process

Due to the wide range of wood available, homeowners often choose to apply varnish to the finish. But if the design requires it, you can paint the wood.

For painting use:

  • alkyd paints;
  • alkyd enamels;
  • oil paints.

Most cheap option- oil paints. Approximately 250 grams of substance are consumed per 1 square meter of surface.

During the work, the paint must be constantly stirred, otherwise stains may appear on the floor. When applied to wood, the substance is spread along the boards.

Painting wooden surfaces involves carrying out preparatory work, otherwise there will be no decent effect. The easiest way is to paint the surface of the new floor. Worn floorboards will cause the most problems. If you have the opportunity, then in this case it is better to re-lay the floor.
