Making garden tiles at home. How to make paving slabs with your own hands: manufacturing technology. Pouring concrete into molds

The idea of ​​producing material for paths and playgrounds at home is very promising. For a private home and for a dacha this is always actual topic, so it is possible that it will become your source of income. The technology for making paving slabs at home differs from the factory one primarily in scale.

Production of paving slabs at home

Any owner of a private house, one way or another, has encountered the production of concrete and is familiar with cement firsthand. In this case, making paving slabs with your own hands will not seem like something completely new. At home, vibration casting technology is most often used. The concrete mixture is poured into molds and compacted on a special vibrating table. Such production involves the use of plasticizers in the composition of the pouring solution.


For home production use a simplified set of tools and equipment. You will need:

  • Vibrating table for concrete compaction;
  • Forms;
  • Rubber mallet;
  • Master OK;
  • Concrete mixer;
  • Auxiliary items: buckets, shovels, etc.

Craftsmen tend to build vibration tables on their own, since there are plenty of diagrams on the Internet.


For cooking concrete mortar The following materials are needed for the tiles:

  • High-quality cement from grade 400, the best option M500;
  • River sand, which must first be sifted;
  • Crushed stone (gravel or screenings) with a diameter of no more than 10 mm;
  • Plasticizers and other improvers;
  • Pigments (for colored tiles);
  • Clean water from the tap;
  • Special lubricants for molds.

Step-by-step description of home production

Preparing forms

Before pouring the solution into the molds, they must be properly prepared, otherwise further stripping and cleaning will be extremely difficult. To do this, the molds are coated from the inside. thin layer special lubricant. At this step, the main thing is not to overdo it with the thickness of the layer, otherwise you may end up with products spoiled by bubbles.

Petroleum products are not suitable for lubricating molds.

To facilitate the process, aerosol lubricants are sold that are convenient for use at home.

Solution recipe

The secret to the quality of tiles lies in knowing the correct recipe for preparing the mixture, as well as in following the technology for its production. The correctly selected ratio of components will produce strong and durable tiles. Colored tiles requires the introduction of dyes, but they reduce the strength of the finished product. Adding reinforcing fibers will help increase strength.

Plasticizers are used to improve the quality of concrete, namely its plasticity, which is important when pouring. Its amount should not exceed 0.5% by weight of all other dry ingredients. Pigment additives are introduced in an amount of 2% of the total dry mass, having previously been dissolved in water until completely homogeneous. The recipe for mortar for pouring molds at home assumes a cement to sand ratio of 1:3.

No less important point production - the amount of water that determines the consistency of the solution ready for pouring. Excessive amounts of water will damage the strength of the paving slabs. Usually take 2 buckets of water for 3 buckets of cement.

Preparatory work

Before you start kneading, take care not to hesitate in introducing the components during kneading. It is best to do the work with a helper who will promptly deliver the necessary ingredients.

You should immediately make notes on the buckets for sand, crushed stone and cement for one batch. Plasticizers and dyes are dissolved in advance in hot water. Such work cannot be done along the way, because there should be no lumps or sediment left in it.


Mixing the solution requires the correct order of introducing the components with constant stirring. Suitable for a one-time batch regular hammer drill with a mixer attachment, but for large production volumes you cannot do without a small concrete mixer.

Kneading instructions:

  • Water is poured into the mixer first, minus the water in which plasticizers and dyes are diluted, because this is also a liquid;
  • The second component is smoothly introduced cement with continuous operation of the concrete mixer;
  • Sand and crushed stone are introduced into the solution one by one;
  • When a plastic mass is obtained, plasticizers and pigments dissolved in water are added;
  • Stirring is carried out for a few more minutes until a homogeneous porridge-like mass is obtained.

The consistency of the solution should be plastic, but not too liquid. The taken portion should hold well, not flow or fall into pieces.

Pouring and vibrating table

By by and large At home, you can do without a vibrating table, but in this case you won’t be able to get high-quality products. The fact is that even a very plastic mass is not able to densely fill the molds and voids cannot be avoided. This will work for home paths, but for sale you need higher-class products.

The filling molds are placed on a vibrating table and filled with solution to a height of no more than 4 cm. When producing colored tiles, two compositions are often prepared: colored and regular. The molds are filled in layers, which allows you to obtain more durable tiles. In some cases, the tiles are reinforced not with crushed stone, but metal mesh laid between concrete layers.

Start the vibrating table, which will compact the mass in about 5 minutes. Understanding the readiness and absence of voids inside the mass is given by the appearance of white foam on the surface of the concrete mixture.


After the forms are accurately filled on the vibrating table, they are removed and moved to special racks. Exposure should take about 2 days without access to direct sunlight. Under no circumstances should concrete dry out prematurely, so in hot weather it should be periodically moistened by spraying water.


The last step for the production of paving slabs is stripping, which is carried out 2-3 days after pouring. This must be done carefully, as the tiles are damp and have not reached their maximum strength. Using mold release agents ahead of time makes this process easier, so don't skimp or skip this step. To obtain durable products, before stripping, the forms must be immersed in water with a temperature of 50 to 70 degrees. A few minutes of this heating and you can take out the tiles, having previously tapped the molds rubber mallet. Warming up the molds significantly increases the number of production cycles. In addition, such a measure will help minimize defects.

What others are reading now:

Making at home is a great way to get high-quality and durable material for covering pedestrian areas, garden paths, alleys, areas near the house, driveways, saving significantly. Pavers have long replaced concrete and asphalt, offering more benefits and helping to create a beautiful and aesthetically pleasing surface.

Paving slabs with your own hands, made using technology and high-quality materials, guarantees strength and reliability, allows surfaces to breathe, and is not afraid of impact weather conditions, preserves natural microflora. In addition, by creating tiles yourself, you can realize any design idea in terms of shape, color, configuration and other features.

The main stages of creating paving slabs:
  • Preparation of high-quality and durable concrete mixture.
  • Thorough compaction of the solution (preferably on a vibrating table).
  • Proper drying of formed products.

To obtain the highest quality result, before starting work, you need to carefully study all the features and nuances.

Advantages and disadvantages of homemade tiles

Do-it-yourself tiles made at home, provided that all requirements are met and high-quality materials are used in the specified proportions, are in no way inferior in quality and often superior to factory-produced material. Making tiles at home reduces the cost of the product by an average of 20%.

The main advantages of hand-made tiles:
  • Significant savings
  • Possibility to produce products of any shape, color, configuration
  • High quality - manufacturers often, in an attempt to reduce the cost of goods, use less quality materials, do not comply technological process
  • Moisture permeability and vapor permeability of the coating
  • Suitability of tiles for repairs
  • Possibility to make several more batches of coating if necessary
  • No time and money spent on product delivery from the factory or store

As for the shortcomings, everything is individual: if the master ignores some processes and stages of production, makes tiles without a vibrating table or from low-grade materials, the products may be less durable and strong.

If, before making the material with your own hands, a vibrating table is created and all the nuances are taken into account, then these disadvantages can be avoided.

It is also often said that making tiles with your own hands involves a lower density of concrete, which entails strong absorption of moisture and reduces frost resistance in winter. The tiles may become cracked and deformed. But all this can be avoided by using special hydrophobic solutions for coating.

Consumables and raw materials

The technology for making paving slabs with your own hands involves the use of certain materials and raw materials, tools and devices. The main ones are forms for pouring mortar, a vibrating table and a concrete mixer. But during the production process many more things may be needed.

What is needed to produce paving slabs at home:
  • Concrete mixer - for high-quality mixing of a homogeneous solution. Kneading by hand will require time and effort, a trowel and shovel or a hammer drill/drill with a special attachment.
  • Vibrating table - the mixture is compacted on it, during which excess air is expelled from the monolith, the material becomes more durable. The table design includes: attached to steel frame on springs there is a plate and a vibration motor that drives the surface.
  • Forms into which the solution is poured - you can buy them ready-made or make them yourself. Molds can be made of polyurethane, plastic, silicone. Plastic ones are considered the most durable and reliable (up to 800 fills), silicone ones quickly deform (withstand up to 50 fills), polyurethane ones demonstrate an average level of durability (about 100 fills).
  • Basin or bucket - for heating water when removing the frozen product from the mold.
  • Containers - for plasticizer and for lubricating molds.
  • Additional Consumables– dry rags, brush, products personal protection, trowel, building level.
  • Everything you need to prepare the solution: sand, cement, water, plasticizer, pigment, dispersant.
  • Mold lubricant - thanks to it, finished products can be easily removed.

The technology for producing paving slabs is quite simple, but a lot depends on the materials. The strength and durability of the product is affected by the quality of cement: it is best to choose the M500 brand (M400 is also suitable, but this cement is less durable, takes longer to set, and has a lower hardening index).

Before purchasing cement, it is advisable to check its quality: squeeze the powder in your palm and look (if it forms a lump, then the material is not fresh).

It is best to choose sand with a fraction of 0.6 millimeters, without impurities and debris. Perfect option– washed river sand (grayish tint). You can add sand screenings with particles of 3-12 millimeters to the mixture if you plan to make tiles 10 centimeters thick with your own hands. For tiles up to 15 centimeters thick, you can also take small crushed stone of a fraction of about 20 millimeters.

A plasticizer is introduced into the composition to give it strength and ductility. The pigment is needed to dye the product in the selected color. Usually, to reduce the cost of production, colors are used to color only the surface layer of the tile.

A dispersant is a special substance that increases the frost resistance of a product. Craftsmen use it as a lubricant. special compounds or regular sunflower oil, maybe motor.

Quantity calculation

The production of paving slabs at home does not require special skills and knowledge, but requires careful adherence to all standards and proportions. To prepare high-quality concrete for paving slabs, you need to mix cement, sand, plasticizer, crushed stone, pigment (if it is added at the mixing stage) and water.

Proportions (by volume) for cooking 1 square meter standard tiles: 21% cement, 23% crushed stone, 56% sand, 0.7% plasticizer, 7% pigment, 7% water (total mass). If we take it in weight, it turns out like this: 30 kilograms of cement, 32 kilograms of crushed stone, 75 kilograms of sand, 0.05 kilograms of plasticizer, 0.7 kilograms of color and 8 liters of water.

Step-by-step instruction

The process of making paving slabs is relatively simple. If you do everything correctly and consistently, the material will turn out best quality and the entire production will not take too much effort and time.

Composition of the mixture for the solution

In order for the paving stones to be strong and beautiful, you need to properly prepare the solution.

for pouring into the mold:
  • Dissolving plasticizer in a small volume warm water, stir thoroughly to avoid lumps.
  • Then the pigment is diluted in hot water in a ratio of 1:3 until completely dissolved, if it is added at the production stage (often the color is poured into molds or finished tiles are painted after hardening).
  • All components are carefully mixed with sand, then crushed stone, cement are added and a little water is added.
  • Only after thorough mixing, the entire volume of water is poured in and mixed until homogeneity is achieved.
  • The finished mixture should adhere tightly to the trowel, without spreading anywhere.


Mineral and organic pigments are used to paint tiles. Artificial colors provide high resistance to various external influences and temperature changes, have good coloring ability. They are usually brighter and juicier, but can be toxic. Natural dyes allow you to make tiles in muted shades at home, which are completely safe for human health and life.

2 methods of painting paving slabs:
  • Adding pigment to the solution at the mixing stage.
  • Painting a finished (frozen) product.

The first method is more expensive - the pigments that are introduced into the concrete at the mixing stage cost a lot. Usually these are dry dyes, which need to be added at about 7% of the total mass of the solution.

This option makes it possible to obtain fully painted tiles evenly and beautifully, which even if chipped will not lose its appearance (after all, painting is carried out throughout the entire thickness of the monolith, and not just along the surface layer).

Painting a finished product will take more time and effort, but will be cheaper. Here you first need to make paving slabs with your own hands, and then paint them manually with a spray gun or other tools. The disadvantage of this method is that it only paints the top layer and the risk of obtaining an uneven shade.

You can use another method - painting the mold (pouring pigment into it and then a solution) or laying half the container and topping it with the usual mixture. The latter option makes it possible to save on pigment and get a high-quality colored coating.

How to prepare the form

The mold is prepared to make it easier to remove finished tiles and use it further for the maximum number of pours. Experts do not recommend using any type of mold without lubrication. The lubricant is applied to the inner walls of the container, carefully ensuring that there are no stains. Excess grease is removed with a dry cloth.

You need to make sure that the lubricant is applied evenly - otherwise, remove ready-made tiles It will be difficult and in the process it may split and become covered with cracks.


When manufacturing is carried out, doing paving slabs with your own hands is quite simple. The solution is poured into the prepared forms. If you plan to create a two-color tile, first lay a layer of a colored mixture (for the front surface), and then a gray one. The forms are installed on a vibrating table, where they stand for about 5 minutes, which is enough to remove excess air from the thickness and compact the mixture. Foam usually appears on the surface, which is evidence of air bubbles escaping.

Concrete compaction – vibrating table options

Vibrocasting is a method of producing tiles that allows you to obtain the highest quality and densest material. It is possible to produce tiles without a vibrating table, but they may not be strong and reliable enough and will quickly become covered with cracks and chips.

You can make a vibrating table yourself, since purchasing it for the production of small batches of tiles is impractical. The table suggests enough simple design and the procedure for creating it.

What you need to create a vibrating table:
  • Sheet steel up to 10 millimeters thick for worktops
  • A corner made of metal 5x5 centimeters - the sides of the tables will be made from it
  • Pipes 4x2 centimeters from which the upper crossbars will be made
  • Pipes 4x4 centimeters 2 millimeters thick, which will act as support posts
  • Channel with holes made for fixing the motor
  • Metal plates - soles of supports
  • Spring to create vibration
  • Electric motor up to 0.9 kW
  • Washers and bolts for fixing the engine
  • Switch, electrical cable, socket

How to make a vibration table with your own hands:
  • Treatment of all metal parts with an anti-corrosion compound
  • Welding frame components together
  • Assembling the tabletop, welding the motor rack at the bottom
  • Install the motor so that it does not touch the ground
  • Installing the table on level base, anchoring or pouring concrete


After vibrating (or immediately after pouring, if laying tiles without a vibrating plate), the forms are placed on racks or pallets to dry for 24-48 hours. To slow down the process of moisture evaporation, you need to cover the molds with cellophane film. Next, the tile is carefully knocked out of the molds with something soft and not capable of breaking it.

If the product is difficult to pull out, the mold can be lowered into hot water (heated to 60 degrees) to facilitate removal. Next, the tiles are dried until they reach full strength with concrete (28 days). Only after this can it be laid, using it to create paths for a summer house or private house, alleys, parking lots, etc.

Error Prevention

When making paving slabs with your own hands, it is important to adhere to technology and eliminate common mistakes.

What mistakes can be avoided:
  • Uneven distribution of pigment - due to insufficient stirring of the solution or overexposure on the vibrating table.
  • Difficulty removing tiles from the mold if the container has not been properly lubricated.
  • The appearance of holes or bubbles in the finished monolith - often such a nuisance occurs when there is no or insufficient vibration.
  • The tiles are crumbling, which means that the proportions in mixing the concrete were not met and the solution turned out to be of poor quality.

Safety precautions when working

Before you make paving slabs at your dacha with your own hands, you need to take care of personal protective equipment - at a minimum, you need work clothes (protective open areas body), gloves, goggles, protective mask or respirator. The diluted plasticizer and pigment should not come into contact with exposed skin or eyes. If this happens, you need to immediately stop the process and rinse everything with clean water.

You also need to be careful during the operation of the concrete mixer - before starting, check the integrity of the socket and wires; when the equipment is turned on, you cannot add components or touch the mixture or the container itself.

We check the quality of the tiles you made yourself

Step-by-step instructions for making paving slabs usually include only points on the actual creation of the material. But do not forget about the need to check the quality of the received products.

What parameters should paving slabs meet:
  • Durability – to last up to 30 years
  • Strength – the ability to withstand a load of at least 200 kg/sq.m. cm
  • Frost resistance – at least 100 freeze/thaw cycles
  • Homogeneous and smooth surface no cracks, chips, gouges, bubbles, inclusions
  • Ideal geometric shape - length and thickness, identical on all sides, no deflections, etc.

To check the quality of tiles at home, you must first visually inspect them for defects, accuracy of geometric shape, etc. Then the tiles are sawed with a grinder to study the internal structure of the concrete: there should be no even minimal voids in the section, grains of screenings should be evenly distributed in the monolith: the filler is evenly filled with sand, and everything between the sand is filled with cement.

The manual for making paving slabs includes several basic steps that are not difficult to complete on your own. As a result, you can get a beautiful and quality tiles, exactly corresponding to all parameters and design ideas.

Paths and areas paved with paving slabs look aesthetically pleasing. This coating is durable, reliable, has a long service life, and is easy to care for. But if you purchase the material on the market, the cost of finishing the paths can be significant. Therefore, many owners produce paving slabs themselves and lay them themselves. Fortunately, there is everything for this on the market today. As part of today's review, we will try to break down the entire technological process of making paving slabs with our own hands, and also consider methods for laying them.

Today, two technologies are mainly used:

  • vibration pressing;
  • vibration casting.

How do they differ from each other?

Vibrocompression technology

This is an industrial method of producing paving slabs, which uses special equipment consisting of a press and a vibrating table. The tiles are laid on the table, cement mortar with the addition of pigments is poured into it, after which the mixture is subjected to great pressure from the press. During the process of pressure, the table immediately vibrates, which evenly distributes the poured solution throughout the entire volume of the mold.

The tile material is accurate in shape and size, its density is increased, which means its strength will be great. This technology depending on the type of equipment used, it is practically devoid of manual labor, no problems with unmolding. More recently, this was done by steaming the finished product to get it out of the molds. This increased the cost of products. Today, all this is not used, so prices for paving slabs have dropped sharply.

But the topic of the article is how to make paving slabs with your own hands, so we won’t talk more about this method of producing them. The only thing we note is that products made using this technology are superior in quality to homemade ones. And, accordingly, they will have a longer service life.

Vibration casting technology

This production method can be classified as “do-it-yourself”. True, for this you will have to make a vibrating table. More about it below, but now let’s look at the principle of producing paving slabs using this method. Firstly, to produce tiles you need to purchase molds. What does the market offer today?

Molds for DIY paving slabs

There is no need to talk about size and geometric shape here. In this regard, the choice is huge, and every consumer will find an option that will satisfy him in all respects. The choice is based on the material from which the forms are made. Today manufacturers offer three varieties:

  1. This polyurethane molds for making tiles or paving stones that can be used for up to 100 cycles. They are well suited for those who decide to make a small volume of tiles.
  2. Plastic. These molds can withstand up to 250 revolutions.
  3. Made from special plastic type rubber, withstanding more than 500 cycles.

Buying molds for paving slabs today is not a problem. The main thing is to make a choice. For small volumes, polyurethane ones are suitable. For example, if you purchase five pieces, you can make 500 tiles, which is a considerable amount. In addition, molds made from this polymer are very cheap, so they will not greatly affect the cost of the final product.

Technology for the production of paving slabs using vibration casting

So, for this you need a vibrating table on which the forms are installed. A standard cement mortar is poured into them, to which plasticizers and pigments are added. The main requirement for paving slabs is full-body color.

The vibrating table turns on. Inside the mold, the solution is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, while all the components are mixed even better, the air comes out, and it is this that causes the deterioration of the quality of the product. The laitance moves and concentrates near the walls of the mold. During the vibration process, the tile becomes smooth and even in geometry. The most difficult thing is to remove the finished product from the formwork. Therefore, this method is proposed - the tile along with the mold is immersed in hot water (not lower than +40°C), the plastic or rubber becomes soft, which makes it possible to remove the finished product without any problems. paving material.

In the same way, you can make double tiles, in which the lower part is ordinary gray cement mortar, and the upper part is colored. To do this, the colored mixture is first poured into the mold, and after 30 seconds the gray mixture is poured. After 30-40 seconds you can turn on the vibration table.

Attention! Paving slabs produced by vibration casting must be in the mold for two days. Only after this can stripping be carried out.

How to make your own vibrating table for paving slabs: photos, videos and drawings

The drawing below shows what the vibrating table is assembled from. In fact, these are two separate structures that are connected to each other by springs. The lower table has a standard shape with four legs and a reinforced base, because it must withstand significant loads not only from vibration, but also from the forms with cement mortar placed on the upper table. The top table is a kind of trough with small sides.

Now, as for the drive, which should create vibration. There are a lot of different options here:

  1. There are special vibrators that are attached to the top of the vibrating table (to the bottom surface). An eccentric is already inserted into their design, which creates vibrations. This is the most convenient option, but expensive, because the vibrator is not cheap.

  2. You can use an electric sharpener, on the shaft of which two weights offset relative to each other and the center of rotation are installed. It is the latter that create displacement of the device itself, due to which vibration of the entire structure occurs.

  3. You can use any electric motor whose shaft is unbalanced. For example, as shown in the photo below, you can use several nuts welded to each other and mounted on the motor shaft. Instead of a pyramid, you can install any weight, the main thing is that it is located relative to the axis of rotation on one side.

  4. You can make a separate eccentric in the form of a shaft mounted in two bearings. This structure is attached to the upper table. In this case, the shaft must be unbalanced. Rotation of the eccentric will be transmitted by an electric motor (here you can choose any one), which is installed on the structure of the lower table (the location does not matter). Most often, the rotation transmission element is a belt.

Be sure to watch the video that tells how the vibrating table was made from a profiled pipe.

Advantages and disadvantages of paving slabs made using different technologies

The table shows that paving slabs produced by vibrocompression are in all respects better than homemade ones. Let's add here the exact geometric shapes, so it’s easier to work with such tiles. Although it has one drawback - it is difficult to cut such a stone, it is too strong.

Step-by-step instructions for making paving slabs with your own hands at home

First of all, you need to choose a form for paving slabs, which, as already mentioned, has different sizes, traditionally the size is 500×500×50 mm. We will deal with this form specifically. But first let’s designate from what solution the product will be poured.

Most often, the recipe consists of several standard components:

  • cement M500;
  • a mixture of crushed stone and sand in a 1:1 ratio, where crushed stone of a fraction of 5−10 mm is used;
  • pigment;
  • plasticizer

As for the latter, the market today offers a huge range. These are both dry additives and liquid ones. The main thing is to accurately maintain the concentration of the plasticizer relative to. The dry additive is added to the solution in a ratio of 0.7% by weight of cement.

To prepare the solution at home, you will need a regular construction mixer. You can do the mixing in a bucket, taking into account the volume of the required solution, so that it is enough to make tiles located on the vibrating table. For example, if only four tiles are placed on the table, then the minimum volume of the batch should be enough to fill four forms.

Photo Description of work

The cement mortar is laid out in molds.

The vibrating table turns on. Under the influence of vibration, the solution inside the mold begins to take on its dimensions.

If necessary, the solution is added to the molds.

As soon as the solution fills completely inner space forms, equipment can be turned off.

The next stage is drying. This process can be carried out in a natural way. The sun's rays should not fall on the tiles; it is good if the room is ventilated. It’s even better if the process is carried out outdoors under a canopy. The main task is the horizontal arrangement of forms filled with cement mortar.

The last stage is unmolding. The mold with the tile is turned over and they begin to bend the edges of the mold and corners, gradually removing it completely.

Step-by-step instructions for laying paving slabs with your own hands

Despite the apparent simplicity of laying tiles, paving stones or with your own hands, this is actually a process that requires a special approach. Therefore, knowing the nuances will help you carry out the installation correctly.

Photo Description of work

The turf is removed, on which the paving slabs will be laid.

Curbs are installed that will form the boundaries of the sidewalk or site. They are installed on a sand-cement mixture. Required condition– alignment of each border horizontally, for which a long rule is used.

Laying paving slabs is done on sand, so you need to fill the space between the curbs with this bulk material. The sand must be compacted well. Please note that the thickness of the applied layer should fill the space so that there is room for laying the tiles at a height flush with the curbs.

Now a mixture of sand and cement is prepared in a ratio of 1:5, which is poured over the sand cushion. Paving slabs will be laid on it. This layer must be leveled and compacted to prevent sagging of the tiles.

You can start styling. It is better to do this from the corner of the site.

We laid the tiles and tapped them with a mallet to press down the flooring.

A prerequisite is to check each laid element for horizontalness. A building level is used for this.

In this way, the entire platform or sidewalk is assembled; all elements of the flooring must be checked by level with each other.

Attention! Even at the stage of filling the sand cushion, care must be taken to finishing It was a little slanted. This is done so that rain or melt water does not stagnate in the finished area.

We also suggest you watch the video on how to properly lay paving slabs.

And two more points:

  1. If possible, the laid material should be compacted using a vibrating table.
  2. Between the elements you need to sprinkle a mixture of sand and cement in a 1:1 ratio, which will fill the gaps between the tiles. This will give stability to the entire structure.

Alternative technology

Today it is possible to solve the problem of finishing sidewalks and platforms in more in a simple way. To do this, you will have to purchase a special form, consisting of several cells that form paving slabs. IN in this case We are not talking about vibration casting, because the mortar is poured at the place where the tiles are installed. That is, right on the paths or platforms. But this technology for laying paving slabs also falls into the “do-it-yourself” category, because the elements themselves will be poured directly by the owner of the site.

The formwork that is sold specifically for this technology does not determine the size of the paving slabs, because there is a huge range in terms of variety of shapes. To help you understand what we are talking about, look at the photo. Although we must pay tribute that cells can be geometric shapes: rectangles, ovals, circles and others.

The technology itself, in terms of preparation, is carried out in exactly the same way as was described above with laying the finished product. That is, a sand base is prepared and curbs are installed. After which the form is placed in place, leveled, and cement mortar is poured into it. After two days, unmolding takes place. As you can see, it takes two days to dry, which means that to increase the speed of work you will have to purchase several forms.

500×200×50 – curb.83
300×300×50 – Florida grey.56
500x500x50 – 12 bricks.140

Let us add that paving slabs from the manufacturer are not only a material made from cement mortar. This and ceramic tiles in the form of bricks, which are impossible to make with your own hands. A model of such an element called "Lode BRUNIS" Brown and dimensions 200×100×52 mm costs 45 rubles. The price of cement paving slabs with dimensions 400×400×40 mm is 65 rubles.

How to check finished tiles for quality

It is almost impossible to visually determine whether the tile in front of you is of high quality or not. But there are some tricks that will help you choose more or less high-quality material:

  1. Tap it. If the sound is ringing, it means the tile density is high. Accordingly, the strength is at the proper level, the product is well dried.
  2. Bright color is a sign of a large number of added pigments. And they lower quality characteristics material.
  3. If the color on the cut is located only in the upper part of the product, then there is a high probability that the color will disappear or fade over time. The pigment should be evenly distributed throughout the entire body of the tile.
  4. The absence of bubbles and cracks is also a sign of quality.
  5. The presence of a certificate indicates that production is organized according to standards or technical specifications that are registered with government agencies.

So, we discussed the topic of production and laying of paving slabs. If you have any questions, we are ready to answer them. Contact us in the comments.

The production of paving slabs at home does not bring any particular advantages to the developer. Without a vibrating table, the quality of figured paving elements (FEM) sharply decreases. You will have to buy or make many tile molds with your own hands, or dry and accumulate the finished products yourself for several months to pave one path or parking lot. It is difficult to maintain the composition of the concrete; you will also need a place to store the paving stones. But if you are not afraid of difficulties, then welcome.

Making paving stones yourself resembles a miniature construction foundation slab into the formwork. Filling can be done in molds made by yourself or purchased in a store.

The easiest way to make the shape yourself is from a block:

Rhombus, Square, Hexagon are created in the same way. Factory molds simplify the technology and are made from several materials:

After calculating how much lining is required for the path, you can buy the required number of forms made of propylene or rubber. You can make your own molds from silicone, polyurethane or a two-component polymer resin, having at least one factory paving slab for a sample (master model):

  • the composition is mixed in the required quantity;
  • the master model is placed in a limiting container (for example, made of 4 boards with a bottom);
  • a solution of silicone (polyurethane or resin) is poured into a container.

Look more clearly in the video:

You just need to replace the brick with factory-made paving slabs.

Once dry, the mold is suitable for pouring several hundred tiles.

Making a vibrating table is much more complicated:

  • An eccentric is attached to the motor shaft;
  • the drive is fixed on a table with a metal cover;
  • works from the network, is installed on a solid base, preferably outdoors.

Under normal conditions, concrete dries in 3 days, and molds are needed for the on-line production of FEM elements. Therefore, an analogue of concrete steaming technology is used - immersion for several minutes in hot water (within 80 degrees).

Important! It is impossible to dry the tiles using this method, but you can dramatically increase the speed and quality of hydration (formation of cement stone).

Mixing concrete

Having determined from the layout diagram how many solid elements and halves to make, you can calculate the approximate volume of raw materials, taking into account the following factors:

For small volumes, you can make the batches yourself using a drill with a mixer attachment. If you need a lot of tiles, use a concrete mixer and several vibrating tables.

Important! Granite or marble screenings, crushed stone in sand will significantly increase the strength and frost resistance of the tiles. If you plan to produce paving elements with an ornament on the front part, it is better to use seeded sand without large filler fractions.

Instead of a plasticizer, concentrated detergents (for example, Fairy) are often used in a proportion of 1 tablespoon per bucket of solution. But it is better to use an industrial plasticizer, for example C3, sold in both dry and liquid form.

Laying in molds

With known proportions of the mixture components, the technology for making figured FEM paving elements with your own hands is not difficult:

This time is enough to remove air from the concrete and uniformly distribute the coarse filler fraction throughout the entire volume. The vibrating table is turned off after the appearance of cement milk at the surface, the disappearance of crushed stone inside and the cessation of bubbles.

Each tile needs to be dried, and then the mold must be used to make the rest of the paving stones. Therefore, an accelerated demoulding technology is used - after the concrete has set, the FEM in the mold is immersed in 80 degree water for 5 - 7 minutes to accelerate the strength gain of the composition.

Hot water makes it easier to remove the tiles from the mold.

The technique replaces steaming, allows you to reduce the hardening time to 1 - 2 days, after which the paving stones are powerfully laid. On the very first day of FEM production, you can estimate how many paving stones you can make per unit of time.

Advice! To reduce the labor intensity of the technology, the molds are rinsed with a saline solution - brine. The proportions for its preparation are 30g/1l (salt, water, respectively).

Colored paving slabs

To reduce the finishing budget, only some of the tiles can be colored. Therefore, before preparing concrete with your own hands, you should calculate how many “halves” and solid paving elements you need to make with your own hands. The pigment is added to the cement-sand mixture during mixing; the main nuances of the technology are:

Apart from making the product more expensive, the manufacturing technology does not add any complications. Paving slabs dry the same way, their strength and moisture resistance do not change. Experts recommend making hard concrete with the minimum possible water-cement ratio of 0.4 - 0.6 units.

Important! When creating high-quality colored paving slabs, only white cement is used. Regular Portland compounds gray not intended for tinting, they react with pigment and can give a “dirty” color.

The economic effect is achieved due to special technique production of two-layer paving stones:

  • separately from gray, but at the same time you need to make colored concrete;
  • the molds are filled with a tinted mixture to a height of 1.5–2 cm;
  • kept on the switched on vibration table for 20 seconds;
  • then the gray concrete of the base layer is poured on top;
  • the tile is vibrated for another 20 seconds;
  • wrapped together with the form in polyethylene;
  • removed for drying for 2 days.

Two-layer vibration casting.

During the specified time, the two layers of concrete do not have time to completely mix each other, but they penetrate each other, becoming a single layer. The front surface receives high-quality coloring, pigment is saved. You can calculate how much gray and colored concrete you need experimentally.

Glowing paving slabs

To improve the quality of sidewalk exteriors, luminous paving slabs are used. There are LED paving elements, networked and battery-powered, and fluorescent. In all of the above cases, it is possible to make luminous FEMs with your own hands:

  • luminescent paving stones are obtained after painting with a special composition;
  • LED lamps with a controller board are placed inside a transparent box of a suitable size or glass block.

Glowing paving stones.

Glowing paving stones with LEDs can be made using solar powered or from a 220 V network with a power supply. The specific figure for how much luminous paving slabs to make for a walkway depends on the owner of the project.


The necessary spatial rigidity of the “trough” into which the paving elements are laid is ensured by curbs installed on the solution. Making them yourself will help reduce the budget for landscaping. You can buy molds or construct them yourself from the following materials:

  • polymer resin - the factory border, which is a matrix, is completely embedded in the diluted mixture;
  • lumber - edged or tongue-and-groove boards with side lintels;
  • rolled metal – a channel of a suitable cross-section with capped ends.

Factory-made forms for borders.

After lubrication internal surfaces molds with soap solution, used oil, you can fill it concrete mixture and make borders using the following technology:

  • compaction of concrete - bayoneting with a reinforcing bar or laying the form on a vibrating table;
  • drying - after stripping, finished products are stored with an air gap.

Depending on the air temperature (+5 – + 30 degrees), curbs can be installed at the place of use for 4 – 28 days, respectively.

Storm drainage trays are constructed using a similar technology with minor additions:

  • the shape is a little deeper;
  • a piece of pipe is fixed longitudinally at its bottom, due to which a recess is created.

Without these additional elements, it is impossible to ensure drainage in a given direction; water will destroy the soil adjacent to the sidewalks.

Large format paving slabs poured on site

The technology of shaped paving elements poured on site is included in a separate category. The mold for these paving slabs is very large, making the finished products inconvenient to transport. Therefore, they are cast at the place of use close to each other. The seams are provided by the material of the mold.

The industry produces 44 x 44 cm propylene forms with a slightly changed configuration and name (Mosaic, Garden Road). The declared reversibility of 1000 cycles is almost always observed.

An analogue can be made on your own from a steel angle and strip according to a propylene sample. In any case, the technology differs from classical paving:

  • the form is set in place;
  • filled with concrete;
  • partially bayoneted with reinforcement or a trowel;
  • after the start of hardening, the form is removed and mounted close to the previous paving slab.

Such a coating has high adhesion to the underlying layer, but has a large format. In the middle part, the recesses are not through, but only imitate seams. Therefore, they may accumulate moisture and partially destroy the material when water freezes in winter.

Thus, you can make shaped paving elements yourself, knowing the composition and how many tiles different color it will take everything.

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Recently, paving slabs have been successfully replacing asphalt and concrete. Many people prefer to post it garden paths, alleys and areas near the house, as it looks more organic in the overall landscape.

In addition, the slab allows the surface it covers to “breathe”: the circulation of moisture and air is not disrupted, natural microflora is preserved in the soil, which does not interfere with the growth of trees and bushes planted along the path.

To create a coating of an exclusive design, they most often choose to produce paving slabs with their own hands, despite the rather labor-intensive process of their manufacture.

A home-made stove is about 20% cheaper than a factory-made one. Besides You can make samples of any type at home non-standard shape and paint them in the colors of the desired shades.

An important advantage is the acquisition of skills in the manufacture of a popular product. Over time, this may well be useful for opening your own enterprise for the production of paving slabs.

If this experience is not transformed into a way of earning money, then the production process itself will certainly bring aesthetic pleasure and pride from the work done.

The advantage is the confidence that high-quality materials were used and in the right quantity, i.e. deception is excluded.

The disadvantage of homemade products is their less strength and durability. The fact is that in factory conditions this concrete product is most often made using the vibration compaction method: pressing with a special press is added to the usual technology. Therefore, the material is more dense. This coating can withstand heavy loads and can be installed in areas with heavy traffic.

A slab made at home (by vibration casting method) absorbs more moisture than a purchased one. Over time, especially in winter when exposed to frost, it can crack and crumble or simply wear off.

This coating is protected with hydrophobic solutions. This extends the life of the stove.

On the pages of our website you will also learn how it should happen. We have prepared step-by-step instructions for you.

Consumables and raw materials

For production you should stock up necessary equipment and tools. The main ones are a concrete mixer, and.

The solution contains three required ingredients: water, sand, cement. But for a higher-quality slab, coarse filler, plasticizer, dye, and dispersant are added to the mixture. You also need mold lubrication.

Quantity calculation

To prepare a high-quality solution, you should adhere to the percentage of ingredients. Below is a table of components for making paving slabs 6 cm thick.

Step-by-step instruction

Your attention detailed instructions, how to make paving slabs with your own hands and what to do to avoid mistakes in work.

Composition of the mixture for the solution

The plasticizer is dissolved in small quantity warm water. You need to make sure there are no lumps.

The pigment for making colored paving slabs with your own hands should be diluted hot water(the proportions in the solution should be 1:3). The dye should dissolve completely.

These components are thoroughly mixed with sand, then crushed stone is added. Then everything is mixed with cement. A little water is added during the process. At the end the main amount of water is supplied.

The mixture is considered ready if it adheres tightly to the trowel without spreading around the edges.

How to prepare the form

Lubricant is applied to the inner walls, making sure that no stains from the substance remain there. To ensure that the mold is not too greasy, excess grease is carefully removed with a dry cloth.

If the surface is not greasy enough, it will be difficult to remove the tiles.

On our website you will also learn the basics, as well as how to choose the right material!

Features of laying wild stone in the yard with your own hands, and how to calculate the amount required material, we'll tell you.

We'll tell you everything about the process of paving paths with bricks: we have prepared detailed instructions for you.


The solution is poured into the molds. For two-color tiles, first lay a layer of colored and then gray concrete.

The forms are placed on a vibrating table, where they are shaken for about 5 minutes. Foam should appear on the surface, indicating the release of air bubbles.


Forms with concrete are stacked on flights or racks to dry for approximately 1-2 days. To prevent moisture from evaporating too quickly, they are covered with cellophane film.

The tile is carefully knocked out of the mold over something soft, such as a blanket. If the product is difficult to remove, then the mold with filling is lowered into a container with hot water (about 60 degrees), which will make removal easier.

After this, the tiles are left to dry for another month. Only then will it be suitable for use.

Important nuances in production, error prevention

If at some points the technology for the production of paving slabs was not followed, then Various errors may appear.

  • Paint is unevenly distributed. Most likely, it was poorly diluted or the product was overexposed on a vibrating table.
  • It is impossible to pull the tile out of the mold. The walls were not lubricated enough.
  • Bubbles or holes have formed. The tile was little vibrated and all the air did not escape from the mixture.
  • The tiles began to crumble. Indicates that the proportions are not respected or the material is of poor quality.

In this video you will learn how to make paving slabs at home - simple technology DIY making:

Safety precautions when working

When working with cement, one of the most harmful factors is dustiness. That's why Before preparing the mixture, you should put on overalls: gloves, respirator or protective mask.

But it is also important to ensure that diluted dye or plasticizer does not come into contact with your skin or eyes.

You need to be careful when the concrete mixer is working. You should check the integrity of the wires and sockets, do not test the quality of the concrete and do not correct problems when the equipment is plugged in.

Although the process of preparing paving slabs is labor-intensive, the result is worth it. In a month, garden paths lined with a beautiful exclusive coating can turn personal plot into a small masterpiece of landscape design.
