Do-it-yourself restoration of interior doors. How to restore an interior door with your own hands. Removing paint and varnish from old wooden doors

Door restoration- the process is much less expensive and will help keep products in good condition for a longer time if it is performed at the first signs of defects in the structure of the fabric and protective coating.

Completed and harmonious interior becomes after its final finishing and selection of furniture. At the same time, one cannot ignore appearance and the condition of the interior and entrance doors of the living space. Doors receive little attention during their service life, but in vain. Made from solid wood, painted and veneered doors are subject to wear and tear over time, even more than room furniture. For country houses, especially those that are used only in warm weather, are characterized by swelling door leaf from excess humidity, rapid aging and peeling of paint and varnish. There is no need to even talk about wear and tear of fittings.

Door restoration at home - photo:

Types of defects that repair and restoration of doors correct:

Deformed or initially irregularly shaped canvas.

You should definitely pay attention to how the doors close and open, and whether they rub at the same time door threshold and a joint. If you apply pressure and excessive force, the tree will eventually split in pinched places, and the box will become loose doorway. Every time the door is crushed or pulled when opening, there is a risk that the door will bend in the place where the handle is attached, and the handle itself will simply fall off.

These are the main problems associated with the irregular shape of the canvas. However, a similar picture can arise if the loops are placed incorrectly or if the door frame, which causes misalignment. It is best to invite a measurer who will help determine the exact cause.

Defects in protective coating.

As for the cosmetic defects that restoration of doors eliminates, these include chips, cracks, stains from burns and caustic liquids, various violations of the protective paint coating. In the case of a door lined with veneer, its coating is very sensitive not only to mechanical damage, but also to the action high temperatures. During restoration in a damaged area, it is enough to simply locally replace the veneer layer (apply a patch). If the entire panel is noticeably worn and scratched, you can completely replace the veneer, at the same time updating the paint or choosing a new color.

Renewing the protective coating on solid wood doors is a more difficult task, as it requires thorough knowledge of painting. If there are deep dents and cracks in the canvas, it is often necessary to remove a layer of wood along the thickness in order to maintain a uniform texture and pattern. Less noticeable damage can be easily repaired with putty and sanding. A furniture restoration specialist will select good color and a shade of varnish to highlight the natural beauty of the material.

We strongly advise you to carry out the restoration of doors and furniture as a whole, especially when it is necessary to completely renew the varnish and paint. It is important for a restorer to adhere to a single color palette so that the products are in harmony with each other.

Restoration front door- photo:

Redesign of wooden doors.

The door restoration services provided in our workshop are not limited to correcting defects in the product to give it its original appearance. We listen to the client’s wishes and are ready to offer him options for updating the style and design of the product. The list of works we perform includes:

  • ✔ reupholstering the canvas with fabric and replacing the upholstery;
  • ✔ replacement of glazing and mirrors, installation of windows for glazing, if they were not originally provided;
  • ✔ inlay of metal and glass decorative elements;
  • ✔ wood carvings;
  • ✔ installation of noise and heat insulation;
  • ✔ repair and production of platbands from any material and any profile.

All this will help you breathe new life into the old product and bring a fresh look into the interior of the home as a whole. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to standard repair services; allow yourself to use your imagination.

You can have no doubt about the quality of work and the speed of its completion. We can handle work of any level of complexity thanks to our extensive experience in carpentry, painting and design. Contact us for help in the repair and restoration of doors and furniture. We will be happy to help you.

It is relatively easy to maintain entrance and interior doors in good condition and thereby extend their service life. If the restoration of “Canadian” type doors comes down to only repainting them, then special skills are not needed for this. But, if you have installed a solid wood panel with molding and relief elements, then even updating the varnish and paint becomes not an easy task. Sagging appears in the recesses, paint and varnish lie unevenly. In a word, without professional restoration doors made of solid wood, you are more likely to ruin them than to make them look decent.

Opportunities for door restoration in our workshop

Our company provides professional services restoration of furniture and interior items for over 10 years. Experienced painters, carpenters and assemblers have all the necessary skills and knowledge to accurately work wood and replace damaged parts during the door restoration process.

With the restoration of old doors, a number of nuances and subtleties also arise. Restorers get into the hands of products that are half a century old, or even more. They need to be handled with care, varnished in a clean and ventilated area, dried and polished properly. Restoration of old doors that have antique value should, in principle, not be handled by unskilled workers.

Our range of services includes:

  • repair of the door frame and the leaf itself, elimination of distortions and irregularities in the geometry of products;
  • elimination of mechanical damage: cracks, chips, dents, deep scratches, burn marks;
  • updating the paintwork;
  • replacement of fittings: fasteners, hinges, handles, locks;
  • installation of heat and sound insulating edging, bumpers;
  • restoration of doors with replacement of stained glass and glazing elements.

Despite their unlimited service life, they wear out quite quickly. The material suffers from deformation and drying out, coatings wear off or become faded.

You can replace such canvases with new ones, but this is a big expense, a waste of time for replacement, and subsequent renovation work after installing them.

Therefore, the easiest way is to put these structures in order yourself, that is, give them a second life by updating their coating and eliminating defects. How to restore old doors? More details later in the article.

In order to restore doors correctly and efficiently, you need to know how it is done.

Usually interior paintings suffer from mechanical stress and moisture.

Plastic varieties are more prone to scratches.

To make them invisible, they must be gently polished.

  • Painting. A wooden door or one with veneer inserts is easiest to varnish or paint. It is better to paint a wooden surface using a special brush or spray. A wooden surface should be painted and varnished by brushing along the fibers, then the material will lie smoothly, filling all the unevenness, chips and other defects.
  • Decoration. To give the updated canvas brightness, you can use other shades to create a new image. You can paint the canvas with one color, and the protruding parts with another, contrasting with the main selected shade. If the surface is smooth, then it is recommended to use carved slats made of wood or polyurethane, gluing them to the surface to be treated, after painting them in a suitable color.
  • Pasting using roll wallpaper, colored paper or fabric. They often offer to stick special photo wallpapers onto a smooth canvas, which are sold in stores or can be easily purchased online. The design can be styled to match the room. For the nursery, drawings and reproductions from children's magazines are selected. For the kitchen, choose pages with dishes or vegetables and fruits. Before gluing paper sheets, they must be kept in water, then PVA glue is applied to the entire sheet and glued to the canvas, smoothed thoroughly. After the paper and glue have dried, the surface is coated with colorless varnish to preserve the work longer. In the same way, you can cover the surface of the old material with fabric.
  • Vinyl stickers. When gluing with vinyl stickers, it is not necessary to clean the canvas from old paint and eliminate irregularities. The stickers will hide all the defects, and you can paint them after that. They must be glued onto a degreased surface, after cleaning the area with an alcohol cleaner. Remove the backing from the sticker and apply it to work area, smooth out thoroughly. Only after this can you remove the film protecting the front side.
  • Cereal decorations. In an original way decoration of an old door is considered to be an image of drawings made from bulk materials. Rice and buckwheat are ideal for this. The grains should be glued using PVA glue or standard wallpaper. After the drawing has dried well, the canvas is covered with several layers of colorless varnish. Dry cereal, and even under a layer of varnish, is stored for a very long time.

With a little effort and imagination, there will be no need to figure out how to restore old doors at home. Updated interior doors will add warmth and comfort to your home, and also improve the interior of the apartment.

Updating an old door with glass

How to restore old doors with glass is not an idle question at all.

Glass becomes cloudy over time, acquires scratches, and therefore when updating it must be restored or replaced with a new one.

To remove old glass, you need to carefully remove the glazing beads that hold it in place.

You can replace the glass with a modern one: matte, corrugated, colored, with a pattern or photo printing.

To correctly insert new glass into the door leaf, you must do the following:

  • Measure the parameters of the opening in the door leaf where the glass will be inserted.
  • Cut the glass to the required size so that it can fit securely into the opening, for which it must be 5 mm shorter than the required size on each side. To cut out a piece you will need a glass cutter and a metal ruler.
  • Insert the glass into the opening, previously treated with sealant, and secure it with glazing beads, securing them with thin nails.

Glass with hidden fixation is more difficult to insert; complete disassembly and unscrewing of the bolts will be required in order to remove it old part and also insert a new one. Negative point such a replacement is a possibility of loss correct sizes canvases. In this case, it is necessary to straighten it using a plane.

If you insert old glass, it must be brought back to normal. Clean the old one with a scraper, acetone or blade. Polish small scratches using toothpaste.

Renew the glass with a film with a pattern, paint it or make a stained glass window on it. It is necessary to use fresh glazing beads and replace the fittings with new parts.

Instead of glass, you can insert an acrylic unbreakable mirror. It is light and durable, easy to cut and highly decorative. Then the door will look like new and will delight residents for a long time.

Fiberboard canvases

This canvas is slightly different from works with wooden surfaces. The thickness of the fiberboard surface reaches only 4 mm, so it is necessary to remove paint from it with extreme caution.

Cannot be used for this blowtorch– you can use an iron, wrapping it in a towel if you don’t have a hair dryer.

After sanding, the canvas is either varnished or painted with new paint. But there is a restoration method that allows you to turn a thin canvas into a natural wooden door - this is veneering the canvas.

Veneer parts are sold in special stores. You can glue it using an iron, heating the surface, because it already has an adhesive base.

You should act carefully so as not to overheat and burn. The glued parts can be treated with stain and varnished. Decorate simple door can be done by gluing relief strips onto its surface.

We should not forget about the restoration of the door frame - it must correspond to the updated canvas. By replacing the fittings with new, more modern ones, you can increase the service life of the door.

Plastic products

Most assume that it will last forever and its dazzling snow-white appearance will not fade. However, even plastic products will eventually require replacement or restoration.

old plastic door can be restored in several ways:

  • Painting the door. First you need to remove the old protective film from the plastic. Then wash the surface well using special means. The main difficulty in applying paint to plastic is that the liquid in pure form cannot be applied. You should add a little hardener to the paint and then filter it. To the surface plastic products The paint is applied using a spray gun in one layer. Next, let the paint dry and install the door in place.
  • Vinyl film sticker. If there is no opportunity or desire to paint, then old door You can stick vinyl film by choosing the appropriate pattern and color. To ensure high-quality gluing of the film, the surface of the plastic must be degreased and then washed with soapy water. Apply the film to a clean and dry surface and smooth it, after a few seconds you can remove the white base.
  • Veneer covering. Also treat the surface of the door and glue the veneer parts onto it using a hot iron. This option is acceptable and reliable. Natural material lasts longer than artificial panels.

Don’t forget to update the door frame, because it cannot be replaced; gaps may form between the frame and the door leaf. The fittings also need to be replaced and the door will be like new.

What about metal?

You can update not only the interior doors, but also the entrance doors made of metal. To do this, it should be removed and placed on a horizontal, flat surface, this will make it more convenient to work. Then execute in the following sequence:

  • Remove or cover with construction tape the fittings: peephole, handle and other components.
  • Use a drill or wire brush to clean areas damaged by corrosion. Sand the surface of the cloth with coarse grain sandpaper, remove dust with a vacuum cleaner and treat the canvas with solvent.
  • Treat the surface special composition for polish, but intended for cars. Putty for wooden products cannot be used - it gives poor adhesion to metal surface. Car polish will repair all dents and scratches that occurred during the rust removal process. Give a smooth surface using a spatula and let the canvas dry for 30-40 minutes.
  • Polish the surface to be restored with fine sandpaper and wipe damp cloth and degrease using a special construction product to remove fat.
  • Prime the surface with a metal primer designed to combat corrosion. It is convenient to apply it with a roller or narrow brush. Let it dry and sand again with fine-grit sandpaper.
  • Paint the surface with the chosen paint in 2-3 layers - it is important to achieve the desired rich result. Each new layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. For painting it is recommended to use a roller, brush or spray gun. You should protect yourself from paint exposure by wearing gloves and a respirator.

The door frame should be restored in the same way.

Then remove the fittings from the tape or reinstall them and hang the door in its place.

If only a section of the canvas has been damaged, you can renew only that area, although this will require careful selection of paint according to tone.

Restoring old doors with your own hands is an interesting and exciting job.

You can choose an acceptable canvas, choose suitable material and get creative with the decor.

In addition, you can save significantly on replacing doors, and this is an important fact for the family budget.

Do-it-yourself updated doors are a source of pride for the owner of the house. You can see how to repair them in the video:

03.09.2016 25389

Door restoration is the process of updating and restoring appearance and functionality. Most often in the restoration of canvases from solid wood. They may appear scratches, abrasions and other mechanical damage. In addition, the tree can swell from high humidity. canvases are also susceptible to damage, in particular the appearance of scratches and cracks.

The need to restore doors

The door structure may settle and begin to touch the floor. If the wood swells from moisture, the door will have difficulty closing. Or, conversely, the door may dry out to such an extent that a visible gap appears between the door frame and the leaf. In this case, there will be a problem with locking.

If the door is paneled, the panels may become loose. The door frame may also need to be restored over time.

In addition to wear and tear, the canvas becomes unusable over time. Chips may appear, mechanisms may fail, and hinges may become loose. The roller mechanisms usually jam. In this case, the carriage mechanism and loose fastening are corrected.

Therefore, restoration of interior wooden doors may include the following types of work:

  • carpentry;
  • painting;
  • finishing;
  • decoration;
  • reconstruction (for example, changing the opening mechanism).

Preparing for door restoration

Finishing work before restoration includes the following stages:

  1. Restoration involves the appearance of dust and a specific odor, so before restoring an old door, you need to cover the furniture and other surfaces with polyethylene.
  2. Before you restore an old wooden door, you need to get rid of the top layer of paint or varnish. This work is carried out using a construction hair dryer. In addition to the finishing coat, old layers of putty, screws and other foreign elements are removed. If there are partial chips, they must be completely removed if it is impossible to attach the chipped part to its place.
  3. After removing visible imperfections, the door leaf is sanded with sandpaper. Now all cracks and chips can be corrected with a layer of putty. If you plan to varnish the solid wood, then the putty needs to be matched to the tone of the wood.
  4. Sand the surface of the door leaf again. Now the door array is considered ready for finishing coating paint and varnish material.

Cost of door restoration work

Below are approximate prices for the restoration of interior doors without taking into account the cost of materials.

Paint and varnish materials, putty, and tools will cost you from several hundred to several thousand rubles. It depends on the quantity of materials, manufacturer, quality. To save money, you can buy materials from hardware store, and update the door leaf yourself without contacting a specialist.

Do-it-yourself restoration of wooden doors

Restoration of old doors is carried out as the door leaf, its covering, and fittings wear out.

To update the door leaf you will need the following materials and tools:

  • drill;
  • set of wood drills;
  • fine-toothed wood hacksaw;
  • construction hair dryer(or solvent for old paint);
  • abrasive mesh for grinding putty;
  • handle for attaching the abrasive mesh;
  • putty for wooden surfaces;
  • dye;
  • brush.

Before starting repairs, it is better to open the windows and close the furniture to avoid covering it with a layer of construction dust!

Do-it-yourself restoration of wooden interior doors is a labor-intensive process, but quite simple.

The process of updating the door leaf takes place in several stages:

  1. Remove the door from its hinges and lay it on a horizontal surface.
  2. Using a hair dryer, remove the old layer of paint. Work is carried out at temperatures not lower than 400 degrees. Since heating is possible up to 6 thousand degrees, you need to work very carefully. First, we heat a small area of ​​the door surface, and then remove the heated paint with a spatula included with the hair dryer. To avoid equipment failure, it should be used intermittently: 15 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest.! In the corners and hard to reach places you need to work carefully with a spatula so as not to create new damage.
  3. Primary sanding is performed to remove remnants of old paint and varnish materials.
  4. Surface adjustment. This process involves applying a layer of putty. After it dries, the surface is leveled using a mesh attached to the handle. You need to sand in the direction of the wood grain, and not in randomly chosen directions. If you plan to varnish the door, then sanding should be done as efficiently as possible due to the transparency of the varnish.
  5. We remove dust from the door surface and apply paint. It is better to apply two layers of paint (the second after the first has dried). Paint is applied along the grain, as is sanding.
  6. Sand the door: remove particles stuck to the paint.
  7. We tint the door with finishing paint (before this, matte, not very liquid, could be used as a base).
  8. Installation of accessories.

If the old one's handle falls off or the lock jams, then the restoration of the interior doors will not be completed until you replace the worn-out fittings.

To replace accessories you will need:

  • self-tapping screws (usually included in the hardware kit);
  • screwdriver or set of screwdrivers;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • chisels;
  • rulers.

If the door leaf is sagging, then do-it-yourself restoration of interior doors includes the following steps:

  1. Examination door hinges for loosening of their fastenings. If necessary, they need to be tightened.
  2. If the hinges are not loose, you can try installing them a little deeper. To do this, the loops are removed. The area where the loop is attached is deepened with a chisel. The hinges are reattached with self-tapping screws.
  3. If the sagging is the result of a change in the geometry of the door, then its shape is corrected with a plane (the same is done if the doors are swollen and do not fit into the door frame when closing). After adjustment, the door needs to be coated with paint.

If the door leaf has dried out, it can be restored by installing metal corners. Another option would be to sort through individual parts of the door leaf and collect them after restoration. The cracks can be filled with putty and the falling parts can be glued. The peeled parts need to be coated with glue and pressed with a press until completely dry.

Sometimes it is necessary not only to restore the door, but also the extensions, slopes and platbands. It is not difficult. The slopes are detached, and new ones can be placed on polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam- This universal remedy for bonding any surfaces.

To make the foam dry faster, specialists sometimes irrigate open areas water from a spray bottle.

The platbands are nailed onto small nails with inconspicuous heads (you can choose nails to match the door).

Restoring old interior doors with your own hands is possible. The greatest difficulty is cutting into the lock. In this case, you can contact a professional. Other work does not cause any difficulties.

Now you know how interior doors are restored.

Even in those apartments where renovations have already been carried out, there are old, time-worn interior doors with minor defects or significant damage. Scuffs and scratches give a completely unaesthetic appearance to the interior of the room. There would seem to be only one way out - to update the door. However, buying a new product is often an expensive endeavor. Therefore, it is competent restoration that will help to get out of the current situation quite adequately.

Subtleties of the process

Old or damaged interior doors are subject to restoration. The cause of mechanical damage can be, for example, a fire. High humidity can also negatively affect wooden panels. Mechanical damage often occurs after opening the doors using improvised tools. When restoring a product, it may involve replacing the door leaf, updating the door jambs, painting or tinting the surface.

To restore functionality, it is often necessary to update the fittings or locks. In case of minor damage to interior doors, restoration work can be done with your own hands.

Repair original doors It is better to entrust it to a specialist in this field. The work should also be left to a professional if the restoration requires replacement door jamb or repairing the entire door frame as a whole.

For your information, some advantages and features of restoration of interior doors are presented:

  • It is more profitable to repair doors made of solid wood, bringing them into proper and working condition, rather than spending your budget on a new product.
  • They update an old door when changing the interior style of the house. The procedure is carried out even when the canvas is still in excellent condition and does not yet need to be replaced.
  • Restoration of old wooden structures is performed when the leaf and door frame self made, have a unique ornament and texture.
  • Decorating the surface of the doors with your own hands will allow you to create a unique product that will harmoniously decorate the entire interior.

  • An interior door must be repaired when replacing the door may compromise the integrity of the opening or wall cladding.
  • Due to the non-standard size of the old door, it is better to carry out restoration work than to carry out a labor-intensive replacement of the product.
  • Restoration is convenient, since replacing a product is often accompanied by replacing the entire door frame. This procedure will definitely create the need to seal the resulting cracks, plastering and gluing wallpaper around the doorway.

For independent work you will need a lot of free time. Step-by-step implementation of all procedures will be the key to successful restoration of the door leaf.

The successful use of techniques for restoring a product, first of all, depends on the characteristics and properties of the door leaf material.


Previously, interior doors were made exclusively from solid natural wood. Currently, door panels include polymers and glass. The surface can be coated with high-quality varnish or laminated. Oak doors or beech products are premium door leaves that have an elegant natural texture and come in a variety of shades.

Increased strength and durability make such interior products desirable and practical. Only the price due to these advantages is very high. Carrying out work on restoration of products much more economical than replacing the entire canvas.

The most popular material in the manufacture of canvases is fiberboard. Methods for restoring such doors differ from restoration work on solid wood products natural wood. To remove a layer of old paint from the surface of a fiberboard product, an iron and a hair dryer are used. Considering the fine structure of the surface of the product, grinding work is carried out only using fine sandpaper.

With help finishing elements By slightly changing the surface relief, you can get an analogue of paneled fabric. Expensive models consist of dense tile material. The quality of the surface finish of the product determines the cost of the product.

Innovative veneer veneers are often used. The basis of the door will be inexpensive material made of pine, lumber or particle boards. Under the influence of temporary changes, veneered products may lose the integrity of the top layer. To restore such doors, special wood glue is required. When using glue one must also take into account the favorable temperature regime and avoid humidity. Violation of this regime can negatively affect the veneer surface, which leads to swelling and peeling of the material.

Not for everyone to use metal structures in the house. Iron doors also tend to wear out, unless, of course, these are armored products. Even on high-quality canvases it deteriorates over time external finishing, locks break, fittings fall apart. Long-term operation significantly affects the appearance and design mechanism of such doors. In iron interior designs Aluminum or stainless steel is mainly used. Metal parts successfully combined with other materials.

If you purchase new door, then quality hardware are expensive. Therefore, it will be much more profitable to repair the old door. Based on the experience of professionals, it can be noted that any options lend themselves to restoration. metal doors. Professionals can replace hinges, handles and locks in accordance with the color scheme of the door leaf to be restored.

Options for different models

One can confidently classify the “Stalinist” door as an antique. Indoor products from this era are usually double-leaf, often with glass inserts. In the “Stalin” style, the products are heavy and bulky, which makes restoration work a little difficult. A professional master will be able to select without any problems modern material for their cladding, the necessary fittings and type of decoration.

Door leaves and the surface of historical “Stalinist” doors are usually wooden. If the cause of damage is not mechanical impact, then abrasions are the influence of time. Restored wooden doors should have an aesthetic appearance. Craftsmen will help you choose the main material and finishing material, giving a laconic look to antique doors.

In an apartment with a Provençal or Scandinavian style Interior restoration of doors is also decorative in nature. Finishing with patina and painting will transform an ordinary old white door into a stylish decorative element. The presence of frames and crossbars characterize the team interior door, which is also called paneled. For example, panels can be in the form of MDF sheets or glass inserts. This way it is possible to create figured elements and make the appearance of the canvas quite interesting. Restoration of paneled doors involves preserving existing reliefs or complete replacement product surface.

This option is suitable for offices, bathrooms and toilets, balconies and other rooms with high humidity. Economical and moisture-resistant models are indispensable for such premises.

Glass is often used as an insert; there are also options for completely transparent doors for the newfangled living room interior, for example. Only types of glass sheets with special textures are used. For safety reasons, the material must have a protective film and not form sharp fragments when broken, which is also taken into account when restoring such paintings.

How and with what you can update: ideas

Used to repair and decorate old or damaged doors. various materials. Color design The material provided is also varied. Complex work It is better to entrust door restoration and surface decoration to a specialist in this field. Remove minor scratches and simple work on decoration old surface it is possible to do it yourself.

In a simple way door update is surface painting. Anyone can paint a surface. Both for painting and for other types of restoration, you first need to prepare the surface of the product. Cleaning and freeing the surface from the old coating will be the first step in restoring the product. Fine-grained sandpaper will perfectly remove old paint. Afterwards, small cracks and scratches are covered, then the type of coating and decorative elements are selected.

Available for painting in one color acrylic paint. In case of restoration wooden door paint and varnish are selected specifically for woodworking.

Painting in several colors is a more complex process. To do this, using masking tapes, different shapes are created on the decorated surface. After applying paint over the created painting, an interesting geometric pattern is obtained. Different colors can be created by adding dyes to a white base. Existing method tinting the surface will help create the effect of the presence of the most expensive types of wood in the composition of the canvas.

Special tinting impregnations - stains - will give the wood any desired color. As a rule, these are the tones of elite tree species. Due to this, the pine covering can be given a visual resemblance to walnut. Of course, it will only be external. Such properties as moisture resistance and resistance to rotting are not acquired in this process.

When painting, you also take into account the fact that wood tends to absorb paint a little during processing. Therefore, it will be necessary to apply another layer.

When working with paint, you can create not only plain doors, but also entire compositions. Designers will be able to recreate any design based on an original sketch if they apply it through a stencil. The idea of ​​restoration in the form artistic painting It’s also better to entrust it to professionals, since you can’t do it without artistic skills. Additionally, you can deal with protruding parts, that is, moldings. They also dye. For an original effect, they can be decorated in a contrasting tone.

In the case where the door is smooth, without relief or moldings, you can use an ornament to imitate their presence or stick on polyurethane carved slats. The slats must first be painted in the desired color.

The next stage of finishing is decorating the doors with wallpaper and fabric. IN in this case There are no special restrictions, since almost any images and materials of different textures can be glued to the door. First of all, you can pay attention to photo wallpapers, which are presented in abundance in specialized stores. Any paper materials, as well as standard wallpaper, can also be useful.

It is necessary to ensure that the material is not too transparent. Otherwise, glue or hidden reliefs will appear. At the end of the installation using wallpaper, fabric or paper, it is recommended to apply a layer of varnish. This coating will protect the door surface.

Many models of interior doors have inserted glass, which is why stained glass design is very popular. Special stained glass paint is used to apply patterns and ornaments to the glass surface. For independent work, materials for painting and stained glass work can be purchased at any specialty store. Drawings can be transferred to glass using sandblasting surfaces. A specialized workshop will be able to simply perform such work.

Pasting vinyl stickers as a way to decorate and restore a product is one of the simplest procedures. Vinyl door decals are sold almost everywhere. Protective covering can be removed without difficulty. Without preliminary preparation A film is glued to the door leaf. After finishing the work, it is also removed protective film on outside. It is worth considering that vinyl stickers maybe even paint it.

The decoupage technique is also easy to perform and makes it possible to hide minor defects. In the process of this finishing, pieces of material, paper, napkins are collected into a single semantic picture, glued to the surface and covered with varnish.

The finishing option by building a picture from a mosaic is original and inexpensive; in the process, fragments of ceramics, glass, wood, and veneer are used. In addition to standard methods of restoring interior doors, you can use an extraordinary design method. Doors are renewed using various bulk materials. When pasting the surface with cereals, such as rice or buckwheat, you will get an exclusive and original work.

To secure the grains, you can purchase PVA glue. After complete drying, it is recommended to varnish the surface several times to protect it from moisture. Considering that the grain is dry in consistency, it does not rot or spoil, and varnish coating preserves the composition from moisture, there is no doubt about the durability of this design.

Restoration workshops

Minor damage can be repaired on your own and at home. To do this, it is necessary to properly prepare tools and materials for restoration. The stages of work are as follows:

  • At the initial stage the door must be carefully prepared. To do this, the characteristics of the manufacturing material are taken into account. Basically, wooden products are subject to wear and tear. If the interior doors are covered with veneer, to work with the surface of the door leaf, you need to purchase wax that is soft in consistency, as well as a special varnish and a tool in the form of a spatula. For wooden products it is necessary to use hard wax and rough sandpaper.

  • Before starting work it is necessary Carefully remove the door from its hinges, fittings and locking device. If there are glass inserts, then they must also be removed, since all fasteners will be dismantled. It is better to carry out restoration work on the door indoors with sufficient lighting. Before placing the product in the workplace, it is necessary to protect flooring, since there is a risk of damage, since the paint from the damaged product will be removed under the hot air flow from the hair dryer.

  • From the surface of the door it is necessary remove dirt by washing it with soapy water. Afterwards the door is inspected for the presence of significant defects. Minor scratches can be filled with putty. Next, the wooden canvas is wrapped in a flannel rag. The process begins by grinding the surface and removing excess wax using solvents. Next, it is recommended to varnish the surface.

  • In any case, when working on the restoration of a door with a painted surface the old coating must be thoroughly cleaned. Doing this with your own hands is much easier than it might seem, since necessary tools All you need to do the job is a spatula and a hair dryer. The latter does not have to be purchased; currently it can be purchased for rent. If doors are decorated in the future, you should remember the trim and door frame. They also need to be finished to match the color of the door itself.

  • After paint removal the surface is examined for scratches and other damage, they can be sealed with both putty and specialized wood putties. The final stage of preliminary preparation is sanding and sanding the surface with sandpaper. In order to protect the door from moisture, the sealed surface is treated with drying oil. Ordinary stain also has this property, which, in addition to protection, will give the surface a natural color.