Patterns for flower beds made from tires. Decorating the dacha with flowerbeds made of tires: interesting ideas and options. Beds for growing crops

Many people believe that only an experienced specialist can develop a beautiful landscape design. But practice shows that such a point of view has nothing to do with reality. Anyone can make a garden or personal plot - if only they had the corresponding desire.

Landscape Design Basics

To give or local area looked decent, often does not require either high professionalism or significant financial costs. Anything can be used: broken bricks, stones, plastic bottles, old watering cans and much more.

Tire flowerbed

For example, alpine slide, which is the object of dreams of many owners of suburban areas, can easily be built without the involvement of specialists. The most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment and boldly combine different items and objects.

Interesting. Often old junk, which, it would seem, is time to throw away, can do a good job in decorating the territory.

So, for example, from an old rickety chair you will get beautiful stand for a flowerpot. An old chest of drawers, if painted and decorated accordingly, can decorate any blank wall by planting bright flowers in its drawers.

From scrap materials you can create more complex designs, for example, having a metal rod at hand and flower pots, you can build a very interesting vertical flower bed.

Among domestic gardeners and owners of suburban areas, flower beds made from tires are in fairly high demand. They will be discussed further.

Types of flower beds made from tires

To create flower beds from tires with your own hands, you do not need any special experience or knowledge. The most important thing is to have it on hand necessary tools and have basic information.

According to the type of design, tire flower beds are:

  • low;
  • tall;
  • single-tier;
  • multi-tiered;
  • curly;
  • hanging;
  • round.

Round flower beds made from wheels are the easiest option to implement. All that is required to organize a flower garden is to take tires, paint them in any colors, fill them with soil and plant the plants.

Interesting. To obtain interesting composition from a material such as a tire, you can paint the wheel material in bright colors and, laying them on top of each other, form high flower beds.

As for multi-level structures, they are created from tires various diameters. They are placed on top of each other according to the principle of a toy pyramid (in order of decreasing size) and filled with soil. This design is perfect for planting hanging plants.

Multi-level tire construction

Hanging flower beds made from tires can be attached different ways: to a pipe, with chains or a rope to a tree branch, etc. Just first remember to cover the bottom of the improvised flowerpot with some material.

Step by step instructions

Before you start making a flower bed from tires, you should decide on the dimensions and design.

Flowerbed in the shape of a flower

DIY flower beds made from tires look very stylish. To work, you will need a tire, a sharp knife capable of cutting thick rubber, and a marker (or chalk).

Flowerbeds in the shape of a flower The manufacturing work is carried out as follows:

  1. Marker marks the cut points.
  2. Cut the tire around the circumference in the shape of zigzag petals (oval, semicircular or triangular).
  3. Turn the tire over and, moving the knife along the thickening, reverse side tires cut out a circle.
  4. Along the circumference inside the tire, transverse cuts are made at a distance of 20 to 25 cm from one another, starting from the cut edge to the end of the tread.
  5. All you have to do is turn the tire out, and the flowerbed structure is ready.

Flowerbed in the shape of a flower

Then you need to paint the product in beautiful colour, fill with soil and plant flowers. Oil paint is best. Other types of paint may peel.

Flowerpot from an old wheel

Flowerpot from an old wheel

Another interesting master class that will be useful is dedicated to making a stylish garden vase from a worn out wheel. To work, you need to prepare a tire that still has a disk, a knife and a marker. Then proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. A zigzag line is marked along the circumference of the tire, along which it will then be necessary to cut.
  2. They cut the tire. To make cutting easier, it is recommended to periodically dip the knife in machine oil.
  3. Turn the tire inside out. It is better to turn it out together and in parts.
  4. The flowerpot is ready. All that remains is the same painting work.

Important! Before pouring soil into such a vase, you must remember to put a gasket on the bottom, in which small holes should be provided to remove excess water after watering.

Daisy flower bed made from tires

This is another simple and interesting option How to quickly make a flower bed in the form of daisies from a wheel. To work, you will need several tires and a sharp knife. In general, the work will take no more than half an hour. The step-by-step process is as follows:

  1. All tires are cut in half.
  2. A flower-shaped fence is formed.
  3. They fill up the soil and plant the plants.

Form the chamomile core from flowers. Alternatively, it can be in the shape of a circle, made of a material such as a plastic bottle (bottoms up) or stone.

Daisy flower bed made from tires

If you approach the process of creating flower beds from tires creatively, original ideas will not keep you waiting. Answers to questions: is it worth using additionally? plastic material How and with what to paint the wheels for a flower bed and what to ultimately plant in a flower garden will be found along the way.

Flowerpot parrot

To create an original flowerpot in the shape of a parrot from an old wheel, you will need the following materials:

  • tire with shallow radial tread;
  • a strip of iron for a clamp;
  • washers, nut, bolt;
  • spanners;
  • drill.

Flowerpot parrot

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. Using a knife, make symmetrical cuts in the tire 2/3 along the bead ring.
  2. The side part and tread are cut at a distance of 1/3. On the larger side they separate side part through a triangular cutout.
  3. The tire is turned inside out.
  4. The bird's beak is cut out from the side.
  5. A smaller part of the tire is cut along its entire length (the cut should be slightly larger than the size of the future beak).
  6. Using a clamp, insert the beak and compress the halves.
  7. Drill a hole with a drill.
  8. The head halves are tightened with washers, nuts and bolts. (To make the head narrower than the body, part of the tire must be cut off).
  9. A tail is cut out on the larger side of the tire.
  10. Paint the workpiece.
  11. A clamp is made from an iron strip, which is used to tighten the sides of the flowerpot (alternatively, an ordinary rope can be used).
  12. Color the parrot completely.
  13. Hang the pots on a rope or screw them with wire to a horizontal structure.

How to turn a tire out

It will take some effort to turn the tire inside out. To make the work easier, it is recommended to make large cuts - up to the tread. First, turn one side out, then, slightly flattening the tire into an oval, do this completely.

If you still don’t have enough strength, you should cut the part of the flowerbed opposite the petals in a circle to remove the steel cord. The truth in in this case there is a risk that the structure will not hold its shape well enough.

Tire work

How to cut a tire

You will need a sharp knife to cut the tire. First, a small hole is made in the tire. Then they insert it into cutting tool and cut the material according to pre-made markings. The knife should be periodically dipped in water or machine oil. This will greatly simplify the task.

How to paint wheels for a flowerbed

When the structure is ready, all that remains is to paint it. To do this, the surface is completely degreased (for example, with acetone or white spirit) and allowed to dry.

The surface can be additionally primed, but this condition is not mandatory, since even without this the paint adheres to the rubber quite well. The painting process itself is no different from similar work at another facility.

Planting flowers and care rules

Having figured out the question of how to make a tire from a car wheel and how to cut and cover everything correctly, it’s time to understand what is best to plant in a flowerbed made of tires. There are, of course, no clear instructions as to which flower is best to place in flower beds made from DIY tires.

Tire with flowers

Nasturtiums look no less bright. But when planting this flower in flower beds made from tires, you should remember that the crop does not tolerate transplantation very well. Accordingly, on permanent place For growth, nasturtium should be placed in the form of swollen seeds or ready-made seedlings in peat cups.

In addition, you can plant marigolds, verbena, violas and other not too fancy flowers.

It is allowed to plant perennials in homemade flowerpots. These can be chrysanthemums, carnations, daisies, decorative onions and much more.

The main condition is that flowers planted in tires must be unpretentious and require minimal care.

No matter how interesting the idea is, and no matter what type of flowers are planted in the impromptu flower garden, the structure itself should be placed in such a way that access to it remains free. This will allow the plants to be properly cared for. Only in this case will the use of tires as flower beds be justified.

As for caring for flowers, it largely depends on what exactly is planted, and does not differ from the manipulations performed with a similar plant planted in open ground or flower pot.

Concluding the conversation about how you can make a flowerbed out of a wheel, it is worth noting what constructive solution as part of the creation landscape design has a number of undoubted advantages:

  • durability of the flower bed;
  • good tolerance to temperature changes;
  • almost zero financial costs;
  • high level of aesthetics.

Rubber is a very pliable material, and the question should not be how to make a flower bed from a tire (especially since it is very easy), but which version of the flower bed from the many is best to make.

Old worn out car tires found an unexpected use: they make original flower beds. You can simply put the tire in the flower garden, fill inner space earth and plant flower seedlings. Can you apply creativity and create an interesting composition from several rubber tires. If you use your imagination, an interesting plot with animals, birds, insects or kitchen utensils will appear in the front garden.

What types of flowerbeds are there from tires?

Create a sophisticated landscape from rubber tires It’s difficult, but it’s quite possible to revive a flower garden, make it more well-groomed and interesting. Which flowerbed to arrange depends on the number of tires, their size and free space.

Types of flower beds from car tires:

Tires can be used as an independent flower bed or as a part of a large flower garden, for example, a mixborder. They are placed in advance in a certain order, not necessarily symmetrical, and vegetation is planted both inside and between the tires.

How to make chamomile

Flower- the most popular type of flower bed from old tire. To create a chamomile you will need 5-6 tires same size and 1 slightly larger (or smaller) diameter. In the area where the flower garden is being set up, identical tires are laid out in such a way as to form a closed circle of the correct shape. After this, a large tire is placed on top of them, in the center. It is outlined with chalk and removed. As a result, a chalk mark is left on the lower parts, along which trimming is carried out. It is advisable to cut off only the upper sidewall and tread area, leaving the lower sidewall.

After this, the trimmed parts of the “daisy” are again laid in a circle (with the uncut side to the ground), and the middle tire is placed in the center. The end result is a flower consisting of a center and petals. All that remains is to pour soil inside the flowerbed and plant flowers. You can plant flowers in the center yellow color(nasturtium, tagetes), and around the edges white petunia, alyssum, or other low-growing annuals.

If you don’t have enough tires, you can halve them!


To do flowerpot, you will need to turn the tire inside out. Since this work is not easy, this should be done by a person with sufficient physical strength, or by inviting someone to help. The tire is laid flat on a flat surface, and markings are made on the side. It’s easier to do it by preparing a template from thick paper in advance. A stencil cut in the shape of triangles or semicircles is pressed tightly onto the rubber and outlined with chalk. According to the markings, using a sharp knife with a comfortable handle, the petals are cut out, and the cut part is set aside.

Advice. The width of the petals should not be less than 10 cm, otherwise the flowerpot will become deformed over time.

The tire is turned over with the cut side down and the process of “fighting” with it begins. Having stepped on the edge of the tire with your foot, you need to grab the cut edge of the workpiece with both hands and forcefully pull it up and towards you.

When the convex part turns out, you should try to hold it so that it does not return to its original position. Things will get easier after completing half the circle.

Dirt accumulates inside the tire, and it is easier to wash it off when it is on the outside, that is, when the tire is turned out. After drying, the flowerpot is painted, set in place and filled with soil.

Video instruction:


Gaining experience in creating simple designs from tires, you can proceed to more complex products, for example, making a swan. The first stage is marking. The reality of the bird depends on how correctly it is performed. Most of the lines are drawn on the working path of the wheel: the tail, body, head and beak of the bird. Fenders are drawn on the sides of the tire.

It is recommended to start cutting out the swan with the longest straight lines. Thanks to this, when they remain small parts, most of the rubber will be cut off, and the “jewelry” work will be easier to complete. You should also be careful in particularly critical areas (neck, wing feathers, beak) so as not to make the wrong movement and spoil the workpiece.

It is much easier to turn out a tire with a carved swan than a flowerpot. The main thing is not to use too much force and not tear off any part.

All parts of the bird are in steady state except for the long neck. To prevent it from falling, holes are made along its entire length at intervals of 5 cm, metal brackets are inserted into them, after which a thick wire is pulled between the brackets and the rubber (a wire rod can be used).

The wire is bent in the desired position to make the bird's neck look graceful. Finally, the swan is painted suitable color: White black. Naturally, the beak should be red.

Video instruction:


2-3 tires placed one on top of the other will turn into a cup if you make a handle on one of the sides.

A strip 5-8 cm wide is cut out of the tread, one end is bolted to the bottom tire, and the other to the top. The cup is installed on a pre-cut side of the tire, like on a saucer. A teapot is made using this principle, but you also need to attach a spout to it.

To make teaware more realistic, you can use tires different diameters, and cut off the side part on the upper parts. Cups with a teapot are painted accordingly: with large polka dots, Gzhel, with floral patterns.

Whether or not to plant flowers inside depends on the situation. If there are enough other flower beds in the garden, it is better to leave the dishes as is, and when there is little space for a flower bed, they can be made in cups.

Any tires are suitable for making garden figures: summer, winter, domestic, foreign, but not new. If the tire is in the process of being manufactured garden figure will turn out, you should choose the most worn out protectors. The lack of relief and abrasion of the rubber makes cutting the material much easier. In addition, such a tire is easier to turn out.

Tips for beginners:

The rubber of car tires is reinforced with nylon or steel cord. Nylon is cut with a knife, but for cutting metal you should prepare metal scissors or a grinder.

The marking will help you recognize what type of cord is in the wheel: if it is marked “steel”, then there is metal inside.

A flowerbed in the shape of a daisy, a swan and a flowerpot are the most common crafts made from car tires. But besides these, there are many other ideas. You can make any animal whose body even vaguely resembles a circle or oval.

Turtle. A tread is cut out of a small tire and divided into 4 equal parts. Each of them is inserted into slots on a tire that imitates the body of a turtle - these will be the animal’s paws. The tail is made from a small rubber scrap, and the head is made from a plastic bottle.

The turtle is painted, the eyes and mouth of the animal are drawn on the bottle, and a straw hat is put on the head.

Hedgehog. It is easier to create than a turtle, since it is not necessary to make paws.

A small tire is painted in grey colour, a part of the bottle with the neck is glued to one side and the animal’s face is drawn on it. Plants with narrow, needle-like leaves, such as cypress spurge, are planted inside the tire.

Spider. It is made according to the same principle as the turtle. The difference is that the tires for the paws are cut not into 4 parts, but in half (you need to take 4 tires to get 8 legs). The “face” is drawn directly on the tire, which simplifies the process of making the figure.

You can make any figurine for the garden: a frog, a bunny, a dog. Other birds are also made using the same principle as a swan: parrots, chickens, ducks.

Hanging flowerbed parrot

Rubber needs to be replaced every 50–60 thousand kilometers. Used tires can be returned to a collection point for pennies. And it can be used as a basis for creative experiments. The donut shape is ideal for creating a flower bed. If you use your imagination, you can create stunning multi-level structures.

Where to get tires in sufficient quantities

For old tires, go to your neighbors in the garage cooperative or to the nearest tire shop. Unfortunately, suitable material can also be found in natural landfills. Under natural conditions, rubber decomposes for more than 100 years! Take your used tires to work - this way you will make your contribution to caring for the environment!

What tires are best for crafts?

  • When choosing between domestic and imported tires, give preference to the second. Foreign-made products are softer and easier to cut. Famous foreign brands: Michelin, Yokohama, Hankook.
  • Rubber intended for use in winter conditions is often more pliable than summer tires. It is easy to cut and process.
  • The longer a tire is used and the more wear it wears, the thinner and softer it is. This means it will be easier to work with. Sometimes you will have to not only cut, but also turn out the rubber.

The tread pattern has almost worn off - driving on such tires is unsafe, but they are ideal for creativity

What else will you need for work?

  1. Reliable, sharp knife.
  2. An electric drill for drilling holes in rubber for a knife to fit into.
  3. Grinder or file.
  4. Electric jigsaw.
  5. Wire brush for removing dirt.
  6. Chalk or marker for marking.
  7. Primer, PVA, degreaser, machine oil for lubrication.
  8. Rigid wire with a diameter of 5–6 mm, plastic clamps.
  9. Roulette.

It is convenient to carry out the work with gloves. Regular cotton items from the hardware store will do. Gloves will protect the skin of your hands from dirt, scratches, and small cuts.

How to paint a tire

Choosing paint for rubber is an important and responsible decision. The coverage, brightness, durability of the coating depends on appearance and service life of the finished object. In principle, all automotive paints and compositions for outdoor finishing work are suitable.

Best options:

  • Aerosols have high penetrating ability. With their help you can evenly paint even the most hard to reach places. In order for the paint to be distributed evenly, the can must be kept at a distance of 30–40 cm from the surface to be painted. The drawing dries on average within a day.
  • Universal rubber paints (For example, Rezel+) are easy to mix. Polymerizes in an hour (at room temperature), completely harden and gain maximum strength after a day. Subsequently, they are not afraid of exposure to moisture or sudden temperature changes.

It is convenient to apply liquid paints with a large brush or sponge. Permanent markers are useful for drawing fine lines.

  • The first step to creating a craft is preparing the material. Thoroughly clean the surface of dirt, and immediately before priming and painting, degrease.
  • An excellent knife for rubber - sharp, with a thin spine. How to check sharpening? Swipe notebook sheet along the blade. A well-sharpened knife will cut paper like a razor.
  • Lubricate the knife blade while cutting the tire. machine oil- work will go easier and faster.
  • Before cutting out figured elements, do not be lazy to apply markings. Based on the eye or the tread pattern, you can bevel the line and ruin the part.
  • Before painting the tire, prime the surface. Primer with a small amount PVA will enhance the strength of the coating and reduce paint consumption. Quick-drying compounds harden in 6–7 hours, conventional solutions require 10–12 hours.

Want to unusual flower bed? Decorative finishing for tires can be found literally under your feet. For example, the surface can be covered with beautiful stones or smooth pebbles, cones, pieces of colored tiles or lids from plastic bottles. Small fragments stick well to a primed surface using Moment glue.

Multi-tiered compositions

Imagine that tires are construction parts. Now come up with compositions from them: pyramids, turrets and other figures. To prevent the earth from waking up, geotextile inserts are placed on the bottom of the tires located on the upper tiers. Don't forget to make holes for water drainage.

Photo gallery: multi-tiered flower beds made from tires

For a flowerbed of tires, choose durable and unpretentious flowers: marigolds, phlox, marigolds. Old textured rubber also has decorative properties head ladybug can be made from an old bucket or canister, antennae - from knitting needles Use tires of large and small sizes, with different tread patterns
From three tires of the same diameter, a pair of planks and a piece roofing material you can make a well. Your favorite cartoon can be a source of inspiration

If you don't like the appearance of your tires, you can trim them with stones.

Stones are fixed to the concrete mixture

Smooth sea pebbles are also good for decoration.

The handle can be made from a separate piece of tire

You can cut different parts from tires. Then “assembling the construction set” becomes an even more exciting activity.

Photo gallery: prefabricated flower beds made from tires

The flowerbed is made in the shape of an oval. To create a daisy flowerbed, just cut three tires in half. The parts can be fixed with construction staples

Flowerbed made from tires

Chamomile from a tire is independent model, and a basic part of many designs. Flowerbeds can be arranged in a row to decorate the approach to the house or a relaxation area.

1. Apply markings to the rubber.

The lines go from thickening to thickening

2. Before cutting the tire, you need to make sure that there are no metal cords inside. In regular tires passenger cars They are not present, but may be present in truck tires.

Petals can be triangular, semicircular, square

3. Cut off the side on the opposite side.

We make transverse cuts to the beginning of the tread, every 20 - 25 cm

4. Turn the part inside out.

Inside the product you can make a bottom from geofabric

5. All that remains is to paint the flowerbed!

A flower bed can be placed on a “pedestal”

Photo gallery: compositions based on the basic flowerbed-flower scheme

The flower is assembled from two tires, the lower petals are fixed using construction staples. Two tires were used for the design, one was cut along a zigzag line. The turtle's head is sculpted from a plaster mixture on a wire frame.

Flowerbed-bowl made of tires with a disk

1. Mark a zigzag cutting line along the entire frontal circumference of the tire.

Thanks to the triangular petals, the flowerpot will look like a large flower

2. We begin to cut out the part along the contour.

Don't forget to sharpen your knife well before work!

3. Check to see if there are any uncut areas left. And we “turn out” the workpiece slowly, piece by piece.

It is easier to do the work together with an assistant

4. If there is a tube in the wheel, it must be carefully cut out.

We remove everything unnecessary; we definitely won’t need the tire for the flowerbed

5. The bowl is ready!

To make flower beds you will need:

  • chalk or marker to mark the drawing;
  • a sharp knife with a thick blade;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • extension;
  • set of files;
  • any, including used, machine oil.

Preparing for work

With the help of worn-out tires you can make original flowerbed at no extra cost

First of all, carefully examine lateral surface tires. Special attention pay attention to the fine print. You need to look for the word "steel" or make sure it isn't there.

The presence of this word indicates that the tire is reinforced with steel wire, so you will need a fine-tooth metal file.

If there is no inscription, the tire is reinforced with nylon, and to work with it you need to insert a large-tooth file for soft wood into a jigsaw. It is easier to saw rubber with a large-toothed saw, because you have to put in less effort.

Most often, steel wire is used to reinforce tires. trucks, but you still need to check the tire so as not to dull the file.

If you have not only a tire, but also a disk for it, you can make two types of flower beds - low and high.

The cutting technology is the same, the difference is in some nuances of marking and the method of “turning out” the tire. Moreover, it is necessary to determine what kind of flower bed you will make before you start applying the markings.

How to plant and care for club begonia is described in.


When applying markings, try to draw even, symmetrical lines and do not make the widest part of the flowerbed petals narrower than 7 centimeters. Less wide petals are much more difficult to cut because the rubber is not stiff enough to handle normal pressure with a jigsaw and file.

Regardless of whether you want to make a low flowerbed, low or high, the marking must be divided into three stages:

  • marking a small (inner) circle;
  • marking the large (outer circle);
  • marking the teeth (petals).

A small circle is marked 3–5 cm from the edge rim, if it is not there, then 5–7 cm from the side ring (place to install the disk). This is necessary to avoid damage to the file on the disc and to remove thin and overly flexible sections of the tire.

To draw an even circle, take the chalk with your thumb and forefinger, press your little finger against the rim (if you are marking a tire without a rim, then wrap your little finger around the bead ring of the wheel) and move the chalk or marker along the wheel. This will allow you to use the disk or ring as a guide so you can draw a neat and even inner circle.

We mark the tire like this

If the size of the petals is less than 7 cm, then the large circle is marked as described above. For taller petals, mark as above, but hold the top of the tire with your little finger, or use a tape measure to mark the perimeter of the outer circle. The distance between the marks is 5–15 cm. After making the marks, draw a circle along them.

Petals can be marked either by eye or using a tape measure. The shape of the petals is limited only by your imagination. These could be triangles, waves, sine waves, oblique teeth, squares, slits, or anything else you can think of.

Tire cutting

Before you start cutting, think again about what kind of flower bed you want to have. Once you cut the tire, you will not be able to make changes to the design and appearance of the flowerbed.

Using a sharp knife, cut along the side of the wheel along any line. Then insert the required file into the jigsaw and lubricate it with machine oil. Connect the jigsaw through the extension cord to an outlet, then insert the saw into the slot in the tire. Turn on the jigsaw and start cutting the wheel.

Follow safety rules when cutting tires

Please note that cutting a tire is a difficult and time-consuming task that requires compliance with safety rules:

  1. Try not to hold the tire with your hand on the cutting line close to the jigsaw. If the file breaks or pops out of the slot, you will injure your hand. While cutting, press the jigsaw forward firmly, but smoothly, without sudden jerks.
  2. If you have enough strength, then instead of a jigsaw you can cut tires sharp knife with a thick (at least 4 mm) blade. But this cutting method is not applicable for steel-reinforced tires.
  3. Start each cut only after you have lowered the knife into the tire to a depth of 2-3 cm and cut only by moving the knife down. This will help you avoid cuts and more serious injuries.

Turning the tire out

After cutting both sides of the wheel, you need to turn the tire out. This operation requires quite a lot of strength and dexterity, so it may not work the first time.

If it doesn’t work, don’t despair, try again after a while or ask someone stronger to turn it inside out.

It is better to ask someone strong enough to turn the tire out

When turning the tire, do not be afraid of damaging it. Tire even from passenger car designed for loads that cannot be created by hand.

As a result, we should end up with something like this:

An inverted tire is almost ready flowerbed

Find out, .

We grow, plant and care for sedum.

Painting flower beds

If you have a spray gun, it is advisable to paint the inside out tire before installation. After all, with the help of a spray gun you will not only paint the new flowerbed, but also touch the adjacent soil.

If you only have brushes, then it makes no difference whether you paint before or after installation.

For painting, use nitro enamels or alkyd paints.

Wipe the surface of the turned-out tire with a dry, clean cloth to remove dust and remaining rubber shavings. Then degrease with white spirit, solvent “646” or acetone. When the liquid is dry, paint with a brush or spray gun.

If desired, the flower beds can not only be covered with paint of the same color, but also pictures or drawings can be painted.

The appearance of the flower bed can be anything, it all depends on your imagination and the design of the site

For ideas for decorating a flowerbed made of tires, see the photo in the gallery:

Very often, gardeners accumulate things at their summer cottage that are a pity to throw away, and it is not clear what to do with them so that they serve a second life. However, it’s worth imagining a little, and the garden plot will be decorated beautiful flower beds from tires and other available materials. And old tires that have already served their useful life can help in decorating flower beds.

How to make beautiful flower beds from old car rubber tires and how to paint them will be discussed below.

We select and prepare tires for making flower beds with our own hands

Old car tires will be soft after a long period of use and will be easier to shape into the desired shape. You can ask your neighbors for tires - motorists who do not need them. You can also pick up used car tires at service stations, since they would otherwise simply be thrown into a landfill. And if you have the opportunity to choose between domestic and imported tires, then it is better to make flower beds from imported tires. Because tires from foreign manufacturers are much softer, so it’s easier to give them various shapes, turn out, etc.

Dirty tires should first be cleaned of as much dirt and sand as possible. After all, with pure material and it’s more pleasant to work with, and the blades of the knives will become dull faster when working with tires dirty with mud and sand.

Stages of creating a flower bed from tires

Before making a flowerpot or flowerpot from an old tire, you should carefully consider its appearance: in the shape of a bowl, which will have smooth edges, a flowerbed, whose edges will be cut off by waves, or a vase in the shape of a flower with petals and fringe.

You can come up with any shape for tires, but it usually always comes in the form of a “pan-lid”: the bottom of such a flower bed will be deep, and the top must be cut off. The contours of the cut can be easily drawn with ordinary chalk.

If the owners decided to make a flower bed from an old tire, then along the edge of the product they should draw the contours of the petals with chalk, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. Each petal should not be more than 12 cm. If the petals are made larger, it will be impossible to turn the tire out, and the shape of the flowerbed will be uneven.

When the tire is cut along the contour, then the tires need to be cut along the grooves in the longitudinal direction (the distance between such cuts is up to 10 cm).

In order to create a flowerpot from a tire on a leg, first turn the tire inside out. Many gardeners don't get this right the first time. In fact, it is not easy to turn a tire out this way.

Metal cord is usually cut with a grinder in several places. This saw cuts rubber smoothly. Cuts are made across the entire surface of the tire at an equal distance from each other (about 15 cm). And only then can you start turning the tire out. It should be remembered that it is difficult to turn out only the first piece of the tire; then it will be much easier to turn out the product.

How to make a flower bed from tires with your own hands (video)

How to cut a tire for a flower bed: options and technology

Any tool used to cut car tires must be well sharpened. Old tires can be cut with a shoe knife. To facilitate the cutting process, the blade of such a knife is lubricated with liquid soap.

It’s great if it’s possible to use for cutting coatings jigsaw. Using this tool, you can cut out various shapes and crafts from wheels.

To cut metal discs, you need to use a saw – a grinder.

Tires can be cut in different ways, depending on the shape of the future flower bed. You can cut the tires in half, or cut off only the top part.

How and with what to paint tires for a flower bed

However, it is not enough to give old tire unusual shape. After all, black or dirty-gray flowerpots look ugly against the general background garden plot. Therefore, it is necessary to paint the outer part of the flowerpots, which were made from wheeled ramps.

To paint these rubber products, use any type of paint:

  • oil;
  • enamel;
  • nitro-enamel.

If the outer part of the tires is clean, then the paint will lie evenly on it, and will last on the tires for more than one season. You can use car paint to decorate flowerpots.

Craftsmen use it for painting work aerosol cans with paint. In this case, you can paint all the prepared flower beds from car tires in a short period of time. It is better to use light shades of paint when painting tires - in this case, the soil inside the tires heats up less.

Most often, gardeners paint only outer part tires However, it is much more aesthetically pleasing to paint the tire with inside(at least its upper part).

Decor options

There can be a great variety of design options for flower beds made from car tires - it all depends on the imagination of the owners and the availability of different paint colors.

Can be combined various colors, as well as shades. Moreover, you can paint the lower part of the flowerbed with a darker paint, and the upper part with a lighter one. You can apply an ornament of a different shade to the main color. However, do not try too hard when painting the tires - when the flowers grow, they can completely cover the outer part of the flowerbed.

Some craftsmen do not stop only at painting such flower beds - they can stick glass pebbles onto the petals of tires, creating the effect of dew.

The right combination flowers when painting flower beds from car tires, which is “consonant” color scheme Plants planted in such flower beds will give the garden plot a unique flavor.

How to make a swan from a tire with your own hands (video)

Original ideas for decorating a flower garden made from car tires

When decorating flower beds with car tires, you shouldn’t hold back your imagination. After all, from old tires you can build not only flower beds, but... Tires can be used in manufacturing garden swing, armchairs and ottomans, various decorations for the garden plot, hedges and much more.

  • Tires can be cut in half and dug around a flower bed or along a path, separating the flower planting area from the garden path. These tires can be painted in various colors, and can also be painted, for example, with flowers or.
  • You can install the main tire with petals cut out in the upper part on a pedestal of several tires placed on top of each other and painted in different colors.
  • Flowerpots made from tires, mounted on legs like stools, look original. You can install a smaller tire on the lower tire filled with soil, and plant flowers around the circumference in the lower tire, and in the upper one place flowers throughout the entire space of the flower bed.
  • Craftsmen carve various birds or animals from tires, planting flowering plants in the inside of such flower beds.
  • Tires look interesting - flower beds suspended or screwed to the wall of a house or utility room.

If the garden plot is small, then it is more appropriate to place flower beds made of car tires, carved in the shape of a frog, a beautiful swan, a carriage from a fairy tale, a bright firebird or an exotic parrot. But on a large lawn, flower beds made in several tiers or structures made vertically will look better.

A pile of car tires

Slides made from waste tires look original. The height of such slides depends only on the imagination of the site owners. Small slides made from several tires look beautiful, installed in a checkerboard pattern on top of each other. Moreover, in each of these tires you can plant various varieties colors.

The size of such slides, both in width and length, and in height, depends only on the imagination of flower growers and the size of the area allocated for such flower beds.

You can paint tires in such a flower garden either the same way or by combining shades.

What flowers to choose for planting in a tire flower garden

Plant in flower beds made from car tires better flowers, which will delight you with their blooms all season long. Flowers planted in a tire garden are usually unpretentious.

Moreover, you can plant flowering plants of different heights and shades of flowers. You can use climbing flowers.

These can be the following plants:

  • fragrant tobacco;
  • petunias;
  • marigold;
  • forget-me-nots;
  • tuberous begonias;
  • calendula;
  • sunflower;

  • Dianthus Grenoble;
  • Tradescantia;
  • nasturtiums;
  • Phlox awl-shaped.

Free space between flowering plants can be supplemented with fir cones - this decoration looks interesting, but next year such cones have to be replaced with fresh ones.

What can be made from tires (video)

Combining different kinds and varieties of flowers, you can create unusually beautiful compositions in flower beds from old car tires. It all depends only on what colors the gardener wants to see on his site.

Old car tires can be perfectly used to improve general interior garden plot. Most often they are used specifically for decorating flower beds or flower beds. And here everything depends only on the imagination of the owners - and there are a great many options for flower beds from old tires.
