How to make the cheapest bathroom renovation. Budget bathroom renovation - do-it-yourself ideas for decorating it yourself. Economy bathroom renovation: how we can please you

It’s not for nothing that people have a proverb: “Cheap fish means bad fish.” You and I need to find a middle ground so that the bathroom renovation turns out great, and we have to pay a minimum for it. This article will consider budgetary and at the same time good options renovation of a small bathroom.

Before we begin finishing the walls and floor, we need to find out what condition the bathroom is in. Do I need to level the walls? Should I leave the floor in the same condition or should I correct it a little? What is the condition of the ceiling? Having assessed the premises, we draw up a specific work plan and begin its phased implementation.

An economical option for finishing bathroom walls

Don't forget that we are very limited in space. This is not a royal mansion, but a compact room that was built in the era of Nikita Khrushchev or even earlier. This means that for finishing the walls we will choose methods that, to a minimum, “steal” the already modest space in the room.

  • Tip 1. It is better to cover the walls in the bathroom with plaster than to cover them with some kind of plasterboard.
  • Tip 2. What to choose: tiles or wall panels? Of course, the first option, since the panels take up a lot of free space, which is already not enough.

Of course, each case is individual. Well, if you swung at major renovation and you want a nice bathroom, you can sacrifice some free space.

First, you and I will need to clear the walls of old decoration. If it's an old tile, the easiest way is to knock it down with a hammer drill, although you can do it the old fashioned way by picking up a chisel. The paint can be easily cleaned off with a special brush with metal bristles.

After we have removed the finishing, we can safely move on to replacing all communications. Stop at this aspect we won't go into detail. Let us only note that after this you proceed to leveling the walls (if necessary). Of course, there is a more economical option - to cover the bathroom walls with some kind of moisture-resistant plasterboard. Alternatively, you can try cement slabs. Just don’t forget to treat the wall with a good antifungal agent.

Wall painting

This finishing method is the least expensive. In principle, everything is simple here - you chose paint, applied it to the walls, and waited for some time. Even if the paint is not ordinary, but textured, it will still be inexpensive. Wall tiling or paneling costs much more.

Perhaps, the only drawback painting the walls in the bathroom is the final result. He is not even an amateur, he is a rare gourmet. By the way, if you decide to paint the walls, you will need to level them very well, since any curvature will be very noticeable.

Summarize. Painting the walls is the most budget method renovation in the bathroom. It can be recommended to people who operate on a limited budget or are fans of minimalism.

Wall paneling

Wall panels are sometimes called plastic lining. This name is quite understandable. Plastic panels for wall decoration will be offered to you in any, even small hardware store. The economical option has White color, more expensive panels are laminated on the outside. Their cost is not too different from natural wood.

The plating process is as follows. The panels are mounted on a frame, which is wooden beam. Before this, it is treated with all kinds of agents: antifungal, water-repellent, bactericidal. This helps prevent rotting. The frame is attached to the walls using dowels.

Wall panels are glued using “liquid nails” and are easily connected to each other into a lock.

By the way, you can hide a couple of massive boards under the plastic. They are very convenient for screwing in fasteners for numerous shelves and cabinets that you will hang in the bathroom.

To sum it up, paneling your bathroom walls will cost you a little more. Another disadvantage is that it takes up free space in the room. However, this material looks much better than regular painting.

Wall tiling

This finishing method is considered the most practical. Here's a little step-by-step guide:

  • First, markings are applied to the wall to determine the vertical and horizontal lines. Required tools: plumb line, level of sufficient length.
  • On flat wall tile adhesive is applied. To do this, you can use a spatula or a special grater.
  • On adhesive composition grooves will need to be formed. They must have the same depth.
  • The tile is applied to the layer of glue, pressed with your hand as tightly as possible. This way you can lay 3-4 tiles. After this, it is better to pick up a level and check again how correctly and evenly the material was laid. Mistakes made at an early stage of installation are much easier to correct than trying to do it at the end of the renovation.
  • The final stage of finishing will be grouting the joints between the tiles. To do this, you will need to purchase a special composition from a hardware store.

The cheapest option for finishing a bathroom floor

If you renovate the floor from the very beginning, you will need to remove old material. Old screed and trim are removed using a hammer drill. Waterproofing materials laid on top of the cleaned base. A new screed is poured on top.

The most economical and simple covering option is linoleum. Today this material is relatively inexpensive and practical. It is not afraid of moisture and can be easily replaced in case of damage. In addition, if linoleum was laid in the kitchen or living room, you probably have a couple of squares left. You can safely take it and put it in the bathroom.

An alternative estimate for repair work in the bathroom with the involvement of a team of craftsmen

Of course, ideally it is best to buy a waterproof laminate. His modern options are not afraid of moisture and do not swell.

As in the case of walls, the constant classic here was and remains ceramic tile. But even here you can save money. Just don't buy oversized tiles - you'll end up with a lot of unnecessary waste.

Costs for the cheapest bathroom renovation - estimate

  • Removing old plaster – 500-600 rubles
  • Plastering, leveling walls (from 450 rubles per sq. meter)
  • Laying tiles- approximately 400-500 rubles per square meter.
  • Screed on the floor - the same amount.

Prices do not include the cost of the materials themselves. According to the most conservative estimates, renovating a bathroom from scratch will cost you 150 thousand (~$3500-$4000) , if everything is done from scratch, including replacing the door and wiring. It’s great if a person has steady hands and can do at least part of the work on their own. Then the repair really turns out to be economical, really cheap.

Video: economical/budget bathroom renovation

The video briefly and clearly points out the points where you can save a lot of money when renovating a bathroom.

During a crisis, you especially want to save on repairs, but your requests remain the same: beautiful, original, elegant. Like any other renovation, finishing the walls and floors in the bathroom has its own nuances. Take them into account at the planning stage - and you can save more than one thousand rubles, and all work will be completed on time.

A bathroom can be renovated exquisitely, even using the simplest building materials. It is not necessary to buy elite porcelain tiles and lay them on the walls right up to the ceiling, order suspended ceilings, spend money on installing heated floors with marble, it is enough to have a desire to do repairs, the ability to handle tools and a little bit of good taste.

Under the word “budget”, the article will consider finishing options with the most affordable materials:

  • paint and varnish;
  • PVC panels;
  • wallpaper.

In addition, the secret of creating an interior in style will be revealed and it will be proven that brick as a finishing material in the bathroom is not inferior to other materials. After all, “budget renovation” can also be stylish.

DIY wall painting

Painting walls is considered one of the easiest and least expensive finishing methods. It is important to choose the right paint and prepare the surface of the walls.

Advice! Create a design project for your bathroom. It is not recommended to paint absolutely all surfaces; it is advisable to cover the areas near the bathtub and sink with moisture-resistant panels or trim them with an apron made of inexpensive ceramic tiles.

Step 1. Choosing paint for the bathroom

Bathroom paint should have antibacterial properties and be moisture resistant. Otherwise, the appearance of fungus and peeling of the coating cannot be avoided.

Traditional oil paints do not have this advantage, and also quickly become covered with cracks, so it is better to immediately abandon this option.

When choosing shades, remember that bathrooms small area It is inappropriate to paint in dark colors, as visually this will further reduce the space. Do not overdo it with the number of bright spots or complex patterns and their quantity so that the interior does not look vulgar. Soft pastel colors will visually expand the room and fill it with light.

Please note that paints can be matte, glossy or semi-gloss. The best of this variety minor defects on the walls it is matte enamels that hide, while on glossy surfaces drops and streaks are clearly visible. However, if you cannot make a choice, consider a combination of glossy and matte surfaces. This technique will make your bathroom modern and stylish without significant costs.

bathroom paint

Step 2. Preparing the walls for painting

Don’t forget to remove all the furniture from the bathroom, remove the mirrors, cover the faucets with masking tape, and cover the plumbing fixtures with film or newspaper, because preparing the walls for painting is the dirtiest and most time-consuming stage.

You should not apply new layers of paint over the old peeling one, nothing good will come of it. If you have a drill in your arsenal, get a couple of sanding attachments for it and clean off the old paintwork from the walls. Remember safety precautions.

You can remove paint using thermal methods, for example, using a torch or a hair dryer. Heat a section of the wall and scrape off the peeling coating with a narrow spatula.

When all old paint will be removed from the walls, it is necessary to seal cracks and potholes, knock down protrusions.

Step 3. Preparing materials and tools

Prepare paint and tools, follow manufacturer's instructions. To apply paint you will need a roller, brushes, if you have a spray gun - great. Before purchasing, measure the area of ​​the surfaces to be coated and adjust the amount of material taking into account the volume. For high-quality painting It is better to apply two layers, keep this in mind when purchasing.

Step 4. Preparing the workplace

Clear the work area near the walls of unnecessary objects; if you are not going to redo the flooring, then cover it with film or paper. Carefully protect the bathtub and sink from contamination.

Start your work from the most inconspicuous corner, in this place you can learn the properties of the paint in practice and, if necessary, dilute it to the optimal consistency. We recommend painting the walls with a roller, and using a brush to treat only hard-to-reach areas, corners and borders of joints of different colors. Panels in the bathroom are still in fashion; if you plan to make them, mark the height on the wall and draw a horizontal line.

Step 5. Start coloring

Apply a deep penetration primer to the wall. It will not only improve the appearance, but also increase the durability of the coating and reduce the likelihood of paint peeling.

Apply a second coat of primer over the first and wait 24 hours

Pour a portion of paint into a special plastic tray for rollers. Dip the roller into it, turn it several times, remove excess paint on a horizontal surface.

Practical advice. To minimize the chance of paint getting on the floor, give the roller a spinning motion before blowing it out of the tray.

Step 6. Painting technology

Start painting from top to bottom, this method reduces the likelihood of drips forming, they are immediately smeared, and the roller “rolls” over them. Paint carefully, do not allow any omissions. Don't be upset if the first coat looks ugly, this is expected. The fact is that there are areas on the wall with old and new plaster, remnants of un-removed coating, etc. They all absorb paint differently, which is reflected in the appearance. The second layer will fix all the problems, finishing coat will be monochromatic.

Paint in small areas, correct difficult areas immediately with a brush. The paint should smooth out lint marks on its own. If this does not happen, add solvent to it. Pay attention, so that he is conscientious, read the instructions for use. If in doubt, test the solvent for compatibility with a small volume of material; if the paint has curled, change the solvent.

It is advisable to apply the second layer when the first one is not completely dry, this increases the adhesion coefficient between them. It’s easy to check the readiness of the surface - run your fingertips along it, they should not get dirty, but only “creak” a little.

If you are making a multi-colored panel, then you need to paint the surface in the second color only after applying two layers of the first. In this case, start working from the top of the wall; the panel is finished last. This way you will be protected from paint getting onto finished areas. Apply masking tape along the border line. Make sure that the paint does not flow under it; paint only with a brush, moving in the direction opposite to the tape. Never apply tape to paint that is not completely dry, this is very important. If you glue it to a freshly painted surface, then during removal it is likely that part of the paint will be removed along with it, and you will have to redo everything.

Wall decoration with PVC panels

The cost is slightly more expensive than the first method, but in terms of design indicators it is much better. And the preparatory work is greatly simplified; there is no need to remove old coatings, level the walls and seal cracks in them. The sheathing for the panels can be made from wooden slats or special plastic profiles with clips. We recommend using the second option. The cost of plastic additional elements has almost no effect on the cost of repairs, and the work is greatly simplified. In addition, the plastic profile is not afraid of moisture, which is very important for bathrooms. Wooden slats need to be impregnated with antiseptics - an additional waste of time.

Calculate the number of panels needed, make a reserve of 5–10%. If you have little experience, but the bathroom has a lot engineering communications, to close which you will need to trim the panels, then take a reserve of 10%. At the same time, estimate the number of starting profiles, external and inner corners. They are sold at a standard price, cost a penny, and there is no need to save money.

Step 1. Installation of the sheathing

The panels are arranged vertically, the sheathing must be made horizontal. The distance between the planks is 50–60 cm. Make markings on the wall, making sure that the lines are parallel. The sheathing is fixed with dowels, drill holes with a drill and hammer drill, use drills with pobedite tips. To prevent the floor from getting dirty construction dust, cover the area near the wall with film or paper. Once all the holes are made, remove it immediately. Don’t leave cleaning for later; practice shows that no matter how carefully you work, garbage will definitely spread throughout the bathroom.

Make the holes a few centimeters deeper than the length of the plastic part of the dowels, otherwise you will not be able to insert them all the way, dust will interfere. First, drill the two outer holes, attach the profile, then fix it in several more places. The horizontal distance between the dowels is 60–70 cm.

How to fix elements in one plane?

  1. Check the condition of the wall with a plumb line, Special attention Pay attention to the places where plastic profiles or slats are attached.
  2. Fix the two outer elements below the level and re-check their position. If there are large recesses where the profiles are attached, then use pads made of various materials. The dowels must attract the profile along the entire plane; there cannot be a gap between it and the wall at the attachment point.
  3. Stretch ropes between them, two at the ends of the profiles or slats are enough.
  4. Install all other profiles under the rope; use it to control the position of the slats.

Step 2. Installation of plastic panels

Take measurements of the wall in at least three places. If they have a spread of no more than a centimeter, then the work is noticeably simplified - all panels can be cut to size at the same time. To do this, you need to find out the shortest one and use it to cut all the others. Stack the panels in stacks of 5–10 pieces. on flat plane and use a grinder with a metal disc to cut it off. A discrepancy of up to one centimeter will be hidden by the ceiling and floor profile. It is installed at the top between the wall and the stream and at the bottom at the junction of the wall and the floor. Place plastic corners on the sides.

Take exact measurements last panel, cut it lengthwise. Can be cut assembly knife or Bulgarian. If you use a knife, the operation must be done in two stages. First, cut the top and transverse stiffeners. Second - bend the panel, at the bend on the second side, use a mounting knife to completely cut off the required part.

Finish the remaining walls in the same way. Practice shows that it is better to make the area near the bathtub from ceramic tiles. You don’t have to cover the entire wall, just an apron. The main thing is to close the area that constantly gets water during water procedures.

Video - Installation of PVC plastic panels in the bathroom

Video - Finishing bathroom walls in 1 day with plastic panels. Inexpensive DIY bathroom renovation

Wallpapering walls

For wallpapering, you can use only waterproof types. This finishing method has a number of undeniable advantages.

  1. Low cost allows you to have exclusive and reliable coverage with small material losses.
  2. High technology. Among all possible ways decorating the walls in the bathroom, wallpapering is the simplest. The work is completed within a few hours, the room can be used for its intended purpose the very next day.
  3. It is possible to frequently change the design of the premises. In some cases, re-pasting can be done without removing the old one - the repair time is significantly reduced and the amount of construction waste is minimized.

Disadvantage: in terms of physical strength, wallpaper is inferior to traditional materials. But, if you behave carefully and avoid mechanical damage, the period can be calculated in many years. In addition, defects on wallpaper can be easily eliminated; after pasting there will always be a small amount of material left. Don't throw it away, keep it “just in case” for repairs.

Which wallpaper to choose for a bathroom

It goes without saying that only waterproof ones. When purchasing, pay attention to physical strength, and it depends on the material of manufacture.

Wallpaper typeBrief performance indicators
The most modern, characterized by high performance mechanical strength, may have prolonged direct contact with water. Available in a wide range color solutions, can be plain or with various patterns and ornaments, with a structured or smooth front surface. Disadvantages - relatively high price, the need to use special glue.
Cheaper segment operational characteristics inferior to vinyl. It is recommended to use in areas of the wall that are not exposed to splashes of water.
They are made from a special polymer film and have a huge amount design solutions. Disadvantages - relatively high price and complexity of finishing. In addition, they can only be used on perfectly flat surfaces.

How to glue wallpaper correctly so that you don’t have to constantly re-glue the peeling areas?

Step 1. Surface preparation

Most important point production of work, of course, not counting the right choice wallpaper The linearity parameters of the wall affect not only the appearance of the wall, which is very important, of course. On uneven wall It is even theoretically impossible to glue waterproof wallpaper. This means that there will definitely be air pockets and other places where the wallpaper is not glued. While using the bathroom, these areas constantly increase in size, and this continues until the peeling becomes noticeable. Repair will be required; perfectly aligning the wallpaper after repair is quite difficult, and in some cases impossible. What are the requirements for the wall surface?

Surfaces must be primed in two layers, this increases the reliability of adhesion and serves additional protection from moisture penetration.

Calculate the surface area, make a small reserve. Each roll of wallpaper is indicated on the length, width and total area. Use this information when purchasing materials. Do the same when choosing glue.

Step 2. Algorithm for gluing vinyl wallpaper

Measure the height and width of the wall, cut the required number of strips. The stripes, depending on the pattern, can be applied end-to-end or overlapping. Cut with a small margin in length, it will then be removed with a knife, the uneven cut will be buried in the ceiling and floor skirting boards.

Practical advice. It is most difficult to glue wallpaper in the corners of the room. The fact is that they can have slopes, and this has a negative impact on quality. To prevent such consequences, never make strip joints at the corners; try to have them in the middle in these places.

  1. Glue the strip coated with glue to one wall of the corner, align it strictly vertically.
  2. Carefully bend the wallpaper, but not all the way into the corner, lightly glue the strip to the second wall.
  3. Slowly begin to bend the wallpaper towards the corner, while constantly monitoring the displacement of the second edge, it should always be in a vertical position. An uneven wall angle is not a problem; even if there are air pockets in some places, the main thing is that the edge of the wallpaper on the second wall is vertical.

If you do not pay attention to this nuance, then on the entire adjacent wall the stripes of wallpaper will be slanted, and this is a big waste.

To apply glue you will need a large room; the bathroom, as a rule, does not have such dimensions. Decide where exactly you will prepare the wallpaper. Take measures to prevent contamination of floor coverings, do not allow glue to get on the front surface. When wallpapering walls, accuracy is one of the important conditions for quality work.

Carefully squeeze out the air from under the wallpaper. Can be used rubber spatulas or rollers. But it is best to do the work with clean, dry hands. This way you will feel the irregularities and be able to eliminate them in a timely manner. It happens that an air pocket is discovered late, several strips of wallpaper have already been pasted. It's not a problem. Poke the air bubble in 2-3 places with a needle, after which you can press the wallpaper again, it will take the desired position.

Without pressing, cover the switch with wallpaper and make a diagonal cut through it. Carefully cut out the edges and press the wallpaper to the wall

Once the glue has completely dried, cut off the excess length and attach the baseboards. Skirting boards are attached liquid nails or in other ways, taking into account the material of their manufacture.

How to renovate a bathroom in loft style

The style is quite fashionable among young people, but it is difficult for older people to get used to it. Loft style - renovation method various rooms, including production ones, with minimal financial losses. All structures remain in the same place, construction works surface finishing is carried out without the use of additional materials. Leave old plumbing and sewer pipes in the same place, you can remove the old paint from them and apply new one. There is no need to try to make them match the wall; on the contrary, use contrasting colors that emphasize the placement of pipelines. If problem areas are identified, correct the problem immediately.

As for the walls, you can remove old plaster to the brick, fill large depressions cement-sand mortar, but do not level or rub over. Wipe brickwork wire brush, try to highlight the position of each brick. How older seam and brick, the better, the more modern the loft will be considered. Everything should be simple and natural, no plastic sheathing, plasterboard or other finishing materials.

Professional builders recommend finishing the section of the wall directly next to the bathtub with ceramic tiles, and making the remaining surfaces look like a loft. This approach will allow us to combine modern fashionable design premises while maintaining the usual level of amenities.

Video - Loft bathroom in industrial style

Video - How to save money on bathroom renovations

The question of how to cheaply decorate a bathroom worries many people in our country. Average salaries do not allow for expensive renovations in the apartment and force one to look for a budget option. Some of them for some reason believe that their dream cannot be translated into reality, but in fact this is not the case. You can achieve aesthetics, comfort, durability and safety of the planned repair, using even relatively inexpensive materials. How to do it?

Everyone knows the old saying that if you want something done well, do it yourself. Before renovating a bathroom, many people want the whole undertaking to be inexpensive, while at the same time wanting to get quality and a beautiful appearance. However, not everyone can make high-quality repairs on their own due to lack of the right tool, free time or experience. In this article we will look at how to inexpensively decorate a bathroom, what materials to use and learn some useful tips from experts. Before you start planning inexpensive repair bathroom and toilet, we need to clearly understand what end results we want to achieve in the end. Typically the purpose of repair is:

  • creating a beautiful interior;
  • safe operation of plumbing fixtures and furniture;
  • creating comfort and increasing functionality;
  • preventing the appearance of mold and fungal bacteria;
  • the longest possible service life of the materials used.
  • Economical renovations in the bathroom can be done using inexpensive materials, while observing all the above points, if you plan everything correctly and choose the right material.

    How to choose budget building materials

    Today, the industry produces building materials of various price categories, designed for the consumer himself. different levels prosperity. These can be goods of economical, standard and elite classes. There are also very cheap materials on sale, but their advantage is only in their low price. The quality and appearance of such products do not stand up to criticism. Many works can be done independently, without involving specialists. For example, lining a ceiling with plastic lining does not require any special skills. Installing plumbing is also not difficult. Toilet, bathtub, washbasin - you can install it all yourself. It is only important to take your time, carefully study the assortment, calculate all stages of the work being performed, then a successful result will be ensured.

    As for building materials, it is more advisable to choose products of economy class and standard price segment. Both of these types of materials practically do not differ in quality. The same manufacturer can produce similar products under different trademarks. The first will be considered a standard class product, and the second will be an economical option, and they will differ only in cost. International standards provide for certain quality criteria, for example, density building mixtures hardening must not be below a certain threshold. U economical materials this figure will be closer to the lower value. This statement is true for consumables. As for finishing materials, plumbing fixtures and other things, a low price is not at all the same as poor quality. It is only necessary to take into account the load conditions to which the product will be subjected. For example, floor tiles should be stronger than wall tiles. At correct selection and installation, tiles in the bathroom can last more than fifteen years. If you have decided to carry out a budget bathroom renovation, you should not purchase luxury building materials. Their quality is no higher than that of budget products, and they benefit only due to their aesthetics. It should be understood that what is expensive is not always of high quality, and vice versa. The high price may be due to, say, the ability to be used in special situations, while your conditions do not require such dedication. The cost can be increased by the store's significant distance from the production facilities of the manufacturing company. Sometimes you have to overpay for a well-promoted brand. One should not exclude differences in living standards in different countries– if the product is produced in a state with high average incomes and high salaries for all employees, then residents of all other countries are forced to pay this very exorbitant salary if they want to buy specific products. In general, in order to decorate a bathroom cheaply, you should approach the task wisely.

    Wall finishing materials

    1. As a rule, under good repair bathroom most implies finishing with tiles. Pros: Aesthetics and durability. The variety of textures and shades provides almost endless scope for design solutions. In addition, the tile is not afraid of almost any external influences and can last almost indefinitely. Minuses: This material is the most expensive. And not only because of the cost of the tile itself, but also due to the complexity preparatory work. The walls will have to be properly cleaned and leveled. In addition, laying tiles itself is an expensive and labor-intensive process that requires special skills.

    2. Another option: coating with moisture-resistant paint or special self-adhesive film. Pros: Economical. Minuses: Even more thorough cleaning and leveling of the walls will be required, since the slightest irregularities will be evident. But even with the most scrupulous approach, the appearance of such a coating will be very far from perfect. And these materials won’t last long. 3. Inexpensive and very practical optionPVC panels. Pros: The choice is huge, you can choose a design to suit every taste. They can be attached to the walls using “liquid nails” or a special frame-sheathing. In the first case, again, you will need to level the walls, and replacing the panels if necessary will not be easy. But the second option does not require any special preparation. Plastic mounting strips are attached to the walls, and the panels themselves are attached to them using special clamps. Even a non-professional can handle this task easily and quickly. PVC panels are not afraid of constant humidity and are easy to clean. Minuses: They cannot withstand serious mechanical damage. The cheapest ones can take a long time to publish bad smell, and over time - turn yellow, so it is better to choose not the cheapest ones.

    Dismantling old cladding

    Don’t forget to remove all the furniture from the bathroom, remove the mirrors, cover the faucets with masking tape, and cover the plumbing fixtures with film or newspaper, because preparing the walls for painting is the dirtiest and most time-consuming stage. The first step of a bathroom renovation is to remove the old wall and floor cladding. It is performed using a hammer and chisel. In this way, the old tiles and plaster are removed, preparing the walls for renovation. It is very important to purchase a special putty designed specifically for the walls and ceiling of the bathroom. This putty contains a special disinfectant composition that prevents the appearance of fungus due to high humidity. In order for the putty to be convenient to work with, it must be fresh and of high quality. After the walls are leveled and dried, decorative plastic panels, mosaics or tiles can be used. The ceiling is carefully leveled for subsequent painting. It’s okay if a little putty remains; it can be stored for several months in a closed container. You should not apply new layers of paint over the old peeling one, nothing good will come of it. If you have a drill in your arsenal, get a couple of sanding attachments for it and clean off the old paintwork from the walls. Remember safety precautions. Use paint strippers, a scraper and a putty knife. The method is effective, but it is better to work with a respirator and thick rubber gloves.

    You can remove paint using thermal methods, for example, using a torch or a hair dryer. Heat a section of the wall and scrape off the peeling coating with a narrow spatula. When all the old paint has been removed from the walls, it is necessary to repair cracks and potholes and knock down protrusions.

    DIY wall painting

    Painting walls is considered one of the easiest and least expensive finishing methods. It is important to choose the right paint and prepare the surface of the walls. Bathroom paint should have antibacterial properties and be moisture resistant. Otherwise, the appearance of fungus and peeling of the coating cannot be avoided. Due to their low cost and excellent performance characteristics, the most widespread are latex, silicone, acrylic paints. At the same time, water-based mixtures do not have an unpleasant pungent odor, and silicone paints can act as a water barrier. Traditional oil paints do not have this advantage, and also quickly become covered with cracks, so it is better to immediately abandon this option. When choosing shades, remember that it is inappropriate to paint small bathrooms in dark colors, as this will visually reduce the space even more. Do not overdo it with the number of bright spots or complex patterns and their quantity so that the interior does not look vulgar. Soft pastel colors will visually expand the room and fill it with light.

    Please note that paints can be matte, glossy or semi-gloss. Of this variety, it is matte enamels that best hide small defects on the walls, while drops and streaks are clearly visible on glossy surfaces. However, if you cannot make a choice, consider a combination of glossy and matte surfaces. This technique will make your bathroom modern and stylish without significant costs.

    Wall decoration with tiles

    When thinking about how to cheaply renovate a bathroom, during a budget renovation you probably won’t consider expensive Italian high-strength tiles with a non-slip coating and the ideal geometry of each product. Here it is also important to take into account the manufacturers’ policies, which are similar to the situation with the glue described above. Considering cheap repairs bathroom, we do not take into account elite tiles made from special types of clay with all kinds of additives and additives, but look at budget or middle class products. In the vast majority of cases, tiles of the middle or low price category do not differ in any way in their composition. Inexpensive finishing A bathroom made from cheap tiles differs only in the appearance of the glaze. Of course, products in the middle category have a wider range of shades and a variety of texture solutions. IN in this case When renovating an economy-class bathroom, you shouldn’t chase a chic appearance; you can get by with more restrained solutions, but you can beat them with dignity.

    To work with this material you also need a special tool, certain theoretical knowledge and, of course, practical experience. Renovate your bathroom yourself using tiles without having necessary knowledge and the instrument, of course, will not work.

    Decorative plastic panels

    When renovating a bathroom, the largest costs usually go to the purchase of tiles and work on the walls and floors. As an alternative to ceramic tiles, you can use decorative plastic panels. This is a great way to economically update your bathroom and get a very presentable interior. Calculate the number of panels needed, make a reserve of 5–10%. If you have little experience, and the bathroom has a lot of utilities, to close which you will need to trim the panels, then take a reserve of 10%. At the same time, estimate the number of starting profiles, external and internal corners. They are sold at a standard price, cost a penny, and there is no need to save money. The panels are attached to special sheathing, which is drilled to the walls. Due to the ease of processing, the panels do not cause much trouble home handyman, and their installation rarely takes more than a day or two. We fix the elements in one plane: 1. Check the condition of the wall with a plumb line, pay special attention to the places where plastic profiles or slats are attached. 2. Fix the two outermost elements under the level and re-check their position. If there are large recesses where the profiles are attached, then use pads made of different materials. The dowels must attract the profile along the entire plane; there cannot be a gap between it and the wall at the attachment point. 3. Stretch ropes between them; two at the ends of the profiles or slats are enough. 4. Install all other profiles under the rope; use it to control the position of the slats. Then, along the perimeter of the room, a decorative plinth is attached to the floor and ceiling, which can disguise possible flaws in the cut edges of the panels.

    Wall decoration with wallpaper

    For wallpapering, you can use only waterproof types. This finishing method has a number of undeniable advantages. Low cost allows you to have exclusive and reliable coverage with small material losses. High technology. Among all the possible ways to decorate walls in a bathroom, wallpapering is the simplest. The work is completed within a few hours, the room can be used for its intended purpose the very next day. It is possible to frequently change the design of the premises. In some cases, re-pasting can be done without removing the old one - the repair time is significantly reduced and the amount of construction waste is minimized. Disadvantage: in terms of physical strength, wallpaper is inferior to traditional materials. But, if you behave carefully and avoid mechanical damage, the period can be calculated in many years. In addition, defects on wallpaper can be easily eliminated; after pasting there will always be a small amount of material left. Don't throw it away, keep it “just in case” for repairs. Wallpaper for a bathroom must be moisture resistant. When purchasing, pay attention to physical strength, and it depends on the material of manufacture. Vinyl on a non-woven basis is the most modern, has high mechanical strength, and can have long-term direct contact with water. They are produced in a wide range of colors, can be plain or with various patterns and ornaments, with a structured or smooth front surface. Disadvantages - relatively high price, the need to use special glue.

    Washable - a cheaper segment; in terms of performance characteristics they are inferior to vinyl ones. It is recommended to use in areas of the wall that are not exposed to splashes of water. Self-adhesive - made from a special polymer film, they have a huge number of design solutions. Disadvantages - relatively high price and complexity of finishing. In addition, they can only be used on perfectly flat surfaces.

    How to decorate a ceiling

    The easiest and cheapest way is putty and painting. However, if there are significant unevenness on the ceiling, achieve good result will be almost impossible. Over time, the paint may darken or even peel off; even with a small leak, the ceiling will be hopelessly damaged. You won't be able to install built-in lighting - only pendant lights will be available to you. A more practical option is the same PVC panels or suspended slatted ceiling. The latter are made from steel, aluminum or plastic slats and are often sold in ready-made kits - along with the frame and fasteners. Such ceilings are inexpensive, durable, easy to install and operate and are suitable for almost any bathroom.

    Stretch ceilings are becoming increasingly popular. To install them, you will have to call professionals with special equipment, but as a result you will get not only a perfectly smooth ceiling, but also reliable protection from leaks: suspended ceilings can withstand from 70 to 120 liters of water per square meter. True, this option is not suitable for those who have a gas water heater installed in the bathroom.

    What to cover the floor with?

    Most cheap option– linoleum. It is not difficult to install it, but under no circumstances should moisture get under the covering, otherwise mold will begin to multiply there and an unpleasant odor will appear. Therefore, linoleum must be glued to the floor, and the seams must be treated with silicone sealant. At correct installation This material has one drawback - very conditional “beauty”. A universal option is ceramic tiles or porcelain stoneware. They can be chosen to suit every taste and budget. This material has practically no disadvantages, except perhaps its widespread distribution.

    Lovers over original solutions choose moisture-resistant laminate or self-leveling floors. However, the first option has too low moisture resistance and quickly fails, and the second is too expensive and difficult to install.

    Bathroom lighting

    Pay attention to lighting options. Well-thought-out lighting, installed in the right places, can turn the most unprepossessing room into a masterpiece of design art. Economical bathroom renovation does not involve installation hidden wiring in the walls or LED lighting. But you can install Wall lights so that they will visually narrow or expand the room. Budget bathroom decoration includes suspended ceilings made of plastic panels, in which you can install spotlights, they will highlight advantageous places, divide the room into functional areas and hide unnecessary structural or design flaws.

    Plumbing in the bathroom

    It is important to remember one simple rule. Plumbing and its important nodes- these are not the things you can save on. If the water supply contains problem areas, leaks or other temporary defects, they must be eliminated. Low-budget renovations in the bathroom are also quite possible. complete replacement siphons and mixers. An old bathtub made of cast iron or steel can be insulated with polyurethane foam and the enamel coating can be renewed. If the washbasin has cracks or chips, it is better to replace it with a new, inexpensive model. The cheapest bathroom renovations can be done without even replacing a sink or toilet with old cracks. For these purposes there are many modern materials, which can repair cracks, renew the coating, or in some cases simply clean it of old plaque.

    Before you cheaply renovate your bathroom, don’t forget about the market stalls, where you can find many used products in excellent condition, at prices significantly lower than market prices. They come to the market from construction organizations who, when renovating an economy class bathroom at other facilities, simply dismantle the old plumbing and put it on the market for sale. There, worn parts such as gaskets in mixers and shut-off valves are replaced, then sold at significantly reduced prices.

    Budget renovation do-it-yourself bathroom and toilet.

    Good day, gentlemen and ladies! I want to tell my story of renovating a separate bathroom and toilet. Since the purchase of the apartment, renovation of the bathroom was postponed for 3 years, as other rooms were a priority. Here it is right time, we were just on vacation with the whole family in another city, and spontaneously decided to come home a month earlier before the end of the vacation to start work. This was at the beginning of 2016. Therefore, all materials were purchased in Mirny; if we had planned in advance, we could have ordered them from the mainland and would have received significant savings. The budget turned out to be around 150 thousand (approximately another +-30 thousand), purely based on materials. The main amount is collected from the bathtub, tiles, and plumbing fixtures. I basically did all the work myself; if others had done it, then you can easily add another 150-200 thousand for the work (probably) to the amount of materials. In our city, all prices are very inflated, this is a fact.

    Our house is built in 1996, the square footage is small, the bathroom and balcony are very tiny. But the prices of apartments are the same as in Yakutsk, but the square footage is less.

    I’ll probably make a post in the form of a photo report with notes. There were a lot of photos.

    Go. Housing problem.

    On the floor lay old Soviet square tiles, which were glued either with concrete or super glue, hammered with a hammer drill for 3 days 3 nights). Neighbors, sorry again. There was wallpaper glued to the walls and painted.

    A good semi-professional assistant in repairs and carpet cleaning.

    I stocked up on tiles. Honestly, I don’t remember how much they cost. Wall ones cost 110 rubles/tile. Russian made. Quality 3 minus. Even in the same box, the dimensions in length and width are different, so when you glue it, the level begins to play. And if you had ordered in advance from the mainland, then for this money you could have ordered branded imported tiles, they say they don’t have such a problem.

    A simple toilet, for 7 thousand. Karl. Big mistake.

    The bathtub is acrylic, I like it, it’s voluminous. Length 150 cm.

    Old bath was metal. cooled down quickly.

    We are in full swing preparing the base of the floor. Application of deep penetration primer. Then a concrete screed.

    Neighbor Aunt Lyuba made adjustments from time to time, Soft delicious buns!

    Work to replace old metal pipes. I called the housing and communal services plumbers, they turned off the water, made 2 transitions from the hot water and cold water risers to plastic, and also installed 2 meters and 1 heated towel rail. Emptying my wallet for 10 thousand.

    This photo shows how old metal pipes become clogged.

    For a complete replacement of pipes they asked for another 15 thousand rubles. This is without the walls being chipped. And my wife had an interesting idea. After watching an installation video on YouTube polypropylene pipes I decided to do it myself. Bought welding machine for 2 thousand rubles. In principle, nothing complicated. The main thing is not to overexpose the pipes in the welding machine.

    I didn't like the paint on the wall. To remove paint I made from 5 liter bottle Here’s a design with a connection to a vacuum cleaner. The result was not particularly pleasing, because... very long, dusty and noisy. I’ll tell you in advance, it’s easier to do it: if the paint comes off on its own, we clean it, then we go through the paint again with a scraper or chisel, then we buy a solution - concrete contact, apply it, and that’s it. The surface becomes flaky, like rough sandpaper. The tile adhesive adheres smoothly to it.

    Here are the marks from the grinder on the wall.

    Since the floors are very uneven, the slope is 3-5 cm per 1 meter, it is necessary to make an even level using the so-called beacons (green dots on the floor). Then we throw a concrete solution between the beacons and connect the beacons. We will fill the inner squares along these lines.

    As a result, we get a flat floor. There will be a bathtub on the right, so I decided to save concrete there and use the legs to level it out.

    We glue the tiles, make a 2mm distance between the tiles using crosses. In the future, we fill the space between the tiles with a special grout.

    Bath installation. Behind the bathroom I tiled the wall and put a pipe from the faucet there. When you switch the mixer mode to the shower, the water will flow from above. This is the wife's idea.

    On the left is a groove for electrical wiring, we connected the washing machine and made sockets. On the right is for the shower. Red is the concrete contact layer.

    2 faucets)) The bathroom fills up 2 times faster))

    We begin gluing tiles to the wall from the level of the bathtub. First we go through 1 horizontal line, then 2 rows of tiles. You can see how to glue tiles on the Internet, I watched YouTube)). You can find everything there technological process repair.

    By the way, our walls are very crooked, sometimes with a propeller, sometimes with an angle... a nightmare. But no one knew how to level the walls and would not have had time to do so. The most difficult areas were the corners. More glue, time and nerves. Now the walls are not crooked at all.

    My mistake. I glued the mirror with tile adhesive. The mirror is old from the previous owners.

    You can see it very clearly here. At the top the angle is close, and at the bottom it begins to diverge. The problem was solved by grouting and more glue)).

    The ceiling is already done. Lighting - 5 spot diode lamps, enough for the eyes. The shower was installed, it works well (China), we bought it in Yakutsk, I don’t remember in which store.

    The glue dried out and ruined the reflective layer.

    Dismantling using your favorite hammer drill.

    I bought an ordinary tabletop; in our city we have nothing but ordinary things. Or in Tridoroga they will make it to order “like cool”.

    I found a bedside table that was just the right size.

    Not a single centimeter between the washing machine and the bathroom. Back to back. My perfectionism is getting high. I installed the tabletop on the corners of the wall and on the bedside table. Holds tight. At least jump.

    Voila. The joint was smeared with white sealant.

    Here is the final result.

    The bathroom is one of the most difficult rooms in the house to renovate, despite its limited space. When choosing finishing materials you have to constantly remember high level humidity. Wrong - textures and colors of decoration make a compact space even smaller. The question arises: how to cheaply renovate a bathroom with your own hands so that it turns out correctly and beautifully?

    We choose inexpensive materials

    Is it planned redecorating or a global reconstruction of the premises, you can always save on materials.

      1. Floor. Linoleum is the cheapest flooring, especially if you pick up a roll optimal width(3-5 meters), preventing the appearance of large residues. However, the material cannot be called durable; stable humidity can lead to mold. Practical solution- tiles, the most affordable ones are plain products.
    1. Walls. If you want to save money, you can choose plastic panels. They cope with significant mechanical loads and are easy to maintain and install. An alternative choice that is not inferior in practicality to panel finishing is budget monochromatic tiles.
    2. Ceiling. Inexpensive optionssuspended ceiling, coating with moisture-resistant paint. If selected waterproof paint, leveling with putty must be included in the estimate.

    Important. It’s definitely not worth saving on plumbing if you can’t do without replacing it. The sudden failure of low-quality equipment will negate all efforts and ruin relations with neighbors. You can choose other materials, for example, by abandoning tiles in favor of a textured plaster coating.

    Preparatory work

    Preparatory work includes dismantling old plumbing, removing previous finishing materials, waterproofing, leveling, and laying communications. Depending on the “global” nature of the repair, this list may change.

    Dismantling of plumbing

    Even if replacing the plumbing isn't in your plans, it's best to temporarily remove the bathtub and sink before committing to a budget renovation yourself. It may also be advisable to remove the door.

    Dismantling of coatings

    An essential part of preparing a bathroom for renovation is removing old coatings.

      • It is convenient to knock down tiles using a hammer drill. You should definitely knock off the plaster if it is coming away from the wall.

    • To get rid of the paint you will need a wire brush and a spatula.
    • It may be necessary to replace the screed under the tiles if there are large cracks. It is convenient to clean the floor down to the concrete base using a hammer drill or chisel.

    Video guide for removing old tiles:

    Attention. It is definitely worth assessing the condition of the sewer and water pipes. Replacing them after repair is a difficult task.

    Surface preparation

    The next stage of work includes the arrangement of a leveling screed and a primer.

      • The base of the floor is thoroughly dusted, cleaned and primed.
      • To create waterproofing, a special film is required. The material is laid on the floor with placement on the walls.
      • An alternative to film is to apply mastic using a roller or flat brush. The composition covers not only the floor, but also the lower part of the walls.
      • A leveling screed is made on top of the waterproofing.
      • For plastering walls, a special composition is prepared - 1 part cement (M400 and above), 4 parts quartz sand (sifted).

    Advice. To make the mixture more plastic, it should be diluted with PVA emulsion, using one tenth of the volume of water in the solution.

    • Before plastering, perforated strips - beacons - are placed on the walls. They are mounted on tile adhesive, wood plugs or cement-sand mortar.
    • You can abandon plaster in favor of finishing with plasterboard, not forgetting about treatment with waterproofing mastic. Also, the walls under the sheathing should be treated with an antifungal agent.
    • For fastening moisture-resistant plasterboard special glue is used (for example, “Perlflix”) or a metal profile.

    Attention. If you decide to do without tiles, the choice is made in favor of plastic panels; no leveling is required. It is very important to treat the walls using a fungicide or a quartz lamp.

    Laying communications

    Replacing pipes is a manipulation that follows the dismantling of the old coating. You will have to decide for yourself what to do if the goal is to make repairs in a small room quickly, to change or not to change the pipes. Leaking old communications will make new repairs necessary.

    video on replacing pipes in the bathroom:

    In addition to replacing pipes, it is worth installing new electrical wiring. It is necessary to determine a place for electrical appliances, provide the required number of sockets, and replace the switch and wires.

    Wall decoration

    Tiles and wall panels are the two most economical options for.

    Wall covering with plastic

    The technology for covering walls with plastic, if given step by step, is as follows.

    • The optimal frame for wall panels– pine timber (30 by 30, 25 by 30). To prevent wood from rotting, you need to treat the material with special compounds before installation.
    • The frame is attached using self-tapping screws; holes with plastic sleeves are pre-drilled in the concrete.
    • Next comes the fastening of the panels; you can use a special stapler or resort to the same self-tapping screws.

    Advice. Fastening with self-tapping screws or a stapler will result in unsightly protrusion of the fasteners. The most aesthetic option is the “liquid nails” product.

    Wall tiling

    Before making inexpensive repairs, it is better to calculate the number of tiles. This can help. The top row cannot be trimmed; a preliminary calculation will help save on rework.

    Important. The material is calculated so that the tiles have the same width along the edges of the wall. This is an indispensable condition, without which a beautiful renovation is impossible.

    • Spacer crosses must be installed between the tiles. The ideal thickness for the bathroom is 3 mm.
    • As soon as the tiles have set, the spacer crosses are removed from the seams, and the surface of the walls is thoroughly cleaned using a natural dry cloth.

    Grouting joints

    The consistency of the grout should resemble warm butter. To do this, it is pre-mixed with water.

    • A soft rubber spatula is best suited for grouting.
    • After applying the composition, you need to wait 20 minutes, then treat the seam with your finger (wear gloves). This manipulation will deepen the seam.
    • The final stage is wiping the grout; this action should be carried out after an hour. You cannot postpone the procedure until the next day.

    Sealing corners

    There are several methods, the use of which improves the appearance of joints in the toilet and bathroom.

      1. The corners are rubbed parallel to the seams. The disadvantage of this technique is the difficulty that self-taught craftsmen encounter when grouting internal corners. The mortar ends up on the tile, the seam looks careless.

    Advice. Masking tape glued on both sides along the corner. The corner is filled with grout, and the composition is leveled with your finger. The tape is then removed, resulting in a smooth, neat line.

    1. White silicone sealant. Manipulations that are almost identical to grouting are performed. The advantage of sealant is color preservation.
    2. Plastic corners, they can be external or internal. When choosing the thickness of products, you need to know the exact dimensions of the tiles.
    3. Combined option. Plastic corners are used for external corners, sealant or grout - for internal ones.

    Important. The connection points between the tiles and the toilet and sink must be filled with silicone. This avoids the formation of dirt.

    Floor and ceiling finishing

    Working with the floor and ceiling is in many ways similar to the manipulations performed when decorating walls. However, there are still some differences.

    Floor finishing

    Floor tiles – the best choice for those who are interested in the question of how to make repairs beautifully and cheaply.

    • The floor, leveled with screed, is covered with tile adhesive. Recommended application area is 0.7-1 sq. m, this is due to the instant drying of most compositions.
    • The tiles are laid on the floor, carefully pressed to the floor and tapped with a hammer with a rubber attachment. Direction: to the edges from the center.
    • The correct installation is checked with a level before the glue dries.
    • Lastly, the cut products are installed - around the pipes, around the perimeter of the room.
    • The seams are rubbed down and the flooring is cleaned.

    Ceiling finishing

    The most budget-friendly ceiling design options - suspended structures, putty. Putty is relevant if the bathroom area leaves much to be desired; the material is applied to a concrete slab. A ceiling made of plasterboard or lining is installed in the same way as a wall.

    Final stage

    The bathroom renovation is almost complete. All that remains is to install the plumbing, accessories and furniture.

    • It is most convenient to install plumbing fixtures after completion finishing works. This will provide full access to all surfaces of the room and preserve the old or new plumbing from damage.
    • The doors are installed after the plumbing so that they are not damaged during the installation process. Then all kinds of hooks are attached, lighting, mirrors and other little things.

    Do-it-yourself bathroom renovation – The best way save.

    In the event that you do not feel able to carry out bathroom renovations yourself, professional teams will come to the rescue and do the repairs quickly, efficiently and inexpensively. On our website you can quickly calculate the cost of repairing not only your bathroom, but the entire apartment.
    Unfortunately the service is still working only for residents of Moscow, Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region:
