How and how to paint wooden doors with your own hands. Painting a wooden door with your own hands: secrets of experts How to paint a door

Thanks to modern technologies, today wooden doors not only look beautiful, but are also different high quality, which is hard not to pay attention to.

But not everyone can afford to decorate their premises with high-quality doors, because such a product made from natural wood species costs a lot of money. But how a budget option, you can purchase a “semi-finished product” - a door made of solid wood, for example oak, wengue or pine (usually sold with standard sizes), without decorative elements, and give it with your own hands original design door leaf, painting the wood with the most suitable paint and varnish.

Unfortunately, buy a new interior door block It is more problematic for owners of apartments with an old layout, because the “original” doors have non-standard sizes. In this case, you will have to make doors according to individual order, which will cost a pretty penny. Therefore, it makes sense to restore old doors, thereby saving family budget and give the apartment uniqueness and originality.

Next, we will tell you how to properly prepare the surface, in what sequence you should carry out painting work and what paint to use. wooden door so that the final result looks not only good, but also unusual, if the style of the room requires it.

How can you paint wooden doors?

Today the question is “How to paint a wooden door in an apartment?” not very relevant, because the market paint and varnish materials quite varied. But before you paint an interior wooden door in your home, you need to consider whether you need to maintain the structure natural material, or you need to completely mask the wood grain by painting the canvas with an opaque layer. Taking your own wishes as a basis, pay attention to the following paintwork materials:

  • Enamels with an opaque base.
  • Oil based paints.
  • Transparent or tinted varnish.
  • Oil based impregnations.
  • Stain.
  • Other paints and varnishes that can refresh the color of wood or give it a beautiful, correct shade.

The table below shows the classification of coatings.



View: Varnish. Dye. Impregnation.
Chemical composition:

Organic base.

Water based.
Mode of application:



Protective effect: From changes in temperature and moisture. From mechanical damage. From chemical and organic irritants.

Of course, how to paint an old wooden door is a matter for the owner, but, in my opinion experienced craftsmen It's worth listening. Many finishers recommend:

  • Water-based acrylic material (substances containing acrylic have the most optimal consistency, which is important when working with brushes, and also spread well over the surface);
  • Alkyd material (has a good ability to repel moisture, is not afraid of the sun, frost and sudden changes temperature regime, dries quickly).

If you need to treat the door to the bathhouse, it is better to choose alkyd paint for outdoor street work, which is less susceptible to adverse factors. Using such material, it will be possible to cover the doors to the house, as well as interior blocks.

Important! Please note that doors can only be painted with alkyd-containing paints on dry surfaces. If the base of the door is wet, the paint will quickly peel and peel. And if you need to varnish the door, do not use drying oil, only stain will help you!

If you are wondering “how to paint a wooden door in a country house or in an apartment?”, you should already understand that applying paint is not carried out in one stage. Sometimes, to get the desired effect, you have to use different formulations. Initially, specialists use impregnation, which can give a certain tone to the door, after which they apply a decorative layer.

Painting wooden doors (video)

Sequence of work

The door structure is not only the door itself, so it is very important to carefully preparatory process. Of course, you can repaint only the canvas, but this way the jambs will fall out of the overall picture. And so, the process of painting the door should be carried out in the following sequence:

  • Withdrawal in progress door design, which is placed on a stable surface (as an option - a pair of stools). If it will be used for work alkyd paint, better job move to open air, because such paints and varnishes have a pungent odor.

  • Then, without removing the canvas itself, it is fixed with wedges so that the paneled brush has access to all hard to reach places. It is also necessary to block the doors so that during the drying process the doors do not slam shut and damage the new layer of paint.

Whatever route you take, you will still have to dismantle the fittings. If there are permanent parts, they can be hidden under paper or foil.

Preparing the door covering

  • Remove all old coating, even primer and putty, until the wood itself remains. For this work, you can use a grinder, a hair dryer, or special cleaning compounds.
  • Then you need to sand the surface, remove any defects, sand off small paint residues, and degrease. This work cannot be done without a sander, which is best connected to a vacuum cleaner. If you don’t have such a device, you can get by with medium-grain sandpaper.

  • When you have completely managed to sand the canvas and prime it, you can move on to puttying large flaws. If as finishing coating you plan to use varnish, it is better to use special composition for wood. If the decorative dye is not transparent, you don’t have to worry about the color of the putty. Don't forget about the gaps at the walls and baseboards!
  • After puttying, after waiting the time specified by the manufacturer of the mixture, you need to sand again, masking the abrasions. You can immediately use a medium-grained cloth, and then finish with a fine-abrasive one.

Please note that if there are large dents on the surface and you plan to use an opaque or dark material for the finishing layer, use auto putty. This mixture does not contain glass fibers.

If the doors have darkened under the old finishing materials, and you would like to simply open them with varnish, preserving the structure and pattern of the wood, problem areas can be lightened. To do this, you can prepare a simple bleach with your own hands: mix bleach with water in a ratio of 1:3. When the surface is completely processed, wiped with a rag and dried (so that the paint does not begin to swell), you can begin directly painting the door.

How is a typical door painted?

We told you how to paint a wooden entrance door or an interior door, now it’s time to talk about how to do simple painting to avoid smudges and other problems. If you need to update the outside canvas or paint only the doors, there is no point in buying a spray bottle.

To do this, it will be enough to buy a narrow brush (for hard-to-reach places) and a roller that will suit any canvas (natural wood, fiberboard, MDF, Canadian, etc.). The only drawback of brushes is that they often lose hair, so before work you need to fluff it up so that everything unnecessary and poorly fixed falls out, so as not to spoil the finish.

For panel doors, it is better to use a roller so that the paint applies evenly. Work begins from the end, moving to the right. You will have to paint the canvas in 3 passes, so each subsequent layer should be applied in opposite movements. If painting is done on any other surface, do not allow an excess of paint to prevent smudges from forming.

How to use stain correctly?

To ensure that the wood does not absorb excess moisture and the paint applies evenly, the prepared canvas needs to be slightly moistened. All horizontal surfaces are treated with stain along the grain and then across it. The finishing layer is also applied in the longitudinal direction.

The jambs and parts that have not been dismantled begin to be covered from below so that the drops do not touch the still untouched areas. This sequence of actions is followed if finishing layer An opaque material will serve. When the surface treated with stain absorbs moisture, the wood fibers straighten, which is why you will need to sand the canvas with zero sandpaper and repeat the procedure.

It is also worth noting that after staining (when the dye dries) the wood becomes lighter. Therefore, you need to coat it as many times as necessary to achieve the desired color. If you want to speed up the process, you can use an alcohol-based stain. The surface treated with this composition will not require re-grinding. But, water-soluble materials are considered safer, will not smell bad and are more popular.

How to imitate wood?

Advice! Today, the design of premises in the Provence style, the laconicism of which few people previously knew, is very popular. Furniture and doors for rooms made in this style are usually chosen in light pastel colors; imitation of antiquity is in great demand.

Adhering to this style when decorating doors with your own hands, a water-based emulsion or other bleached matte coloring composition can help. At the same time, many people wonder whether it is possible to paint wooden doors. water-based paint? Of course you can, why such doubts?

For such substances, you can use both a spray gun and rollers or brushes. However, on the Internet you can find many videos and photos of instructions on how to paint a wooden door in White color emulsion, read in more detail, such skills for artificial aging will not hurt you!

And so, to imitate a tree pattern on any base (including metal) you need:

  • Paint the canvas yellowish, grayish, beige or white and dry.
  • Get some liquid soap and a brush, and lubricate the desired area.
  • Take a dark dye and apply it to the surface.
  • Remove liquid soap.

Also, to create a retro door, purchase a special brush, which is sold at any hardware store. The brush is used to make movements, as if combing hair, over the entire surface in order to touch the soft fibers of the rock. The surface can then be pigmented in different shades.

The loss of the original aesthetic appeal of a wooden door is not a reason to part with it. Why waste savings if all options for its restoration are available to craftsmen ignorant of the intricacies of woodworking. It is certainly difficult to master the secrets of cabinetmaking in a couple of days, but painting wooden doors will not cause any difficulties. However, there are nuances in this simplest matter, without knowledge of which it is difficult to achieve an ideal result.

How will we paint our wooden door?

The choice of compositions for coloring wood is very extensive. First of all, let's decide whether it is desirable to preserve and highlight the natural beauty of a natural array or whether it is necessary to completely hide the texture pattern by covering it with a continuous opaque layer. Taking into account our own taste preferences, we will pay attention to:

  • opaque enamels and coloring compositions with acrylic, polyurethane, alkyd, perchlorovinyl and obsolete oil bases, which are rarely found in domestic products;
  • transparent and tinted varnishes, oil impregnations, stains that refresh the color of wood or give new shades.

We won’t talk about taste priorities. Let’s just listen to the advice of experienced painters who recommend that home craftsmen purchase:

  • acrylic paints with a water base, because they have an optimal consistency for working with a brush, excellent spreadability and decent hiding power, somewhat inferior to oil paints;
  • alkyd paint and varnish products, characterized by high water-repellent qualities, resistance to temperature fluctuations and drying speed.

Important. All dyes with an alkyd resin base are applied only to a completely dry surface. If the wood is wet, the paint layer will peel and peel due to air bubbles formed underneath.

Those who want to find out how to paint a wooden door have no doubt guessed that painting is carried out in several stages. Often using two different formulations. First, impregnation is used with or without a tinting effect, then a decorative coating is applied. It is important to choose formulations that work flawlessly in tandem. For example, drying oil is not applicable before varnishing. Only stain!

Even if you decide to refresh the color of the canvas and jambs exclusively with stain or oil impregnation, one layer is not enough. Two or three stages remain to be completed, the surface will tell you. You will have to paint as many times as necessary for the perfect result.

Sequence of the painting process

Since the list of components of the door structure includes not only the door leaf, the stage preceding the entire action is competent preparation object. You can, of course, limit yourself to painting only the canvas, but then the jambs with the lintel will be different. This means that home craftsmen who decide to paint their doors with their own with my own hands, you need to do this:

  • remove the door leaf from the hinges and place it on two stools, a work table or sawhorses. If you plan to use a caustic alkyd composition, it is advisable to place it in the yard, on the terrace or balcony;
  • Without removing the panel, block it with wedges so that the panel brush has access to all door elements. Locking is also necessary so that the door does not accidentally close during the drying period, and the dye layer is not irreparably damaged.

It is recommended to remove the canvas, but if it is impossible to do according to the rules, then we will use the second option. The fittings also need to be dismantled. In a hopeless case with non-removable hinges, handles should be wrapped in paper and secured with tape, but it is better to wrap them in foil so that all parts are tightly sealed. It is better to fix the lock mechanisms and seal them with tape.

Preparing the wooden surface

The most significant multi-step process that requires diligence in order for coloring to give the desired result. We will prepare according to the following standard scheme:

  • First, we remove all layers of paint, primer and putty materials down to the wood. For those who are not afraid of dust and dirt, you can use a grinding machine or a homemade device made from a handy block with a glued or nailed working side medium-grain sandpaper. It’s easier for owners of construction hair dryers; they heat it up and remove the bubbled paint with a spatula. There is also a simple, but expensive method - special wood removers.
  • Then we undergo initial sanding, as a result of which small dents, paint residues and scratches are eliminated. We sand with a machine connected to a vacuum cleaner, or simply with medium-grain sandpaper.
  • We putty large imperfections by purchasing a putty that matches the wood if we plan to cover the door with a transparent composition: oil, stain, varnish. If we paint with opaque enamel, it is not necessary to select the color of the putty. Don't forget about the gaps between decorative elements the canvas and the canvas itself, between the jamb and the lintel.
  • We maintained the period indicated by the putty manufacturer in the manual and sanded it a second time with sandpaper. First, we use a machine attachment or a simple abrasive cloth with medium grain, and at the finish we use a fine-grained analogue.

Advice. Deep dents under opaque paint can be repaired with auto putty, which does not contain fiberglass.

Note. Natural wood that has darkened under a layer of old paint or varnish can be lightly bleached with a mixture of one part bleach and bleach with three parts water.

Everything was processed, cleaned of old varnish or paint, and any putty that had come out. We vacuum, wipe with a damp cloth, dry, and start painting.

Painting a door without special effects

That is, we won’t start at the beginning creative path The future phenomenal painter and cabinetmaker is interested in artificial aging. We will not create the impression of photo wallpaper or a painted array with uncovered structural lines. At the initial stage, we will learn how to paint the door evenly without frozen smudges or spots visible under the varnish.

This video will demonstrate how to paint using a sprayer:

If you only have to paint one or two doors, purchasing a sprayer is not cost-effective. We will stock up on a narrow panel brush for a canvas with the same name and a roller for all types of canvas.

Note. Before starting the work process, the brush needs to be fluffed up; all loose hairs need to be helped to come out and be removed.

Let's decide on the type of construction and the painting scheme that depends on it:

  • Panel door painted in three steps. It is more practical to use a roller; it will ensure uniformity and will not leave hairs. Let's start covering from the end, more precisely from the upper left corner of the canvas, directing movements in right side. We paint the canvas until the very end, and dry it for as many hours as the manufacturer requires. The second step of coloring is carried out in the longitudinal direction, and the third in the opposite direction to the initial stage.
  • Let's start painting the paneled door with a brush. We will use it to go through the recesses in the canvas, trying to avoid an excess of paint. We complete the painting with a roller, following the steps listed above.

What to do if you decide to paint with stain?

The door prepared for painting needs to be slightly moistened, then the wood will not absorb moisture and the dye will lie smoothly with a very liquid consistency. We will paint everything that is located horizontally with stain first along the fibers, then in the transverse direction, and at the finish again longitudinally.

We will begin to cover the jambs and the canvas that has not been removed from the hinges from below, so that drops and splashes of dye do not fall on unpainted areas. This is what we do if we open the door with varnish. If the finishing composition is opaque, dark drops will not interfere at all.

After treatment with water-soluble stain, the wood fibers that have absorbed moisture are straightened. You will need to sand them with sandpaper after the first layer has dried. Then we will clean it from dust and cover it again.

Note. The wooden surface that has dried after painting is lighter than when the dye was applied. The richness of color is achieved by repeated opening.

Alcohol stain will not stimulate fiber straightening. There is no need to sand the door after treating it and it dries in half an hour. However, its water-soluble counterpart is considered a safer, completely non-toxic dye, and therefore more popular.

How to create imitation wood correctly

You can imitate a wood pattern on literally any material, for this:

  • paint the canvas with yellow, light gray or light beige paint and dry until specified by the manufacturer coloring composition condition;
  • Using a brush, cover the entire area to be treated with liquid soap;
  • Apply a layer of dark paint that we like and wash off with liquid soap.

For DIYers who want to learn how to paint a wood-effect or plywood-effect veneer door budget look, another method has been proposed. To implement the idea, you will need a specific brush, which is now available in construction stores. Using movements similar to combing, we treat the soft fibers with this brush. We paint the treated surface with dyes of different colors. Thanks to changes in the structure, curls will spontaneously appear, creating the illusion of wood. After drying, sand the surface.

If you follow the rules, you can paint or varnish the door yourself without any problems. There will definitely not be any special complications along the course. Since the canvas has two sides, it is better to start testing strokes from the “wrong side”. Once you get the hang of it, you can restore not only doors, but also cabinets and other wooden and veneer furniture in a similar way.

Decorative coating doors become unusable over time and lose their attractiveness. If the old paint is cracked and peeling in places, it is recommended to remove the old coating before applying a new coat. But it also happens that the surface has only lost its shine, has become dull, or spots have appeared on it, but the layer itself lies smoothly and has retained its integrity. In such cases, there is no point in carrying out work to remove the old coating. It will not be possible to qualitatively remove the old layer of paint that has retained its strength. It is difficult to remove. As a result, you can only damage the doors or get a surface whose quality is much lower than the original version.

Features of painting over an old layer

At first glance, painting a wooden door over an old layer seems like a trivial matter: just go ahead and paint it.

But in fact, in order to paint a wooden door and get a surface that will be no worse in quality than factory painting, learn a few rules:

  • The surface of the door, regardless of its condition, must be carefully prepared. Against the background of the old paint, cracks and potholes are invisible, but after applying a new layer they will appear and ruin all your efforts.
  • The right choice of material for painting an interior door. It’s not just a matter of proper selection of color, surface texture or the strength of the film formed. It is important to consider the compatibility of materials. Many paints are not compatible with each other, and if chosen incorrectly, the old coating may curl or bulge when it comes into contact with the new material.
  • Decide on the correct paint application technique. For doors with complex design It is possible to obtain a smooth and neat surface with proper selection and combination of painting techniques and painting tools.

The last rule, common to all cases of working with paint, is to strictly follow the instructions for applying the selected paint and varnish material.

Which paint to choose

First, decide what paints are used to apply to the door:

  • Alkyd enamels. This is the most affordable option. Film strength is average. The advantages include a large range of colors and compatibility with MDF, fiberboard and wood. The main disadvantage is the long drying time and the characteristic pungent odor. Among materials of this type there are a large number of glossy coatings.
  • Acrylic enamels. This type of paint is a water dispersion of acrylates. The main advantage over other compositions is the absence of odor and quick drying. Besides, color palette, presented in hundreds of colors, allows you to create unique shades yourself. To protect the surface, it is additionally coated with parquet transparent varnish.
  • Tinting paints on oil based Great for transforming interior and entrance doors. Absorbing into the wood texture they give it a unique shade. The only condition for their use is wood, without any coating.

  • Nitro enamels. They dry quickly, but at the same time the volatile, caustic solvent evaporates, which can cause poor health and even poisoning. If you take precautions and use products when working personal protection, then this option deserves attention. After the solvent has completely evaporated, the coating becomes safe. It is considered a high-quality and fast method of painting.
  • Colored varnishes, glazes. These materials are used for painting varnished door panels. Used in cases where there are no significant cracks or chips on the base. For complete restoration of varnished surfaces old varnish it is necessary to remove, or refuse to re-varnish and after puttying, paint over the interior doors.

Color selection

Having decided on the coloring composition, let’s briefly dwell on the choice of color. The manufacturer's catalog will make the task easier, but if it is not available, you can choose it yourself desired color. Please note that the color will change as you apply a certain number of layers.

The color palette is chosen based on personal preferences, but it is possible to select a color depending on the design style of the house or apartment.

Material Compatibility

IN modern diversity materials are not so easy to understand. Chemical compositions for the uninitiated person, they are a secret behind seven locks, and when buying material to apply over old paint, many rely on luck, hoping that the old layer will not react in any way to contact with the new chemical. There are some recommendations according to which you should select the material depending on what the door is painted with.

Therefore, before you go for paint, you need to clarify what the canvas is painted with.

  • Epoxy and polyurethane compounds contain aggressive solvents. Cyclohexanone or xylene are capable of destroying materials that are reversible polymers obtained by natural curing (nitrocellulose, vinyl, copolymer-vinyl chloride compounds). Simply put, epoxy or polyurethane paint will destroy the coating made with nitro paints.
  • Epoxy and polyurethane materials are applied only over the same compositions or primers, maintaining drying intervals for each layer.
  • Silicate compounds are generally not applied over any other types of paints.
  • Alkyd paints are not aggressive and can be safely applied over any material.
  • Copolymer-vinyl chloride compounds and compounds based on chlorine rubber are applied only over acrylic, epoxy, and silicate materials.

Important! To update the door, it is better to use paint of the same type as the previous layer.

Features of working with different surfaces

If the old door looks good, but the coating has only faded and worn out, then it can be quickly updated by such an event as painting the door without removing the previous layer. The tactics of work will depend on the type of coating available:

Painted doors

This option will cause the least amount of trouble with preparation and has every chance of getting a high-quality surface. To paint interior doors with your own hands, just thoroughly wash the surface of the door to remove dirt and greasy stains, fill all cracks and gaps with putty. It is better to take automotive epoxy paints with a hardener. Such putties do not shrink when dry, and all defects can be repaired in one go.

After the putty has dried, the surface is sanded with fine (120 grit) sandpaper. It is better to use a vibrating sander on large flat surfaces (counters, panels). The main task when working with a painted door is high-quality painting, which is achieved by applying several uniform layers of material. The duration of the work will directly depend on the time it takes for the next painted layer of the door to completely dry.

Old painted door

Lacquered doors

If you decide to renew the varnish surface by applying a new layer, it should be taken into account that all defects will remain visible.

Important! Secondary varnishing rarely gives the expected results. As a rule, the surface should be close to ideal. If you don’t want to tinker with the old coating, then it’s better to paint varnished interior doors that have lost their appearance or coat them with a tinted glaze.

The main difficulty in this situation is selecting putty to match the base material. But the wooden surface is not monochromatic in nature. Even if you spend a lot of time and use several shades of putty, you will still end up with stains on the canvas.

Door painting technologies

The quality of the door coating depends on the tool, application method and professional skills of the craftsman.


Door painting is done using the following tools:

  • Brushes. It is not recommended to paint the entire canvas with just one brush. If you lack experience, the surface will end up with streaks. It will not be possible to apply a thin, even layer of paint with a brush. But without this tool it will not be possible to paint hard-to-reach places, corners, layout patterns or panel margins. Therefore, when painting canvases with a complex configuration, first work with a brush, painting over problem areas.
  • Roller. Re-painting of panels interior doors performed with just one roller. The roller bobbin must be fur, polyamide or polyacrylic. These materials are resistant to most aggressive solvents.

Important! For painting works When restoring doors, foam rollers are not used.

  • Compressor (spray gun). A spray bottle will allow you to get a uniform thin layer. The result is a perfectly smooth coating. The process of applying paint is much faster than manually.

Related tools you can’t do without:

  • gloves;
  • paint tray;
  • rags;
  • masking tape;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty knife;
  • and what you have at your disposal: stools on which you will place the canvas, or sawhorses.

In addition to paint and varnish, prepare putty, primer and solvent.

Painting schemes

First, a little theory. The interior door can be panel or panel. Depending on this, the execution scheme and the order of staining will depend.

If it is a panel-type canvas, then painting is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Coloring begins from the upper corner in the transverse direction. The movement of the brush goes from left to right.
  2. the second layer of paint is applied in the longitudinal direction.
  3. the third layer is similar to the first.

Please note that three layers cannot be applied at once; after each coating, time must pass for the composition to dry.

For work, it is better to use a roller, as the brush may leave streaks.

If it is a paneled door, then first all the recesses are painted with a brush, and then the rest of the panel, but with a roller.

Stages of work

All work can be written in the form of the following algorithm:

  • It is better to remove the door and twist the fittings. If there is no such possibility (or desire), then handles, hinges, locks and glass are sealed with film and masking tape. It will be difficult to remove the paint. The tape must be removed before the paint dries.
  • Washing and drying the door surface.
  • Removing peeling areas, filling defects, sanding. Each layer is sanded after complete drying.
  • Selecting the type of paint material.
  • Applying a primer (paint diluted with the same type of solvent). This will improve adhesion and reduce the likelihood of bleed through putty areas.
  • Application required quantity layers of paint or varnish.

For ease of work and control over dipping the tool into paint, use a paint tray.

It is more convenient to paint the canvas if it is located in a horizontal position. This way you won't get unsightly streaks from too much paint in the corners and sides. door leaf. Many people use specially prepared sawhorses for convenience, or take the easier route and place the door on 4 stools.

Protection of fittings from smudging. This is not a whim, but a reasonable step. It is advisable to twist it and put it aside for the duration of the work, but an option to protect it is also suitable, for which it is recommended to use masking tape.

Drips resulting from painting can be easily removed if you use a sponge, and then hide its traces by going over the area with a roller.

While the painted canvas is drying, make sure that no accidental dust gets on it or that a stray midge does not stick to it. To do this, it is better to do coloring in a special workshop.

Video on how to paint correctly input blocks in a house or apartment:

Update interior or entrance doors Can different ways. Painting without removing the old layer is the simplest and most quick way, which home craftsmen most often resort to. Result: beautiful door without much effort!

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Ira 01/30/2020 15:56

It’s better not to paint interior doors. the paint will stink for a long time


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Before you paint a door to look like wood, you need to study the process and become familiar with the features of the procedure. Do-it-yourself painting of wooden doors is often done on new structures. And many are renewing the life of old doors. In any case, this mission is carried out using similar methods, regardless of whether the application is carried out on a new surface or on one that previously occupied pride of place in the doorway.

Painting process old door under the tree

For correct process coloring, you should familiarize yourself in detail with all the nuances and features.

Before making a choice of materials, you need to decide what design the structure will have. Deciding on the question of how to paint a door to look like wood with your own hands is not the only task that property owners face. You also need to decide what role the doorway will play in the interior design.

Various wooden door designs

Design options are as follows:

Before you go to the store for materials, you need to decide for yourself exactly what design the door will be decorated in.

Design options for wooden doors

Paint selection

So that the work does not go in vain, and the product turns out professional and stylish, you need to take a responsible approach to the issue of choosing raw materials.

There are special paints for the mission being pursued, but you can get by without standard options just by choosing the right shades.

The paint options you purchase may vary in many ways.

Various options for painting wooden doors

One of these parameters is the quality of the material:

  1. If you need to tidy up the existing surface without hiding the beauty of the material, you can cover the door leaf:
  • some people prefer to use stain;
  • others buy clear varnishes that renew the existing surface;
  • still others choose oil-based impregnations;
  • The canvases are also opened with tinting varnishes.
  • acrylic paint;
  • oil paint;
  • also, paint MDF doors or wooden, you can use polyurethane paint;
  • perchlorvinyl paint is also suitable for this mission.

The choice of paint also depends on the material of the structure. In this case, the division goes to:

You should consider the type of material that will be used for finishing at the planning stage. This will help you avoid getting into a difficult situation when purchasing raw materials.

How to paint different types of doors

The technology for painting a door depends on what material the door is made of. Doors are:

  • wooden;
  • veneered;
  • from laminate;
  • from MDF.

Each type of interior door is painted differently. You should study the technology so as not to encounter unpleasant situations in the process of transforming a structure to look like wood.

The process of painting interior doors

Wooden door

Finishing a wooden door is most accessible to inexperienced people who have taken on the task of transforming the opening with their own hands. Preparation and work are performed in the following sequence:

If property owners want to imitate an antique door, then they should also stock up on materials such as:

Veneered door

The technology for painting veneer structures is somewhat more complicated than the same process with a regular wooden door. A veneer door is usually painted if you decide to change the design options of the product that opens the way to another room, or if the previous type of finish is outdated or deteriorated. The paint for veneer is chosen to be water-based. Usually this is either a polyurethane composition or glyphthalic.

Options for painting a veneer door

The sequence of actions when painting is as follows:

All these stages of work should be performed consistently and thoughtfully. Then the result will please you and give you the desired transformation of the structure. The video shows the process of painting a veneer door to look like wood.

Laminate door

MDF door

Canvas for arranging an opening made of a material such as MDF should be treated with caution. This type of door structure requires particularly careful selection of paint. She must be on water based, otherwise the integrity of the door may be compromised.

Painting options for MDF doors

Preparation for work consists of the following steps:

Painting doors to look like wood is a transformation that requires the owners of a house or apartment to have skills or at least be well-read. By properly preparing for the work process, you can be sure that the result will please you and give you the desired transformation in the interior.

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Thanks to modern innovative materials you can give an old wooden door a completely new look the new kind, corresponding to fashion trends. This is easy to do yourself at home. The main thing is to follow the technology. In this article we will talk about how to paint a wooden door and what materials and tools will be needed for this.

Before staining

When the door is still new and has not been painted, you need to decide whether to leave the natural beauty natural wood visible or cover it with a continuous opaque layer of paint. How exactly to paint a wooden door - the choice of materials for work will depend on this decision.

Paint selection

If you decide to preserve the natural color of the wood, there is no need to buy paint. In this case you will need oil impregnation or clear varnish. They refresh the color of wood well. Add new ones to the array color shades Tinted varnish or stain will help.

If you want to update an existing varnished surface, you need to purchase putty to match the color of the solid wood. It is useful for leveling the surface of the door leaf after removing the old varnish.

For opaque painting of wooden surfaces, there are many options for enamels: alkyd, oil, polyurethane, acrylic, perchlorovinyl. For painting bath doors better to choose polyurethane paint: it has high resistance to negative external influences.

What is the best way to paint interior wooden doors? Experts recommend that non-professional craftsmen choose acrylic paints water based. They have the optimal consistency for working with a brush and spread well. Such paints have high water-repellent qualities, good speed drying and resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Selecting Tools

For painting you will need a narrow file brush and a roller. A brush is used to paint the paneling and all kinds of decorative slats on the door. The roller is useful for painting large and even surfaces of the door leaf. You can purchase a paint sprayer, but it is advisable to have some experience working with it. In addition, it is unprofitable to purchase this tool to paint one or two doors.


Those who have seen how a craftsman paints wooden doors may think that there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. However, for a beginner to achieve good result, all instructions and work procedures must be strictly followed.

It is important to learn how to paint doors evenly, without the formation of frozen smudges or stains under the varnish.

Often coloring is carried out in several stages. First, impregnation is used; it can be with or without a tinting effect. After this, a decorative coating is applied.

How to paint a wooden door without applying paint products? In this case, impregnation or stain must be applied in at least three layers in order to maximally protect the surface from external influences. Large quantity layers are applied to achieve the desired color shade.

Don't forget that the jambs with lintels also need updating. Preparation for painting them is carried out in the same sequence and with the same tools as for the door leaf. Since it makes no sense to dismantle and take the door frame outside before painting, it is important to take care of the protection flooring from ingress of paint, and also provide access to fresh air into the room for quality ventilation.

Products applied to the surface may be incompatible. For example, a door that is varnished cannot be impregnated with drying oil. In this case, only stain will do. It is also important to remember that all alkyd resin based paints can only be applied to a dry surface, otherwise the paint will peel off.

Preparing the door leaf

To paint the door as efficiently as possible, remove it from its hinges and lay it in a horizontal position on a trestle, two stools or a work table. Position removed door best on fresh air. This way it will dry faster and there will be less paint smell in the living room.

If it is impossible to remove the door for some reason, you need to block the panel with wedges so that the panel brush can easily reach all the necessary elements of the door. This is also necessary to ensure that the door does not accidentally close before it is completely dry.

It is advisable to dismantle the fittings. If this is not possible, tightly cover the handles and hinges with metal foil. Locking mechanism fix in the “open” position and seal with tape.

Surface cleaning

For those who are not professional painters, one of the most important questions is how to properly remove old paint from a wooden door? The question is really important, because the final result will largely depend on the quality of this process. Therefore, you should pay special attention to preparing the door for painting.

Before repainting, it is necessary to remove all old layers of paint, primer and putty from the surface of the door down to the wood itself. This work is quite easy to do with a grinding machine. A more labor-intensive method is to use homemade device, consisting of a bar of a shape convenient for the hand and glued to work surface medium grain sandpaper. The most effective is to use construction hair dryer. It heats the paint, after which it is easy to remove with a spatula. Another way is to wash off the old paint using special means. It is not complicated, but it is expensive - such tools are not cheap.


After this, an initial sanding is carried out, which eliminates small dents, scratches and paint residues. Here you can also use grinder or medium-grit sandpaper.

Next, the surface is leveled with putty: large dents, cracks, crevices, etc. are covered. Deep dents can be filled with auto filler, which does not contain fiberglass. It is important not to forget that under the transparent coating, putty is selected to match the natural wood grain.

After complete drying, secondary sanding is performed. First, an abrasive is used as in the previous stage, then a fine-grained analogue is used. The treated surface must be vacuumed, wiped damp cloth and dry well.

Sometimes, after removing the old paint, you find that the wood still looks good enough that you don’t need to apply an opaque coating to it. In this case, it is recommended to bleach it with a mixture of chlorine bleach and water in a ratio of 1:3, dry it well, and then varnish it.


To understand how to properly paint a particular wooden door, it is important to understand its structure. The most common types of doors for painting are panel doors (completely smooth) and panel doors (with recesses and possibly slats). The panel door should be painted correctly in three steps. It is better to use a roller, it ensures uniform application and does not leave hairs.

Painting techniques

You need to start from the upper left corner of the door leaf and head to the right. Follow this direction until the end of painting, then dry according to the instructions on the paint. The second time, coloring is done in the longitudinal direction. The last painting begins in the upper right corner, opposite the first painting step.

They begin to paint the paneled door with a brush. Before starting work, you need to fluff the brush so that all loosely attached hairs fall out without getting into the paint. All recesses in the canvas are painted with it. It is important to ensure that there is no excess paint. After this, the roller comes into operation and painting is carried out in accordance with the above technological steps for the panel door.


How else can you paint an interior wooden door? If you paint with stain, then the door prepared for painting must first be slightly moistened. In this case, the dye, which has a liquid consistency, will lie smoothly.

The first application of stain is carried out along the fibers, the second - in the transverse direction, the third is similar to the first. If the canvas is not removed from the hinges, you need to start painting from the bottom so that drops of dye do not fall on unpainted areas, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve an even tone. The same goes for door frame. This is important for preparing the surface for varnish or other transparent coating. If the doors are eventually coated with an opaque composition, occasional drops of stain will not harm the final finish. appearance doors.

Water-soluble stain allows wood fibers that have absorbed moisture to straighten out. To ensure that the surface of the doors remains smooth, after the first layer has dried, the doors are sanded with sandpaper, then cleaned of dust and covered with stain a second time. Wooden surface when applying dye to it, it is several tones darker than the dried one. This must be taken into account if you want to achieve a specific color shade.

Alcohol stain does not stimulate fiber straightening, so there is no need to sand the doors after applying it. This stain dries very quickly, but water-soluble stain is considered safer.

Wood imitation

If desired, you can paint to imitate MDF or plywood doors under natural wood. There are several ways to decorate this way.

Option one

The door leaf is painted with light gray, light beige or yellow paint and left until completely dry according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the coloring composition. Using a wide brush, the entire surface of the door is treated with liquid soap. A layer of darker paint is applied, and the liquid soap protruding onto the surface is washed off.

Option two

To do this, you will need a special brush, which can be purchased at any hardware store. This brush treats the soft fibers of the door covering. Then the surface is painted with two different colors (like wood) with dyes. Changes in the structure of the canvas made by the brush will spontaneously give curls, creating the illusion of wood.

After complete drying, the surface is sanded and varnished. Furniture can also be restored in a similar way.

Carrying out such work will not be too easy, so it is recommended to first practice on another similar surface, and not on the door itself.
