Bozovic l and selected psychological works. Bozhovich Personality and its formation in childhood. L. I. Bozhovich: person, personality, scientist

The following took part in the preparation of the publication: Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Education I. V. Dubrovina, Candidate of Psychological Sciences N. I. Gutkina, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor A. M. Prikhozhan, Candidate of Psychological Sciences N. N. Tolstykh.


L. I. Bozhovich: person, personality, scientist

In a secluded corner of the Donskoy Monastery cemetery, next to luxurious monuments, in a small niche of the mourning wall behind glass there is an urn, in the foreground there is a stand for flowers that appear here from time to time, and the inscription: Lidiya Ilyinichna Bozhovich, 1908–1981. Every time you come here, you feel the discrepancy between the modesty of this last sad refuge of a man and what he did in his life, what he left to people.

Who was Lidiya Ilyinichna Bozhovich? As a person, as a person, as a scientist?

Lidia Ilyinichna Bozhovich was born on October 28, 1908 in Kursk. Graduated from the State Institute named after. V.I. Lenin. While still a student, under the guidance of L. S. Vygotsky, she conducted her first experimental study on psychology of imitation. After graduation, she worked as a head teacher in a psychoneurological sanatorium, and then at the Academy of Communist Education in the Department of Psychology, headed by L. S. Vygotsky. In the early 30s, Lydia Ilyinichna, together with A. N. Leontyev, A. R. Luria, A. V. Zaporozhets, P. I. Zinchenko, conducted active research work in the psychology department of the Kharkov Psychoneurological Academy.

From left to right: A. N. Leontyev, L. I. Bozhovich, A. V. Zaporozhets. Early 30s.

In 1939 she defended her Ph.D. thesis. One of the significant conclusions of this study was the proposition that a student’s assimilation of knowledge is significantly determined by his personal attitude to the material being acquired. This conclusion will subsequently become one of the core directions of her research activities.

During the Great Patriotic War, Lydia Ilyinichna worked as the head of the occupational therapy department of an evacuation hospital.

Since 1944, she worked for almost 40 years at the Psychological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, of which 30 years she was the permanent head of the laboratory of the psychology of personality formation.

In 1967 she was awarded a doctorate. pedagogical sciences(in psychology), in 1968 - the title of professor.

L. I. Bozhovich was awarded medals “For victory over Germany”, “For valiant work in the Great Patriotic War", the badge "Excellence in Education".

When you think about Lydia Ilyinichna, you remember the words of S. L. Rubinstein: “Personality makes the people around them self-determinate; the individual has his own position, his own face.” Lydia Ilyinichna was, first of all, a Personality in the true sense of the word.

Sometimes they said about her: “a woman with masculine character" But this was not entirely true. “Male traits” - perseverance, undoubtedly strong will, the ability to repel an opponent, to protect the weak - were combined in her character with gentleness, truly feminine, often touching care for those who worked with her in the same harness - from her closest assistants, with whom started her scientific activity(Liya Solomonovna Slavina, Larisa Vasilievna Blagonadezhina, Natalya Grigorievna Morozova, Tatyana Efimovna Konnikova, Tatyana Vasilievna Endovitskaya), to laboratory assistant.

Lydia Ilyinichna was a strong polemicist who stubbornly and with dignity defended her position, which in those days made her life quite difficult. In the heat of controversy, she could use sharp, or even harsh, expressions. Once, the wall newspaper of the Institute of Psychology (there was such a thing once), in a report on the past academic council, published a fragment of Lydia Ilyinichna’s speech: “She rebuffed critics who, not understanding the essence of the matter, strive to grab them by the thighs.” And a note from the editorial board: “Expressions are softened.”

Lydia Ilyinichna was a self-sufficient person. I remember this episode. A group of institute employees was traveling to Berlin for a symposium on personality problems. In the train compartment, of course, there were heated debates about whose scientific credo was “more right” and more adequate. Vasily Vasilyevich Davydov, in the heat of controversy, spoke sharply and disparagingly about the scientific position of Lydia Ilyinichna. It is interesting that upon returning from a business trip, speaking at a laboratory meeting about the trip, she reproduced Davydov’s remark verbatim.

Her fiery passion and main meaning of life was the search for truth and the decisive defense of her views and beliefs. This episode is indicative. At the same symposium it was organized round table. Gradually, its content became a heated discussion between Lydia Ilyinichna and Daniil Borisovich Elkonin. German colleagues watched with interest as the scientific “fluff and feathers” of the discussion participants flew. The controversy with Daniil Borisovich was “permanent”. Fortunately, their laboratories were located in adjacent rooms, across the wall - however, the severity of the controversy did not interfere with their good, friendly relations. The laboratory meetings were striking in their efficiency, creative atmosphere, and interest in discussing the research results obtained by each employee. We prepared for the laboratory meeting as if it were an exam. At times passions became heated, the discussion turned into a polyphonic “op”, but the main thing driving force his desire was to get to the bottom of the truth, or, as Lydia Ilyinichna said, to “understand” the essence of what lies on the surface. They criticized regardless of their faces. Once at a meeting, Lydia Ilyinichna outlined the contents of an article she had written. The discussion began. A young employee who had just started working as a laboratory assistant (usually the young people started speaking, and only then the “heavyweights” joined in), blushing and stuttering with embarrassment, expressed disagreement with one of the theses of the article. Lydia Ilyinichna listened attentively, thanked her for her courage and said: “It’s worth thinking about.” The laboratory meetings were a good scientific school, and not only for young people.

One of its main personal qualities there was decency highest quality. In the most difficult situations she preferred to remain herself, acting as her conscience told her. During the period of struggle against pedology, when the scientific ideas of L. S. Vygotsky were banned, the then director of the Institute suggested that she redo her plan research work, “freeing” him from the influence of his teacher’s ideas. Lydia Ilyinichna chose to write a letter of resignation from the institute. There was also a summons to Lubyanka, where she was persistently asked to write a denunciation against one of the employees. She refused, although she expected Negative consequences this step.

Lydia Ilyinichna did not know how and did not want to be a hypocrite, adapt, or flatter her superiors. Being a self-confident person, she was at the same time very vulnerable deep down, covering her experiences with a reliable shield of “fighting” qualities.

She was acutely aware of the contradictions of the era of socialism, the shortcomings of the educational system aimed at forming a person with the psychology of a “cog” in the state machine. Lydia Ilyinichna stood up for the “sovereignty” of the individual and was herself a sovereign person who acted according to conscience and justice.

L.I. Bozhovich left us a huge scientific legacy, which is impossible to analyze in detail within the framework of this article. Let us indicate some milestones of her research activities, the stages of which were materialized in publications - in collections scientific works, articles and monographs. It should be noted that the collections of scientific research published under her editorship (together with L.V. Blagonadezhina) and with her direct participation were distinguished by their quality, complete absence of idle talk, logically consistent, concrete business style of presentation, thorough analysis of empirical and experimental data, well-reasoned conclusions. The amount of work carried out by the authors in the preparation of these publications is illustrated by such a formally quantitative and yet eloquent example: the article by M. S. Neimark, published in the collection in 1972, “Study of adolescents with different personality orientations” consisted of more than 100 pages.

In 1960, edited by L. I. Bozhovich, a collection of scientific works “ Psychological study children in a boarding school." This was the result great job her laboratory. The “psychological landing” landed in an ordinary boarding school. Psychologists did not just conduct observations and experiments in it. They became part of the school’s teaching staff, advised teachers, helped them, taught them psychological observation, the ability to penetrate beyond the surface of a phenomenon and identify the essence of a child’s problem. Constant communication with children, goodwill and compassion made them people close to the boarding school students. (An illustrative detail: Liya Solomonovna Slavina, who was then over 50, came to conduct the experiment. The children shouted: “Grandma has come!”) The book contains a detailed analysis of the results of observations of children, the features of an individual approach to them, psychological characteristics individual pupils, a description of the results of specific activities of a psychologist in a boarding school allow us to consider this work as the predecessor of modern psychological services in schools.

An important stage scientific biography L. I. Bozhovich began to study the motives of educational activities, which then grew into more common problem studying the motives of behavior of children and adolescents. The scientific council discussed the report on the motives of the teaching, prepared by L. I. Bozhovich, L. S. Slavina, N. G. Morozova, for more than five hours. This was a new approach to the problems of teaching, not limited to issues of organizing educational activities as external influence on the child, but focusing on his internal motivators. The problem, by the way, is no less (if not more) relevant today.

Later, Lidia Ilyinichna wrote about this work that, in contrast to sociological and socio-psychological research, the focus is on the problem of the development of needs and motives in ontogenesis, their place and role in the formation of the child’s personality.

In 1968, the book by L. I. Bozhovich “Personality and its formation in childhood" I remember Lydia Ilyinichna was not very happy pink cover, considering it unsuitable for a serious scientific publication. However, this “color scheme” combined very organically and merged with the content of the book. “Pink Bozhovich,” as the institute’s staff dubbed her, clarified a lot of things, brightened up what was previously dark and vague, as the pink rays of the morning dawn do.

It was an amazing book for the wealth of ideas contained in it, the impeccable logic of presentation, the clarity and consistency of the statement of the author’s scientific position. It organically combined in its content his deep theoretical intellect, an original experimental approach to substantiating the scientific hypotheses put forward, and the results of the specific psychological and pedagogical practice of the team led by the author.

The book was received ambiguously by the psychological community. There were “vigilant people” who saw in it a discrepancy with the canons that were unshakable at that time. Two complaints were officially formulated:

1) the book contained almost no quotations from the works of Marx and Lenin;

2) analyzing the concept of S. Freud, the author, along with the shortcomings, pointed out the rational grain of his views, emphasizing Freud’s desire to reveal the dynamics of the motivating forces of human behavior, their interdependencies and conflicts, and to identify the role of unconscious processes in human behavior.

Of course, opponents were dissatisfied not only with the insufficient number of quotes and not even with the recognition of some of Freud’s merits. The main thing was that the concept of L. I. Bozhovich did not fit into the official ideology and contradicted the prevailing attitudes and educational strategy of those years. The latter was characterized by an absolutization of the social and an underestimation of the natural, individual, which in practice was embodied in the “equalization” of students to a certain standard of the “average student” and the notorious percentage of academic performance. IN psychological theories personality, the latter was considered mainly as a result of the appropriation of social forms of consciousness, more as a “moment of activity” than as its subject.

“For some reason,” wrote Lydia Ilyinichna, “in our psychology, only one side of the subject’s interaction with the world has received recognition and development, the side of “appropriation.” But its other side was left behind, the side of the crystallization of mental activity in those very products that then become the source of the formation of individual psychology.

It should be noted that the monograph by L. I. Bozhovich aroused great interest and a positive assessment of the majority of employees and the directorate of the institute (which was headed by Anatoly Aleksandrovich Smirnov for many years). Soon the book received the first prize from the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

The final stage of L. I. Bozhovich’s research activity is a series of articles summarizing the results of the author’s many years of work on studying the basic patterns of the formation of a psychologically mature personality, the central characteristic of which is “the emergence in a person of the ability to behave independently of the circumstances directly affecting him, guided by own, consciously set goals."

Considering scientific contribution L. I. Bozhovich in the problem of mental development in general and personality formation in particular, we will highlight three fundamental directions of her research activity.

1. Disclosure of the problem of a “single line” of human mental development as the unity of his external and internal motivators.

2. The problem of personality and its formation as top level mental development.

3. Development of scientific foundations of educational psychology and specific psychological recommendations aimed at increasing efficiency educational work At school.

In her research, L. I. Bozhovich proceeded from the concept of mental development of L. S. Vygotsky. “This concept,” she wrote, “contained a number of ideas that became the starting point for a number of further studies. One of the fundamental concepts for Vygotsky was the concept of the social situation of development, which “represents the relationship between external and internal conditions that determine the age and individual characteristics of the child.”

At the same time, Vygotsky attached particular importance to the study of the role of internal factors in mental development. The disadvantage of many periodizations of mental development was that they took as a basis, although characteristic, but external signs development, and not the inner essence of this process. “Only internal changes in development itself,” he wrote, “only fractures and turns in its course can provide a reliable basis for determining the main epochs in the construction of a child’s personality, which we call ages.”

Main pathos theoretical research L.I. Bozhovich was studying precisely the inner essence of the development process, its “turns and turns.”

“The mental development of a child,” she wrote, “represents difficult process, the understanding of which always requires an analysis not only of those objective conditions that affect the child, but also of the established characteristics of his psyche, through which the influence of these conditions is refracted.” And further, “We have to specifically talk about this, because there are still attempts to deduce the age and individual characteristics of the child directly from the analysis external circumstances his life."

This list includes books, articles, theses, reviews and some manuscripts by L. I. Bozhovich. The works are given in chronological order:

manuscripts are presented in general list and are dated in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙii with the year of their creation (in some cases the year is indicated approximately) Books published under the editorship of L. I. Bozhovich are presented in a separate list.

Psychology of children's imitation. Experimental study.

Manuscript. - 1929. 95 m/p s. (together with L. S. Slavina)

The origin and development of the child’s thinking. Popular essay.

Manuscript. - 1934, 74 m/p s.

Speech and practical intellectual activity of the child. Experimental study. - Manuscript. - 1935. 111 m/p s.

Child's life experience and school knowledgeUUUUUUUchennye notes of KhNDIP. - T. 2/Ed. A. N. Leontyev. - Kharkov, 1936. As a manuscript. - P. 82 - 83. English. the text is there. - P. 84 - 85.

Psychological analysis of the use of rules for unstressed root vowels // Sov. pedagogy. - 1937. - 5 - 6. - P. 181 - 193.

Mental development of the child and the learning process // Teacher's newspaper. - 1939, December 11 (together with A. N. Leontyev)

Psychological foundations of teaching grammar. - Manuscript. - 1939, 28 p.

Teaching spelling and psychology // Primary School. - 1940.

N8. -WITH. 28 -31.

Mastering conceptual forms of thinking in school-age children. - Manuscript. - 1940, 80 m/p s. (Together with P. I. Zinchenko)

The role of punctuation in understanding writing. Scientific session of the KhSPI, 1941//Note that theses of the reports. - Kharkov, 1941. - P. 39 - 40 (in Ukrainian)

On the psychology of learning by students (// Proceedings of the Republican Scientific Conference on Pedagogy and Psychology. Vol. 2 / Edited by G. S. Kostyuk. 1941. P. 135 - 145 (together with P. I. Zinchenko) (in Ukrainian. lang.)

On the psychological nature of formalism in enhancing school knowledge // Sov. pedagogy. - 1945. -N 11. S. 45 - 53.

The same in abbreviation: Reader on developmental and educational psychology. Works of Soviet authors of the period 1918 - 1945 / Ed. I. I. Ilyasova, V. Ya. Lyaudis. - M., 1980. S. 202 - 290.

The importance of awareness of linguistic generalizations in teaching spelling // Izvestia of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. M. - L., 1946. - Issue. 3. - pp. 27 - 60.

Psychology and pedagogical process. - Manuscript. - 1946. 28 m/ps.

Some psychological issues of educational work in the Suvorov military schools. - Manuscript. - 1947. 44 m/p s.

Psychological issues of a child’s readiness for schooling // Issues. child psychology preschool age/ Ed. A. N. Leontyev, A. V. Zaporozhets. - M. -L. 1948. - pp. 122-131.

Motives of teaching // Family and school. 1949. -N 8. - P. 7 - 8. Psychology of instilling a conscious attitude to learning among Soviet schoolchildren // Session of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. Note that the abstracts of reports are in the sections of pedagogy, psychology, artistic education and physical education. - M., 1949. - P. 32 - 35.

General characteristics of children of primary school age // Essays on the psychology of children (junior school age) - M., 1950. - P. 3 - 38.

Peculiarities of memory of a junior schoolchild // Ibid. - P. 77 - 99 (together with N. G. Morozova)

Motives for learning in children of primary school age // Ibid. - pp. 162-183.

The role of psychology in the construction of educational work with children of primary school age // Ibid. - P. 184 - 190.

The attitude of schoolchildren to learning as a psychological problem - News of the APN of the RSFSR. - M., 1951. Issue. 36. - P. 3 - 28.

Psychological analysis of the significance of a grade as a motive for a schoolchild’s educational activity // Ibid. P. 105 - 130 (together with N. G. Morozova, L. S. Slavina)

Formation of the personality of a Soviet schoolchild in the process of pioneer work // Sov. pedagogy. - 1954. -N 2. - P. 11 - 26 (together with T. E. Konnikova)

Features of self-awareness in adolescents // Issues. psychology. - 1955.-N 1.-S. 98-107.

Psychology of a teenager // TSB. - T. 35. - 1955. - P. 244. Cognitive interests and ways of studying // News of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR. - M., 1955. Issue. 73. - P. 3 - 14.

Middle school ageUUPpsychology. Textbook for pedagogical institutes / Ed. A. A. Smirnova, A. N. Leontyev, S. L. Rubinshteina, B. M. Note that thermal. - M., 1956. P. 547 - 560. The textbook is translated into German, Czech, Romanian, Spanish. language

Some problems in the formation of a schoolchild’s personality and ways of studying them // Issues. psychology. - 1956. -N 5. - P. 15 - 27.

Some issues of educational work in boarding schools / Sov. pedagogy. - 1957. - N 9. - 61 - 71 (together with L. S. Slavina)

Knowledge and habits in the formation of a student’s personality. Soviet pedagogy. - 1958. - N 5. - P. 40 - 51.

About the harm of physical punishment // Let's talk about our children / Ed. E. I. Volkova. - M., 1959. - P. 169 - 175.

Punishment is the most subtle and complex means of education; // Ibid. P.176-184.

Socio-political orientation of pioneer work (together with T. E. Konnikova) // Sov. pedagogy. - 1959, - N 9. P. 112 - 119.

Studying the personality of a schoolchild and the problems of educationUUPPsychological science in the USSR /Ed. B. G. Ananyeva and others. T. 2. - M., I960. - pp. 190-227.

Personality // Pedagogical Dictionary. T. 1. - M., 1960. - P. 631 - 632.

Motivation // Ibid. - pp. 711 - 712.

Psychology of education // Ibid. T. 2 - M., I960. - P. 237.

Psychological study of a child and an individual approach to him in the process of education // Psychological study of children in a boarding school. - M., 1960. - P. 7 - 23.

Usage pedagogical characteristics as a means of accumulating knowledge about students//Ibid. pp. 24 - 51.

On the question of the content of the “Educational Work Program”. - Manuscript. - I960, 30 m/p village. (together with T. E. Konnikova)

About some problems and methods of studying the psychology of a schoolchild’s personality // Issues. psychology of schoolchildren's personality. - M., 1961. - P. 3 -31.

Some critical remarks about the psychoanalytic teachings of 3. Freud. - Manuscript. - 1961. 40 m/p s.

Questions of the formation of a schoolchild’s personality in the light of the problem of education // Issues. psychology. - 1963. -N 6. - P. 12 - 22.

Study of personality qualities and the affective sphere of the child // Note that theses of the reports at the 2nd Congress of the Society of Psychologists. - Issue 6. - M., 1963. - P. 104-113.

Pedagogical characteristics as a means of studying students of boarding schools // To help employees of boarding schools. Methodical materials / Ed. M. I. Kolmykova. - M., 1964. - P. 251 - 274.

Age-related patterns in the formation of a child’s personality: Author’s abstract. dis. Doctor of Psychology Sci. - M., 1966. 40 p.

Pedagogical psychology// Ped, encyclopedia. - T. 3. - M., 1966. P.326-331.

Psychology of education//Ibid. M. 585 - 586.

Psychology of education//Moscow. -1966. -N 5. P. 166-190.

Stability of personality, process and conditions of its formation // Materials of the XVIII International Psychological Congress. Symposium 35: Personality formation in a team. - M., 1966. P. 101 - 111 (English text in the same place. P. 112 - 122)

How to build a personality // Young communist. - 1967. -N 4. P. 82 - 86 (together with V. E. Chudnovsky)

Psychology of education over 50 years // Issues. psychology. - 1967. - No. 5. - P. 51 - 70 (together with L. S. Slavina)

formation of personality in a team (Symposium 35) // Issues. psychology. - 1967. -N 3. - P. 144 - 151 (together with L.V. Blagonadezhnaya) / .

Age approach to pioneer work. Materials for participants of the II Plenum of the Komsomol Central Committee. -M., 1967, 86 p.

On the issue of research on the psychology of education in Soviet psychology // Note that theses of the scientific session of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (department of psychology and developmental physiology) - M., 1968. - P. 46 - 50. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M., 1968, 464 p.

See fragments from op. monographs: Personality Psychology. Note that the texts /Ed. Yu. B. Gippenreiter, A. P. Bubbles. - M., 1982. - P. 166 - 171.

Questions of educational psychology // Issues. child and educational psychology at the XVIII International Congress of Psychologists / Ed. A.

A. Smirnova. - M., 1969. - P. 106 - 183 (together with L. V. Blagonadezhina)

Age approach to work pioneer organization. - M, 1969, 96 p. (together with T. E. Konnikova)

Features of the development of the motivational sphere of a teenager // Materials for the XIX International Psychological Congress. - M., 1969. P. 15-16. (together with M. S. Neymark)

How to recognize and understand a child / (Teacher's newspaper. - 1971, January 30 (together with L. S. Slavina)

Psychological problems of education as management of child development // Problem of management of the education process. Proceedings of the symposium/Ed. N. F. Talyzina and L. I. Ruvinsky. - M., 1971. - P. 30-37.

The main tasks of educational psychology in the light of the decisions of the XXIV Congress of the CPSU // Issues. psychology. - 1971. -N 6. - P. 3 - 12 (together with V. E. Chudnovsky)

Note that the text of the radio speech “Our addressee is those who are 15, 16, 17” // Note that television and radio broadcasting. -M., 1971.No.1.-S. 14-15.

The problem of the development of the child’s motivational sphere // Study of the motivation of children and adolescents. - M., 1972. S. 7 - 44.

Psychological characteristics of the personality of a senior schoolchild // Komsomol at school. It is appropriate to note that experience, problems, methodology. - M., 1972. - P. 201 - 216.

“Meaningful experiences” as a subject of psychology // Issues. psychology. - 1972. -N 1. - P. 130-134 (together with M. S. Neymark).

Study of personality, its formation in ontogenesis // Problem of managing the process of personality formation. Proceedings of the second symposium/Ed. A. V. Zosimovsky, L. I. Ruvinsky. - M., 1972. - P. 7

Needs, motives, their development and function in the formation of a child’s personality. - Manuscript, 1973, 336 m/p.

Goal and intention and their motivating force // Problems of the formation of sociogenic needs. Materials of the 1st All-Union Conference.

Tbilisi, 1974. - P. 14 - 17 (together with T. V. Endovitskaya, L. S. Slavina)

Perception of form and age levels // Character in cinema. Questions of film dramaturgy. - Sat articles. - Vol. 6. - M., 1974. - P. 106 - 113.

Education as the purposeful formation of a child’s personality // Issues. psychology. - 1974. -N 1. - P. 33 - 39.

Strange psychology in the book by B. T. Likhachev “Note that the theory of communist education.” Review of the named book. - Manuscript. - 1974. 17 m/p s.

Some psychological prerequisites for the methodology of educational work in school // Sov. pedagogy. - 1975. -N 11. - P. 10 - 20 (together with T. E. Konnikova)

ABOUT moral development and raising children // Issues. psychology. - 1975. -N 1. - P. 80 - 89 (together with T. E. Konnikova)

About the book by U. Bronfenbrener // U. Bronfenbrener. Two worlds of childhood. Children in the USA and USSR. - M., - 1976. - P. 144 - 152.

Cases of incorrect relationships between a child and the team and their influence on the formation of personality // Issues. psychology. - 1976. -N 1.

P. 130 - 139 (together with L. S. Slavina)

Experience of experimental study of voluntary behavior//Vopr. psychology. - 1976. - P. 55 - 68 (together with L. S. Slavina, T. V. Endovitskaya)

Psychological patterns of personality formation in ontogenesis // Issues. psychology. - 1976. -N 6. - P. 45 - 53.

The concept of cultural-historical development of the psyche and its prospects // Issues. psychology. - 1977. -N 2. - P. 29 - 39.

Towards the development of the affective-need sphere of a person // Personality and activity. Note that theses of reports for the V All-Union Congress of Psychologists of the USSR. Symposium I - Problems of personality psychology. - M., 1977. - P. 38-39.

1978. -N 4. - P. 23 - 35 (first message)

Towards the development of the effective-need sphere of a person / Problems of general, developmental and educational psychology / Ed. V.V. Davydova.-M., 1978. P. 168-179.

By the way, the stages of personality formation in ontogenesis // Issues. psychology. -

1979. -N 2. - P. 47 - 56 (second message)

By the way, the stages of personality formation in ontogenesis // Questions of psychology.

1979. -N 4. - P. 23 - 33 (third message)

The same in abbreviation: Textbook on developmental and educational psychology. Works of Soviet psychologists from 1946 to 1980. - M., 1981.

Mental development of a schoolchild and his upbringing. - M., 1979, 96 p. (together with L. S. Slavina)

Personality formation in childhood. - Manuscript. - 1979. - 45 m/ps.

To help pedagogical practice. - Manuscript. - 1979. 17 m/p s.

Psychology of mentally retarded schoolchildren. Review of the book. S. Ya. Rubinstein “Psychology of a mentally retarded schoolchild.” Ed. 2nd, re-worked. and additional -M., 1979/UVopr. psychology. - 1980. - No. 1. - P. 165-169.

Psychological analysis of the conditions for the formation and structure of a harmonious personality // Psychology of the formation and development of personality / Responsible. ed. L. I. Antsyferova. - M., 1981. - P. 257 - 284.

The significance of L. S. Vygotsky’s cultural-historical concept for modern research in personality psychology // Scientific creativity of L. S. Vygotsky and modern psychology. Note that theses of the reports of the All-Union Conference. - M., 1981. - P. 24 - 30.

What is will? // Family and school. 1981. -N 1. - P. 32 - 35.

Organize your life correctly // Ibid. - 1981. -N 2. - P. 36 - 39.

Consciously manage their behavior // Ibid. 1981. - No. 3. - P. 28-31.

The will of a teenager // Ibid. 1981. -N 4. - P. 22 - 24.

Will // Psychological Dictionary. / Ed. V. V. Davydov, A. V. Zaporozhets, B. F. Lomov, 1983. - P. 53 - 54.

On the cultural-historical concept of L. S. Vygotsky and its significance for modern research in personality psychology // Issues. psychology. - 1988. -N5. -WITH. 108 - 116.


Essays on the psychology of children (primary school age) / Ed. A. N. Leontyev, L. I. Bozhovich.-M., 1950, 190 p.

The same in Czech. (1953), rum. (1963), China. (1953)

Questions of schoolchildren's psychology - News of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR, 1961. - Vol. 36, 223 pp. (ed.)

Cognitive interests and conditions for their formation in childhood. - News of the APN of the RSFSR. 1955. Issue. 73. 260s. (ed.)

Same for whale. language 1958.

Psychological study of children in a boarding school. - M., 1960, 20 p. (ed.)

Questions of personality psychology of schoolchildren. - M., 1961, 406 pp. / Ed. L. I. Bozhovich, L. V. Blagonadezhina.

Studying the motivation of children and adolescents. - M., 1972, 352 pp. / Ed. L. I. Bozhovich, L. V. Blagonadezhina.

The same in Spanish. lang., 1978.

Konnikova T. E. Organization of a group of students at school. Generalization of the experience of school 210 in Leningrad. - M., 1957, 400 p. (ed.)


Bozhovich L. I. Studying the personality of a schoolchild and the problem of education // Psychological Science in USSR. - M., 1960. - T. 2.

Bozhovich L.I. Age-related patterns in the formation of a child’s personality: Abstract of thesis. dis. ... doc. psychol. Sci. - M., 1966.

Bozhovich L.I. Personality and its formation in childhood. - M., 1968.

Bozhovich L.I. Problem of development of the child’s motivational sphere // Study of the motivation of behavior of children and adolescents. - M., 1972.

Bozhovich L. I. Development of the affective-need sphere of a person/Problems of general, developmental and pedagogical psychology. - M., 1978.

Bozhovich L.I. By the way, the stages of personality formation in ontogenesis // Issues. psychology. - 1978. -N 4. - 1979. -N 2, 4.

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The basis of the theory of mental development of personality according to L. I. Bozhovich

The theory of mental development of personality L. I. Bozhovich is based on such concepts as "social situation of development" And "neoplasms".

In the USSR L. I. Bozhovich identifies:

  1. Internal development processes,
  2. External conditions.

In neoplasms, L. I. Bozhovich shares:

  1. Central neoplasm,
  2. Needs.

Periodization of mental development

  1. Newborn crisis.
  2. Infancy. Main characteristics :
  • Helplessness
  • Adult-mediated activities.

The main new development of age is affectively charged ideas.

  • Crisis of the 1st year of life.
  • Early childhood. Main characteristics:
    • Child's independence
    • Other requirements from adults.

    The main new development of age is the need for self-affirmation.

  • Crisis of the 3rd year of life.
  • Preschool childhood. The main new development is the emergence of an internal position.
  • Crisis of 7 years.
  • Junior school childhood. Basic characteristics of age:
    • Awareness of one's own social “I”,
    • Appearance new system demands from adults.

    The main new formation is the position of the student.

  • Adolescence crisis.
    • 12 – 14 years old. Basic characteristics of age:
    1. Emancipation from adults
    2. Transition to middle classes.
    3. The main new development is the emergence of goal setting.

  • 15 – 17 years old. The main characteristic of age is determining one’s place in life. The main new development is a qualitatively new life perspective.
  • Research by L. I. Bozhovich

    L. I. Bozhovich conducted many studies regarding motivation junior schoolchildren. Their main aspects are visible in Figures 1 and 2.

    Many of L. I. Bozhovich’s works contain ideas and approaches that are significant for modern psychology. One of them that should be highlighted is an approach that considers the internal position in the child’s personal development, as well as its formation.

    Figure 1. “SSR of a junior school student”

    Figure 2. “Dynamics of social motives of schoolchildren”

    The problem of personality development. Here L.I. Bozhovich proceeds from the thesis that:


    « mental development a child is a complex process, the understanding of which always requires an analysis not only of those objective conditions that affect the child, but also of the already established features of his psyche... We have to talk about this specifically, she wrote, because there are still attempts deduce both the age and individual characteristics of the child directly from the analysis of the external circumstances of his life.”

    There is also the approach of S. L. Rubinstein about the influence of the external through the internal.

    But L.I. Bozovic argued that “...even S.L. Rubinstein, who devoted so much space to the question of the activity of human consciousness, she noted, does not recognize in concrete historical terms decisive role V human behavior once psychological formations arose... Although without this, as it seems to us, it is impossible to understand or study the psychology of personality...” And further: “And now one can still find among psychologists and teachers oblivion of the undoubted position that the mental development of a child has its own internal logic, its own laws, and is not a passive reflection of the reality in which this development takes place.”

    Polemicizing with A.N. Leontyev, who first emphasized the importance of the child’s life position in his development, and then somewhat changed this thesis to the statement that development is determined by life itself, the real activity of the child, L.I. Bozovic writes:


    “It seems to us that A.N. Leontyev sins against himself when, in his further reasoning and research, he discards the concept of “position” and returns to the much more general and psychologically vague concepts of “life itself,” “real life processes,” and “child’s activity.”
