I'm a simple man from which movie? I'm a simple meme - where did it come from?

- a meme with a mustachioed man dressed in a white shirt and beige jacket. It is customary for them to express the immediate existence of a person’s life, for example, when he sees the dawn, he goes to bed.


The man in this image is none other than Nick Offerman - American actor , starring in the comedy television series Parks and Recreation. His character is Ron Swanson, a petty official from the small town of Pony, in whose life various minor troubles occur. Overall, he is a hardworking man who tries to act like a real man.

The phrase “I'm a simple man,” which became a meme, is taken from episode 8 of season 2 of the TV series “Parks and Recreation.” In the original, Ron Swanson says, “I’m a simple man. I like pretty brunettes and a big breakfast.”

The episode aired on November 5, 2009, and the phrase quickly became viral on Western resources. A few days later, a screenshot from the series, captioned with a quote from Swanson, appeared in the /funny section of Reddit.

On May 30, a Tumblr blog dedicated to the TV series “Parks and Recreation” posted a picture postcard depicting the actor in a beige jacket and that same quote.

And only in April 2014, the Offerman meme that we all know was formed. Redditor thisBkewl published a picture in the style of advice memes with an image of the actor and two inscriptions on top and bottom. For the first time, the original quote was paraphrased, and in the user's version, Swanson said the phrase: “I'm a simple man, I see boobs, I vote.”

The meme became popular and received hundreds of parodies; it soon reached the RuNet. Now users post Offerman/Swanson and phrases starting with the words “I’m a simple man...”


This meme has deservedly become one of the most popular among web users. It is customary for them to express the immediate existence of a person’s life, for example, when he sees the dawn, he goes to bed. Phrases typical of ordinary people are added to the photo.

Today, a number of the most common phrases can be identified for this meme:

  1. If I spilled water, I wiped it off with a sock.
  2. I see beautiful girl- I like it.
  3. I have money and I drink.
  4. What I see is what I say.

It is also worth noting that some of the types of this meme are not accompanied by the phrase: “I am a simple man,” but at the same time they still convey a life message. This phrase rather serves as a meme .

What is “I’m a simple man?” The history of the meme

I'm a simple meme man - where did this picture come from? After all, this phrase is all over the Internet today - we will try to figure this out today, as well as identify where this phrase came from and where this meme comes from?

People who spend a lot of time on the Internet are familiar with this definition.

What is a meme?

To understand where the meme “I’m a simple man” comes from, you need to understand what this definition means. A meme is a picture on which different inscriptions appear. The most popular memes include the following:

  • Picture with a raccoon “Uzbagoysya”;
  • Comic from VKontakte with the inscription “remove from friends”;
  • Child in pajamas with spongebob;
  • Pictures with a mysterious face “Come on, tell me”;
  • Vitaliy Klichko;
  • Jackie Chan clutching his head;
  • Running away plump girl in a yellow jacket;
  • Actor from the movie " iron Man» Robert Downey Jr.
  • What should I do if my toilet is dancing?

Funny captions are published on these pictures, and therefore they are seen not only by Internet users. But there are also memes on which awkward phrases are written that do not cause any impression. Often inscriptions are not understandable to people, since they are accessible to a certain category of people, for example, engineers or programmers.

Where did the meme come from - I'm a simple man: source

Meme - I am a simple man, represents photograph of a simple man in a checkered shirt. This picture shows an American actor Nick Offerman. who starred in the comedy television series Parks and Recreation and played Ron Swanson.

This is a series about the small provincial town of Pony, in which funny situations occur that make fun of the bureaucratic difficulties and moments in the daily work of a minor official.

This demotivator quickly gained popularity. These memes talk about what a person usually does in life, for example, when he sees a puddle, he wipes it up with a sock. The source of the meme can be called the phrases ordinary people, what they're saying. Memes bring a smile to people's faces because they sometimes recognize themselves in them.

This meme appeared on the Internet relatively recently and unexpectedly, so there is little information about it.

I am a simple man: phrases from the meme

Very often this type of meme contains obscene and swear words, which is why there is so little information about it on the Internet. Any meme has several phrases, the most common meme phrases the following can be considered:

  • Reply to the message;
  • I received my salary and drank it away;
  • I see delicious things - I eat them;
  • I'm drinking about it;
  • I have an iPhone, but I eat Doshirak.

Some memes don't start with the words "I'm a simple man." Most likely, they were simply created by Internet users themselves.

Create meme - I'm a simple man

By using special programs and sites you can make memes that you like. There you can also create a meme with the picture “I am a simple man” (you can take it from our website).

To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to a special site, a meme generator, for example this one;
  2. Click the “Create” button
  3. Select the desired meme, or in our case, use your own picture;
  4. Fill out the template by writing what you want to see from below and what from above;
  5. You can increase or decrease the font size;
  6. Save and download the image.

You can create memes using your own picture by uploading what you want to do and adding funny captions. As you can see, the procedure for creating a meme is very simple - and that’s why there are a lot of them, every schoolchild does this, trying to amuse and make their friends and acquaintances laugh. But to be honest, only a few people manage to create truly funny memes.

The article talked about what it is - I’m just a meme, but it was not possible to find out where this demotivator came from. This phrase covers the Internet, but at least it is known where the meme “I am a simple man” is depicted on this meme and the phrases that are inherent in it.


1-vopros.ru: a collection of answers to your questions.

It’s good to be recognized, earn decent money, and receive film awards. Becoming an Internet meme character is priceless, if only because only a few actors have received such an honor. We remembered the ten most popular memes featuring movie stars.

Leonardo DiCaprio has probably spawned more memes than any other actor. It all started with massive reposts of a cheesy photograph of young Leo from Titanic (1997), in which his character was subjected to extensive ridicule. Then there was a massive craze for “photojabs,” when the image of DiCaprio cheerfully walking somewhere was implanted in a variety of backgrounds. After “The Great Gatsby” (2013), a photo of an actor raising a glass became a convenient template for proclaiming any kind of toast, and after “Inception” (2010), DiCaprio’s dialogue with Cillian Murphy in pictures (the actors exchange phrases) became a fashionable topic for “photoshops.” , after Killian's answer, Leo squints).

But the comic book made from footage from Shutter Island (2010) gained the greatest fame: the characters of DiCaprio and his partner Chuck Ole are discussing some topic, Ole is trying to joke, and instead of answering, the gloomy Leo makes a sad face. The dialogue between two men in hats turned out to be a universal form in which you can package any topic of the day - from nasty weather to the loss of your favorite team. The high popularity of the meme led to the fact that craftsmen drew it, turning it from a homemade one into a completely real comic.

Example:“Oul: What city do you live in? - DiCaprio: In Tolyatti. - Oul: Is this in Italy? - DiCaprio: …!!!"

Keanu Reeves - “Sad Keanu”, “What if?..”

In the summer of 2010, a photo of Keanu Reeves spread across the Internet - unshaven, very modestly dressed, dejectedly eating a sandwich on a park bench. The photo taken by pararazzi was distributed with heartbreaking text: “My father left the family when he was 3, and since then he has never communicated with him. His mother was married six times. Due to relocations, I studied in different schools. As a child he suffered from dyslexia. The dream of becoming a hockey player evaporated after an injury. Dropped out of school to become an actor. The daughter died without being born. The daughter's mother died in the accident. Never married. Avoids relationships. Atheist. Refuses big roles if he thinks the character is too cruel. He cut his fee for filming The Replacements so that Gene Hackman could star in it. Previously, he cut his fee by $2 million so that Al Pacino could play in the film “The Devil's Advocate”. The majority of his income is donated to charities and support staff employed on the set. His best friend- his sister. She has leukemia and he spends whatever money he has left to pay her medical bills, earning money by playing the guitar.”

In fact, this is how the actor prepared for the role of a drug addict in the arthouse drama Three in New York, but many compassionate Internet users believed that Keanu does not take care of himself because he is in prolonged depression, and discussed this fact for a long time - a community “Cheer up Keanu Reeves” even appeared on Facebook. At the same time, there were many jokers who photoshopped a picture with an unshaven actor - they put him on Forrest Gump’s bench, made him a member of the company of gopniks and placed him in the same frame with the eccentric physicist Grigory Perelman. It all ended with the release of a plastic figurine of an unshaven Keanu, which anyone today can order on the Internet for $45 (the “author’s” copy was given to the actor himself at the first opportunity, to great pleasure the latter). As a result, no one liked “Three in New York” and were forgotten immediately after the release, but “homeless Keanu” has no intention of disappearing from the Internet, having already reached the popularity of the old meme with a photo of young Reeves from the time of “The 120 Days of Sodom” by Pasolini - but Pakhomov played the village idiot so selflessly that instead of horror it turned out to be almost a comedy.

Until the end of the 2000s, only subtle connoisseurs of trash knew about the film, then someone uploaded “The Green Elephant” to YouTube - and young people were blown away. Users plundered the film for quotes and made Bratishka and Poezhashiy (as the characters in the film address each other) the heroes of thousands of “photographs” spread across social networks, and also created hundreds of videos in which they were forced to sing using auto-tune. No less popular is another genre of video art, in which scenes from famous films are re-voiced with phrases from Baskova’s film to achieve a comic effect. In Russia today, gatherings of “Elephant” fans are held, covers of the song from the film are recorded, photos of Pakhom rolling his eyes are printed on T-shirts, and enthusiasts have even developed several computer games in the film's universe. Epifantsev, who has managed to build a successful film career over the past years, considers “The Green Elephant” a mistake of his youth, is ashamed of the film and is not at all happy about the unexpected explosion of its popularity. Pakhomov, on the contrary, is happy with everything, and gives interviews to film publications, explaining that he based his crazy character on his neighbor . We cannot present the most popular memes generated by “Elephant” here for censorship reasons; we will only clarify that the seemingly harmless phrase “Brother, I brought you something to eat!” has become a catchphrase! in fact, it doesn’t mean anything good - most likely, the person pronouncing it intends to sell the interlocutor something of low quality, useless, and smelly. Nuff said.

Examples:“Hello!”, “It’s time for dirty stories,” “Breakfast will be ruined!”, “How did you sleep, brother?”, thousands of them.

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I am a simple man meme - where did you get this picture? After all, this phrase is replete with all over the Internet today - we will try to figure this out today, as well as identify where this phrase came from and where this meme comes from?

People who spend a lot of time on the Internet are familiar with this definition.

What is a meme?

To understand where the meme - I'm a simple man - comes from, you need to understand what this definition means. - this is a picture on which different inscriptions appear. The most popular memes include the following:

  • Picture with a raccoon “Uzbagoysya”;
  • Comic from VKontakte with the inscription “remove from friends”;
  • Child in pajamas with spongebob;
  • Pictures with a mysterious face “Come on, tell me”;
  • Vitaliy Klichko;
  • Jackie Chan clutching his head;
  • A plump girl running away in a yellow jacket;
  • Iron Man actor Robert Downey Jr.

Funny captions are published on these pictures, and therefore they are seen not only by Internet users. But there are also memes on which awkward phrases are written that do not cause any impression. Often inscriptions are not understandable to people, since they are accessible to a certain category of people, for example, engineers or programmers.

Where did the meme come from - I'm a simple man: source

Meme - I am a simple man, represents photograph of a simple man in a checkered shirt. This picture shows an American actor Nick Offerman who starred in the comedy television series "Parks and Recreation" and played Ron Swanson.

This is a series about the small provincial town of Pony, in which funny situations occur that make fun of the bureaucratic difficulties and moments in the daily work of a minor official.

This demotivator quickly gained popularity. These memes talk about what a person usually does in life, for example, when he sees a puddle, he wipes it up with a sock. The source of the meme can be called the phrases of ordinary people, what they say. Memes bring a smile to people's faces because they sometimes recognize themselves in them.

This meme appeared on the Internet relatively recently and unexpectedly, so there is little information about it.

I am a simple man: phrases from the meme

Very often this type of meme contains obscene and swear words, which is why there is so little information about it on the Internet. Any meme has several phrases, the most common meme phrases the following can be considered:

  • Reply to the message;
  • I received my salary and drank it away;
  • I see delicious things - I eat them;
  • I'm drinking about it;
  • I have an iPhone, but I eat Doshirak.

Some memes don't start with the words "I'm a simple man." Most likely, they were simply created by Internet users themselves.

Create meme - I'm a simple man

With the help of special programs and websites, you can create memes that you like. There you can also create a meme with the picture “I am a simple man” (you can take it from our website).

To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to a special site, a meme generator, for example this one;
  2. Click the “Create” button
  3. Select the desired meme, or in our case, use your own picture;
  4. Fill out the template by writing what you want to see from below and what from above;
  5. You can increase or decrease the font size;
  6. Save and download the image.

You can create memes using your own picture by uploading what you want to do and adding funny captions. As you can see, the procedure for creating a meme is very simple - and that’s why there are a lot of them, every schoolchild does this, trying to amuse and make their friends and acquaintances laugh. But to be honest, only a few people manage to create truly funny memes.
