Types of wall decoration in an apartment: making the right choice. Options for finishing walls in an apartment - a review of modern materials The best way to cover the walls of an apartment

The walls in the apartment usually cause the greatest number of problems for owners during renovations. How to decorate them in such a way as to hide the imperfections and make the interior unusual, unlike those of the neighbors. In addition, I want it to be practical and not very expensive. Wallpaper is usually the first thing that comes to mind. We won't argue. With the current diversity of their types, it is quite possible to select suitable option for any room. Well, then what about the creativity and uniqueness of the interior? And functionality should not be overlooked either. After all, let’s say, while searching for an answer to the question: “How to decorate the kitchen walls in an apartment?”, you begin to understand that wallpaper is far from the most the best option for this room. We need something different, more practical and durable. However, fortunately, the current owners of apartments and houses will not have to rack their brains for a long time over the problem. Market building materials so diverse that you can find suitable solution it won't be difficult. We, in turn, will try to help with valuable advice.

So, what are the walls in the apartment decorated with, besides wallpaper?

General principles

Choosing suitable material For walls, first of all, you need to take into account the room in which the finishing will take place. This is what we need to build on. If this is, say, a bedroom or a children's room, then you need to opt for environmentally friendly materials, in the manufacture of which a minimum amount of chemical components was used. If we're talking about about the hallway, then you need to understand that a more durable material, after all, this is the room where people most often touch the walls with their hands, so the ability to quickly remove traces of the same hands from the walls without consequences for the finishing is of great importance. As for, say, the kitchen, you will need materials that can withstand temperature changes and high humidity. Talking about what can be used to decorate the walls in an apartment, we will, first of all, touch upon issues of practicality and functionality. As for interior design specifically, this is not the topic of our review, however, based on our advice, you, due to the abundance of all kinds of colors and textures of the materials we describe, will be able to independently choose the appropriate option for yourself.

Decorate with plaster

To put it mildly, do you have less than ideal walls in your apartment? How to finish them quickly, efficiently and inexpensively? Consider with decorative plaster. If you accept it, you will deal with two birds with one stone - you will hide defects and improve the interior. And there will be no problems with the design, since decorative plaster is covered with paint after application to the surface. So suitable color It won't be difficult to find. And, besides, when you hear the word “plaster,” there’s no point in imagining a gray surface covered in specks of sand. Not at all. Today, decorative plaster is so diverse that you can use it to create a textured, antique, or marbled surface. The only drawback This type of finishing, perhaps, lies in the fact that, without good skills, it is unlikely that you will be able to make a high-quality finish yourself. However, if you don’t get too fancy and buy a “bark beetle” type solution, then you can easily do it yourself. Well, if you want the walls to be finished or their surface to imitate a stone covering, then, of course, it is advisable to turn to specialists.


This material is quite well-known and, it seems, can no longer surprise anyone. However, everything is not so simple. Today ceramic tile so diverse that it is used not only in bathrooms and toilets, but sometimes also decorates the walls of living rooms and hallways. Well, for the kitchen this is perhaps the most suitable option. Its mirror varieties will serve as excellent bedrooms.

PVC panels

Quite often this coating is found in offices. However, who said that they cannot decorate the walls in the apartment. How to finish the surface if you want the work to be done quickly and painlessly, and the coating itself to be durable, beautiful and easy to clean? Of course, you should pay attention to PVC panels. They are simply ideal for the kitchen, great for bathrooms and hallways. For budget renovation- an excellent option. Especially considering that all the work can be done independently, it is enough to be able to hold a drill and a screwdriver in your hands. Moreover, today plastic panels They are produced not only in plain colors, but also with patterns, which are sometimes so beautiful that you can easily create an amazing interior. Cheap, practical and original.

MDF panels

In appearance they are similar to plastic ones, but are not as moisture resistant as the latter. In addition, they are usually produced only in a single-color version and most often imitate wood covering. However, if you are looking for an apartment, and the material is not particularly expensive, then this option is perfect. These panels are quite resistant to stress, wash well, in addition, you can not only install them yourself, but also hide all communications and surface irregularities under them.


When considering relatively budget options for wall decoration, you cannot ignore painting. At one time it was extremely fashionable and was considered a very sophisticated finishing option. Today painting is no longer so popular, even though many modern materials. Indeed, at the very beginning, when such finishing options had just begun to appear (we, of course, do not mean panels in old Soviet apartments, covered with a nasty green color), they took an ordinary water-based emulsion and added dye to it to get the desired shade. It was not always possible to achieve the desired result, and such coating was difficult to clean. No, now there are plenty of ready-made paints on the market, some of which also contain varnish, so dirt can be easily washed off from them. This finishing method is rapidly losing popularity for another reason.

The fact is that to obtain a high-quality result, the desired surface must be carefully leveled and made perfectly smooth. Which will require large material costs and the involvement of specialists. In addition, this method is considered one of the dirtiest. Tip: to reduce costs and speed up the process, you can first cover the plastered walls with special wallpaper, and then apply paint to them.

All the options presented above are the most common and, according to by and large, public. What is the best way to decorate the walls of an apartment if the owners are not strapped for cash and can afford to fork out for expensive materials. Let us next consider the most promising options in this regard.


Great option. Natural will create an atmosphere of comfort in the room and will allow you to create any desired interior design, because at the moment it is produced painted in various colors, and at the same time its inherent nature is preserved. In addition, cork will insulate the walls and contribute to their sound insulation.

Decorative rock

Another expensive finishing option. But it is also durable, in addition, incredibly refined and emphasizing the status of the owners. And if you don’t know what to decorate the walls in the hallway of your apartment with, consider it. Thus, you will make the interior of this room not only original, but also functional, because such a coating is not afraid of any “injuries” or dirt. Advice: I must say that today construction markets You can easily purchase a magnificent fake - not natural, but artificial decorative stone. And, we dare say, it is made so well that not even every specialist can determine its non-natural origin. Such material will cost you an order of magnitude cheaper, which, by the way, will practically not affect its quality characteristics.

3D panels

An excellent option for those who don’t know what to decorate the walls of their apartment with, other than wallpaper. After all, this is a super new product modern market, so it’s ideal for those who want to create a creative, “not like everyone else” interior. As for the coating itself, it is, of course, expensive, but all expenses will be covered by its amazing appearance and the stunning visual effect that such panels create. In addition, a huge advantage is that the installation of such panels can be done by hand. And the surface does not require any special preliminary preparation. So, don't lose sight of it while choosing the right wall decor.


We told how it was in the apartment. How to finish them is, of course, up to you. But at the end of the article we want to give one more piece of advice. Don't discount wallpaper. If you don't want to decorate the walls with them, you don't need to. The choice of materials, as you may have noticed, is more than large. But remember: sometimes a combination of wallpaper and, say, the same decorative stone looks much more interesting than just walls covered only with the latter. In general, use your imagination. And you will certainly succeed.

Walls are a business card, and when entering an apartment, the eye first falls on them, so the main attention during renovation is paid to these surfaces. The starting point in this difficult task will be the planning stage, that is, you must understand exactly what you want, based on the available resources: the detailed footage of the apartment, location in relation to the sun, finishing materials and material costs in general. Unusual wall decoration with your own hands is not the easiest job, especially for a beginner.

Before you start working directly with materials, the walls need to be prepared and leveled. Usually putty or plaster is suitable for this; in especially difficult cases, you can cover the walls with plasterboard, although this method of leveling “steals” part of the space.

Also often used for finishing and leveling glass magnesium sheet(SML) – material obtained from magnesium chloride shavings. This sheet is designed specifically for areas with high humidity and large temperature changes. It is highly resistant to moisture, is not subject to combustion, and is easy to process into the desired shape.

Finishing LSU walls allows you to use this material as an independent coating, or as a base - paint, wallpaper, and tiles fit well on it. This material is easy to work with and does not require any special skills.

Most often used in interior and ceilings, as well as in the external cladding of the home. Finishing external walls with this material allows for better heat retention and improves the quality of sound insulation.

Well, the walls are leveled and you can move directly to the cladding. Can be used here various options– wall decoration involves a wide selection of decorative finishing materials, this allows you to settle on what is preferable to you. Next we will look at the most basic of them.

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Main types of finishes


Coloring - pretty old look decoration, but it goes well with other types. Currently, there are a lot of types of paints, and they all have the most various characteristics. But in order not to get confused, we will narrow the scope of our search.

To begin with, paints are divided into:

  • façade– for external decoration;
  • And interior– for internal.

We, of course, need interior ones. Then you choose where to paint.

  • For the kitchen and bathroom it is better to use moisture-resistant paint.
  • For the living room and bedroom, you can take a non-moisture resistant one.

We also look at wear resistance– how often will you wash painted walls?

  • Water-based, these are by far the most inexpensive and easiest to use. They are most suitable for painting dry rooms and are abrasion-resistant, meaning they can be washed. They are almost odorless and dry quickly.
  • Acrylic, well suited for wet areas. When dry, they form an impenetrable matte film that makes walls easy to clean. These paints mix well and create interesting color variations.
  • Oily, are suitable for any premises, but have recently been little used due to long drying times and a specific odor, however, this type of finishing material is quite durable and difficult to erase.
  • Decorative, latest generation paints. They allow you to create almost any visual effect on a painted surface - stone, wood, gold, velvet and much more. These paints are easy to apply, dry quickly and are highly durable and resistant to washing. Besides everything else, decorative paints They are also environmentally friendly, so they can be safely used, for example, in a nursery.

A separate niche in the painting industry is painting. Agree, an intricate pattern created with your own hands, perhaps even a plot composition, looks much more original than just plain painting.

You can do the painting yourself, or you can involve your child, fortunately, nowadays the stores are full of paints that are easily washed off with ordinary soapy water. This perfect solution for the nursery, because your child is the rightful owner there and he will be delighted with the opportunity to draw on the walls. Introduce fairy-tale motifs, or draw your favorite cartoon characters - the atmosphere in any case will be very fabulous.


Wallpaper, despite the development of the modern industry, remains in a leading position among wall coverings. As a rule, their price is the most reasonable compared to other coatings. They are divided into paper, vinyl and textile, and each type has its pros and cons.

Wallpaper is one of the most interesting ways for wall surface decoration

  • Paper– there are smooth and embossed, with a pattern and for painting. The cheapest and easiest to operate. This type of wallpaper can be changed frequently. However, they cannot be washed. Also, they tear quickly and are flammable, so it’s better not to place them close heating devices and do not glue them behind the battery.
  • Vinyl, very durable and water resistant. Typically made from dense polymer materials, which allows you to well mask the unevenness and roughness of the walls. But when glued, they have the peculiarity of stretching, and then, as they dry, they return to their previous size and shape, often forming gaps at the joints. They also do not absorb glue well, so the process of gluing them may take a little longer.
  • Textile wallpaper not cheap, however, they are most suitable for those who like to experiment with the interior. They have good thermal insulation and noise absorption. But, unfortunately, they also easily absorb dust and moisture. Clean only with a vacuum cleaner and a dry cloth. And it is not recommended to install it yourself if you have no experience in this.
  • Photo wallpaper, as a rule, are made from modern polymer materials. Very popular due to the brightness and high clarity of the image. Easy to apply and last a long time. Depending on the material from which they are made, they may or may not be washable.

Decorative plaster

This decorative and unusual finish will become a real decoration of your apartment.

This type finishing materials are difficult to clearly classify, but they still have a conditional division.

  • Structural plaster It is a mass of small pebbles, wood fibers, pieces of mica and other minerals. Finishing concrete wall This coating will allow you to fantasize in any direction, creating real masterpieces within a specific room. You can care for such a coating using a soap solution and a soft brush or rag.

Note! This type of finish goes well with painting.

  • Stone plaster has no fundamental differences from the structural one. Only the inclusions are most often granite, stone or quartz, and in direct sunlight they look like pieces of multi-colored glass. Very original idea for design.
  • Venetian plasterdecorative material, accurately imitating natural marble. Apply several times thin layers. Unfortunately, this material is very capricious, so only decorating professionals will be able to apply it correctly and achieve the desired result. visual effect. Pay attention to the photo above.
  • Also popular decorative putty plaster.

Ceramic tile

Ceramic tiles are classic material for finishing walls and floors.

In order to use this material, you need to have a sense of style and at least basic design skills.

Tiles come in different structures, sizes, and colors.

Note! With the help of tiles you can either visually expand the existing space or reduce it - it all depends on the colors and patterns you use. For example, you can use small, mosaic or cubic tiles in cold tones - this will visually narrow and reduce the space. If you use large cells and warm colors– the space will seem larger, more spacious.

The easiest way is to make a sketch of your future room and experiment with colors and tile patterns. Laying it out is not difficult, the main thing is that the color of the grout does not contrast too much with the color of the tile itself and does not distract attention to itself, creating the feeling of a cage. Ideally, the grout will be a couple of tones lighter - then the tiles will look like a single pattern.

Wall panels

The biggest advantage of this finishing material is undoubtedly its ease of use and the ability to decorate walls, ceilings, arched passages, finishing a niche in the wall with wall panels also looks quite organic. And if you handle them carefully, you can use them more than once.

Wall panels are divided into slatted, tile and sheet.

Are being manufactured finishing panels from MDF, natural wood, fiberboard, chipboard and some other polymer materials.

  • Natural wood- the highest quality and environmentally friendly option, although not the cheapest. As a rule, whole fragments of various wood species are used for such panels.

They are impregnated special compounds, reducing fire hazard and preventing insects from damaging the wood. And the top is coated with wax or varnish, which increases water resistance.

Recently, they have begun to produce tiles consisting of several layers - this increases the service life and prevents the wood from cracking from water, temperature changes and direct sunlight.

  • Chipboard– chipboard tiles, created by pressing hot chips and a binder composition. Not much inferior in finishing qualities natural wood, however, it does not tolerate a humid environment and sudden temperature changes - this can cause it to crack or delaminate, so it is better to use it in an unheated room. Also, chipboard is enough brittle material, so you need to handle it very carefully, otherwise it will crumble.
  • Fiberboard- wood-fiber tiles, also created by hot pressing using some other plant materials. However, fiberboard, unlike chipboard, tolerates a humid environment well, unless it is constantly exposed to direct water - then it can swell and crack.
  • Polyvinyl chloride panels (PVC)– appeared on the market relatively recently, but are already actively used. Made from high-quality plastic, such panels are not afraid of direct contact with water, are practically not afraid of fire and are easy to install.

A pattern imitating wood, marble and much more is applied to the surface of these panels, and the top is coated with a special varnish, which prevents damage to the pattern from direct exposure to water, light and protects against temperature changes.

Cork material

This material has appeared on our market relatively recently, but has already gained respect for itself, because it has many advantages. The first and most important thing is the natural origin of this coating.

It does not absorb moisture and does not slip, and also retains heat well. It is not very difficult to install if you follow a certain method: all components must be at the same temperature, that is, the glue, coated roll and sealant varnish must lie in the room for some time (about two days).

By the way, when purchasing a coating, you need to keep in mind that part of it will be used for repairs. possible errors and damage. After the coating has been glued and completely dried, you can apply the sealant evenly, or preferably in several layers.

It will not only protect the coating from dust, exposure to sunlight and moisture, but also, in some types of cork, will allow the true wood grain to appear. As the sealant wears off, it can and should be reapplied. Once the coating has been properly treated, it can be washed, preferably with a mild, warm soapy solution and a soft cloth or brush.

Fabric finishing

This finish is far from the cheapest among coatings. But it is the most comfortable, allowing you to create a warm atmosphere. Fabric itself is a rather capricious material to work with, but it can effortlessly cope with problems that wallpaper could not cope with. For example, to hide roughness, protrusions and uneven walls.

Fabric, unlike wallpaper and paint, does not have to be the same in texture, density and color. It allows you to play with space as you please.

In addition, a room decorated with this material has good acoustics, it is easy to put it in order just warm water and soap, and it tears much less often than many wallpapers. The fabric has good breathability and, as a rule, is a natural material, and in combination with foam rubber or padding polyester it increases the heat and sound insulation of the room.


Summing up everything that has been described here, it should be noted that it depends only on you what your home will look like. And it’s up to you whether you and your family want to return there again and again. Even budget finishing walls, made by painting the surfaces, has the right to be, and can be, quite attractive.

Remember, to create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, the main thing is that you like the changes that you have conceived and are implementing.

And the video in this article will help you finally make your choice, watch it!

Wall coverings can be very different and if you do not take expensive materials, you need to highlight five main types of wall coverings used for walls, in particular, such as wallpaper, liquid wallpaper, modern plaster, wall painting, flock coating.

Any decorative coating is an excellent alternative regular wallpaper, especially since there are more interesting and environmentally friendly safe materials, so they can be used for any room without exception.

A worthy alternative to ordinary wallpaper is decorative plaster. However, it is worth noting that this type of finishing materials is quite expensive. Decorative plaster is applied to a previously prepared surface, which must first be finished with basic plaster and putty. With the help of decorative plaster you can give absolutely any color and shine, as well as the desired texture. You can artificially age it, imitating a rather old cracked wall, or you can make the wall somewhat textured using convex strokes.

The advantage of this coating is that:

  • Wall covering without seams;
  • You can smooth out the uneven surface of the walls;
  • You can choose any shade and texture.

This coating has many more advantages, because it is practical and durable.

A very interesting option is flock coating. It is worth noting that this coating is free-flowing, so when applying it to the walls you must use special glue.

After such a loose coating has been completely applied to the wall, you need to cover it with a topcoat. As a rule, mother-of-pearl or glitter is used as a finishing coating.

Such a decorative coating perfectly hides all imperfections and smoothes out uneven walls. In addition, it is very practical and durable, and is also highly environmentally friendly, so it can be used in absolutely any room, including a child’s room.

Decorative panels on the wall instead of wallpaper

Decorative panels are one of the most popular modern finishing materials used as wall coverings. When laying decorative panels, no need preliminary preparation walls

Such decorative wall coverings are available in a wide range and can be made according to:

This is simply incredible beauty, with which it is quite possible to decorate walls in absolutely any room. This will allow you to create a rather unusual and most custom design rooms. The most popular and in demand type of panels are those made from wood-based panel materials. Such materials have high strength and moisture resistance. They are able to withstand the maximum possible loads and temperature changes.

You can read more information about wall finishing options in the following material:

Fabric on the walls instead of wallpaper: modern materials

How can you decorate a corridor instead of wallpaper to create an exquisite design in an apartment?

Many people are interested in what can be used to replace wallpaper when decorating a corridor to make it look more spacious and interesting. When decorating a corridor, you need to correctly select the shade and texture of materials.

To make the room more spacious, you need to select lighter shades of finishing materials, however, it is best to use warm colors, because otherwise the room will seem cold and uncomfortable.

When selecting finishing materials for the corridor, you need to use durable and stable finishing materials that can be cleaned without any problems. This is very important, because it is in the corridor that the largest amount of pollution from the street accumulates.

Perfect for decorating a corridor Wall panels, which look quite elegant and unique. Provided they are placed horizontally, it is possible to achieve visual increase rooms.

An environmentally friendly and natural material is beautiful decorative plaster, which has a wide range color solutions to create imitation of various structures. This coating is resistant to aggressive substances and mechanical damage.

Wall finishing options (video)

Whatever the finishing material for the walls, you must take into account all the rules for decorating the room. Each room should look simply unique, so you need to use your own unique style.

Wall coverings in the interior (photo)

Anyone who has at least once encountered such a problem as apartment renovation knows how seriously you need to take this topic. After all, your mood and well-being every day depends on how your home looks!

What kind of interior do we want to see in our apartment? How much do we want to invest? Will we do the repairs ourselves, or will we hire a team of finishers? To avoid problems in the future, it is better to answer these questions before starting repairs.

To give uniqueness and harmony, modern designers In the field of interior design, they offer a lot of methods for decorating walls in an apartment. Depending on the initial state of the wall surfaces, functional purpose rooms, the owner’s preferences, material capabilities, we can highlight the main options for their design.

Before choosing a wall design method and starting decorating work, their surfaces must be leveled and, if necessary, plastering and puttying work must be carried out.

The most common finishing method. Thanks to this finishing, you can create drawings of any complexity and color range. There are paints on water based, alkyd, silicate. For interior spaces Mostly water-based paints are used.

Water based paints

Most often, water-based paints are used to paint walls. They have a quick-drying effect, are odorless, and are easy to apply with any tool. By adding color pigment to the diluted consistency of white acrylic or emulsion paint, you can achieve any shade.

You can paint the walls in your apartment not only in a single color, but also in any creative ideas possible to make it a reality. A store or company that sells colors and paints has a computer tinting service. With its help, a specialist will select the shade you need.

An inexpensive type of water-soluble composition is water-based paint. Excellent adhesion, a small amount of applying layers to form an even paintable wall makes them popular among buyers.

You should know that this type of paint is not used in wet areas and it will not withstand mechanical influences.

Silicone paints based on aqueous polymer dispersions are more expensive than water-based paints due to their strength characteristics. Such coatings are durable and not afraid of moisture.

Acrylic paints based on aqueous polymer dispersions have low hiding power, but are also durable. They can be applied in “damp” rooms.

To give surface relief, use textured paints, with different fillings. The result of the pattern texture depends on the tool used to apply the composition.

Alkyd compositions

This type is not used for living rooms. This is evidenced by their properties: they contain alkyd resins, are not afraid of moisture, high temperature, have a specific smell, the brightness of the color loses its hue over time.

Silicate paints

Used in rooms with high humidity(kitchens, baths). They are durable, resistant, protect surfaces from fungi and mold.

The disadvantages of the application are the following: the release of evaporation during painting; it is necessary to use a respirator; poor adhesion to surfaces that have previously been painted.

Using wallpaper for decoration

Traditional and simple finishing method. The advantages of using wallpaper as decoration are as follows: huge selection, it’s easy to choose based on cost, quality, type, there is no need to resort to the help of specialists for pasting, you can do it yourself.

Wallpaper is classified into paper, vinyl, textile, non-woven, washable, photo wallpaper. The most popular are paper and vinyl. These types do not require much effort when gluing; they will require wallpaper adhesive to apply to the surface.

Wallpaper with liquid composition

This finishing material “liquid wallpaper” has no resemblance to wallpaper. It is a mixture of plaster, which when diluted with water forms liquid composition, capable of imparting any texture and relief to surfaces.

If the drawing did not work out the first time, the defects can be eliminated by easy dismantling and the application process can be repeated.

Photo wallpaper

Another way to create a “modern” style for the walls in an apartment is photo wallpaper. This unique style of decoration, due to its brightness, will transform the room and visually increase the space.

Decorative plastering

An unusual and expensive finishing method. Creative people in this way they will be able to realize their fantasies and ideas. With the help of decorative plaster, relief is achieved on walls of varying depths. With the help of cutters, reliefs are trimmed and given various shapes.

The beauty of the walls in the apartment is created using a plaster mixture consisting of sand, cement, lime with the addition of fillers. Meet me in the store plaster mixtures you can separate or finished form. In the first case, you will need to knead all the ingredients in a bucket.

Plaster can be mosaic or textured. With the help of such technologies, various stylish panels are created. A special tool is used to work with decorative plaster.

Decorative rock

Is expensive facing material. Beautifully laid stone will add originality to your home. Stone cladding can be artificial or natural.

Not everyone can afford to buy natural stone. Variety of species artificial stone not inferior natural stone. In stores you can find a large assortment of stones, and choose according to color and preference.

The choice of stone for finishing should be carefully thought out, and the design of the future room or corridor should be created in advance. This finishing in its final form can give the room a visual “heaviness” and “narrowing”.

Cladding walls with clapboard

This type of cladding is a popular method these days.

Simple installation, pleasant final appearance, additional sound insulation of walls in the apartment, long term operation, environmentally friendly use pure materials, the ability to level the walls without additional work- all these are the advantages of covering walls with wooden lining. This lining is made from different types of wood, which are quite expensive in cost.

An inexpensive and modern wall finishing material includes PVC panels. Fastening of such panels to uneven surfaces is carried out with the installation of a frame. Plastic panels can be used in rooms with high humidity.

Another a budget option cladding using MDF panels. The advantages of MDF lining are similar wooden lining. The installation principles of the two types are similar.

Don't decorate the walls MDF panels in moisture-resistant rooms. There are laminated, veneered, and painted wood lining types.

Photo of the walls in the apartment

Covering the walls with wallpaper or painting them in a single color are finishing solutions that have already become traditional. But what if these options seem boring and outdated? We offer an impressive way to decorate walls that have not yet become boring.

1. From the ceiling to the wall

Intricate stucco molding is rarely able to fit into a modern interior. But ceiling rosettes mounted on the walls and painted in their color look very trendy. A wall with such decoration becomes a real highlight of the interior.

2. Eco-style

Decorating walls with cork is not yet very common. This is most likely due to the widespread belief that cork is an impractical material. But this is not true at all. Modern cork panels are resistant to negative external factors, such as humidity and mechanical damage.

3. Fresh press

Paper on the walls in the form of wallpaper is a common solution, so the idea of ​​decorating with newspapers will not be shocking. But keep in mind that newsprint is thinner, so after drying we recommend covering the wall with a protective varnish.

4. A little brick

A wall completely lined with bricks is found in modern interiors quite often and have already gotten a little tired of it. We offer alternative solution– lay out only part of the wall with bricks. This finish harmoniously combines with snow-white plaster, creating interesting game contrasts.

5. Reliving vacation memories

River or sea ​​pebbles- a reliable and durable material for wall decoration that is easy to work with. With the help of small stones you can lay out either a whole wall or a separate section of it, for example, an area kitchen apron.

6. Cheap and cheerful

If the wall decoration natural wood will be a serious blow to family budget, then we recommend paying attention to other options. For example, finishing walls with OSB boards. But be careful: in order for the interior to look creative, you will have to carefully think through all its details. Otherwise, there is a high risk of crossing the boundaries of good taste.

7. Soft walls made of eco-leather

Eco-leather wall panels look truly luxurious. But in order for the interior not to look too pretentious, we recommend paying attention to non-standard colors. Eco-leather panels will look modern in laconic interiors.

8. Tension… walls

Practice finishing with tension walls not very widespread yet. They are a canvas mounted on a frame. The advantages of this finish are: high speed installation, the ability to apply any image in decent quality.

9. Brutal finishing with large stones

Large stones are rarely found in wall decoration, although they look more impressive than small ones. In order for such decoration to really decorate the interior, we recommend laying the entire wall with them, leaving free space between adjacent stones.

10. Exquisite shine of glass

Glass panels can have a variety of colors and textures. Therefore, choosing a model that will harmoniously fit into the interior will not be difficult. Often, glass panels are mounted on top of a wall with another type of finish, such as brick or stone. This allows you to create an impressive 3D effect in the interior.

11. Soft inner light

This type of finishing is technically difficult to implement. But the result is really worth the effort. Light sources are mounted on the wall, for example, LED Strip Light. Then, at a short distance from them, there are wall panels.

12. Paint + 3D panels

In the vast majority of cases, 3D gypsum panels are sold in white and are used for finishing in their original form. But when painted they look much more interesting. In addition, the process of their harmonious integration into the color scheme is facilitated. certain interior.

13. Everything is the other way around: frames... in the image

A wall covered with bright wallpaper can be filled with identical frames from floor to ceiling. This way, many different paintings will appear on the wall, all united by a common plot.

14. Democratic plastic

Plastic wall panels usually does not please with aesthetic characteristics, and is perceived as a material for temporary wall decoration. Therefore, we recommend spending a little more time than planned and finding high-quality plastic panels. Then the chances of creating a dynamic and stylish interior will increase significantly.

15. Plasterboard structures are not always bad

Complex wall structures made of plasterboard are a finish that most designers condemn. But there are examples when plasterboard in the interior looks stylish. To remain within the bounds of good taste, we recommend that you consult with professionals when choosing a design shape.

16. New in the world of finishing materials - flexible stone

This material consists of stone chips or a polymer layer attached to a flexible base. Bending stone allows you to recreate the texture of natural stone even on uneven surfaces of complex shape. At the same time, its cost is quite affordable.

Once a general understanding of unusual wall finishing methods has been obtained, you may want to return to familiar and proven solutions. In this case, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with how
