Entrance arches to the apartment. The interior arch is an elegant element of the interior. How to paint an arched passage

You can visually increase the space in your apartment using an arch. The absence of a door and the widening of the opening make the room larger and brighter. That is why in most modern apartments you can find a wide variety of arched openings.

Methods for finishing an arched opening

The arch is convenient and very beautiful. In addition, it can be finished with a variety of materials, which allows the apartment owner to use all his imagination to obtain the best result.

Tips on how to make an arch from plasterboard in the video:

Among the most common design options for arched openings are the following:

Wallpapering. This is the most economical and simplest finishing method. Moreover, a wide range of designs and patterns, as well as the presence of interesting textured wallpaper, allows you to create a unique frame for the arched opening that matches the style of the main room.

If the finishing of the arch is carried out directly by the owner of the apartment, without the help of specialists, then for this he will need the following tools: wallpaper and glue for it, a brush, scissors, a pencil and a ruler.

The process itself can be done even by a person far from repair work. Wallpapering is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, mix the glue according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Next, the first strip is glued on the wall near the arch.
  3. The next part of the wallpaper is glued to the arched opening. Excess paper is cut off, leaving a 25 mm allowance.
  4. Now the allowance is cut at intervals of 2–3 cm and folded to the slope. Using a brush, it must be pressed tightly to the surface to be pasted. We do the same on the other side of the arch.
  5. Now the wallpaper is pasted onto the arched vault and side walls opening in the usual way.

The use of decorative stone. This option is truly magnificent; it will decorate any interior.

You can use both artificial material and a natural stone. Externally, both of these finishing methods look almost the same - chic and expensive. The difference lies in the price and complexity of installation.

Wild stone has a higher cost and greater weight, which makes it somewhat more difficult to install. Artificial material is quite affordable, and its installation will be quite simple.

Put it right decorative rock on an arched opening in a few steps:

  1. First you need to prepare the surface, make it somewhat uneven using notches, for example.
  2. Next, an adhesive composition of cement, glue, sand and lime is mixed.
  3. Laying the first row begins at the junction of the arch and the wall. The first stone in the second strip should extend beyond the corner by the thickness of the tile.
  4. The stone laid on the rounded part of the arch should be carefully trimmed using sharp knife and pliers (a knife makes a mark, and pliers remove all excess). Irregularities are smoothed out sandpaper.
  5. A day after pasting the stone over the entire surface, it is necessary to rub the seams. This is done using a rubber spatula.

Decorative stone is usually used to decorate not only the arch itself, but also part of the adjacent wall. This technique will give the room exquisite chic and comfort. More photos and information about this are in.

Plaster finishing. It's simple and inexpensive way make the arched opening interesting and original.

Using plaster, you can create a wide variety of relief designs on the surface and apply any colors.

  1. The finishing is applied as follows:
  2. First, the first layer of plaster is laid to level the surface of the arch.
  3. Next, the surface is primed.
  4. Now you can apply another layer of plaster and form the relief and desired texture on it. Sometimes several layers of material are used.
  5. After the surface has dried (after about a day), the arch can be painted and rubbed.

Arch decoration - room for the designer's imagination

Other methods: tiles or mosaics. Of course, they cannot be considered popular options, but they are still worth mentioning. Finishing an arch with mosaics or tiles is a rather labor-intensive and expensive process; only a specialist can handle it. But the result doesn't look particularly impressive. Therefore, this design is rarely used.

Help to make the arch truly unique non-standard ideas apartment owner or designer. Well, inspiration, of course.

Arch and different interior styles

It is almost impossible to imagine an apartment or house made in a certain design without the use of drywall. And where there is drywall, there are arches.

There are some features of finishing arched openings for different interiors:

  • The classic design of the room assumes the presence of the same traditional semicircular arch. Its radius should be equal to half the width of the doorway. No unnecessary turns, bends, etc., only elegant smooth lines.

Arch finishing in classic style involves the use of natural wood. This method will make the room even more luxurious and attractive. It is also possible to use polyurethane moldings in a color that matches the overall scheme of the room.

By the way, glass transoms are often used in this style, which are made from both ordinary glass and mosaics.

  • A modern high-tech room requires a minimum of finishing and imagination in decorating the arched opening. In such an interior, arches are rarely used, but if they are executed and designed correctly, they will become a faithful ally and emphasize the modern spirit of the room.

In this case, finishing the arch is very simple - you just need to paint it the color of the walls and that’s it.

Since the high-tech style involves the use of smooth metal objects and surfaces, glass and mirrors, the arch can be equipped with built-in lamps or decorated with modern stylish accessories. More about high-tech style - by.

But it is advisable to make the arch itself not just semicircular, but to give it an asymmetrical shape with strict outlines.

  • A room in the Art Nouveau style goes perfectly with arched openings (on our website). However, the arch must have specific features - a fairly large width and a clear transition from the rounded part to a straight line. The opening is very similar to the classic one, but it is more strict and elegant.

You can decorate an arched opening in this style using wood or similar artificial materials. The finishing involves both simple lines and the presence non-standard forms, bends, cutouts, etc.

The idea is not to install in interior openings the doors are not that new. It can be successfully implemented in any room interior, and the advantages of such a solution are well known. Mostly, owners are interested in the question of how to decorate an arch in an apartment or private building, and not in the order of its arrangement. There are many options, and therefore you will have to choose an acceptable method and materials yourself, taking into account a number of specific points.

It should be assumed that decorating the arch is the final stage of the entire work. This means you need to analyze the following:

  • What aspect of finishing should we focus on – is it just its decorative component or also its protective function? For conditions high humidity(for example, if there is an opening into the kitchen) is very important.
  • Construction type. A rectangular arch and a hemisphere are finished differently.
  • What is the purpose of designing the opening? It’s just natural to fit it into the interior or design it in an original way, so that it stands out against the general background.
  • What is the arch made of, that is, its materials structural elements. This also influences the choice of surface finishing technology.

Opening design options


  • Simplicity of technology.
  • Low cost. Finishing an arch in this way will be quite cheap.
  • High speed of work.
  • Good maintainability.

  • Fragility.
  • A number of restrictions. When decorating an arch in an apartment using this technology, you need to take into account two nuances. Firstly, wallpaper fades, and therefore if you cover an opening in the wall with it, then only where it is not exposed to Sun rays. That is, inside the home, away from the windows. Secondly, it is inappropriate to implement this method finishing near the kitchen, even if the linens are washable. Constant fumes, drops of fat, and so on will quickly give the arch a depressing appearance, and washing it too often is not a pleasant prospect. In addition, even the highest quality wallpaper wears out when intensively processed.

Varnish finish

If an arch made of solid wood is placed in the opening, with its good texture, this is the best option; best solution just can't be found. The only thing you have to think about is how exactly to make the decor. There is a large assortment of varnishes - transparent and tinted compositions, in different shades. Some fully emphasize all the advantages of wood, while others can somewhat neutralize the existing disadvantages.

In principle, when installing just such arches, you can show the fullness of your imagination. Even a cheap species can easily be given the appearance of an expensive tree or transformed. There is enough technology; For example, artificial aging, brushing, bleaching and a number of others. In some cases it is much easier to paste over the arch decorative film simulating wooden base. More than good decision, if low-grade lumber was used to finish the opening in order to save money.

Decoration with stucco

In everyday life, its imitation is mainly used. In furniture stores and shopping centers Whole panels or shaped segments made of polyurethane are sold for decorating surfaces.

  • Easy to cut and attach.
  • Light sample weight.
  • Low cost of cladding.

Polymer stucco molding is not suitable for every style of room design (it’s definitely not suitable for a square or rectangular one). But it is more difficult to finish a spherical structure in this way. As an option, cover only the conical part of the opening with PU segments, and cover the vertical posts with another material. A sense of taste, the ability for spatial thinking and imagination will tell you how to better organize everything.

Decorative plaster

  • Simple application technology.
  • Huge selection of decor options.
  • Possibility of creating a relief surface.

  • Low maintainability.
  • Difficulty of care.

PVC panels

If the arch has an angular configuration, or the radius of the hemispherical arc is large, this is one of the simplest and most easily implemented solutions. The specificity of the finishing is that it is necessary to install the sheathing. And although this extra work, but it gives the advantage that it is very easy to place lighting elements in such an arch. In addition, the maintainability of the cladding is excellent; Replacing a damaged panel does not require professionalism or time.


Another original way finishing, but it is not practiced very often. Here a lot depends on the interior of the room, and therefore consider this option arch design is not the best design solution.

A significant drawback of any fabric is that it absorbs odors and moisture. This is the main difficulty of this finishing technique; The decor of the arch is largely determined by the place in the house where it is installed. Therefore, there are limitations in such decoration. For example, at the entrance to the kitchen or hallway, it hardly makes sense to decorate the arches with fabric. In relation to the apartment standard layout the only option is an opening leading to the living room.

Preparation stage

All technological operations almost identical; There may be only individual nuances, depending on the chosen decoration technique.

  • Thorough cleaning of the base. It is advisable to level it as much as possible to facilitate the finishing process. This mainly applies to doorways in walls made of brick or concrete. In some cases, special arched structures are not placed in them, but the end parts of the equipped passage and the areas adjacent to it are directly decorated. This is typical when facing arches with a regular (square or rectangular) configuration with artificial stone or panels.
  • Antiseptic impregnation and primer treatment. The latter agent “nails” the remaining dust and increases the adhesion of the base. Consequently, when gluing finishing materials there will be no problems with dirt pellets and air bubbles.

Sample cutting

Difficulties arise if it is necessary to cut the slats, which are often used to form vaults, at an angle; otherwise they cannot be joined in such a way that it will not work big gap. A miter box will help out - a simple device that costs no more than 100 rubles. It is necessary to have it on hand if you are finishing some unusual arch with a complex configuration.

Color design

There are many recommendations on this point. But if we sum them all up, then basically the following trend can be seen - most experts agree that the decoration of the arch should be done taking into account the shade of the wall in which it is placed. The completeness and originality of the design can only be emphasized by creating contrast. Monochromaticity eliminates all the advantages of such a room design.

Doorway decoration

In the finishing process, you should not limit yourself to just one material. Even the cheapest cladding will be significantly transformed if, when decorating an arch in an apartment or house, you use various additional elements in the form of strips, inserts, ribbons (simple, embossed) and the like. General design the premises will only benefit from this.


It is organized not only for comfort and partial energy savings. Spotlights(for example, LED devices) mounted in the arch are the same elements of its decoration. Properly placed and selected according to power, they can give a completely different look to the decoration in the evening; even the most inexpensive one will look impressive and quite presentable.

The above technologies and materials are not the only ones with which arched openings can be beautifully finished. With certain skills, you can create spectacular mosaic compositions, use cork panels, cut logs - the choice of decoration methods is huge.

Every house or apartment has several doorways. One of the popular and common ways to design them is to create an arch. In addition to the fact that it must be done correctly, great importance has a design, special attention must be paid to this stage of work. There are many options for finishing arches, they all have both advantages and disadvantages.

Popular materials for arch finishing

One of the most accessible and effective ways Revitalizing the design of a room, giving it an individual and unique look is the creation of an arch. It can have a wide variety of shapes and be made of different materials. Just creating a door arch will not be enough; it still needs to be properly and beautifully finished. There are several options you can use for this. We must remember that in addition to giving the structure a beautiful and attractive appearance, finishing material can also protect it from damage, so its choice must be approached wisely.

The finishing of the arch should not only give it an attractive appearance, but also protect it from possible damage.


Painting is the simplest and most affordable finishing method arched design, so it is very popular. The advantage of this material is its availability and ease of application. It is enough to purchase paint and apply it to the prepared surface using a brush, roller or spray gun. To get a beautiful result, you need to apply at least two layers. The disadvantage of this type of finishing is that the surface must be prepared very carefully, and this takes a lot of time and effort. If there are any irregularities on the arch, then after painting they will be even more noticeable.

The arch can be painted to match the walls or in a contrasting color

There are two main options for this finish:

  • painting in the same tone as the wall, then the structure dissolves in the interior;
  • painting in a contrasting color, in this case the focus is on the door arch.


Wallpaper is also a common option for finishing an arch. You can choose them to match the color of the walls or use a contrasting solution. Now liquid wallpaper has appeared, which is often used to decorate the arch.

To cover the arch, you can use regular, vinyl, textile or liquid wallpaper.

Advantages of wallpapering an arch:

  • big choice, so you can purchase material of the required shade and texture;
  • ease of installation; no special skills or tools are required to perform the work;
  • affordable price.


  • fragility. Even the most durable wallpaper is easily damaged, so you have to change it after 2–4 years;
  • discoloration. Under the influence sunny color Wallpaper quickly loses its original color.

It is better to purchase plain wallpaper without ornament. If the walls are covered with the same material, you won’t have to select a pattern, so the work can be completed easier and faster. To decorate the edges of the arch you can use plastic corners. They will perform not only as decorative elements, but will also reliably protect the corners from possible mechanical damage.


Arch finishing natural wood gives the room style, solidity and beauty. This material goes well with almost any design solution, but most suitable for finishing an arch in a wooden house.

An arch made of natural wood looks especially stylish in combination with other wooden elements interior

Advantages of finishing an arch with wood:

  • the original presentable appearance is preserved for many years;
  • high strength when finishing with hard wood;
  • environmental friendliness.


  • at high humidity even if there is additional protection wood is prone to deformation;
  • wooden structures do not tolerate temperature changes well, so finish the arch near entrance doors such material is not worth it;
  • heavy weight. Elements made of natural wood are difficult to install alone, so you need to invite an assistant and fix them securely;
  • high price.

If arches are used for finishing valuable species tree, then usually decorative items They are ordered from specialized companies and installed by specialists. If you have the necessary skills, you can decorate an arch with wood yourself.

MDF panels

MDF panels are a good alternative to natural wood.

You can purchase ready-made sets of MDF panels for finishing the arch

This material consists of wood chips and, depending on the type of coating, can be:

  • laminated. The surface is covered with PVC film, which imitates natural wood or other material. In addition, such a coating increases the strength of the material;
  • veneered. The slabs are pressed with thin layer veneer, after which they are varnished.

Compared to natural wood, MDF panels have the following advantages:

  • resistance to high humidity and temperature changes;
  • light weight of the panels, which simplifies the installation process;
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of MDF panels:

  • when delivering targeted strikes they are easily damaged;
  • under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they can change their original color;
  • service life is shorter than that of natural wood.


Arches decorated with cork look beautiful. Panels with a thickness of 3 mm or more are made from it, covered on top with thin veneer and impregnated with wax. You can use cork in rolls, but in this case it is not always impregnated with wax. To give rolled products the required color, they can be painted on the front or back side. In addition, there are also cork wallpapers. They have a paper base with a thin layer of cork glued onto it. Often such wallpapers have a self-adhesive backing, which makes gluing them simple and quick.

The arch can be covered with cork wallpaper

Benefits of cork:

  • is not afraid of the impact of targeted impacts;
  • does not accumulate dust;
  • retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • has antibacterial characteristics, so fungus and mold do not form on it.


  • afraid of moisture. If the surface has not been treated with wax, then at high humidity the material may become deformed;
  • absorbs odors well;
  • has a high cost.


More recently, in order to implement such a solution, people had to make a mosaic from broken glass or ceramic tiles. Now there is a ready-made mosaic on sale and all that remains is to glue it to the surface of the arch. There are usually no difficulties with performing such work, but since the elements are very small, finishing will take a lot of time.

Finishing a mosaic arch in a large opening will take quite a lot of time.

Advantages of mosaic:

  • large selection of shapes and colors;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • high wear resistance;
  • long service life.


  • difficulty of performing the work. It requires not only certain skills, but also a lot of time;
  • high price.

Depending on the design style of the room, choose ceramic, metal orglass mosaic.

Decorative rock

The arch can be finished with both natural and artificial stone. The cost of natural materials is higher, so their artificial analogues are usually used for finishing. Since the weight of the stone is large, lay it on plasterboard partitions It’s not worth it, it’s better to do it on main walls. Instead of decorative stone, you can decorate the arch with tiles to resemble facing bricks.

If the arch is made in a main wall, it can be finished with stone tiles

Advantages of finishing an arch with decorative stone:

  • a large selection of materials that differ not only in color, but also in texture;
  • high strength;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • long service life.


  • complexity of installation. You must have certain skills;
  • heavy weight of the material, significantly increasing the load on the structure;
  • high price.

It is better to use small stones to finish the arch vaults, as they are much easier to lay.

Decorative plaster

There is quite a large selection different types plasters, so you can choose the one that will harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. Using this material, you can create unique solutions; here everything depends on the imagination and abilities of the person finishing the arch.

Methods of finishing with decorative plaster are limited only by the imagination of the master

The store sells ready-made dry mixtures that just need to be diluted with water and can be applied to the prepared surface.

Advantages of decorative plaster:

  • allows you to create unique solutions that will be impossible to repeat;
  • you can create both a smooth and expressive relief;
  • if it is necessary to update the surface, it can be repainted;
  • the surface does not need to be carefully leveled before applying the finish;
  • affordable price.
  • easily damaged by mechanical impact;
  • Do not carry out wet cleaning;
  • if you need to do it redecorating, this area will stand out against the general background.

To apply decorative plaster, it is enough to have minimal skills and a little time.

Now there is a large selection of polyurethane moldings on sale, with which you can quickly and originally design an arch. These elements are usually fixed with glue, and for greater strength, self-tapping screws can be used.

With the help of polyurethane moldings you can quickly and originally design an arch

Advantages of finishing with polyurethane moldings:

  • a large selection of different elements;
  • ease of installation;
  • affordable price.


  • not suitable for use in expensive interiors;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage.

What tool will you need for the job?

Depending on what material the arch will be finished with, you may need different tools:

How to prepare the arch surface for finishing

Finishing the arch is a responsible and rather labor-intensive process. It is usually made from plasterboard. Experts recommend that such surfaces be puttied. This is due to the fact that if over time you want to update or replace the finishing material, in places where there is no putty, a layer of cardboard will be removed simultaneously with the finishing, and this can lead to damage to the entire structure.

The procedure for carrying out preparatory work:

  1. Smoothing the transition between the wall and the side surface of the arch. The joint is smoothed using putty so that the transition from one surface to another is not visible.

    The transition between the wall and the side surface of the arch is leveled and smoothed using putty

  2. Sealing seams and screw heads. For this, sickle tape is used, and the heads of the screws are sealed only with putty.

    Self-tapping screws and seams are sealed with putty

  3. Aligning the transition between the arch and the wall. For this purpose putty is used. It must be applied with a wide spatula; it must be wider than the overlap in order to obtain a smooth and even transition.

    The transition of the arched arc into the wall should be smooth and even

  4. Strengthening corners. One of the most problem areas door arch are its angles. To strengthen them, you need to use metal or plastic corners, which are fixed with putty or self-tapping screws. Instead of corners, the edges of the arch can be glued with sickle tape.

    The corners are reinforced with sickle tape or a perforated corner

  5. Putty arch arch. The entire surface is evenly covered with putty and leveled.
  6. Processing of side surfaces. This work must be done from top to bottom. The junctions between the wall and the arch are taped with sickle tape. The width of the tape should be such as to completely cover the transition point between the arch and the wall. After that side surfaces putty to completely smooth out the transition.

    The putty is applied to the sickle tape glued at the junction of the walls and the arch

  7. Final leveling of the surface. You can begin work only after the putty has dried. Grouting of the surface is done using sandpaper.
  8. Primer. To ensure good adhesion of the surface to the finishing material used, it must be primed. The primer is applied using a brush or roller. After it has completely dried, which will take about four hours, you can proceed to finishing work.

The described work must be performed starting putty, since it has better grip and its price is lower. Depending on the finishing material used, it may be necessary to level the surface with finishing putty. This is required if the arch will be painted; in other cases, finishing putty may not be applied.

To eliminate large differences and significant unevenness, the putty can be applied in several layers, the thickness of each of them should not be more than 5 mm. Before applying the next layer, allow time for the previous one to dry thoroughly. Depending on the conditions in the room, the type of putty used and the thickness of the applied layer approximate time its drying time will be different:

  • plaster - 3–6 hours;
  • cement - from 12 to 24 hours;
  • polymer - from 4 hours.

Expert advice to help you complete preparatory work better quality:

  • When filling holes, it is recommended to apply putty a little more than necessary, since the solution tends to dry out a little. It is better to then remove the excess bump with sandpaper, and if a hole remains, then you will need to putty this place again;
  • To properly level the surface, you may need to apply three or four layers of putty. Keep in mind that before applying a new layer, the previous one must dry completely;
  • When sealing joints, you need to press the solution well into the existing gap to completely fill it. In this case, it is also better to apply a little more solution and then remove it with sandpaper, rather than carry out additional sealing when depressions form.

Video: preparing the arch surface for finishing

The sequence of finishing an arch with different materials

The order of work will depend on the selected material.


To decorate the arch, ordinary thin wallpaper or heavy vinyl, textile, and glass wallpaper can be used.

The process of gluing an arch with thin wallpaper:

When using heavy vinyl wallpaper the edges of the strips are cut exactly along the border of the arch, and then this area is covered with a decorative corner.

Finishing with decorative plaster

The order of finishing work:

  1. Applying plaster. This is done using a spatula. After the plaster has dried a little, it is lightly sanded with a paint float.

    Plaster is applied using a spatula

  2. To obtain a beautiful result when painting decorative plaster, you need to use several colors selected in the same range. First, darker paint is applied using a sponge and brush.

    A layer of darker paint is applied first.

  3. Painting with a second layer. You need to give time for the first layer to dry completely. After this, using a foam sponge, lightly apply lighter paint.

    The second coat of paint should be lighter

  4. Wax coating. When the paint has dried, the surface of the arch is covered with a protective layer of wax mastic.

Video: process of applying decorative plaster

When using a mosaic, the work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Creating a matrix. Since the mosaic elements are very small, it is much easier to install if you first assemble them into small fragments. The elements are laid on a sheet of paper, and then a fine mesh is glued on top. There are ready-made matrices on a mesh basis, which can also be used to finish the arch.
  2. Mosaic installation. The finished matrices are fixed to the surface of the arch using glue. We must ensure that it does not fall on the front surface of the mosaic.

    The finished matrices are glued to the surface of the arch using glue

  3. Grouting joints. Select the required grout color and fill all the seams with it. An hour after grouting, remove the mortar using diagonal movements. rubber spatula. After this, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

    To remove grout, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Laying decorative stone

Work order:

  1. Preparing the stone. After purchasing a decorative stone, it must be washed and dried. To simplify the work, it is necessary to sort the elements by size, since they all have different lengths and thicknesses.
  2. Stone trimming. After the elements have been sorted, a special machine is used to cut off the edges of the stones that will be mounted on the corners to create a 45° cut. The tiles are sorted by color and then laid out along a straight line.

    The edges of the stones are cut using a special machine.

  3. Glue preparation. If the decorative stone will be mounted on a putty and primed surface, it is recommended to use quick-setting glue. When performing work on cement plaster It is better to use cement tile adhesive.
  4. Stone finishing. Work starts from the bottom and gradually moves up. Between separate elements Usually a gap of 2–3 mm is left, but installation can be carried out without a gap. To ensure that the distance between the tiles is the same, special plastic dividers are used.

    The stones begin to be laid from below and gradually move upward

Video: artificial stone installation process

Wood finishing

If you decide to finish the arch yourself natural wood, then the easiest way to do this is using wooden lining:

Finishing with polyurethane moldings

Installation of moldings is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation of elements mounted along the radius of the arch. Measure the required length and cut off a piece of molding. Nails are driven into it at intervals of 50–100 mm, after which glue is applied to the inner surface.

    Nails are driven into the molding and coated with glue.

  2. Installation of radius molding. The prepared element is placed in the center of the opening and a nail is driven in, after which they move from the center in different directions. If the molding does not press well at the bend, you can hammer in 1-2 additional nails.

    The molding is fixed with nails and pressed well against the surface of the arch

  3. Installation of vertical elements. Measure the distance from the floor to the radius molding in height and cut off the required piece vertical element. It is also attached with nails and glue, and the junction of the vertical and radius molding is coated with sealant.

    Vertical elements are also attached using nails and glue

  4. After the glue has completely dried and the moldings are securely fixed, you can remove the nails. All that remains is to putty the moldings and paint them in the chosen color.

    Pull out the nails, putty, and then paint the moldings

Video: sequence of finishing an arch with polyurethane molding

If MDF panels are mounted with glue, then the sequence of work will be as follows:

If the panels are mounted on the sheathing, the surface of the arch need not be leveled:

  1. Creating a sheathing. For this, metal profiles or wooden blocks can be used.
  2. Installation of guide profiles. They are fixed at the top and bottom of the sheathing.
  3. Installation of panels. MDF panels are inserted into the guide profiles and fixed to the sheathing using self-tapping screws.

Finishing the wall around the arch

It is necessary not only to decorate the arch beautifully, but also to think about what materials the walls around it will be finished with.

The main design options for walls around the arch:

The sequence of finishing the walls around the arch will depend on the chosen material. This process is no different from how the installation was carried out finishing coating on the arch.

Installation of a decorative corner

A decorative arched corner not only allows you to highlight the arch against the background of the wall, but also hides possible irregularities. Its use is especially relevant when the arch was made independently and for the first time, so the work was not done perfectly.

The procedure for installing a decorative corner:

With the help of an arch you can decorate beautifully and unusually doorway, arched partitions allow you to zone the room. The presence of an arch in the interior makes it unusual and non-standard, but it must be organically combined with the surrounding elements.

A person with basic skills can decorate an arch with his own hands. construction work. After the finishing material has been selected and all the necessary tools have been prepared, it is necessary to study in detail the technology for performing the work. By following the developed instructions, you will be able to finish the arch yourself and at the same time get a result no worse than that of the professionals.

03.09.2016 29276

When designing rooms, the question often arises of what to do with the doorway. Classic version. Alternative way is drywall or wood. Other options are less common. Consumers try to decorate with plaster or wallpaper. However, few people know how to decorate an arch in an apartment with their own hands.

Arch installation

If the owner of the apartment has decided, then initially you need to make a sketch of the arch and clear the doorway. If necessary, you can increase its area, but the final decision will depend on the shape and size of the arch. If the product is made of plasterboard, then you need to purchase the appropriate building materials (dowel, screws, drywall, self-tapping screws). Then the owner needs to take measurements according to the sketch. Based on the obtained dimensions, a frame is made. The necessary pieces are cut out using metal scissors. After this, you need to secure the profile around the perimeter with special dowel screws.

Next, a sheet of plasterboard of the appropriate shape is prepared. It is advisable to cut the workpiece with a jigsaw. In this case, the drywall must be attached to the metal profile on both sides of the arch. Self-tapping screws are used to secure the workpieces. The distance between them must be at least 15 cm. To seal the surface of the arch of the profile blank. For arcuate arch you need to make a cut on the profile so that it can be bent. It is advisable to make the distance between cuts no more than 12 cm. After this, the workpiece must be attached to drywall with inside using self-tapping screws. The profile blank is attached in a similar way to the other side of the arch. As a result, the workpiece should follow the contour of the previously cut sheet of drywall.

The final stage involves fixing the lower element. First you need to use a tape measure to measure the size of the required strip. Then a corresponding piece of drywall is cut out. To bend the workpiece you need to make cuts on the inside. The interval between them can be 7-10 cm. After this, you can screw the workpiece to a metal profile, which is screwed to the inside of the side strips of drywall. Now you can open the opening. To perform the work you need the following tool:

  1. Mount;
  2. Roulette;
  3. Level;
  4. Metal scissors;
  5. Hammer;
  6. Jigsaw;
  7. Screwdriver.

Finishing the arch with plaster

After completing the rough work, it is necessary to cover the plasterboard arch with plaster or putty. This material allows you to fill in voids and level out the curvatures formed in the arch. Such work is carried out using a spatula. The mixture is applied to drywall and even layer stretches along the entire length of the arch. Usually plastering is carried out in several passes. Then you need to let the plaster dry. On the eve of applying the finishing putty, you can do a little cleaning of the previous layers. To do this, you need to use special abrasive mesh.

As for the side walls of the arch, they can be immediately finished with finishing putty. The exception is the joints of plasterboard with the wall. Here you need to apply plaster mesh, and then cover it with plaster to prevent cracks from forming in the future. To finish drywall corner joints, you can use an arched corner or reinforcing tape.

Before laying this material, it is necessary to apply a thin layer of finishing putty to the corner of the arch. The tape must be distributed evenly on both sides corner connection arches. To prevent the material from wrinkling, you can make cuts every 10 cm. Last layer putty must be extremely thin. After it dries, final cleaning is done with a fine-grained abrasive mesh. When finishing an arched opening, you usually need tools different from those used when installing the structure. Here you only need a spatula and a utility knife.

Finishing the arch with decorative plaster

Another finishing option is decorative plaster. This material is applied exclusively to the prepared surface. To do this, you need to first plaster the arched opening and fill all the voids. How to do this is explained in previous section. Wherein finishing putty It is not necessary to apply to the arch. However, before applying decorative plaster, it is necessary to prime the previously plastered surface. The primer improves the adhesion of two different building materials. The drying period for the primer ranges from 4 hours to a day. To create a relief on the applied decorative plaster, you must use a grater, sponge or spatula. Once the applied material has dried, the arch will need to be painted. For this purpose special paints are used. But, before painting, you need to coat the area with primer again.

You can paint the surface of the arched opening with a roller or brush. It is advisable to apply paint in two layers. If necessary, you can use different shades. If the paint is applied with a short-haired roller, the owner can achieve a bark beetle-type effect. Because unpainted grooves create a specific pattern. To enhance the effect you can add special dye even at the stage of applying plaster, and when painting the walls, change the original shade. After the paint has dried, you can cover the surface with beeswax. This will give the arched opening a peculiar matte shine.

Wallpapering the arch

Next, the owner needs to trim the arch. One of the final finishing options is wallpaper. It is advisable to match the color of the material to the color of the wallpaper on the wall. The framing technology is quite simple. Before decorating an arch in an apartment with your own hands, you need to prepare strips for finishing. Then you should prepare wallpaper glue. The consistency should be thicker than when wallpapering walls. This is necessary to increase the period so that you can move the wallpaper strips if they have a pattern. It is advisable to start gluing the strips on the wall near the arched opening. Then you need to lay a strip that will cover part of the arch opening. Any protruding material should be cut off stationery knife, but taking into account that there is an allowance of about 25 mm. After this, you need to make cuts at intervals of 20–25 mm, bend the strips of wallpaper and glue them to the arched plane.

Similarly, you need to paste the second side of the arch. To complete the gluing of the arch, you should cut a strip equal to the width of the arched opening. However, the length of the workpiece must be longer so that the pattern can be adjusted. The cut strip of wallpaper needs to be pasted onto inner part arches. To avoid the appearance of bubbles under the wallpaper, you need to carefully smooth out the glued strips.

Painting an arched opening

You can make an arch with your own hands regular wallpaper or wallpaper for painting. If the owner of the premises has chosen the second option, then after the laid material has dried, it needs to be painted. To wallpaper an arch you will need the following tool:

  • Pencil, ruler;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Glue brush.

When painting wallpaper, you will additionally need a paint roller.

Decorating an arch with decorative stone

You can also decorate the arch using decorative stone.

This type of finishing is one of the labor-intensive ways to frame an arch.

The main burden falls on the decoration of the vault. At the same time, decorative stone is easy to install, as it does not require a perfectly flat surface. Therefore, there is no need to plaster the structure, with the exception of large holes. But, if you need to decorate a plasterboard arch, then the stone should not be too heavy so that deformation does not occur. Before laying the stone, the surface must be primed. Installation can be done using glue or liquid nails. The first stone must be laid from below in such a way that it covers the junction of the plaster and the wall. When laying stone along an arched arc, appropriate trimming should be done. The cut is polished using a stone file. To seal the seams you need to use a special solution. As you can see, framing arches with your own hands, although it requires certain skills, is, however, quite feasible.

You also need to make sure that you have the entire list necessary tools. The decoration of the arch depends on the capabilities and taste of the particular apartment owner. However the best option there will be decorative plaster. This material allows you to use different textures and experiment with shades of colors.

When you get an apartment, you undoubtedly want to make it cozier, more comfortable and larger. Nowadays, one of the ways to make your home appear larger is to create arches instead of doors.

Various photos of arches show how varied they are and how much they change appearance housing. How to make an arch with your own hands will be briefly described below.

Types of arches

An arch is an opening in a wall that does not have a ceiling in the form of a door. Their types differ only in the upper part, or more precisely in how the corners are constructed (straight, rounded or curly).

IN modern world There are 7 types of arches:

  • classic;
  • "modern";
  • "romance";
  • ellipse;
  • trapezoid;
  • "portal";
  • semi-arch.

The first four types have rounded corners and differ only in the shape of the rounding.

So a classic arch is a semicircle with a radius of half the width of the opening; “modern” has a small corner radius; “romantic” and ellipse are similar to each other and represent ordinary rounded corners.

The trapezoid and the portal are another matter. These two types use sharp corners. In a trapezoid, the top accordingly represents this figure, and the “portal” is an ordinary opening without a door.

However, even an unremarkable “portal” can be made to sparkle with new colors, giving the supports the appearance of columns in the ancient style (Greek or Roman).

Although the trapezoid is quite unusual solution, but will not suit any style, so it is used much less often than other arch options.

The last type is a semi-arch, as the name implies, it consists of 1 rounded and 1 right angle. This type of arch began to be used recently, but it has already gained popularity.

It is up to you to decide which arch to install in your apartment, but we will dwell in more detail on arches made of plasterboard, as the most convenient material for construction.

Step-by-step instructions for creating an arch

We choose the future shape of the arch. It is important that it matches the overall style of the premises that will connect.

We clean the opening from the plaster and level it. It’s simple here - the cleaner the surface of the work, the more reliable the fastening.

We fasten the arch frame. We construct the frame itself from a profile (possibly from wooden blocks).

We attach a cut out plasterboard arch (one side) to the frame. To get the arch the desired type, in the middle of the plasterboard base we make a hole for a nail. We tie a string to it and get a homemade compass. Now, by changing the length of the rope, you can change the radius of rounding of the corners and their appearance.

We apply drywall on the other side and mark an arch on it, like a stencil, then cut it out and attach it to the frame.

Under no circumstances should this be done on the floor, since the opening is usually asymmetrical, which has the most detrimental effect on the accuracy of the one-to-one markings.


We measure the resulting arc and use the profile to make a tape for fastening. After this, we attach the resulting tape to the arch arch using self-tapping screws.

We install jumpers. Their size is calculated simply: arch depth minus 1.5 centimeters, material of manufacture - metallic profile, less often a tree. We attach a sheet of drywall to the end of the opening with self-tapping screws.

We carry out Finishing work(we smooth it out with putty, fill in possible holes, paint or glue wallpaper).

Other ways to make an arch

You can also make an arch in the opening in two other ways. The difference between these methods of creating an arch is in the fastening of drywall.

In the second option, it is attached to the jumpers not with a whole sheet, but with specially cut pieces (set) using a special solution (water, putty plus PVA glue) and this must be done without delay, since the solution hardens very quickly.


The third option involves wooden lintels mounted on glue. Drywall in the opening to the lintels is also glued.

How to bend drywall?

In addition, the question may arise: how to bend drywall? Thin cardboard (6 mm) is best suited for this.

And there are at least 2 ways to bend it:
Method 1 - roll a roller on cardboard to break the plaster in it, soak it in water and gradually screw it to the tape with self-tapping screws.

Method 2 – make cuts on the drywall every 4-5 centimeters. When you attach it to the end of the opening, the material will burst at the places where the cuts are made and will adhere better to the wall surface.

We wish you good luck in completing your work!

Photo of the arch with your own hands

