8x8 house designs. Required documentation package

When choosing a project for building a private house in a suburban area, you should first decide on the number of floors of the building. This question directly relates to the construction budget. The number of floors also affects the functional purpose of the home. It is important to determine how many floors the house will have depending on the area of ​​the suburban area. If the site is small, some difficulties arise when choosing the type of construction. For this reason successful project the building always guarantees the convenience and coziness of living in it. The layout of a one-story house 7 by 8 requires taking into account the number of residents and landscape design.

Pros and cons of one-story houses

Work on the construction of a low-rise country house requires less effort and time. When choosing such a structure, many opportunities open up for the original design of your home. However, cottages with one floor are not suitable for large families. In such cases, it is worth erecting a two- or three-story building.

One-story buildings are quite in demand not because of their small dimensions, but also because of the low cost of construction. Such buildings fit well into the landscape of the site. However, you should think about the distribution of rooms in advance, because in the end the comfort of your stay will depend on this.

Before creating your project, you should get acquainted with ready-made plans construction one-story houses and their features. This will help you understand how diagrams and drawings of residential buildings are created. At self-creation The project should enlist the help of an experienced builder.

Advantages of one-story houses

Buildings with one floor have both pros and cons. The best option is the one that offers more benefits. The project is created taking into account many features.

Worth highlighting positive features low-rise buildings:

Important! Great importance When choosing the optimal layout, they pay attention to psychology. For families with children, the issue of optimal arrangement of rooms is quite important.

Disadvantages of one-story houses

Buildings with one floor have both certain advantages and disadvantages. It is worth highlighting several disadvantages of such buildings:

  • If the house has large area, many difficulties arise at the design stage. It is necessary to create fewer passage rooms. This requirement applies more to bedrooms and living rooms. This condition directly affects the comfort of staying in the room.
  • One-story houses large area require increased costs when installing a roof. In addition, she will need to be looked after more often.
  • In buildings with small dimensions, you will have to limit the size of the rooms. In this case, the layout will be one that meets all the needs of the residents. This should be taken into account when creating a house project.

Before choosing a one-story building, it is worth considering such disadvantages. A detailed house design will help you avoid problems in the future.

Ways to increase space at home

Given the limited area of ​​one-story buildings, some owners of private territories are trying to increase inner space. All decisions are reflected in the project.

There are several ways to expand the space of your home:

These methods make the building more attractive and comfortable. Architectural solutions often depend not only on the tastes of the owners of the site, but also on the conditions of the area. This should be discussed with an experienced builder.

House project 7x8

The basement of the house cannot be called a full floor. However, when proper arrangement the area of ​​underground premises can be safely included in the total footage of the building. Projects for one-story buildings do not involve the installation of living rooms on the ground floor. Here it will not be possible to organize sufficient lighting and provide optimal level ventilation.

However, all utility rooms should be moved to the basement. Even in a small building with an area of ​​7x8 you can create space for household appliances in the basement. This solution will increase the useful space of the house. Such projects make it possible to rationally use the available space.

Projects of one-story buildings of a large area allow you to place in the basement various rooms used for recreation:

  • workshop;
  • mini cinema;
  • small sauna.

This application ground floor will free up living space.

House project 7x8 with attic

If we consider the cost of constructing one-story buildings with an attic, they are not much more expensive than buildings with a cold attic. This point is determined by the amount of materials needed to insulate the under-roof space. In addition, you will need to install heating and decorate the rooms.

Such work is necessary to organize living space in the attic of a one-story house. Since in this case the usable area of ​​the building will be increased, the costs are justified. As when creating a basement, the attic cannot be considered as a separate floor of the house. It will have significantly less usable space. However, in this case you can choose quite interesting layout. The project is created taking into account the specific use of the house.

Often the attic replaces the second floor. Often, home owners try to place bedrooms at the top of the house. The attic is often built with a hall in which it is easy to place a bathroom. It is convenient to place a storage room here.

Houses 7x7

When choosing a one-story 7x7 house, you can create a variety of layouts. Such buildings may have one or two floors. In the latter case, you will need to allocate space under the stairs. The layout of a 7x7 house is shown in the photo below.

Important! In such house designs, the dining room and kitchen are often combined into one room. This saves space because there is no need to install additional walls.

In a 7x8 house it will also be possible to combine the kitchen and dining room. Even if the building has only one floor, it is possible to create two bedrooms. If you reduce their area, you can create a spacious living room in your house.

Houses 6x8

If there is no need to build a large and spacious house, you can pay attention to a simple and affordable option country house with an attic. Such projects are similar in architectural solution and are suitable for small families of up to 3 people.

An excellent construction option is an 8 by 8 house. Thoughtful two-story house layout impresses with its diversity and allows you to solve many problems. Modern construction buildings today have virtually no boundaries. Beautiful and elegant buildings impress with their unique views. A house 8 by 8 on two floors is the most acceptable option for constructing buildings. This compact building, with harmonious rooms, is suitable for absolutely everyone. This one is being built brick house, but this is not at all necessary. But today there are other materials that are ideal for building two-story houses.

Options for building an 8 by 8 house

The traditional construction material for a century has been brick. This material has high technological characteristics and has proven itself well. Brick is strong, durable and durable. But today there is an alternative construction - construction.

Finished projects They allow you to significantly save money and time on construction, and help solve the main problem. Naturally, this is an individual choice for everyone: whether to build a house from scratch using bricks or give your preference. It is worth noting that frame construction enjoys enormous popularity all over the world.

Advantages of building an 8 by 8 house using a ready-made project

By contacting the company, each customer can express their requirements for construction. Professionals will select the best construction option for it, which will completely suit all family members. Ready solution construction has many options. Due to its technological characteristics, the construction of an 8 by 8 house using ready-made designs is extremely popular, which is growing every day.

The house is 6 by 8 two storeys, the layout of which is made according to modern design, meets high customer requirements. This type of structure is ideal for non- big family. In such a house everyone will feel comfortable and cozy. The main thing is to correctly approach the placement of rooms, make them functional and cozy.

Terrace in a house 8 by 8

The layout of an 8 by 8 house can be very different. A very popular construction option is. The entrance to the house passes through a small corridor, which perfectly retains heat in cold season in all other rooms. Hallway room in this construction option it is spacious and can accommodate the necessary. For example, you can install , . Experts recommend registering it in light pastel colors. In this way, it is possible to emphasize the aesthetics of the building.

On the ground floor it is worth placing kitchen. It's possible. Designers recommend giving this place Special attention when decorating, because a large space allows you to solve the most bold ideas. As practice shows, this is a place that everyone living in the house loves; guests are welcomed there with pleasure. That is why it is necessary to make its design as elegant as possible. In addition, on the ground floor there are .

Exquisite, installed according to all requirements. This is already a personal zone. On the second floor there are ,. You can arrange them at your own discretion. But it is worth remembering that it is necessary to create a design in the house in the same style. This will make the house seem complete.

  • is environmentally friendly clean structure. Wood has been used for building houses for many centuries. This natural building material is able to create a special atmosphere in the room, which has a beneficial effect on human body. In such a house it will be very pleasant to take a break from the bustle of the city and restore strength;
  • has a long period of use. Wooden houses with high-quality construction in compliance with all requirements and standards, they can last for more than one century;
  • equipped with all necessary communications. Long gone are the days when wooden house was not suitable for permanent residence. Now a modern approach to the construction of wooden buildings makes it possible to make it functional and warm. Finished projects wooden houses provide for the presence hot water. . sewerage. Such a house will be comfortable both in the cold winter and in the hot summer.

Two-story house - profitable construction

The two-story house 8 by 8 not only impresses with its appearance. Its construction has many advantages:

  • saving land plot. An 8 x 8 house takes up quite a bit of space. Construction of a two-story house allows you to save usable space for other purposes;
  • saving money. Build two-story houses 8 by 8 is more profitable. This applies not only to time costs. This construction option has a beneficial effect on the cost of work, building materials, allowing you to reduce them several times;
  • high energy efficiency. Maintaining two-story houses is much easier. This construction option allows you to reduce the cost of heating the room, because the first floor will warm the second and, accordingly, save energy costs;
  • has a sophisticated look. Ready-made projects of two-story houses against the background of one-story buildings look more elegant and perfect. Also, a two-story structure allows you to better design the building, making it more stylish and expressive.

The layout of a two-story house 8 by 10 is also in demand. Such structures are suitable for both small and large families. This perfect option budget construction.

Turnkey construction of two-story houses 8 by 8

The most the best option construction today is considered . What is this approach to the construction of structures? Yes, everything is very simple. you come to construction company and order the construction of a house from them. Professionals:

  • will conduct an inspection of the territory where construction is planned;
  • will help you choose more suitable option a project that would meet both the customer’s requirements and the capabilities of the site;
  • will develop step by step plan construction;
  • carry out preliminary calculations;
  • will perform all types of work;
  • the house will be put into operation.

Turnkey construction of a house is an ideal opportunity to build a house without putting a lot of work into it

A two-story house has its advantages and disadvantages over. Some people choose this option because two-storey house looks more solid and presentable than a one-story house; someone chooses it due to the lack of technical ability to build a one-story house of the same area. In any case, in order for the constructed structure to be convenient to use, careful preliminary planning of a two-story house is needed.

Project, facade and layout of a two-story house 8x8

Only competent distribution of premises and supply engineering communications will allow you to feel comfortable in a house with two floors.

Layout of a two-story house 6x6 with dimensions

You can build a two-story house from any modern building materials that are on the market today: from logs, from timber, from piece material - brick house, foam blocks, gas blocks, . The choice is limited only by your financial capabilities and taste preferences. On the technological side, there are no restrictions.

Wooden houses

Traditional material for construction country house. Wood in all its forms remains a warm, reliable and environmentally friendly material. They are light in weight, which allows them to be placed on lightweight foundation options. A finely buried strip, solid slab or pile foundation with harness.
Wooden houses can be assembled from solid timber, glued, from logs. And with a small width of the walls it can be very warm.

Project and layout of a two-story cottage 10x10 made of timber

Wooden houses retain heat perfectly and heat up very quickly even after complete cooling, which is important for country houses, which are used seasonally or only a few times during the winter.

Internal decorative finishing a wooden two-story house can be minimal, since the wood itself looks very natural and beautiful. This advantage attracts many homeowners, since finishing repairs account for a significant portion of the entire construction budget.

One of the main disadvantages of two-story houses made of timber and logs is the mandatory conditioning assembled box. It must be left for a period of 3 months to a year, and only after that make window and door openings, install double-glazed windows and begin the next stage of work. This is necessary so that houses made of timber or logs finally settle and take on their unchangeable shape.

Houses made of piece material

Houses made of brick, foam blocks or similar materials are reliable and durable if built strictly according to technology.

Layout of a cottage with an attic 6x9

Such structures have an impressive weight, which means that a high-quality foundation must be prepared for them: there will be no savings at this stage of work. Since a poorly made foundation will lead to the fact that a two-story house will walk, cracks will appear on the walls and its further operation can be completely dangerous.

Houses made of foam blocks and other piece materials that require laying with a special mortar are more suitable for permanent residence rather than for summer cottages.

Such a house retains its temperature well, but only if it is not allowed to cool down. Like any stone structure, such houses need to be heated for a very long time in order to achieve comfortable temperature. Stone for a long time capable of absorbing heat.
The advantage of two-story houses made of brick and other piece materials is freedom in design.

Detailed house plan 6x8

A stone house can be of any shape, with various architectural features: balconies, bay windows, rounded corners, arches and other elements. It is possible to repeat similar things when building a house from timber or logs, but it is extremely difficult.

Houses using frame technologies

In a nutshell, it’s simple, fast and inexpensive. Freedom in construction, as when working with bricks and blocks, and performance qualities are similar to houses made of wood. The main advantages of such a two-story house will include:

  • Low cost of the entire structure;
  • Light weight, which will save on the foundation;
  • Fast construction, building materials do not require curing;
  • Simplicity and practicality in operation;
  • When used environmentally pure materials, the house will not be inferior to a wooden one;
  • Almost any size and shape of the building.

Optimal dimensions of a two-story house

The optimal minimum building area is considered to be a rectangle of 7x8 meters or a square of 8x8.

Project of a two-story 8x8 cottage with a terrace and balcony

It is these dimensions that allow the rooms to be rationally located, where they will be located comfortably rather than in the attic, and there will also be room not only for the kitchen, living room and master bedrooms upstairs, but also for guests to have a place to stay.

With a smaller base, the structure can also exist, but then the layout of a two-story house will be inconvenient and non-functional. The living room will turn into a walk-through room, most of usable area the staircase will eat it up, and at the top, provided that not a full floor is built, but an attic one, only one bedroom will fit.
This option can be considered as a country house for one person or a married couple without children.
Upper bar The size of a two-story house is limited only by common sense and specific needs. For a family of two with two or three children, a two-story house with a total area of ​​110-130 square meters. If we consider the total area of ​​the house with a garage, then we can talk about an increase. Houses larger than this area will be very expensive to operate and maintain, and most of the premises, as practice shows, simply will not be used.

First floor layout

Drawings of the first floor of a two-story house must contain everything necessary premises for life. Among the obligatory ones:

  • Kitchen;
  • Living room;
  • Entrance hall, also known as the hall;
  • Guest bathroom;
  • Boiler room;
  • Tambour.

If the area of ​​the first floor allows, then the following may also be present:

  • Study;
  • Dining room;
  • A guest room.
  • gable;
  • gable broken line;
  • pitched roof.

The first two options can be classified as cheaper types in terms of cost, and they are also easier to implement. In these cases, roof slopes will be used for the sides, and pediments will be used for the ends. The latter should be lined with the same material as the first floor. Roof type and roofing material needs to be determined at the stage when the project will be prepared.

You should also think in advance about how you will arrange and what you plan to place on the attic floor.

Is it worth making an attic floor in a house?

If you nevertheless decide to start building such a house, but are still thinking about the need for an attic, then it is better to decide for what purposes you are going to use it. For an accurate solution, it is worth considering in detail all the pros and cons of such a structure, but only from the point of view of its attic part.


  1. Significant savings. Building a two-story house with an attic is considered a more economical option when considering the construction of a three-story house, even though there will be costs for constructing a roof.
  2. Appearance. With the help of complex gable roof with a break, as well as slopes at different angles, you can achieve an interesting appearance and attract attention.
  3. Interior. Using attic room you can achieve the creation of an original, unique interior. However, to do this you need to correctly play with its shape. That is why, if you are a supporter of originality, then the attic is exactly what you need.

you can make an original attic like this in your home


Unfortunately, the attic has its own disadvantages:

  1. It is necessary to take a more careful approach to the arrangement of not only ventilation, but also thermal insulation. If technology is not followed, problems with freezing and moisture condensation may be identified.
  2. A problem with natural light. In the event that daylight can enter through typical vertical windows that are installed in a structure called a “birdhouse,” then it will not have a sufficient level of illumination. However, there are special windows that will help solve this problem.
  3. "Dead zone". The area of ​​the attic part is practically no different from the area of ​​the house, but its useful part is much smaller. This refers to a space near an inclined wall that cannot be approached closely. There is an option to order special furniture for this space, but then the “zest” of the room may disappear.
  4. You cannot work in this space or place a children's room. This is due to the fact that a person living in a room with sloping walls will feel a constant threat and internal anxiety.

General characteristics of the house

The total area of ​​the entire structure is 185.5 square meters. m. Used as wall material aerated concrete block 400 mm, or brick. Monolithic slab needed for the foundation. Overlapping will be carried out using wooden beams. Metal tiles or soft tiles used as roofing material. Siding of various colors is used for exterior decoration.

Now we can conclude that this scheme and layout of a two-story house with an attic and 3 bedrooms on the second floor is a structure that is not suitable for every family in its own way. technical features. However, this economical option, because the attic will serve as an additional floor.

Layout of a two-story house with a garage and veranda

The layout of the two-story house that will be presented in this project is completely new. She has big amount features, including living rooms on the first floor. Similar project Perfect for a large family that values ​​coziness and comfort.

So, you can get into the house through two entrances:

  1. The first (main) begins with small porch and leads to the vestibule (3.1 sq. m.) then immediately to the hall (7.6 sq. m.), from which you can go to the remaining living rooms.
  2. The second entrance begins with a small porch, the area of ​​which is 2.3 square meters. m. From the porch you enter the veranda, which can be used as a winter garden.

Combining kitchen and living room

One of the features of this layout is the combination of a kitchen-dining room with a living room. Thus, the total area of ​​the room is 61.2 square meters. m. Such an interior is often recommended by professional designers.


  • A real increase in space.
  • The boundaries of the room visually expand.
  • Communication will become more convenient.
  • Receiving guests will be more comfortable.
  • While preparing food, the hostess will not be separated from other residents.

Disadvantages of this approach:

  • You will have to do general cleaning more often.
  • It is possible that aromas from cooking may spread, which are not always pleasant.

However, the biggest disadvantage is that the living room must be coordinated with the kitchen, that is, the design should be similar, but it is necessary to clearly separate the zones. The following techniques can be used for this:

  1. Using a bar counter.
  2. Accommodation kitchen furniture so that in the center there will be an island-shaped hood.
  3. Application of lighting.
  4. Try to use different things flooring For example, there are tiles in the kitchen and laminate in the living room. It is then that you get a dividing line that can be drawn even on the ceiling.
  5. Unusual color solutions on the surface of the walls, which, by the way, can be duplicated on the floor.

Try to choose the same and similar colors for furniture to show that this is, after all, a single room. However, do not forget about simple accessories, they are the ones who will help you focus on what you want.

Surrounding layout

You can exit from the kitchen-living room into the hall, and not through regular doors, and through the arches. They can be decorated beautifully and elegantly, or, conversely, brightly and catchily. It is recommended to insert multi-colored lights into them. You can also go from the hall to the bathroom (3.7 sq. m.) and the garage (22.7 sq. m.). From the street you can get into the boiler room (7.4 sq. m).

Most often, there are utility rooms on the ground floor, but this scheme violates all standards and includes the location of a guest bedroom on the ground floor. Its size is 14.4 sq. m. It is recommended to reserve this bedroom for small children or for elderly family members who find it difficult to go up and down the stairs.

Combined garage

And another “highlight” of the first floor is that. Usually its location depends on the size of the site, and what the territory may be useful for. This layout includes the fact that the site will be completely dedicated to the garden, so to save space there will be a garage combined with the house. It is worth noting that this solution and construction works for this reason, it will cost less than the construction of a detached garage.

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They are careful spruce preliminary preparation before implementation construction project will help eliminate errors and optimize costs. 8 by 8 has a sufficient number of advantages two-story cottage. But you can fully use the theoretical advantages only after a detailed study of the important nuances.

To construct a building you need a quality project

What is good about the layout of an 8 by 8 house: a two-story project and its features

You should start studying the issue with sizes construction site. About 80 sq. m. with such overall dimensions will occupy the building taking into account the blind area, entrance groups. Even on a small plot of land there will be enough space to place a vegetable garden, greenhouse, or gazebo.

Attractive appearance natural wood is complemented by difficulties during operation. It must be protected from moisture, solar radiation, damage by putrefactive bacteria and insects.

Modern technologies and design features

Foamed concrete is increasingly being used instead of ordinary brick. Blocks from this material are lighter and larger. They are easier to install and transport. The presence of voids inside provides excellent insulation characteristics, so such buildings are much cheaper to operate. If the house layout is 8 by 8 and two-story project calculated accurately, it will not be required additional insulation.

Interior design

Concrete floors with dull color palette replace self-leveling coatings with holographic images. Instead of wallpaper and paint, paintings are used high resolution. With their help, they visually expand the space and successfully solve other design problems.

Comparison of projects of two-story houses 8 by 8 made of timber and foam blocks

The following table shows the technical parameters and prices of current market offers. They are useful for approximate assessment of capital investments and the relative cost of certain engineering solutions.

Table 1. Technical specifications and prices of current market offers

name of the projectTotal area in sq. m.Wall materialPeculiaritiesPrice in million rubles. for turnkey construction of the entire facility / in rubles. for 1 sq. m. total area.
"Warm Cottage"100 aerated concreteMetal tiles, monolithic interfloor ceilings, slab foundation 300 mm thick.1,3 – 1, 45/ 14 100 – 14 600
"Home for permanent place residence"115 aerated concreteThree bedrooms, additional insulation is calculated separately.1,57 – 1,62/ 13 700 – 14 100
"Country house"86 timberPreparation for installation finishing roof(waterproofing).0,8 – 0,9/ 9 400 – 9 700
"Light"108 timberIt is permissible to change the layout without additional payment.0,85 – 0,96/ 8 200 – 8 400

Based on the data provided, the following details can be noted:

  • As the total area increases, the cost per square meter decreases.
  • For an additional fee you can upgrade the basic specifications.
  • Houses made of timber are cheaper.
Note! A direct comparison based on partial information will not be correct. Should be considered complete set and precise technical specifications to accurately evaluate multiple options.

How to improve the layout of 8 by 8 houses with an attic using photographs and computer tools

The availability of a large amount of thematic information on the Internet will be useful for a more detailed study of this issue. If necessary, you can quickly find a variety of designs for two-story 8x8 houses there.

For work you will need specialized software. With it you can change the size of rooms and window openings, install doors in different places. An excellent example is free program 3D interior visualizations Autodesk Homestyler.

Such products help to work with interiors and landscapes. They form three-dimensional images with a high degree of realism. The most complex transformations are performed quickly and without the need for real experiments.

In reality, the above-mentioned advantages of 8 by 8 house projects turn into a real struggle for every centimeter of free space. To prevent this from affecting its comfort, designers resort to saving usable space:

  • a minimum of corridors, passages, blind partitions. Some functional zones(kitchen and living room) are combined into one, separated visually;
  • minimum sizes of utility and utility rooms;
  • if the house is two-story, there are two bathrooms, which are placed one above the other. In a one-story cottage, a common riser is supposed to be located near the kitchen and bathroom.

At the same time, the house should not seem narrow and cramped. Well-tested methods help architects visually expand space:

  • increasing the area of ​​glazed and mirror surfaces;
  • usage Decoration Materials light shades;
  • reducing the number of solid partitions, giving preference to sliding doors and zoning using screens;
  • operation of built-in equipment and folding furniture: book-bed, tables with benches that slide under it, folding tables etc.

In a word, if at first glance it seems that the area of ​​an 8x8 house will not be enough for several family members, then in reality it all depends on how thoughtfully the project is drawn up. Successful layout will allow you to arrange a living room for receiving guests, several small bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Some 8 by 8 country house projects manage to carve out an area for additional premises, like a gym or billiard room.

Number of floors of houses 8x8

Houses 8 by 8 are, as a rule, buildings of one or two floors, as well as an intermediate option - a house with an attic. Once popular one-story houses are beginning to lose ground, giving way to projects of country houses with an attic or two-story buildings. The last two options have several advantages over one-story house. Thus, they allow you to achieve greater savings when choosing a land plot; allow you to reduce construction costs, in particular due to the smaller area of ​​the foundation and roof; finally, attic and two-story houses look more representative than low one-story buildings.

In any case, the variety of building materials, as well as original architectural and design solutions allow you to organize a comfortable life and get beautiful housing with small area for reasonable money.

So, country house no longer perceived as small space for storage gardening tools. Modern dachas allow you to relax on fresh air not only in the warm season, but also in any other season when you want peace and comfort. And even though they can only offer a small space, this will not stop them from being cozy.

Country house projects 8 by 8 are an economically advantageous solution for comfortable living outside the city. Such buildings are compact, energy efficient and comfortable for recreation. small family of 2-4 people.
